publishedmedium:the daily news

  • Dolphins Seem to Use Toxic Pufferfish to Get High | Smart News | Smithsonian

    Now, dolphins may join that list. Footage from a new BBC documentary series, “Spy in the Pod,” reveals what appears to be dolphins getting high off of pufferfish. Pufferfish produce a potent defensive chemical, which they eject when threatened. In small enough doses, however, the toxin seems to induce “a trance-like state” in dolphins that come into contact with it, the Daily News reports:

    The dolphins were filmed gently playing with the puffer, passing it between each other for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, unlike the fish they had caught as prey which were swiftly torn apart.

    Zoologist and series producer Rob Pilley said that it was the first time dolphins had been filmed behaving this way.

    At one point the dolphins are seen floating just underneath the water’s surface, apparently mesmerised by their own reflections.

    The dolphins’ expert, deliberate handling of the terrorized puffer fish, Pilley told the Daily News, implies that this is not their first time at the hallucinogenic rodeo.

  • Matteotti Morente 1926

    Giacomo Matteotti

    Giacomo Matteotti (né le 22 mai 1885 à Fratta Polesine, dans la province de Rovigo en Vénétie - mort à Rome le 10 juin 1924) était un député socialiste italien.

    Son assassinat par un groupe fasciste et les événements qui suivirent sont considérés comme l’un des tournants majeurs du régime mussolinien vers une forme plus autoritaire de gouvernement.

    La casa avita di Giacomo Matteotti

    Mario Bernasconi 1899-1963

    On June 13, 1926 in New York, on the Daily News of the workers of America, “The New World” in the center of the front page appears the reproduction of the sculpture “Il Martire” (The Martyr) by Mario Bernasconi. It was Giacomo Matteotti, which in New York on that day, the second year of his tragic death was commemorated. Bernasconi later donated this sculpture to the Chamber of Labor in Lugano.
    1960 - 1963 - The company Baylender of Milan, asks Mario Bernasconi to create, for the centennial occasion of the Kleinewefers company in Germany, the statue Il Genio del lavoro (Genius der Arbeit). Mario successfully finishes the artwork.

    Museum Mario Bernasconi

    #Italie #histoire #mouvement_ouvrier #fascisme #assassinat

  • 4月22日のツイート

    RT @mjlambert1: @TATJANASL Fred Ward and Joel Grey from the Hamilton-directed classic, Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. posted at 10:33:23

    RT @ThatEricAlper: The cover of next week’s The New Yorker. #Prince posted at 09:24:11

    Papier is out!… Stories via @jazprose @stephanierouget @AnnieHaize posted at 09:16:20

    Top story: Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others — "While My……, see more posted at 08:16:33

    Top story: Regarding Shaun King and the Daily News — Medium…, see more posted at 04:22:34

    Top story: Alain de Benoist, intellectuel d’extrême droite, accueilli à bras ou… (...)

  • Washington Post propagandist for Israel warns Sanders to stay away from the subject, forever

    “Sanders faces denunciations for ignorant remarks about Israel” is the headline in the Washington Post, on a column by Jennifer Rubin about Bernie Sanders’s comments about Israel and Palestine to the Daily News.

    It is propaganda from start to finish, beginning with the headline.

    Let me translate.

    • Democratic debate: Is Netanyahu welcome at White House or an arrogant, deceptive asshole?

      In the last 24 hours the hiring of Simone Zimmerman as Bernie Sanders’s Jewish outreach director has caught fire on the internet, thanks to the pro-Israel community’s outrage that she doesn’t like Israeli PM Netanyahu. Zimmerman expressed herself on Facebook during the Gaza slaughter of 2014.

      “Fuck you, Bibi… you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer.”

      Then over Netanyahu’s showing up the president last March by speaking at Congress to try to upend the Iran deal:

      “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative asshole.”

      This is a good debate to have.

    • Bernie Sanders Suspends Staffer for Criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

      In an act of political cowardice, the campaign of Bernie Sanders has suspended a young staffer named Simone Zimmerman, who was recently hired to coordinate the campaign’s outreach to Jewish communities, for criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing Prime Minister of Israel, in a year-old post on Facebook.

    • At Democratic Debate, Sanders Stands Up for Palestinians While Clinton Takes Strong pro-Israel Stance

      There comes a time when you have to say that ’Netanyahu isn’t right all of the time,’ Sanders says, criticizes ’disproportionate’ use of force in Gaza; Clinton say Hamas deliberately put civilians at risk.
      Haaretz Apr 15, 2016 5:56 AM

      Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton took a strong pro-Israel stance in a presidential debate in Brooklyn on Thursday, while her rival Bernie Sanders again doubled down on his criticism of Israel’s conduct during the 2014 conflict with the Gaza Strip, proceeding to state that “we’re going to have to say that Netanyahu isn’t right all of the time.”

      “Of course Israel has the right to defend itself. That’s not up for debate,” Sanders said, but added: “We had some 10,000 civilians who were wounded, 1,500 who were killed. Was that a disproportionate attack? I believe it was.”

      Stressing what he said was the need for an “even-handed approach” by the U.S., Sanders said that “as someone who’s 100 percent pro-Israel, in the long run, if we’re ever to bring peace… we have to treat Palestinian people with respect and dignity.”

      In response, Clinton touted her role negotiating a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012, and added that “there’s always second guessing when there’s a war.” Israel did not invite the rocket attacks on its territory, Clinton said, and accused Hamas of conducting warfare in a way which deliberately placed civilians in harm’s way. After Israel left Gaza and “turned over the keys to the Palestinians,” Hamas took over the Strip and turned Gaza into a “terrorist haven,” Clinton said.

      With regards to the conflict as a whole, Clinton said that the U.S. should continue to pursue a two-state solution for the conflict, and added that had Yasser Arafat agreed to Ehud Barak’s proposal in Camp David, there would have been a Palestinian state today. Regarding Sanders’ criticism of Netanyahu, Clinton said that while no Israeli leader is always right, “it’s a difficult position.” It’s difficult to seek peace when there’s a terrorist group in Gaza that doesn’t want you to exist, Clinton said.

      Criticizing Clinton for not mentioning the Palestinians in her AIPAC speech, Sanders said that the U.S. needs to assume an evenhanded approach to the conflict if it intends to bring peace to the area.

      “Describing the problem is easier than trying to solve it,” Clinton responded.

      Last week in a New York Daily News interview, Sanders erroneously inflated the number of Palestinian civilians killed during the 2014 Gaza conflict, for which he has since pulled back after a conversation with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt.

      Sanders is currently trailing Hillary Clinton in the April 19 New York primary by double digits. According to a recent Fox New poll, Clinton leads Sanders among Jewish voters by 24 points (59-35 percent).

      In 2013, the Jewish vote made up 16-19 percent of the electorate in the New York City Democratic mayoral primary.

      Earlier on Thursday, the New York Times reported that Sanders suspended his new Jewish outreach coordinator, after one of her past Facebook posts resurfaced in which she used coarse language to criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

      The Washington Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Simone Zimmerman wrote last year on Facebook that “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative a**hole."

    • Un débat tumultueux entre Clinton et Sanders avant les primaires de New York
      LE MONDE | 15.04.2016 à 08h37 | Par Stéphane Lauer (New York, correspondant)
      En matière de politique étrangère, les positions se sont révélées également très tranchées. M. Sanders a ainsi vivement critiqué Mme Clinton pour son soutien inconditionnel à Israël. « Si notre but est de rechercher la paix, nous ne devons pas dire à Nétanyahou qu’il a toujours raison », a-t-il fait valoir. Alors que Barak Obama a déclaré il y a quelques jours sur la chaîne Fox News que sa gestion de la transition démocratique en Libye avait été l’une de ses plus grandes erreurs, Mme Clinton a tenté de se justifier avant que M. Sanders ne lui lance que les décisions prises dans cette région partaient du même état d’esprit que l’invasion de l’Irak.

      La pugnacité de M. Sanders sera-t-elle suffisante pour renverser la vapeur dans cette course à l’investiture ? Rien n’est moins sûr. Même si le sénateur du Vermont sort d’une impressionnante série de huit victoires dans neuf Etats, la bataille de New York s’annonce délicate dans la mesure où il peine à mobiliser au sein de l’électorat noir, qui dans cet Etat pèse plus de 15 % des voix démocrates.

  • Afrika Bambaataa Accused of Sexually Abusing a Teenager | News | Pitchfork

    Hip-hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa has been accused of sexually abusing a minor more than three decades ago, the New York Daily News reports. Ronald Savage, a Bronx activist and politician and former music industry executive, said Bambaataa molested him multiple times in 1980, when Savage was 15 years old. Savage told the Daily News he’s going public because he wants to extend New York’s statute of limitations for child sex abuse, which currently blocks criminal or civil charges after the victim turns 23 years old.

    #viol #hip_hop #afrika_bambaataa #Zulu_nation #pédophilie... Shit is fucked

  • Woman held 8 days in NYC psych ward for saying Obama followed her on Twitter — even though he does

    According to The Daily News‘ Stephen Rex Brown, last year Kam Brock attempted to retrieve a car that the New York Police Department had seized.

    When she walked into the NYPD’s Public Service Area 6 stationhouse, she was, by her own admission, “emotional,” but insisted that she was by no means “emotionally disturbed.”

    The NYPD disagreed — they handcuffed her and sent her to the hospital.

    According to the lawsuit Brock is filing, the “next thing you know, the police held onto me, the doctor stuck me with a needle and I was knocked out. I woke up to them taking off my underwear and then went out again. I woke up the next day in a hospital robe.”

    She said she was heavily sedated by hospital employees, and she told The Daily News that she only mentioned to doctors that the president follows her on Twitter to show them “the type of person I am. I’m a good person, a positive person. Obama follows positive people.”

    Instead, the lawsuit alleges the doctor made her discharge contingent upon her denying that Obama follows her on the social media site. According to her “master treatment plan,” one of the objectives that would trigger her release was that she “state that Obama is not following her on Twitter.”

    No one at the hospital, she said, checked her Twitter account for objective proof of the truth of her claim.
