
  • Un ex-agent du FBI affirme que les entreprises de technologie doivent « faire taire » les sources de « rébellion »

    Les implications de ces déclarations sont stupéfiantes. Les États-Unis seraient en pleine #guerre civile et la réponse nécessaire du gouvernement serait la #censure, ainsi que l’abolition de tous les autres #droits démocratiques fondamentaux. La « rébellion » devrait être réprimée en faisant taire les #médias qui la préconisent.

    Qu’une telle déclaration puisse être faite lors d’une audience du Congrès, sans aucune objection, est une expression de la décadence de la #démocratie américaine. Il n’y a aucune fraction de la classe dirigeante qui maintienne le moindre engagement envers les droits démocratiques fondamentaux.

    Aucun des Démocrates dans la commission n’a soulevé aucune des questions constitutionnelles soulevées par la demandant aux sociétés de technologie massives de censurer le discours politique sur Internet. Un seul Républicain a soulevé des préoccupations sur la censure, mais seulement pour alléguer que Google aurait un parti pris libéral.

    • Une analyse de la main-mise de l’état corporatiste US sur les médias de Chris Hedges :

      In the name of combating Russia-inspired “fake news,” Google, Facebook, Twitter, The New York Times, The Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, Agence France-Presse and CNN in April imposed algorithms or filters, overseen by “evaluators,” that hunt for key words such as “U.S. military,” “inequality” and “socialism,” along with personal names such as Julian Assange and Laura Poitras, the filmmaker. Ben Gomes, Google’s vice president for search engineering, says Google has amassed some 10,000 “evaluators” to determine the “quality” and veracity of websites. Internet users doing searches on Google, since the algorithms were put in place, are diverted from sites such as Truthdig and directed to mainstream publications such as The New York Times. The news organizations and corporations that are imposing this censorship have strong links to the Democratic Party. They are cheerleaders for American imperial projects and global capitalism. Because they are struggling in the new media environment for profitability, they have an economic incentive to be part of the witch hunt.

      The World Socialist Web Site reported in July that its aggregate volume, or “impressions”—links displayed by Google in response to search requests—fell dramatically over a short period after the new algorithms were imposed. It also wrote that a number of sites “declared to be ‘fake news’ by the Washington Post’s discredited [PropOrNot] blacklist … had their global ranking fall. The average decline of the global reach of all of these sites is 25 percent. …”

      #decodex #fake_news #post-vérité (ministère de la )

  • « Bush’s Fourth Term Continues » : #Guantanamo, #Torture, Secret Renditions ; Indefinite Detention

    In a Truthdig column condemning the Supreme Court’s dismissal, Hedges wrote that the decision “means the nation has entered a post-constitutional era. It means that extraordinary rendition of US citizens on US soil by our government is legal. It means that the courts, like the legislative and executive branches of government, exclusively serve corporate power - one of the core definitions of fascism. It means that the internal mechanisms of state are so corrupted and subservient to corporate power that there is no hope of reform or protection for citizens under our most basic constitutional rights.”

    #Etats-Unis #leadership #exceptionnalisme

  • Chris Hedges Resigns From Human Rights Organization PEN - Truthdig

    The Truthdig columnist was scheduled to speak at events sponsored by PEN American Center next month, but he has resigned his membership in the writers’ organization over its executive director, Suzanne Nossel, a former aide to Hillary Clinton who may have coined the term “soft power.”


    In addition to working for the State Department under Hillary Clinton as deputy assistant secretary of state for international organization affairs, Nossel has worked as executive director of Amnesty International USA, and for Human Rights Watch and The Wall Street Journal.