Autour de l’interdiction du #voile dans les écoles françaises et ses conséquences...
« Un récent article dans une revue de référence pour la science politique mondiale montre ainsi que la loi de 2005 interdisant le voile dans les écoles françaises a nui à la #réussite_éducative des filles musulmanes, à leur trajectoire sur le marché du #travail et à la composition de leur famille. »
Voici l’article cité dans le billet de blog :
Political Secularism and Muslim Integration in the West : Assessing the Effects of the French Headscarf Ban
In response to rising immigration flows and the fear of Islamic radicalization, several Western countries have enacted policies to restrict religious expression and emphasize secularism and Western values. Despite intense public debate, there is little systematic evidence on how such policies influence the behavior of the religious minorities they target. In this paper, we use rich quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate the effects of the 2004 French headscarf ban on the socioeconomic integration of French Muslim women. We find that the law reduces the secondary educational attainment of Muslim girls and affects their trajectory in the labor market and family composition in the long run. We provide evidence that the ban operates through increased perceptions of discrimination and that it strengthens both national and religious identities.
#interdiction #école #écoles #France #loi #filles #femmes #femmes_musulmanes #discriminations #inégalités