• IM TUNNEL | Theaterstück von Kai-Uwe Kohlschmidt

    Und wenn wir fliehen, dann hoffen wir.

    Wir hoffen auf die andere Welt.

    Das Land gelobt von unser Not und Träumen.

    Die Sphinx ein Auge hebt. Ihr Lächeln goldenstarr.

    Gehst du den Schritt, den nächsten.

    Menemenetekel. Was wiegt mein Ich.

    Die Asylrichterin Anna wird mit dem geheimnisvollen Fall der Syrerin Naida konfrontiert. Während der Anhörungen sieht die Richterin plötzlich Gesichter, hat Déjà-vus. Es scheint, als evoziere die Syrerin in ihr diese Bilder von einem Ort, an dem die Richterin als Baby ihre Eltern verlor: ein Fluchttunnel im Berlin der 60er Jahre.

    Ihre Mutter Hanna, Schriftstellerin, und ihr Vater Bartsch, Stasi-Offizier, haben sich in zunehmenden Konflikten mit der Gesellschaft in der DDR auseinandergelebt. Fritz, der Bruder der Mutter, ist bereits nach Westberlin geflohen. Er beginnt nun, einen Tunnel zu graben, um ihr und ihrer kleinen Tochter, die noch ein Baby ist, die Flucht zu ermöglichen. Die Widerstände sind vielfältig: Wassereinbrüche, ein Stasi-Gegentunnel, Streit und Verrat...

    Alb-und Schachtelträume — die Geschichte der Richterin Anna — die Geschichte der Syrerin Naida. Sind sie nur Reflektionen ihres eigenen Schicksals? Nur eine Imagination? Vielleicht der Schlüssel zu ihrem eigenen Trauma...


    #théâtre #Allemagne #RDA #Syrie #asile #migration #confrontation #histoire

  • Agriculture en RDC : un collectif d’associations appelle à soutenir les familles plutôt que les industriels

    « Nous demandons à la Banque mondiale et à la Banque africaine de développement de soutenir en priorité l’agriculture familiale et le désenclavement des zones rurales », a déclaré ce collectif de quatre associations au cours d’une conférence de presse mardi à Kinshasa.

    Ces associations demandent à la Banque mondiale de « tirer les leçons de la débâcle » du parc agro-industriel de Bukanga Lonzo, une exploitation de 75 000 hectares lancée en 2014 sous la présidence de Joseph Kabila à 220 km à l’est de la capitale. Avec l’appui d’un partenaire sud-africain, Africom Commodities, les autorités congolaises voulaient dépasser la petite agriculture de subsistance.
    « Concentration de la richesse »

    Le projet n’a jamais véritablement été mis en œuvre hormis l’ouverture de six points de vente à Kinshasa, mégalopole de 12 millions d’habitants. La production est au point mort. Africom réclame à la RDC le remboursement de 20 millions de dollars (17,67 millions d’euros).

    Africom est une entreprise sud-africaine
    #agriculture #agro-industrie

  • What I learned by migrating an #rds #database into production using #aws DMS

    What I learned by migrating an RDS database into production using AWS DMS (Database Migration Service)…or how to avoid a big headache while live migrating and replicating your db instancesImage from Jan Antonin Kolar — UnsplashI am currently managing the migration of some on premise services, and other services already present on AWS under a single VPC.Having active production systems H24 7/7 it was essential to design and implement a fairly precise migration plan with a zero error margin.While regarding services like EC2 instances, EFS, Security Group, Target Group and Load Balancer the transition was quite simple, I encountered some obstacles during the migration of our RDS database (MariaDB) from one VPC to another.For this task the native Amazon service, DMS (Database Migration Service) (...)

    #cloud #cloud-computing

  • Bassin du Congo : une ONG dénonce les pratiques des entreprises forestières

    Dans un #rapport, l’ONG Environmental Investigation Agency montre que la situation ne s’améliore pas dans les #forêts_tropicales du #bassin_du_Congo, deuxième poumon de la planète après l’Amazonie. Selon ses conclusions, les entreprises forestières coupent sans respecter les lois et pratiquent l’#évasion_fiscale, avec l’aide de personnalités haut placées et la complicité des pays consommateurs.

    #déforestation #forêts

    Pour télécharger le rapport :
    Toxic Trade : Forest Crime in #Gabon and the Republic of #Congo and Contamination of the US Market



    #radio_panik #studio1bis #radiografi #radio_panik,studio1bis,radiografi,RDC:_L’ELECTION_DES_GOUVERNEURS

  • Pour comprendre le rapport entre l’AfD et le démantèlement économique de la RDA :
    Unis dans la haine

    Alte und neue Nazis nach der Wende 1990

    Am 3. Oktober 1990 gab es die Deutsche Demokratische Republik nicht mehr. Das Experiment „Sozialismus auf deutschem Boden“ war endgültig gescheitert. Mit drastischen Folgen, nicht nur für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der DDR, sondern für die gesamte deutsche Gesellschaft. Drastische Folgen, die bis in die Gegenwart reichen.

    Eine Folge davon ist die Gründung der AfD, deren Popularität vor allem in Ostdeutschland, mit der die extreme Rechte nun einen parlamentarischen Arm hat, beträchtlich ist. Was nicht heißen soll, dass alle AfD-Mitglieder, -Wähler, -Sympathisantinnen oder gar alle Abgeordneten Nazis wären. Aber es wurden zahlreiche Verbindungen von der AfD zur extremen Rechten nachgewiesen.
    Oft dient die AfD oder ihr politisch nahestehende Organisationen wie Pegida, „Merkel muss weg“, etc. als Scharnier, als Bindeglied zwischen einfachen, unorganisierten Bürgerinnen und Bürgern und den Stiefelnazis. Auch das heißt nicht, dass alle, die sich an einer Demonstration beteiligen, wie z. B. im Spätsommer in Chemnitz, Nazis wären.

    Aber die totale Abwesenheit von Berührungsängsten ist besorgniserregend und lässt sich möglicherweise ebenfalls durch das aus Sicht vieler Ex-DDR-Bürgerinnen und -Bürger unrühmliche Ende des Arbeiter- und Bauernstaates und dem darauf folgenden Identitätsverlust vieler Ostdeutscher erklären.

    #Allemagne #néo-nazisme #AfD #extrême_droite #DDR #RDA

  • Israel wants to deport 300 refugees to one of the world’s most dangerous countries

    It was nine years ago that Julie Wabiwa Juliette narrowly fled her home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for Israel, where she has since built a life. Juliette, 33, married another Congolese refugee, Christian Mutunwa, and together they raise two children.

    The Congolese are legal residents of Israel, with some in the community having lived in the country for 20 years. The majority arrived between 1999 and 2009, during and following the Second Congo war, considered the world’s deadliest crisis since World War II. Until now, the Congolese, 3o0 in total, were protected under a policy referred to by the Interior Ministry as “general temporary protection.” They have B1 visas, which entitles them to live and work in Israel as any other foreign nationals do. Moreover, each of them also has a pending asylum request.

    This is in contrast with the much larger population of Sudanese and Eritreans, who are regarded by the government as “illegal infiltrators” and have no legal status.

    Now, Israel seeks to deport the Congolese. In October 2018, the Interior Ministry announced that Congolese group protection would terminate on January 5, at which point they would be forced to leave. The decision was made by Interior Minister Aryeh Deri based on an assessment by the Foreign Ministry that there is “no impediment to the expatriation” of Israel’s Congolese population.

    Not a single Congolese asylum seeker abided by the state’s deadline. It passed without much fanfare, after which the Interior Ministry issued 10 deportation notices, while rejecting a number of visa renewal applications. The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, an Israeli NGO that protects the rights of asylum seekers, migrant workers, and victims of human trafficking, successfully appealed to the Jerusalem District Court, which suspended the deportations and forced the state to continue renewing the visas. The Interior Ministry has until February 20 to appeal the court’s decision.

    “The court was on our side and made the state continue to renew visas,” says Shira Abbo, spokesperson for the Hotline. “For now, the Congolese are safe.”

    Their future, however, remains uncertain. Sabine Hadad, spokesperson for the Israeli Interior Ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority, confirmed that despite the delays, the ministry has decided to “stop the collective protection for Congolese in Israel.” Hadad says the Interior Ministry will then look into those with open asylum requests; the community will continue to receive work permit visas until an official decision is handed down.

    Less than one percent of asylum claimants in Israel receives refugee status, according to Hotline. “Our experience with the Israeli asylum system is not a good one,” says Abbo. “We know that the system is designed to reject everyone.”

    A rejection means deportation or staying in Israel illegally like Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers. For many in the Congolese community, repatriation is a death sentence. Israel is the only country to revoke protection for its Congolese refugee community.

    Julie Wabiwa Juliette tells me about the circumstances in which she left her hometown of Bukavu in the DRC as we sit in her colorful, sparsely decorated apartment in Holon. Her two children, Yonatan, 8, and Joanna, 5, greet me in French, the official language in their parents’ home country, although they also speak Hebrew. They were both born in Israel.

    Bukavu, a small city of just under a million inhabitants, is situated on the southern banks of Lake Kivu on Congo’s eastern most border. Remnants of colonialism are apparent even in its skyline. The bright roofs of the more than 100 Art Deco buildings constructed by the Belgians a century ago dot the hillsides. Just a stone’s throw away is Rwanda, on the opposite side of the Ruzizi River.

    It is in this otherwise picturesque landscape where much of the conflict that has ravaged the DRC for more than two decades has taken place.

    The Congolese eventually bucked the Belgian colonial yolk in 1960 and the Republic of Congo became a sovereign nation. Military dictator Mobutu Sese Seko changed the name to Zaire in 1971. The Central African nation was an American Cold War proxy but floundered following the collapse of the Berlin Wall and subsequent withdrawal of U.S. support.

    The First Congo War began two years after the 1994 Rwanda genocide, which precipitated a refugee crisis in eastern Zaire. The 1996 rebellion, backed by a coalition of Central African countries — though primarily fomented by Rwanda — resulted in a new government and a new name, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Less than a year later, the Second Congo war erupted. The conflict was so brutal that aid groups deemed sexual violence in DRC to be a “weapon of war.” The war formally concluded in 2003, but in eastern Congo the fighting never stopped. The region is home to the vast majority of the 70 armed groups currently fighting, according the Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

    Juliette left Bukavu in 2009. She was in her third year of university, while working on her final thesis for her bachelor’s degree in sociology, which focused on the reentrance into society by victims of rape.

    Juliette’s research was conducted in rural villages that were a couple of hours drive from the city. She worked with a hospital team to collect testimonies from women who were abducted and assaulted during the fighting; many returned pregnant with their attacker’s child. Though the idea of raising the child of the man who raped them is unimaginable, abortion is taboo in rural Congo and carries a high risk of complication.

    Many assumed the numerous rebel militias operating in eastern Congo were responsible for the atrocities. Juliette uncovered evidence that a high-ranking local commander of the DRC military gave direct orders to commit mass rape.

    “It was too much for me when I come back from the field and I’ve heard all the screams, all the atrocities,” Juliette says. “To stay quiet was not for me.” But in Congo, that is not so simple. “I wanted to tell the truth, but once you talk about something, you must count your days.”

    She shared her research with Bruno Koko Chirambiza, a radio journalist at Star Radio in Bukavu, who named the commander, accusing him of orchestrating the rape.

    The mere mention of Chirambiza’s name brings tears to Juliette’s eyes. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, he was murdered by eight assailants on August 24, 2009 at the age of 24. “Many activists, many journalists don’t have long lives in Congo,” Juliette says. According to CPJ, Koko was the third Congolese journalist to be murdered in two years.

    Soldiers, who Juliette believes were acting at the behest of the commander named in Chirambiza’s report, searched for Juliette’s at her aunt’s house. She happened to be out of the house when they arrived, so they sexually assaulted her cousin and came back the next morning. Juliette was resolute to remain in DRC and might not have left if were it not for her now-husband.

    Juliette and Christian Mutunwa were partners back in DRC. Mutunwa, a human rights activist, fled in 2007, after uniformed police officers who claimed they were from the DRC’s intelligence service, Agence Nationale de Renseignement, came to his home. They wanted to bring him in for “interrogation.”

    “I knew if they took me this so-called interrogation process, I would not come back,” Mutunwa says. So he left, spending a few months in Egypt where refugee protection was “nonexistent.” A fellow asylum seeker there told him that there was a democratic country on the other side of the border.

    He then went to Israel where he received asylum protection. Mutunwa encouraged Juliette to join him.

    Juliette managed to get a visa to go to Israel with a delegation of Christians traveling to the holy land. She didn’t know much about Israel except its importance in Christianity. “We talked about Israel every time in church,” Julie remembers. “We prayed for peace in Israel.” She remained in the country after the delegation returned home, and applied for asylum.

    Juliette and Mutunwa are now married and raise their two children in Holon, which, along with neighboring Bat Yam, is where the majority of the Congolese community lives. They support their children by working in Tel Aviv hotels. Six days a week, Juliette rises before dawn to be at work by 5 a.m., and often won’t return home until late afternoon.

    Neither Julietter nor Mutunwa feel integrated into Israeli society. “I’m not a free woman,” says Juliette. “I can’t do what I know I can do.” They yearn for a change in their home country so they can safely return.

    After 18 years of autocracy under Joseph Kabila, DRC elected a new president, Félix Tshisekedi, in December of last year. The Congolese in Israel can only wait and hope he effects true change, and that Israel will give them the time they need to wait for that to happen.

    “Home is home,” she explains. “We didn’t come here to stay for life.”

    It is unclear why Israeli authorities decided to act now. Human rights organizations speculate that the government wants to flex its muscles following the failed deportation of the Eritreans and Sudanese in the beginning of 2018.

    The timing could not be worse. The presidential election has brought about an increase in violence. The political instability, coupled with the second deadliest Ebola outbreak in recorded history, has left the country struggling once again.

    Annick Bouvier, spokesperson for the Great Lakes region at the International Committee of the Red Cross, says that 2018 saw a deterioration of the humanitarian situation in eastern Congo “as a result of the fragmentation of armed groups and increased crime.” According to Bouvier, ICRC’s response to the Ebola outbreak has been “temporarily paralyzed” by the violence.

    The DRC is also the second worst place to be a woman, according to Amnesty International. “Wherever clashes occur, women find themselves at heightened risk of all forms of violence,” says Joao Martins, Médecins Sans Frontières head of mission for South Kivu in eastern DRC. “This is particularly the case in pockets of conflict across eastern DRC.”

    Emilie Serralta, a researcher for Amnesty International in DRC, condemned the government’s response to war crimes perpetrated by state actors as “inadequate.” Amnesty reports that a single high-ranking officer, General Jérôme Kakwavu, has been found guilty of war crimes. He is the exception; the other military commanders, says Serralta, are “untouchable.”

    Meanwhile, the commander named by Juliette and Chirambiza has never faced justice for his crimes. In fact, says Juliette, the government promoted him.

    “I am afraid for my life, for my family, and for my kids,” says Juliette about the prospect of her deportation. “I don’t see myself going back to a place where I didn’t even have the power to save my own life.”

    #renvois #expulsions #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Israël #RDC #république_démocratique_du_congo #réfugiés_congolais

  • Finland’s basic income trial boosts happiness but not employment | Reuters

    HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland’s basic income scheme did not spur its unemployed recipients to work more to supplement their earnings as hoped but it did help their wellbeing, researchers said on Friday as the government announced initial findings.

    The two-year trial, which ended a month ago, saw 2,000 Finns, chosen randomly from among the unemployed, become the first Europeans to be paid a regular monthly income by the state that was not reduced if they found work.

    Finland — the world’s happiest country last year, according to the United Nations — is exploring alternatives to its social security model.

    The trial was being watched closely by other governments who see a basic income as a way of encouraging the unemployed to take up often low-paid or temporary work without fear of losing their benefits. That could help reduce dependence on the state and cut welfare costs, especially as greater automation sees humans replaced in the workforce.

    Finland’s minister of health and social affairs Pirkko Mattila said the impact on employment of the monthly pay cheque of 560 euros ($635) “seems to have been minor on the grounds of the first trial year”.

    But participants in the trial were happier and healthier than the control group.

    “The basic income recipients of the test group reported better wellbeing in every way (than) the comparison group,” chief researcher Olli Kangas said.

    Chief economist for the trial Ohto Kanniainen said the low impact on employment was not a surprise, given that many jobless people have few skills or struggle with difficult life situations or health concerns.
    Owner Sini Marttinen poses for a picture at her coffee shop she founded while benefitting from Finland’s basic income scheme in Helsinki, Finland January 30, 2019. REUTERS/Philip O’Connor

    “Economists have known for a long time that with unemployed people financial incentives don’t work quite the way some people would expect them to,” he added.

    Sini Marttinen, 36, had been unemployed for nearly a year before “winning the lottery”, as she described the trial.

    Her basic income gave her enough confidence to open a restaurant with two friends. “I think the effect was a lot psychological,” the former IT consultant told Reuters.

    “You kind of got this idea you have two years, you have the security of 560 euros per month ... It gave me the security to start my own business.”

    Her income only rose by 50 euros a month compared to the jobless benefit she had been receiving, “but in an instant you lose the bureaucracy, the reporting”, Marttinen said.

    Mira Jaskari, 36, who briefly found a job during the trial but lost it due to poor health, said losing the basic income had left her feeling more insecure about money.

    The center-right government’s original plan was to expand the basic income scheme after two years as it tries to combat unemployment which has been persistently high for years but reached a 10-year low of 6.6 percent in December.

    That followed the imposition of benefits sanctions on unemployed people who refused work.

    The basic income has been controversial, however, with leaders of the main Finnish political parties keen to streamline the benefits system but wary of offering “money for nothing”, especially ahead of parliamentary elections due in April.
    Slideshow (2 Images)

    Prime Minister Juha Sipila’s Centre Party has proposed limiting the basic income to poor people, with sanctions if they reject a job offer, while Conservative finance minister Petteri Orpo says he favors a scheme like Britain’s Universal Credit.

    The higher taxes that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says would be needed to pay for basic income schemes might also be off-putting for voters.

    In a review of the Finnish scheme last year, the OECD warned that implementing it nationally and cost-neutrally for the state would imply significant income redistribution, especially towards couples from single people, and increase poverty.

    The researchers have acknowledged that the Finnish pilot was less than realistic because it did not include any tax claw-back once participants found work and reached a certain income level.

    Swiss voters rejected a similar scheme in 2016. Italy is due to introduce a “citizens’ wage” in April in a major overhaul of the welfare state, which will offer income support to the unemployed and poor.

    Trial participants were generally positive, however, with Tuomas Muraja, a 45-year-old journalist and author, saying the basic income had allowed him to concentrate on writing instead of form-filling or attending jobseekers’ courses.

    He said the end of the two-year trial, during which he published two books, had made it difficult again for him to accept commissions, because “I ... can earn only 300 euros per month without losing any benefits”.

    “If people are paid money freely that makes them creative, productive and welfare brings welfare,” Muraja told Reuters about his experience of the pilot.

    “If you feel free, you feel safer and then you can do whatever you want. That is my assessment.”

    ($1 = 0.8817 euros)

  • Des effets des outils sur nos pratiques : pourquoi les médecins détestent-ils leurs ordinateurs ?

    Le chirurgien et journaliste Atul Gawande (@atul_gawande), célèbre pour son Checklist Manifesto (« Le manifeste de la liste de contrôle », un bestseller qui a permis aux chirurgiens de réduire les erreurs en salle d’opération par la pratique de la liste de contrôle pré-opératoire, cf. « Concrètement, comment rendre les algorithmes responsables et (...)

    #Articles #Usages #complexité #Coopération #design #innovation #Interfaces #RD #Santé #travail


    La République démocratique du Congo attend toujours l’arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle sur les différents recours relatifs aux élections présidentielles contestées. Une délégation de chefs d’Etat doit venir lundi pour trouver une solution pacifique.

    #L’Union_européenne (UE) apporte son appui à la démarche de l’Union africaine (UA), qui a appel à la suspension de la proclamation de résultats définitifs des élections en #rdc, à la suite de doutes sur la conformité des résultats provisoires proclamés.

    D’après ces résultats provisoires proclamés par CENI le 10 janvier dernier, Félix Tshisekedi remporte la présidentielle du 30 décembre 2018 avec 38,57%. Martin Fayulu, classé deuxième avec 35,2% des voix, a saisi la Cour constitutionnelle.

    Martin Fayulu revendique la victoire avec 61% des voix. Il a saisi la (...)

    #Union_africaine #studio1bis #radiografi #Union_africaine,studio1bis,radiografi,rdc,L’Union_européenne

  • Comment financer le #revenu_universel ?

    Cet automne dans nos pages, Clément Cadoret taxait d’irréalisme les propositions de revenu universel. Économiste et président de l’Association pour l’Instauration d’un Revenu d’Existence, #Marc_de_Basquiat lui répond en détaillant la logique et les paramètres du #LIBER, variante du revenu de base pour laquelle il plaide.

    #revenu_de_base #financement #rdb

    ping @albertocampiphoto

  • Il traffico di oro di aziende europee e americane finanzia il massacro in Congo

    «Il commercio dell’oro proveniente da zone di conflitto alimenta le finanze di famigerati gruppi armati come le FDLR (Forze Democratiche per la Liberazione del #Rwanda) attive nell’est della Repubblica democratica del Congo, oltre alle unità dell’esercito congolese che nei confronti della popolazione della regione si sono macchiate di numerose atrocità, violenze sessuali e altri gravi abusi dei diritti umani».

    Questo uno dei passi salienti del rapporto The Golden Laundromat (La lavanderia dorata), pubblicato lo scorso ottobre da The Sentry, il gruppo di investigatori dell’ong americana Enough Project finanziato dall’attore George Clooney, assieme all’attivista per i diritti umani John Prendergast.

    Il report denuncia il commercio illegale dell’oro dalle aree di conflitto del Congo orientale agli Stati Uniti e all’Europa, sollevando seri timori sul fatto che il prezioso metallo stia raggiungendo i mercati internazionali, comprese le catene di approvvigionamento delle principali compagnie europee e statunitensi, oltre ad essere presente negli apparati elettronici che usiamo abitualmente.

    I documenti esaminati nell’inchiesta e le relative interviste condotte da The Sentry puntano il dito contro la rete aziendale controllata dal magnate belga #Alain_Goetz, accusato di agire in connivenza con la #African_Gold_Refinery (#AGR) di #Entebbe (Uganda), anch’essa di proprietà belga, inaugurata ufficialmente dal presidente #Yoweri_Museveni, nel febbraio 2017. Quest’ultima, riciclerebbe oro proveniente da zone di conflitto del Congo orientale, per poi esportarlo negli Stati Uniti e in Europa attraverso collegamenti con una serie di società, tra cui figurano nomi altisonanti come #Amazon, #General_Electric e #Sony.

    Entebbe al centro del sistema

    Secondo i documenti di cui è venuta in possesso l’ong, nel 2017 l’AGR avrebbe esportato oro di origine ignota per un valore pari a circa 377 milioni di dollari attraverso una società di facciata con sede a Dubai, riconducibile alla raffineria belga #Tony_Goetz_NV, di proprietà del figlio di Alain Goetz.

    Numerose persone intervistate da The Sentry hanno identificato la fonderia #AGR come la principale fonte di smercio del prezioso minerale proveniente dalle provincie congolesi in guerra, ma la compagnia ugandese nega ogni addebito, sostenendo che si è formalmente impegnata ad astenersi da qualsiasi attività che possa contribuire a finanziare il conflitto.

    Nell’ultimo anno ben 283 aziende statunitensi hanno inserito la Tony Goetz NV nella lista delle proprie fonderie e la stessa AGR potrebbe essere inclusa nella catena di approvvigionamento di 103 aziende. Le centinaia di società statunitensi che si approvvigionano dalle fonderie afferenti a questo network, rischiano pertanto di maneggiare oro di provenienza illecita.

    La scia dell’oro insanguinato segue una catena suddivisa in sei fasi dall’est del Congo ai suoi principali destinatari finali, che utilizzano il metallo per produrre gioielli e lingotti, oltre all’impiego nell’elettronica.

    Oro giallo e oro verde

    Gli ultimi dati delle Nazioni Unite indicano che l’oro contrabbandato nelle zone di conflitto del Congo orientale è la principale fonte di finanziamento per gli attori armati che vi partecipano, con un calcolo annuo compreso tra i 300 e i 600 milioni di dollari.

    Senza contare che nel 2011 l’AGR non ha superato un importante audit internazionale sui minerali dei conflitti e che due importanti contrabbandieri d’oro operativi nell’est del Congo hanno rivelato a The Sentry di aver trafficato illegalmente con l’AGR.

    Inoltre, quattro commercianti regionali hanno dichiarato che i trafficanti d’oro #Buganda_Bagalwa e #Mange_Namuhanda – indicati in diversi report delle Nazioni Unite sul Congo come acquirenti del #bloody_gold – nel 2017 hanno fornito ingenti quantità del metallo alla stessa fonderia ugandese. Quest’ultima, però, smentisce di aver ricevuto oro dai due contrabbandieri e anche di aver acquistato ingenti quantità del prezioso metallo non tracciato da altri fornitori. Oltre a sostenere di effettuare accurate verifiche sulla certificazione di provenienza dell’oro.

    Tuttavia, alcuni documenti aziendali esaminati da The Sentry sembrano elevare i sospetti che l’AGR ricicli denaro sporco, come indicato dalla Financial Action Task Force (FATF), il principale organismo intergovernativo mondiale per la lotta al riciclaggio di denaro.

    The Sentry evidenzia, inoltre, che nel 2014 Goetz avrebbe chiesto l’intercessione del presidente Museveni per ottenere agevolazioni fiscali per l’AGR. E nel febbraio di tre anni dopo, in concomitanza con l’inizio dell’attività della fonderia ugandese, Museveni ha annunciato di aver eliminato l’imposta di importazione sull’oro. Un provvedimento di cui ha sostanzialmente beneficiato solo l’AGR.

    Tutti questi elementi inducono a considerare che dietro l’African Gold Refinery possa nascondersi una colossale operazione di riciclaggio dell’oro insanguinato del Congo che avrebbe implicazioni sulla vita di milioni di persone.

    #Congo #RDC #guerre #conflit #extractivisme #or #mines #Belgique #Dubaï
    ping @albertocampiphoto

    • Le #rapport :
      The #Golden_Laundromat

      Key Findings

      An investigation by The Sentry raises significant concerns that gold mined from conflict areas in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (“Congo”) is reaching international markets, including the supply chains of major U.S. companies and in products that consumers use every day.
      Documents reviewed and interviews conducted by The Sentry raise serious concern that the corporate network controlled by Belgian tycoon Alain Goetz has refined illegally-smuggled conflict gold from eastern Congo at the African Gold Refinery (AGR) in Uganda and then exported it through a series of companies to the United States and Europe, potentially including Amazon, General Electric (GE), and Sony.
      According to documents reviewed by The Sentry, AGR exported approximately $377 million in gold in 2017 to an apparent affiliate of the Belgian gold refinery Tony Goetz NV, based in Dubai. Numerous sources interviewed by The Sentry identified AGR as sourcing conflict gold from Congo. AGR denies this and maintains that it is committed to refraining from any action that contributes to the financing of conflict.
      According to the U.N., conflict gold provides the largest source of revenue to armed actors in the conflict in eastern Congo, and $300 to $600 million is smuggled out of Congo annually.
      This gold may wind up in the supply chains of major western corporations. Amazon, Sony, GE, and 280 other U.S. publicly traded companies listed the Belgian refinery as an entity that may be in their supply chains, according to 2018 SEC filings, despite the fact that it failed a major international conflict minerals audit in 2017.
      Numerous sources interviewed by The Sentry identified AGR as sourcing conflict gold from Congo. Two major gold smugglers in Congo acknowledged to The Sentry that they illegally trafficked gold from eastern Congo to AGR, and other regional gold traders corroborated these accounts. Furthermore, four regional traders told The Sentry that gold traffickers Buganda Bagalwa and Mange Namuhanda, who have been named in several U.N. Group of Experts reports on Congo as purchasers of conflict gold, supplied gold to AGR in 2017. AGR denies having received gold from these traders and denies that it has otherwise received significant amounts of undocumented gold from other sources.
      Several corporate practices of AGR appear to raise red flags as indicators of potential money laundering as established by the world’s leading intergovernmental body on anti-money laundering, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), according to documents reviewed by The Sentry.
      The trail of conflict gold follows a roughly six-step supply chain from eastern Congo to its main end-products, jewelry, gold bars for investors and banks, and electronics.


      Pour télécharger le rapport :


      ping @daphne

  • #Angola : Les migrants africains en danger de mort

    Les autorités angolaises lancent « la chasse aux ressortissants sub-sahariens en situation irrégulière ». Une #opération dénommée « #expatriado » est en cours en ce moment. Elle vise à « expulser tous les immigrés en situation irrégulière en Angola ». Des ressortissants maliens témoignent des « cas d’#emprisonnement suivis de pires formes de #maltraitance et d’#humiliation ». Pour l’instant, difficile d’avoir des chiffres officiels sur le nombre de Maliens victimes. Mais ceux joints sur place appellent à l’aide des autorités maliennes.

    Selon certains Maliens, ces opérations d’expulsion ont débuté dans les zones minières. Elles se déroulent maintenant dans toutes les villes du pays, et concernent toutes les nationalités y compris les Maliens, qui sont parmi les plus nombreux. « Cela fait des jours que nous ne pouvons plus sortir pour aller au boulot par peur de nous faire arrêter », explique un ressortissant malien sur place. Selon lui, cette opération qui ne devrait concerner que les #sans-papiers, est aussi menée par les forces de l’ordre angolaises contre ceux qui sont en situation régulière. L’objectif, selon notre interlocuteur, est de soutirer de l’argent aux migrants.

    « Une fois entre les mains des autorités angolaises, il faut payer de l’argent ou partir en prison », témoignent certains migrants maliens, avant de confirmer que plusieurs d’entre eux sont actuellement en prison. En Angola certains Maliens ont l’impression d’être « laissés pour compte par les autorités maliennes ». Pour l’Association Malienne des Expulsés, « il est inacceptable qu’un pays membre de l’Union Africaine expulse d’autres africains de la sorte ». L’AME qui juge la situation « grave » en Angola, appelle les autorités maliennes à réagir.

    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #rafles #expulsions #renvois #chasse_aux_migrants #migrants_maliens

    • Briefing: Problems multiply in Congo’s Kasaï

      The Kasaï region in the Democratic Republic of Congo is struggling to recover from two years of intense conflict. The influx last month of more than 300,000 people from Angola, most of them long-standing migrant workers, has made a fragile humanitarian situation worse.

      Here’s our briefing on the risks for the region and the new challenges for the humanitarian response.
      What happened?

      In attempts to clamp down on what it called illegal diamond mining operations, Angola’s government ordered the expulsion of more than 360,000 Congolese nationals, forcing them to flee in October into the Kasaï region of neighbouring DRC.

      "This new shock is compounding an already dire situation in the same area that was the epicentre of the Kasaï crisis over the last couple of years,” explained Dan Schreiber, head of coordination in Congo for the UN’s emergency aid body, OCHA.

      Congolese migrants and officials said the crackdown was violent, telling Reuters that dozens of people were killed, with the worst attacks occurring in Lucapa in Angola’s diamond-rich Lunda Norte province. Angolan security forces denied the allegations.
      Where did they go?

      Most of those expelled crossed into Kamako in Kasaï province, where aid organisations are responding to the tail-end of the Kamuina Nsapu insurgency that first erupted in 2016. Some of the returnees include refugees who fled violence in Kasaï over the last two years, the Norwegian Refugee Council said.

      The NRC said conditions returnees face in Congo are “shocking”, including the risk of waterborne disease due to ineffective water and sanitation; thousands sleeping outdoors because of insufficient shelter; food prices tripling; and extortion of goods on both sides of the border.

      “Hundreds of thousands of people have been robbed of their right to a dignified existence,” said Ulrika Blom, NRC’s country director in DRC. “This is not a crisis that is about to begin, it is a full-blown emergency.”
      What has the reaction been?

      While local communities have generally been welcoming to the returnees, OCHA’s Schreiber said skirmishes erupted in certain villages, mainly over the strain on limited food resources.

      “Experience in the DRC does show that when you have a large influx of people arriving in an area it can generate tensions between host communities and the people who arrive,” he said.

      Schreiber said OCHA has seen most returnees wanting to move away from the border areas and toward other destinations inland, which could help ease the humanitarian strain in Kasaï, but he also warned that more returnees could arrive from Angola.

      “We don’t expect the first wave to be the last wave,” he said. “Expulsions from Angola are a cyclical phenomena that go all the way back to 2002-2003. It’s not a new phenomenon, but in this case we are seeing a major influx, and clearly the absorption capacity is not there.”
      Why is their arrival in Kasaï in particular such a problem?

      Kasaï was a relatively stable region in an unstable country – one currently dealing with multiple conflicts, an Ebola outbreak in North Kivu province, and one of the world’s most neglected displacement crises.

      The situation in Kasaï changed dramatically in 2016 when conflict erupted between the Kamuina Nsapu anti-government movement and Congolese security forces. The inter-communal clashes spread far and wide, soon engulfing the entire region.

      The conflict escalated in 2017, with massacres and mass graves, as well as general insecurity marked by banditry, and poor harvests that led to food insecurity and malnutrition.

      An estimated 5,000 people have since been killed and more than 1.4 million displaced.

      Toward the end of 2017 and into 2018, the crisis eased slightly, as national authorities regained control over large parts of the region. Despite isolated bouts of violence, aid groups say most militias have been formally disbanded and displaced communities are tentatively returning home.

      “But those returns are accompanied by many needs, because people are returning to burned villages, destroyed homes, and a lot of destruction,” said OCHA’s Schreiber.

      Two years of violence and displacement also mean locals have been unable to grow crops for three seasons, which has led to concerns over malnutrition. “We have really seen food insecurity skyrocket. So even in areas where returns have occurred, humanitarian needs have not come to an end,” Schreiber added.
      What are the risks?

      Although the current influx of people from Angola isn’t directly linked to the Kamuina Nsapu rebellion, aid groups are concerned about the implications of piling one problem on top of another in the same geographic area.

      For the most vulnerable groups, specifically women and children, the challenges that affect those displaced by the insurgency also pose risks for the new returnees from Angola.

      In May for instance, UNICEF reported that 400,000 children were “at risk of death” in the Kasaïs, because of food shortages.

      Yves Willemot, a spokesman for UNICEF in Congo, said the rate of severe acute malnutrition among children living in the region has improved slightly since earlier this year but “remains challenging”.

      “The security situation has clearly improved, but the impact on children is not ending in the short term,” he said.

      Among those newly returned from Angola are 80,000 children. They now are also at risk, forced to walk long distances while exposed to inclement weather, hunger, and the threat of violence. Willemot said basic services are lacking for them, including access to drinking water, schooling, and treatment for diseases like malaria and measles.

      Médecins Sans Frontières is among the NGOs initiating primary healthcare services for the recent arrivals, while also continuing interventions to assist the local population.

      In a recent report, MSF documented alarming levels of rape in the Kasaï region, saying it treated 2,600 victims of sexual violence between May 2017 and September 2018; 80 percent of those interviewed said armed men raped them.

      “The sexual violence committed in Kasaï was perpetrated largely by armed groups against non-armed people,” Philippe Kadima, MSF’s humanitarian advisor for the Great Lakes region, told IRIN. “Although the main conflict is over, we still see some violence happening in Kasaï.”

      For the more than 300,000 returnees, he said there are clear humanitarian concerns, but also the risk of insecurity. “The question is, how do you keep people secure?”

      “Displaced people become vulnerable, so it’s not that different to what the existing IDPs in Kasaï are going through… Security concerns, humanitarian needs, and risks of sexual violence are all factors when people become vulnerable,” he said.
      What about the longer-term challenges?

      Humanitarian needs remain critically underfunded in the Kasai region, said OCHA’s Shreiber, emphasising that beyond the immediate concerns are much broader needs in the region and the DRC as a whole.

      He added that the humanitarian response must help minimise the long-term impact of the crisis on those affected.

      “The longer we remain in this critical phase, the more we can expect to see humanitarian needs spiral out of control,” he said. “The current trigger of new humanitarian needs (the returnees from Angola) may be time-bound, but I think the impact will be lasting.”

      Schreiber said the Kasaï region remains vulnerable because it faces particular challenges, including decades of underdevelopment and inaccessibility as a result of poor road infrastructure, and he urged more development actors to get involved.

      “People in the Kasaïs are eager to rebound, to be back on their feet, and move on. There is no expectation that humanitarian assistance should continue forever in the Kasaï region,” he said. “People want to be autonomous, but what they need is support to build up their resilience and be able to move towards a situation where their most basic needs are met and they are able to think about their futures again.”


    • Les violations des droits humains des migrants africains en Angola

      Les violations des droits humains des migrants africains en Angola

      Depuis un certain moment, la communauté africaine vivant sur le territoire angolais est l’objet de toute sorte de violation de ses droits les plus fondamentaux par les autorités de ce pays. La Charte Africaines des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples protège les droits des migrants dans tous ses aspects contre les violations des droits et l’Angola est justement membre de l’Union Africaine. Ainsi, ces violations se matérialisent par des arrestations musclées et arbitraires, des emprisonnements dans des conditions inhumaines et dégradantes (art.5 de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme et de la Charte Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples) de même que les expulsions collectives pourtant interdites par la Charte Africaine dans son article 12.5.

      L’AME est vivement préoccupée par les récentes arrestations, détentions et expulsions des centaines de milliers de migrants africains dont des maliens. Selon des informations recueillies auprès de nos sources sur place, une centaine de maliens sont concernés par cette situation qui évolue et change de jour en jour.

      Nous attirons l’attention de l’Union Africaine et de ses pays membres sur la situation inacceptable que vivent les étrangers sur la terre africaine d’Angola et rappeler que les droits de l’homme sont des droits inaliénables de tous les êtres humains, quels que soient leur nationalité, leur lieu de résidence, leur sexe, leur origine ethnique ou nationale, leur couleur, leur religion…

      L’Angola comme la plupart des pays africains s’est engagé à protéger, respecter et réaliser les droits de l’homme, non seulement de ses nationaux, mais de toute personne sous sa juridiction. Dans ce contexte, tous les étrangers se trouvant sur le sol angolais auraient dû bénéficier de la protection des autorités angolaises quelque soient les raisons qu’elles mettent en avant pour justifier ces expulsions.

      L’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) n’est pas resté silencieuse comme la plupart des pays africains, le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme a mis en garde sur les conséquences des expulsions massives de réfugiés depuis l’Angola, au cours des trois dernières semaines de ce mois d’octobre.

      Par ailleurs, le Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies a rappelé le 19 septembre 2017 que : « tout pays a le droit de contrôler ses frontières. Mais cela doit se faire de telle sorte que les droits des personnes ‘en mouvement’ soient protégés ».

      Au regard de tout ce qui vient d’être évoqué :
      1. L’Association Malienne des Expulsés (AME) pour sa part, exhorte le gouvernement Malien à tout mettre en œuvre pour la sécurisation de nos compatriotes et de leurs biens dans les pays d’accueil ;
      2. Appelle le gouvernement à communiquer davantage sur cette situation en donnant beaucoup plus d’informations aux familles des maliens vivants en Angola ;
      3. Encourage le gouvernement de continuer à œuvrer pour le respect des droits des migrants maliens et aussi pour le développement d’une relation franche entre les Etats africains en vue de la réalisation de l’unité africaine comme le prévoit l’article 117 de la Constitution ;
      4. Invite l’Union Africaine à dénoncer et prendre des mesures contre les violations des droits humains dans les pays membres ;
      5. Invite également les Etats membres de l’Union Africaine à renoncer aux expulsions massives des ressortissants d’autres pays africains et à mettre fin sans délais aux opérations actuelles en cour ;
      6. Exhorte l’U.A et les Etats à une plus grande implication des organisations de la société civile aux différents processus pour la gestion de la migration.


  • Virulent, le cofondateur de #WhatsApp dévoile les raisons de sa rupture avec Facebook - Business - Numerama

    Si Brian Acton a pu devenir milliardaire grâce à l’entreprise américaine (#Facebook a acquis en 2014 la messagerie instantanée pour 22 milliards de dollars, en cash et en actions), c’est d’après lui au prix du sacrifice de la vie privée de sa communauté : « en fin de compte, j’ai vendu mon entreprise. J’ai vendu la #vie_privée de mes utilisateurs pour un plus grand profit. J’ai fait un choix et un compromis. Et je vis avec ça tous les jours ».


  • Zahlen, bitte ! 500 Millionen Mark pro Monat : der Zusammenbruch der DDR | heise online

    Vous vous demandez toujours comment le premier état socialiste sur le seuil allemand a pu disparaître quasiment sans faire de bruit ? Cet article donne une réponse toute simple et plausible : Les dirigeants intelligents à Berlin-Est comprenaient que la banqueroute de la RDA était imminente, les autres étaient trop occupés par leurs rituels et routines pour s’en rendre compte. On se débarrassa d’eux d’un coup de main. Les élections suivantes éliminaient le parti SED au profit des nouvelles branches des partis politiques de l’Ouest.

    par Detlef Borchers
    A l’occasion de la « Journée de l’unité allemande » : un rappel de quelques chiffres clé qui accompagnaient le chant du cygne du socialisme vraiment existant.

    En fin de compte, la République démocratique allemande était un État complètement surendetté, qui dépendait du soutien financier de la République fédérale d’Allemagne. Mois après mois, 500 millions de DM ont dû être levés pour assurer le service de la dette des « emprunts existants ». Finalement, les supérieurs de la RDA ont tenté de réorganiser l’économie planifiée avec une « loi sur les voyages ». Avec l’ouverture du Mur et l’afflux incontrôlable de voyageurs dans la République fédérale, cette tentative a échoué.

    Depuis 1973, l’économie de la RDA vit à crédit. Jusque-là, elle avait une dette extérieure constante de deux milliards de DM (= DM de la République fédérale d’Allemagne), mais avec la crise pétrolière, elle a commencé à vivre sur un grand pied. L’Union soviétique fournissait entre 20 et 35 millions de tonnes de pétrole par an à des prix bien inférieurs à ceux du marché mondial. Affinés en RDA, les produits pétroliers pourraient être vendus à l’Occident, c’est-à-dire que des dettes pourraient être contractées et réglées. La RDA s’est appuyée sur de nouvelles hausses des prix du pétrole. En 1989, elle avait accumulé 49 milliards de DM de dettes en devises, dont un prêt immédiat de 1 milliard de DM, que le politicien de la CSU Franz-Josef Strauß avait contracté en 1983 lors d’une grave crise en RDA. A l’époque, la RDA avait déjà 23 milliards de dettes envers la Deutsche Bundesbank, qui voulait fermer le robinet. En échange du prêt immédiat, la RDA a dû démanteler les installations d’autodéfense à la frontière ouest en 1984 et déminer les mines jusqu’en 1985.

    Le 16 mai 1989, Gerhard Schürer, président de la commission de planification de l’Etat, prête le serment de révélation devant le Politburo de la RDA : « La dette occidentale » augmente de 500 millions de DM par mois ; si cette politique continue, la RDA sera insolvable en 1991 au plus tard. Selon M. Schürer, 65 pour cent des recettes d’exportation de la RDA ont été immédiatement restituées à l’Allemagne pour le service des prêts. La situation ne peut être maîtrisée que si la consommation intérieure de la population est réduite de 30 pour cent et que ces biens de consommation peuvent être exportés.

    La raison immédiate de cette sortie de fonds dramatique était l’annonce par l’URSS de réduire ses exportations de pétrole vers la RDA de 13 millions de tonnes au cours de la perestroïka. L’offre de gaz naturel bon marché devrait également être considérablement réduite : Sous Gorbatchev, une politique a été initiée pour se soucier moins des Etats du bloc et pour améliorer la situation de la population avec les recettes du marché mondial. La perestroïka (reconstruction) introduite par Gorbatschow et surtout la glasnost (ouverture) furent rejetées par le régime de la RDA. Le 18 novembre 1988, Erich Honecker interdit le journal russe de langue allemande Spoutnik, dans lequel les idées de Gorbatchev étaient discutées.

    Lorsque Gerhard Schürer a choqué le Politburo avec son chèque en liquide, il était en train de fermenter en RDA. En mars 1989, des élections locales y ont eu lieu, qui ont été radicalement falsifiées par le « Parti du Peuple Dirigeant ». En conséquence, la protestation politique des groupes pacifistes et des militants écologistes est descendue dans la rue et a reçu l’approbation de la population ; ils voulaient voir un changement. Dans ce contexte, une réduction de 30 % de la consommation aurait été un appel à la révolution. Le 19 août 1989, l’idéologue en chef Otto Reinhold tonnerre devant les caméras : « La RDA sera socialiste ou pas du tout ». C’est ce que les citoyens ont reconnu avec la fuite massive vers la Hongrie et la Tchécoslovaquie. Gorbatchev avait laissé entendre à ces pays qu’ils étaient libres de disposer de leurs frontières.

    Surtout le départ via la Hongrie a fait mal. Le Politburo a enregistré avec déplaisir que la RFA ait accordé un prêt immédiat de 500 millions de DM le 10 septembre 1989 pour maintenir la frontière ouverte. Il y avait l’argent dont on avait désespérément besoin. Un groupe de travail a été créé pour élaborer une « loi sur les voyages » qui, si la frontière germano-allemande était ouverte, fournirait les devises nécessaires pour rembourser la dette. Dès mai 1988, l’augmentation du forfait de transit de 525 millions de DM à 860 millions de DM pour la période de 1990 à 1999 a généré des recettes supplémentaires. Le groupe de travail est arrivé à la conclusion que 300 DM pourraient être facturés pour chaque citoyen de la RDA qui se rend en RFA (et y retourne). Avec 12,5 millions de voyageurs par an, cela aurait généré 3,8 milliards de DM et la RDA aurait pu assurer le service et réduire sa dette. Gerhard Schürer a salué cette solution.

    Mais l’inattendu s’est produit jusqu’à l’adoption et l’introduction de la loi sur les voyages en novembre. Lors d’une réunion du Politburo du SED le 17 octobre, Erich Honecker a été démis de ses fonctions sur proposition de Willi Stoph, président du Conseil d’Etat de la RDA. À la surprise de tous les participants, la décision a été unanime, comme Schürer l’a noté dans ses notes. Avec Egon Krenz, le successeur approprié a été rapidement trouvé. Le Comité Central du SED s’est réuni le 18 octobre : Honecker a demandé à 47 membres du CC et 159 présidents de district de démissionner pour raisons de santé. Krenz proposa immédiatement au gouvernement fédéral de Bonn une « coopération approfondie », mais insista sur le « respect » de la citoyenneté de la RDA, qu’il qualifia de non-négociable.

    Le 6 novembre, Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski, représentant de la RDA, s’est rendu chez Wolfgang Schäuble, président du groupe parlementaire de la CDU, et chez Rudolf Seiters, ministre de la Chancellerie. Il était censé faire participer le gouvernement fédéral à la loi sur les voyages prévue à court terme avec un prêt de 12 à 13 milliards de DM. En garantie, les 3,8 milliards de DM par an seraient suffisants pour réduire le prêt. La République fédérale d’Allemagne était prête à parler, mais a fixé des exigences bien différentes de celles de la loi sur les voyages : Le SED devrait abandonner le monopole du pouvoir et permettre des élections générales libres. Ces demandes ont également été annoncées à la télévision ouest-allemande, tandis que les négociations sur la loi sur les voyages et le prêt souhaité ont été dissimulées. L’Union soviétique encore puissante ne devait pas voir à quel point la RDA liait sa survie à la bonne volonté de la RFA.

    Le 8 novembre 1989, la conférence fatidique de la ZK commença, au cours de laquelle devait être décidée « Die Wende » (Egon Krenz). La première journée a été consacrée aux questions de personnel, la seconde à la « politique culturelle ». Cette question cachait un débat féroce sur la manière de faire face aux manifestations de masse qui ont secoué la RDA. Le 9 novembre à 15h50, c’est finalement au tour de la nouvelle loi sur les voyages de remplacer l’ancienne réglementation sur les voyages. « Les voyages privés à l’étranger peuvent être demandés sans aucune condition préalable. Les autorisations sont délivrées à bref délai... /... / Les départs définitifs peuvent être effectués via tous les points de passage frontaliers de la RDA vers la RFA ou vers Berlin (Ouest). ».

    Un communiqué de presse sur le nouveau règlement devait être publié le 10 novembre, mais les attachés de presse Günter Schabowski, Manfred Banaschak, Gerhard Beil et Helga Labs devaient se présenter devant la presse internationale dans la soirée et expliquer la nouvelle procédure de voyage sans, bien sûr, expliquer la procédure concrète et la « prise en charge des frais de voyage » par la RFA. Et puis il y a eu un incident historique. Les frontières entre l’Est et l’Ouest ont été « inondées » à Berlin après la diffusion du Tagesschau.

    Les membres du Comité central n’ont rien remarqué de tout cela. Ils ne regardaient pas la télévision, la télévision ouest-allemande, certainement pas. A 20 heures, ils ont débattu de la dette occidentale et le rapport de Günter Ehrensperger, chef du département financier de la ZK, a choqué les participants. Il a expliqué que « nous avons vécu au-dessus de nos moyens année après année au moins depuis 1973 et nous nous sommes trompés nous-mêmes. Et si nous voulons sortir de cette situation, nous devons travailler dur pendant au moins 15 ans et consommer moins que ce que nous produisons. » "Les gens s’enfuient ", c’était une interjection quand les gens s’enfuyaient il y a longtemps - détruisant tous les plans pour de beaux prêts de voyage.

    Le 10 novembre, Gerhard Schürer a finalement fait comprendre au plénum de la ZK à quel point la situation économique en RDA était désolante. Il a dénoncé la décadence de l’industrie, les subventions et l’endettement. Son représentant, Werner Jarowinsky, a notamment porté la microélectronique devant les tribunaux et a comparé les énormes coûts de production des puces, dont la puce mégabit, aux prix du marché mondial. 12 milliards à 14 milliards de marks ont été victimes d’une économie pure et simple, résume Jarowinsky avec amertume.

    Après l’ouverture du mur, la question des recettes provenant des frais de voyage n’était plus à l’ordre du jour. Lorsque le Premier ministre désigné de la RDA, Hans Modrow, a demandé un prêt de 15 milliards lors de la première rencontre avec le chancelier Helmut Kohl le 19 décembre, il l’a rejeté. Le pays ne pouvait pas vivre comme ça.

    traduit avec https://www.deepl.com/translator

    Allemagne #RDA #politique #histoire

  • Palma da olio: le piantagioni maledette del Congo orientale

    Guardiani delle piantagioni di palma da olio che tormentano la popolazione, salari bassi e contratti fantasma: ecco la denuncia dei leader comunitari raccolta dalle ong nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Sotto accusa la compagnia canadese #Feronia e l’aiuto allo sviluppo, che sostiene la coltivazione della pianta in vaste aree.

    Rabbia e malcontento. È il clima che si respira tra i leader delle comunità congolesi, ai margini delle piantagioni di palma da olio della compagnia canadese Feronia. A raccontarlo sono le ong in visita sul campo.

    Le tre piantagioni di palma da olio della società canadese occupano più di 100.000 ettari e si trovano nelle regioni dell’Equatore e del Congo Orientale. La loro vicenda attraversa tutta la storia recente della Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Assegnate al britannico William Lever già in epoca coloniale, sono rimaste in uno stato di semi abbandono durante le due guerre del Congo, quando erano gestite dalla multinazionale anglo-olandese Unilever. Infine sono state assegnate alla compagnia Feronia nel 2009, con un contratto rinnovabile di 25 anni.

    L’aiuto allo sviluppo della palma da olio africana

    La compagnia canadese ha una struttura molto complessa. Fin troppo, secondo la rete di ong europee e congolesi che nel 2016 hanno analizzato le sue caratteristiche in un rapporto. La società è detenuta in maggioranza dal Cdc Group, un organismo pubblico britannico, ed è finanziata da banche di sviluppo europee, americane e dalla Banca Africana per lo Sviluppo. I soldi provengono, quindi, dalle istituzioni di molti paesi europei: Francia, Germania, Belgio, Gran Bretagna, Olanda e Svizzera.
    Le terre contese per la coltivazione di palma da olio

    Si tratta di terre concesse illegalmente, secondo la popolazione locale che ne rivendica la gestione, perché di proprietà dello stato congolese. Stéphane Desgain, ricercatore per il coordinamento Cncd (Centro nazionale per la cooperazione allo sviluppo), che riunisce numerose ong belghe, è stato sul posto a metà luglio. Ha incontrato alcuni rappresentanti delle comunità locali nell’area di Lokutu, dove si trovano le concessioni più ampie di Feronia.

    «La popolazione è assolutamente insoddisfatta delle relazioni con la compagnia, degli accordi presi e del programma degli investimenti. Le critiche sono a tutti i livelli», sottolinea il ricercatore del Cncd.

    Le molestie delle guardie private

    Al centro delle ultime contestazioni c’è l’operato delle guardie, che si occupano della sicurezza delle piantagioni. A giugno la rete di informazione e d’appoggio alle ong nazionali (Riao-Rdc) ha denunciato molestie, minacce nei confronti della popolazione e violazioni dei diritti umani. Feronia ha appaltato la sicurezza alla società privata “Tanganyika”, in sostituzione delle guardie industriali che operavano in precedenza. La nuova società ha assunto personale proveniente da altre regioni, per evitare forme di solidarietà con i residenti.

    Feronia sostiene, dal suo punto di vista, la necessità di tenere sotto controllo le piantagioni e di combattere i furti dei frutti della palma. A generare il conflitto con la compagnia, secondo Stéphane Desgain, è la mancanza di un negozio per la vendita locale di olio di palma.

    A questo si aggiunge la rabbia generalizzata della popolazione, che non vede vantaggi dalla presenza della piantagione, solo limitazioni. Le guardie di Feronia, infatti, impediscono ogni forma di trasformazione artigianale del frutto della palma e «danno la caccia a tutti coloro che ne possiedono», raccontano i leader comunitari interpellati.

    Se è vero che si sono verificati furti all’interno della piantagione, è altrettanto vero che «i frutti provengono anche dalla foresta», come evidenzia il ricercatore. La popolazione viene, di fatto, privata della possibilità di comprare l’olio e di trasformarlo localmente.
    Arresti arbitrari per chi ha frutti della palma da olio

    I leader comunitari raccontano anche di arresti arbitrari da parte delle guardie della compagnia. Lo scorso aprile l’ong locale Riao-Rdc denunciò l’arresto di un minatore in possesso di alcuni frutti della palma nei pressi di una delle piantagioni della società. L’uomo sarebbe stato picchiato dalle guardie e portato in una vicina prigione.
    Produzione, estrazione e vendita: salari bassi e personale da fuori

    Una delle rivendicazioni più sentite dai testimoni incontrati dal Cncd, durante la visita sul terreno, è l’assenza di personale locale tra i quadri dell’azienda. «Si tratta di una pratica che arriva dall’epoca coloniale e si ritrova in molte aziende», spiega Stéphane Desgain. Che aggiunge:

    «In questo modo l’azienda controlla meglio il personale ed evita che si generi solidarietà interna».

    Secondo i leader comunitari interpellati, inoltre, i salari non sarebbero sufficienti al benessere delle famiglie.

    Un rapporto sull’olio di palma pubblicato nel 2016 da una rete di organizzazioni internazionali e congolesi confermava la necessità di aumentare i salari sia per i lavoratori assunti che per quelli giornalieri. Le ultime buste paga recuperate dalle ong, però, sembrano essere in linea con la media salariale congolese.

    «In molti casi i lavoratori devono tornare a casa a piedi dopo ore di lavoro perché i camion che li accompagnano al mattino e non li prelevano in serata», racconta il ricercatore. I capi tradizionali denunciano anche la mancanza di contratti e l’utilizzo del lavoro giornaliero anche per lunghi periodi.
    Palma da olio: pochi investimenti nei villaggi

    Gli investitori internazionali che finanziano il progetto, riporta Stéphane Desgain, sostengono che ci sia stato un miglioramento nelle relazioni con la popolazione e nelle condizioni di vita, grazie alla presenza di Feronia. Ma dall’osservazione sul campo emergono ancora grosse difficoltà, anche a livello di infrastrutture.

    La compagnia sul suo sito internet ha riportato i dettagli della realizzazione di strade, di ambulatori medici e di scuole. I capi tradizionali incontrati dal Cncd parlano invece di ritardi nella costruzione, di cambi del progetto in corsa e di materiali al risparmio.

    «La mancanza di infrastrutture è la prima fonte di insoddisfazione della popolazione. Nella zona di Lokutu l’unica struttura realizzata dal momento dell’insediamento della compagnia sono le fondamenta di un presidio sanitario», sottolinea il ricercatore.

    Pianta di palma da olio ostacolo per agricoltura locale

    L’impatto delle operazioni della compagnia non è uguale in tutte le comunità. Alcuni villaggi si sono ritrovati circondati dalle piantagioni, altri confinano con le proprietà di Feronia.

    Già nel rapporto del 2016 emergeva la rivendicazione delle terre da parte delle comunità nei pressi delle piantagioni. I leader locali lamentano la limitazione nell’accesso alla terra per l’agricoltura di sussistenza e nell’accesso alla foresta come fonte di cibo.


    #palmiers_à_huile #huile_de_palma #Congo #RDC #plantations #Canada #aide_au_développement #développement #coopération_au_développement #industrie_agro-alimentaire

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  • Importation illégale du #bois de #RDC : la #France épinglée par l’ONG Global Witness

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  • Forced displacement at record high of 68.5 million, UNHCR #Global_Trends report reveals

    UNHCR released its Global Trends report this week to coincide with World Refugee Day, detailing the latest statistics on forced displacement across the world. According to the report, over 68.5 million people are currently displaced from their homes for reasons of conflict, violence and other forms of persecution. This figure represents a record high for the fifth consecutive year.

    In 2017 alone, over 16.2 million people were forcibly displaced, a figure which translates to 44,500 people a day, or one person every two seconds. Over two thirds of the world’s refugees originate from just five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia.

    The report found that over half of those displaced are children, many of whom are unaccompanied or separated from their parents. In 2017 173,800 children sought asylum on their own, although UNHCR states that this figure is likely an underestimation.

    The report dispels a number of common misconceptions about forced displacement, such as the belief that most of those displaced are hosted in countries in the Global North. UNHCR affirms that in fact the opposite is true, stating that “approximately 85 per cent of all refugees at the end of 2017 were granted protection in countries in developing regions, which included nine of the 10 largest refugee-hosting countries”. Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees, now reaching 3.5 million, while Lebanon hosts the greatest number in proportion to its own population.

    Another misconception the report addresses is the number of cross-border displacements. Almost two thirds of those forced to flee are internally displaced within their own borders. In addition, most of those who do cross a national border settle as close as possible to their home.

    The EU also launched its Annual Report from EASO, the European Asylum Support Office, providing an overview of asylum related policies and practices, both at EU and at national level. In 2017, more than 728,000 applications for international protection were lodged in EU countries, with 33% of decisions granting asylum seekers either refugee status or subsidiary protection.

    #statistiques #chiffres #migrations #asile #réfugiés #HCR #monde #2017

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    cc @reka