Déploiement de la nouvelle charte graphique #galactic dans les sites de la galaxie #SPIP, toujours en cours ! Aujourd’hui, c’est au tour de #SPIPcontrib d’y passer !
#redesign #SPIPgalaxie #SPIPrevolution
Déploiement de la nouvelle charte graphique #galactic dans les sites de la galaxie #SPIP, toujours en cours ! Aujourd’hui, c’est au tour de #SPIPcontrib d’y passer !
#redesign #SPIPgalaxie #SPIPrevolution
How to design a landing page to maximize engagement and retention
For a community app or a website, a landing page that entices users to visit every day, explore the content, and stay longer is the key for engagement and retention. They key is to show personalized content relevant to each user as soon as he or she lands on the page. Most popular apps like LinkedIn, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Amazon, Twitter, FlipBoard, achieve such personalization by showing content in a timeline, personalized for each individual user. Such a hyper-personalization is achieved based on the large amount of data gathered from the user over time from his interactions with the app.The founders and product managers of new community-based apps or websites wish to emulate such a landing page design right from the first version of the product assuming this will increase (...)
#redesign-landing-page #landing-pages #landing-page-engagement #design-a-landing-page #marketing
Content Choreography | Trent Walton
Another thing I’ve noticed is that media queries are being used to significantly #redesign pages. I’ve seen background colors change and top-level elements move from left to right. If critical thought is applied here those choices may be spot on. But what happens if a user visits at full-width one afternoon and revisits your site in the evening on a tablet, and everything looks completely different? It’s annoying—like someone rearranging the groceries in your pantry every time you closed the door. The power of media queries can be intoxicating, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Mouais. Il a raison sur le fond mais il faudra vraiment que les gens se rendent compte que tant qu’à faire du #responsive, il serait malin de virer les #webfonts pour des questions de bande passante, et forcer le #contraste pour des questions d’#accessibilité en mobilité notamment.
Perso, je vire effectivement les webfonts, mais penses-tu vraiment que je devrais augmenter le contraste ?
Tiens je ne t’avais pas répondu.
J’ai publié un truc rapide là dans la quasi-indifférence générale : ►http://www.nota-bene.org/Responsive-type-contrast
Wikipedia Redefined
#interface #wikipedia #redesign #webdesign
Et un article sur les redesigns non sollicités, via @HTeuMeuLeu :
ignore the code: Unsolicited Redesigns