• Unpicking the notion of ‘safe and legal’ routes


    The last ten years have brought a growing recognition of the need to address the issue of mixed and irregular migratory movements through the introduction of pathways that enable people to move from one country and continent to another in a safe and legal manner. As well as averting the need for refugees and migrants to embark on dangerous and expensive journeys involving unscrupulous human smugglers, such routes promise to mitigate the negative perceptions of states with respect to the impact of such movements on their sovereignty, security, and social stability.

    This essay examines the context in which the discourse on safe and legal routes has emerged and identifies the different types of organised pathways that have been proposed by states and other stakeholders. Focusing particularly on population movements from the global South to the global North, it discusses the opportunities, difficulties, and dilemmas associated with this approach to the governance of cross-border mobility. More specifically, it scrutinises the increasingly popular assumption that the introduction of such routes will lead to significant reductions in the scale of mixed and irregular migration.
    The context

    In the mid-1980s, the world’s most prosperous states began to express concern about the growing number of foreign nationals arriving irregularly on their territory, many of whom subsequently submitted applications for refugee status. Regarding such movements as a threat to their sovereignty, and believing that many of those applications were unfounded, over the next two decades those countries introduced a range of restrictive measures designed to place new physical and administrative barriers in the way of unwanted new arrivals, especially those originating from the global South.

    The limitations of these measures were dramatically exposed in 2015-16, when up to a million people, initially from Syria but subsequently from several other countries, made their way in an unauthorised manner to the European Union, many of them travelling via Türkiye. Reacting to this apparent emergency, the EU adopted a strategy pioneered in earlier years by Australia and the United States, known as “externalisation”. This involved the provision of financial and other incentives to low- and middle-income states on the understanding that they would obstruct the outward movement of irregular migrants and readmit those deported from wealthier states.

    At the same time, governments in the developed world were beginning to acknowledge that mixed and irregular movements of people could not be managed by exclusionary measures alone. This recognition was due in no small part to the efforts of human rights advocates, who were concerned about the negative implications of externalisation for refugee and migrant protection. They also wanted to highlight the contribution that foreign nationals could make to destination countries in the global North if they were able to move there in a regular and orderly manner. The common outcome of these different discourses was a growing degree of support for the notion that the establishment of safe and legal routes could minimise the scale and mitigate the adverse consequences of mixed and irregular movements.

    This was not an entirely new approach. As then UN secretary-general Kofi Annan had argued in the early 2000s, international migration, if governed in an appropriate manner, could have “win-win outcomes”, bringing benefits to countries of origin, countries of destination, and migrants alike. But to attain those outcomes, certain conditions had to be met. In the words of the Global Commission on International Migration (GCM), a body established by Mr. Annan:

    It is in the interest of both states and migrants to create a context in which people migrate out of choice and in a safe and legal manner, rather than irregularly and because they feel they have no other option. Regular migration programmes could reinforce public confidence in the ability of states to admit migrants into their territory on the basis of labor market needs. Programmes of this kind would also help to create a more positive image of migrants and foster greater public acceptance of international migration.

    Migration governance initiatives

    In recent years, and especially since the so-called “European migration crisis” of 2015-16, this notion has been taken up by a number of different migration governance initiatives. Focusing primarily on labour migration, the 2018 Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GCM) cited “enhanced availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration,” as one of its key objectives. Endorsed by the majority of UN member states, the GCM extended this approach to the realm of forced migration, encouraging the international community to “develop or build on existing national and regional practices for admission and stay of appropriate duration based on compassionate, humanitarian or other considerations for migrants compelled to leave their countries of origin.”

    At the same time, the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), also adopted in 2018 and which was even more widely endorsed by the international community, underlined the necessity for people who were fleeing persecution and armed conflict to have access to safe and legal routes. “There is a need,” it said, “to ensure that such pathways are made available on a more systematic, organised and sustainable basis, that they contain appropriate protection safeguards, and that the number of countries offering these opportunities is expanded overall.”

    Similar approaches have emerged in the context of regional migration governance initiatives. The EU’s 2011 Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, for example, acknowledged the importance of “preventing and reducing irregular migration and trafficking in human beings” by “organising and facilitating legal migration and mobility.” The more recent EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also “aims to reduce unsafe and irregular routes and promote sustainable and safe legal pathways for those in need of protection.” “Developing legal pathways,” it says, “should contribute to the reduction of irregular migration.”

    In 2022, the Summit of the Americas, a meeting of states that focussed on the issue of human mobility in the western hemisphere, endorsed the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Using language similar to that of the EU Pact, it committed participating states to “a shared approach to reduce and manage irregular migration,” and to “promoting regular pathways for migration and international protection.” Signatories expressed their commitment “to strengthen fair labor migration opportunities in the region,” and “to promote access to protection and complementary pathways for asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons.”

    As indicated by the declaration’s reference to “labor migration opportunities”, the recognition of the need for safe and legal pathways to be established is closely linked to another recent development: a growing and global shortage of workers. In many industrialised states, members of the existing labour force are aging, taking retirement, quitting, or changing their jobs. The Covid-19 pandemic prompted those countries to introduce new border controls and stricter limits on immigration. Taking advantage of these circumstances, employees have been able to demand better wages and working conditions, thereby pushing up the cost of producing goods and providing services. Confronted with these threats to their profitability, the private sector has been placing growing pressure on governments to remove such restrictions and to open the door to foreign labour.
    Safe and legal routes

    As demonstrated by the migration governance initiatives described in the previous section, there is now a broad international consensus on the need to provide safe and legal routes for people who wish or feel obliged to leave their own country. There is also an agreement, supported by a growing volume of academic research, that the provision of such routes has a role to play in reducing the scale of mixed and irregular migration and in boosting the economies of destination states. But what specific forms might those safe and legal routes take? The next section of this essay answers that question by describing the principal proposals made and actions taken in that respect.
    Labour migration programmes

    One such proposal has been labour migration programmes established on a permanent, temporary, or seasonal bases. The rationale for such programmes is that they would allow people from poorer countries who are in need of employment to fill gaps in the labour markets of more prosperous states. As well as boosting the economies of destination countries, such programmes would allow the migrants concerned to enhance their skills and to support their countries of origin by means of remittances.

    Until recently, for example, there have been only limited legal opportunities for the citizens of Central and South American countries, especially those with lower levels of skill, to join the US workforce. At the 2022 Summit of the Americas, however, President Biden indicated that he would introduce a package of measures designed to manage northward migration more effectively, including the establishment of safe and legal routes for Latin Americans. According to one US spokesperson, “we will have announcements related to labor pathways as part of the Los Angeles Declaration, designed to ensure that those pathways meet the highest labor standards and are not used for abuse or for a race to the bottom.”

    Mexico, another signatory to the declaration, has already taken steps in this direction, offering border worker visas to Guatemalans and Belizeans wishing to work in the country’s southernmost states—an initiative intended to meet the labour needs of the area while reducing the number of people from those two countries arriving and working in an irregular manner.

    Turning next to Germany, in 2015-16, at a time when the country was receiving large numbers of new arrivals from the Western Balkan states, most of whom submitted unsuccessful asylum claims, a new employment regulation was introduced. This opened the labour market for nationals of those countries, on condition that they had a valid job offer from a German employer.

    Since that time, EU member states more generally have begun to acknowledge the need to recruit employees from outside the bloc. Thus in April 2022, the European Commission launched what it described as “an ambitious and sustainable legal migration policy,” including “specific actions to facilitate the integration of those fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine into the EU’s labour market.” In the emphatic words of the commissioner for home affairs, “legal migration is essential to our economic recovery […] while reducing irregular migration.”

    A more preemptive approach to the issue has been taken by Australia, whose Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme allows businesses to recruit seasonal and temporary workers from ten Pacific island states. The purpose of the scheme is to meet Australia’s domestic labour market needs, to promote regional cooperation and development, and, in doing so, to avert the kind of instability that might provoke unpredictable and irregular movements of people.
    Refugee-related programmes

    When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, large numbers of people displaced by the hostilities began to make their way to neighbouring and nearby member states of the European Union. While the EU has made vigorous and often inhumane efforts to exclude asylum seekers originating from other parts of the world, even if they had strong claims to refugee status, in the case of Ukraine steps were quickly taken to regularise the situation of the new arrivals. Refugees from Ukraine were allowed to enter the EU without a visa, to enjoy residence and work rights there for up to three years, and to move freely from one member state to another.

    This arrangement, known as “temporary protection”, was based on a number of considerations: the geographical proximity of Ukraine to the EU, the great difficulty that the EU would have had in trying to obstruct the movement, a humanitarian concern for people who had been obliged to flee by the conflict, and a particular readiness to support the citizens of a friendly country that was suffering from the aggression committed by Russia, a state with a long history of enmity to the EU and NATO. While it remains to be seen how effectively the Ukrainians can be absorbed into the economies and societies of EU member states, in the short term at least, the temporary protection system provided a means of channeling a very large and rapid movement of people into routes that were safe and legal.

    Looking beyond the specifics of the Ukrainian situation, UNHCR, the UN’s agency for refugees, has in recent years made regular calls for governments—predominantly but not exclusively in the global North—to establish and expand the scale of state-sponsored refugee resettlement programmes. Such efforts enjoy limited success, however, partly because of the serious cuts made to the US resettlement quota by the Trump administration, and partly because of the restrictions on movement introduced by many other countries as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the aftermath of the 2015-16 “migrant crisis”, moreover, European countries were reluctant to consider the admission of additional refugees, even if they were to arrive in an organised manner.

    In a more positive development, the decade since the beginning of the Syrian refugee emergency in 2012 has delivered a new focus on the establishment of privately- sponsored resettlement programmes, enabling families as well as neighbourhood, community, and faith-based groups in the global North to sponsor the reception and initial integration of refugees from countries of asylum in the global South. Canada has taken a particular lead in this respect, establishing private sponsorship programmes for Afghan, Syrian, and Ukrainian refugees, with Australia, the US, and some European countries also experimenting with this particular form of safe and legal route.

    A similar approach can be seen with respect to the notion of “humanitarian corridors”, an initiative taken by Italian church-affiliated groups. Self-funded but closely coordinated with the government in Rome, this programme has enabled religious communities in Italy to welcome hundreds of refugees from Ethiopia, Greece, and Lebanon. Discussions are currently underway with a view to expanding this model to other European states.

    Recent years have seen a growing interest in the notion of labour mobility for refugees, arrangements whereby refugees with specific skills and qualifications are allowed to leave their country of asylum in order to take up pre-arranged employment opportunities in another state. An approach first proposed more than a decade ago but largely unimplemented since that time, the potential of such initiatives has now been recognised by Australia, Canada, and the UK, all of which have recently established pilot programmes of this type.

    In similar vein, humanitarian organisations have promoted the notion that refugees in developing countries of asylum should be able to benefit from scholarship programmes in states that are better equipped to provide them with appropriate education at the secondary and tertiary levels. The implementation of this approach has been boosted considerably by the emergencies in Syria and Ukraine, both of which have prompted universities around the world to make special provisions for refugee students.

    When people move from one country to another in the context of a refugee crisis, a common consequence is for family members to be separated, either because some have been left behind in the country of origin, or because they lose contact with each other during their journey to a safer place. In response to this humanitarian issue, the international community has for many years supported the notion of family reunification programmes, organised with the support of entities such as the International Organization for Migration, UNHCR, and the Red Cross movement. Most recently, there has been a recognition that such programmes also have a role to play in reducing the scale of irregular movements, given the frequency with which people engage in such journeys in an attempt to reunite with their relatives.
    Relocation and evacuation programmes

    Other arrangements have been made to enable refugees and migrants to relocate in a safe and legal manner from countries that are not in a position to provide them with the support that they need. In the EU, efforts—albeit largely unsuccessful—have been made recently to establish redistribution programmes, relocating people from front-line states such as Greece and Italy, which have large refugee and migrant populations, to parts of Europe that are under less pressure in this respect.

    In a more dramatic context, UNHCR has established an evacuation programme for refugees and migrants in Libya, where they are at serious risk of detention and human rights abuses, and where escape from the country by boat also presents them with enormous dangers. A safe and legal alternative has been found in an arrangement whereby the most vulnerable of these people are transferred to emergency transit centres in Niger and Rwanda, pending the time when other countries accept them as permanent residents.

    Finally, proposals have been made with respect to the establishment of arrangements that would allow people who are at risk in their country of origin to move elsewhere in a safe and legal manner. For individuals and families, this objective could be attained by means of humanitarian visas issued by the overseas embassies of states that wish to provide sanctuary to people who are threatened in their homeland.

    On a larger scale, orderly departure programmes might be established for designated categories of people who feel obliged to leave their own country and who might otherwise have no alternative but to move by irregular means. An important—but as yet unreplicated— precedent was set in this respect by a 1980s programme that allowed some 800,000 Vietnamese citizens to relocate to the US and other western countries with the authorisation of the Hanoi government, sparing them from the dangerous journeys that the “boat people” had undertaken in earlier years.
    The potential of regular pathways

    It is not surprising that the notion of safe and legal routes has attracted so much attention in recent years. They are in the interest of refugees and migrants, who would otherwise have to embark on difficult and often dangerous journeys. They are in the interest of states, who have much to gain from the orderly and authorised movement of people. And they are in the interest of international organisations that are struggling to respond to large-scale and unpredicted movements of people, and which are trying to ensure that human mobility is governed in a more effective, human and equitable manner.

    At the same time, there is a need to scrutinise the popular assumption that such measures can substantially reduce the scale of mixed and irregular migratory movements, and to address the many difficulties and dilemmas associated with the establishment of such pathways.
    Scaling up

    Despite all of the rhetorical support given to the notion of regular pathways in recent years, the number of people who are able to access them is still very modest. And there are a number of reasons why they might not be scaled up to any great extent. First, the Covid-19 pandemic, which erupted unexpectedly not long after the GCM and GCR had been negotiated, caused many governments to act with a new degree of caution in relation to the cross-border movement of people. And while the pandemic has subsided, states may well prefer to retain some of the immigration restrictions they introduced in the context of the pandemic.

    Second, and more recently, the need for states in Europe and beyond to admit large numbers of refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine seems certain to limit their enthusiasm and capacity for the establishment of safe routes for people from other parts of the world. With many thousands of people from those two countries left without jobs and in temporary accommodation, the introduction or expansion of other pathways would simply exacerbate this problem.

    While the admission of overseas workers appears to be a way of addressing the demographic deficits and labour market needs of the industrialised states, are the citizens and politicians of those countries ready to acknowledge the need to admit more foreign nationals, even if they arrive in a managed manner? Immigration has become a toxic issue in many of the world’s more prosperous states, and few governments or opposition parties are willing to run on electoral platforms that advocate an increase in the number of new arrivals from other parts of the world.

    In the context described above, it should come as no surprise that most of the orderly pathway initiatives introduced in recent years (such as privately sponsored resettlement, humanitarian corridors, evacuation, and relocation programmes) have all operated on a modest scale and have often been established on a pilot basis, with no guarantee of them being expanded.

    For example, when in 2021 the British home secretary introduced a new labour mobility programme for refugees, she boldly announced that “those displaced by conflict and violence will now be able to benefit from access to our global points-based immigration system, enabling them to come to the UK safely and legally through established routes”. In fact, only 100 Syrian refugees from Jordan and Lebanon will benefit from the programme over the next two years.

    And the UK is not an isolated case. According to a recent study, in 2019 the OECD countries provided complementary pathways to fewer than 156,000 people from seven major refugee-producing countries. Two-thirds of them were admitted on the basis of family reunion, with the remaining third split equally between people granted visas for work and for educational purposes. That 156,000 constituted just 0.6 percent of the global refugee population.
    Reducing irregular migration

    Even if safe and legal routes could be established and expanded, what impact would that have on the scale of irregular migration? That is a difficult question to answer, partly because the evidence on this issue is so limited, and partly because it is methodologically challenging to establish causal linkages between these two phenomena, as demonstrated by two recent studies.

    With respect to the German labour programme in the Western Balkans, one analyst has suggested that although the number of asylum applications from that region did indeed drop after the new initiative was introduced, “one cannot credibly single out the exact effect the Western Balkan Regulation had on reducing irregular migration from the region to Germany”. The author goes on to say that “the regulation was only one of many policy measures at the time, including many restrictive measures and faster processing times of asylum applications as well as the ‘closure’ of the Western Balkan route.” Consequently, “it is not possible to isolate the exact causal role the Western Balkan Regulation may have played.”

    A case study of Mexico and the US reaches a similar conclusion, suggesting “there is evidence that lawful channels for migration between Mexico and the US have suppressed unlawful migration, but only when combined with robust enforcement efforts,” including the intensification of border controls that facilitated the apprehension and return of migrants crossing the frontier in an irregular manner. This conclusion on the close relationship between safe pathways and enforcement, shared by both studies, is ironic, given that some of the strongest NGO advocates for the former are most vocal in their opposition to the latter!

    A more general review of the evidence on this matter also casts doubt on the notion that an expansion of safe and legal routes will necessarily lead to a reduction in irregular movements. Looking specifically at labour migration programmes, the study says that they are often proposed “on the basis of an assumption of a rerouting effect, whereby migrants who would otherwise arrive and enter the asylum system or stay in a country without legal status will be incentivised to try and access a legal work permit from home rather than migrate illegally.” But the validity of that assumption “will depend on the capacity of legal pathways to accommodate the number of low-skilled workers who want to migrate, but lack permission to enter their desired destination.”

    That statement concerning the number of people who would like to or have been obliged to migrate but who have been unable to do so in a safe and legal manner is readily substantiated in numerical terms. Most estimates suggest that around 15 million irregular migrants are to be found in the US and Europe alone, with millions more in countries such as India, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. According to UNHCR, there are some 30 million refugees worldwide and more than 4.5 million asylum seekers who are waiting for their applications to be processed. A worldwide survey undertaken in 2018 concluded that some 750 million people, 15 percent of all the world’s adults, would move to another country if they had the opportunity to do so.

    Given the growing demand for migration opportunities in poorer regions of the world, coupled with the general reluctance of the industrialised states to facilitate the large-scale admission of people who want to move there, it is difficult to see how this square can be circled. The most likely scenario is that the supply of opportunities for regular migration will be unable to meet the demand, meaning that aspirant migrants who are not selected for regular entry will still have a strong incentive to move in an irregular manner.

    Indeed, it can also be argued that the establishment of safe and legal routes intensifies the social networks linking countries of origin and destination, enabling those migrants who move in a regular manner to inform the compatriots they have left behind of the opportunities that exist in the countries to which they have moved and to send remittances to people at home that can be used to pay the costs of a clandestine journey to the same location. In this respect, instead of reducing levels of irregular migration, the establishment of safe and legal routes might actually contribute to their growth.
    Selection criteria and processes

    In addition to the scale of the routes that might be established and their potential impact on levels of irregular migration, a number of other issues must be considered in the context of this discourse.

    First, the notion of safe and legal pathways is based on the idea that states should control the arrival of foreign nationals on their territory, determining how many should be admitted, what countries they should come from, why they wish or need to move to another country, what their demographic profile is, and what skills they should have. In other words, for safe and legal routes to work effectively, states and other stakeholders have to establish selection criteria and processes that allow the admission of some people who would like to move, while refusing entry to others. This is not a principle accepted by some refugee and migrant advocates, for whom the notion of safe and legal routes has become a disguised proxy for “open borders”.

    Almost inevitably, moreover, different constituencies within receiving states will be pushing for priority to be given to certain categories of people. Humanitarians will want the emphasis to be on refugees. Diaspora families and communities will favour family reunification programmes and community-sponsored resettlement. The private sector will argue the case for the admission of people with the skills and capacity to fill gaps in the labour market in a cost-effective manner. Universities will argue the case for visas to be granted to refugees and other foreign citizens with the necessary qualifications or academic aptitude. The selection process is therefore likely to be a contested and controversial one, potentially limiting governmental enthusiasm for the notion of safe and legal routes.
    Status and rights

    Second, as the attempt to regularise migratory movements proceeds, some important questions will have to be addressed in relation to the status and rights of the new arrivals and the organisation of such programmes. In the context of labour migration programmes, for example, would people be admitted on a temporary or permanent basis, and in the latter case would they eventually be able to acquire permanent resident rights or citizenship? Would they be tied to a single employer or allowed to move freely in the labour market? Would they enjoy the same pay, rights, and working conditions as citizens of the countries in which they are employed?

    A somewhat different set of issues arises in the context of labour mobility initiatives for refugees. Will they be allowed to leave their countries of asylum by the governments of those states and, more importantly, would they be able to return to it if employed abroad on a temporary basis? As some refugee lawyers have mooted, would they be at risk of being deported to their country of origin, and thereby be at risk of persecution, if their country of first asylum refused to readmit them? And if they were readmitted to their country of first asylum, would they have full access to the labour market there, or find themselves returning to a refugee camp or informal urban settlement where only informal and low-income livelihoods opportunities exist?

    With respect to privately sponsored resettlement, there is some evidence, especially from Canada, that refugees who arrive by this route fare better than those who are admitted by means of state-sponsored programmes. But there are also risks involved, especially in emergency situations where the citizens of resettlement countries are, for good humanitarian reasons, eager to welcome refugees into their homes and neighbourhoods, and where the state is only too happy to devolve responsibility for refugees to members of the community.

    A particular case in point is to be found in the UK’s sponsorship scheme for Ukrainian refugees, in which some of the new arrivals have found themselves matched with inappropriate sponsors in isolated rural locations and with few affordable options available with respect to their long-term accommodation.
    State manipulation

    Third, the establishment and expansion of safe and legal routes could have adverse consequences if misused by destination countries. With respect to resettlement, for example, UNHCR has always insisted that refugees should be selected on the basis of their vulnerability, and not in terms of what the organisation describes as their “integration potential”.

    That principle might prove more difficult to uphold in a context where alternative pathways are being discussed, specifically targeted at people on the basis of their skills, qualifications, language abilities, family connections and value to the labour market. Rather than expanding their refugee resettlement programmes, as UNHCR would like them to do, will destination countries prefer to make use of pathways that enable them to cherry-pick new arrivals on the basis of perceived value to the economy and society?

    At the same time, there is a risk that states will use the establishment of organised pathways as a pretext for the exclusion of asylum seekers who arrive in an independent manner and by irregular means. That has long been the approach adopted by Australia, whose policy of interception at sea and relocation to remote offshore processing facilities is justified by the government on the grounds that the country has a substantial refugee resettlement programme. Rather than taking to boats and “ jumping the queue”, the authorities say, refugees should wait their turn to be resettled from their country of asylum, however difficult that might be in practice.

    Taking its cue from Australia, the UK is in the process of establishing a formalised two-tier asylum system. On one hand, “bespoke” admissions programmes will be established for refugees from countries in which the UK has a particular geopolitical interest, most notably Afghanistan and Ukraine. On the other hand, the asylum claims of people arriving in the UK in an irregular manner, such as by boat across the English Channel (including those from Afghanistan and Ukraine) are now deemed inadmissible, and many of those arriving in this way are detained and liable to deportation to Rwanda without the possibility of returning to the UK, even if their refugee claim is recognised by the authorities in Kigali. At the time of writing, however, there is no evidence that this policy will have its intended effect of deterring irregular arrivals, nor indeed whether it will ever be implemented, given the legal challenges to which it is being subjected.

    Finally, while much of the recent discourse on irregular migration has focused on the extent to which its scale and impact can be minimised by the establishment of safe and legal pathways, it must not be forgotten that many destination countries already have substantial populations of people who are officially not authorised to be there: so-called “illegal immigrants”, unsuccessful asylum seekers, and foreign nationals who have overstayed their visas, to give just three examples.

    No serious attempt to address the issue of irregular migration can avoid the situation and status of such people, although questions relating to their regularisation, whether by means of amnesties or by other measures. have not featured at all prominently in the recent discourse on international mobility.

    Interestingly, the GCM avoids the issue completely, presumably because it is deemed to be a matter that lies within the jurisdiction of sovereign states. If an attempt had been made to include the question of regularisation in the compact, it would almost certainly have been endorsed by fewer states. Nevertheless, any discussion of irregular migration must involve a consideration of those people who are living and working in countries where they do not have a legal status, as countries such as Spain, Ireland, and Italy have started to recognise. It is an issue that warrants much more attention at the national and multilateral levels, irrespective of its controversial nature.

    A strong case can be made for the introduction and expansion of safe and legal migratory routes, as has been recognised by a plethora of recent initiatives relating to the governance of international mobility. But expectations of them should be modest.

    While such routes may have a limited role to play in reducing the scale and impact of mixed and irregular movements, they appear unlikely to have the transformative effect that some participants in the migration discourse have suggested they might have. Such routes are also likely to be a contentious matter, with some states using the notion of safe and legal routes as a pretext for the introduction of draconian approaches to the issue of irregular migration, and with migrant advocates employing the same concept as a means of avoiding the more controversial slogan of “open borders”.

    As indicated in the introduction, this essay has focused to a large extent on mixed and irregular migration from the global South to the global North, as it is those movements that have prompted much of the recent discourse on safe and legal routes. But it should not be forgotten that most migratory movements currently take place within the global South, and that some 85 percent of the world’s refugees are to be found in low and middle-income countries.

    Looking at the migration and refugee scenario in the developing world, there are perhaps greater grounds for optimism than can be found by focusing on the industrialised states. With some exceptions (South Africa being a prime example), countries in the global South are less exercised by the issue of irregular migration.

    Two regions—South America and West Africa—have established rather successful freedom-of-movement arrangements for their citizens. And despite some restrictive tendencies, encouraged in many instances by the externalisation policies of the global North, developing countries have kept their borders relatively open to refugees, as demonstrated by the presence of so many Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh, South Sudanese in Uganda, Syrians in Jordan and Lebanon, and Venezuelans in a host of neighbouring and nearby states.

    In an ideal world, the cross-border movement of people would indeed take place in an exclusively voluntary, safe, and orderly manner. But that scenario cannot be envisaged in an era that is characterised by failures of global governance, widespread armed conflict, growing regional inequalities, intensifying environmental disasters, and the climate crisis, not to mention the general unwillingness of politicians and the public to countenance large-scale immigration and refugee arrivals. Looking to the future, there is every reason to believe that large numbers of people will have to move out of necessity rather than choice, in an unpredictable and irregular manner.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #voies_sures #voies_légales #frontières #1980s #menace #2015 #externalisation #refugee_compact #pacte_migratoire #global_compact_for_safe_orderly_and_regular_migration #global_compact_on_refugees #global_compact #relocalisation #régularisation #ouverture_des_frontières #Jeff_Crisp #safe_routes #legal_routes

  • On the #migration_compact : a few notes

    In the long term the focus on Africa is important for Europe. But I am not talking in terms of curbing migration, rather as an opportunity for Europe. By creating safer environments and more stable (and democratic) institutions in Africa, unauthorised migration flows will decrease as people are likely to stay closer to home especially if they can make a decent living and can move relatively freely back and forth. Libya used to be the economic powerhouse of north Africa and an immigration hub. It will also contribute to a more orderly mobility towards Europe – let’s not forget that Europe needs migrants to rejuvenate the workforce and sustain its welfare systems. And it is not only highly skilled workers that are needed.

    #asile #migrations #réfugiés

    • En italien:
      L’esternalizzazione del controllo sull’immigrazione non è la soluzione: alcune riflessioni sul Migration Compact

      Un giornalista mi ha chiamato per pormi qualche domanda sul Migration Compact. Le note qui di seguito sono state buttate giù velocemente domanda per domanda, perciò non vanno lette come un testo coerente quanto piuttosto una serie di spunti da sviluppare.


    • Migration Compact : Renzi rilancia il Processo di Khartoum e l’esternalizzazione dei controlli di frontiera da affidare ai paesi terzi e di origine. Si legittimano accordi di polizia e dittature militari. La fine del diritto di asilo europeo.

      Di fronte all’avanzata dei partiti populisti ed all’effetto domino dei controlli introdotti alle frontiere interne dello spazio Schengen, da ultimo quelli minacciati dall’Austria, mentre si da per chiusa la rotta balcanica, si ritiene erroneamente che i migranti, che non potranno risalire verso i paesi dell’Europa settentrionale, si sobbarcheranno il passaggio in Egitto ed in Libia per raggiungere l’Italia. Da questa errata considerazione si ricava il rischio che dalla Siria o dai campi del Libano e della Giordania, se non addirittura dalla Turchia, milioni di profughi potrebbero riversarsi sull’Italia, attraversando il Mediterraneo. Pochi gli arrivi dalla Turchia, a conferma che non ci potrà essere un travaso dalla rotta balcanica a quella mediterranea.


    • Refugee compacts: Addressing the Crisis of Protracted Displacement

      Compact agreements have emerged as a new approach, bringing together donors and development and humanitarian actors under host-country leadership for multiyear agreements to achieve defined, sustainable outcomes for refugees and host communities. Under a compact framework, diverse actors make mutually reinforcing commitments to resources, policy changes, and projects designed to achieve a shared vision. Three features make the compact model uniquely suited to address today’s refugee crisis:


    • Here to stay? Population displacement in historical context

      This is, undoubtedly, a positive development. The idea that there is an international community — ill-defined though that term is — that shares a responsibility towards displaced persons is without a doubt a cause for celebration (as well as the occasional Nobel Peace Prize). It does strengthen one’s belief in humanity to know that there are people and institutions ready to help those in desperate need and to stand up, quite often, to the political pressures of the moment.

      There is a dark side to the (admittedly imperfect) global compact to assist refugees. To have permanent institutions with highly motivated and professional staff devoted to helping refugees is also an implicit admission that we always will have large-scale forced population displacements. Or to put it another way: the UNHCR has become a permanent institution because finding preventative solutions to the causes of refugee situations has, apparently, been deemed hopeless


      #global_compact #Jussi_Hanhimäki

    • U.N. Representative: Migration Compact Will Require Political Courage

      A year into the development of a global compact on migration, the U.N. official coordinating the process, Special Representative for International Migration Louise Arbour, discusses political short-termism and the challenges of international cooperation over migration.


    • Pacto global para las migraciones - RECOMENDACIONES PARA UN PACTO CON ENFOQUE DE DERECHOS

      This joint document between Asylum Access and other civil society organizations offers guiding principles and concrete proposals to UN Member States negotiating the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. The document addresses four main areas: migratory regularization, oversight of expulsions, the non-criminalization of migration, and access to justice. Para leer el informe en español, haz clic aquí.


    • Global Compacts on Migration and on Refugees: how they should intersect

      Even though the New York Declaration combines the topics of refugees and migrants (with some commitments applying to both and others exclusively to refugees or to migrants), the compacts are set to be two separate documents.

      Besides deciding on the normative content, discussions on the juridical nature of the documents are also taking place. As such, it is relevant to highlight an aspect that is receiving little attention, but which affects both the structure and content of the compacts: the need for an explicit dialogue between the two documents.

      The compacts are twin initiatives and tackle different aspects of the same phenomenon: human mobility. They should acknowledge their common ground and the fact that they will generate intersections both in terms of themes and of protection needs. This will guarantee that migration governance has an enhanced basis to protect both refugees and other migrants.


    • For Refugee Compact to Talk Jobs, It Must Listen to Migration Compact

      Opening doors to refugees to make a good living can be positive, but the approach contains risks. Law professor Jennifer Gordon says the refugee and migration pacts must overlap for the sake of refugee workers.


      Et un nouveau mot pour @sinehebdo :
      #refugee_workers —> #travailleurs_réfugiés ou #réfugiés_travailleurs

    • Three reasons for rejecting a ‘Global Compact for Most Migration’

      Despite this inclusivist tradition, the UN is at risk of creating a Global Compact for Migration that specifically excludes refugees. In other words, we may end up with a ‘Global Compact for Most Migration’. Here are three reasons why preventing such a scenario is both important and feasible.


    • Global compact/3: punti d’azione… e (primi) appunti di bilancio

      Anche a un primo confronto con i “20 punti di azione per i Patti globali” del dicastero vaticano per il Servizio dello sviluppo umano integrale, le due “bozze zero” dell’ONU per i Global compact sui rifugiati e sulla migrazione sembrano aprire, almeno nelle intenzioni, a prospettive di buon respiro. Soprattutto, viene da dire, se si guarda ai discutibili orizzonti su cui si sta muovendo larga parte delle politiche sull’asilo dell’UE. Per non scomodare, oltre Atlantico, la presidenza Trump, che nello scorso autunno ha ritirato gli USA proprio dai colloqui per il Compact sulla migrazione.


    • What is the Global Compact on Refugees?

      In 2016 the UN refugee agency began developing a new framework for responding to large movements of refugees. The Global Compact on Refugees will be delivered to the UN general assembly later this year.

      The Global Compact on refugees was conceived in September 2016, when the UN General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, which is “a set of commitments to enhance the protection of refugees and migrants.” The New York Declaration called upon the UNHCR to create a “global compact on refugees” which will be presented in the 2018 annual report to the UN General Assembly.

      The Compact aims to strengthen cooperation between UN member states in responding to large movements of refugees. It consists of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, which are the key elements for a thorough response to any large movement of refugees. The Global Compact will also provide a blueprint to “ensure refugees have better access to health, education and livelihood opportunities.”

      When one nation is confronted with a large movement of refugees, the global compact aims to alleviate that burden so that a country does not become overwhelmed. There should be systems in place so governments can share responsibility in a crisis , which is based on the rationale that the members of the international community work better together, than alone.

      Read more here: http://www.unhcr.org/towards-a-global-compact-on-refugees.html

      Amnesty International statement

      Human Rights Organization Amnesty International, in a recent statement released on April 13, called “Amnesty International urges governments to make the global compact on refugees fit for the future,” made several suggestions for governments to keep in mind when discussing the compact. There have been three rounds of discussions between governments this year on the global compact for refugees. Amnesty also pointed out the current refugee crisis in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the need for the compact to be put into action.

      Amnesty has suggested that wealthier countries should take accept more refugees, pointing out that “84 percent of refugees are hosted by middle and low-income countries.” They also said that more should be done to resettle refugees between UN member states and that, for example, governments should offer more scholarships to bring refugees to their countries.

      Amnesty has praised the scope of the Compact, noting that it includes governments as well as the private sector. It has especially called on businesses to help tackle the problems that refugees face and to identify areas where refugees may be abused by private enterprises.

      Read the statement here: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/ior40/8227/2018/en


    • Why We Need International Cooperation on Migration

      “This will be called the Global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration. Therefore, the corollary, it’s that it is an international to curtail, if not eliminate all together, which I consider to be a little too ambitious, unsafe, unregular, disorderly migration. That is to acknowledge the reality that human mobility has always been with us and always will be. I often say that migration is not a good thing, it’s not a bad thing, it’s a thing. It happens. It has always happened. So, we know that human mobility is with us and will stay. And frankly, in terms on how well we’ve done, as a species, in organizing ourselves, this is not a particularly currently success story. We can do a lot better through international cooperation.”



    • Global Compact for Migration

      On 19 September 2016, Heads of State and Government from the 193 UN Member States came together at the UN General Assembly to discuss topics related to migration and refugees at the global level. The adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants recognized the need of a comprehensive approach to migration. As a result, UN Member States agreed to cooperate in the elaboration of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, expected to be adopted at an intergovernmental conference on international migration on 10-11 December 2018 in Morocco. The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants also set in motion a separate negotiation process for the Global Compact on Refugees.


    • Global Compact on Refugees – a rich countries’ model for keeping others out

      The UN General Assembly is set to vote on the final draft of the global compact on refugees as a basis for a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees. The compact is, however, largely a rich countries’ model designed to protect their borders from unwanted refugees. The outcome will be less protection and more death, as refugees will continue to risk their lives to reach security in the global north.

      Privatising refugee protection

      The compact demonstrates a risky pattern of privatising refugee protection, shifting the responsibility away from the state to the private sector. Its market-driven approach results in a further privatisation of protection and the substitution of insecure private sector ventures for guaranteed public sector commitments. The increasing reliance on the private sector, foreign investment, and support from the World Bank and similar international agencies reduces the guarantees, predictability, and the regularity that are usually expected from states and the public sector.

      In this market-driven structure, the global compact has created a model of refugee protection in the spirit of the dominant neoliberal paradigm. The privatisation of service delivery in rich countries in recent years resulted in labour abuses, price increases, reduction in access, and other problems. Relying on the private sector for delivering refugee protection promises similar failures and access crises.

      Refugees and their rights, and their protection needs are left to the economic calculus of private employers and the laws of markets. For example, the compact seeks “labour mobility for refugees, including through the identification of refugees with skills that are needed in third countries.” In doing so, it practically turns the refugees into de facto economic migrants, reduces protection into access to jobs, and strips refugees of the possibility of resettlement through asylum. This market-based effort to help the refugees that might meet labour markets demands and fit the economic calculus of foreign employers leaves out any possibility of permanent residence, or citizenship for the refugees accepted as labour migrants. The fate of the chosen few refugees will squarely depend on their continuing luck to meet the requirements of the ever-evolving flexible labour markets. The compact is silent on the future of these refugees once their jobs are terminated due to markets considerations.

      International division of labour in refugee protection

      The compact institutionalises an unequal international division of labour in refugee protection by keeping refugees at bay and warehousing them in current host countries. Currently, the global south hosts 85% of the world refugees under UNHCR’s mandate. Subjected to a myriad of economic, social, and other insecurities, refugees face varying, and in many cases severe, protection deficits. Addressing this deficit through predictable burden and responsibility sharing was seemingly the driving force behind the global compact on refugee protection. Many hoped for a change in the international division of labour for refugee protection through the spatial reallocation of refugees (resettlement) and other meaningful schemes.

      However, the agreed compact reinforces the old spatial arrangement. Current host countries are asked to continue providing the space and the bulk of the resources for refugee protection. Rich countries help through development aid, preferential trade agreements, private sector investment, and similar measures. There is little room for spatial reallocation of refugees.

      The compact’s proposed development aid to current host states is designed to stop the future movement of refugees to rich countries in the West. Many have challenged the usefulness of development aid in reducing migration. The model suffers from a faulty understanding of protection, and the causes of refugee’s continuing movement.

      Jobs in current host countries are indeed important for refugee protection. As research shows, access to jobs, however, does not stop refugees’ movement if they lack a sense of overall security and still believe they can reach the desired threshold of safety elsewhere in the world.

      While promoting increased economic involvement of the private sector in securing employment for refugees in current host countries, the compact largely ignores refugees’ labour rights. The omission risks turning refugees into cheap and unprotected labour for private enterprises and large transnational corporations. It subordinates refugee rights to the rationality of market relations and impersonal economic calculus.

      Jobs matter. Regular jobs with a living wage matter more. Renewable or regular residence permit are crucial for refugees. Citizenship in a safe country that provides a secure and sustainable life for refugee families matter more. Political instability and the lack of human rights and civil liberties continue to motivate many refugees to move. Once displaced by war, conflict, or other calamities and insecurities, refugees would continue to move till they reach their desired and projected zone of security.

      The future

      The compact is a sad statement about the shrinking space of refugee protection, and declining appetite of the wealthy states and their citizens in embracing those escaping violence. The call for a global compact for refugees was an attempt by the UNHCR to find a solution to the growing refugee crises in the world. What came out of two years of intense negotiations was a non-binding agreement, with no commitment to more resettlement, and only verbal support for increased aid to current host states.

      Given the political mood on both sides of the Atlantic, persuading rich states to accept and implement a higher resettlement quota that corresponds to the protection needs of the growing refugee population in the world is indeed a daunting task. The difficulties involved in this quest should not, however, compromise the advocacy for resettlement and the centrality of refugee rights.

      Refugee rights and resettlement should be front and centre of any agreement supported by the UNHCR. Predictable burden and responsibility sharing demands a change in the current international division of labour. That is not possible without a substantial increase in resettlement. Uncompromised advocacy regarding rights and resettlement is the only guarantee for refugee protection in the long run. Even from a pragmatic point of view, insisting on what is right is the best way to go.


    • Bataille rangée pour un pacte migratoire à l’échelle mondiale

      Après la Hongrie et les #Etats-Unis, l’#Autriche et la #Pologne appellent à boycotter le Pacte global sur les migrations. La #Suisse a finalement décidé d’approuver le document, qui propose une liste de meilleures pratiques et une coopération internationale accrue.

      A l’heure d’une forte résurgence populiste, notamment en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, le multilatéralisme et la migration ne font pas toujours bon ménage. C’est le cas en Autriche et en Pologne, mais aussi outre-Atlantique. Mercredi, le vice-chancelier autrichien Heinz-Christian Strache, chef du parti d’extrême droite FPÖ, a exprimé les profondes réserves de son gouvernement au sujet du Pacte global sur des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières : « Il y a des points qui sont en contradiction avec notre programme de gouvernement. » Vienne avance même qu’il serait en train d’élaborer un document commun avec la Suisse. Une déclaration qui tombe pourtant à plat. Mercredi, le Conseil fédéral a décidé d’approuver le Pacte global.

      Un jour plus tôt, le ministre polonais de l’Intérieur, Joachim Brudzinski, appelait à sortir de l’accord adopté par 192 Etats membres, à l’exception des Etats-Unis, en juillet dernier. Motif : le Pacte ne « garantit pas la sécurité de la Pologne » et encouragerait l’immigration illégale. On ne connaît pas encore la position de Prague, mais elle pourrait aller dans le même sens. Quant à la Hongrie, elle a déjà fait savoir de façon tonitruante en juillet à New York son intention de refuser un texte « dangereux ».
      Un instrument multilatéral

      Cette rébellion de l’Europe de l’Est ne surprend pas vraiment tant elle concrétise le fort durcissement constaté en matière d’immigration. L’élaboration du Pacte global sur la migration, qui s’est mise en route à partir de l’été 2016 à l’ONU à New York, est en partie une réponse à la crise migratoire de 2015 liée au conflit en Syrie. Mais le refus de l’Europe orientale repose sur une vision erronée de ce qu’est réellement ce document de 34 pages, très détaillé, qui doit être entériné lors d’un sommet de chefs d’Etat à Marrakech les 10 et 11 décembre.

      Un expert qui souhaite garder l’anonymat le relève : « Ceux qui avancent que le Pacte, c’est ouvrir toutes grandes les portes de l’immigration font de la désinformation. Les Etats restent complètement souverains et le document vise à éviter la migration illégale. Mais ils disposent d’un instrument qui permettra de gérer de façon multilatérale ce qu’aucun Etat n’est capable de régler seul. »
      La Suisse a joué un rôle majeur dans les négociations

      Si la question des réfugiés est régie par une convention datant de 1951, la migration n’a jamais bénéficié d’un instrument multilatéral large. Le Pacte global comble un vide. Il n’est pas contraignant juridiquement, mais propose un catalogue des meilleures pratiques sous la forme de dix principes et de 23 objectifs. Pour Vincent Chetail, professeur au Graduate Institute, « le Pacte est un succès du multilatéralisme et un instrument prometteur. Il propose une approche globale et équilibrée de la migration. » Tous ne le suivent pas. Au sein de la société civile, certains estiment que le document ne va pas assez loin. Un spécialiste de la question réfute l’argument : « Les problèmes migratoires sont si différents d’une région à l’autre qu’il aurait été impossible d’avoir un traité contraignant. »

      En Suisse, on pensait que le Pacte allait passer comme une lettre à la poste. La Confédération a joué un rôle majeur dans les négociations. A partir de 2016, le président de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU a mandaté la Suisse et le Mexique pour cofaciliter le processus. Berne accepte car le processus que codirige l’ambassadeur de Suisse auprès de l’ONU à New York, Jürg Lauber, va dans la droite ligne de la politique migratoire défendue par les conseillers fédéraux Didier Burkhalter et Simonetta Sommaruga.
      Un affront évité

      La Suisse pose même ses conditions : avec le Mexique, elle veut déterminer la structure du processus et surtout rédiger le projet zéro du Pacte. Comme le souhaite la Suisse, des consultations sont engagées d’avril à décembre 2017. Objectif : familiariser les Etats membres avec les faits afin que chacun parle le même langage. A la fin 2017, quatre experts, deux Suisses et deux Mexicains, rédigent un premier projet. Puis à partir de janvier 2018, plusieurs cycles de négociations se mettent en branle.

      Au vu du capital politique que la Suisse a engagé à l’ONU à New York, ne pas approuver le Pacte aurait été un affront. Mais aussi un problème d’image. Berne fait de l’humanitaire l’une des pierres angulaires de la Genève internationale. Or si les négociations ont eu lieu à New York, c’est maintenant Genève qui est aux manettes, en particulier l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations. L’OIM aura un rôle politique et opérationnel nouveau dans la mise en œuvre du Pacte.

      La Suisse, qui signe nombre de partenariats bilatéraux et plurilatéraux en matière migratoire, a un intérêt à une meilleure coopération internationale. Mercredi, le Conseil fédéral a finalement approuvé le Pacte avec quelques réserves. Mais ce fut laborieux. Le conseiller fédéral Ignazio Cassis a demandé une analyse interdépartementale pour éviter toute surprise quant aux incidences du Pacte sur la politique intérieure et extérieure suisse. Il craignait un nouveau « machin bureaucratique ». Sous la Coupole à Berne, on dit surtout qu’il a agi sous la pression de l’UDC qui s’oppose avec véhémence au Pacte.


    • Bericht : Wien überlegt Ausstieg aus UNO-Migrationspakt

      Neben Polen erwägt offenbar auch Österreich einen Ausstieg aus dem globalen Migrationspakt der Vereinten Nationen. Wie die „Presse“ (Mittwoch-Ausgabe) schreibt, sollen sich ÖVP und FPÖ einig seien, den Pakt in der jetzigen Form nicht zu unterschreiben.

      Seit Wochen machen laut „Presse“ FPÖ-Medienplattformen gegen den Pakt mobil, und auch Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) sehe ihn skeptisch. „Beide Seiten ließen im Außenamt den Wunsch nach Neuverhandlungen deponieren.“ Alternativ könnte Österreich „als zweite Option“ mit „anderen Zweiflern“ einen „Vorbehalt“ formulieren, „in dem es die Unverbindlichkeit des UNO-Papiers unterstreicht“, heißt es.
      Ungarn und USA werden Pakt nicht zustimmen

      Bisher sind die USA und Ungarn die einzigen UNO-Mitglieder, die sich dem Pakt dezidiert verweigern. Aber es gab auch Medienberichte, wonach in Österreich der Widerstand gegen den geplanten Migrationspakt der Vereinten Nationen wachse, der im Dezember in Marokko angenommen werden soll. Eine „finale Entscheidung“ sei noch nicht gefunden worden, hieß es Ende September vonseiten der Bundesregierung.

      Auch die polnische Regierung erwägt einen Ausstieg aus dem Migrationspakt. Der Entwurf könnte zur „illegalen Migration“ ermuntern und biete keine „Sicherheitsgarantien für Polen“, kritisierte Polens Innenminister Joachim Brudzinski. Er werde seiner Regierung deshalb einen Rückzug aus dem Abkommen empfehlen.
      Maßnahmen nicht bindend

      Der von der UNO initiierte „weltweite Pakt für sichere, geordnete und regulierte Migration“ beinhaltet eine Reihe von Leitlinien sowie rund 20 konkrete Maßnahmen, deren Umsetzung allerdings nicht bindend ist. Es geht um eine bessere internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Migrationspolitik und um Standards im Umgang mit Flüchtlingen.

      Zu den Maßnahmen in dem UNO-Pakt zählt unter anderem, dass die Daten von Migrantinnen und Migranten erfasst und ihnen Ausweisdokumente ausgestellt werden sollen, sofern sie keine besitzen. Die UNO-Staaten verpflichteten sich zudem, gegen Diskriminierung von Zuwanderern zu kämpfen und sich insbesondere um die Lage von Frauen und Kindern zu kümmern. Überdies soll Zugang zu den sozialen Sicherungssystemen ermöglicht werden.

      250 Millionen Menschen sind derzeit weltweit auf der Suche nach einem neuen Ort zum Leben. Das entspricht etwa drei Prozent der Weltbevölkerung.


    • The UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: 
Analysis of the Final Draft, 13 July 2018, Objective by Objective

      The New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 19 September 2016, initiated a process towards two Compacts: the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR) and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). The Compacts are non-binding agreements which lay out a set of principles, objectives and partnerships for the governance of refugees and migration. This commentary will focus on the Global Compact on Migration, the first intergovernmental agreement on migration, negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations.

      Every objective of the Global Compact for Migration will be examined in view of human rights obligations and state practices. The contributors will provide for each of the GCM’s objectives a critical assessment, highlight significant changes during the negotiations, and underline future aspirations. The commentaries seek to provide scholars, practitioners and policy-makers alike with accessible substantive analyses in the lead up to the adoption of the Global Compact for Migration at the end of 2018.

      The commentaries will be posted on this blog between September and December 2018, objective by objective.


    • Déclaration du #FSMM sur le Pacte Mondial migrations

      Le #Forum_Social_Mondial_Migrations (FSMM) réuni à Mexico du 2 au 4 novembre 2018 s’est saisi dans plusieurs de ses ateliers de l’analyse du « Pacte Mondial pour une Migration dite « Sûre, Ordonnée et Régulière » qui sera ratifié par les chefs d’Etats et des gouvernements à Marrakech (Maroc) en décembre prochain. Beaucoup d’espoir ont été mis dans les capacités des Nations Unies à mettre en place des outils de protection des droits des migrant.es et de renforcement de la liberté de circulation. Quelles que soient nos approches respectives par rapport à ce Pacte, nous sommes conscients de la nécessité qu’il doit exister un cadre qui garantit et protège les droits des migrant.es.

      En l’absence d’un droit international spécifique sur les migrations, encore moins un « droit de migrer », le Pacte est censé combler ce vide par la confirmation des principes universels, des Déclarations et autres Pactes en la matière en un moment où se développent les discours et arguments selon lesquels les politiques actuelles, axées sur le contrôle des frontières, ne sont pas seulement dommageables en termes d’atteinte aux droits des personnes, mais qu’elles sont aussi inefficaces au regard même de leurs objectifs.
      Or tel qu’il est proposé dans sa version finale le Pacte s’apparente plus à un instrument, au service des pays riches, des multinationales et du capital, de contrôle des entrées en fonction de leurs intérêts.

      Certes, il réaffirme quelques principes positifs contenus d’ailleurs dans plusieurs conventions internationales, mais son caractère non contraignant pour les Etats vide ce Pacte de tout son sens.
      Au vu des lignes directrices du Pacte, dans sa version actuelle, il ne propose aucune voie permettant de résister aux évolutions inquiétantes des discours et pratiques politiques d’hyper fermeture à la migration. Nous sommes face à un outil qui va, dans de nombreuses régions du monde, faire reculer les droits des migrants. Ce sera surtout le cas pour les précarisés tels que les personnes sans titre de séjour, les mineurs ou les femmes migrantes.

      De plus, plusieurs points sont particulièrement inquiétants, en particulier :

      • La mise à l’écart de la Convention Internationale de Protection des Travailleurs Migrants et de leur Familles ;
      • La mise en exergue d’une gestion uniformisée et commune des données sur les migrations et les personnes migrantes, ceci comprenant des données biométriques ;
      • La légitimation de la détention de migrants et des centres de rétention ;
      • La non remise en cause de politiques ou de lois criminalisant les migrants ;
      • Le principe de « deux poids deux mesures », un outil non contraignant qui favorise de fait le plus fort et ne donne aucune garantie effective aux plus vulnérables ;
      • Un cadre particulièrement adapté pour la mise en place de politiques de migration choisie ;
      • Le fait que, concernant le développement du Sud, cela se résume à un ensemble de bonnes intentions sans objectifs qualitatifs, concrets et sans évaluation des programmes d’aide au développement.

      A l’évidence, tel qu’il est proposé dans sa version finale, le Pacte s’apparente à une recherche de consensus entre des Etats sur la gestion sécuritaire des migrations et une recherche de renforcements des mesures sécuritaires pour mettre fin au principe inaliénable de la liberté de circulation et risque de devenir un outil pour légitimer des reculs au niveau des droits des migrants plutôt qu´un instrument pour une gouvernance respectueuse du droit international et des droits des migrants. Il peut servir, d’une part, pour justifier des politiques d’exclusion et de criminalisation des migrants et, d’autre part, pour concrétiser les rêves des pays du Nord, maintes fois annoncés, à savoir l’immigration choisie (qui vide les pays du Sud de leurs compétences) et l’immigration jetable.

      Face aux défis migratoires d’aujourd’hui, face à la montée des discours et actes populistes, discriminatoires et racistes, nous organisations de la société civile réunies au sein du FSMM à Mexico réaffirmons notre attachement aux droits fondamentaux des personnes migrantes et de leurs familles. La seule réponse sensée est celle de la solidarité et de l’égalité des droits pour tous. Une politique juste est celle qui se met au service de la personne, de toutes les personnes indépendamment de leur race, leur religion, leur sexe ou leur nationalité, qui prévoit des solutions adaptées pour garantir la sécurité, le respect des droits, de la justice et de la dignité pour tous, qui sait voir le bien de son propre pays en prenant en compte celui des autres pays, dans un monde toujours plus interconnecté.

      Mexico, le 4 novembre 2018

      –-> reçu via email

    • Words Matter. But Rights Matter More

      The international community has recently taken steps to agree two intergovernmental compacts, which together are intended to revitalise the global governance of migration and asylum. The Global Compact on Refugees seeks to strengthen international cooperation on the refugee regime, while the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration aims to establish principles, commitments and understandings among Member States regarding international migration in all its dimensions. The compacts have been brought into existence against a backdrop of widespread and increasingly systematic human rights violations committed against migrants by state officials, traffickers and other criminals, and leading to what has been called ‘one of the greatest human tragedies of our time’. At the same time, the very bifurcation of the compacts into two ‘separate, distinct and independent’ agreements rests on a set of assumptions that could distort rather than illuminate the complex issue of contemporary human mobility.


    • Pacte mondial sur les migrations des Nations Unies : un pas vers la #justice_migratoire ?


      Au niveau international, pour faire face aux drames humanitaires qui se jouaient sur les routes de l’exil, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a adopté, le 19 septembre 2016, la « Déclaration de New York » pour les réfugiés et les migrants qui stipule : « Nous réaffirmons, et continuerons de protéger pleinement, les droits fondamentaux de tous les réfugiés et migrants, quel que soit leur statut ; tous ont des droits.

       » Le texte ne précisait pas la façon dont ces engagements allaient être réalisés mais spécifiait la volonté d’adopter deux nouveaux pactes mondiaux en 2018 : le Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés et le Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières (en anglais, Global Compact on Migrations ou GCM).

      La Déclaration de New York chargea le Haut-commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) de s’inspirer du Cadre d’action global pour les réfugiés et d’engager des consultations pour élaborer un « Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés ». Le draft final du Pacte a abouti à l’été 2018 en vue d’être présenté à l’Assemblée générale de septembre 2018 puis entériné fin 2018. De l’avis d’Amnesty International celui-ci n’est pas à la hauteur du défi actuel en termes de protection des personnes réfugiées et de partage équitable de l’accueil de celles-ci
      . Concernant le « Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières », des consultations ont été menées par la Représentante spéciale de l’ONU pour les migrations internationales, Louise Arbour, en vue de la publication en janvier 2018 d’un « draft zéro ». Celui-ci a servi de base aux négociations qui ont abouti à un « draft final

       » à adopter, les 10 et 11 décembre 2018, à Marrakech, lors d’une cérémonie officielle des Nations Unies.

      Le HCR rappelle qu’ « il n’existe pas de régime juridique spécial pour les migrants (au contraire des réfugiés) et [qu’] aucun cadre n’a été adopté pour la prise en charge des mouvements de migrants de grande ampleur.
       » Cependant, comme l’explique Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, directrice de recherche au CNRS, dans « Le glissement des catégories de migrants »
      , il s’avère impossible de mettre les personnes exilées dans des catégories spécifiques et fixes étant donné que les raisons de migrer sont multiples et s’entremêlent. De plus, la situation administrative des exilés et donc leur statut sont mouvants. Le HCR déclare lui-même qu’ « il existe de nombreuses problématiques touchant les réfugiés et les migrants qui nécessitent une réponse internationale commune, et de nombreux domaines où le traitement ne doit pas dépendre du statut des personnes »
      . La distinction personne réfugiée/migrante, si elle a du sens en termes juridiques, est donc dans les faits en bonne partie artificielle. C’est la raison pour laquelle des auteurs comme Alexander Betts et Paul Collier proposent de repenser la notion de réfugié à partir du concept de « force majeure », l’élargissant aux différentes causes de migrations forcées.

      Par ailleurs, les deux pactes sont des instruments de soft law. Leur contenu n’est pas juridiquement contraignant, et n’engage pas directement la responsabilité des États. Néanmoins, comme l’affirme le professeur Alain Pellet, les recommandations non contraignantes qui sont accompagnées par des mécanismes d’examen tendent à être davantage appliquées

      . Soft law et hard law ne sont donc pas incompatibles car le premier peut constituer une étape vers le second.

      Le « draft zéro » de la Représentante spéciale de l’ONU a été accueilli favorablement par la société civile qui a dès lors centré son objectif sur la préservation de la vision et du contenu des propositions présentées par les NU.

      L’architecture du document final repose sur dix lignes directrices exprimant la vision commune des signataires et vingt-trois objectifs accompagnés de leurs actions corollaires pour aboutir à des « migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières ». Au fil des rounds de négociations, la vision initiale commune a été globalement préservée. Elle émane d’une approche globale, multi-acteurs et centrée sur les droits humains, le droit international, un équilibre entre coopération internationale et souveraineté nationale et enfin une attention importante au genre et aux droits des enfants. La vingtaine d’objectifs et leurs actions de mise en œuvre ont, eux, évolué au fil des discussions.

      Les États s’engagent dans le Pacte à soutenir la mise en œuvre de l’agenda 2030 et des Objectifs du développement durable pour lutter contre la pauvreté et les migrations non désirées. Une attention est manifeste pour les migrations environnementales. Les pays les plus touchés par le réchauffement climatique seront soutenus pour s’adapter et éviter les migrations forcées. L’option d’octroi de visas est envisagée dans les cas où une adaptation ou un retour dans le pays d’origine n’est plus possible.

      Les signataires s’engagent, vis-à-vis des exilés, à rendre possible l’accès, dans leur langue, à une information exhaustive sur les diverses possibilités individuelles et pour leurs proches, en termes de voies légales de migrations, de changements de statuts, de régularisation, de droits et services accessibles et de dépôt de plaintes. En cas d’abus, de violences ou de non-respect des droits humains, que ce soit sur les routes de l’exil, aux frontières ou sur les lieux de travail, des mécanismes de plaintes devront toujours être accessibles. Est fait mention également pour les personnes migrantes travailleuses actives dans le travail informel, de l’assurance que le fait de porter plainte ne les plonge pas dans une situation plus vulnérable.

      Concernant la mobilité, un engagement a été pris de faciliter la mise en place de voies légales : pour les migrants dits économiques, quel que soit leur niveau de qualification, pour la réunification familiale et enfin pour favoriser la recherche et la professionnalisation (académiques et étudiants).

      On note également le souhait de faciliter l’accès à des procédures de régularisation pour les personnes en situation irrégulière sur base de critères transparents et clairs en vue de réduire leur vulnérabilité.

      Cependant, dans le texte final, la mention du principe de non refoulement, pourtant issu de la Convention de Genève, a été supprimée pour ce qui concerne les interceptions en mer et sur terre ainsi que les « retours » pour laisser place au « refus des expulsions collectives dans des pays où un risque réel et prévisible de mort, torture ou autre traitement cruel, inhumain et dégradant (...) en accord avec le respect des lois internationales du respect des droits humains ». De même la tendance actuelle à l’externalisation de questions migratoires

      n’est pas remise en cause.

      Bien que présente dans le texte de départ, la demande de la fin de la détention des enfants et demandeurs d’asile n’a pas été préservée. Elle sera autorisée même si préconisée en dernier recours et pour une courte durée ; la recherche d’alternatives à la détention devant rester prioritaire.

      Plus largement, la différenciation entre personnes en séjour régulier et irrégulier persiste et le Pacte ne mentionne pas la nécessité d’assurer un accès égal aux services de base (éducation, aide médicale, aide juridique etc.), ni la garantie de la liberté d’association pour les travailleurs migrants, quel que soit leur statut ni encore la nécessité d’assurer une pare-feu entre les services de justice et d’immigration, pour garantir le respect des droits fondamentaux

      des personnes sans papiers.

      Enfin, la « non criminalisation de la solidarité » formulée telle quelle dans le premier rapport de Mme Arbour se meut finalement en « s’assurer que l’assistance exclusivement humanitaire aux migrants ne soit pas considérée comme illégale ».

      La majorité des associations de la société civile qui ont décidé, dès le départ, de s’impliquer dans les négociations menées autour du Global Compact le considère comme une avancée malgré les limites évoquées ci-dessus. Une première étape d’un long chemin vers une gouvernance internationale des migrations. « Nous reconnaissons l’immense effort investi par les cofacilitateurs, les États, les agences des Nations Unies et la société civile dans le nouveau Pacte mondial des Nations Unies (...). Nous considérons le Pacte mondial comme une étape transitoire, mais pas encore transformatrice »

      , déclare le réseau Women in migration.

      Tous s’accordent sur le fait que c’est la volonté politique des États et leur capacité de concrétiser leurs engagements moraux qui pallieront à l’aspect non contraignant du Pacte et aux incohérences entre ce qui se fait niveau national et les intentions affichées au niveau international.

      Pour la Belgique, cela se traduit, notamment, par le décalage entre la promotion de l’Agenda 2030 et la réduction des budgets de l’APD, qui est de plus en plus instrumentalisée au service des politiques migratoires restrictives. Autre illustration : la priorité donnée à l’enfermement (dont celui des enfants), plutôt qu’à la recherche d’alternatives à la détention. Enfin, l’augmentation des mesures répressives à l’égard des personnes en séjour irrégulier, y compris en transit, qui augmente leur vulnérabilité et génère le phénomène « d’encampement »

      au lieu de privilégier des solutions durables telles que l’établissement de critères clairs et permanents de régularisation et la création de plus de voies sûres et légales de migrations.

      Afin d’assurer un mécanisme de suivi des engagements, une rencontre de haut niveau (International Migration Forum) en marge de l’Assemblée générale des NU, aura lieu tous les quatre ans, dès 2022. Le Pacte encourage les entités régionales à faire de même et les États à établir un plan national d’implémentation avec mécanisme de suivi. L’OIM se chargera de la coordination et du secrétariat de ce processus.

      Il aura fallu deux ans afin d’aboutir à un consensus multilatéral pour un accord sur les migrations à approuver en décembre 2018 au sommet de Marrakech. La plupart des parties prenantes du processus s’accorde pour dire que son utilité dépendra de la volonté politique des États de le mettre en œuvre. Alors que seuls les USA, la Hongrie ainsi que l’Autriche en Europe, ont annoncé refuser de signer le Pacte, les politiques actuelles entrent en contradiction avec son esprit et sa lettre. Partant de ce constat, que peut-on mettre en place pour que nos politiques entrent en adéquation avec ce nouvel engagement international ?


    • Pacte mondial des migrations : les 10 mots-clés d’un accord de pure coopération

      La France s’apprête à signer le Pacte mondial des migrations, qui affole certains « gilets jaunes ». Mediapart s’est plongé dans ce texte non contraignant pour en tirer dix mots-clés, à commencer par « #souveraineté ». Rarement un texte de l’ONU aura engendré autant de bruit et de fureur, pour si peu de normes.


    • Che cos’è il Global compact e perché l’Italia vuole rimanerne fuori

      Il Global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration – anche detto semplicemente Global compact sull’immigrazione – è un documento sottoscritto da diversi stati e promosso dalle Nazioni Unite che prevede la condivisione di alcune linee guida generali sulle politiche migratorie, nel tentativo di dare una risposta coordinata e globale al fenomeno. L’idea di aderire a dei princìpi comuni è nata a New York nel settembre del 2016, quando tutti e 193 gli stati membri delle Nazioni Unite hanno firmato la cosiddetta Dichiarazione di New York sui migranti e i rifugiati, dando avvio a due anni di negoziati. La versione finale del Global compact sull’immigrazione dovrebbe essere approvata durante un vertice che si terrà sotto l’egida delle Nazioni Unite il 10 e l’11 dicembre del 2018 a Marrakech, in Marocco.

      Anche se il documento non è vincolante (come è scritto al punto 7 del preambolo) e indica solo la volontà degli stati di seguire alcuni princìpi comuni ispirati a norme internazionali, diversi governi (tra cui quello italiano) hanno annunciato che non parteciperanno al vertice di Marrakech e valuteranno se aderire all’accordo in un secondo tempo. Altri invece hanno già detto che non lo approveranno. Il Global compact è stato protagonista in tutto il mondo di una campagna di comunicazione politica molto aggressiva da parte dei partiti della destra sovranista che l’hanno accusato di favorire “l’invasione” e “l’immigrazione incontrollata”. Ecco cosa prevede il Global compact sull’immigrazione e quali sono le posizioni dei diversi paesi europei alla vigilia del vertice di Marrakech.

      Cosa prevede
      Il Global compact è una “piattaforma non vincolante” che parte dal presupposto che “la migrazione fa parte dell’esperienza umana ed è sempre stato così nel corso della storia” e che il suo impatto può essere migliorato se si renderanno più efficaci “le politiche dell’immigrazione”. Nel preambolo del testo si definisce “cruciale” la cooperazione tra i diversi stati: “Le sfide e le opportunità dell’immigrazione devono unirci, invece di dividerci. Il Global compact getta le basi per una comprensione comune del fenomeno, la condivisione delle responsabilità e l’unità degli obiettivi”.

      Le linee guida individuate nel documento sono: “La centralità delle persone, la cooperazione internazionale, il rispetto della sovranità di ogni stato, il rispetto delle norme internazionali, lo sviluppo sostenibile, il rispetto dei diritti umani, delle differenze di genere e dei diritti dei minori e infine un approccio multilaterale e partecipativo”.

      L’accordo inoltre stabilisce 23 obiettivi che dovrebbero orientare l’operato dei governi attraverso azioni e buone pratiche. Eccoli per esteso:

      Raccogliere e usare dati accurati e disaggregati come base delle politiche.
      Ridurre le cause negative e i fattori strutturali che costringono le persone a lasciare il loro paese di origine.
      Fornire informazioni accurate e tempestive lungo tutte le fasi del percorso migratorio.
      Garantire che tutti i migranti abbiano una prova della loro identità e una documentazione idonea.
      Migliorare la flessibilità e la disponibilità delle vie legali per migrare.
      Agevolare condizioni di assunzione e tutele giuste ed etiche per assicurare un lavoro decente.
      Affrontare e ridurre le vulnerabilità nel percorso migratorio.
      Salvare vite e stabilire degli sforzi internazionali coordinati per i migranti dispersi.
      Rafforzare le risposte transnazionali al traffico di migranti.
      Prevenire, combattere ed eliminare il traffico di esseri umani nel contesto della migrazione internazionale.
      Gestire le frontiere in un modo integrato, sicuro e coordinato.
      Rafforzare la certezza e la prevedibilità delle procedure legate alla migrazione per un esame, una valutazione e una presa in carico adeguate.
      Usare la detenzione solo come misura di ultima istanza e lavorare per possibili alternative.
      Migliorare la protezione, l’assistenza e la cooperazione consolare durante il percorso migratorio.
      Fornire l’accesso ai servizi di base per i migranti.
      Consentire ai migranti e alle società di realizzare la piena inclusione e la coesione sociale.
      Eliminare tutte le forme di discriminazione e promuovere un discorso pubblico basato su dati comprovati per formare la percezione dell’opinione pubblica.
      Investire nello sviluppo delle capacità e facilitare il riconoscimento reciproco delle capacità, delle qualifiche e delle competenze.
      Creare le condizioni per i migranti e per le diaspore per contribuire pienamente allo sviluppo sostenibile in tutti i paesi.
      Promuovere il trasferimento più rapido, più sicuro e più economico delle rimesse e favorire l’inclusione finanziaria dei migranti.
      Cooperare per facilitare rimpatri e riammissioni sicuri e dignitosi e un reinserimento sostenibile.
      Stabilire meccanismi per la trasferibilità dei diritti previdenziali e delle prestazioni maturate.
      Rafforzare la cooperazione internazionale e le partnership globali per una migrazione sicura, ordinata e legale.

      Secondo il ricercatore dell’Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale (Ispi) Matteo Villa in ogni caso il Global compact ha soprattutto un valore simbolico, “perché non vincola a fare nulla, non comporta nessun obbligo, dà una direzione alla comunità internazionale e dice che gli stati dovrebbero cooperare per raggiungere degli obiettivi”. Quando non viene sottoscritto di fatto non si riconosce il percorso negoziale degli ultimi due anni, ma senza conseguenze concrete. “Non è un trattato, non può cambiare le leggi internazionali, chiede solo maggiore cooperazione nella gestione delle migrazioni”, spiega Villa. Il documento, prosegue il ricercatore, parla dei diritti dei migranti, ma anche delle prerogative degli stati con precisi riferimenti “ai rimpatri, alla lotta al traffico di migranti e alla tratta di esseri umani”. Il paese che non lo sottoscrive, quindi, rischia di rimanere isolato rispetto alla gestione di un fenomeno globale.

      Qual è la posizione dell’Italia
      L’Italia ha partecipato a tutte le fasi del negoziato nel corso degli ultimi due anni. Rispondendo a un question time alla camera, il 21 novembre il ministro degli esteri Enzo Moavero Milanesi ha difeso il patto dicendo che “non sarà un atto giuridicamente vincolante” e che “nel documento ci sono princìpi di responsabilità condivisa nella gestione degli oneri dell’immigrazione”. Sulla stessa linea si è schierato anche il sottosegretario agli affari esteri Manlio Di Stefano (Movimento 5 stelle): “Siamo fiduciosi che il Global compact sarà uno strumento utile per massimizzare l’impatto delle risorse disponibili nella gestione dei flussi migratori”.

      Eppure, il 27 novembre il ministro dell’interno italiano Matteo Salvini ha dichiarato di essere contrario al Global compact, perché metterebbe sullo stesso piano “i migranti cosiddetti economici e i rifugiati politici”, mentre altri esponenti della Lega hanno sostenuto le posizioni del ministro affermando che il documento implica un rischio di “immigrazione incontrollata”. Infine Fratelli d’Italia ha promosso una raccolta firme per chiedere che il governo non sottoscriva il Global compact, perché finirà con il “sancire l’invasione dell’Italia” e accusando chi lo dovesse sottoscrivere di “schierarsi con Soros”. Secondo Giovanbattista Fazzolari di Fratelli d’Italia, il Global compact “sancisce che l’immigrazione è un diritto fondamentale e che pertanto renderà impossibile per gli stati limitare i flussi migratori”.

      Sul tema sono stati più cauti i cinquestelle che hanno espresso posizioni in alcuni casi favorevoli. Per esempio il presidente della camera Roberto Fico e il presidente della commissione affari costituzionali della camera Giuseppe Brescia hanno detto che il Global compact deve essere assolutamente sottoscritto. Per questo il presidente del consiglio Giuseppe Conte ha rimandato al parlamento l’esame del piano sostenendo che Roma potrebbe accettare l’accordo in un secondo momento, dopo l’esame dell’aula: “Il Global migration compact è un documento che pone temi e questioni diffusamente sentiti anche dai cittadini” e per questo il governo ritiene “opportuno parlamentarizzare il dibattito e rimettere le scelte definitive all’esito di tale discussione, come pure è stato deciso dalla Svizzera”. L’Italia quindi non parteciperà al vertice di Marrakech e per ora non aderirà al Global compact sull’immigrazione.

      Matteo Villa dell’Ispi sostiene che in pochi abbiano letto il testo dell’accordo e che la polemica sull’adesione si sia giocata soprattutto su un piano di propaganda politica: “Il nome in inglese non aiuta a rendere comprensibile l’obiettivo dell’accordo”. L’Italia ha ripiegato su una posizione di mezzo, suggerita dalla Svizzera, che permetterà a Roma di non partecipare al vertice, “e quindi di mandare un segnale politico”, ma anche di “scaricare sul parlamento la responsabilità della decisione”.

      In questo modo l’Italia però sta segnalando la volontà di collocarsi al fianco dei paesi del blocco di Visegrád (Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Ungheria, Slovacchia), con l’Austria e la Bulgaria: “Stiamo dicendo che siamo sulla stessa linea dei paesi che non condividono la frontiera mediterranea, e che negli anni scorsi non hanno avuto una grande esperienza di flussi migratori. È un segnale di chiusura, invece che di collaborazione”, commenta Villa.

      Gli altri paesi
      I primi a voltare le spalle al Global compact sono stati, prevedibilmente, gli Stati Uniti, che dal 2002 non hanno ratificato nessun trattato internazionale nel campo dei diritti umani. A dicembre del 2017, prima ancora che fosse presentata la bozza iniziale del Global compact, il presidente Donal Trump aveva annunciato che gli Stati Uniti non avrebbero preso parte ai negoziati.

      A luglio è stato il turno dell’Australia, diventata negli ultimi anni un modello di violazione dei diritti umani di migranti e richiedenti asilo. Subito dopo la fine dei negoziati, il ministro dell’interno Peter Dutton ha dichiarato che il paese non avrebbe firmato il documento, criticandone la versione finale e spiegando che “non è nell’interesse nazionale affidare alle Nazioni Unite le nostre politiche di difesa delle frontiere”.

      Sempre a luglio è cominciata quella che il ricercatore dell’Ispi Matteo Villa ha chiamato “la deriva del continente” europeo: uno dopo l’altro, una decina di paesi hanno annunciato che non avrebbero approvato il Global compact o hanno avanzato forti riserve. Il primo è stato, anche qui senza grandi sorprese, l’Ungheria, che in un comunicato del 24 luglio ha parlato di “conflitto irrisolvibile” tra le sue posizioni e l’approccio delle Nazioni Unite: “Per l’Onu la migrazione andrebbe incoraggiata, mentre secondo l’Ungheria dev’essere fermata”.

      A ottobre l’Austria, guidata dal dicembre del 2017 da una coalizione tra il Partito popolare, di centrodestra, e la formazione di estrema destra Partito della libertà, ha criticato il documento, confermando il 31 ottobre che non lo avrebbe approvato. Lo stesso giorno la presidente croata Kolinda Grabar- Kitarović ha annunciato che non intendeva firmare “l’accordo di Marrakech”, ma il governo in seguito ha difeso il Global compact in parlamento e ha dichiarato che parteciperà all’incontro in Marocco.

      A novembre gli abbandoni si sono moltiplicati: la Bulgaria il 12, la Repubblica Ceca il 14, la Polonia il 20 (ma se ne parlava da oltre un mese), la Slovacchia il 25 (e con quest’ultimo annuncio il gruppo di Visegrád era al completo). Sempre a novembre anche Israele si è tirato fuori, dando le stesse ragioni dell’Australia e dell’Ungheria, mentre la Svizzera ha annunciato che non parteciperà all’incontro di Marrakech perché prenderà una decisione solo dopo la fine dei dibattiti parlamentari sul Global compact.

      Ci sono poi dei paesi che potrebbero approvare il documento, allegandovi però una “explanation of position”, una nota che preciserà l’interpretazione del Global compact. È quanto ha annunciato il governo neerlandese, al quale potrebbero unirsi i governi di Danimarca, Estonia, Norvegia e Regno Unito (dove una petizione contro il Global compact ha superato le centomila firme). Un altro paese indeciso è la Nuova Zelanda, che tuttavia sembra propendere per l’approvazione, mentre un caso a parte è quello del Belgio, che sulla questione del Global compact rischia la crisi di governo.

      Il caso del Belgio
      Dal 2014 il Belgio è guidato da una coalizione che per la prima volta, e per ben quattro anni finora, è riuscita a tenere insieme da un lato i liberali francofoni e fiamminghi (Mr e OpenVld) e i cristianodemocratici fiamminghi (Cd&V) e, dall’altro, i nazionalisti fiamminghi della N-Va, alla loro prima esperienza in un governo federale. In questi anni non sono mancate le tensioni, ma la coalizione non è mai stata così vicina alla rottura. Il 14 novembre un portavoce di Theo Francken (N-Va), segretario di stato alle politiche di asilo e migrazione, ha dichiarato che il paese non avrebbe firmato il documento, mettendo in imbarazzo il primo ministro liberale Charles Michel, che il 27 settembre aveva detto l’esatto contrario davanti all’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite.

      Da allora è stato tutto un frenetico susseguirsi di accuse, smentite, rivelazioni e minacce. Il 30 novembre il quotidiano Le Soir ha pubblicato un documento dell’11 ottobre “che prova che la N-Va era favorevole al Global compact”. Ma, come riferisce il quotidiano, il ministero dell’interno ha ammesso “che la percezione del Global compact a un certo punto si è ribaltata” e che “i dubbi dell’Austria hanno provocato” quelli della N-Va. Il giornalista Bernard Demonty ricorda poi che Francken “aveva avanzato delle riserve sul documento prima del no dell’Austria, al vertice di Sofia nel gennaio del 2018 e poi in diverse altre occasioni. Ma, in seguito alle modifiche del documento, il segretario di stato aveva finito per dare il suo accordo, il che spiega il silenzio della N-Va. Fino a quando l’Austria si è ritirata”.

      Secondo il politologo Dave Sinardet, intervistato dall’agenzia Rtbf, “la crisi dev’essere analizzata alla luce delle elezioni locali del 14 ottobre: ‘La N-Va ha perso dei voti a vantaggio del Vlaams belang – formazione di estrema destra – e il partito sembra voler mettere ancora di più in primo piano la questione migratoria’”. Tanto più che mancano ormai meno di sei mesi alle prossime elezioni federali.

      Dietro le quinte dei negoziati
      Sarebbe riduttivo dire che il Global compact ha diviso l’Europa, perché sono anni che l’Unione europea è spaccata sulla questione migratoria o, meglio, che ogni stato membro – con più o meno disprezzo per i diritti fondamentali dei migranti – cerca di mantenere il controllo delle sue politiche migratorie. Prima ancora che finissero i negoziati sul testo del Global compact, la Commissione europea aveva capito che l’adozione del documento da parte di tutti gli stati membri non era affatto scontata. Il 21 marzo 2018 aveva presentato una proposta in base alla quale la Commissione avrebbe potuto approvare il Global compact per conto dell’Unione europea, proposta respinta dal Consiglio dell’Ue.

      Da quando il Global compact è finito nel mirino dei sovranisti, le Nazioni Unite hanno risposto alle critiche avanzando principalmente due argomenti. Il primo è che il testo non è vincolante. Si tratta di un argomento discutibile, perché anche i trattati non vincolanti, dal momento in cui sono adottati, entrano a far parte degli strumenti che possono orientare non solo le politiche nazionali ma anche le decisioni dei tribunali. Soprattutto, però, non si capisce perché un partito come la Lega o la N-Va dovrebbe approvare un testo di cui non condivide alcuni princìpi, a prescindere dalla sua natura. Insistendo sul carattere non vincolante del documento, i suoi difensori sembrano sminuirne l’importanza. E se non è importante, perché approvarlo?

      Su alcuni punti il documento invita i governi a fare perfino meno di quanto già previsto dal diritto europeo

      L’altro argomento è che, contrariamente a quanto sostenuto dagli avversari del Global compact, quest’ultimo non favorisce “l’immigrazione selvaggia”. Per convincersene basterebbe leggere, oltre al documento stesso, le versioni prodotte nel corso dei negoziati, partendo dalla bozza iniziale. Lo ha fatto un gruppo di studiosi coordinati da Elspeth Guild, docente di legge alla Queen Mary university di Londra, e da Tugba Basaran, ricercatrice del Centre for global human movement dell’università di Cambridge.

      Analizzando l’evoluzione del testo, obiettivo per obiettivo, gli autori osservano che il documento finale è molto meno ambizioso della bozza iniziale. Tra i punti eliminati ci sono per esempio il divieto della detenzione dei minori e il riferimento alle procedure di regolarizzazione. L’importanza del ricongiungimento familiare è stata ridimensionata nella versione finale. Vari obiettivi, sottolineano gli autori, non dicono nulla che non sia già stabilito altrove (perché, anche se alcuni politici europei sembrano ignorarlo, la legge riconosce dei diritti ai migranti, perfino a quelli in soggiorno irregolare).

      Su alcuni punti il documento invita i governi a fare perfino meno di quanto già previsto dal diritto europeo. Per esempio, riguardo all’obiettivo 5 – “migliorare la flessibilità e la disponibilità delle vie legali per migrare” – Kees Groenendijk, docente all’università di Radboud, nei Paesi Bassi, osserva: “Dopo l’eliminazione dei riferimenti al diritto al ricongiungimento familiare e alla conversione flessibile del tipo di visti, il livello di ambizione del testo è chiaramente inferiore ai diritti che le attuali direttive europee già riconoscono ai migranti originari di paesi esterni all’Ue. Il Global compact potrebbe quindi essere usato per giustificare delle politiche migratorie più restrittive”.

      Come spiega Elsepth Guild in un altro articolo, pubblicato ad aprile insieme alla ricercatrice Katharine T. Weatherhead, durante i negoziati la delegazione dell’Unione europea ha insistito perché fosse messo l’accento su alcuni punti: la distinzione tra migranti e rifugiati e tra migranti regolari e irregolari; la prevenzione della cosiddetta migrazione irregolare; la responsabilità degli stati di origine dei migranti nel quadro di rimpatri e riammissioni. Tuttavia, osserva Guild, non esiste nessuna base legale evidente nel diritto internazionale per sostenere che gli stati hanno l’obbligo di riammettere i loro cittadini espulsi da un altro paese. Durante i negoziati, l’Unione europea avrebbe quindi tentato, con successo, “di creare, senza sforzi e su scala globale, un’intesa sull’obbligo legale di riammissione”.

      Sulla pelle dei migranti
      Tutto questo però non interessa ai partiti sovranisti e xenofobi. Gli stati, in particolare quelli di destinazione, hanno a lungo rifiutato di discutere di gestione delle migrazioni in un contesto multilaterale. In un articolo del 2017 intitolato “The history of global migration governance”, Alexander Betts e Lena Kains, del Refugee studies centre dell’università di Oxford, ricordano che ci sono voluti anni di iniziative, rapporti e discussioni più o meno formali per arrivare alla dichiarazione di New York sui migranti e i rifugiati del 2016 e poi al Global compact sull’immigrazione.

      I negoziati, com’era da prevedersi, si sono conclusi con un documento ispirato più alla chiusura dell’Unione europea che alle posizioni progressiste dei paesi dell’America Latina, ma a pochi mesi dalle elezioni europee (e, per alcuni stati membri dell’Ue, delle elezioni politiche) la tentazione è troppo forte: il Global compact è un ottimo pretesto per cominciare a fare campagna elettorale. Forse le Nazioni Unite avrebbero fatto meglio a non dare troppo peso ai governi che si sono ritirati, invece di offrire loro l’occasione di strumentalizzare il dibattito, ancora una volta sulla pelle dei migranti.


    • Le Pacte mondial pour les migrations : des polémiques et des avancées

      Les 10 et 11 décembre 2018 se tient à Marrakech (Maroc) une conférence sous l’égide des Nations unies afin d’adopter le Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières Élaboré dans une certaine indifférence depuis 2016, ce Pacte a fait l’objet, tout au long de l’automne 2018, d’une intense politisation et de polémiques virulentes. Pourtant, il suffit de lire ce document pour se rendre compte du caractère modéré de son contenu – du moins par rapport à ses ambitions initiales.

      Comment, dès lors, expliquer le rejet qu’il suscite, et quelle sera l’influence de ce Pacte onusien sur les politiques migratoires nationales ?
      Prendre la mesure de l’enjeu migratoire global

      Selon ses propres termes, l’ONU a pour mission de « prendre des mesures pour résoudre un grand nombre de problèmes auxquels est confrontée l’humanité au XXIème siècle ». Les migrations constituent, à n’en pas douter, un de ces « problèmes ». Qu’il s’agisse des Vénézuéliens fuyant la crise économique dans leur pays, des Honduriens de la « caravane » de migrants bloqués à la frontière entre les États-Unis et le Mexique, des réfugiés Rohingyas qui se sont échappés de Birmanie pour s’installer au Bangladesh, ou encore des dizaines de milliers de migrants noyés en Méditerranée : partout dans le monde, les migrations suscitent crises humanitaires, surenchères sécuritaires et rejets politiques.

      L’intérêt de l’ONU pour les migrations n’est pas nouveau. Dès 2003, Kofi Annan, alors Secrétaire général des Nations unies et fervent partisan de la cause des migrants, met sur pied la Commission mondiale sur les migrations internationales. En 2006 et 2013 sont organisés deux Dialogues de haut niveau sur les migrations dans le cadre de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, tandis qu’un Forum mondial sur la migration et le développement est organisé annuellement depuis 2007.

      L’objectif de ces réunions multilatérales est d’élaborer des recommandations politiques à destination des États afin de « résoudre » les problèmes posés par les migrations. La crise des migrants dans la région euro-méditerranéenne a accéléré ce processus, avec l’organisation en 2016 d’un Sommet de l’ONU sur les migrations, à l’issue duquel fut prise la décision de préparer le « Pacte de Marrakech ».

      Ce Pacte a été finalisé en juillet 2018, en vue d’une adoption formelle en décembre 2018. C’est avant tout l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) qui a été à la manœuvre, tandis que le Haut-Commissariat aux Réfugiés (HCR) est en parallèle chargé d’un autre Pacte, le Pacte pour les réfugiés, qui semble aujourd’hui en retrait par rapport à celui sur les migrations.
      Objectif : concilier l’inconciliable

      Le caractère feutré de ces débats ne doit pas masquer le caractère périlleux de la tâche. Les migrations constituent un enjeu sensible et les États, très attachés à leur souveraineté, sont réticents à l’élaboration de normes internationales qui viendraient contraindre leurs politiques.

      De plus, les gouvernements n’ont pas les mêmes intérêts ni le même agenda. Ainsi, si le contrôle des frontières est une priorité pour les pays occidentaux, ce n’est pas le cas pour les pays du Sud, qui ont au contraire besoin de l’émigration pour soulager leur marché du travail et contribuer à leur développement. De même, les pays du Nord cherchent à attirer les migrants qualifiés (ingénieurs, professionnels de santé, etc.), alors que ce sont précisément ces derniers que les pays du Sud souhaiteraient retenir chez eux.

      A ces divergences entre États s’ajoutent les critiques d’acteurs non-étatiques, comme les employeurs désireux d’avoir accès à une main d’œuvre étrangère, ou les ONG remontées contre les politiques sécuritaires des pays occidentaux et les violations des droits des migrants.

      De manière plus générale, les pistes avancées par l’ONU se heurtent aux dilemmes presque insurmontables que pose la gouvernance des migrations dans le monde actuel. Comment concilier une économie libérale de marché, fondée sur la circulation du capital et du travail, avec les impératifs de sécurité et de contrôle des frontières ? Comment protéger les droits sociaux des migrants dans des économies dérégulées qui prospèrent sur l’exploitation des travailleurs étrangers ? Comment faire respecter les droits fondamentaux des migrants, et notamment l’article 13 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme qui proclame le droit de quitter son pays, avec le respect de la souveraineté des États ?

      On conçoit que, face à la difficulté de la tâche, l’ONU se réfugie dans un discours aseptisé et parfois ambigu. Le titre du Pacte est éloquent. On ne parle pas de « contrôle » des migrations, mais de migrations « ordonnées » et « régulières ». L’ONU se démarque ainsi de l’obsession sécuritaire des pays riches et envisage des migrations de travail légales, lesquelles bénéficieraient tant aux pays riches – dont la population vieillit et qui manquent de main d’œuvre dans certains secteurs économiques – qu’aux pays de départ qui y trouvent un levier de développement.
      Un pacte non contraignant

      De même, la notion de migrations « sûres » implique la nécessité de protéger les migrants, dans un contexte où nombre d’entre eux perdent la vie en tentant de franchir des frontières, mais sans pour autant insister sur les droits des migrants (comme le droit d’asile), que les États occidentaux perçoivent comme un obstacle à leur souveraineté et à leur volonté d’expulser les migrants.

      Parmi les 23 objectifs affichés par le Pacte de Marrakech se trouvent d’autres enjeux consensuels, comme la lutte contre les causes profondes des migrations (sous-développement, changement climatique) ou le combat contre les « passeurs » et les « trafiquants » coupables d’exploiter les migrants et de les faire traverser les frontières dans des conditions dangereuses.

      C’est également en raison du caractère politiquement sensible que le Pacte, à l’instar des autres documents précédemment adoptés par l’ONU sur le sujet, est un instrument de soft law non-contraignant : il se contente d’énoncer des principes sans obliger juridiquement les États à les mettre en œuvre. On est donc très loin du fantasme d’un « droit de l’homme à la migration » véhiculé par les opposants au Pacte.
      Une fronde inattendue des États

      Mais rien n’y fait : malgré une recherche constante de consensus, le Pacte ploie sous les critiques et semble aujourd’hui davantage creuser les clivages que faciliter la coopération.

      Tout a commencé en décembre 2017, avec le retrait des États-Unis. Cette décision de Donald Trump n’était pas réellement une surprise, étant donné son hostilité à l’égard du multilatéralisme et la tonalité anti-migrants de sa campagne électorale. Mais loin d’être isolé, ce retrait fut suivi d’une spectaculaire cascade d’autres décisions similaires. En novembre 2018, Israël, l’Australie, la Hongrie, la Pologne, la Slovaquie et l’Autriche ont ainsi imité les États-Unis. Étonnement, d’autres Etats-clés du multilatéralisme se posent la question de leur retrait, comme la Belgique ou la Suisse.

      Partout, l’argument est le même : l’ONU empêcherait les États de contrôler leurs frontières, entraverait leur souveraineté et conduirait à un afflux incontrôlable de migrants. Le Pacte est pourtant très clair : il prévoit que les États gèrent leurs frontières « selon le principe de la souveraineté nationale », en « prévenant la migration irrégulière » et « dans le respect des obligations prévues par le droit international »..

      Il respecte donc le droit des États à déterminer leurs politiques migratoires et à contrôler leurs frontières – ce qui est naturel si on considère que l’ONU est une organisation intergouvernementale qui répond aux États, et que le Pacte a fait l’objet de consultations approfondies avec l’ensemble des gouvernements de la planète. Lorsque le Pacte énonce des principes contraignants, comme le respect du droit international, il ne fait que rappeler des obligations auxquelles les États se sont de toute manière déjà astreints.

      Cette fronde est inattendue. En général, les États européens sont parmi les « bons élèves » à l’ONU et soutiennent, tant financièrement que politiquement, les efforts de cette organisation. De plus, les arguments des États récalcitrants sont infondés et surtout, le Pacte étant en gestation depuis 2016 et sa version définitive connue depuis juillet 2018, les gouvernements auraient aisément pu faire valoir leurs arguments plus tôt.

      Certains États ont même joué un rôle clé dans la préparation du Pacte : c’est le cas de la Suisse, très active sur le sujet, mais le travail mesuré et discret des diplomates helvétiques a volé en éclats lorsqu’il a été confronté à un climat politique dominé par les populistes et la méfiance à l’égard des étrangers.

      Le Pacte fait aussi l’objet d’une politisation à des fins électorales. Ce week-end, en Belgique, la N-VA flamande a claqué la porte du gouvernement fédéral pour officiellement s’opposer à la signature du Pacte par le premier ministre Charles Michel. En réalité, elle mobilise une nouvelle fois une rhétorique anti-migratoire pour se préparer aux élections fédérales de mai prochain.

      En France, dans un contexte social agité, le gouvernement dépêchera le secrétaire d’État aux Affaires étrangères pour le signer alors que les réseaux sociaux bruissent de rumeurs fantaisistes sur le Pacte et que Marine Le Pen dénonçait samedi ce « Pacte avec le diable », aux côtés de Steve Bannon et de ses amis du Mouvement pour l’Europe des nations et des libertés (MENL) avec en ligne de mire les élections européennes.
      Un pacte sans ambition ?

      A l’image d’Amnesty International, la société civile pointe, quant à elle, les insuffisances du Pacte et regrette que les États ne se soient pas montrés plus ambitieux : le Pacte justifierait des pratiques comme l’enfermement des migrants et ne défendrait pas assez les droits des migrants. En revanche, les États du Sud restent favorables au Pacte, à l’instar du Maroc, qui organise la conférence à Marrakech.

      L’ONU était, jusqu’à présent, parvenue à contourner l’hostilité à l’égard des migrants qui caractérise un grand nombre de ses États-membres. Depuis près de vingt ans, elle s’activait à développer ses propositions en matière de politiques migratoires qui, malgré leur tiédeur, n’en avait pas moins le mérite de proposer une autre lecture des migrations, axée au moins autant sur la sécurité que sur les droits de l’homme ou le développement. La relative indifférence qui entourait ce processus la protégeait des polémiques, mais au prix d’un décalage grandissant entre ses positions et celles qui dominent le débat public, et au détriment de son influence sur les politiques migratoires des États.

      La donne est clairement en train de changer. Il faudra beaucoup de courage politique à l’ONU et aux États qui soutiennent le Pacte pour affirmer la nécessité d’un changement de politique. On peut craindre que ce courage vienne à manquer et que les critiques à l’égard du Pacte ne sonnent le glas des initiatives de l’ONU.

      Toutefois, la politisation de ce Pacte a le mérite de mettre les États face à leurs responsabilités : à Marrakech, les 10 et 11 décembre, ils auront l’opportunité d’affirmer leur volonté d’ancrer les politiques migratoires dans les valeurs cardinales de la communauté internationale… ou d’offrir aux opposants des migrations une nouvelle victoire symbolique et politique.


    • The Global Cop-Out on Refugees

      During the drafting of the 1951 Refugee Convention, a non-governmental observer – clearly frustrated by the difficulty of securing firm commitments to protect refugees – commented that:

      decisions had at times given the impression that it was a conference for the protection of helpless sovereign states against the wicked refugee. The draft Convention had at times been in danger of appearing to the refugee like the menu at an expensive restaurant, with every course crossed out except, perhaps, the soup, and a footnote to the effect that even the soup might not be served in certain circumstances.1

      Despite Mr Rees’ pessimistic assessment, two of three key elements of a binding and powerful commitment to refugees were ultimately secured in the Refugee Convention. First, States agreed to a common definition of refugee status, which has largely withstood the test of time. Secondly, and equally importantly, they committed themselves to what remains an extraordinary catalogue of refugee rights – sensibly oriented to the economic empowerment of refugees, yet flexible enough to take real account of the circumstances of the States to which they flee. The major failing of the Convention, however, was the absence of agreement on a third key element: a common operational mechanism, in particular one that would ensure that protection burdens and responsibilities are fairly shared among States.2

      Mr Rees’ unhappy restaurant menu metaphor would actually be more apt to describe the recently completed effort to respond to the missing third (operational) pillar of the Convention: the Global Compact on Refugees (Refugee Compact)3 and its companion Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF).4 Despite the grand objective of moving beyond particularized duties to ‘provide a basis for predictable and equitable burden- and responsibility-sharing’5 among States, what we’ve been offered is very much a menu of possibly wonderful courses (we’re not sure, however, since the descriptions are vague). Indeed, this is not really a menu so much as an indication of items that might (or might not) be available on a given day. In fact, this is not really even a (quasi-) menu for a restaurant; it’s more about what might be offered in a special function dining hall that will only open if a truly large group of hungry people arrives (although we’re not sure how many have to show up before the chef and serving staff will come in to work). In short, this is not the menu for a restaurant that you’d want to count on when making plans to dine.
