• Face à la hausse des arrivées irrégulières, Chypre annonce la suspension des demandes d’asile de Syriens

    Les autorités chypriotes ont annoncé dimanche la suspension du traitement des demandes d’asile des Syriens. Le président #Nikos_Christodoulides a évoqué « une mesure d’urgence » face à la forte hausse des arrivées irrégulières sur l’île, principalement depuis le Liban voisin.

    « Il s’agit d’une mesure d’urgence, d’une décision difficile à prendre pour protéger les intérêts de Chypre », a déclaré dimanche 14 avril le président chypriote Nikos Christodoulides lors de l’annonce de la suspension des demandes d’asile de Syriens dans le pays.

    Le gouvernement chypriote a pris cette décision en réaction à une forte augmentation des arrivées irrégulières ce mois-ci sur l’île. Plus de 1 000 personnes sont arrivées à Chypre sur des bateaux en provenance du Liban depuis le début du mois d’avril, dans un contexte d’aggravation des tensions au Moyen-Orient.

    Nicosie a donc demandé à ses partenaires de l’Union européenne (UE) de faire davantage pour aider le Liban et de reconsidérer le statut de la #Syrie - jusqu’à aujourd’hui déchirée par la guerre et considérée trop dangereuse pour y rapatrier les demandeurs d’asile.

    Nikos Christodoulides et la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, ont discuté de la possibilité de renforcer l’aide économique attribuée à Beyrouth, a indiqué un porte-parole du gouvernement chypriote dans un communiqué. À cette fin, il a été convenu qu’ils se rendraient ensemble au Liban après une visite préparatoire de la Commission.

    Le #Liban, en proie à une grave crise financière, accueille des centaines de milliers de réfugiés syriens. Et les arrivées ne cessent de se poursuivre, les Syriens continuant à quitter leur pays désormais en proie à une très grave crise économique.

    Chypre, l’État le plus à l’est de l’UE et le plus proche du Moyen-Orient, se trouve à environ 160 km à l’ouest des côtes libanaises ou syriennes. L’île a enregistré plus de 2 000 arrivées par voie maritime au cours des trois premiers mois de l’année, contre seulement 78 au cours de la même période en 2023.

    Une mise en application encore floue

    Dans la pratique, la suspension du traitement des demandes signifie que les demandeurs d’asile pourront déposer un dossier mais qu’il ne sera pas traité.

    Ils seront confinés dans deux camps d’accueil qui fournissent un abri, de la nourriture, et réglementent les sorties, sans autre avantage.

    Ceux qui choisissent de quitter ces installations perdront automatiquement toute forme d’aide et ne seront pas autorisés à travailler, ont indiqué des sources gouvernementales.

    Pour Corinna Drousiotou, coordinatrice de l’ONG Cyprus Refugee Council interrogée par InfoMigrants, la décision du gouvernement chypriote concernant les demandeurs d’asile syriens ne repose sur aucune base légale. Par ailleurs, « il n’est pas encore clair de savoir comment les autorités vont appliquer cette décision […] Mais, nous ne pensons pas qu’elle parvienne à réduire les arrivées de réfugiés car ils ne sont généralement pas au courant de ce type de décision et les passeurs ne les en informent pas », souligne-t-elle.

    La responsable met également en garde : la mesure risque au contraire d’aggraver la crise de l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile, les deux seuls centres d’hébergement de l’île n’ayant que des capacités d’accueil limitées. Or, de plus en plus de demandeurs d’asile syriens risquent de se retrouver bloqués dans ces centres si leurs demandes d’asile ne sont pas examinées.

    En 2022, une décision similaire avait déjà été prise pour tenter de limiter les arrivées de Syriens à Chypre. Mais, selon Corinna Drousiotou, elle n’avait eu aucun effet sur le nombre d’arrivées.


    #Chypre #asile #migrations #réfugiés #statistiques #chiffres #2024 #réfugiés_syriens

    • Des centaines de migrants syriens refoulés par Chypre et renvoyés au Liban

      Plusieurs bateaux de migrants syriens ont été bloqués par les #gardes-côtes et la police chypriotes, selon des sources concordantes. Certains ont été renvoyés au Liban, d’autres dérivent en mer dans le plus grand dénuement.

      Les Libanais ne veulent pas de nous et les Chypriotes nous renvoient ici, alors que faire ? » s’exclame Bassem*, frère d’un passager de l’un des bateaux partis du Liban-Nord vers Chypre depuis plusieurs jours et renvoyé à son point de départ après une traversée infernale en Méditerranée.

      Plusieurs centaines de personnes, en majorité syriennes, ayant tenté de rejoindre Chypre de manière irrégulière depuis le Liban ont été interceptées dans les eaux territoriales chypriotes en début de semaine par la police et les gardes-côtes, selon des sources concordantes. Une partie d’entre elles ont été renvoyées mercredi vers le Liban, dans un contexte de raidissement de la politique migratoire et de montée du racisme antisyrien dans les deux pays.

      Raflé au Liban, refoulé à Chypre

      Il est pour l’instant difficile de quantifier avec certitude le nombre de ces candidats malheureux à l’exil. Mais une chose est sûre, ils sont nombreux. Un média chypriote évoque cinq embarcations transportant 500 migrants, tandis que l’ONG Alarm Phone, qui soutient les personnes traversant la mer Méditerranée, assure sur son compte X (anciennement Twitter) être en contact avec les passagers de quatre bateaux et dénonce le refus du Centre commun de coordination des opérations de sauvetage chypriote (JRCC) de lancer une opération de sauvetage.

      Dérivant dans les eaux territoriales chypriotes depuis le 12 avril, « d’aucuns sont malades, ils n’ont plus de nourriture, d’eau et d’essence pour poursuivre leur voyage », écrit Alarm Phone mardi. Parmi eux, des passagers affirment que la police chypriote les a menacés avec des armes à feu en leur disant de rentrer en Syrie. « Les derniers jours ont été un cauchemar pour eux. Nous sommes accablés par le refus des autorités de leur venir en aide », témoigne Anja, membre d’Alarm Phone.

      Bassem, lui, assure que huit embarcations sont parties du Liban : cinq continueraient de dériver en mer tandis que trois auraient fait le chemin inverse vers le Liban. Parti lundi, son frère Ziad* a fait cet aller-retour cauchemardesque pour la somme de 2 650 dollars. Vivant depuis plus de dix ans au Liban où il travaille à Jounieh comme réparateur de climatiseurs, le jeune homme de 28 ans a subitement décidé de remettre son destin dans les mains des passeurs après avoir été victime d’une rafle raciste. « Après la mort de Pascal Sleiman (responsable des Forces libanaises pour la région de Jbeil), mon frère raccompagnait notre soeur à Ghazir, avec son époux et un cousin, quand ils se sont fait tabasser par les
      autoproclamés “Gardiens de Ghazir”. Ils n’ont même pas pu aller à l’hôpital car il était interdit aux Syriens de se déplacer. C’est la goutte d’eau qui l’a décidé à partir pour Chypre », relate-t-il.

      Peur de « mourir de faim »

      Mais son rêve d’exil échoue à quelques milles des côtes chypriotes. « Ils sont arrivés hier à 10h du matin dans les eaux territoriales chypriotes, mais les gardes-côtes les ont bloqués pendant deux jours. Puis ils leur ont donné de l’essence, de l’eau et de la nourriture et les ont renvoyés vers le Liban », dit-il. Mercredi, plusieurs photos et vidéos circulent sur les réseaux sociaux montrant des femmes, des hommes et des enfants débarquant d’un bateau de pêche en bois à Mina, la ville portuaire accolée à Tripoli. Sur ces images, ils expliquent avoir été refoulés par les gardes-côtes chypriotes.

      Selon Mohammad Sablouh, avocat membre de l’ONG Cedar Center for Legal Studies, l’un des trois bateaux arrivés au Liban est détenu par l’armée, avec le risque que ses passagers soient déportés en Syrie. Interrogé, le porte-parole de l’armée n’a pas apporté d’éléments sur ce sujet. Or, selon Bassem, « beaucoup sont recherchés par le régime, soit pour être enrôlés dans l’armée, soit parce qu’ils font partie de l’opposition ».

      Le sort des passagers qui ne sont pas retournés au Liban inquiète aussi Alarm Phone. Sur le réseau X, l’ONG affirme que certains lui « disent craindre de mourir de faim ». D’autres rapportent que le JRCC « leur a dit qu’ils n’atteindraient jamais Chypre et qu’ils devaient retourner en Syrie ». « Cela constitue une violation de la Convention relative au statut des réfugiés et met leur vie en danger », poursuit l’ONG, qui dénonce « un jeu cruel entre le Liban et Chypre », aux dépens du droit d’asile des personnes tentant la traversée irrégulière. « C’est du refoulement et cela est prohibé quoi qu’il arrive. Chypre, comme l’ensemble des États membres de l’UE, doit respecter le principe de non-refoulement qui est la pierre angulaire du droit d’asile », réagit Brigitte Espuche, co-coordinatrice du réseau Migreurop.

      Confrontées à un pic d’arrivées de demandeurs d’asile syriens depuis le Liban, les autorités de l’État insulaire ont exhorté début avril le Liban à ne pas « exporter » son problème migratoire. Le 15 avril, Nicosie a décidé de suspendre tout traitement des demandes d’asile de Syriens. « Nous l’avons appris tandis que mon frère était déjà avec les passeurs. Sinon, il ne serait jamais parti », soupire Bassem. Selon Brigitte Espuche, « le nombre de demandeurs d’asile ne peut justifier une réduction de l’accueil et de la protection, c’est absolument illégal ».

      Après avoir signé en 2020 un protocole d’accord secret avec le Liban visant à freiner les départs et faciliter les retours des candidats à la migration, Chypre cherche désormais à obtenir un accord officiel sur les migrants entre l’Union européenne et le Liban. L’objectif du lobbying de Nicosie ? Convaincre les Européens qu’il existe des « zones sécurisées » à l’intérieur de la Syrie où les réfugiés pourraient être transférés. Les organisations internationales soulignent toutefois de nombreux cas de disparition forcée ou d’arrestation de réfugiés lors de leur retour en Syrie.

      *Les prénoms ont été modifiés pour des raisons de sécurité.

      #refoulements #renvois #expulsions

  • Nigerian students who fled war in Ukraine are being told to leave Europe

    Overseas students in Ukraine were granted a two-year stay in the EU when Russia invaded. Now their time is running out

    Olabisi* was out to get groceries during her post-graduate clinical rotations at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University in western Ukraine on the morning of 24 February 2022 when she heard loud bangs. Then came breaking news alerts: Russia was invading Ukraine. She rushed home to pack a few belongings.

    “In the course of moving, I lost my certificates and even my passport,” she said.

    She headed towards the border between Ukraine and Romania with hundreds of thousands of others. Thankfully, with her Ukrainian ID card, she was allowed passage. From Romania, she travelled by train to the Netherlands, along with other students whose lives had just been uprooted.

    Olabisi chose the Netherlands because – like a number of western European countries – it had announced plans to take in people displaced from the Ukraine war, and she had heard it was cheaper and more welcoming than others.

    In 2022, the European Union activated a rule called a Temporary Protection Directive, granting those fleeing war a stay for up to two years – until March 4, 2024. In mid 2023, the Netherlands decided that non-Ukrainian citizens or “third world nationals with temporary residence” must leave a year earlier than previously announced. They – most of them students – brought a collective case against the Dutch government insisting that they be allowed to stay the allotted time. The Council of State, the Netherlands’ highest administrative court, agreed.

    But now time is running out for Olabisi and those like her. Roughly 2,200 people from different nationalities are said to be affected. (Students interviewed for this story say they prefer their luck in Europe over the option of returning to Nigeria, where they consider the academic system sub-par and prone to interruptions.)

    Olabisi is one of an estimated 4,000 Nigerian students who had been studying in Ukraine before the war. The eastern European country had attracted African students, particularly medical students, partly due to the relatively low costs of studying and partly as a product of student exchange programmes dating back to the former Soviet Union’s investment in African countries.

    Olabisi and other students say that, to make matters worse, the Nigerian government has not adequately intervened via its embassies to help them.

    They say Nigeria has left them in limbo, just as it did with the 1,625 Nigerian students in Ukraine who were finally evacuated to Nigeria in July 2022, four and a half months after the war broke out.
    Nigerian diplomats missing in action, in Europe?

    The Nigerian mission in the Netherlands disputes this. Eniola Ajayi, Nigeria’s ambassador to The Hague, told openDemocracy: “All the reprieve that students got in the Netherlands was due to my efforts… I have helped them as much as is possible within my capacity. This is the truth.”

    The embassy claimed the mission housed some “families at the Guest Chalet of [Ajayi’s] Residence until they were able to get alternative accommodation” and cash assistance was given to others. The embassy also mentioned the case of a depressed student who was sent back to Nigeria for medical treatment.

    The mission said it had given Nigerian nationals ample notice of the Dutch government’s intentions. To stay beyond the March 2024 deadline, the Dutch government has advised students to either seek asylum if they could prove their lives would be at risk back home, or accept an independent offer of 5,000 euros to return there.

    Olabisi does not qualify for asylum as her life is not at risk in Nigeria but she doesn’t want to return to the country she left since she was 17. Now 30, she cannot imagine rebuilding her life again, especially as Nigeria experiences a steep economic decline.

    Nigerian government, still missing in action

    While the Nigerian government backs the return of students who are currently abroad, there is no safety net for those who do so, the students claim.

    Wasiu Sidiq, 21, was studying at Lviv National Medical University when the war broke out and he was evacuated. When he returned to Nigeria, he attempted to continue his studies remotely – but stopped when the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria said it would not recognise medical certificates issued for online study.

    The government claimed it was providing an option for the evacuated students to continue their education in Nigerian universities instead. The Foreign Affairs Ministry published a call-out on its website asking concerned students to register towards being placed locally – but the website link never worked and no students could register.

    Sidiq, frustrated, decided to return to Europe, where he headed for Lisbon and is currently working in customer services for 890 euros a month. He tried to start uni there, but does not speak Portuguese and so has been unable to.

    “If I don’t go to work, I cannot eat or pay my rent,” he said. “So I don’t have the time to go to the language class. All of us are just doing that.”

    Sidiq claims students have tried to contact the Nigerian embassy in Lisbon for assistance with resettlement and negotiations on residence permits.

    “They have not responded to us at all,” he said. “The embassy is not working. I have to leave Portugal to go and renew my passport.”

    openDemocracy approached the Nigerian embassy in Lisbon for comment. A consular assistant insisted the embassy could only respond in person, in a physical meeting. Written questions and requests for a virtual meeting were ignored. Repeated requests were also made to Aminu Tanko, head of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora and the Abuja office of the Nigerian in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM). The latter promised a response that did not come.

    Consular failures, according to John Osuntokun, a professor and former Nigerian ambassador to Germany, are largely due to lack of priority.

    “It is a large country and there are so many issues waiting for attention and this situation is going to be the least important to them,” he said. “My advice to them will be to come home.”

    Osuntokun said standard practice is for complaints from Nigeria’s foreign missions to be relayed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for advice.

    Asked if the ministry had received any such requests from the embassy, the foreign ministry spokesperson told openDemocracy: “The ministry has not received any such complaints.”

    Two years into the war and with fate hanging in the balance, experts believe there is little the embassies can offer now. “Consular services are not services that provide long-term solutions; they are supposed to provide immediate help and assistance,” said Matthew Ayibakuro, a governance adviser at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Nigeria.


    #étudiants #Ukraine #guerre #guerre_en_Ukraine #réfugiés_ukrainiens #réfugiés_d'Ukraine #Nigeria #Europe #étudiants_nigérians


    ajouté à ce fil de discussion:
    Non-white refugees fleeing Ukraine detained in EU immigration facilities

  • Egypt to create a gated high-security area in the reception of Palestinian refugees from #Gaza

    The Sinai Foundation obtained information through a relevant source that indicates that the construction work currently taking place in eastern Sinai, is intended to create a high-security gated and isolated area near the borders with Gaza strip, in preparation for the reception of Palestinian refugees in the case of the mass exodus of the citizens of Gaza Strip.

    The foundation interviewed two local contractors who said that local construction companies had been commissioned this construction work by Ibrahim Al-Arjani - A close businessman to the authorities - Abnaa Sinai For Construction & Building, who had been directly assigned the commission through the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority. The construction work is intended to build a gated area, surrounded by 7-meter-high walls. After the removal of the rubble of the houses of the indigenous people of Rafah, who were displaced forcibly and their houses demolished during the war against terrorism against ISIS.

    The area is expected to be levelled and ready in no more than 10 days. They said this information is being circulated in closed circuits to avoid publication, noting that the work is being done under the supervision of the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority under heavy security presence.

    Sinai Foundation published a report (https://sinaifhr.org/show/333) two days ago with exclusive images showing the Egyptian authorities starting rapid construction on the border area of eastern Sinai. Additionally, this morning the Institution’s team observed the building of a cement wall of 7 meters in height starting at a point in Qoz Abo Raad village south of Rafah city, directed towards the Mediterranean Sea north, parallel to the border with Gaza Strip.

    In an interview with Mr Mohannad Sabry, a researcher specialising in Sinai and Egyptian security, he said:

    The construction works that started early Monday, February 12 have its eastern borders lying between a point southern of the Rafah border crossing and another southern of the Kerem Shalom border crossing, while its western borders lie between Qoz Abo Raad village and El-Masora village. Military intelligence officers are present as well as the ‘Fursan Al-Haitham’ militia that stems from the Sinai Tribal coalition headed by businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, near the Qoz Abo Raad area south of the city of Rafah, along with construction tools, bulldozers and local contractors.


    #Palestine #réfugiés #Egypte #Sinai #Sinaï #réfugiés_palestiniens #Ibrahim_Al-Arjani #Abnaa_Sinai_For_Construction #infrastructure #Egyptian_Armed_Forces_Engineering_Authority #murs #camps_de_réfugiés #camp_fermé #Rafah #Qoz_Abo_Raad #El-Masora #Fursan_Al-Haitham

    voir aussi ce fil de discussion :
    #Israël serait déjà en contact avec plusieurs pays pour y expulser les Gazaouis

    • Egypt building walled enclosure in Sinai for Rafah refugees, photos suggest

      Monitoring group releases evidence of work that appears intended to house Palestinians in event of Israeli assault on city

      Egypt has begun building an enclosed area ringed with high concrete walls along its border with Gaza that appears intended to house Palestinians fleeing a threatened Israeli assault on the southern city of Rafah.

      Photos and videos released by the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights (SFHR), a monitoring group, show workers using heavy machinery erecting concrete barriers and security towers around a strip of land on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing.

      The videos, dated 15 February, gave little indication of authorities installing water or other infrastructure. Satellite imagery released by Planet Labs on the same day shows cleared strips of land adjacent to the Gaza border.

      SFHR said on social media that the videos showed efforts to “establish an isolated area surrounded by walls on the border with the Gaza Strip, with the aim of receiving refugees in the event of a mass exodus”.

      Israel’s bombardment and ground invasion of Gaza since Hamas’s 7 October attacks have displaced an estimated 1.7 million people internally, according to the UN, most of them pushed south in recent weeks, with more than a million in Rafah, vastly swelling its prewar population of 280,000.

      Egyptian officials have repeatedly expressed alarm that Israel’s actions could force millions of Palestinians to attempt to flee across the border and into the Sinai, amid concern that those displaced may never be able to return. Egypt has pushed back against any suggestion, including from Israeli ministers, that Palestinians could flee into northern Sinai. The president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, and the foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, rejected what they called “the forced displacement of Palestinians from their land”.

      In a call late on Thursday, the US president, Joe Biden, again cautioned the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, against moving forward with a military operation in Rafah without a “credible and executable plan” to protect civilians. However, Netanyahu vowed early on Friday to reject “international dictates” on a long-term resolution of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians.

      Speaking at the Munich security conference, Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, said there were no plans to deport Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, and Israel would coordinate its plans for hundreds of thousands of refugees in the city of Rafah with Egypt.

      When asked where the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the city would go, Katz suggested that once Gaza’s second city, Khan Younis, had been cleared of Hamas fighters, they could return there or to the west of the enclave.

      Katz said: “We will deal [with] Rafah after we speak with Egypt about it. We’ll coordinate it, we have a peace accord with them and we will find a place which will not harm the Egyptians. We will coordinate everything and not harm their interests.”

      Egyptian officials have threatened to withdraw from Egypt’s landmark 1978 peace treaty with Israel in the event of an Israeli ground assault on Rafah. Airstrikes launched on Rafah on Monday in an Israeli operation to free two hostages killed at least 67 Palestinians, health authorities said.

      Egypt has extensively reinforced its border with Gaza using barbed wire and deployed 40 tanks and armoured personnel carriers to northern Sinai.

      Mohannad Sabry, an expert and author on the Sinai peninsula, said: “Egypt wants to portray this construction as a contingency, ready for an influx of Palestinians if that happens, but they have also reinforced the border fence over the past month making it unbreachable unless it is blown up or opened deliberately. If we look at how every refugee or prison camp has been built in the world, it’s exactly like this. If it looks like a prison [or] refugee camp then it probably is.”

      The north Sinai governor, Mohamed Abdel-Fadil Shousha, told the Saudi-owned TV news channel Al Arabiya that the border construction was intended to catalogue homes destroyed as part of the Egyptian military’s fight against jihadist militants and the decade-long operation in northern Sinai.

      He added: “Egypt is prepared for all scenarios in the event that Israel carries out military operations in the Palestinian border governorate.”

      Meanwhile, those with ties to the Egyptian state have profited from Palestinians desperately looking to flee. Palestinians have described paying $10,000 (£7,941) each to a network connected to the Egyptian authorities in order to leave Gaza by the Rafah crossing.

      Elsewhere, a gunman killed two people on Friday at a bus stop in southern Israel, authorities said, prompting Netanyahu to warn that the entire country was a frontline in the war.

      Four others were wounded in the shooting near the southern town of Kiryat Malakhi, Israeli police said.

      “We have raised a national level alert,” Israel’s police chief, Kobi Shabtai, told reporters at the site. He did not provide details on the attacker.

      Netanyahu said in a statement: “The murderers, who come not only from Gaza, want to kill us all. We will continue to fight until total victory, with all our might, on every front, everywhere, until we restore the security and quiet for all citizens of Israel.”


  • L’Égypte prépare une zone à la frontière de Gaza qui pourrait être utilisée pour abriter des Palestiniens - sources - 16/02/2024 | Zonebourse

    L’Égypte prépare une zone à la frontière de Gaza qui pourrait être utilisée pour abriter des Palestiniens

    L’Egypte prépare une zone à la frontière de Gaza qui pourrait accueillir des Palestiniens au cas où une offensive israélienne à Rafah provoquerait un exode à travers la frontière, ont déclaré quatre sources, dans ce qu’elles ont décrit comme une mesure d’urgence de la part du Caire.

    L’Égypte, qui a nié avoir entrepris de tels préparatifs, a maintes fois tiré la sonnette d’alarme quant à la possibilité que l’offensive dévastatrice d’Israël à Gaza déplace des Palestiniens dans le Sinaï - ce qui, selon le Caire, serait totalement inacceptable -, faisant écho aux mises en garde d’États arabes tels que la Jordanie.

    Les États-Unis ont déclaré à plusieurs reprises qu’ils s’opposeraient à tout déplacement de Palestiniens hors de Gaza.

    L’une des sources a déclaré que l’Égypte avait bon espoir que les pourparlers visant à conclure un cessez-le-feu permettraient d’éviter un tel scénario, mais qu’elle établissait la zone à la frontière à titre de mesure temporaire et de précaution.

    Trois sources de sécurité ont déclaré que l’Égypte avait commencé à préparer une zone désertique avec quelques installations de base qui pourraient être utilisées pour abriter les Palestiniens, soulignant qu’il s’agissait d’une mesure d’urgence.

    Les sources avec lesquelles Reuters s’est entretenu pour cet article ont refusé d’être nommées en raison du caractère sensible de la question.

    Israël a déclaré qu’il lancerait une offensive pour s’emparer du « dernier bastion » du Hamas à Rafah, où plus d’un million de Palestiniens ont trouvé refuge après son offensive dévastatrice à Gaza.

    Israël a déclaré que son armée élaborait un plan d’évacuation des civils de Rafah vers d’autres parties de la bande de Gaza.

    Toutefois, Martin Griffiths, responsable de l’aide humanitaire des Nations unies, a déclaré jeudi qu’il était « illusoire » de penser que les habitants de Gaza pourraient être évacués vers un lieu sûr et a mis en garde contre le risque de voir les Palestiniens se répandre en Égypte si Israël lançait une opération militaire à Rafah.

    Il a qualifié ce scénario de « cauchemar égyptien ».

    L’Égypte a présenté son opposition au déplacement des Palestiniens de Gaza comme faisant partie du rejet arabe plus large de toute répétition de la « Nakba », ou « catastrophe », lorsque quelque 700 000 Palestiniens ont fui ou ont été forcés de quitter leurs maisons lors de la guerre qui a entouré la création d’Israël en 1948.

    La première source a déclaré que la construction du camp avait commencé il y a trois ou quatre jours et qu’il offrirait un abri temporaire en cas de passage de la frontière « jusqu’à ce qu’une solution soit trouvée ».

    Interrogé sur les récits des sources, le chef du service d’information de l’État égyptien a déclaré : "Cela n’a aucun fondement dans la vérité : « Cela n’a aucun fondement. Nos frères palestiniens ont dit et l’Égypte a dit qu’il n’y avait pas de préparation à cette éventualité ».

    La Fondation du Sinaï pour les droits de l’homme, une organisation militante, a publié lundi des images montrant des camions de construction et des grues travaillant dans la zone, ainsi que des images de barrières en béton.

    Citant une source non identifiée, la Fondation du Sinaï a déclaré que les travaux de construction étaient destinés à créer une zone sécurisée en cas d’exode massif de Palestiniens.

    Reuters a pu confirmer qu’une partie de la vidéo se trouvait à Rafah grâce à la position des bâtiments, des arbres et des barrières, qui correspond à l’imagerie satellite de la zone.

    Reuters n’a pas été en mesure de confirmer la localisation de l’ensemble de la vidéo ni la date à laquelle elle a été filmée.


    Quelque 1,5 million de Palestiniens se trouvent actuellement à Rafah, soit plus de la moitié de la population de la bande de Gaza, selon l’agence des Nations unies pour les réfugiés palestiniens.

    Israël affirme qu’il doit étendre son assaut à Rafah pour éliminer le Hamas, le groupe à l’origine de l’attaque du 7 octobre qui a fait 1 200 morts en Israël et 250 autres personnes enlevées, selon les décomptes israéliens.

    Avec plus de 28 000 personnes déjà tuées lors de l’offensive israélienne à Gaza, selon les autorités sanitaires de la bande de Gaza dirigée par le Hamas, le sort des personnes réfugiées à Rafah est devenu un sujet de préoccupation internationale, y compris pour les alliés occidentaux d’Israël.

    Le président américain Joe Biden a déclaré au premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu qu’Israël ne devrait pas procéder à une opération à Rafah sans un plan visant à assurer la sécurité des personnes qui y sont réfugiées.

    Un porte-parole du département d’État américain a déclaré : « Le président a clairement indiqué qu’il ne soutenait pas le déplacement forcé des Palestiniens de Gaza. Les États-Unis ne financent pas de camps en Égypte pour les Palestiniens déplacés ».

    Le bureau de M. Netanyahu a ordonné à l’armée d’élaborer un plan d’évacuation de Rafah. Mais aucun plan n’a encore vu le jour.

    Lors d’une interview accordée à ABC News, M. Netanyahu a déclaré que les Palestiniens pourraient se rendre dans les zones situées au nord de Rafah et libérées par l’armée.

    Avi Dichter, ministre israélien de l’agriculture et du développement rural, a déclaré mercredi que l’évacuation était « une question militaire » et que l’armée israélienne savait comment procéder.

    Dans des commentaires à la radio de l’armée israélienne, M. Dichter a déclaré qu’il y avait « suffisamment de terres à l’ouest de Rafah » et a mentionné Al Mawasi, une zone sur le littoral vers laquelle l’armée israélienne a déclaré que les civils devaient fuir au début de l’offensive.

    La guerre de Gaza a mis sous pression les relations entre l’Égypte et Israël, qui ont signé un accord de paix en 1979.

    Le secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, ancien ministre égyptien des affaires étrangères, a déclaré en début de semaine que les actions israéliennes menaçaient la continuité des accords avec l’Égypte et la Jordanie, en référence aux traités de paix conclus avec ces deux États arabes.

    Le ministre égyptien des affaires étrangères, Sameh Shoukry, a déclaré le 12 février que l’Égypte avait maintenu l’accord pendant 40 ans et qu’elle continuerait à le faire tant que les deux parties s’y engageraient.

    • L’Egypte construit une zone de sécurité dans le Sinaï en prévision d’un éventuel afflux de réfugiés depuis Gaza


      Des engins de chantier aménagent un espace dans l’optique d’une offensive israélienne sur Rafah, le dernier sanctuaire de l’enclave palestinienne.

      Par Hélène Sallon (Beyrouth, correspondante)

      Publié hier à 12h59, modifié hier à 15h08

      Dans le Sinaï égyptien, le long de la frontière avec la bande de Gaza, entre les terminaux de Rafah et de Kerem Shalom, des engins de chantier aplanissent le sol d’une étroite bande de terre. Des images satellites, analysées par l’agence Associated Press vendredi 16 février, montrent que des travaux sont en cours dans ce périmètre. Des grues et des camions y sont visibles. Des barrières de béton ont été dressées pour ceinturer cette zone d’environ 20 kilomètres carrés.

      Selon l’ONG Sinai Foundation for Human Rights, qui a révélé l’existence de ce chantier le 12 février, l’endroit est destiné à accueillir des réfugiés palestiniens, dans l’éventualité où l’Egypte devrait faire face à un exode massif depuis Gaza. Des entrepreneurs locaux ont dit à l’ONG avoir été chargés des travaux par l’entreprise Sons of Sinai, propriété de l’homme d’affaires Ibrahim El-Argani, proche de l’armée égyptienne. Il est prévu que des murs de 7 mètres de haut soient construits, sous la supervision du génie militaire, et sous forte présence sécuritaire.

      Des sources égyptiennes ont confirmé, sous couvert de l’anonymat, au Wall Street Journal l’aménagement d’une zone de sécurité, pouvant accueillir jusqu’à 100 000 personnes. Une source égyptienne indique au Monde que la peur de faire face à un afflux de déplacés en cas d’offensive israélienne sur la ville de Rafah explique cette décision. Le chef des services de communication de l’Etat, Diaa Rashwan, a toutefois nié l’existence d’un tel projet. Il a rappelé que l’Egypte s’oppose à tout déplacement forcé de Gazaouis sur son territoire du fait de la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas dans l’enclave palestinienne.

      Le Caire n’a pas beaucoup d’options

      Ce scénario pourrait cependant se matérialiser si le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, mettait à exécution sa menace, agitée depuis le 7 février, de lancer une offensive sur Rafah, qui est devenue le dernier refuge de plus d’1,4 million de Gazaouis. « La décision de lancer l’offensive sur Rafah n’a pas été prise. Nétanyahou souhaite en faire un moyen de pression dans les négociations de trêve avec le Hamas. Mais s’il n’y a pas d’accord, il sera difficile pour les Israéliens d’éviter une offensive », estime Laure Foucher, spécialiste du Moyen-Orient à la Fondation de recherche stratégique (FRS).

      Le Caire et Washington exhortent Israël à renoncer à cette opération, invoquant des « conséquences humanitaires dévastatrices ». Ils exigent qu’un plan d’évacuation des déplacés de Rafah vers le nord de l’enclave soit mis sur pied. Vendredi, le ministre de la défense israélien, Yoav Gallant, a assuré qu’« Israël n’a pas l’intention d’évacuer des civils palestiniens vers l’Egypte », ni de mettre en danger l’accord de paix signé en 1978 avec Le Caire. L’armée israélienne n’a toutefois pas dévoilé de plan pour la prise en charge des civils palestiniens dans le nord de l’enclave, qu’elle a réduit à l’état de ruines.

      « Les Egyptiens sont pragmatiques. Si les Gazaouis n’ont pas d’autre choix que de fuir vers l’Egypte, ils les accueilleront pour les protéger mais, derrière de hauts murs, pour ne pas qu’ils s’installent en Egypte », estime Khalil Sayegh, un analyste palestinien. Le Caire n’a pas beaucoup d’options. « Tirer sur les Gazaouis qui tenteraient de fuir vers le Sinaï provoquerait un tollé au sein de l’opinion égyptienne, qui soutient les Palestiniens, et serait une violation du droit international », poursuit M. Sayegh.


      La perspective d’un déplacement des Palestiniens dans le Sinaï suscite des inquiétudes. « En cas d’afflux massif, cette zone pourrait rapidement ressembler à un camp de concentration. Et, il n’y a aucune garantie qu’ils pourront revenir à Gaza », déplore l’expert palestinien. Les Palestiniens craignent qu’Israël ne cherche à provoquer une seconde Nakba (« catastrophe »), le nom donné à l’exode forcé de 700 000 Palestiniens, lors de la création d’Israël en 1948. Des réfugiés qui n’ont jamais pu rentrer sur leurs terres.

      « Une nouvelle crise des réfugiés signerait l’arrêt de mort d’un futur processus de paix », a alerté Filippo Grande, le directeur de l’agence des Nations unies en charge des réfugiés (HCR), dans un entretien à la BBC vendredi. Le chef du HCR a appelé à « éviter à tout prix » un exode des Palestiniens vers l’Egypte, estimant qu’une fois sortis de Gaza, les réfugiés ne pourraient plus y retourner. Le HCR et l’UNRWA, l’agence des Nations unies chargée des déplacés palestiniens, disent ne pas être impliqués dans des préparatifs pour l’accueil de réfugiés palestiniens dans le Sinaï.

      Hélène Sallon(Beyrouth, correspondante)

  • L’UNRWA, un témoin indésirable ? (Le Monde diplomatique, février 2024)

    Office des Nations unies pour les réfugiés palestiniens, l’United Nations Relief and Work Agency est créé le 8 décembre 1949 par l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies. Cette création intervient près d’un an après le vote de la résolution 194, qui stipule le droit au retour des Palestiniens réfugiés. La reconnaissance de cette résolution (jamais entrée en vigueur) a permis à Israël d’intégrer les Nations unies. Prévu pour être un organisme temporaire, l’Unrwa, qui a commencé à fonctionner en mai 1950, existe toujours, puisque le dossier des #réfugiés_palestiniens reste ouvert. Conformément au mandat initial, l’éducation, la santé et les services sociaux sont ses principales missions.

    Avec la guerre de 1967 et les nouveaux transferts de population, son mandat s’est étendu à ces nouveaux « déplacés ». Après la signature des accords d’Oslo*, un Peace Implementation Program a été élaboré, censé aider au développement des territoires palestiniens. Les conditions économiques liées en particulier à la non-application des accords et aux bouclages multiples hypothèquent l’essentiel des objectifs de ce programme. L’Unrwa recense un peu plus de trois millions quatre cent mille réfugiés inscrits, dont près de un million trois cent mille en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza.


  • timesofisrael.com Pourquoi le Canada n’a pas déchu les nazis de leur citoyenneté ? Jackie Hajdenberg

    JTA – En 1967, il a été demandé au ministre canadien de la Justice de retirer sa citoyenneté à un ancien nazi, condamné à mort en Union soviétique.

    Le ministre, Pierre Trudeau, avait refusé de le faire. Bien que l’URSS ait condamné le Letton pour le meurtre de Juifs pendant la Shoah, le ministre de la Justice avait fait valoir que le Canada n’avait pas commis d’erreur en lui accordant la citoyenneté lors de sa demande initiale.

    « L’obligation du demandeur est de convaincre la Cour qu’il est de bonne moralité », avait écrit Trudeau, qui deviendra plus tard Premier ministre du Canada, dans un avis juridique publié à l’époque. « Il n’est pas tenu de convaincre la Cour qu’il n’a jamais commis d’acte répréhensible dans son passé (…). D’un point de vue pratique, et même raisonnable, peu de demandeurs, voire aucun, pourraient satisfaire à une telle exigence. »

    La réponse de Trudeau a été révélée la semaine dernière lorsque le gouvernement canadien, aujourd’hui dirigé par son fils, le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau, a levé les scellés sur des documents relatifs à la réinstallation de criminels de guerre nazis dans le pays. Ces révélations surviennent quelques mois après une crise politique liée à la présence continue d’anciens nazis au Canada.

    Ces documents font partie du rapport Rodal, rédigé en 1985 et publié sous une forme fortement censurée en 1987. Ils ont été rassemblés par une historienne juive nommée Alti Rodal, née en Ukraine et fille de survivants de la Shoah. Le rapport a été compilé dans le cadre d’un effort plus large, la Commission Deschênes, pour enquêter sur les criminels de guerre nazis au Canada.

    L’année dernière, B’nai Brith Canada, un groupe de défense des intérêts juifs, a déposé une demande en vertu de la loi sur l’accès à l’information du pays pour que le reste du contenu du rapport soit rendu public. Les 15 pages qui ont été dévoilées à la suite de cette demande fournissent davantage d’informations sur la mesure dans laquelle le gouvernement canadien a été impliqué dans l’octroi de la citoyenneté à des criminels de guerre nazis.

    Le document montre que Pierre Trudeau, qui est devenu Premier ministre en 1968 et a occupé cette fonction presque sans interruption jusqu’en 1984, a mis en garde contre les dangereuses conséquences qu’entraînerait la révocation par le Canada de la citoyenneté du Letton, connu sous le nom de « sujet F ».

    Reconnu coupable par contumace en Union soviétique d’avoir dirigé un peloton d’exécution responsable de la mort de 5 128 Juifs , le sujet F avait été condamné à mort. Si Trudeau avait conseillé de révoquer sa citoyenneté canadienne, il aurait pu être déporté et exécuté.

    Trudeau avait estimé que le sujet F n’était pas contraint par la loi canadienne de divulguer ses méfaits avant de demander la citoyenneté.

    « Rien dans la loi n’indique qu’une demande de citoyenneté canadienne est de la nature d’un confessionnal obligeant le demandeur à révéler toute sa conduite antérieure, qu’elle soit publique ou privée », avait-il écrit.

    Trudeau avait reconnu « l’anxiété » des Juifs canadiens et d’autres personnes face à la présence de criminels de guerre nazis dans leur pays. Toutefois, il avait indiqué au ministère des Affaires extérieures que la révocation de la citoyenneté du sujet F et son extradition pourraient créer un précédent négatif pour d’autres citoyens canadiens.

    « Bien que je comprenne votre préoccupation pour les répercussions et l’anxiété que vous mentionnez, il me semble, d’autre part, qu’il serait très mal avisé pour le gouvernement de se lancer dans cette démarche qui consisterait à accuser publiquement un citoyen canadien d’avoir commis en Lettonie des crimes pour lesquels il a été condamné, par contumace, en Russie », avait écrit Trudeau.

    Selon le rapport Rodal, le Congrès juif canadien avait à nouveau tenté de faire expulser le sujet F, mais en vain. Le sujet F est décédé à Toronto en 1983, selon le rapport.

    La décision de Trudeau est survenue à un moment intense de la Guerre Froide, où accéder à la demande d’extradition de l’Union soviétique représentait un compromis politique.

    Le Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau lors d’une réunion du Conseil de l’Atlantique Nord avec les pays partenaires au sommet de l’OTAN, à Vilnius, en Lituanie, le 12 juillet 2023. (Crédit : Pavel Golovkin/AP Photo)

    « Il n’est pas surprenant qu’en tant que ministre de la Justice, il ne pensait pas seulement au droit, mais aussi à la politique », a déclaré David Matas, conseiller juridique principal de B’nai Brith Canada, à la Canadian Broadcasting Corporation au début du mois à propos de Trudeau.

    « La traduction en justice de meurtriers de masse ne doit pas être détournée par des considérations politiques », a-t-il ajouté.
    . . . . . . . .
    Source et suite : https://fr.timesofisrael.com/pourquoi-le-canada-na-pas-dechu-les-nazis-de-leur-citoyennete

    #nazisme #canada #réfugiés_nazis #Pierre_Trudeau #Justin_Trudeau #ukraine #Shoah #meurtres #Lettonie

  • Une #île_artificielle pour déporter les palestiniens ?

    Ce lundi 22 janvier à Bruxelles, une réunion du Conseil des affaires étrangères de l’Union Européenne était organisée, en présence de Ministres des 27 États membres ainsi que du représentant d’Israël, invité pour parler de la situation au Proche-Orient.

    À cette occasion, le chef de la diplomatie Israélienne, #Israël_Katz, a proposé la construction d’une île artificielle en #Méditerranée, au large de Gaza, pour y “loger” la population palestinienne, selon les mot du journal anglais The Guardian. Le ministre a montré deux vidéos lors de cette réunion, l’une montrant une ligne de train reliant Gaza à la Cisjordanie, et l’autre montrant ce projet d’île artificielle comprenant un port, une zone industrielle et des habitations. Cette modélisation d’île hautement militarisée et comprenant des checkpoints parait toutefois bien trop petite pour y déporter un grand nombre de palestiniens.

    Cette proposition semble aussi dystopique que déplacée, car cette réunion avait pour objectif de discuter de la crise humanitaire qui frappe Gaza et les moyens d’aller vers une désescalade de la violence. Josep Borell, le représentant des affaires étrangères pour l’Union Européenne, a déclaré aux journalistes : « Je pense que le ministre aurait pu mieux utiliser son temps pour s’inquiéter de la situation dans son pays ou du nombre élevé de morts à Gaza ». Plusieurs ministres ont exprimé leur « perplexité ». C’est un euphémisme.

    Ce projet d’île remonterait à l’époque où Katz était ministre israélien des Transports et a été présenté pour la première fois dans une vidéo de 2017 comme « une réponse à une réalité qui est mauvaise pour les Palestiniens et pas bonne pour Israël », selon Reuters.

    La réunion avait lieu après que le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou ait répété son opposition à la création d’un État palestinien. Sachant que la « solution à deux États », palestinien et israélien, est celle proposée par les États européens. Une idée hypocrite, puisque l’extrême droite israélienne est en train de raser Gaza et d’éliminer ses habitants tout en colonisant morceaux par morceaux la Cisjordanie. Tout ceci vise à rendre impossible toute création d’un futur État palestinien viable. La seule option réaliste est celle d’un seul État, multiconfessionnel, avec une égalité des droits, sans murs, sans discrimination, sans colonisation.

    Netanyahou et ses complices n’ont jamais caché leur volonté d’annexer toute la terre palestinienne, au nom de textes religieux vieux de plus de 2000 ans attribuant, selon eux, ce territoire au seul peuple juif. Dans cette logique messianique, il faudrait donc chasser tous les palestiniens.

    Il y a quelques jours, les médias révélaient un autre projet du gouvernement israélien : celui de déporter la population de Gaza vers un pays africain, affirmant même que des négociations avaient lieu avec le Congo. Une proposition finalement démentie face au scandale.

    Au début de la seconde guerre mondiale, les nazis annonçaient leur projet de chasser tous les juifs d’Europe et envisageaient sérieusement de les déporter sur l’île de Madagascar. Un plan appelé « Madagaskar Projekt » a même été élaboré par des cadres du Reich. Face aux contraintes logistiques posées par la guerre, et animé par un antisémitisme exterminateur, Hitler avait opté pour la solution finale et les camps de la mort.

    L’idée d’îles « ghettos » ou d’îles « prison » pour parquer les indésirables n’est pas unique dans l’histoire. Au large de l’Australie, l’île de Nauru et celle de Manus ont été transformées en camps visant à enfermer des personnes sans-papiers pendant des mois voire des années. Ce modèle inspire l’Europe, qui installe des points de contrôles et des camps de réfugiés sur les îles aux portes de l’Europe.

    Cependant, le projet israélien serait d’une ampleur sans commune mesure, et paraît difficilement réalisable s’il fallait y déplacer des centaines de milliers de personnes. Mais le fait même qu’une telle idée soit évoquée témoigne d’une volonté d’épuration ethnique de la part de l’État israélien.


    #île #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réfugiés_palestiniens #Palestine #îles #Israël

    voir aussi, signalé par @gonzo :
    Sources, Katz proposes artificial island in front of Gaza.

    ajouté à la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • À la frontière italo-slovène, les migrants oubliés de la route balkanique

    L’extrême nord-est de l’Italie est la porte d’entrée dans le pays des migrants qui ont traversé l’Europe par la route des Balkans. Des centaines d’entre eux se retrouvent à survivre dans la rue. Les associations dénoncent un abandon de l’État.

    La Piazza della Libertà s’illumine des halos jaunes des réverbères. À mesure que les heures s’égrènent dans la nuit, de petits groupes d’hommes s’installent près des bancs verts. Ils sont presque tous afghans ou pakistanais, emmitouflés avec les moyens du bord, contraints de vivre à la rue depuis quelques jours pour les plus chanceux, quelques mois pour les autres. Juste en face, c’est la gare et ses promesses de poursuivre la route à bord d’un wagon chaud plutôt qu’à pied.

    S’y croisent ceux qui sont montés à bord à Ljubljana ou à Zagreb, les capitales slovène et croate, direction Trieste, et ceux qui poursuivent leur voyage vers l’Europe du Nord, avec Milan ou Venise comme étapes suivantes.

    Ce soir-là, une quinzaine d’Afghans arrivent tout juste de la frontière slovène, à moins de dix kilomètres du centre-ville de Trieste. Ils sont venus à pied. L’un d’eux, visiblement heureux d’être arrivé, demande à son ami de le prendre en photo, pouces vers le haut, dans l’air gelé des températures à peine positives. Demain ou après-demain, promet-il, il continuera sa route. En attendant, les autres lui indiquent le Silos, un ensemble de grands entrepôts de l’époque austro-hongroise s’étendant derrière la gare et devenus le refuge insalubre et précaire d’environ quatre cents migrants.

    Aziz Akhman est l’un d’eux. Ce Pakistanais de 32 ans a fui les attentats aux voitures piégées, l’insécurité et les rackets qui gangrènent sa région d’origine, à la frontière avec l’Afghanistan. Quand son magasin a été incendié, il est parti. « J’ai mis quatre mois à arriver en Italie, explique-t-il. J’ai déposé une demande d’asile. » Chaque nuit, seule une fine toile de tente le sépare de la nuit glacée qui enveloppe le Silos. Les heures de sommeil sont rares, grignotées par le froid de l’hiver.

    « La vie ici est un désastre », commente Hanif, un Afghan de 25 ans qui passe, lui aussi, ses nuits au Silos. Son rêve, c’est Montbéliard (Doubs), en France. « Tous mes amis et certains membres de ma famille vivent là-bas. J’y ai passé six mois avant d’être renvoyé en Croatie », raconte le jeune homme, qui avait donné ses empreintes dans le pays et y a donc été expulsé en vertu des accords de Dublin. À peine renvoyé en Croatie, vingt jours plus tôt, il a refait le chemin en sens inverse pour revenir en France. Trieste est juste une étape.

    « Ici convergent aussi bien ceux qui sont en transit que ceux qui restent », explique Gian Andrea Franchi. Ce retraité a créé l’association Linea d’Ombra avec sa femme Lorena Fornasir à l’hiver 2019. « On s’est rendu compte que de nombreuses personnes gravitaient autour de la gare et qu’une bonne partie dormait dans les ruines du vieux port autrichien, se remémore-t-il en pointant la direction du Silos. Ils ne recevaient aucune aide et vivaient dans des conditions très difficiles. » Depuis, l’association distribue des vêtements, des couvertures, des tentes, offre des repas et prodigue des soins médicaux.

    Sur l’un des bancs, Lorena Fornasir a déployé une couverture de survie dont les reflets dorés scintillent dans la pénombre. « Quand ces hommes arrivent, ils ont souvent les pieds dans un tel état qu’on dirait qu’ils reviennent des tranchées », explique cette psychothérapeute à la retraite qui panse, soigne, écoute chaque soir ceux qui en ont besoin.

    « Ceux qui dorment au Silos sont tous tombés malades à cause des conditions dans lesquelles ils vivent, c’est une horreur là-bas : ils ont attrapé des bronchites, des pneumonies, des problèmes intestinaux, et beaucoup ont d’énormes abcès dus aux piqûres d’insectes et aux morsures de rats qui s’infectent », poursuit Lorena Fornasir, avant d’aller chercher dans sa voiture quelques poulets rôtis pour les derniers arrivés de la frontière slovène, affamés et engourdis par le froid. Les soirs d’été, lorsque le temps permet de traverser les bois plus facilement, ce sont parfois près de cinq cents personnes qui se retrouvent sur celle que le couple de retraités a rebaptisée « La Place du Monde ».
    Une crise de l’accueil

    Dans les bureaux de l’ICS, Consortium italien de solidarité, Gianfranco Schiavone a ces chiffres parfaitement en tête et ne décolère pas. Derrière l’écran de son ordinateur, il remonte le fil de ses courriels. Devant lui s’ouvre une longue liste de noms. « On a environ 420 demandeurs d’asile qui attendent une place d’hébergement ! », commente le président de l’ICS, fin connaisseur des questions migratoires dans la région. « Depuis un an et demi, ces personnes sont abandonnées à la rue et ce n’est pas à cause de leur nombre, particulièrement élevé… Au contraire, les arrivées sont modestes », explique-t-il en pointant les chiffres publiés dans le rapport « Vies abandonnées ».

    En moyenne, environ quarante-cinq migrants arrivent chaque jour à Trieste. Le chiffre est plutôt stable et pourrait décroître dans les semaines à venir. La neige a souvent ralenti les départs en amont, le long des passages boisés et plus sauvages de la route balkanique.

    Selon les estimations de l’ICS, entre 65 et 75 % des migrants qui arrivent à Trieste repartent. Le quart restant dépose une demande d’asile. Selon les règles en vigueur en Italie, les demandeurs d’asile sont hébergés dans des centres de premier accueil, le temps que les commissions territoriales examinent leur demande. L’ICS gère deux de ces centres, installés à quelques centaines de mètres de la frontière slovène. Les migrants devraient y rester quelques jours puis être redispatchés dans d’autres régions au sein de centres de plus long accueil.

    Faute de redistribution rapide, les centres d’accueil temporaire sont pleins et les nouveaux arrivants se retrouvent à la rue, dépendant uniquement du système d’hébergement d’urgence, déjà sursollicité par les SDF de la ville. À Trieste même, les près de 1 200 places d’hébergement à long terme disponibles pour les demandeurs d’asile sont toutes occupées.

    « On ne se retrouve pas avec quatre cents personnes arrivées en une journée qui ont mis en difficulté le système d’accueil, regrette Gianfranco Schiavone, mais avec de petits groupes volontairement laissés à la rue dont l’accumulation, jour après jour, a fini par donner ce résultat. » Il livre l’analyse suivante : « Ces conditions de vie poussent ces personnes vers la sortie. Le premier objectif est de réduire au maximum le nombre de demandeurs d’asile que l’État doit prendre en charge. Le deuxième, plus politique, est de créer une situation de tension dans l’opinion publique, de donner l’image de centaines de migrants à la rue et d’entretenir l’idée que les migrants sont vraiment trop nombreux et que l’Italie a été abandonnée par l’Europe. »

    Interrogée, la préfecture n’a pas souhaité répondre à nos sollicitations, renvoyant vers le ministère de l’intérieur. Le cabinet du maire, lui, renvoie aux prises de position déjà exprimées dans la presse locale. La position de l’édile de la ville est sans appel : il ne fera rien.
    L’accord Albanie-Italie suspendu

    Récemment, un important dispositif policier a été déployé dans la région. Le 18 octobre, après l’attentat contre des supporteurs suédois à Bruxelles, le gouvernement de Giorgia Meloni a décidé de fermer sa frontière avec la Slovénie. Le traité de Schengen a été provisoirement suspendu pour prévenir d’éventuelles « infiltrations terroristes » via la route balkanique.

    « C’est nécessaire, en raison de l’aggravation de la situation au Moyen-Orient, l’augmentation des flux migratoires le long de la route balkanique et surtout pour des questions de sécurité nationale », a justifié la cheffe du gouvernement. 350 agents ont été déployés dans le Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, le long des 230 kilomètres de la frontière italo-slovène. Initialement prévus pour dix jours, les contrôles aux frontières ont déjà été prolongés deux fois et sont actuellement en vigueur jusqu’au 18 janvier 2024.

    Avec ce tour de vis sur sa frontière orientale, l’Italie tente de maintenir une promesse qu’elle ne parvient pas à tenir sur son front méditerranéen : verrouiller le pays. Car après l’échec de sa stratégie migratoire à Lampedusa en septembre, Giorgia Meloni a redistribué ses cartes vers les Balkans. À la mi-novembre, la cheffe du gouvernement s’est rendue en visite officielle à Zagreb pour discuter, notamment, du dossier migratoire. Mais son dernier coup de poker, c’est l’annonce d’un accord avec l’Albanie pour y délocaliser deux centres d’accueil pour demandeurs d’asile.

    L’idée est d’y emmener jusqu’à 3 000 personnes, immédiatement après leur sauvetage en mer par des navires italiens. Sur place, la police albanaise n’interviendra que pour la sécurité à l’extérieur du centre. Le reste de la gestion reste entièrement de compétence italienne. La mise en service de ces deux structures a été annoncée au printemps. Le dossier semblait clos. À la mi-décembre, la Cour constitutionnelle albanaise a finalement décidé de suspendre la ratification de l’accord. Deux recours ont été déposés au Parlement pour s’assurer que cet accord ne viole pas les conventions internationales dont est signataire l’Albanie. Les discussions devraient reprendre à la mi-janvier.

    #Slovénie #Italie #frontières #frontière_sud-alpine #asile #migrations #réfugiés #route_des_Balkans #Balkans #Trieste #sans-abrisme #SDF #hébergement #réfugiés_pakistanais #réfugiés_afghans #Silos #Linea_d’Ombra #solidarité #ICS

  • #Home_Office refuses to set up Ukraine-style visa scheme for Palestinians

    The government said it has ‘no plans’ to waive fees or tests to help Palestinians reunite with family in the UK.

    The Home Office is refusing to set up a Ukraine-style visa scheme to help Palestinians stranded in Gaza reunite with family in the UK.

    More than 25,000 people signed a parliamentary petition asking for the government to waive fees, salary thresholds and tests for Palestinians displaced by Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

    But the Home Office rejected the request in December, saying it had “no plans to introduce bespoke arrangements for people arriving from the region”.

    More than 22,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip since Hamas killed 1,200 people on 7 October, according to figures from the Gaza health ministry. The United Nations estimates 1.9 million Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced.

    British nationals currently need to apply for visas for their Palestinian relatives through the existing family visa route if they wish to bring them to the UK. Only spouses, partners or children are eligible for visas through the scheme. Relatives such as grandparents, siblings or parents of adult children are not eligible in most cases.

    The Home Office charges £1,846 to apply to bring each family member to the UK, including dependents, and a further £1,560 healthcare surcharge for adults, or £1,175 for children.

    British nationals must also earn at least £18,600 to apply for a visa for a spouse or partner or £24,800 if they also have two children they want to bring over. This minimum income requirement is set to rise to £29,000 in spring. Partners or spouses also need to prove their knowledge of the English language to get a visa.

    The government waived all fees, salary thresholds and language tests under the Ukraine Family Scheme, which was set up within weeks of Russia’s invasion. The scheme allows people fleeing the war in Ukraine to join their family in the UK.

    It is free to apply to the Ukraine Family Scheme and eligibility is extended to parents, grandparents, adult offspring, siblings, and their immediate family members. About 71,400 visas have been issued under the scheme so far.

    Announcing the scheme in the Commons, the former Home Secretary Priti Patel said at the time: “We are striking a blow for democracy and freedom against tyranny. Above all, we are doing right by the courageous people of Ukraine. We will help British nationals and their families to get out of Ukraine safely.”

    Some British-Palestinians have turned to fundraising in desperation to cover the fees for visas needed to bring their relatives to safety.

    Hadil Louz, a PhD student in human rights law at St Andrew’s in Scotland, is fundraising £30,000 to pay for visa and travel costs for her parents, one of whom has cancer, as well as her siblings and their children.

    “On Christmas Day, my family had to evacuate again from the overcrowded house they were staying at, responding to the Israeli evacuation calls in Nusirat, and are currently staying in a tent on a street in Deir Al-Balah, in the cold of the winter.

    “At the moment, their survival without food and shelter in Gaza is a very tangible threat on their lives,” she wrote on the fundraiser.

    A group of 80 British-Palestinian families wrote to foreign secretary David Cameron in December asking him to consider setting up a similar scheme for Palestinians, the BBC reported.

    “While acknowledging the complexities of each conflict, it is disheartening for us, as British citizens and UK residents, to witness the disparity in our government response,” it said.

    The lack of a scheme for Palestinians, the letter said, “stands in stark contrast to the swift and supportive actions taken in similar circumstances, such as in the Ukrainian conflict”.

    Palestinians in the UK “are currently feeling a profound sense of abandonment and neglect” as a result, it said.

    In its response to the petition, the government said its “approach must be considered in the round, rather than on a crisis-by-crisis basis”. It also rejected a second petition signed by more than 16,000 people to create a bespoke immigration route for Palestinian children on the same grounds.

    #réfugiés_ukrainiens #réfugiés_palestiniens #visas #UK #Angleterre #migrations #asile #réfugiés #inégalité_de_traitement #regroupement_familial #Palestine #Gaza #Ukraine

  • Quei bambini chiusi in trappola a Gaza. Il racconto di #Ruba_Salih
    (une interview de Ruba Salih, prof à l’Université de Bologne, 5 jours après le #7_octobre_2023)

    «Mai come in queste ore a Gaza il senso di appartenere a una comune “umanita” si sta mostrando più vuoto di senso. La responsabilità di questo è del governo israeliano», dice Ruba Salih antropologa dell’università di Bologna che abbiamo intervistato mentre cresce la preoccupazione per la spirale di violenza che colpisce la popolazione civile palestinese e israeliana.

    Quali sono state le sue prime reazioni, sentimenti, pensieri di fronte all’attacco di Hamas e poi all’annuncio dell’assedio di Gaza messo in atto dal governo israeliano?

    Il 7 ottobre la prima reazione è stata di incredulità alla vista della recinzione metallica di Gaza sfondata, e alla vista dei palestinesi che volavano con i parapendii presagendo una sorta di fine dell’assedio. Ho avuto la sensazione di assistere a qualcosa che non aveva precedenti nella storia recente. Come era possibile che l’esercito più potente del mondo potesse essere sfidato e colto così alla sprovvista? In seguito, ho cominciato a chiamare amici e parenti, in Cisgiordania, Gaza, Stati Uniti, Giordania. Fino ad allora si aveva solo la notizia della cattura di un numero imprecisato di soldati israeliani. Ho pensato che fosse una tattica per fare uno scambio di prigionieri. Ci sono più di 5000 prigionieri palestinesi nelle carceri israeliane e 1200 in detenzione amministrativa, senza processo o accusa. Poi sono cominciate da domenica ad arrivare le notizie di uccisioni e morti di civili israeliani, a cui è seguito l’annuncio di ‘guerra totale’ del governo di Netanyahu. Da allora il sentimento è cambiato. Ora grande tristezza per la quantità di vittime, dell’una e dell’altra parte, e preoccupazione e angoscia senza precedenti per le sorti della popolazione civile di Gaza, che in queste ore sta vivendo le ore piu’ drammatiche che si possano ricordare.

    E quando ha visto quello che succedeva, con tantissime vittime israeliane, violenze terribili, immagini di distruzione, minacce di radere al suolo Gaza?

    Colleghi e amici israeliani hanno cominciato a postare immagini di amici e amiche uccisi – anche attivisti contro l’occupazione- e ho cominciato dolorosamente a mandare condoglianze. Contemporaneamente giungevano terribili parole del ministro della Difesa israeliano Gallant che definiva i palestinesi “animali umani”, dichiarando di voler annientare la striscia di Gaza e ridurla a “deserto”. Ho cominciato a chiamare amici di Gaza per sapere delle loro famiglie nella speranza che fossero ancora tutti vivi. Piano piano ho cominciato a cercare di mettere insieme i pezzi e dare una cornice di senso a quello che stava succedendo.

    Cosa può dirci di Gaza che già prima dell’attacco di Hamas era una prigione a cielo aperto?

    Si, Gaza è una prigione. A Gaza la maggior parte della popolazione è molto giovane, e in pochi hanno visto il mondo oltre il muro di recinzione. Due terzi della popolazione è composto da famiglie di rifugiati del 1948. Il loro vissuto è per lo più quello di una lunga storia di violenza coloniale e di un durissimo assedio negli ultimi 15 anni. Possiamo cercare di immaginare cosa significa vivere questo trauma che si protrae da generazioni. Gli abitanti di Gaza nati prima del 1948 vivevano in 247 villaggi nel sud della Palestina, il 50% del paese. Sono stati costretti a riparare in campi profughi a seguito della distruzione o occupazione dei loro villaggi. Ora vivono in un’area che rappresenta l’1.3% della Palestina storica con una densità di 7000 persone per chilometro quadrato e le loro terre originarie si trovano a pochi metri di là dal muro di assedio, abitate da israeliani.

    E oggi?

    Chi vive a Gaza si descrive come in una morte lenta, in una privazione del presente e della capacità di immaginare il futuro. Il 90% dell’acqua non è potabile, il 60% della popolazione è senza lavoro, l’80% riceve aiuti umanitari per sopravvivere e il 40% vive al di sotto della soglia di povertà: tutto questo a causa dell’ occupazione e dell’assedio degli ultimi 15 anni. Non c’è quasi famiglia che non abbia avuto vittime, i bombardamenti hanno raso al suolo interi quartieri della striscia almeno quattro volte nel giro di una decina di anni. Non credo ci sia una situazione analoga in nessun altro posto del mondo. Una situazione che sarebbe risolta se Israele rispettasse il diritto internazionale, né più né meno.

    Prima di questa escalation di violenza c’era voglia di reagire, di vivere, di creare, di fare musica...

    Certo, anche in condizioni di privazione della liberta’ c’e’ una straordinaria capacità di sopravvivenza, creatività, amore per la propria gente. Tra l’altro ricordo di avere letto nei diari di Marek Edelman sul Ghetto di Varsavia che durante l’assedio del Ghetto ci si innamorava intensamente come antidoto alla disperazione. A questo proposito, consilgio a tutti di leggere The Ghetto Fights di Edelman. Aiuta molto a capire cosa è Gaza in questo momento, senza trascurare gli ovvi distinguo storici.

    Puoi spiegarci meglio?

    Come sapete il ghetto era chiuso al mondo esterno, il cibo entrava in quantità ridottissime e la morte per fame era la fine di molti. Oggi lo scenario di Gaza, mentre parliamo, è che non c’è elettricità, il cibo sta per finire, centinaia di malati e neonati attaccati alle macchine mediche hanno forse qualche ora di sopravvivenza. Il governo israeliano sta bombardando interi palazzi, le vittime sono per più della metà bambini. In queste ultime ore la popolazione si trova a dovere decidere se morire sotto le bombe in casa o sotto le bombe in strada, dato che il governo israeliano ha intimato a un milione e centomila abitanti di andarsene. Andare dove? E come nel ghetto la popolazione di Gaza è definita criminale e terrorista.

    Anche Franz Fanon, lei suggerisce, aiuta a capire cosa è Gaza.

    Certamente, come ho scritto recentemente, Fanon ci viene in aiuto con la forza della sua analisi della ferita della violenza coloniale come menomazione psichica oltre che fisica, e come privazione della dimensione di interezza del soggetto umano libero, che si manifesta come un trauma, anche intergenerazionale. La violenza prolungata penetra nelle menti e nei corpi, crea una sospensione delle cornici di senso e delle sensibilità che sono prerogativa di chi vive in contesti di pace e benessere. Immaginiamoci ora un luogo, come Gaza, dove come un rapporto di Save the Children ha riportato, come conseguenza di 15 anni di assedio e blocco, 4 bambini su 5 riportano un vissuto di depressione, paura e lutto. Il rapporto ci dice che vi è stato un aumento vertiginoso di bambini che pensano al suicidio (il 50%) o che praticano forme di autolesionismo. Tuttavia, tutto questo e’ ieri. Domani non so come ci sveglieremo, noi che abbiamo il privilegio di poterci risvegliare, da questo incubo. Cosa resterà della popolazione civile di Gaza, donne, uomini bambini.

    Come legge il sostegno incondizionato al governo israeliano di cui sono pieni i giornali occidentali e dell’invio di armi ( in primis dagli Usa), in un’ottica di vittoria sconfitta che abbiamo già visto all’opera per la guerra Russia-Ucraina?

    A Gaza si sta consumando un crimine contro l’umanità di dimensioni e proporzioni enormi mentre i media continuano a gettare benzina sul fuoco pubblicando notizie in prima pagina di decapitazioni e stupri, peraltro non confermate neanche dallo stesso esercito israeliano. Tuttavia, non utilizzerei definizioni statiche e omogeneizzanti come quelle di ‘Occidente’ che in realtà appiattiscono i movimenti e le società civili sulle politiche dei governi, che in questo periodo sono per lo più a destra, nazionalisti xenofobi e populisti. Non è sempre stato così.

    Va distinto il livello istituzionale, dei governi e dei partiti o dei media mainstream, da quello delle società civili e dei movimenti sociali?

    Ci sono una miriade di manifestazioni di solidarietà ovunque nel mondo, che a fianco del lutto per le vittime civili sia israeliane che palestinesi, non smettono di invocare la fine della occupazione, come unica via per ristabilire qualcosa che si possa chiamare diritto (e diritti umani) in Palestina e Israele. Gli stessi media mainstream sono in diversi contesti molto più indipendenti che non in Italia. Per esempio, Bcc non ha accettato di piegarsi alle pressioni del governo rivendicando la sua indipendenza rifiutandosi di usare la parola ‘terrorismo’, considerata di parte, preferendo riferirsi a quei palestinesi che hanno sferrato gli attacchi come ‘combattenti’. Se sono stati commessi crimini contro l’umanità parti lo stabiliranno poi le inchieste dei tribunali penali internazionali. In Italia, la complicità dei media è invece particolarmente grave e allarmante. Alcune delle (rare) voci critiche verso la politica del governo israeliano che per esempio esistono perfino sulla stampa liberal israeliana, come Haaretz, sarebbero in Italia accusate di anti-semitismo o incitamento al terrorismo! Ci tengo a sottolineare tuttavia che il fatto che ci sia un certo grado di libertà di pensiero e di stampa in Israele non significa che Israele sia una ‘democrazia’ o perlomeno non lo è certo nei confronti della popolazione palestinese. Che Israele pratichi un regime di apartheid nei confronti dei palestinesi è ormai riconosciuto da organizzazioni come Amnesty International e Human Rights Watch, nonché sottolineato a più riprese dalla Relatrice speciale delle Nazioni Unite sui territori palestinesi occupati, Francesca Albanese.

    Dunque non è una novità degli ultimi giorni che venga interamente sposata la retorica israeliana?

    Ma non è una novità degli ultimi giorni che venga interamente sposata la narrativa israeliana. Sono anni che i palestinesi sono disumanizzati, resi invisibili e travisati. Il paradosso è che mentre Israele sta violando il diritto e le convenzioni internazionali e agisce in totale impunità da decenni, tutte le forme di resistenza: non violente, civili, dimostrative, simboliche, legali dei palestinesi fino a questo momento sono state inascoltate, anzi la situazione sul terreno è sempre più invivibile. Persino organizzazioni che mappano la violazione dei diritti umani sono demonizzate e catalogate come ‘terroristiche’. Anche le indagini e le commissioni per valutare le violazioni delle regole di ingaggio dell’esercito sono condotte internamente col risultato che divengono solo esercizi procedurali vuoti di sostanza (come per l’assassinio della reporter Shereen AbuHakleh, rimasto impunito come quello degli altri 55 giornalisti uccisi dall’esercito israeliano). Ci dobbiamo seriamente domandare: che cosa rimane del senso vero delle parole e del diritto internazionale?

    Il discorso pubblico è intriso di militarismo, di richiami alla guerra, all’arruolamento…

    Personalmente non metterei sullo stesso piano la resistenza di un popolo colonizzato con il militarismo come progetto nazionalistico di espansione e profitto. Possiamo avere diversi orientamenti e non condividere le stesse strategie o tattiche ma la lotta anticoloniale non è la stessa cosa del militarismo legato a fini di affermazione di supremazia e dominio di altri popoli. Quella dei palestinesi è una lotta che si inscrive nella scia delle lotte di liberazione coloniali, non di espansione militare. La lotta palestinese si collega oggi alle lotte di giustizia razziale e di riconoscimento dei nativi americani e degli afro-americani contro società che oggi si definiscono liberali ma che sono nate da genocidi, schiavitù e oppressione razziale. Le faccio un esempio significativo: la prima bambina Lakota nata a Standing Rock durante le lunghe proteste contro la costruzione degli olelodotti in North Dakota, che stanno espropriando e distruggendo i terre dei nativi e inquinando le acque del Missouri, era avvolta nella Kuffyah palestinese. Peraltro, il nazionalismo non è più il solo quadro di riferimento. In Palestina si lotta per la propria casa, per la propria terra, per la liberazione dalla sopraffazione dell’occupazione, dalla prigionia, per l’autodeterminazione che per molti è immaginata o orientata verso la forma di uno stato laico binazionale, almeno fino agli eventi recenti. Domani non so come emergeremo da tutto questo.

    Emerge di nuovo questa cultura patriarcale della guerra, a cui come femministe ci siamo sempre opposte…

    Con i distinguo che ho appena fatto e che ribadisco – ossia che non si può mettere sullo stesso piano occupanti e occupati, colonialismo e anticolonialismo -mi sento comunque di dire che una mobilitazione trasversale che aneli alla fine della occupazione deve essere possibile. Nel passato, il movimento femminista internazionalista tentava di costruire ponti tra donne palestinesi e israeliane mobilitando il lutto di madri, sorelle e figlie delle vittime della violenza. Si pensava che questo fosse un legame primario che univa nella sofferenza, attraversando le differenze. Ci si appellava alla capacità delle donne di politicizzare la vulnerabilità, convinte che nella morte e nel lutto si fosse tutte uguali. La realtà è che la disumanizzazione dei palestinesi, rafforzata dalla continua e sempre più violenta repressione israeliana, rende impossibile il superamento delle divisioni in nome di una comune umanità. Mentre i morti israeliani vengono pubblicamente compianti e sono degni di lutto per il mondo intero, i palestinesi – definiti ‘terroristi’ (anche quando hanno praticato forme non-violente di resistenza), scudi-umani, animali (e non da oggi), sono già morti -privati della qualità di umani- prima ancora di morire, e inscritti in una diversa classe di vulnerabilità, di non essenza, di disumanità.

    Antropologa dell’università di Bologna Ruba Salih si interessa di antropologia politica con particolare attenzione a migrazioni e diaspore postcoloniali, rifugiati, violenza e trauma coloniale, genere corpo e memoria. Più recentemente si è occupata di decolonizzazione del sapere e Antropocene e di politiche di intersezionalità nei movimenti di protesta anti e de-coloniali. Ha ricoperto vari ruoli istituzionali tra cui membro eletto del Board of Trustees del Arab Council for the Social Sciences, dal 2015 al 2019. È stata visiting professor presso varie istituzioni tra cui Brown University, University of Cambridge e Università di Venezia, Ca’ Foscari.


    #Gaza #Israël #Hamas #violence #prison #Palestine #violence_coloniale #siège #trauma #traumatisme #camps_de_réfugiés #réfugiés #réfugiés_palestiniens #pauvreté #bombardements #violence #dépression #peur #santé_mentale #suicide #crime_contre_l'humanité #apartheid #déshumanisation #résistance #droit_international #lutte #nationalisme #féminisme #à_lire #7_octobre_2023

    • Gaza between colonial trauma and genocide

      In the hours following the attack of Palestinian fighters in the south of Israel Western observers, bewildered, speculated about why Hamas and the young Palestinians of Gaza, born and bred under siege and bombs, have launched an attack of this magnitude, and right now. Others expressed their surprise at the surprise.

      The Israeli government responded by declaring “total war”, promising the pulverization of Gaza and demanding the inhabitants to leave the strip, knowing that there is no escape. Mobilising even the Holocaust and comparing the fighters to the Nazis, the Israeli government engaged in an operation that they claim is aimed at the destruction of Hamas.

      In fact, as I am writing, Gaza is being razed to the ground with an unbearable number of Palestinian deaths which gets larger by the hour, with people fleeing under Israeli bombs, water, electricity and fuel being cut, hospitals – receiving one patient a minute – on the brink of catastrophe, and humanitarian convoys prevented from entering the strip.

      An ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza is taking place with many legal observers claiming this level of violence amounts to a genocide.

      But what has happened – shocking and terrible in terms of the number of victims – including children and the elderly – creates not only a new political scenario, but above all it also imposes a new frame of meaning.

      Especially since the Oslo accords onwards, the emotional and interpretative filter applying to the “conflict” has been the asymmetrical valuing of one life over the other which in turn rested on an expectation of acquiescence and acceptance of the Palestinians’ subalternity as a colonised people. This framing has been shattered.

      The day of the attack, millions of Palestinians inside and outside the occupied territories found themselves in a trance-like state – with an undeniable initial euphoria from seeing the prison wall of Gaza being dismantled for the first time. They were wondering whether what they had before their eyes was delirium or reality. How was it possible that the Palestinians from Gaza, confined in a few suffocating square kilometres, repeatedly reduced to rubble, managed to evade the most powerful and technologically sophisticated army in the world, using only rudimentary equipment – bicycles with wings and hang-gliders? They could scarcely believe they were witnessing a reversal of the experience of violence, accustomed as they are to Palestinian casualties piling up relentlessly under Israeli bombardments, machine gun fire and control apparatus.

      Indeed, that Israel “declared war” after the attack illustrates this: to declare war assumes that before there was “peace”. To be sure, the inhabitants of Sderot and southern Israel would like to continue to live in peace. For the inhabitants of Gaza, on the other hand, peace is an abstract concept, something they have never experienced. For the inhabitants of the strip, as well as under international law, Gaza is an occupied territory whose population – two million and three hundred thousand people, of which two thirds are refugees from 1948 – lives (or to use their own words: “die slowly”) inside a prison. Control over the entry and exit of people, food, medicine, materials, electricity and telecommunications, sea, land and air borders, is in Israeli hands. International law, correctly invoked to defend the Ukrainian people and to sanction the Russian occupier, is a wastepaper for Israel, which enjoys an impunity granted to no other state that operates in such violation of UN resolutions, even disregarding agreements they themselves signed, never mind international norms and conventions.

      This scaffolding has crucially rested on the certainty that Palestinians cannot and should not react to their condition, not only and not so much because of their obvious military inferiority, but in the warped belief that Palestinian subjectivity must and can accept remaining colonised and occupied, to all intents and purposes, indefinitely. The asymmetry of strength on the ground led to an unspoken – but devastatingly consequential – presumption that Palestinians would accept to be confined to a space of inferiority in the hierarchy of human life.

      In this sense, what is happening these days cannot be understood and analysed with the tools of those who live in “peace”, but must be understood (insofar as this is even possible for those who do not live in Gaza or the occupied Palestinian territories) from a space defined by the effects of colonial violence and trauma. It is to Franz Fanon that we owe much of what we know about colonial violence – especially that it acts as both a physical and psychic injury. A psychiatrist from Martinique who joined the liberation struggle for independence in Algeria under French colonial rule, he wrote at length about how the immensity and duration of the destruction inflicted upon colonised subjects results in a wide and deep process of de-humanisation which, at such a profound level, also compromises the ability of the colonised to feel whole and to fully be themselves, humans among humans. In this state of physical and psychic injury, resistance is the colonised subject’s only possibility of repair. This has been the case historically in all contexts of liberation from colonial rule, a lineage to which the Palestinian struggle belongs.

      It is in this light that the long-lasting Palestinian resistance of the last 75 years should be seen, and this is also the key to understanding the unprecedented events of the last few days. These are the result, as many observers – including Israeli ones – have noted, of the failure of the many forms of peaceful resistance that the Palestinians have managed to pursue, despite the occupation, and which they continue to put into play: the hunger strikes of prisoners under “administrative detention”; the civil resistance of villagers such as Bil’in or Sheikh Jarrah who are squeezed between the separation wall, the expropriation of land and homes, and suffocated by the increasingly aggressive and unstoppable expansion of settlements; the efforts to protect the natural environment and indigenous Palestinian culture, including the centuries-old olive trees so often burnt and vandalised by settlers; the Palestinian civil society organisations that map and report human rights violations – which make them, for Israel, terrorist organisations; the struggle for cultural and political memory; the endurance of refugees in refugee camps awaiting implementation of their human rights supported by UN resolutions, as well as reparation and recognition of their long term suffering; and, further back in time, the stones hurled in resistance during the first Intifada, when young people with slingshots threw those same stones with which Israeli soldiers broke their bones and lives, back to them.

      Recall that, in Gaza, those who are not yet twenty years old, who make up about half the population, have already survived at least four bombing campaigns, in 2008-9, in 2012, in 2014, and again in 2022. These alone caused more than 4000 deaths.

      And it is again in Gaza that the Israeli tactic has been perfected of firing on protesters during peaceful protests, such as those in 2018, to maim the bodies – a cynical necropolitical calculation of random distribution between maimed and dead. It is not surprising, then, that in post-colonial literature – from Kateb Yacine to Yamina Mechakra, just to give two examples – the traumas of colonial violence are narrated as presence and absence, in protagonists’ dreams and nightmares, of amputated bodies. This is a metaphor for a simultaneously psychic and physical maiming of the colonised identity, that continues over time, from generation to generation.

      Despite their predicament as colonised for decades and their protracted collective trauma, Palestinians inside and outside of Palestine have however shown an incredible capacity for love, grief and solidarity over time and space, of which we have infinite examples in day-to-day practices of care and connectedness, in the literature, in the arts and culture, and through their international presence in other oppressed peoples’ struggles, such as Black Lives Matter and Native American Dakota protestors camps, or again in places such as the Moria camp in Greece.

      The brutality of a 16 years long siege in Gaza, and the decades of occupation, imprisonment, humiliation, everyday violence, death, grief – which as we write happen at an unprecedented genocidal intensity, but are in no way a new occurrence – have not however robbed people of Gaza, as individuals, of their ability to share in the grief and fear of others.

      “Striving to stay human” is what Palestinians have been doing and continue to do even as they are forced to make inhumane choices such as deciding who to rescue from under the rubbles based on who has more possibility to survive, as recounted by journalist Ahmed Dremly from Gaza during his brief and precious dispatches from the strip under the heavy shelling. This colonial violence will continue to produce traumatic effects in the generations of survivors. Yet, it has to be made clear that as the occupied people, Palestinians cannot be expected to bear the pain of the occupier. Equal standing and rights in life are the necessary preconditions for collective shared grief of death.

      Mahmoud Darwish wrote, in one of his essays on the “madness” of being Palestinian, written after the massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982, that the Palestinian “…is encumbered by the relentless march of death and is busy defending what remains of his flesh and his dream…his back is against the wall, but his eyes remain fixed on his country. He can no longer scream. He can no longer understand the reason behind Arab silence and Western apathy. He can do only one thing, to become even more Palestinian… because he has no other choice”.

      The only antidote to the spiral of violence is an end to the occupation and siege, and for Israel to fully comply with international law and to the UN resolutions, as a first and non-negotiable step. From there we can begin to imagine a future of peace and humanity for both Palestinians and Israelis.

      #colonialisme #traumatisme_colonial #génocide

    • Can the Palestinian speak ?

      It is sadly nothing new to argue that oppressed and colonised people have been and are subject to epistemic violence – othering, silencing, and selective visibility – in which they are muted or made to appear or speak only within certain perceptual views or registers – terrorists, protestors, murderers, humanitarian subjects – but absented from their most human qualities. Fabricated disappearance and dehumanisation of Palestinians have supported and continue to sustain their physical elimination and their erasure as a people.

      But the weeks after October 7th have set a new bar in terms of the inverted and perverse ways that Palestinians and Israel can be represented, discussed, and interpreted. I am referring here to a new epistemology of time that is tight to a moral standpoint that the world is asked to uphold. In that, the acts of contextualising and providing historical depth are framed as morally reprehensible or straight out antisemitic. The idea that the 7th of October marks the beginning of unprecedented violence universalises the experience of one side, the Israeli, while obliterating the past decades of Palestinians’ predicament. More than ever, Palestinians are visible, legible, and audible only through the frames of Israeli subjectivity and sensibility. They exist either to protect Israel or to destroy Israel. Outside these two assigned agencies, they are not, and cannot speak. They are an excess of agency like Spivak’s subaltern,[1] or a ‘superfluous’ people as Mahmoud Darwish[2] put it in the aftermath of the Sabra and Chatila massacre. What is more is the persistent denying by Israel and its Western allies, despite the abundant historical evidence, that Palestinian indigenous presence in Palestine has always been at best absented from their gaze – ‘a problem’ to manage and contain – at worse the object of systemic and persistent ethnic cleansing and erasure aiming at fulfilling the narcissistic image of “a land without a people for a people without a land.” Yet, the erasure of Palestinians, also today in Gaza, is effected and claimed while simultaneously being denied.

      A quick check of the word “Palestine” on google scholar returns one million and three hundred thousand studies, nearly half of them written from the mid 1990s onwards. Even granting that much of this scholarship would be situated in and reproducing orientalist and colonial knowledges, one can hardly claim scarcity of scholarly production on the dynamics of subalternity and oppression in Palestine. Anthropology, literary theory, and history have detected and detailed the epistemological and ontological facets of colonial and post-colonial erasure. One might thus ask: how does the persistent denial of erasure in the case of Palestinians work? We might resort to psychoanalysis or to a particular form of narcissistic behaviour known as DAVRO – Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender[3] – to understand the current pervading and cunning epistemic violence that Israel and its allies enact. Denying the radical obstructing and effacing of Palestinian life (while effecting it through settler-colonialism, settler and state violence, siege, apartheid, and genocidal violence in Gaza) is the first stage in Israel’s and western allies’ discursive manipulation. Attacking historicisation and contextualisation as invalid, antisemitic, propaganda, hate speech, immoral, outrageous, and even contrary to liberal values is the second stage. Lastly is the Reversing Victim and Offender by presenting the war on Gaza as one where Israel is a historical victim reacting to the offender, in response to demands that Israel, as the colonial and occupying power, takes responsibility for the current cycle of violence.

      This partly explains why the violent attack that Hamas conducted in the south of Israel last October, in which 1200 people were killed, is consistently presented as the start date of an ‘unprecedented’ violence, with more than 5000 Palestinians killed in carpet bombings of Gaza until 2022 doubly erased, physically and epistemically. With this, October 7th becomes the departure point of an Israeli epistemology of time assumed as universal, but it also marks an escalation in efforts to criminalise contextualisation and banish historicisation.

      Since October 7th, a plurality of voices – ranging from Israeli political figures and intellectuals, to mainstream and left-leaning journalists – has condemned efforts to inscribe Gaza into a long term history of colonialism as scurrilous justification for the killing of Israeli civilians. Attempts to analyse or understand facts through a historical and political frame, by most notably drawing attention to Gazans’ lived experience over the past 16 years (as a consequence of its long term siege and occupation) or merely to argue that there is a context in which events are taking place, such as General UN director Guterres did when he stated that October 7th “did not happen in a vacuum,” are represented as inciting terrorism or morally repugnant hate speech. In the few media reports accounting for the dire and deprived conditions of Palestinians’ existence in Gaza, the reasons causing the former are hardly mentioned. For instance, we hear in reports that Palestinians in Gaza are mostly refugees, that they are unemployed, and that 80% of them are relying on aid, with trucks of humanitarian aid deemed insufficient in the last few weeks in comparison to the numbers let in before the 7th of October. Astoundingly, the 56 years old Israeli occupation and 17 years old siege of Gaza, as root causes of the destruction of the economy, unemployment, and reliance on aid are not mentioned so that the public is left to imagine that these calamities are the result of Palestinians’ own doing.

      In other domains, we see a similar endeavour in preventing Palestine from being inscribed in its colonial context. Take for instance the many critical theorists who have tried to foreclose Franz Fanon’s analysis of colonial violence to Palestinians. Naming the context of colonial violence and Palestinians’ intergenerational and ongoing traumas is interpreted as morally corrupt, tantamount to not caring for Israeli trauma and a justification for the loss of Israeli lives. The variation of the argument that does refer to historical context either pushes Fanon’s arguments to the margins or argues that the existence of a Palestinian authority invalidates Fanon’s applicability to Palestine, denying therefore the effects of the violence that Palestinians as colonised subjects have endured and continue to endure because of Israeli occupation, apartheid, and siege.

      But perhaps one of the most disconcerting forms of gaslighting is the demand that Palestinians should – and could – suspend their condition of subordination, their psychic and physical injury, to centre the perpetrators’ feelings and grief as their own. In fact, the issue of grief has come to global attention almost exclusively as an ethical and moral question in reaction to the loss of Israeli lives. Palestinians who accept to go on TV are constantly asked whether they condemn the October 7th attack, before they can even dare talk about their own long history of loss and dispossession, and literally while their families are being annihilated by devastating shelling and bombing and still lying under the rubbles. One such case is that of PLO ambassador to the UK Hussam Zomlot, who lost members of his own family in the current attack, but was asked by Kirsty Wark to “condemn Hamas” on screen. To put it another way: would it even be conceivable to imagine a journalist asking Israeli hostages in captivity if they condemn the Israeli bombardments and the war on Gaza as a precondition to speak and be heard?

      “Condemning” becomes the condition of Palestinian intelligibility and audibility as humans, a proof that they share the universal idea that all human life is sacred, at the very moment when the sacrality of human life is violently precluded to them and when they are experiencing with brutal clarity that their existence as a people matters to no one who has the power to stop the carnage. This imperative mistakes in bad faith the principle that lives should have equal worth with a reality that for Palestinians is plainly experienced as the opposite of this postulate. Israel, on the other hand, is given “the extenuating circumstances” for looking after Israelis’ own trauma by conducting one of the most indiscriminate and ferocious attacks on civilians in decades, superior in its intensity and death rate to the devastation we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, according to the New York Times. Nearly 20.000 killed – mostly children, women, and elderly – razed, shelled, bulldozed while in their homes or shelters, in an onslaught that does not spare doctors, patients, journalists, academics, and even Israeli hostages, and that aims at making Gaza an unlivable habitat for the survivors.

      Let us go back to the frequently invoked question of “morality.” In commentaries and op-eds over the last few weeks we are told that any mention of context for the attacks of October 7th is imperiling the very ability to be compassionate or be moral. Ranging from the Israeli government that argues that a killing machine in Gaza is justified on moral grounds – and that contextualisation and historicisation are a distraction or deviation from this moral imperative – to those who suggest Israel should moderate its violence against Palestinians – such as New York times columnist Nicholas Kristof who wrote that “Hamas dehumanized Israelis, and we must not dehumanize innocent people in Gaza” – all assign a pre-political or a-political higher moral ground to Israel. Moreover, October 7th is said to – and is felt as – having awakened the long historical suffering of the Jews and the trauma of the Holocaust. But what is the invocation of the Holocaust – and the historical experience of European antisemitism – if not a clear effort at historical and moral contextualisation? In fact, the only history and context deemed evocable and valid is the Israeli one, against the history and context of Palestinians’ lives. In this operation, Israeli subjectivity and sensibility is located above history and is assigned a monopoly of morality with October 7th becoming an a-historical and a meta-historical fact at one and the same time. In this canvas Palestinians are afforded permission to exist subject to inhabiting one of the two agencies assigned to them: guardian of Israeli life or colonised subject. This is what Israeli president Herzog means when he declares that there are no innocents in Gaza: “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. This rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true. They could’ve risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime”. The nearly twenty thousand Palestinian deaths are thus not Israel’s responsibility. Palestinians are liable for their own disappearance for not “fighting Hamas” to protect Israelis. The Israeli victims, including hundreds of soldiers, are, on the other hand, all inherently civilians, and afforded innocent qualities. This is the context in which Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, of Itamar Ben Gvir’s far-right party in power, can suggest nuking Gaza or wiping out all residents: “They can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves”. Let us not here be mistaken by conceding this might just be a fantasy, a desire of elimination: the Guardian and the +972/Local call magazines have provided chilling evidence that Palestinian civilians in Gaza are not “collateral” damage but what is at work is a mass assassination factory, thanks to a sophisticated AI system generating hundreds of unverified targets aiming at eliminating as many civilians as possible.

      Whether Palestinians are worthy of merely living or dying depends thus on their active acceptance or refusal to remain colonised. Any attempts to exit this predicament – whether through violent attacks like on October 7th or by staging peaceful civil tactics such as disobedience, boycott and divesting from Israel, recurrence to international law, peaceful marches, hunger strikes, popular or cultural resistance – are all the same, and in a gaslighting mode disallowed as evidence of Palestinians’ inherent violent nature which proves they need taming or elimination.

      One might be compelled to believe that dehumanisation and the logic of elimination of Palestinians are a reaction to the pain, sorrow, and shock generated by the traumatic and emotional aftermath of October 7th. But history does not agree with this, as the assigning of Palestinians to a non-human or even non-life sphere is deeply rooted in Israeli public discourse. The standpoint of a people seeking freedom from occupation and siege has consistently been reversed and catalogued as one of “terror and threat” to Israeli state and society when it is a threat to their colonial expansive or confinement plans, whether the latter are conceived as divinely mandated or backed by a secular settler-colonial imaginary. In so far as “terrorists” are birthed by snakes and wild beasts as Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaker states, they must be exterminated. Her words bear citation as they anticipate Gaza’s current devastation with lucid clarity: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads”. Urging the killing of all Palestinians women, men, and children and the destruction of their homes, she continued: “They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there. They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists.” This is not an isolated voice. Back in 2016 Prime Minister Netanyahu argued that fences and walls should be built all around Israel to defend it from “wild beasts” and against this background retired Israeli general and former head of Intelligence Giora Eiland, in an opinion article in Yedioth Aharonoth on November 19, argues that all Palestinians in Gaza die of fast spreading disease and all infrastructure be destroyed, while still positing Israel’s higher moral ground: “We say that Sinwar (Hamas leader in Gaza, ndr) is so evil that he does not care if all the residents of Gaza die. Such a presentation is not accurate, since who are the “poor” women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters, or wives of Hamas murderers,” adding, “And no, this is not about cruelty for cruelty’s sake, since we don’t support the suffering of the other side as an end but as a means.”

      But let us not be mistaken, such ascription of Palestinians to a place outside of history, and of humanity, goes way back and has been intrinsic to the establishment of Israel. From the outset of the settler colonial project in 1948, Palestinians as the indigenous people of the land have been dehumanised to enable the project of erasing them, in a manner akin to other settler colonial projects which aimed at turning the settlers into the new indigenous. The elimination of Palestinians has rested on more than just physical displacement, destruction, and a deep and wide ecological alteration of the landscape of Palestine to suit the newly fashioned Israeli identity. Key Israeli figures drew a direct equivalence between Palestinian life on the one hand and non-life on the other. For instance, Joseph Weitz, a Polish Jew who settled in Palestine in 1908 and sat in the first and second Transfer Committees (1937–1948) which were created to deal with “the Arab problem” (as the indigenous Palestinians were defined) speaks in his diaries of Palestinians as a primitive unity of human and non-human life.[4] Palestinians and their habitat were, in his words, “bustling with man and beast,” until their destruction and razing to the ground in 1948 made them “fossilized life,” to use Weitz’ own words. Once fossilised, the landscape could thus be visualised as an empty and barren landscape (the infamous desert), enlivened and redeemed by the arrival of the Jewish settlers.

      Locating events within the context and long durée of the incommensurable injustices inflicted upon the Palestinians since 1948 – which have acquired a new unimaginable magnitude with the current war on Gaza – is not just ethically imperative but also politically pressing. The tricks of DARVO (Denying Attacking and Reversing Victim and Offender) have been unveiled. We are now desperately in need of re-orienting the world’s moral compass by exposing the intertwined processes of humanisation and dehumanisation of Jewish Israelis and Palestinians. There is no other way to begin exiting not only the very conditions that usher violence, mass killings, and genocide, but also towards effecting the as yet entirely fictional principle that human lives have equal value.

      [1] Spivak, G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” (1988). In Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson, eds., Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, pp. 271–313. Urbana: University of Illinois Press; Basingstoke: Macmillan.

      [2] Mahmoud Darwish, “The Madness of Being a Palestinian,” Journal Of Palestine Studies 15, no. 1 (1985): 138–41.

      [3] Heartfelt thanks to Professor Rema Hamami for alerting me to the notion of DAVRO and for her extended and invaluable comments on this essay.

      [4] Cited in Benvenisti M (2000) Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp.155-156.

      #violence_épistémique #élimination #in/visilité #nettoyage_ethnique #oppression #DAVRO

  • Expulsion vers le #Rwanda. La #Suisse, pionnière d’une externalisation illégale ?

    Alors que la Cour suprême britannique a jugé illégal le plan du gouvernement britannique de délocaliser ses procédures d’asile au Rwanda, la Suisse doit examiner, lors de la prochaine session d’hiver, une #motion du Conseiller aux Etats #Damian_Müller (PLR) demandant d’y renvoyer les réfugié·es érythréen·nes débouté·es. Le contenu de la motion est truffée d’approximations et d’informations erronées quant à la légalité de la mesure qui devraient questionner les parlementaires sur le sérieux de la démarche. La réponse du Conseil fédéral apporte certains éléments factuels. Nous proposons ci-dessous des compléments utiles au débat public.

    La tentation de l’externalisation… et ses écueils

    La question de l’externalisation de tout ou partie des procédures d’asile est régulièrement thématisée par les gouvernements européens. Leur objectif vise généralement avant tout à donner un « signal » dissuasif à l’extérieur. Au Danemark, les tractations avec le Rwanda annoncées en grande pompe en 2021 ont été abandonnées en janvier 2023. L’annonce récente d’un accord par le gouvernement italien de Georgia Meloni avec l’Albanie suscite l’inquiétude du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugié-es (HCR), qui rappelle sa position sur la question de l’externalisation. Le HCR a du reste salué l’arrêt de la Cour suprême britannique.
    Une motion suisse illégale, coûteuse et à la portée réduite

    C’est dans ce contexte que le Conseil national devra examiner la motion 23.3176 déposée en mars 2023 par le Conseiller aux Etats PLR Damian Müller. Sa visée électorale ne fait aucun doute, pas plus que les motivations des membres du Conseil des États. Ceux-ci l’ont acceptée lors de la session d’été en dépit de son caractère manifestement illégal, coûteux et à la portée pratique réduite, comme le soulignait le Conseil fédéral dans sa réponse. Le coût d’image, pour la Suisse, n’avait alors pas été considéré. Il devrait, néanmoins, aussi être mis dans la balance par les membres du Conseil national lorsqu’ils devront voter en décembre. Ceux-ci devraient notamment considérer les points suivants :

    - Le nombre très restreint de personnes concernées par cette motion (300 personnes en Suisse)
    - Le coût de la mesure, incertain. Londres a déboursé plus de 120 millions de livres sterling dans le cadre de son accord, qui vient d’être jugé illégal.
    - Ce qu’implique de se lier les mains avec un État tiers dans le cadre de ces accords d’externalisation. Les précédents dans l’histoire récente européenne sont la Libye et la Turquie, pays qui n’ont pas manqué d’instrumentaliser le dossier migratoire dans le cadre de crises politiques. La volonté active du Rwanda auprès des États européens de jouer ce rôle de gestion migratoire doit être comprise à travers le prisme de ces enjeux géostratégiques.
    - Le Rwanda n’est pas un pays sûr : les risques de refoulements vers le pays d’origine des requérant·es sont présents et ont été documentés dans le cadre d’accords avec d’autres pays par le passé. C’est ce qu’a conclu la Haute cour de justice britannique et c’est aussi ce qu’a reproché le HCR à cet accord.
    - L’illégalité de la mesure : pour procéder à un renvoi forcé vers un État tiers, la Suisse est tenue d’examiner le lien des personnes concernées avec le pays en question selon la loi. Elle devrait aussi garantir le respect des normes de droits humains par l’Etat tiers, ici le Rwanda, et devrait pour cela obtenir des garanties de Kigali. Or l’approche des élections rwandaises en 2024 a été marquée par des violations des droits humains.

    La « légalité » de la délocalisation. Une argumentation factuellement fausse
    Que dit la motion ?

    Le 15 mars 2023, le Conseiller aux États Damian Müller, a déposé une motion invitant le Conseil fédéral à lancer un projet pilote visant à renvoyer les personnes déboutées dans un État tiers. Le projet s’attaque aux ressortissant·es érythréen·nes débouté·es. Il rappelle que les concerné·es ne peuvent pas être renvoyés sous la contrainte en Érythrée, le gouvernement érythréen refusant de telles expulsions. Damian Müller demande d’identifier rapidement un pays prêt à accueillir les ressortissant·es érythréen·nes débouté·es et cite le Rwanda en exemple. Un mécanisme comprenant une compensation financière serait à mettre en place, ainsi qu’une évaluation.

    Concernant l’externalisation que prône la motion, à savoir le renvoi vers un État tiers de personnes déboutées, et en particulier le Rwanda, l’auteur de la motion estime que ces mesures sont légales, s’appuyant sur deux éléments factuellement faux. La formulation de Damian Müller montre qu’il n’a lui-même aucune idée de la légalité ou non de la mesure !

    Affirmation fausse #1 – L’exemple erroné du HCR au Rwanda

    L’auteur de la motion affirme qu’il serait légal de mener l’ensemble de la procédure d’asile à l’étranger, citant en exemple le HCR qui « externalise déjà au Niger et au Rwanda les procédures d’asile des requérants en provenance de Libye ».

    - Pourquoi c’est faux – Le HCR a utilisé ces deux pays pour évacuer les réfugié·es vulnérables de Libye en raison des conditions de violence et de détention dans lesquelles elles étaient plongées. Il s’agissait d’une solution transitoire de mise à l’abri. L’Emergency Transit Mechanism vise à pouvoir traiter leur cas et trouver ainsi une solution durable pour elles, notamment un lieu de réinstallation. Evacuees from Libya – Emergency Transit Mechanism – UNHCR Rwanda. Lire aussi la fiche d’information sur la situation dans les deux ETM (juin 2023) : Document – UNHCR Flash Update ETM Niger and Rwanda

    Affirmation fausse #2 – L’accord avec le Sénégal de 2003

    L’auteur de la motion s’appuie sur une tentative d’accord de transit avec le Sénégal de 2003 pour estimer pouvoir « part[ir] donc du principe que la légalité du renvoi des requérants d’asile vers des pays tiers a déjà été examinée ».

    - Pourquoi c’est faux – Le Conseil fédéral rappelle dans sa réponse que l’accord en question visait au « transit » des personnes déboutées qui ne pouvaient rentrer directement dans leur pays d’origine, et que l’accord en question stipulait un retour en Suisse en cas d’impossibilité pour ces personnes de poursuivre leur voyage. La motion en question « irait beaucoup plus loin » puisqu’il s’agirait d’une relocalisation dans un Etat tiers, « pratique qui n’est suivie par aucun Etat européen ».

    La délocalisation au Rwanda est illégale selon la Cour suprême britannique

    Le plan Rwanda du gouvernement britannique a été enterré par la Cour suprême du Royaume-Uni le 15 novembre 2023. Le projet phare de Rishi Sunak visant à délocaliser la procédure d’asile au Rwanda pour les personnes entrant par voie irrégulière dans le pays a été jugée illégale. Le Rwanda n’est pas un pays sûr confirment les juges et le risque de renvoi vers leur pays d’origine des personnes expulsées violerait le principe de non-refoulement consacré par le droit international. Les 120 millions de livres sterling déjà versés par Londres à Kigali dans le cadre de cet accord ne serviront pas les objectifs du gouvernement anglais. Si celui-ci a déjà annoncé vouloir passer outre la décision de la Haute cour (!), il collectionne pour l’heure les déboires judiciaires, avec la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme qui a ordonné la suspension du vol collectif organisé par Londres en juin 2022 puis l’annulation par la Haute cour des décisions de refoulement individuelles en décembre de la même année.


    #externalisation #réfugiés #asile #migrations #réfugiés_érythréens #procédure_d'asile #externalisation_de_la_procédure #modèle_australien


    ajouté à la métaliste sur les tentatives de différentes pays européens d’#externalisation non seulement des contrôles frontaliers (►https://seenthis.net/messages/731749), mais aussi de la #procédure_d'asile dans des #pays_tiers

  • When the Coast Guard Intercepts Unaccompanied Kids

    A Haitian boy arrived on Florida’s maritime border. His next five days detained at sea illuminate the crisis facing children traveling to the U.S. alone and the crews forced to send them back.

    Tcherry’s mother could see that her 10-year-old son was not being taken care of. When he appeared on their video calls, his clothes were dirty. She asked who in the house was washing his shirts, the white Nike T-shirt and the yellow one with a handprint that he wore in rotation. He said nobody was, but he had tried his best to wash them by hand in the tub. His hair, which was buzzed short when he lived with his grandmother in Haiti, had now grown long and matted. He had already been thin, but by January, after three months in the smuggler’s house, he was beginning to look gaunt. Tcherry told his mother that there was not enough food. He said he felt “empty inside.”

    More strangers, most of them Haitian like Tcherry, continued to arrive at the house in the Bahamas on their way to the United States. One day police officers came with guns, and Tcherry hid in a corner; they left when a man gave them money. The next time he and his mother talked, Tcherry lowered his bright, wide-set eyes and spoke to her in a quieter voice. “It was like he was hiding,” his mother, Stephania LaFortune, says. “He was scared.” Tcherry told her he didn’t want to spend another night on the thin mattress in the front room with scuffed pink walls. She assured him it would be over soon. A boat would take him to Florida, and then he would join her in Canada, where she was applying for asylum. LaFortune texted Tcherry photos of the city where she lived. The leaves had turned brown and fallen from the trees. Still, she was there, and that’s where Tcherry wanted to be. He waited another week, then two, then three.

    Tcherry didn’t laugh or play for months on end, until one day in February, when two sisters, both Haitian citizens, were delivered to the house. One was a 4-year-old named Beana. She wore a pink shirt and cried a lot. The other, Claire, was 8. She had a round face and a burn on her hand; she said that at the last house they’d stayed in, a girl threw hot oil on her. Claire did everything for her sister, helping her eat, bathe and use the bathroom. Like Tcherry, the girls were traveling to join their mother, who was working at a Michigan auto plant on a temporary legal status that did not allow her to bring her children from abroad. Their clothes were as dirty as his. Sometimes Tcherry and Claire watched videos on his phone. They talked about their mothers. “I am thinking about you,” Tcherry said in a message to his mother in early February. “It has been a long time.”

    Finally, nearly four months after Tcherry arrived at the house, one of the men in charge of the smuggling operation woke him and the two girls early in the morning. “He told us to get ready,” Tcherry recalls. With nothing but the clothes they wore, no breakfast or ID, they were loaded into a van and were dropped off at a trash-lined canal just outside Freeport, Bahamas. In the muck and garbage, more than 50 people stood waiting as a boat motored toward them. “Not a good boat,” Tcherry told me, “a raggedy boat.” But nobody complained. The 40-foot vessel tilted from the weight as people climbed aboard and pushed into the two dank cabins, sitting shoulder to shoulder or standing because there was no more space. Tcherry felt the boat speeding up, taking them out to sea.

    For almost 12 hours they traveled west, packed together in cabins that now smelled of vomit and urine. In the lower cabin, a baby was crying incessantly. A heavily pregnant woman offered up the last of her package of cookies to the child’s mother to help soothe the infant. Tcherry was thirsty and exhausted. Not far from him, he heard a woman say that the children’s parents must be wicked for sending them alone into the sea.

    The passengers had been promised they would reach U.S. shores hours earlier. People were starting to panic, sure that they were lost, when passengers sitting near the windows saw lights, at first flickering and then bright — the lights of cars and buildings. “That is Florida,” a young man said as the boat sped toward shore. Tcherry pulled on his sneakers. “If I make it,” he thought, “I will spend Christmas with my family.”

    But as quickly as the lights of Florida came into view, police lights burst upon them. A siren wailed. People screamed, a helicopter circled overhead and an officer on a sheriff’s boat pointed a long gun toward them. Uniformed men climbed on board, yelled orders and handed out life jackets. The group of 54 people was transferred to a small Coast Guard cutter. As the sun rose over Florida just beyond them, a man with a tattoo on his arm of a hand making the sign of the benediction began recording a video on his phone. “As you can see, we are in Miami,” he said. “As you can see, we are on a boat with a bunch of small children.” He intended to send the video to relatives waiting for him on land, and he urged them to contact lawyers. But his phone was confiscated, and the video was never sent.

    The Coast Guard frames its operations in the sea as lifesaving work: Crews rescue people from boats at risk of capsizing and pull them from the water. But the agency, which is an arm of the Department of Homeland Security, also operates as a maritime border patrol, its ships as floating holding facilities. Since the summer of 2021, the Coast Guard has detained more than 27,000 people, a number larger than in any similar period in nearly three decades. On a single day in January, the agency’s fleet of ships off the Florida coast collectively held more than 1,000 people. The public has no way of knowing what happens on board. Unlike at the U.S.-Mexico border, which is closely monitored by advocates, the courts and the press, immigration enforcement at sea takes place out of public view.

    The Coast Guard routinely denies journalists’ requests to witness immigration patrols, but in early March, I learned that several days earlier, a boat carrying dozens of Haitians had been stopped so close to land that they were first chased down by the Palm Beach County sheriff’s marine unit. Among them were three unaccompanied children: two young sisters and a 10-year-old boy. In the months afterward, I obtained a trove of internal Coast Guard documents, including emails and a database of the agency’s immigration interdictions, and I tracked down Tcherry, Claire and Beana and 18 people traveling with them. Many of them told me about the five days they spent detained on Coast Guard ships — an experience, one man said, “that will remain a scar in each person’s mind.”

    People intercepted at sea, even in U.S. waters, have fewer rights than those who come by land. “Asylum does not apply at sea,” a Coast Guard spokesperson told me. Even people who are fleeing violence, rape and death, who on land would be likely to pass an initial asylum screening, are routinely sent back to the countries they’ve fled. To try to get through, people held on Coast Guard ships have occasionally taken to harming themselves — swallowing sharp objects, stabbing themselves with smuggled knives — in the hope that they’ll be rushed to emergency rooms on land where they can try to claim asylum.

    The restrictions, combined with the nearly 30-year spike in maritime migration, created a crisis for the Coast Guard too, leading to what one senior Coast Guard official described in an internal email in February as “war-fighting levels of stress and fatigue.” Coast Guard crew members described to me their distress at having to reject desperate person after desperate person, but the worst part of the job, several said, was turning away the children who were traveling alone. From July 2021 to September 2023, the number of children without parents or guardians held by the Coast Guard spiked, a nearly tenfold increase over the prior two years. Most of them were Haitian. “The hardest ones for me are the unaccompanied minors,” one crew member told me. “They’re put on this boat to try to come to America, and they have no one.”

    The treatment of children is perhaps the starkest difference between immigration policy on land and at sea. At land borders, unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada cannot simply be turned back. They are assigned government caseworkers and are often placed in shelters, then with family members, on track to gain legal status. That system has its own serious failings, but the principle is that children must be protected. Not so at sea. U.S. courts have not determined what protections should extend to minors held on U.S. ships, even those detained well within U.S. waters. The Coast Guard says that its crew members screen children to identify “human-trafficking indicators and protection concerns including fear of return.” A spokesperson told me that “migrants who indicate a fear of return receive further screening” by Homeland Security officials.

    But of the almost 500 unaccompanied children held on the agency’s cutters in the Caribbean and the Straits of Florida between July 2021 and early September 2023, five were allowed into the U.S. because federal agencies believed they would face persecution at home, even amid escalating violence in Haiti, including the documented murder and rape of children. One other child was medically evacuated to a hospital in Florida, and six were brought to land for reasons that the internal Coast Guard records do not explain. The rest were delivered back to the countries they left, and it’s often unclear where they go once they return. Some have nowhere to stay and no one to take care of them. On occasion, they are so young that they don’t know the names of their parents or the country where they were born. One official from an agency involved in processing people delivered by the U.S. Coast Guard to Haiti told me “it is an open secret” that the process can be dangerously inconsistent. “Children leave the port,” the official said, “and what happens to them after they leave, no one knows.”

    Stephania LaFortune had not wanted to send her 10-year-old son on a boat by himself. She knew firsthand how perilous the journey could be. In May 2021, before the boat she had boarded made it to a Florida beach, some of the passengers jumped into the water to wade through the heavy waves. “They almost drowned,” she told me when I met her in Toronto. LaFortune waited on the beached vessel until U.S. Border Patrol officials came to detain her. In detention, she claimed asylum and was soon released. For months, she searched for other ways to bring Tcherry to her, but LaFortune ultimately determined she had no alternative.

    The first time LaFortune left Tcherry, he was 3 years old. Her husband, a police cadet, had been shot in his uniform and left to die in a ditch outside Port-au-Prince, and LaFortune, fearing for her life, departed for the Bahamas. Tcherry stayed behind with his grandmother. Four years later, as violence began to flare again, Tcherry’s mother finally made good on her promise to send for him. She arranged for him to fly to the Bahamas, where she had remarried and had a baby girl. But Tcherry was in the Bahamas not even a year when LaFortune told him that she would be leaving again — not because she wanted to, she assured her sobbing son, but because she had seen how Haitians were harassed and deported, and she simply didn’t believe there was real opportunity there. Tcherry’s stepfather and his younger half sister, who were Bahamian citizens, joined LaFortune months later. She arranged for Tcherry to live with relatives, promising to send for him as soon as she could.

    LaFortune’s asylum case in Florida dragged on, so she and her husband and daughter traveled over land to Canada, where they hoped they could get legal status more quickly. While they waited for a decision in their asylum case, the relative Tcherry was staying with said he could no longer take care of a growing boy by himself. After begging others to take her son, LaFortune found a woman she knew back in Haiti who said she was planning to make the trip to Florida herself with her own children. For $3,000, the woman said, she could take Tcherry with them. LaFortune sent the money. The woman took Tcherry to the smuggler’s house and did not return for him.

    That house, and the one where Tcherry was moved next, were filled with Haitians fleeing the crisis that began in July 2021, when President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated by a team of mostly Colombian mercenaries hired through a Miami-area security company. The U.S. Justice Department has accused nearly a dozen people, some based in the United States, of setting the assassination in motion. As the Haitian state crumbled, proliferating gangs, many with ties to the country’s political elite, burst from the neighborhoods they’d long controlled and began terrorizing Port-au-Prince and swaths of the rest of the country. Kidnapping, extortion, the rape of women and children, and the torching of homes and neighborhoods became routine weapons of fear. Thousands have been murdered, and in June the United Nations estimated that nearly 200,000 have been internally displaced. Haitians able to gather the resources have left however they can. Many have traveled over land to the Dominican Republic or by air to South and Central America. And thousands have boarded boats bound for the beaches of Florida.

    The people on the vessel with Tcherry had reasons, each as urgent as the next, for being there. There was a 31-year-old street vendor whose Port-au-Prince neighborhood had been taken over by gangs; she said that when she tried to flee north by bus, men with guns forced her and other women off the bus and raped them. A man from a district in the north said he’d been beaten more than once by thugs sent by a political boss he’d opposed; both times they threatened to kill him. A man who worked as a Vodou priest in Port-au-Prince said he left because he needed money for his sick daughter, and gangs were confiscating his wages. The pregnant woman who helped comfort the crying baby said she had been kidnapped and raped; she was released only after her family sold land and collected donations to pay for her ransom. Two women were traveling with their daughters, but Tcherry, Claire and Beana were the only young children traveling alone.

    Tcherry sat on the deck of a Coast Guard cutter called the Manowar along with the rest of the group, exhausted, scared and confused. Nobody had explained to him what would happen next. Crew members in blue uniforms finally gave them food, small plates of rice and beans, and began to search their belongings and run their photos and fingerprints through federal immigration and criminal databases. Tcherry and the sisters followed the orders of a crew member with blond hair, cut like the soldiers in movies Tcherry had seen, to sit in the shaded spot under the stairs to the bridge.

    On the stern of the cutter, a man in his early 30s named Peterson sat watching the children. He had crossed paths with them weeks earlier in one of the houses; seeing they were hungry, he had brought them extra slices of bread and even cut Tcherry’s hair. Claire reminded him of his own young daughter in Haiti. Peterson had not wanted to leave his child, but gangs had recently taken control of roadways not far from his home in the coastal city of Saint-Marc. He had not earned a decent wage for many months, not since he lost his job as a driver at a missionary organization. He had decided to leave for the United States so he could send money back to Haiti for his daughter, who remained behind with her mother.

    Now it occurred to Peterson that his connection to Tcherry and the girls could work to his advantage. Surely the Coast Guard wouldn’t return children to Haiti, he thought. Surely they wouldn’t separate a family. “I thought that there might be an opportunity for me to get to the U.S.,” he told me. He approached Tcherry, Claire and Beana and told them they should tell the crew he was their uncle.

    Peterson’s small kindness in the smuggler’s house had given Tcherry reason to trust him. When it came time for the blond-haired crew member, Petty Officer Timothy James, to interview the children, Peterson stood close behind. With the help of another Haitian man who spoke some English, Peterson told James that he was their uncle. James asked the children if it was true. Tcherry and Claire, both timid, their eyes lowered, said it was. Beana was too young to understand. James handed her a brown teddy bear, which the crew of the Manowar keeps on board because of the growing number of children they detain, and sent the children back to the stern.

    But no more than a couple of hours later, Peterson changed his mind. He’d noticed that the pregnant woman had been evaluated by Florida EMTs, and he moved over to offer her a deal: If she would tell the crew he was her husband and let him join her if they brought her to land, his brother in Florida, who already paid $6,000 for his place on this boat, would make sure she was compensated. “I helped her understand that that is something she could profit from,” he says. The woman agreed, and Peterson, who now needed to tell the truth about the children, divulged to a crew member that he was not their uncle. “I was just trying to help if I could,” he said.

    James crouched down beside the children again and told them not to lie. “Why did you leave your home to go to the United States,” he read off a questionnaire. “To go to my parents,” Tcherry replied. To Tcherry, the questions seemed like a good sign. He was unsure whether he could trust these crew members after the officer on the sheriff boat pointed a long gun at them the night before. “I thought they were going to shoot me,” Tcherry says. But James calmly directed the children to sit in the one shaded place on the boat, and gave them cookies and slices of apple. “He was nice,” Tcherry says — the nicest anyone had been since Peterson brought them bread in the house.

    James kept reading the form. “What will happen when you get there?” he asked. Tcherry looked up. He latched onto the words “when you get there” and took them as a promise. He asked James when they would be on land. James said the same thing he told everyone on the boat: that the decision was not up to him, that he was just doing his job. Tcherry was convinced James would send him and Claire and Beana to their mothers. He thought of the story his mother had told him about his father’s murder, his body in a ditch by the road, and of his last memory of Haiti, when he passed through a gang checkpoint on the way to the airport. “I saw bandits approaching toward us, and he had a gun pulled,” Tcherry told me. “My heart started beating fast, and I thought he was going to shoot.” He was overwhelmed with relief that he would never have to go back there.

    A boat came to bring someone to land. But it was not there to pick up Tcherry or the other children. A Coast Guard medical officer had reviewed the pregnant woman’s vitals and made a decision that because she “may go into labor at any moment,” she would be brought to a hospital in Palm Beach County accompanied by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Before she was taken away, Peterson said the woman told him she would not claim to be married to him after all. She didn’t want a stranger on her baby’s birth certificate. She offered to say she was his cousin. “I knew that being the cousin would not be enough,” Peterson recalls, “and I have to say that I lost hope.”

    The pregnant woman disappeared on a small boat toward land. Those left on the stern began to talk among themselves, asking why the baby, who had barely stopped crying, and the other children had been left aboard the cutter. They said they could not keep going like this, eating only small portions of scarcely cooked and saltless rice and beans, unable to bathe and forced to urinate and defecate in a toilet seat attached to a metal box with a tube off the side of the open deck. They decided they would rise in unison and protest, and they passed the word from one to the next. At around 9 p.m., dozens of people began to yell toward the bridge demanding interpreters, lawyers or just to know what would become of them. From the bow where he stood, James heard faint yelling, and then the voice of the officer in charge over the loudspeaker. “They’re starting an uprising on the fantail,” he said. “I need you back there.”

    Timothy James came from a conservative family in a conservative little town in the mountains of North Carolina. He and his wife held handguns aloft in their wedding photos, and his first job after dropping out of college was as a sheriff’s deputy at the jail. James joined the Coast Guard in 2015. “My main goal,” he told me, “was to chase down drug runners and catch migrants” — two groups that were more or less the same, as far as he understood.

    He’d been on the job no more than a few weeks before his expectations were upended. “I had no idea what I was talking about,” he told me. There was much less “running and gunning, catching bad guys” than he’d anticipated. Instead, the people he detained would tell him their stories, sometimes with the help of Google Translate on his phone, about violence and deprivation like he had never contemplated. People described what it was like to live on $12 a month. There were children and grandmothers who could have been his own, and young men not so unlike him. They were not trying to infiltrate the country as he’d thought. They were running because “they didn’t have another option,” he says.

    James and his colleagues learned the lengths people would go to try to get to land. Since last fall, people detained on cutters have pulled jagged metal cotter pins, bolts and screws from the rigging and swallowed them, apparently trying to cause such severe injury that they’d be taken to a hospital. Last August, near the Florida Keys, three Cuban men were reported to the Coast Guard by a passing towboat operator; most likely fearing they would be brought back to Cuba, they stabbed and slashed their legs with blades and were found in puddles of blood. In January, a man plunged a five-inch buck-style knife that he’d carried onto a cutter into the side of his torso and slashed it down his rib cage. The crew taped the knife to the wound to stop him from bleeding out as he fell unconscious. Most of these people were delivered to Customs and Border Protection and rushed to hospitals on land, where they probably intended to claim asylum. By the time James began working as operations officer on the Manowar last summer, he and other crew members started every leg at sea by scouring the decks for anything that people might use to harm themselves. (According to a DHS spokesperson, “medical evacuations do not mean that migrants have a greater chance of remaining in the United States.”)

    People detained on cutters have in rare cases threatened to harm Coast Guard members or others they’re traveling with. In January, a group the Coast Guard detained pushed crew members and locked arms to stop their removal to another cutter, according to an internal record. That same month, a group of Haitians held children over the side of a boat, “threatening to throw them overboard and set them on fire” if the Coast Guard came closer. Weeks later, a group of Cubans brandished poles with nails hammered into them and tried to attack an approaching Coast Guard boat. Conflicts between crew and those they detain have escalated to the point that Coast Guard members have shot people with pepper balls and subdued others with stun maneuvers.

    James tensed as he heard the order over the loudspeaker. He thought of the crowd-control techniques he’d learned to immobilize someone, and stepped down the side walkway toward the stern. In front of him were dozens of angry men and a few women, yelling in Haitian Creole. James hesitated and then walked forcefully up to the group, his hands pulled into his sides as if he were ready to throw a punch. Instead, he took a knee. He gestured to the men around him to come join him. He spoke into a cellphone in English, and on the screen he showed them the Google Translate app: “You’ve got to tell everybody to calm down,” it read in Creole. “I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

    Before they could respond, five other crew members came down the stairs, plastic zip ties and batons hanging from their belts. Tcherry was sitting under the stairs, beside Claire and Beana, who had not let go of the teddy bear. “Shut up, shut up,” one of the crew told the protesters as he stepped in front of Tcherry. “One of them said he was going to pepper-spray their eyes and handcuff them,” Tcherry says. James told his colleagues to wait. The yelling in English and Creole grew louder. A man to Tcherry’s left began to scream and roll on the ground, and then he rolled partway under the handrail. A crew member grabbed the man by the back of the pants and hauled him up. James secured his wrist to a post on the deck. “Nobody’s dying on my boat today,” James said.

    Above Tcherry, another crew member stepped onto the landing at the top of the stairs. He held a shotgun and cocked it. James claims that the gun was not loaded, but the threat of violence had its intended effect. The protesters stepped back and went quiet.

    James kept speaking into the phone. “What do you want?” he asked the men.

    “If we go back, we’re dead,” one man replied. They said they could not endure being on the boat much longer.

    “If it were up to me, we’d be taking you to land,” James said. “But it is not up to us.” There was a process to seek protection, he told them. “But what you’re doing now is not that process.”

    Coast Guard crews do not decide who will be offered protection and who will be sent back. Their responsibility is only to document what the agency calls “manifestation of fear” (MOF) claims. The Coast Guard instructs them to make note of such claims only when people proactively assert them or when they observe people exhibiting signs of fear, such as shaking or crying. They are not supposed to ask. That may help explain why the agency has logged only 1,900 claims from more than 27,000 people detained in this region between July 2021 and September 2023. Fewer than 300 of those came from Haitians, even though they make up about a third of people held on cutters. Officials in the Coast Guard and in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services told me that Haitians face a systemic disadvantage in making a successful claim for protection: Almost no one working on Coast Guard boats can speak or understand Creole. (The Coast Guard told me it has access to contracted Creole interpreters aboard cutters.)

    Regardless of the person’s nationality, the process is nearly always a dead end. Each person who makes a claim for protection is supposed to be referred to a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officer, who conducts a “credible fear” screening by phone or in person on a cutter. Between July 2021 and early September 2023, USCIS approved about 60 of the approximately 1,900 claims — around 3%. By contrast, about 60% of asylum applicants on land passed a credible-fear screening over roughly the same period. Unlike on land, people who are denied on ships have no access to courts or lawyers to appeal the decision. And the few who are approved are not sent to the United States at all. Should they choose to proceed with their claims, they are delivered to an immigration holding facility at the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay, where they are evaluated again. They’re told they should be prepared to wait for two years or more, until another country agrees to take them as refugees. Only 36 of the people with approved claims agreed to be sent to Guantánamo. The State Department says there are currently no unaccompanied minors held at the Migrant Operations Center at Guantánamo, but a recent federal contract document says that the facility is prepared to accept them.

    The Manowar crew had been tasked by the local Coast Guard office with logging any requests for protection. But the night after the protest had been too chaotic and exhausting for them to do so. In the morning, a larger cutter with more supplies arrived. The people detained on the Manowar would be transferred to that boat. Before they departed, James told them that anyone who intended to seek protection should seek help from the crew on the next boat. “Tell them, ‘I’m in fear for my life,’ just like you told me,” he said. “You tell whoever is processing you that specific thing.”

    But subsequent crews logged no such claims, according to records I obtained. One man told me that, in response to his plea for protection, an officer on the next boat wrote a note on a piece of paper, but nobody ever followed up. Another said that an officer told him their claims would be heard later. But there were no more interviews. “We had no opportunity,” a woman in the group says. When I asked the Coast Guard about this, a spokesperson told me the agency meticulously documents all claims. “Since we do not have a record of any of those migrants communicating that they feared for their lives if returned to Haiti, I cannot say that they made MOF claims while aboard,” he said.

    Tcherry fell asleep on the larger cutter and woke at around dawn to commotion. He saw an EMT pressing on the chest of a middle-aged woman who lay several yards away from him. She had been moaning in pain the night before. The crew member keeping watch had found her dead, her nose and mouth covered in blood. Another Haitian woman began to sing a hymn as the EMT performing CPR cried. A small boat took the woman’s body away and then returned for another man who had been complaining of pain and could not urinate. “I thought they would take us to land after the woman had died,” Tcherry says. “I thought they would let us go.” But that afternoon, he was transferred to yet another cutter that pulled away from Florida and into the high seas. Tcherry finally understood he was being sent back.

    The Coast Guard was first deployed as a maritime border-patrol agency to stop an earlier surge of migration from Haiti. In 1981, President Ronald Reagan made a deal with Jean-Claude Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, that allowed the Coast Guard to stop and board Haitian boats and deliver those detained directly back to Haiti. They would be processed on Coast Guard cutters, far from lawyers who could review their cases. The order, advocates argued at the time, undermined U.N. refugee protections and a U.S. refugee-and-asylum law that Congress passed just the year before. “This effort to push borders into the world’s oceans was new, and it marked a perverse paradigm shift,” Jeffrey Kahn, a legal scholar at the University of California, Davis, wrote recently.

    A decade after the Reagan agreement, as Haitians again departed en masse following a military coup, the George H.W. Bush administration further buttressed the sea wall. Bush signed an order that said federal agencies had no obligation to consider asylum claims from Haitians caught in international waters, no matter the evidence of danger or persecution. Lawyers and activists protested, calling the maritime regime a wholesale abdication of human rights doctrine. But the Bush order still stands. By the mid-1990s, its reach expanded to nearly anyone of any nationality caught in the sea, whether out in international waters or a couple of hundred feet from the beach.

    Pushing migrants and refugees away from the land borders to avoid obligations under law has now become common practice. In the United States, consecutive policies under Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden have attempted to cast whole swaths of the land south of the border as a legal no-man’s land like the ocean. They have outsourced deterrence, detention and deportation to Mexico and Central America. Trump and Biden have sought to bar people from seeking asylum if they don’t first try to apply for protection in countries they pass through on their way to the United States. Europe, for its part, has pushed people coming by boat through the Mediterranean back to North African shores, where countries have imposed brutal regimes of deterrence.

    None of those measures have prevented the latest wave of migration from the Caribbean. In January, amid a generational spike in Haitians and Cubans held on their cutters, the Coast Guard acknowledged that crew members were reaching a breaking point. “We are in extremis,” a senior official wrote to colleagues in a widely circulated internal email in January. “I know you and your teams are pushed beyond limits.” The head of the Coast Guard for the eastern half of the United States, Vice Adm. Kevin Lunday, wrote in February to colleagues that two outside experts had told him their crews were under extreme stress similar to the levels experienced in “sustained combat operations.”

    Coast Guard members told me they had become accustomed to retrieving corpses from capsized boats, worn down by water or gnawed on by sharks. It was not uncommon to walk down a stairway or into a bunk room and come upon a crew member sobbing. Crew members waited months for mental health appointments, and the agency was talking openly about suicide prevention. “I don’t see how the current level of operations is sustainable,” Capt. Chris Cederholm, the commander of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Miami, wrote to colleagues, “without the breaking of several of our people.” Some were struggling with what one former crew member called a “moral dilemma,” because they had begun to understand that the job required them to inflict suffering on others. “We hear their stories, people who say they’d rather we shoot them right here than send them back to what they’re running from,” one Coast Guard member says. “And then we send them all back.”

    Tim James told me he tried to take his mind off the job by lifting weights and frequenting a cigar bar where service members and cops go to talk about “the suck,” but he soon realized he needed more than weights or whiskey to reckon with the mounting stress, even despair. “I go home, and I feel guilty,” he told me, “because I don’t have to worry about somebody kicking in my front door, you know, I don’t have to worry about the military roaming the streets.” He sought mental health support from a new “resiliency support team” the agency created. But James had not been able to shake the memories of the children he detained, particularly one 7-year-old Haitian girl with small braids. She’d been wearing shorts and a tank top, her feet were bare and she smiled at James whenever their eyes caught. “My mom is dead,” she told James with the help of an older child who spoke a little English. “I want to go to my auntie in Miami.”

    In the girl’s belongings the crew found a piece of paper with a phone number she said was her aunt’s. After James interviewed her, they sent her unaccompanied-minor questionnaire to the district office in Florida, and they waited for instructions on what to do with her. Out on the deck, James couldn’t help hoping she’d be taken to shore, to her aunt. But late in the morning the next day, the crew received a list from an office in Washington, D.C., of the people to be sent back. The girl was on the list. James cried on the return trip to port. One of his own daughters was about the girl’s age. “I can’t imagine sending my 7-year-old little kid across an ocean that is unforgiving,” James told me, nearly in tears. “I can’t imagine what my life would be like to have to do that.”

    That was just weeks before he encountered Tcherry, Claire and Beana. So when Peterson admitted the children were alone, the news came as a blow. “It’s a pretty hard hit when you think the kids have somebody and then it turns out that they really don’t,” James told me. He could see that Tcherry thought he would be making it to shore. “To see the hope on his face and then have to kind of turn around and destroy that is tough,” James told me. He never learns what becomes of the people he transfers off his cutter: that the pregnant woman gave birth in a hospital to a healthy boy and has an asylum case pending; that the body of Guerline Tulus, the woman who died on the cutter of what the medical examiner concluded was an embolism, remains in a Miami morgue, and that authorities have not identified any next of kin. He does not know what happened to the three children after they were sent back, but many months later, he says, he still wonders about them.

    Tcherry followed Claire and Beana up a rickety ramp in the port of Cap-Haïtien, Haiti, past a seized blue and yellow cargo ship into the Haitian Coast Guard station. The ground was littered with plastic U.S. Coast Guard bracelets that previous groups of people had pulled off and thrown to the ground. Officials from the Haitian child-protection authority and the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration watched as Tcherry and the rest of the group disembarked. “They looked scared and they said they were hungry,” a veteran official at IBESR, the Haitian child-protection agency, who was working at the port that day told me. “As a Haitian, I feel humiliated,” he says, “but we can’t really do anything about it. We’ve resigned ourselves.” To him, the people the Americans offloaded in Haiti always looked half dead. “It seems to me that when those children fall in their hands, they should know how to treat them. But that’s not the case.”

    Tcherry’s throat hurt and his legs were weak. He had never felt such tiredness. He ate as much as he could from the warm plate of food the UN provided. Slumped over on a bench, he waited for his turn to use the shower in a white and blue wash shed on the edge of a fenced lot behind the Haitian Coast Guard station. The officials brought several people to a hospital and got to work figuring out what to do with the unaccompanied children.

    The U.S. Coast Guard and State Department say that the children they send back are transferred into the hands of local authorities responsible for the care of children. “When we have custodial protection of those children, we want to make sure that the necessary steps are taken,” Lt. Cmdr. John Beal, a Coast Guard spokesperson, told me, “to ensure that when we repatriate those migrants, they don’t end up in some nefarious actor’s custody or something.” But no U.S. agency would explain the actual precautions the U.S. government takes to keep children from ending up in the wrong hands, beyond initial screenings aboard cutters. Last year, the Coast Guard stopped tracking the “reception agency” in each country, because according to the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. government has set up rules establishing which agencies take these children and no longer needs to track them on a case-by-case basis.

    Haitian child-protection officials in Cap-Haïtien say their agency always finds relatives to take children, though sometimes after weeks or months. But the official with one of the other agencies involved in the processing of returned and deported Haitians at the Cap-Haïtien port said this claim is simply not true. The official said that children have departed the port with adults and with older children without any agency confirming they have an actual relationship or connection. “This is a serious concern in terms of trafficking,” the official told me. IBESR said those claims were unfounded. “According to the procedure, every child who leaves the port is accompanied by someone,” the IBESR official said, adding that when possible, the agency follows up with families to make sure children arrive safely. But the agency acknowledged there are limits to the support it can provide because of a lack of resources.
    Before they left the cutter, Peterson told Tcherry and the sisters that he would take care of them until they could contact their parents, who would figure out where they needed to go. Tcherry agreed. Peterson later told me he’d thought carefully about whether he wanted to get involved in the kids’ affairs once they were off the boat. He’d talked to other adults onboard, and they all agreed that someone needed to step up, that the Haitian government was surely not to be trusted. “If I didn’t do it,” Peterson says, “they would remain with the Haitian state, with all the risks that they could’ve faced, including kidnapping.”

    Peterson told the child-protection agency that he was the children’s guardian. The officials said they would need to contact the parents to confirm, so Peterson did the only thing he could think to do: He called the man who had been his conduit to the boat out of the Bahamas. The man sent him photos of the children’s IDs and put Peterson in touch with Claire and Beana’s mother, Inose Jean, in Michigan. She screamed and cried with relief upon learning her daughters were alive. Peterson explained that he’d taken care of the girls at sea and he asked her what to do with them. She said she would call back. Two hours later, she instructed Peterson to take the girls to her friend’s house in Cap-Haïtien.

    But Peterson still had no number for Tcherry’s mother. So he told the officials that Tcherry was Claire and Beana’s cousin, and that he’d gotten the image of Tcherry’s ID from Inose Jean. At dusk, Peterson walked with the three children through the metal gate of the Haitian Coast Guard station, at once incensed and relieved that he’d been allowed to take them. “The Haitian authorities didn’t talk to the children’s mothers,” Peterson says. “There was not enough evidence to actually prove I was who I was, or to prove a relationship.” They took a taxi to Jean’s friend’s house, and Claire, who recognized the woman from years earlier, rushed into her arms.

    The woman agreed to let Tcherry spend a night there. Peterson went to a cheap hotel with spotty electricity and a dirty pool. The man in the Bahamas finally sent Peterson Tcherry’s mother’s number. “I am the person who stood up to care for Tcherry on the boat,” Peterson told LaFortune. She collapsed onto the bed in her room, the only piece of furniture in the Toronto apartment she shared with her husband and her daughter. She had spent the last six days in a terrified daze, calling the people in the Bahamas she’d paid, begging for any news and fighting images in her mind of her son sinking into the sea. The next morning, after Tcherry woke, Peterson called LaFortune again. Tcherry looked weak and his voice was frail and hoarse. “When will I be with you, Mommy?” he asked.

    LaFortune did not for a moment consider trying to put Tcherry on another boat. She told him she would wait until she got asylum in Canada and send for him legally. But Haiti was even more dangerous for Tcherry than when he’d left. One man who was detained with Tcherry, whom I interviewed in Haiti two weeks after he returned there, said he feared he would be killed if he left Cap-Haïtien for his home in Port-au-Prince. After he ran through the roughly $50 the U.N. agency gave each of the returnees, which he used for a hotel, he did go back and was attacked on the street as he traveled to a hospital, he said, to get medicine for his daughter. He sent me photographs of gashes on his body. A second man sent me photos of a deep head wound that he suffered during an attack by the very armed men he had said he was running from. Another woman from the boat who told me she fled because she was raped says she is now “in hiding” in Port-au-Prince, living with relatives and her daughter, whom she does not allow to leave the house.

    Others on the boat have been luckier. In late 2022, the Department of Homeland Security started an unusually broad new legal-immigration program that now allows Haitians and Cubans, along with Venezuelans and Nicaraguans, to apply for two-year entry permits on humanitarian grounds from their countries, rather than traveling by land or sea first. The Department of Homeland Security says that since the program began, it has processed 30,000 people a month. More than 107,000 Haitians and 57,000 Cubans have been approved for entry, including a man who was detained with Tcherry. On Oct. 18, he stepped off a plane in Fort Lauderdale with a legal entry permit. He made it just under the wire, given the timing of his interdiction in February. In late April, DHS added a caveat to the new program: Anyone stopped at sea from then on would be ineligible to apply to the parole program. The Coast Guard says the new program and the accompanying restriction have caused the numbers of Cubans and Haitians departing on boats to fall back down to their pre-2021 level. “People have a safe and lawful alternative,” Beal, the Coast Guard’s spokesperson in Florida, told me, “so they don’t feel their only option is to take to the sea.”

    Tcherry rode a bus with Peterson over the mountains to Saint-Marc. In the stucco house on a quiet street where Peterson lived with his fiancée and her parents, Tcherry struggled to stop thinking about his experience at sea. “When I sleep, when I sit down, I want to cry,” Tcherry told me days after his arrival there. “They had us for five days. We couldn’t eat well, couldn’t sleep well. Couldn’t brush our teeth.” He thought of his body soaked from the sea spray, of the woman who died. Although Peterson assured him it was not true, Tcherry kept wondering if the officers had just thrown her body into the sea. “He is having nightmares about the boats,” Peterson told me a week after their arrival, “reliving the same moment again and again, and he starts crying.”

    LaFortune told Tcherry that she was arranging for him to travel to his grandmother in another part of the country. But it soon became clear to her that the roads were too dangerous, spotted with gang and vigilante checkpoints guarded often by men carrying AK-47s. Peterson told LaFortune that Tcherry could stay with him as long as she needed him to. But as the weeks turned to months, Tcherry felt that Peterson began to change. He said Peterson needed money, and he was asking Tcherry’s mother to send more and more. Peterson was frequently out of the house, working odd jobs, and often could not answer LaFortune’s calls. She grew worried. When she did talk to Tcherry, he was as quiet as he was in the smuggler’s house in the Bahamas.

    Two months passed. LaFortune’s asylum case was denied, and she and her husband appealed. Four more months passed. LaFortune’s husband heard news that gangs were closing in on Saint-Marc. LaFortune decided that they must move Tcherry, that it was time to risk the journey on the roads. In September, she sent an old family friend to collect him. They rode on a bus through a checkpoint where the driver paid a fee to a masked man. “I saw a man holding his gun,” Tcherry says. The man made a sign that they could pass.

    Tcherry arrived at a busy bus station in Port-au-Prince and looked for his grandmother. He saw her in a crowd and remembered her face, her high forehead and wide smile. “That is my grandma,” he said, again and again. His mutters turned to song. “That is my grandmother, tololo, tololo, that is my grandmother.” He sank into her arms. He held her hand as they boarded another bus and passed through another checkpoint, back to where he began.



    Reprise du #modèle_australien et son concept de l’#excision_territoriale :

    “People intercepted at sea, even in U.S. waters, have fewer rights than those who come by land. “Asylum does not apply at sea,” a Coast Guard spokesperson told me. Even people who are fleeing violence, rape and death, who on land would be likely to pass an initial asylum screening, are routinely sent back to the countries they’ve fled.”

    Excision territoriale :


    #droits #mer #terre #USA #Etats-Unis #asile #migrations #réfugiés #MNA #mineurs_non_accompagnés #enfants #enfance #Haïti #réfugiés_haïtiens

    via @freakonometrics

  • The wealthy Nigerians buying citizenship overseas
    (article paru en 2020, que je me mets ici pour archivage)

    Every year an increasing number of Nigerians flee poverty and unrest at home. Now, rich Nigerians are planning their escape too. And they’re taking their money with them.

    Dapo has spent too long at home in Lagos, Nigeria. Back in October, protests against the SARS police unit kept him from going to his office. “First, we were told to stay at home because of the coronavirus. Then this,” he says.

    A wealthy Nigerian, Dapo, who is in his late 30s, does not want to make himself identifiable by giving his surname and age, lest it draw unwanted attention.

    He has had a “backup plan” for getting out of Nigeria for some time, he says. “I have Maltese citizenship. I can leave for there any time.” With one small obstacle – a 14-day quarantine upon arrival – Dapo could be permanently in Malta any time he pleases. He is not planning to go imminently, but describes it as his “plan b’’.

    Dapo is one of a rapidly growing number of Nigerians who have bought so-called “golden visas” or foreign citizenships-by-investment this year. In his case it was Malta, the Mediterranean island where citizenship can be acquired for a minimum investment of 800,000 euros ($947,180) through the Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme.

    Not that he has any special love for Malta. A record 92 countries around the world now allow wealthy individuals to become residents or citizens in return for a fee, sometimes as low as $100,000 but often several million dollars. It is billed as a “win-win”: The country gets much-needed foreign investment and, in return, the new citizens have new passports that open up more of the world to travel or live in.

    Golden visas are the lesser-reported side of the Nigerian migration story. Every year thousands of Nigerians make their way to Europe via perilous crossings over the Sahara and Mediterranean. Now their wealthier counterparts are also making their way to Europe but via a different route.
    A record year for golden visas

    Whether rich or poor, the reasons for leaving one’s home country are often the same. Fear of political uncertainty at home and hope for better opportunities elsewhere. But 2020 has been exceptional.

    Like Dapo, Folajimi Kuti, 50, was watching the #EndSARS protests from his home in Lagos in October. “I have children, they’re teenagers, and they’re asking me questions like, ‘How did we get here?’” he says, referring to the violence that accompanied demonstrations against the controversial Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

    Kuti says he has believed for some time that social unrest would boil over in Nigeria, because of issues of poverty and police brutality. “It had been clear for the past two or three years that something was going to happen. It’s happened now in 2020 but, frankly, we’ve been expecting this outburst for a while so it wasn’t a matter of ‘if’. It was a matter of ‘when’.”

    Citizenship or residency abroad has become appealing, he adds. As a financial adviser to the wealthy, Kuti knows the process of applying for one having walked clients through it before. Most of his work involves advising Nigeria’s growing number of millionaires about investments and wealth planning. But now they are asking about foreign citizenships and Kuti himself is tempted by the idea. “Just knowing that if you need to go you certainly could and move without any restriction.”

    The rush for golden visas among rich Nigerians started before October’s SARS protests. At London-based Henley & Partners, one of the world’s largest citizenship advisory firms, applications by Nigerians increased by 185 percent during the eight months to September 2020, making them the second-largest nationality to apply for such schemes after Indians.

    More than 1,000 Nigerians have enquired about the citizenship of another country through Henley & Partners this year alone, which Paddy Blewer, head of marketing, says “is unheard of. We’ve never had this many people contacting us”.

    Many, like Kuti, saw political problems ahead and wanted an escape plan. Others were focused on coronavirus: What if the pandemic overwhelms Nigeria?

    “There is a lack of primary healthcare capacity that would be able to manage with either a second wave or whatever happens in, say, 2025,” says Blewer. “Let’s say there is COVID-21 still going on in 2025 that is of an order or magnitude worse. It’s, ‘Do I want to be based here and only based here, or do I want an alternative base of operations where I believe I will be safer and I will be able to run my global businesses’.

    “And, I think, that’s what COVID has driven.”

    It was in July, when the number of COVID-19 cases in Nigeria escalated, that wealthy Nigerians started looking more seriously at citizenship abroad, experts say. “Those with medical conditions that could not fly out – a lot of them are buying passports just because if there is any problem they can fly out,” says Olusegun Paul Andrew, 56, a Nigerian entrepreneur and investor who spends much of the year in the Netherlands.

    “Flying out” of Nigeria is hard and not just because of the coronavirus pandemic. Just 26 countries allow Nigerian passport holders visa-free entry, many of them part of West Africa’s ECOWAS arrangement. Both the United Kingdom and Europe’s Schengen zone require Nigerians to obtain visas ahead of travelling.

    For the wealthy, this is too much hassle. “They don’t want to be queueing for visas for any EU country or whatever,” says Andrew. Instead, why not purchase the citizenship of a country with visa-free access to Europe?
    To Europe, via the Caribbean

    Bimpe, a wealthy Nigerian who also does not wish to give her full name, has three passports. One Nigerian, which she says she never uses, and two from Caribbean nations: St Kitts and Nevis; and Grenada.

    The St Kitts and Nevis passport, which cost her $400,000 via a real estate investment programme, was useful when she travelled between London and New York on business as it allows for visa-free travel to the UK and Europe. But now that she has retired in Abuja, Bimpe, whose husband has passed away, wants her three adult sons to have the same opportunities to travel and live abroad.

    “My kids were interested in visa-free travel. They are young graduates, wanting to explore the world. So that was the reason for my investment,” she explains.

    Her investment to gain a Grenada passport for herself and her sons took the form of a $300,000 stake in the Six Senses La Sagesse hotel on the Caribbean island, which she bought in 2015 through a property development group called Range Developments. Like most countries offering their citizenship for sale, Grenada allows real estate investments to qualify for a passport.

    Bimpe’s family has lived overseas before – spending nine years in the UK between 2006 and 2015. Of her three sons, she says: “One, for sure now, is never going to leave Nigeria. He loves it here. The second one lives in England. He’s been in England long enough to get British residency. My youngest – for him, living abroad is a very, very attractive option. He’s not very happy [in Nigeria]. He went to England very young – at age 12 – and he’s had a problem adjusting since. He’s been back in Nigeria five years and he’s still not settled.”

    Now aged 26, Bimpe’s youngest son is looking at settling in the UK or in the US where, thanks to his Grenada citizenship, he qualifies for an E-2 visa, something not available to his fellow Nigerians since President Donald Trump’s ban on immigrant visa applications in February. Bimpe believes his career opportunities in acting – he studied Drama in the UK – are better abroad, and therefore considers the Grenada citizenship to be a worthwhile investment.

    Neither Bimpe nor her sons have ever been to Grenada even though their investment allows them to stay on the Caribbean island, once known as The Spice Island. “I intend to go. I would like to go,” she says. “Just when I did [the investment], it was soon after my husband died and I wasn’t in the mood for travel and then I got my passport but there was no good reason for travel due to the pandemic.”

    The Six Senses La Sagesse is being constructed by Range Developments, whose founder and managing director, Mohammed Asaria, says it is not unusual for investors never to visit. In fact, since there is no obligation for citizenship investors to visit Grenada, interest in the scheme has ballooned among Nigerians.

    “We have between high single figures and low double-digit sales of hotel units on a monthly basis to Nigerians. The average investment is just under $300,000,” says Asaria. “It’s a big market for us. And it’s going to get bigger. There are 300 million people [in Nigeria].” Of these, more than 40,000 are millionaires and, therefore, potential customers for golden visas, according to the Knight Frank Wealth Report.

    It is a similar story across the Caribbean. Arton Capital, a citizenship advisory group, says demand from Nigerian families for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is up 15 percent this year compared with the last.

    St Lucia has also seen a record number of Nigerians applying in 2020. “It’s more than it’s ever been over the past four years,” says Nestor Alfred, CEO of the St Lucia Citizenship-by-Investment Unit.

    The citizenship market is not exclusive to the Caribbean, but these are the cheapest and they maintain that all-important visa-free access to Europe that their clients are hankering after.
    Tax incentives

    “I’m rich but I’m not a Donald Trump. I wasn’t looking for a tax escape,” says Bimpe.

    Investing in a foreign citizenship is not illegal for Nigerians, but the issue of wealthy citizens moving their assets overseas is a thorny one in Nigeria, where about $15bn is lost to tax evasion every year, according to the country’s Federal Inland Revenue Service. Much of that money finds its way to the Caribbean, as was highlighted in the leaked documents that formed part of the Panama Papers in 2016.

    The tax benefits of an overseas citizenship are undoubtedly attractive. Citizens can become tax residents of countries like Dominica, where there is no wealth or inheritance tax, or Grenada which offers “corporate tax incentives”. In Europe, Malta has long been courting hedge funds with its light-touch regulations.

    Being a citizen of a country with a more stable currency is also appealing to the wealthy. “Second citizenship helps with capital mobility. Pull up a graph of the Naira. If you look at the Naira for the last 10 years it’s been a horrible journey,” says Asaria. Better, therefore, in the minds of the wealthy, to own assets in euros or even East Caribbean dollars which are pegged to the US dollar.

    “Businesses are struggling, inflation on the rise, insecurity, and a host of other issues. These issues have prompted an increase in citizenship or residency-by-investment from wealthy Nigerians in a bid to secure a better future for their families in developed countries,” says Evans Ahanaonu, a Lagos-based representative for High Net Worth Immigration, a citizenship advisory firm. Grenada and Turkey are popular for clients wanting quick access to Europe, he adds, while some go straight for the UK Innovator Visa which means setting up a business in the UK.

    Given the number of applications processed by the citizenship advisory firms interviewed just for this article, a conservative estimate would put the amount invested by Nigerians into citizenship schemes at more than $1bn this year alone.
    Where rich and poor migrants meet

    The loss of wealth from Nigeria has severe implications for levels of employment in the country. With wealthy businesspeople investing their capital outside Nigeria rather than in it, there is less funding for local businesses or government projects which might otherwise generate employment. This, in turn is causing more poorer Nigerians to want to move overseas as well, in search of better work opportunities, a trend backed up by the findings of a 2018 survey by Afrobarometer, the data analysis group.

    Just before the pandemic struck, Kingsley Aneoklloude, 35, was able to make his way to Europe, but via a very different route.

    He was working as a mechanic in his village in Edo State, one of the country’s poorer provinces which have been untouched by oil wealth, where he earned 1,500 naira ($3.95) a week.

    The salary was poor but the final straw was police brutality. Aneoklloude was briefly employed as a local election monitor during the 2015 presidential elections. He says he was pressured by representatives of a political party to manipulate ballot papers, but refused, after which he became afraid for his safety. “I left because they were chasing me. Honestly, they come and chase me,” he says.
    Libya migrant business

    First, he went to Kano State in the north of Nigeria. Then, in December 2019, Aneoklloude made the dangerous journey to Europe via Niger, then Libya, “where there was a heavy war in Tripoli”, before crossing the Mediterranean.

    While adrift on the Mediterranean Sea, his small boat was rescued by Open Arms, an NGO which helps refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean. Their ship docked in Lampedusa, one of the Italian Pelagie Islands, where Aneoklloude’s asylum application for Germany was processed.

    Now in Potsdam, Germany, he is waiting to hear the outcome of his application for new citizenship and a job. “I have a nine-month contract for work, but they need the immigration officer to sign the contract before I start,” he explains.

    At 35, Aneoklloude is just a few years younger than Dapo. Both have witnessed police brutality from different angles, and both saw the Mediterranean as their way out.

    But now, with Nigeria’s economy officially in another recession, more will likely follow. It is a dangerous spiral: The more wealth taken out of Nigeria, the fewer jobs available to its poorest.


    #visas #golden_visas #Nigeria #migrants_nigérians #réfugiés_nigérians #riches #pauvres #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Malte #foreign_citizenships-by-investment #citoyenneté #Henley_&_Partners

  • Rohingya child challenges Croatia and Slovenia over violent pushbacks. Unaccompanied minor files complaints at UN Child Rights Committee

    A Rohingya child refugee faced repeated beatings by Croatian border officers, had his belongings burnt and his shoes confiscated before numerous forced expulsions, including a “chain” pushback from Slovenia. U.F. submitted complaints against Croatia and Slovenia at the UN Child Rights Committee for multiple violations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). These are the first complaints of their kind against these two states.


    U.F. was 8 years old when he fled a military attack on his village and became separated from his family. After many years searching for protection, he spent over a year in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) from 2020 to 2021 having to survive without state support or medical care, sleeping rough in forests and squatting in abandoned buildings. During this time, he was pushed back five times from Croatia to BiH and subjected to consistent, choreographed violence. In Slovenia he was subjected to a “chain” pushback, by which he was forcibly returned first to Croatia by Slovenian authorities and then onwards by Croatian authorities to BiH in a coordinated operation.

    National, EU, and international law oblige Croatia and Slovenia to act in a child’s best interests and prioritize the identification of their age during their handling by border officers. The applicant’s complaints argue violations of the CRC, in relation to his expulsions and ill-treatment, and states’ failure to assess his age or apply any of the relevant safeguards under articles 3, 8, 20(1), and 37 CRC. U.F. corroborated his accounts with a range of digital evidence. The complaints were filed against Croatia and Slovenia with the support of ECCHR and Blindspots. The litigation forms part of the Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation project (ACRiSL). ACRiSL comes under the auspices of the Global Campus of Human Rights – Right Livelihood cooperation.


    In Croatia, pushbacks form part of a designed and systematic state policy, which has been fully documented by human rights institutions, NGOs and the media. Slovenia’s pushbacks have been implemented since 2018 through a readmission agreement which authorizes hasty expulsions with complete disregard for a person’s protection needs, a child’s identity or their best interests. In 2020 and 2021 alone, 13.700 people were pushed back from Slovenia in this manner.

    The applicant is represented by ECCHR partner lawyer, Carsten Gericke. These complaints are the latest in a series of legal steps to address systematic human rights violation at the EU’s external borders.



    #vidéo #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Croatie #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #frontières #violence #MNA #mineurs_non_accompagnés #violence #vidéo #film_d'animation #frontière_sud-alpine #push-backs #refoulements #Bosnie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #pattern #vol #Myanmar #enfants #enfance #réfugiés_rohingya #enfermement #refoulements_en_chaîne #the_game #frontière_sud-alpine

  • Le #village_sous_la_forêt, de #Heidi_GRUNEBAUM et #Mark_KAPLAN

    En #1948, #Lubya a été violemment détruit et vidé de ses habitants par les forces militaires israéliennes. 343 villages palestiniens ont subi le même sort. Aujourd’hui, de #Lubya, il ne reste plus que des vestiges, à peine visibles, recouverts d’une #forêt majestueuse nommée « Afrique du Sud ». Les vestiges ne restent pas silencieux pour autant.

    La chercheuse juive sud-africaine, #Heidi_Grunebaum se souvient qu’étant enfant elle versait de l’argent destiné officiellement à planter des arbres pour « reverdir le désert ».

    Elle interroge les acteurs et les victimes de cette tragédie, et révèle une politique d’effacement délibérée du #Fonds_national_Juif.

    « Le Fonds National Juif a planté 86 parcs et forêts de pins par-dessus les décombres des villages détruits. Beaucoup de ces forêts portent le nom des pays, ou des personnalités célèbres qui les ont financés. Ainsi il y a par exemple la Forêt Suisse, le Parc Canada, le Parc britannique, la Forêt d’Afrique du Sud et la Forêt Correta King ».


    Trailer :


    #israel #palestine #carte #Israël #afrique_du_sud #forêt #documentaire

    #film #documentaire #film_documentaire

    (copier-coller de ce post de 2014 : https://seenthis.net/messages/317236)

    • Documentary Space, Place, and Landscape

      In documentaries of the occupied West Bank, erasure is imaged in the wall that sunders families and communities, in the spaces filled with blackened tree stumps of former olive groves, now missing to ensure “security,” and in the cactus that still grows, demarcating cultivated land whose owners have been expelled.

      This materiality of the landscape becomes figural, such that Shehadeh writes, “[w]hen you are exiled from your land … you begin, like a pornographer, to think about it in symbols. You articulate your love for your land in its absence, and in the process transform it into something else.’’[x] The symbolization reifies and, in this process, something is lost, namely, a potential for thinking differently. But in these Palestinian films we encounter a documenting of the now of everyday living that unfixes such reification. This is a storytelling of vignettes, moments, digressions, stories within stories, and postponed endings. These are stories of interaction, of something happening, in a documenting of a being and doing now, while awaiting a future yet to be known, and at the same time asserting a past history to be remembered through these images and sounds. Through this there arises the accenting of these films, to draw on Hamid Naficy’s term, namely a specific tone of a past—the Nakba or catastrophe—as a continuing present, insofar as the conflict does not allow Palestinians to imagine themselves in a determinate future of place and landscape they can call their own, namely a state.[xi]

      In Hanna Musleh’s I’m a Little Angel (2000), we follow the children of families, both Muslim and Christian, in the area of Bethlehem affected by the 2000 Israeli armed forces attacks and occupation.[xii] One small boy, Nicola, suffered the loss of an arm when he was hit by a shell when walking to church with his mother. His kite, seen flying high in the sky, brings delighted shrieks from Nicola as he plays on the family terrace from which the town and its surrounding hills are visible in the distance. But the contrast between the freedom of the kite in this unlimited vista and his reduced capacity is palpable as he struggles to control it with his remaining hand. The containment of both Nicola and his community is figured in opposition to a possible freedom. What is also required of us is to think not of freedom from the constraints of disability, but of freedom with disability, in a future to be made after. The constraints introduced upon the landscape by the occupation, however, make the future of such living indeterminate and uncertain. Here is the “cinema of the lived,”[xiii] of multiple times of past and present, of possible and imagined future time, and the actualized present, each of which is encountered in the movement in a singular space of Nicola and his kite.

      #cactus #paysage

    • Memory of the Cactus

      A 42 minute documentary film that combines the cactus and the memories it stands for. The film addresses the story of the destruction of the Palestinian villages of Latroun in the Occupied West Bank and the forcible transfer of their civilian population in 1967. Over 40 years later, the Israeli occupation continues, and villagers remain displaced. The film follows two separate but parallel journeys. Aisha Um Najeh takes us down the painful road that Palestinians have been forcefully pushed down, separating them in time and place from the land they nurtured; while Israelis walk freely through that land, enjoying its fruits. The stems of the cactus, however, take a few of them to discover the reality of the crime committed.


    • Aujourd’hui, j’ai re-regardé le film « Le village sous la forêt », car je vais le projeter à mes étudiant·es dans le cadre du cours de #géographie_culturelle la semaine prochaine.

      Voici donc quelques citations tirées du film :

      Sur une des boîtes de récolte d’argent pour planter des arbres en Palestine, c’est noté « make wilderness bloom » :

      Voici les panneaux de quelques parcs et forêts créés grâce aux fonds de la #diaspora_juive :

      Projet : « We will make it green, like a modern European country » (ce qui est en étroit lien avec un certaine idée de #développement, liée au #progrès).

      Témoignage d’une femme palestinienne :

      « Ils ont planté des arbres partout qui cachaient tout »

      Ilan Pappé, historien israëlien, Université d’Exter :

      « ça leur a pris entre 6 et 9 mois poru s’emparer de 80% de la Palestine, expulser la plupart des personnes qui y vivaient et reconstruire sur les villes et villages de ces personnes un nouvel Etat, une nouvelle #identité »


      Témoignage d’un palestinien qui continue à retourner régulièrement à Lubya :

      « Si je n’aimais pas cet endroit, est-ce que je continuerais à revenir ici tout le temps sur mon tracteur ? Ils l’ont transformé en forêt afin d’affirmer qu’il n’y a pas eu de village ici. Mais on peut voir les #cactus qui prouvent que des arabes vivaient ici »

      Ilan Pappé :

      « Ces villages éaient arabes, tout comme le paysage alentour. C’était un message qui ne passait pas auprès du mouvement sioniste. Des personnes du mouvement ont écrit à ce propos, ils ont dit qu’ils n’aimaient vraiment pas, comme Ben Gurion l’a dit, que le pays ait toujours l’air arabe. (...) Même si les Arabes n’y vivent plus, ça a toujours l’air arabe. En ce qui concerne les zones rurales, il a été clair : les villages devaient être dévastés pour qu’il n’y ait pas de #souvenirs possibles. Ils ont commencé à les dévaster dès le mois d’août 1948. Ils ont rasé les maisons, la terre. Plus rien ne restait. Il y avait deux moyens pour eux d’en nier l’existence : le premier était de planter des forêts de pins européens sur les villages. Dans la plupart des cas, lorsque les villages étaient étendus et les terres assez vastes, on voit que les deux stratégies ont été mises en oeuvre : il y a un nouveau quartier juif et, juste à côté, une forêt. En effet, la deuxième méthode était de créer un quartier juif qui possédait presque le même nom que l’ancien village arabe, mais dans sa version en hébreu. L’objectif était double : il s’agissait d’abord de montrer que le lieu était originellement juif et revenait ainsi à son propriétaire. Ensuite, l’idée était de faire passer un message sinistre aux Palestiniens sur ce qui avait eu lieu ici. Le principal acteur de cette politique a été le FNJ. »


      Heidi Grunebaum, la réalisatrice :

      « J’ai grandi au moment où le FNJ cultivait l’idée de créer une patrie juive grâce à la plantation d’arbres. Dans les 100 dernières années, 260 millions d’arbres ont été plantés. Je me rends compte à présent que la petite carte du grand Israël sur les boîtes bleues n’était pas juste un symbole. Etait ainsi affirmé que toutes ces terres étaient juives. Les #cartes ont été redessinées. Les noms arabes des lieux ont sombré dans l’oubli à cause du #Comité_de_Dénomination créé par le FNJ. 86 forêts du FNJ ont détruit des villages. Des villages comme Lubya ont cessé d’exister. Lubya est devenu Lavie. Une nouvelle histoire a été écrite, celle que j’ai apprise. »

      Le #Canada_park :

      Canada Park (Hebrew: פארק קנדה‎, Arabic: كندا حديقة‎, also Ayalon Park,) is an Israeli national park stretching over 7,000 dunams (700 hectares), and extending from No man’s land into the West Bank.
      The park is North of Highway 1 (Tel Aviv-Jerusalem), between the Latrun Interchange and Sha’ar HaGai, and contains a Hasmonean fort, Crusader fort, other archaeological remains and the ruins of 3 Palestinian villages razed by Israel in 1967 after their inhabitants were expelled. In addition it has picnic areas, springs and panoramic hilltop views, and is a popular Israeli tourist destination, drawing some 300,000 visitors annually.


      Heidi Grunebaum :

      « Chaque pièce de monnaie est devenue un arbre dans une forêt, chaque arbre, dont les racines étaient plantées dans la terre était pour nous, la diaspora. Les pièces changées en arbres devenaient des faits ancrés dans le sol. Le nouveau paysage arrangé par le FNJ à travers la plantation de forêts et les accords politiques est celui des #parcs_de_loisirs, des routes, des barrages et des infrastructures »

      Témoignage d’un Palestinien :

      « Celui qui ne possède de #pays_natal ne possède rien »

      Heidi Grunebaum :

      « Si personne ne demeure, la mémoire est oblitérée. Cependant, de génération en génération, le souvenir qu’ont les Palestiniens d’un endroit qui un jour fut le leur, persiste. »

      Témoignage d’un Palestinien :

      "Dès qu’on mange quelque chose chez nous, on dit qu’on mangeait ce plat à Lubya. Quelles que soient nos activités, on dit que nous avions les mêmes à Lubya. Lubya est constamment mentionnées, et avec un peu d’amertume.

      Témoignage d’un Palestinien :

      Lubya est ma fille précieuse que j’abriterai toujours dans les profondeurs de mon âme. Par les histoires racontées par mon père, mon grand-père, mes oncles et ma grande-mère, j’ai le sentiment de connaître très bien Lubya.

      Avi Shlaim, Université de Oxford :

      « Le mur dans la partie Ouest ne relève pas d’une mesure de sécurité, comme il a été dit. C’est un outil de #ségrégation des deux communautés et un moyen de s’approprier de larges portions de terres palestiniennes. C’est un moyen de poursuivre la politique d’#expansion_territoriale et d’avoir le plus grand Etat juif possible avec le moins de population d’arabes à l’intérieur. »


      Heidi Grunebaum :

      « Les petites pièces de la diaspora n’ont pas seulement planté des arbres juifs et déraciné des arbres palestiniens, elles ont aussi créé une forêt d’un autre type. Une vaste forêt bureaucratique où la force de la loi est une arme. La règlementation règne, les procédures, permis, actions commandées par les lois, tout régulé le moindre espace de la vie quotidienne des Palestiniens qui sont petit à petit étouffés, repoussés aux marges de leurs terres. Entassés dans des ghettos, sans autorisation de construire, les Palestiniens n’ont plus qu’à regarder leurs maisons démolies »

      #Lubya #paysage #ruines #architecture_forensique #Afrique_du_Sud #profanation #cactus #South_african_forest #Galilée #Jewish_national_fund (#fonds_national_juif) #arbres #Palestine #Organisation_des_femmes_sionistes #Keren_Kayemeth #apartheid #résistance #occupation #Armée_de_libération_arabe #Hagana #nakba #exil #réfugiés_palestiniens #expulsion #identité #present_absentees #IDPs #déplacés_internes #Caesarea #oubli #déni #historicisation #diaspora #murs #barrières_frontalières #dépossession #privatisation_des_terres #terres #mémoire #commémoration #poésie #Canada_park

    • The Carmel wildfire is burning all illusions in Israel

      “When I look out my window today and see a tree standing there, that tree gives me a greater sense of beauty and personal delight than all the vast forests I have seen in Switzerland or Scandinavia. Because every tree here was planted by us.”

      – David Ben Gurion, Memoirs

      “Why are there so many Arabs here? Why didn’t you chase them away?”

      – David Ben Gurion during a visit to Nazareth, July 1948


      signalé par @sinehebdo que je remercie

    • Vu dans ce rapport, signalé par @palestine___________ , que je remercie (https://seenthis.net/messages/723321) :

      A method of enforcing the eradication of unrecognized Palestinian villages is to ensure their misrepresentation on maps. As part of this policy, these villages do not appear at all on Israeli maps, with the exception of army and hiking maps. Likewise, they do not appear on first sight on Google Maps or at all on Israeli maps, with the exception of army and hiking maps. They are labelled on NGO maps designed to increase their visibility. On Google Maps, the Bedouin villages are marked – in contrast to cities and other villages – under their Bedouin tribe and clan names (Bimkom) rather than with their village names and are only visible when zooming in very closely, but otherwise appear to be non-existent. This means that when looking at Google Maps, these villages appear to be not there, only when zooming on to a very high degree, do they appear with their tribe or clan names. At first (and second and third) sight, therefore, these villages are simply not there. Despite their small size, Israeli villages are displayed even when zoomed-out, while unrecognized Palestinian Bedouin villages, regardless of their size are only visible when zooming in very closely.

      Pour télécharger le rapport :

    • signalé par @kassem :

      Israel lifted its military rule over the state’s Arab community in 1966 only after ascertaining that its members could not return to the villages they had fled or been expelled from, according to newly declassified archival documents.

      The documents both reveal the considerations behind the creation of the military government 18 years earlier, and the reasons for dismantling it and revoking the severe restrictions it imposed on Arab citizens in the north, the Negev and the so-called Triangle of Locales in central Israel.

      These records were made public as a result of a campaign launched against the state archives by the Akevot Institute, which researches the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      After the War of Independence in 1948, the state imposed military rule over Arabs living around the country, which applied to an estimated 85 percent of that community at the time, say researchers at the NGO. The Arabs in question were subject to the authority of a military commander who could limit their freedom of movement, declare areas to be closed zones, or demand that the inhabitants leave and enter certain locales only with his written permission.

      The newly revealed documents describe the ways Israel prevented Arabs from returning to villages they had left in 1948, even after the restrictions on them had been lifted. The main method: dense planting of trees within and surrounding these towns.

      At a meeting held in November 1965 at the office of Shmuel Toledano, the prime minister’s adviser on Arab affairs, there was a discussion about villages that had been left behind and that Israel did not want to be repopulated, according to one document. To ensure that, the state had the Jewish National Fund plant trees around and in them.

      Among other things, the document states that “the lands belonging to the above-mentioned villages were given to the custodian for absentee properties” and that “most were leased for work (cultivation of field crops and olive groves) by Jewish households.” Some of the properties, it adds, were subleased.

      In the meeting in Toledano’s office, it was explained that these lands had been declared closed military zones, and that once the structures on them had been razed, and the land had been parceled out, forested and subject to proper supervision – their definition as closed military zones could be lifted.

      On April 3, 1966, another discussion was held on the same subject, this time at the office of the defense minister, Levi Eshkol, who was also the serving prime minister; the minutes of this meeting were classified as top secret. Its participants included: Toledano; Isser Harel, in his capacity as special adviser to the prime minister; the military advocate general – Meir Shamgar, who would later become president of the Supreme Court; and representatives of the Shin Bet security service and Israel Police.

      The newly publicized record of that meeting shows that the Shin Bet was already prepared at that point to lift the military rule over the Arabs and that the police and army could do so within a short time.

      Regarding northern Israel, it was agreed that “all the areas declared at the time to be closed [military] zones... other than Sha’ab [east of Acre] would be opened after the usual conditions were fulfilled – razing of the buildings in the abandoned villages, forestation, establishment of nature reserves, fencing and guarding.” The dates of the reopening these areas would be determined by Israel Defense Forces Maj. Gen. Shamir, the minutes said. Regarding Sha’ab, Harel and Toledano were to discuss that subject with Shamir.

      However, as to Arab locales in central Israel and the Negev, it was agreed that the closed military zones would remain in effect for the time being, with a few exceptions.

      Even after military rule was lifted, some top IDF officers, including Chief of Staff Tzvi Tzur and Shamgar, opposed the move. In March 1963, Shamgar, then military advocate general, wrote a pamphlet about the legal basis of the military administration; only 30 copies were printed. (He signed it using his previous, un-Hebraized name, Sternberg.) Its purpose was to explain why Israel was imposing its military might over hundreds of thousands of citizens.

      Among other things, Shamgar wrote in the pamphlet that Regulation 125, allowing certain areas to be closed off, is intended “to prevent the entry and settlement of minorities in border areas,” and that “border areas populated by minorities serve as a natural, convenient point of departure for hostile elements beyond the border.” The fact that citizens must have permits in order to travel about helps to thwart infiltration into the rest of Israel, he wrote.

      Regulation 124, he noted, states that “it is essential to enable nighttime ambushes in populated areas when necessary, against infiltrators.” Blockage of roads to traffic is explained as being crucial for the purposes of “training, tests or maneuvers.” Moreover, censorship is a “crucial means for counter-intelligence.”

      Despite Shamgar’s opinion, later that year, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol canceled the requirement for personal travel permits as a general obligation. Two weeks after that decision, in November 1963, Chief of Staff Tzur wrote a top-secret letter about implementation of the new policy to the officers heading the various IDF commands and other top brass, including the head of Military Intelligence. Tzur ordered them to carry it out in nearly all Arab villages, with a few exceptions – among them Barta’a and Muqeible, in northern Israel.

      In December 1965, Haim Israeli, an adviser to Defense Minister Eshkol, reported to Eshkol’s other aides, Isser Harel and Aviad Yaffeh, and to the head of the Shin Bet, that then-Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin opposed legislation that would cancel military rule over the Arab villages. Rabin explained his position in a discussion with Eshkol, at which an effort to “soften” the bill was discussed. Rabin was advised that Harel would be making his own recommendations on this matter.

      At a meeting held on February 27, 1966, Harel issued orders to the IDF, the Shin Bet and the police concerning the prime minister’s decision to cancel military rule. The minutes of the discussion were top secret, and began with: “The mechanism of the military regime will be canceled. The IDF will ensure the necessary conditions for establishment of military rule during times of national emergency and war.” However, it was decided that the regulations governing Israel’s defense in general would remain in force, and at the behest of the prime minister and with his input, the justice minister would look into amending the relevant statutes in Israeli law, or replacing them.

      The historical documents cited here have only made public after a two-year campaign by the Akevot institute against the national archives, which preferred that they remain confidential, Akevot director Lior Yavne told Haaretz. The documents contain no information of a sensitive nature vis-a-vis Israel’s security, Yavne added, and even though they are now in the public domain, the archives has yet to upload them to its website to enable widespread access.

      “Hundreds of thousands of files which are crucial to understanding the recent history of the state and society in Israel remain closed in the government archive,” he said. “Akevot continues to fight to expand public access to archival documents – documents that are property of the public.”

    • Israel is turning an ancient Palestinian village into a national park for settlers

      The unbelievable story of a village outside Jerusalem: from its destruction in 1948 to the ticket issued last week by a parks ranger to a descendent of its refugees, who had the gall to harvest the fruits of his labor on his own land.

      Thus read the ticket issued last Wednesday, during the Sukkot holiday, by ranger Dayan Somekh of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority – Investigations Division, 3 Am Ve’olamo Street, Jerusalem, to farmer Nidal Abed Rabo, a resident of the Jerusalem-area village of Walaja, who had gone to harvest olives on his private land: “In accordance with Section 228 of the criminal code, to: Nidal Abed Rabo. Description of the facts constituting the offense: ‘picking, chopping and destroying an olive tree.’ Suspect’s response: ‘I just came to pick olives. I pick them and put them in a bucket.’ Fine prescribed by law: 730 shekels [$207].” And an accompanying document that reads: “I hereby confirm that I apprehended from Nidal Abed Rabo the following things: 1. A black bucket; 2. A burlap sack. Name of the apprehending officer: Dayan Somekh.”

      Ostensibly, an amusing parody about the occupation. An inspector fines a person for harvesting the fruits of his own labor on his own private land and then fills out a report about confiscating a bucket, because order must be preserved, after all. But no one actually found this report amusing – not the inspector who apparently wrote it in utter seriousness, nor the farmer who must now pay the fine.

      Indeed, the story of Walaja, where this absurdity took place, contains everything – except humor: the flight from and evacuation of the village in 1948; refugee-hood and the establishment of a new village adjacent to the original one; the bisection of the village between annexed Jerusalem and the occupied territories in 1967; the authorities’ refusal to issue blue Israeli IDs to residents, even though their homes are in Jerusalem; the demolition of many structures built without a permit in a locale that has no master construction plan; the appropriation of much of its land to build the Gilo neighborhood and the Har Gilo settlement; the construction of the separation barrier that turned the village into an enclave enclosed on all sides; the decision to turn villagers’ remaining lands into a national park for the benefit of Gilo’s residents and others in the area; and all the way to the ridiculous fine issued by Inspector Somekh.

      This week, a number of villagers again snuck onto their lands to try to pick their olives, in what looks like it could be their final harvest. As it was a holiday, they hoped the Border Police and the parks authority inspectors would leave them alone. By next year, they probably won’t be able to reach their groves at all, as the checkpoint will have been moved even closer to their property.

      Then there was also this incident, on Monday, the Jewish holiday of Simhat Torah. Three adults, a teenager and a horse arrived at the neglected groves on the mountainside below their village of Walaja. They had to take a long and circuitous route; they say the horse walked 25 kilometers to reach the olive trees that are right under their noses, beneath their homes. A dense barbed-wire fence and the separation barrier stand between these people and their lands. When the national park is built here and the checkpoint is moved further south – so that only Jews will be able to dip undisturbed in Ein Hanya, as Nir Hasson reported (“Jerusalem reopens natural spring, but not to Palestinians,” Oct. 15) – it will mean the end of Walaja’s olive orchards, which are planted on terraced land.

      The remaining 1,200 dunams (300 acres) belonging to the village, after most of its property was lost over the years, will also be disconnected from their owners, who probably won’t be able to access them again. An ancient Palestinian village, which numbered 100 registered households in 1596, in a spectacular part of the country, will continue its slow death, until it finally expires for good.

      Steep slopes and a deep green valley lie between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, filled with oak and pine trees, along with largely abandoned olive groves. “New” Walaja overlooks this expanse from the south, the Gilo neighborhood from the northeast, and the Cremisan Monastery from the east. To the west is where the original village was situated, between the moshavim of Aminadav and Ora, both constructed after the villagers fled – frightened off by the massacre in nearby Deir Yassin and in fear of bombardment.

      Aviv Tatarsky, a longtime political activist on behalf of Walaja and a researcher for the Ir Amim nonprofit organization, says the designated national park is supposed to ensure territorial contiguity between the Etzion Bloc and Jerusalem. “Since we are in the territory of Jerusalem, and building another settler neighborhood could cause a stir, they are building a national park, which will serve the same purpose,” he says. “The national park will Judaize the area once and for all. Gilo is five minutes away. If you live there, you will have a park right next door and feel like it’s yours.”

      As Tatarsky describes the blows suffered by the village over the years, brothers Walid and Mohammed al-‘Araj stand on a ladder below in the valley, in the shade of the olive trees, engrossed in the harvest.

      Walid, 52, and Mohammed, 58, both live in Walaja. Walid may be there legally, but his brother is there illegally, on land bequeathed to them by their uncle – thanks to yet another absurdity courtesy of the occupation. In 1995, Walid married a woman from Shoafat in East Jerusalem, and thus was able to obtain a blue Israeli ID card, so perhaps he is entitled to be on his land. His brother, who lives next door, however, is an illegal resident on his land: He has an orange ID, as a resident of the territories.

      A sewage line that comes out of Beit Jala and is under the responsibility of Jerusalem’s Gihon water company overflows every winter and floods the men’s olive grove with industrial waste that has seriously damaged their crop. And that’s in addition, of course, to the fact that most of the family is unable to go work the land. The whole area looks quite derelict, overgrown with weeds and brambles that could easily catch fire. In previous years, the farmers would receive an entry permit allowing them to harvest the olives for a period of just a few days; this year, even that permit has not yet been forthcoming.

      The olives are black and small; it’s been a bad year for them and for their owners.

      “We come here like thieves to our own land,” says Mohammed, the older brother, explaining that three days beforehand, a Border Police jeep had showed up and chased them away. “I told him: It’s my land. They said okay and left. Then a few minutes later, another Border Police jeep came and the officer said: Today there’s a general closure because of the holiday. I told him: Okay, just let me take my equipment. I’m on my land. He said: Don’t take anything. I left. And today I came back.”

      You’re not afraid? “No, I’m not afraid. I’m on my land. It’s registered in my name. I can’t be afraid on my land.”

      Walid says that a month ago the Border Police arrived and told him he wasn’t allowed to drive on the road that leads to the grove, because it’s a “security road.” He was forced to turn around and go home, despite the fact that he has a blue ID and it is not a security road. Right next to it, there is a residential building where a Palestinian family still lives.

      Some of Walaja’s residents gave up on their olive orchards long ago and no longer attempt to reach their lands. When the checkpoint is moved southward, in order to block access by Palestinians to the Ein Hanya spring, the situation will be even worse: The checkpoint will be closer to the orchards, meaning that the Palestinians won’t be permitted to visit them.

      “This place will be a park for people to visit,” says Walid, up on his ladder. “That’s it; that will be the end of our land. But we won’t give up our land, no matter what.” Earlier this month, one local farmer was detained for several hours and 10 olive trees were uprooted, on the grounds that he was prohibited from being here.

      Meanwhile, Walid and Mohammed are collecting their meager crop in a plastic bucket printed with a Hebrew ad for a paint company. The olives from this area, near Beit Jala, are highly prized; during a good year the oil made from them can fetch a price of 100 shekels per liter.

      A few hundred meters to the east are a father, a son and a horse. Khaled al-‘Araj, 51, and his son, Abed, 19, a business student. They too are taking advantage of the Jewish holiday to sneak onto their land. They have another horse, an original Arabian named Fatma, but this horse is nameless. It stands in the shade of the olive tree, resting from the long trek here. If a Border Police force shows up, it could confiscate the horse, as has happened to them before.

      Father and son are both Walaja residents, but do not have blue IDs. The father works in Jerusalem with a permit, but it does not allow him to access his land.

      “On Sunday,” says Khaled, “I picked olives here with my son. A Border Police officer arrived and asked: What are you doing here? He took pictures of our IDs. He asked: Whose land is this? I said: Mine. Where are the papers? At home. I have papers from my grandfather’s time; everything is in order. But he said: No, go to DCO [the Israeli District Coordination Office] and get a permit. At first I didn’t know what he meant. I have a son and a horse and they’ll make problems for me. So I left.”

      He continues: “We used to plow the land. Now look at the state it’s in. We have apricot and almond trees here, too. But I’m an illegal person on my own land. That is our situation. Today is the last day of your holiday, that’s why I came here. Maybe there won’t be any Border Police.”

      “Kumi Ori, ki ba orekh,” says a makeshift monument in memory of Ori Ansbacher, a young woman murdered here in February by a man from Hebron. Qasem Abed Rabo, a brother of Nidal, who received the fine from the park ranger for harvesting his olives, asks activist Tatarsky if he can find out whether the house he owns is considered to be located in Jerusalem or in the territories. He still doesn’t know.

      “Welcome to Nahal Refaim National Park,” says a sign next to the current Walaja checkpoint. Its successor is already being built but work on it was stopped for unknown reasons. If and when it is completed, Ein Hanya will become a spring for Jews only and the groves on the mountainside below the village of Walaja will be cut off from their owners for good. Making this year’s harvest Walaja’s last.


    • Sans mémoire des lieux ni lieux de mémoire. La Palestine invisible sous les forêts israéliennes

      Depuis la création de l’État d’Israël en 1948, près de 240 millions d’arbres ont été plantés sur l’ensemble du territoire israélien. Dans l’objectif de « faire fleurir le désert », les acteurs de l’afforestation en Israël se situent au cœur de nombreux enjeux du territoire, non seulement environnementaux mais également identitaires et culturels. La forêt en Israël représente en effet un espace de concurrence mémorielle, incarnant à la fois l’enracinement de l’identité israélienne mais également le rappel de l’exil et de l’impossible retour du peuple palestinien. Tandis que 86 villages palestiniens détruits en 1948 sont aujourd’hui recouverts par une forêt, les circuits touristiques et historiques officiels proposés dans les forêts israéliennes ne font jamais mention de cette présence palestinienne passée. Comment l’afforestation en Israël a-t-elle contribué à l’effacement du paysage et de la mémoire palestiniens ? Quelles initiatives existent en Israël et en Palestine pour lutter contre cet effacement spatial et mémoriel ?


    • Septembre 2021, un feu de forêt ravage Jérusalem et dévoile les terrassements agricoles que les Palestinien·nes avaient construit...
      Voici une image :

      « La nature a parlé » : un feu de forêt attise les rêves de retour des Palestiniens

      Un gigantesque incendie près de Jérusalem a détruit les #pins_européens plantés par les sionistes, exposant ainsi les anciennes terrasses palestiniennes qu’ils avaient tenté de dissimuler.

      Au cours de la deuxième semaine d’août, quelque 20 000 dounams (m²) de terre ont été engloutis par les flammes dans les #montagnes de Jérusalem.

      C’est une véritable catastrophe naturelle. Cependant, personne n’aurait pu s’attendre à la vision qui est apparue après l’extinction de ces incendies. Ou plutôt, personne n’avait imaginé que les incendies dévoileraient ce qui allait suivre.

      Une fois les flammes éteintes, le #paysage était terrible pour l’œil humain en général, et pour l’œil palestinien en particulier. Car les incendies ont révélé les #vestiges d’anciens villages et terrasses agricoles palestiniens ; des terrasses construites par leurs ancêtres, décédés il y a longtemps, pour cultiver la terre et planter des oliviers et des vignes sur les #pentes des montagnes.

      À travers ces montagnes, qui constituent l’environnement naturel à l’ouest de Jérusalem, passait la route Jaffa-Jérusalem, qui reliait le port historique à la ville sainte. Cette route ondulant à travers les montagnes était utilisée par les pèlerins d’Europe et d’Afrique du Nord pour visiter les lieux saints chrétiens. Ils n’avaient d’autre choix que d’emprunter la route Jaffa-Jérusalem, à travers les vallées et les ravins, jusqu’au sommet des montagnes. Au fil des siècles, elle sera foulée par des centaines de milliers de pèlerins, de soldats, d’envahisseurs et de touristes.

      Les terrasses agricoles – ou #plates-formes – que les agriculteurs palestiniens ont construites ont un avantage : leur durabilité. Selon les estimations des archéologues, elles auraient jusqu’à 600 ans. Je crois pour ma part qu’elles sont encore plus vieilles que cela.

      Travailler en harmonie avec la nature

      Le travail acharné du fermier palestinien est clairement visible à la surface de la terre. De nombreuses études ont prouvé que les agriculteurs palestiniens avaient toujours investi dans la terre quelle que soit sa forme ; y compris les terres montagneuses, très difficiles à cultiver.

      Des photographies prises avant la Nakba (« catastrophe ») de 1948, lorsque les Palestiniens ont été expulsés par les milices juives, et même pendant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle montrent que les oliviers et les vignes étaient les deux types de plantation les plus courants dans ces régions.

      Ces végétaux maintiennent l’humidité du sol et assurent la subsistance des populations locales. Les #oliviers, en particulier, aident à prévenir l’érosion des sols. Les oliviers et les #vignes peuvent également créer une barrière naturelle contre le feu car ils constituent une végétation feuillue qui retient l’humidité et est peu gourmande en eau. Dans le sud de la France, certaines routes forestières sont bordées de vignes pour faire office de #coupe-feu.

      Les agriculteurs palestiniens qui les ont plantés savaient travailler en harmonie avec la nature, la traiter avec sensibilité et respect. Cette relation s’était formée au cours des siècles.

      Or qu’a fait l’occupation sioniste ? Après la Nakba et l’expulsion forcée d’une grande partie de la population – notamment le nettoyage ethnique de chaque village et ville se trouvant sur l’itinéraire de la route Jaffa-Jérusalem –, les sionistes ont commencé à planter des #pins_européens particulièrement inflammables sur de vastes portions de ces montagnes pour couvrir et effacer ce que les mains des agriculteurs palestiniens avaient créé.

      Dans la région montagneuse de Jérusalem, en particulier, tout ce qui est palestinien – riche de 10 000 ans d’histoire – a été effacé au profit de tout ce qui évoque le #sionisme et la #judéité du lieu. Conformément à la mentalité coloniale européenne, le « milieu » européen a été transféré en Palestine, afin que les colons puissent se souvenir de ce qu’ils avaient laissé derrière eux.

      Le processus de dissimulation visait à nier l’existence des villages palestiniens. Et le processus d’effacement de leurs particularités visait à éliminer leur existence de l’histoire.

      Il convient de noter que les habitants des villages qui ont façonné la vie humaine dans les montagnes de Jérusalem, et qui ont été expulsés par l’armée israélienne, vivent désormais dans des camps et communautés proches de Jérusalem, comme les camps de réfugiés de Qalandiya et Shuafat.

      On trouve de telles forêts de pins ailleurs encore, dissimulant des villages et fermes palestiniens détruits par Israël en 1948. Des institutions internationales israéliennes et sionistes ont également planté des pins européens sur les terres des villages de #Maaloul, près de Nazareth, #Sohmata, près de la frontière palestino-libanaise, #Faridiya, #Kafr_Anan et #al-Samoui sur la route Akka-Safad, entre autres. Ils sont maintenant cachés et ne peuvent être vus à l’œil nu.

      Une importance considérable

      Même les #noms des villages n’ont pas été épargnés. Par exemple, le village de Suba est devenu « #Tsuba », tandis que #Beit_Mahsir est devenu « #Beit_Meir », #Kasla est devenu « #Ksalon », #Saris est devenu « #Shoresh », etc.

      Si les Palestiniens n’ont pas encore pu résoudre leur conflit avec l’occupant, la nature, elle, s’est désormais exprimée de la manière qu’elle jugeait opportune. Les incendies ont révélé un aspect flagrant des composantes bien planifiées et exécutées du projet sioniste.

      Pour les Palestiniens, la découverte de ces terrasses confirme leur version des faits : il y avait de la vie sur cette terre, le Palestinien était le plus actif dans cette vie, et l’Israélien l’a expulsé pour prendre sa place.

      Ne serait-ce que pour cette raison, ces terrasses revêtent une importance considérable. Elles affirment que la cause palestinienne n’est pas morte, que la terre attend le retour de ses enfants ; des personnes qui sauront la traiter correctement.



      An Israeli Forest to Erase the Ruins of Palestinian Agricultural Terraces

      “Our forest is growing over, well, over a ruined village,” A.B. Yehoshua wrote in his novella “Facing the Forests.” The massive wildfire in the Jerusalem Hills last week exposed the underpinning of the view through the trees. The agricultural terraces were revealed in their full glory, and also revealed a historic record that Israel has always sought to obscure and erase – traces of Palestinian life on this land.

      On my trips to the West Bank and the occupied territories, when I passed by the expansive areas of Palestinian farmland, I was always awed by the sight of the long chain of terraces, mustabat or mudrajat in Arabic. I thrilled at their grandeur and the precision of the work that attests to the connection between the Palestinian fellah and his land. I would wonder – Why doesn’t the same “phenomenon” exist in the hills of the Galilee?

      When I grew up, I learned a little in school about Israeli history. I didn’t learn that Israel erased Palestinian agriculture in the Galilee and that the Jewish National Fund buried it once and for all, but I did learn that “The Jews brought trees with them” and planted them in the Land of Israel. How sterile and green. Greta Thunberg would be proud of you.

      The Zionist movement knew that in the war for this land it was not enough to conquer the land and expel its inhabitants, you also had to build up a story and an ethos and a narrative, something that will fit with the myth of “a people without a land for a land without a people.” Therefore, after the conquest of the land and the expulsion, all trace of the people who once lived here had to be destroyed. This included trees that grew without human intervention and those that were planted by fellahin, who know this land as they do their children and as they do the terraces they built in the hills.

      This is how white foreigners who never in their lives were fellahin or worked the land for a living came up with the national forestation project on the ruins of Arab villages, which David Ben-Gurion decided to flatten, such as Ma’alul and Suhmata. The forestation project including the importation of cypress and pine trees that were alien to this land and belong to colder climes, so that the new inhabitants would feel more at home and less as if they were in somebody else’s home.

      The planting of combustible cypresses and pines, which are not suited to the weather in this land, is not just an act of national erasure of the Palestinian natives, but also an act of arrogance and patronage, characteristics typical of colonialist movements throughout the world. All because they did not understand the nature, in both senses of the word, of the countries they conquered.

      Forgive me, but a biblical-historical connection is not sufficient. Throughout the history of colonialism, the new settlers – whether they ultimately left or stayed – were unable to impose their imported identity on the new place and to completely erase the place’s native identity. It’s a little like the forests surrounding Jerusalem: When the fire comes and burns them, one small truth is revealed, after so much effort went into concealing it.


      et ici :

    • Planter un arbre en Israël : une forêt rédemptrice et mémorielle

      Tout au long du projet sioniste, le végétal a joué un rôle de médiateur entre la terre rêvée et la terre foulée, entre le texte biblique et la réalité. Le réinvestissement national s’est opéré à travers des plantes connues depuis la diaspora, réorganisées en scènes signifiantes pour la mémoire et l’histoire juive. Ce lien de filiation entre texte sacré et paysage débouche sur une pratique de plantation considérée comme un acte mystique de régénération du monde.


  • La grande scommessa: migrazioni e (im)mobilità globale (con #Milena_Belloni)

    Il governo Meloni in questi giorni sta discutendo di un “#piano_Africa” per “aiutarli a casa loro” che include esperti di comunicazione che informino gli aspiranti migranti dei rischi che corrono. È questo il punto, non sanno cosa rischiano?
    Ha senso parlare del “Viaggio” dei migranti come di una scommessa (evocata anche nel titolo del tuo libro)?
    Per una persona che arriva ce ne sono decine che partono. Per una persona che parte, ce ne sono migliaia che restano. È davvero una scelta del singolo imbarcarsi nel “Viaggio”?
    Succede a chiunque, in continuazione, di cominciare qualcosa senza avere un’idea precisa delle conseguenze. Nel nostro quotidiano spesso ci si può fermare in itinere, ribilanciare costi e benefici. È così anche per un migrante che intraprende “il Viaggio”?
    Che differenza fa in tutto questo essere maschio o femmina?
    Tu sei stata sul campo: Eritrea, Etiopia, Sudan, Italia. Cosa ti ha colpito di più?


    #migrations #risque #réfugiés #asile #risques #itinéraire_migratoire #migrerrance #immobilité #stratégie_familiale #pari
    #podcast #audio

    • The Big Gamble. The Migration of Eritreans to Europe

      Tens of thousands of Eritreans make perilous voyages across Africa and the Mediterranean Sea every year. Why do they risk their lives to reach European countries where so many more hardships await them? By visiting family homes in Eritrea and living with refugees in camps and urban peripheries across Ethiopia, Sudan, and Italy, Milena Belloni untangles the reasons behind one of the most under-researched refugee populations today. Balancing encounters with refugees and their families, smugglers, and visa officers, The Big Gamble contributes to ongoing debates about blurred boundaries between forced and voluntary migration, the complications of transnational marriages, the social matrix of smuggling, and the role of family expectations, emotions, and values in migrants’ choices of destinations.


      #réfugiés_érythréens #livre

  • #Pakistan: detenzioni e deportazioni contro i rifugiati afghani

    In corso un’altra catastrofe umanitaria, molte persone a rischio di persecuzione in Afghanistan

    Dal 1° ottobre quasi 400mila persone afgane, di cui circa 220.000 in queste settimane di novembre, hanno abbandonato il Pakistan, in quella che appare sempre più come una pulizia etnica operata contro una minoranza. I numeri sono quelli forniti da UNHCR 1, dopo che il 17 settembre, il governo pakistano ha annunciato che tutte le persone “irregolari” avrebbero dovuto lasciare volontariamente il Paese entro il 1° novembre, pena la deportazione.
    La maggior parte delle persone rientrate e in Afghanistan sono donne e bambini: 1 bambino su quattro è sotto i cinque anni e oltre il 60% dei minori ha meno di 17 anni 2.

    E’ emerso, ultimamente, che le persone afghane senza documenti che lasciano il Pakistan per andare in altri paesi devono pagare una tassa di 830 dollari (760 euro).

    Amnesty International ha denunciato detenzioni di massa in centri di espulsione e che le persone prive di documenti sono state avviate alla deportazione senza che ai loro familiari fosse fornita alcuna informazione sul luogo in cui sono state portate e sulla data della deportazione. L’Ong ha dichiarato che il governo del Pakistan deve interrompere immediatamente le detenzioni, le deportazioni e le vessazioni diffuse nei confronti delle persone afghane.

    Dall’inizio di ottobre, inoltre, Amnesty ha raccolto informazioni relative agli sgomberi: diversi katchi abadis (insediamenti informali) che ospitano rifugiati afghani sono stati demoliti dalla Capital Development Authority (CDA) di Islamabad, le baracche sono state distrutte con i beni ancora al loro interno.

    In tutto il Pakistan, ha illustrato il governo, sono stati istituiti 49 centri di detenzione (chiamati anche centri di “detenzione” o di “transito”). «Questi centri di deportazione – ha affermato Amnesty – non sono stati costruiti in base a una legge specifica e funzionano parallelamente al sistema legale». L’associazione ha verificato che in almeno 7 centri di detenzione non viene esteso alcun diritto legale ai detenuti, come il diritto a un avvocato o alla comunicazione con i familiari. Sono centri che violano il diritto alla libertà e a un giusto processo. Inoltre, nessuna informazione viene resa pubblica, rendendo difficile per le famiglie rintracciare i propri cari. Amnesty ha confermato il livello di segretezza a tal punto che nessun giornalista ha avuto accesso a questi centri.

    Secondo quanto riporta Save the Children, molte famiglie deportate in Afghanistan non hanno un posto dove vivere, né soldi per il cibo, e sono ospitate in rifugi di fortuna, in una situazione disperata e in continuo peggioramento. Molte persone accusano gravi infezioni respiratorie, probabilmente dovute alla prolungata esposizione alle tempeste di polvere, ai centri chiusi e fumosi, al contagio dovuto alla vicinanza di altre persone malate e al freddo estremo, dato che molte famiglie hanno viaggiato verso l’Afghanistan in camion aperti e sovraffollati. Sono, inoltre, ad altissimo rischio di contrarre gravi malattie, che si stanno diffondendo rapidamente, tra cui la dissenteria acuta, altamente contagiosa e pericolosa.

    Una catastrofe umanitaria

    «Migliaia di rifugiati afghani vengono usati come pedine politiche per essere rispediti nell’Afghanistan controllato dai talebani, dove la loro vita e la loro integrità fisica potrebbero essere a rischio, nel contesto di una intensificata repressione dei diritti umani e di una catastrofe umanitaria in corso. Nessuno dovrebbe essere sottoposto a deportazioni forzate di massa e il Pakistan farebbe bene a ricordare i suoi obblighi legali internazionali, compreso il principio di non respingimento», ha dichiarato Livia Saccardi, vice direttrice regionale di Amnesty International per l’Asia meridionale.

    Il valico di frontiera di Torkham con l’Afghanistan è diventato un grande campo profughi a cielo aperto e le condizioni sono drammatiche. Le organizzazioni umanitarie presenti in loco per fornire assistenza hanno raccolto diverse testimonianze. «La folla a Torkham è opprimente, non è un luogo per bambini e donne. Di notte fa freddo e i bambini non hanno vestiti caldi. Ci sono anche pochi servizi igienici e l’acqua potabile è scarsa. Abbiamo bisogno di almeno un rifugio adeguato», ha raccontato una ragazza di 20 anni.

    «Le condizioni di salute dei bambini non sono buone, la maggior parte ha dolori allo stomaco. A causa della mancanza di acqua pulita e di strutture igieniche adeguate, non possono lavarsi le mani in modo corretto. Non ci sono servizi igienici puliti e questi bambini non ricevono pasti regolari e adeguati» ha dichiarato una dottoressa di Save the Children. «Se rimarranno qui per un periodo più lungo o se la situazione persisterà e il clima diventerà più freddo, ci saranno molti rischi per la salute dei bambini. Di notte la temperatura scende parecchio ed è difficile garantire il benessere dei più piccoli all’interno delle tende. Questo può influire negativamente sulla salute del bambino e della madre. È urgente distribuire vestiti caldi ai bambini e beni necessari, come assorbenti e biancheria intima per le giovani donne e altri articoli essenziali per ridurre i rischi per la salute di donne e bambini».

    «Il Pakistan deve adempiere agli obblighi previsti dalla legge internazionale sui diritti umani per garantire la sicurezza e il benessere dei rifugiati afghani all’interno dei suoi confini e fermare immediatamente le deportazioni per evitare un’ulteriore escalation di questa crisi. Il governo, insieme all’UNHCR, deve accelerare la registrazione dei richiedenti che cercano rifugio in Pakistan, in particolare le donne e le ragazze, i giornalisti e coloro che appartengono a comunità etniche e minoritarie, poiché corrono rischi maggiori. Se il governo pakistano non interrompe immediatamente le deportazioni, negherà a migliaia di afghani a rischio, soprattutto donne e ragazze, l’accesso alla sicurezza, all’istruzione e ai mezzi di sussistenza», ha affermato Livia Saccardi.

    Come si vive nell’Afghanistan con i talebani al potere lo denuncia CISDA, il Coordinamento Italiano di Sostegno alle Donne Afghane, che ha pubblicato un dossier “I diritti negati delle donne afghane” che racconta la vita quotidiana delle donne afghane e ripercorre la storia del Paese fino ai giorni nostri.

    «L’Afghanistan è un Paese allo stremo, stretto nella morsa dei talebani e alla mercé degli interessi geopolitici ed economici di diversi paesi. Se per tutta la popolazione afghana vivere è una sfida quotidiana, per le donne è un’impresa impervia», ha scritto CISDA che con questa pubblicazione ha voluto ripercorre le tappe principali della storia afghana, cercando di capire chi sono i talebani di oggi e realizzando approfondimenti tematici per comprendere qual è la situazione attuale del paese. E soprattutto ha voluto dar voce alle donne afghane raccogliendo le loro storie.

    #réfugiés_afghans #déportations #renvois #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Torkham #camps_de_réfugiés #centres_d'expulsion #détention_de_masse #rétention #détention #katchi_abadis #Capital_Development_Authority (#CDA)

    • Le Pakistan déclenche une vague d’abus contre les Afghans

      Les nouveaux efforts déployés par les autorités pakistanaises pour « convaincre » les Afghans de retourner en Afghanistan peuvent se résumer en un mot : abus.

      La police et d’autres fonctionnaires ont procédé à des #détentions_massives, à des #raids nocturnes et à des #passages_à_tabac contre des Afghans. Ils ont #saisi_des_biens et du bétail et détruit des maisons au bulldozer. Ils ont également exigé des #pots-de-vin, confisqué des bijoux et détruit des documents d’identité. La #police pakistanaise a parfois harcelé sexuellement des femmes et des filles afghanes et les a menacées d’#agression_sexuelle.

      Cette vague de #violence vise à pousser les réfugiés et les demandeurs d’asile afghans à quitter le Pakistan. Les #déportations que nous avons précédemment évoquées ici sont maintenant plus nombreuses – quelque 20 000 personnes ont été déportées depuis la mi-septembre. Les menaces et les abus en ont chassé bien plus : environ 355 000.

      Tout cela est en totale contradiction avec les obligations internationales du Pakistan de ne pas renvoyer de force des personnes vers des pays où elles risquent clairement d’être torturées ou persécutées.

      Parmi les personnes expulsées ou contraintes de partir figurent des personnes qui risqueraient d’être persécutées en Afghanistan, notamment des femmes et des filles, des défenseurs des droits humains, des journalistes et d’anciens fonctionnaires qui ont fui l’Afghanistan après la prise de pouvoir par les talibans en août 2021.

      Certaines des personnes menacées s’étaient vu promettre une réinstallation aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne et au Canada, mais les procédures de #réinstallation n’avancent pas assez vite. Ces gouvernements doivent agir.

      L’arrivée de centaines de milliers de personnes en Afghanistan « ne pouvait pas arriver à un pire moment », comme l’a déclaré le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés. Le pays est confronté à une crise économique durable qui a laissé les deux tiers de la population dans le besoin d’une assistance humanitaire. Et maintenant, l’hiver s’installe.

      Les nouveaux arrivants n’ont presque rien, car les autorités pakistanaises ont interdit aux Afghans de retirer plus de 50 000 roupies pakistanaises (175 dollars) chacun. Les agences humanitaires ont fait état de pénuries de tentes et d’autres services de base pour les nouveaux arrivants.

      Forcer des personnes à vivre dans des conditions qui mettent leur vie en danger en Afghanistan est inadmissible. Les autorités pakistanaises ont déclenché une vague d’#abus et mis en danger des centaines de milliers de personnes. Elles doivent faire marche arrière. Rapidement.

      #destruction #harcèlement

  • La Corte europea condanna l’Italia a pagare per i maltrattamenti ai migranti : costretti a denudarsi, privati della libertà e malnutriti

    La causa avviata da quattro esuli sudanesi: dovranno ricevere in tutto 36 mila euro dallo Stato

    VENTIMIGLIA. Spogliati «senza alcuna ragione convincente». Maltrattati e «arbitrariamente privati della libertà». Ecco perché, la Corte Europea per i Diritti dell’Uomo ha condannato l’Italia a risarcire quattro migranti sudanesi con cifre che vanno dagli 8 ai diecimila euro ciascuno. La sentenza della prima sezione della Corte (presieduta da Marko Bošnjak) è datata 16 novembre, ma riguarda episodi accaduti nell’estate del 2016. Dopo aver avviato le pratiche per far attribuire ai loro clienti lo status di rifugiato, nel febbraio 2017 gli avvocati (Nicoletta Masuelli, Gianluca Vitale e Donatella Bava, tutti di Torino) avevano deciso di rivolgersi alla Corte di Strasburgo.
    I quattro erano arrivati in Italia in momenti diversi: due «in un giorno imprecisato di luglio» del 2016 a Cagliari, un altro il 14 luglio a Reggio Calabria, uno il 6 agosto sempre a Reggio Calabria e l’ultimo l’8 agosto «in un luogo imprecisato della costa siciliana». Il più giovane ha 30 anni, il più vecchio 43.

    In comune, i quattro hanno che sono stati tutti trasferiti nello stesso centro di accoglienza gestito dalla Croce Rossa a Ventimiglia. Sono stati «costretti a salire su un furgone della polizia», trasportati in una caserma dove sono stati «perquisiti», obbligati a consegnare «i telefoni, i lacci delle scarpe e le cinture» e poi «è stato chiesto loro di spogliarsi». Sono rimasti nudi dieci minuti, in attesa che gli agenti rilevassero le loro impronte digitali.
    Concluse le procedure, la polizia ha fatto salire i quattro (assieme a una ventina di connazionali) su un pullman. Destinazione: l’hotspot di Taranto. Secondo quanto ricostruito nella sentenza, i migranti sono stati «costretti a rimanere seduti per l’intero viaggio» e potevano andare in bagno soltanto scortati e lasciando la porta spalancata, rimanendo «esposti alla vista degli agenti e degli altri migranti».
    Il 23 agosto, i quattro (con un gruppo di compatrioti) sono risaliti su un pullman diretti a Ventimiglia, dove hanno incontrato un rappresentante del governo sudanese che li ha riconosciuti come cittadini del suo Paese. A quel punto, è stata avviata la procedura per il rimpatrio. In aereo, dall’aeroporto di Torino Caselle. Ma sul velivolo c’era posto soltanto per sette migranti, così il questore aveva firmato un provvedimento di trattenimento e i quattro sono stati accompagnati al Centro di identificazione ed espulsione di Torino.
    Uno, però, è stato prelevato pochi giorni dopo dalla polizia. Per lui, era pronto un posto sull’aereo per il rimpatrio. Lui non voleva, arrivato a bordo ha incominciato a dare in escandescenze assieme a un altro migrante finché il comandante del velivolo ha deciso di chiedere alla polizia di farli sbarcare entrambi, per problemi di sicurezza. Appena rientrato al Cie, l’uomo ha ribadito la sua intenzione di ottenere la protezione internazionale. Lo stesso hanno fatto gli altri tre. Tutti hanno ottenuto lo status di rifugiato.

    La sentenza della Corte condanna l’Italia a pagare per varie violazioni. Una riguarda «la procedura di spogliazione forzata da parte della polizia», che «può costituire una misura talmente invasiva e potenzialmente degradante da non poter essere applicata senza un motivo imperativo». E per i giudici di Strasburgo «il governo non ha fornito alcuna ragione convincente» per giustificare quel comportamento. Poi, ci sono le accuse dei quattro di essere rimasti senz’acqua e cibo nel trasferimento Ventimiglia-Taranto e ritorno. Il governo aveva ribattuto fornendo «le copie delle richieste della questura di Imperia a una società di catering», che però «riguardavano altri migranti». Per la Corte, quella situazione «esaminata nel contesto generale degli eventi era chiaramente di natura tale da provocare stress mentale». E ancora, le condizioni vissute in quei giorni «hanno causato ai ricorrenti un notevole disagio e un sentimento di umiliazione a un livello tale da equivalere a un trattamento degradante», vietato dalla legge. I giudici di Strasburgo ritengono, poi, che i quattro siano «stati arbitrariamente privati della libertà», pur se in una situazione di «vuoto legislativo dovuto alla mancanza di una normativa specifica in materia di hotspot», già denunciata nel 2016 dal garante nazionale dei detenuti.

    Per la Corte, ce n’è abbastanza per condannate l’Italia a risarcire i quattro: uno dovrà ricevere 8 mila euro, un altro 9 mila e altri due diecimila «a titolo di danno morale».


    Le périple des 4 Soudanais en résumé :
    – 4 personnes concernées, ressortissants soudanais
    – 2 arrivés à Cagliari en juillet 2016, un le 14 juillet à Reggio Calabria, un le 16 août 2016
    – Transfert des 4 au centre d’accueil de la Croix-Rouge à Vintimille avec un fourgon de la police —> dénudés, humiliés
    – Transfert (avec 20 autres) vers l’hotspot de Taranto
    – 23 août —> transfert à Vintimille par bus, RV avec un représentant du gouvernement soudanais qui a reconnu leur nationalité soudanaise, début procédure de renvoi vers Soudan en avion
    – Transfert à l’aéroport de Torino Caselle, mais pas de place pour les 4 dans l’avion
    – Transfert au centre de rétention de Turin
    – Personne ne part, les 4 arrivent à demander l’asile et obtenir le statut de réfugié
    – Novembre 2023 : Italie condamnée par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme

    #justice #condamnation #Italie #frontières #frontière_sud-alpine #CEDH #cour_européenne_des_droits_de_l'homme #mauvais_traitements #privation_de_liberté #nudité #violences_policières #Taranto #hotspot #CPR #rétention #détention_administrative #réfugiés_soudanais #Turin #migrerrance #humiliation

    voir aussi ce fil de discussion sur les transferts frontière_sud-alpine - hotspot de Taranto :
    Migranti come (costosi) pacchi postali


    • Denudati, maltrattati e privati della libertà: la CEDU condanna nuovamente l’Italia

      Le persone migranti denunciarono i rastrellamenti avvenuti a Ventimiglia nell’estate 2016

      La Corte Europea per i Diritti dell’Uomo (CEDU) ha nuovamente condannato l’Italia a risarcire con un totale di 27mila euro (più 4.000 euro di costi e spese legali) quattro cittadini sudanesi per averli denudati, maltrattati e privati della libertà nell’estate 2016 durante le cosiddette operazioni per “alleggerire la pressione alla frontiera” di Ventimiglia, quando centinaia di persone migranti venivano coattivamente trasferite negli hotspot del sud Italia 1 e, in alcuni casi, trasferiti nei CIE e quindi rimpatriati nel paese di origine 2.

      C’è da dire che la Corte avrebbe potuto condannare l’Italia con maggiore severità, soprattutto per quanto riguarda le deportazioni in un paese non sicuro come il Sudan. Tuttavia, si tratta dell’ennesima conferma che l’Italia nega i diritti fondamentali alle persone migranti e che i governi portano avanti operazioni nei quali gli abusi e i maltrattamenti delle forze dell’ordine non sono delle eccezioni o degli eccessi di un singolo agente, ma qualcosa di strutturale e quindi sistemico. E quando queste violazioni sono denunciate, nemmeno vengono condotte indagini per fare luce sulle responsabilità e indagare i colpevoli.

      La sentenza della CEDU pubblicata il 16 novembre 3 riguarda nove cittadini sudanesi arrivati in Italia nell’estate del 2016 i quali hanno denunciato diversi abusi subiti dalle autorità italiane, un tentativo di rimpatrio forzato e uno portato a termine.

      Nel primo caso i ricorrenti hanno avanzato denunce in merito al loro arresto, trasporto e detenzione in Italia, uno di loro ha anche affermato di essere stato maltrattato.

      I quattro ricorrenti del primo caso hanno ottenuto la protezione internazionale, mentre i cinque ricorrenti del secondo caso hanno affermato di aver fatto parte di un gruppo di 40 persone migranti che erano state espulse subito dopo il loro arrivo in Italia.

      Le persone sono state difese dall’avv. Gianluca Vitale e dell’avv.te Nicoletta Masuelli e Donatella Bava, tutte del foro di Torino.
      I fatti riportati nella sintesi

      I quattro ricorrenti nel primo caso sono nati tra il 1980 e il 1994. Vivono tutti a Torino, tranne uno che vive in Germania. I ricorrenti nel secondo caso sono nati tra il 1989 e il 1996. Uno vive in Egitto, uno in Niger e tre in Sudan.

      Tutti e nove i richiedenti sono arrivati in Italia nell’estate del 2016. I primi quattro hanno raggiunto le coste italiane in barca, mentre gli altri cinque sono stati salvati in mare dalla Marina italiana. Alcuni sono transitati attraverso vari hotspot e tutti sono finiti a Ventimiglia presso il centro della Croce Rossa.

      Secondo i ricorrenti nel primo caso, il 17 e il 19 agosto 2016 sono stati arrestati, costretti a salire su un furgone della polizia e portati in quella che hanno capito essere una stazione di polizia. Sono stati perquisiti, è stato chiesto loro di spogliarsi e sono stati lasciati nudi per circa dieci minuti prima che venissero prese le loro impronte digitali.

      Sono stati poi costretti a salire su un autobus, scortati da numerosi agenti di polizia, senza conoscere la loro destinazione e senza ricevere alcun documento sulle ragioni del loro trasferimento o della loro privazione di libertà. In seguito hanno scoperto di essere stati trasferiti da Ventimiglia all’hotspot di Taranto.

      Nell’hotspot di Taranto, dal quale non avrebbero potuto uscire, sostengono di aver ricevuto un provvedimento di respingimento il 22 agosto 2016. Il giorno successivo sono stati riportati a Ventimiglia in autobus.

      Secondo i ricorrenti, le condizioni all’hotspot erano difficili come lo erano durante ciascuno dei trasferimenti in autobus durati 15 ore. Erano sotto il costante controllo della polizia, in un clima di violenza e minacce, senza cibo o acqua sufficienti in piena estate.

      Sostengono di non aver incontrato un avvocato o un giudice durante quel periodo e di non aver capito cosa stesse succedendo. Il 24 agosto 2016 sono stati trasferiti da Ventimiglia all’aeroporto di Torino per essere imbarcati su un volo per il Sudan. Poiché non c’erano abbastanza posti sull’aereo, il loro trasferimento è stato posticipato. Sono stati quindi trasferiti al CIE (Centro di identificazione ed espulsione) di Torino e il Questore ha emesso per ciascuno di loro un provvedimento di trattenimento.

      Uno dei ricorrenti (T.B.) sostiene che le autorità hanno tentato di espellerlo nuovamente il 1° settembre 2016. Ha protestato e la polizia lo ha colpito al volto e allo stomaco. Lo hanno poi costretto a salire sull’aereo e lo hanno legato. Tuttavia, il pilota si è rifiutato di decollare a causa del suo stato di agitazione. È stato riportato al CIE di Torino.

      Tutti e quattro i richiedenti hanno ottenuto la protezione internazionale, essenzialmente sulla base della loro storia personale in Sudan e del conseguente rischio di vita in caso di rimpatrio.

      Secondo i ricorrenti del secondo caso, invece, non sono mai stati informati in nessun momento della possibilità di chiedere protezione internazionale. Sostengono inoltre di aver fatto parte di un gruppo di circa 40 migranti per i quali è stato trovato posto sul volo in partenza il 24 agosto 2016 e di essere stati rimpatriati a Khartoum lo stesso giorno.

      Il governo italiano ha contestato tale affermazione, sostenendo che i ricorrenti non sono mai stati sul territorio italiano. Hanno fornito alla Corte le fotografie identificative delle persone rimpatriate in Sudan il 24 agosto 2016, sostenendo che non presentavano una stretta somiglianza con i ricorrenti. Ha sostenuto inoltre che i nomi delle persone allontanate non corrispondevano a quelli dei ricorrenti. In considerazione del disaccordo delle parti, la Corte ha nominato un esperto di comparazione facciale della polizia belga (articolo A1, paragrafi 1 e 2, del Regolamento della Corte – atti istruttori) che, il 5 ottobre 2022, ha presentato una relazione per valutare se le persone rappresentate nelle fotografie e nei filmati forniti dai rappresentanti dei ricorrenti corrispondessero a quelle raffigurate nelle fotografie identificative presentate dal Governo.

      Il rapporto ha concluso, per quanto riguarda uno dei ricorrenti nel caso, W.A., che i due individui raffigurati in tali fonti corrispondevano al massimo livello di affidabilità. Per quanto riguarda gli altri quattro richiedenti, non vi era alcuna corrispondenza affidabile.
      La decisione della Corte

      Le sentenze sono state emesse da una Camera di sette giudici, composta da: Marko Bošnjak (Slovenia), Presidente, Alena Poláčková (Slovacchia), Krzysztof Wojtyczek (Polonia), Péter Paczolay (Ungheria), Ivana Jelić (Montenegro), Erik Wennerström (Svezia), Raffaele Sabato (Italia), e anche Liv Tigerstedt, Vice Cancelliere di Sezione.

      La Corte, ha ritenuto, all’unanimità, che vi è stata:

      1) una violazione dell’articolo 3 per quanto riguarda l’assenza di una ragione sufficientemente convincente per giustificare il fatto che i ricorrenti siano stati lasciati nudi insieme a molti altri migranti, senza privacy e sorvegliati dalla polizia e le condizioni dei loro successivi trasferimenti in autobus da e verso un hotspot, sotto il costante controllo della polizia, senza sapere dove stessero andando;

      2) una violazione dell’articolo 3, in quanto non è stata svolta alcuna indagine in merito alle accuse del ricorrente di essere stato picchiato da agenti di polizia durante un tentativo di rimpatrio;

      3) la violazione dell’articolo 5, paragrafi 1, 2 e 4 (diritto alla libertà e alla sicurezza) per quanto riguarda tre dei quattro ricorrenti in relazione al loro fermo, trasporto e detenzione arbitrari.

      La Corte ha stabilito che l’Italia deve pagare ai ricorrenti nel caso A.E. e T.B. contro Italia 27.000 euro per danni morali e 4.000 euro, congiuntamente, per costi e spese.

      In particolare:

      Per quanto riguarda i restanti reclami dei ricorrenti in A.E. e T.B. contro l’Italia, la Corte ha riscontrato che le condizioni del loro arresto e del trasferimento in autobus, considerate nel loro insieme, devono aver causato un notevole disagio e umiliazione, equivalenti a un trattamento degradante, in violazione dell’Articolo 3.

      Inoltre, i successivi lunghi trasferimenti in autobus dei ricorrenti sono avvenuti in un breve lasso di tempo e in un periodo dell’anno molto caldo, senza cibo o acqua sufficienti e senza che sapessero dove erano diretti o perché. Erano sotto il costante controllo della polizia, in un clima di violenza e di minacce. Queste condizioni, nel complesso, devono essere state fonte di angoscia.

      Infine, la Corte ha riscontrato una violazione dell’Articolo 3 per quanto riguarda il richiedente (T.B.) che ha affermato di essere stato picchiato durante un altro tentativo di allontanamento. Due degli altri richiedenti hanno confermato il suo racconto durante i colloqui relativi alle loro richieste di protezione internazionale; uno ha dichiarato in particolare di aver visto un altro migrante che veniva riportato dalla polizia dall’aeroporto con il volto tumefatto. Anche se T.B. aveva detto, durante un colloquio con le autorità, di essere in grado di identificare i tre agenti di polizia responsabili dei suoi maltrattamenti, non è stata condotta alcuna indagine.

      La Corte ha notato che il Governo le aveva fornito una copia di un’ordinanza di refusal-of-entry nei confronti di uno dei richiedenti, A.E., datata 1 agosto 2016, e la Corte ha quindi dichiarato inammissibile il suo reclamo sulla sua detenzione. D’altra parte, ha rilevato che gli altri tre ricorrenti nel caso, ai quali non erano stati notificati ordini di refusal-of-entry fino al 22 agosto 2016, erano stati arrestati e trasferiti senza alcuna documentazione e senza che potessero lasciare l’hotspot di Taranto. Ciò ha comportato una privazione arbitraria della loro libertà, in violazione dell’Articolo 5 § 1.

      Inoltre, era assente una legislazione chiara e accessibile relativa agli hotspot e la Corte non ha avuto alcuna prova di come le autorità avrebbero potuto informare i richiedenti delle ragioni legali della loro privazione di libertà o dare loro l’opportunità di contestare in tribunale i motivi della loro detenzione de facto.

      La Corte ha però respinto come inammissibili tutti i reclami dei nove ricorrenti, tranne uno, in merito al fatto che le autorità italiane non avevano preso in considerazione il rischio di trattamenti inumani se fossero stati rimpatriati in Sudan. In A.E. e T.B. contro Italia, i richiedenti, che avevano ottenuto la protezione internazionale, non erano più a rischio di deportazione e non potevano quindi affermare di essere vittime di una violazione dell’Articolo 3. In W.A. e altri c. Italia, la Corte ha ritenuto che quattro dei cinque ricorrenti, per i quali il rapporto della polizia belga del 2022 non aveva stabilito una corrispondenza affidabile tra le fotografie fornite dalle parti, non avessero sufficientemente motivato i loro reclami.

      La Corte ha dichiarato ammissibile il reclamo del ricorrente, W.A.. Ha osservato che i documenti disponibili erano sufficienti per concludere che si trattava di una delle persone indicate nelle fotografie identificative fornite dal Governo. Ha quindi ritenuto che fosse tra i cittadini sudanesi allontanati in Sudan il 24 agosto 2016. Tuttavia, la Corte ha continuato a ritenere che non vi fosse stata alcuna violazione dell’Articolo 3 nel caso di W.A. .

      In particolare, ha notato che c’erano state delle imprecisioni nel suo modulo di richiesta alla Corte e che, sebbene fosse stato assistito da un avvocato in diversi momenti della procedura di espulsione, aveva esplicitamente dichiarato di non voler chiedere la protezione internazionale e di essere semplicemente in transito in Italia. Inoltre, a differenza dei richiedenti nel caso A.E. e T.B. contro l’Italia, che avevano ottenuto la protezione internazionale sulla base delle loro esperienze personali, W.A. aveva sostenuto di appartenere a una tribù perseguitata dal Governo sudanese solo dopo aver presentato la domanda alla Corte europea. Questa informazione non era quindi disponibile per le autorità italiane al momento rilevante e la Corte ha concluso che il Governo italiano non ha violato il suo dovere di fornire garanzie effettive per proteggere W.A. dal respingimento arbitrario nel suo Paese d’origine.

      – Guerra al desiderio migrante. Deportazioni da Ventimiglia e Como verso gli hotspot, di Francesco Ferri (https://www.meltingpot.org/2016/08/guerra-al-desiderio-migrante-deportazioni-da-ventimiglia-e-como-verso-gl) – 17 agosto 2026
      – Rimpatrio forzato dei cittadini sudanesi: l’Italia ha violato i diritti. Rapporto giuridico sul memorandum d’intesa Italia-Sudan a cura della Clinica Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza di Torino (https://www.meltingpot.org/2017/10/rimpatrio-forzato-dei-cittadini-sudanesi-litalia-ha-violato-i-diritti-um) – 31 ottobre 2017.
      - The cases of A.E. and T.B. v. Italy (application nos. 18911/17, 18941/17, and 18959/17, https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/?i=001-228836) and W.A. and Others v. Italy (no. 18787/17, https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/?i=001-228835)


  • Au #Darfour, la terreur à huis clos : « Ils veulent nous rayer de la carte »

    Depuis le 15 avril et le début de la #guerre au #Soudan, plus de 420 000 personnes se sont réfugiées dans l’est du #Tchad. Principalement issues des communautés non arabes du Darfour, elles témoignent d’attaques délibérées contre les civils, de multiples #crimes_de_guerre, et dénoncent un #nettoyage_ethnique.

    Un mélange de boue et de sang. Des corps emportés par le courant. Des cris de détresse et le sifflement des balles transperçant l’eau marronasse. C’est la dernière image qui hante Abdelmoneim Adam. Le soleil se levait à l’aube du 15 juin sur l’oued Kaja – la rivière saisonnière gonflée par les pluies qui traverse #El-Geneina, capitale du Darfour occidental – et des milliers de personnes tentaient de fuir la ville.

    Partout, des barrages de soldats leur coupaient la route. « Ils tiraient dans le tas, parfois à bout portant sur des enfants, des vieillards », se souvient Abdelmoneim, qui s’est jeté dans l’eau pour échapper à la mort. Des dizaines d’autres l’ont suivi. Une poignée d’entre eux seulement sont arrivés indemnes sur l’autre rive. Lui ne s’est plus jamais retourné.

    Ses sandales ont été emportées par les flots, l’obligeant à poursuivre sa route pieds nus, à la merci des épines. Attendant le crépuscule, il a coupé à travers champs, sous une pluie battante, évitant une dizaine de check-points tenus par les paramilitaires et slalomant entre les furgan, les campements militaires des miliciens arabes qui encerclaient El-Geneina. Il lui a fallu 13 heures pour parcourir la vingtaine de kilomètres qui le séparait du Tchad.

    Le Darfour s’est embrasé dans le sillage de la guerre amorcée le 15 avril à Khartoum entre l’armée régulière dirigée par le général Abdel Fattah al-Bourhane et les #Forces_paramilitaires_de_soutien_rapide (#FSR) du général Hemetti. Dans cette région à l’ouest du pays, meurtrie par les violences depuis 2003, le #conflit a pris une tournure ethnique, ravivant des cicatrices jamais refermées entre communautés.

    Dans la province du Darfour occidental qui borde le Tchad, l’armée régulière s’est retranchée dans ses quartiers généraux, délaissant le contrôle de la région aux FSR. Ces dernières ont assis leur domination en mobilisant derrière elles de nombreuses #milices issues des #tribus_arabes de la région.

    À El-Geneina, bastion historique des #Massalit, une communauté non arabe du Darfour à cheval entre le Soudan et le Tchad, environ 2 000 volontaires ont pris les armes pour défendre leur communauté. Ces groupes d’autodéfense, qui se battent aux côtés d’un ancien groupe rebelle sous les ordres du gouverneur Khamis Abakar, ont rapidement été dépassés en nombre et sont arrivés à court de munitions.

    Après avoir accusé à la télévision les FSR et leurs milices alliées de perpétrer un « génocide », le gouverneur massalit Khamis Abakar a été arrêté le 14 juin par des soldats du général Hemetti. Quelques heures plus tard, sa dépouille mutilée était exhibée sur les réseaux sociaux. Son assassinat a marqué un point de non-retour, le début d’une hémorragie.
    Démons à cheval

    En trois jours, les 15, 16 et 17 juin, El-Geneina a été le théâtre de massacres sanglants perpétrés à huis clos. La ville s’est vidée de plus de 70 % de ses habitant·es. Des colonnes de civils se pressaient à la frontière tchadienne, à pied, à dos d’âne, certains poussant des charrettes transportant des corps inertes. En 72 heures, plus de 850 blessés de guerre, la plupart par balles, ont déferlé sur le petit hôpital d’Adré. « Du jamais-vu », confie le médecin en chef du district. En six mois, plus de 420 000 personnes, principalement massalit, ont trouvé refuge au Tchad.

    Depuis le début du mois de septembre, les affrontements ont baissé en intensité mais quelques centaines de réfugié·es traversent encore chaque jour le poste-frontière, bringuebalé·es sur des charrettes tirées par des chevaux faméliques. Les familles, assises par grappes sur les carrioles, s’accrochent aux sangles qui retiennent les tas d’affaires qu’elles ont pu emporter : un peu de vaisselle, des sacs de jute remplis de quelques kilos d’oignons ou de patates, des bidons qui s’entrechoquent dans un écho régulier, des chaises en plastique qui s’amoncellent.

    Les regards disent les longues semaines à affronter des violences quotidiennes. « Les milices arabes faisaient paître leurs dromadaires sur nos terres. Nous n’avions plus rien à manger. Ils nous imposaient des taxes chaque semaine », témoigne Mariam Idriss, dont la ferme a été prise d’assaut. Son mari a été fauché par une balle. Dans l’immense campement qui entoure la bourgade tchadienne d’Adré, où que se tourne le regard, il y a peu d’hommes.

    « Les tribus arabes et les forces de Hemetti se déchaînent contre les Massalit et plus largement contre tous ceux qui ont la #peau_noire, ceux qu’ils appellent “#ambay”, les “esclaves” », dénonce Mohammed Idriss, un ancien bibliothécaire dont la librairie a été incendiée durant les attaques. Le vieil homme, collier de barbe blanche encadrant son visage, est allongé sur un lit en fer dans l’obscurité d’une salle de classe désaffectée. « On fait face à de vieux démons. Les événements d’El-Geneina sont la continuation d’une opération de nettoyage ethnique amorcée en 2003. Les #Janjawid veulent nous rayer de la carte », poursuit-il, le corps prostré mais la voix claquant comme un coup de tonnerre.

    Les « Janjawid », « les démons à cheval » en arabe. Ce nom, souvent prononcé avec effroi, désigne les milices essentiellement composées de combattants issus des tribus arabes nomades qui ont été instrumentalisées en 2003 par le régime d’Omar al-Bachir dans sa guerre contre des groupes rebelles du Darfour qui s’estimaient marginalisés par le pouvoir central. En 2013, ces milices sont devenues des unités officielles du régime, baptisées Forces de soutien rapide (FSR) et placées sous le commandement du général Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, alias Hemetti.

    À la chute du dictateur Omar al-Bachir en avril 2019, Hemetti a connu une ascension fulgurante à la tête de l’État soudanais jusqu’à devenir vice-président du Conseil souverain. Partageant un temps le pouvoir avec le chef de l’armée régulière, le général Bourhane, il est désormais engagé dans une lutte à mort pour le pouvoir.
    Un baril de poudre prêt à exploser

    Assis sur des milliards de dollars amassés grâce à l’exploitation de multiples #mines d’#or, et grâce à la manne financière liée à l’envoi de troupes au Yémen pour y combattre comme mercenaires, Hemetti est parvenu en quelques années à faire des FSR une #milice_paramilitaire, bien équipée et entraînée, forte de plus de 100 000 combattants, capable de concurrencer l’armée régulière soudanaise. Ses troupes gardent la haute main sur le Darfour. Sa région natale, aux confins de la Libye, du Tchad et de la Centrafrique, est un carrefour stratégique pour les #ressources, l’or notamment, mais surtout, en temps de guerre, pour les #armes qui transitent par les frontières poreuses et pour le flux de combattants recrutés dans certaines tribus nomades du Sahel, jusqu’au Niger et au Mali.

    Depuis la chute d’Al-Bachir, les milices arabes du Darfour, galvanisées par l’ascension fulgurante de l’un des leurs à la tête du pouvoir, avaient poursuivi leurs raids meurtriers sur les villages et les camps de déplacé·es non arabes du Darfour, dans le but de pérenniser l’occupation de la terre. Avant même le début de la guerre, les communautés à l’ouest du Darfour étaient à couteaux tirés.

    La ville d’El-Geneina était segmentée entre quartiers arabes et non arabes. Les kalachnikovs se refourguaient pour quelques liasses de billets derrière les étalages du souk. La ville était peuplée d’un demi-million d’habitant·es à la suite des exodes successifs des dizaines de milliers de déplacé·es, principalement des Massalit. El-Geneina était devenue un baril de poudre prêt à exploser. L’étincelle est venue de loin, le 15 avril, à Khartoum, servant de prétexte au déchaînement de violence à plus de mille kilomètres à l’ouest.

    Mediapart a rencontré une trentaine de témoins ayant fui les violences à l’ouest du Darfour. Parmi eux, des médecins, des commerçants, des activistes, des agriculteurs, des avocats, des chefs traditionnels, des fonctionnaires, des travailleurs sociaux. Au moment d’évoquer « al-ahdath », « les événements » en arabe, les rescapés marquent un temps de silence. Souvent, les yeux s’embuent, les mains s’entortillent et les premiers mots sont bredouillés, presque chuchotés.

    « Madares, El-Ghaba, Thaoura, Jamarek, Imtidad, Zuhur, Tadamon » : Taha Abdallah énumère les quartiers d’El-Geneina anciennement peuplés de Massalit qui ont aujourd’hui été vidés de leurs habitant·es. Les maisons historiques, le musée, l’administration du registre civil, les archives, les camps de déplacé·es ont été détruits. « Il n’y a plus de trace, ils ont tout effacé. Tout a été nettoyé et les débris ramassés avec des pelleteuses », déplore le membre de l’association Juzur, une organisation qui enquêtait sur les crimes commis à l’ouest du Darfour.

    Sur son téléphone, l’un de ses camarades, Arbab Ali, regarde des selfies pris avec ses amis. Sur chaque photo, l’un d’entre eux manque à l’appel. « Ils ne sont jamais arrivés ici. » Sur l’écran, son doigt fait défiler des images de mortiers, de débris de missiles antiaériens tirés à l’horizontale vers des quartiers résidentiels. « J’ai retrouvé la dépouille d’un garçon de 20 ans, le corps presque coupé en deux », s’étouffe le jeune homme assis à l’ombre d’un rakuba, un préau de paille.

    Ce petit groupe de militants des droits humains dénonce une opération d’élimination systématique ciblant les élites intellectuelles et politiques de la communauté massalit, médecins, avocats, professeurs, ingénieurs ou activistes. À chaque check-point, les soldats des FSR ou des miliciens sortaient leur téléphone et faisaient défiler le nom et les photos des personnes recherchées. « S’ils trouvent ton nom sur la liste, c’est fini pour toi. »

    L’avocat Jamal Abdallah Khamis, également membre de l’association Juzur, tient quant à lui une autre liste. Sur des feuilles volantes, il a soigneusement recopié les milliers de noms des personnes blessées, mortes ou disparues au cours des événements à El-Geneina. Parmi ces noms, se trouve notamment celui de son mentor, l’avocat Khamis Arbab, qui avait constitué un dossier documentant les attaques répétées des milices arabes sur un camp de déplacé·es bordant la ville. Il a été enlevé à son domicile, torturé, puis son corps a été jeté. Les yeux lui avaient été arrachés.

    « Tous ceux qui tentaient de faire s’élever les consciences, qui prêchaient pour un changement démocratique et une coexistence pacifique entre tribus, étaient dans le viseur », résume Jamal Abdallah Khamis. Les femmes n’ont pas échappé à la règle. Zahra Adam était engagée depuis une quinzaine d’années dans une association de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes. Son nom apparaissait sur les listes des miliciens. Elle était recherchée pour son travail de documentation des viols commis dans la région. Rien qu’entre le 24 avril et le 20 mai, elle a recensé 60 cas de viols à El-Geneina. « Ensuite, on a dû arrêter de compter. L’avocat chargé du dossier a été éliminé. Au total, il y a des centaines de victimes, ici, dans le camp. Mais la plupart se terrent dans le silence », relate-t-elle.

    De nombreuses militantes ont été ciblées. Rabab*, une étudiante de 23 ans engagée dans un comité de quartier, avait été invitée sur le plateau d’une radio locale quelques jours avant le début de la guerre. Sur les ondes, elle avait alerté sur le risque imminent de confrontations entre communautés. Début juin, elle a été enlevée dans le dortoir de l’université par des soldats enturbannés, puis embarquée de force, les yeux bandés, vers un compound où une soixantaine de filles étaient retenues captives. « Ils disaient : “Vous ne reverrez jamais vos familles.” Ils vendaient des filles à d’autres miliciens, parfois se les échangeaient contre un tuk-tuk », témoigne-t-elle d’une voix éteinte, drapée d’un niqab noir, de larges cernes soulignant ses yeux.

    Depuis 2003, au Darfour, le corps des femmes est devenu un des champs de bataille. « Le viol est un outil du nettoyage ethnique. Ils violent pour humilier, pour marquer dans la chair leur domination. Ils sont fiers de violer une communauté qu’ils considèrent comme inférieure », poursuit Zahra, ajoutant que même des fillettes ont été violées au canon de kalachnikov.

    Selon plusieurs témoins rencontrés par Mediapart, dans les jours qui ont suivi les massacres de la mi-juin, plusieurs chefs de milices arabes, en coordination avec les Forces de soutien rapide, ont entrepris de dissimuler les traces du carnage. Les équipes du Croissant-Rouge soudanais ont été chargées par un « comité sanitaire » de ramasser les corps qui jonchaient les avenues.

    « L’odeur était pestilentielle. Les cadavres pourrissaient au soleil, parfois déchiquetés par les chiens », souffle Mohammed*, le regard vide. « Chaque jour, on remplissait la benne d’un camion à ras bord. Elle pouvait contenir plus d’une cinquantaine de corps et les camions faisaient plusieurs allers-retours », détaille Ahmed*, un autre témoin forcé de jouer les fossoyeurs pendant dix jours, « de 8 à 14 heures ». Les équipes avaient interdiction de prendre des photos et de décompter le nombre de morts. Il leur était impossible de savoir où les camions se rendaient.
    Une enquête de la Cour pénale internationale

    Échappant aux regards des soldats, l’étudiant de 28 ans s’est glissé entre la cabine et la benne de l’un des camions. Le chauffeur a pris la direction d’un site appelé Turab El-Ahmar, à l’ouest de la ville. « Les trous étaient déjà creusés. À plusieurs reprises, un camion arrivait, levait la benne et déversait les corps », se souvient-il. Puis une pelleteuse venait reboucher la fosse.

    Quartier par quartier, maison par maison, ils ont ratissé la ville d’El-Geneina. « En tout, il y a eu au moins 4 000 corps enterrés », estime Mohammed. Début septembre, le Commissariat des Nations unies pour les droits de l’homme a annoncé avoir reçu des informations crédibles sur l’existence de treize fosses communes.

    Les paramilitaires nient toute responsabilité dans ce qu’ils dépeignent comme un conflit ethnique entre communautés de l’ouest du Darfour. Malgré les demandes de Mediapart, la zone reste inaccessible pour les journalistes.

    « Entre le discours des FSR et celui des victimes, la justice tranchera », conteste Arbab Ali avec une once d’optimisme. Le 13 juillet, la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a annoncé l’ouverture d’une nouvelle enquête pour « crimes de guerre » au Darfour. Elle vient s’ajouter aux investigations démarrées en 2005 à la suite de la guerre qui, sous le régime d’Omar al-Bachir, avait déjà fait plus de 300 000 morts dans la région.

    Pourtant, il règne chez les rescapé·es du Darfour un sentiment de déjà-vu. À ceci près que la guerre actuelle ne soulève pas la même indignation internationale qu’en 2003. Beaucoup de réfugié·es n’attendent plus rien de la justice internationale. Vingt ans après les premières enquêtes de la CPI, aucune condamnation n’a encore été prononcée.

    Alors, dans les travées du camp, le choc du déplacement forcé laisse place à une volonté de revanche. Certains leaders massalit ont pris langue avec l’armée régulière. Une contre-offensive se prépare. Le camp bruisse de rumeurs sur des mouvements de troupes et des livraisons d’armes au Darfour. Côté tchadien, les humanitaires et les autorités s’attendent à ce que la situation dégénère à nouveau.

    Au Soudan, le conflit ne se résume plus seulement en un affrontement entre deux armées. Aujourd’hui, chaque clan et chaque tribu joue sa survie au milieu de la désintégration de l’État. Les voix dissidentes, opposées à une guerre absurde, sont criminalisées par les belligérants et souvent emprisonnées. La guerre est partie pour durer. Et les civils, prisonniers d’un engrenage meurtrier, en payent le prix.

    #réfugiés_soudanais #génocide

  • Le tante sofferenze della fuga: le donne ucraine a rischio tratta e sfruttamento sessuale

    Dall’inizio della guerra in Ucraina, sono aumentati vertiginosamente i casi di adescamento segnalati lungo le rotte migratorie e sui social network. Per le donne ucraine il rischio di tratta passa soprattutto da chi offre loro trasporto e alloggio gratuito. Vika ha 21 anni. Nel caos che segue lo scoppio del conflitto in Ucraina, sale sull’auto di uno sconosciuto che le offre un passaggio verso il nord della Slovacchia. Accetta, non ha altra scelta. L’uomo le promette un lavoro ben pagato e un alloggio sicuro. Qualche giorno dopo, però, senza nessuna spiegazione, viene accompagnata nel sud della Slovacchia, a lavorare (...)

  • The Old Oak

    Au nord-est du #Royaume-Uni, dans une localité marquée par le chômage dû à la fermeture de la mine de charbon, le pub local, « The Old Oak », va accueillir des #réfugiés_syriens, ce qui divisera la population…

    Lorsque le bus qui transporte les quelques familles de réfugiés qui vont s’installer dans la petite ville arrive, l’#hostilité est palpable. La #cohabitation sera difficile, y compris à l’école pour certains des enfants nouvellement accueillis. Le pub tenu par TJ Ballantyne [Dave Turner] fréquenté par quelques habitués et menacé de fermeture, devient le lieu de tous les débats et sera celui d’une forme de #réconciliation grâce à une idée de Yara [Ebla Mari], jeune femme syrienne et de Tania [Debbie Honeywood], bénévole auprès des réfugiés. Les deux camps commencent à faire connaissance jusqu’à ce qu’un incident empêche la poursuite du projet.

    #Ken_Loach #film #pauvreté #accueil #solidarité #anti-migrants #rejet #UK #désindustrialisation #mine #chômage

  • Ceux qui sont restés là-bas

    « Il aurait fallu rester jusqu’à la fin. Il aurait fallu mourir. Avoir quitté les lieux avant les autres, c’est être coupé de l’Histoire. Je suis entré dans le noir qu’on appelle la #survie. Je n’ai pas vu de mes yeux jusqu’au bout, je n’ai pas payé de ma vie comme les autres. Cependant, si l’enfance détermine tout, alors je suis un enfant des camps. »
    1978. Narang a six ans. Il fuit le Cambodge avec sa mère. Comme une foule d’autres #rescapés, tous deux tentent de rejoindre la Thaïlande. Épuisés par des jours de marche, harassés par la faim et la soif, ils sont parqués dans un #camp à leur arrivée. Cela aurait pu être la fin de leur tragédie. Mais ça ne sera que le début d’une autre. Fulgurante, celle-ci. #Jeanne_Truong restitue avec force et pudeur l’horreur du cauchemar cambodgien. Elle revient sur un épisode méconnu de cette période sanglante. Le récit de Narang, habité par les obsessions qui hantent les survivants, est saisissant de vérité et d’humanité.

    #Cambodge #génocide #massacre #histoire #Thaïlande #réfugiés_cambodgiens #livre

    • Citations :

      « En 1978, le sort nous a tirés des cabanes de la mort. On doit avoir pitié de ceux qui n’ont pas vécu cette apocalypse jusqu’au bout, de ceux qui ont réussi à partir et qui n’ont pas partagé cette souffrance. Cette souffrance manquée est un trou qu’on ne peut combler. Ceux qui en ont réchappé ont le sentiment d’avoir été exclus de l’histoire. Pourtant la honte d’avoir évité le pire devrait leur signaler qu’ils sont aussi les enfants de cette tragédie qu’on ne peut désigner. »



      « Ainsi étaient ces morts, Marxime, Prolétariat, Parti communiste… Lénine et Marx étaient des noms de dieux inconnus qui nous donnaient le tournis par leur étrangeté, aussi étranges pour nous que les Vishnu et Shiva aux oreilles d’un Européen. On peut dire qu’on nous a terrorisés par des sons inédits, par des sons difficiles et rocailleux. Ces mots n’étaient pas faits pour nos oreilles ni pour nos estomacs. Ils étaient là pour les blesser. Nous sommes morts pour ces mots indigestes. […] Nous sommes vraiment morts pour des mots que nous n’avons même pas compris, dont nous n’avons pas reconnu la couleur, ni la matière, ni l’odeur. Ces mots que Pol Pot a importés après son séjour en France. Il est revenu avec ces mots qui terrorisent, agenouillent, parce que notre peuple s’était déjà agenouillé devant les écoles, les administrations, la langue des étrangers. La terreur, il en avait lu le mode d’emploi dans les livres d’histoire. Il a importé la terreur de la Révolution française. Lui, le fils de son peuple, avait bien sûr le droit plus que les autres de l’asservir. Il a décrété que les siens étaient des attardés, qu’ils n’avaient pas encore la lumière, que le communisme, la dictature du prolétariat, la science, la méthode allaient la leur apporter, et ranimer cette populace abrutie d’idiotie, de mentalité corrompue. Et nous, qui dormions tranquillement dans nos campagnes et nos villes, noirs et languissants, cherchant à traverser nos souffrances, nous avons été brutalement réveillés par la ferraille cacophonique, la ferraille coupante des armes, par l’ère de l’acier, nous qui n’étions qu’à l’âge de pierre, du bois, des feuilles et des fleurs. »



      « Les Américains n’étaient pourtant pas les premiers à s’installer chez nous. Les premiers nous avaient fait connaître leur langue, leur dieu et leur hymne. Leur histoire n’avait plus aucun secret pour nous. A leur arrivée, ils nous avaient tué nos guerriers, nos musiciens, nos poètes. Puis les territoires qu’ils avaient conquis, ils les avaient baptisés d’un nom mythique, empreint de nostalgie : Indochine. Chez eux, les plus empathiques d’entre eux parlaient de nos terres amoureusement. Sans y avoir mis les pieds, ils pensaient à nos sols comme à leurs plus tendres terroirs. Pendant ce temps, nous apprenions leur langue. Mais nous n’étions que des indigènes. Le sommeil nous gagnait dans les salles de classe, nos yeux se fermaient, nos têtes chanchelaient sous le regard de nos maîtres qui suaient abondamment dans leurs robes épaisses. »



      « Nous comprîmes que pour ces lointains envahisseurs, nous étions vraiment des animaux, et que les animaux étaient moins que des pierres. Ils ne savaient pas que nous étions des êtres sensibles, doués de la même intelligence, que nous avions les mêmes groupes sanguins, les mêmes gènes. Vus de haut, de leurs appareils, nous étions des insectes. Ils faisaient exploser leurs bombes sur nos têtes comme ils auraient écrasé de simples cafards »



      « Avec le temps, moi, Narang, je sais qu’en réalité, les génocidaires ne soutiennent aucun idéal, en croient en aucune idéologie. Ils ne poursuivent que leur but trivial, leur intérêt criminel, leur logique froide et mécanique. Le bien, le mal n’existent pas pour eux. Il n’y a ni homme, ni frère, ni mère, ni père. Il n’y a que des unités, des entités abstraites sur lesquelles ils appliquent leur solution systématique et globale. Pour Pol Pot, cette solution s’est appelée dictature du prolétariat. Elle s’est appelée Angkar. Elle aurait pu tout aussi bien prendre un autre nom. L’expérience me dit que la justice, l’amour, la compassion n’ont aucune bannière. Ce sont des valeurs qui appartiennent à la seule conscience éveillée. »


    • Épisode 1/4 : Des #bénévoles dans les airs face à l’agence européenne de garde-frontières et garde-côtes, #Frontex

      Depuis 2018, l’ONG #Pilotes_Volontaires survole le large des côtes libyennes pour localiser les bateaux de fortune en détresse qu’empruntent les migrants pour tenter de rejoindre l’Europe.

      #José_Benavente fait ce triste constat : « les agences européennes comme Frontex espéraient que mettre un terme à l’opération "#Mare_Nostrum" rendraient les traversées plus difficiles et opéreraient un effet de dissuasion pour les migrants qui tentent de traverser la mer ». Or depuis leur petit avion d’observation, le Colibri 2, ils aident les bateaux qui sont évidemment toujours présents dans la zone à opérer des sauvetages plus rapidement.

      D’autres avions, ceux de Frontex notamment, transitent aussi par là pour permettre aux gardes côtes libyens d’opérer toujours plus d’interceptions synonymes d’un retour en enfer pour les migrants qui tentent justement de fuir coûte que coûte ce pays en proie à la guerre civile. Comme le regrette #Charles_Heller « les migrants fuient la Libye, où ils sont réduits à l’esclavage, aux travaux forcés, à la torture. Les migrants sont devenus un objet qui circule de main en main, que ce soit les milices ou les centres de détention de l’Etat. Aucune opération de secours en mer dans la zone libyenne ne peut effectivement être terminée de manière adéquate et respectueuse du droit international, dès lors que les passagers sont ramenés dans un pays où leur vie est en danger ».

      Surveillance et interception d’un côté, contre surveillance et sauvetage de l’autre, ce documentaire retrace l’histoire récente de ce qui se trame dans les airs et en mer depuis l’arrêt en 2014 de l’opération "Mare Nostrum" initiée par la marine italienne et qui avait permis de sauver des dizaines de milliers de vies car comme le rappelle Charles Heller : « l’Union européenne a sciemment créé ce vide de secours d’abord, et ce système de refoulement indirect ensuite. Et les avions de surveillance européens sont au cœur de ce dispositif » et José Benavente ajoute « lorsqu’on survole la Méditerranée, on n’est pas au-dessus d’un cimetière. On est littéralement au-dessus d’une fosse commune ».

      Avec :

      – Jose Benavente, fondateur de l’ONG Pilotes Volontaires ONG Pilotes Volontaires
      - Charles Heller, chercheur et cinéaste, co-fondateur du projet Forensic Oceanography

      #frontières #sauvetage_en_mer #sauvetage #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #asile #migrations #réfugiés #gardes-côtes_libyens #pull-backs #solidarité

    • Épisode 2/4 : De l’#apprentissage à l’#expulsion

      Les initiatives pour alerter sur la condition des jeunes majeurs étrangers en passe d’être expulsés se multiplient partout en France.

      La très médiatique grève de la faim de Stéphane Ravacley, boulanger à Besançon, tentant d’empêcher l’expulsion vers la Guinée de son apprenti Laye Fodé Traoré, a fait des émules : “j’ai reçu énormément d’appels de patrons qui étaient dans la même problématique que moi et ça m’a posé question. Je savais qu’il y avait des milliers de Laye en France, mais que je ne m’étais jamais posé la question. Et là, je me suis dit il faut faire quelque chose.”

      Dans la Marne, les militants épuisés, par l’aberration du système, comme l’explique Marie-Pierre Barrière : “il faut une autorisation de travail pour aller au CFA et il faut un titre de séjour. Donc ils ne peuvent pas travailler avec un patron parce qu’ils ne l’ont pas. C’est le serpent qui se mord la queue”.

      Pourtant quelques chefs d’entreprise commencent à timidement à protester contre les mesures d’expulsion de leurs apprentis étrangers. C’est le cas de Ricardo Agnesina : _“_je suis furax parce que quand on a justement des éléments comme Souleyman, on se dit il ne faut pas le louper parce que c’est réellement quelqu’un à qui il faut donner sa chance. Qu’il vienne de Guinée, de Pologne, de Normandie ou du sud de la France, peu importe, c’est quelqu’un qui a envie de travailler et qui a envie d’apprendre un métier donc on n’a pas le droit de lui dire non.”

      Ces patrons et artisans de secteurs dits "en tension" comme la restauration et le bâtiment se trouvent, par le biais de la défense de leurs intérêts, nouvellement sensibilisés à la question migratoire sont interdits face à l’arbitraire des décisions préfectorales qu’ils découvrent alors qu’ils peinent à embaucher des jeunes compétents. Bruno Forget, président de la foire de Châlons-en-Champagne s’indigne : “aujourd’hui, on vit une véritable hérésie. J’ai un cas précis d’une personne qui ne peut pas avoir de boulot parce qu’elle n’a pas de papiers. Et cette personne n’a pas de papiers parce qu’on ne peut pas fournir un certificat d’employeur. On se pince ! Il faut s’indigner ! ”

      Avec :

      – Mamadou, jeune apprenti guinéen
      - Souleimane, jeune apprenti guinéen
      - Laye Fodé Traoré, jeune apprenti guinéen
      - Marie-Pierre Barrière, militante Réseau Education Sans Frontières (RESF)
      – Stéphane Ravacley, boulanger, fondateur de l’association Patrons solidaires
      – Riccardo Agnesina, chef d’entreprise
      – Bruno Forget, directeur de la foire de Châlons-en-Champagne
      – M. et Mme Ansel, restaurateurs à Reims
      – Alexandrine Boia, avocate au barreau de Reims

      #travail #sans-papiers

    • Épisode 3/4 : #Femmes migrantes invisibles

      Statistiquement plus nombreuses que les hommes sur les chemins de l’exil, les femmes sont pourtant les grandes absentes du récit médiatique et de la recherche scientifique dans le domaine des migrations.

      Pour comprendre l’invisibilité Camille Schmoll constate : “il y a aussi un peu d’auto-invisibilité de la part des femmes qui ne souhaitent pas forcément attirer l’attention sur leur sort, leur trajectoire. La migration reste une transgression” et remarque que cette absence peut servir un certain discours “ or, quand on veut construire la migration comme une menace, c’est probablement plus efficace de se concentrer sur les hommes.”

      Depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, les bénévoles de l’Association meusienne d’accompagnement des trajets de vie des migrants (AMATRAMI) viennent en aide aux personnes migrantes présentes sur leur territoire, aux femmes notamment. Camille Schmoll rappelle cette situation : “il y a toujours eu des femmes en migration. On les a simplement occultés pour différentes raisons. En fait, ce sont à l’initiative de femmes, de chercheuses féministes que depuis les années 60-70, on redécouvre la part des femmes dans ces migrations. On sait qu’elles étaient très nombreuses dans les grandes migrations transatlantiques de la fin du 19ème siècle et du début du 20ème siècle. "

      Confrontées tout au long de leurs parcours migratoires mais également dans leur pays de destination à des violences de genre, ces femmes ne sont que trop rarement prises en compte et considérées selon leur sexe par les pouvoirs publics. Majoritairement des femmes, les bénévoles de l’AMATRAMI tentent, avec le peu de moyens à leur disposition de leur apporter un soutien spécifique et adapté.  Lucette Lamousse se souvient “elles étaient perdues en arrivant, leur première demande c’était de parler le français”. Camille Schmoll observe un changement dans cette migration : “les femmes qui partent, partent aussi parce qu’elles ont pu conquérir au départ une certaine forme d’autonomie. Ces changements du point de vue du positionnement social des femmes dans les sociétés de départ qui font qu’on va partir, ne sont pas uniquement des changements négatifs”.


      - Aïcha, citoyenne algérienne réfugiée en France
      - Mire, citoyenne albanaise réfugiée en France
      - Salimata, citoyenne ivoirienne réfugiée en France
      - Lucette Lamousse, co-fondatrice de l’Association meusienne d’accompagnement des trajets de vie des migrants (AMATRAMI)
      - Colette Nordemann, présidente de l’AMATRAMI
      - Camille Georges, médiatrice socioculturelle à l’AMATRAMI
      – Khadija, employée à l’AMATRAMI
      – Camille Schmoll, géographe, autrice de Les damnées de la mer (éd. La Découverte)
      - Élise Buliard, animatrice famille à l’AMATRAMI

      #femmes_migrantes #invisibilisation

    • Épisode 4/4 : Une famille afghane en #Touraine

      Comment Aziz et les siens négocient-ils leur exil en Touraine ? 

      Après des années d’une attente angoissée que la France veuille bien lui fournir un sauf conduit pour fuir la menace des Talibans en Afghanistan, Aziz, ancien Personnel Civil de Recrutement local (PCRL) de l’armée française est en sécurité dans le village d’#Avoine (Indre-et-Loire) avec son épouse et leurs six enfants. Mais comme le précise le maire de la commune d’Avoine : “une petite commune comme nous de 1900 habitants quand vous avez 10 réfugiés sur le terrain de la commune, ils sont acceptés, les gens sont très généreux avec eux et ils sont très acceptés. Si demain vous m’en mettez 200 sur un terrain de la commune, là vous risquez d’avoir des problèmes”.

      Quoique libéral car il a créé un lycée pour filles, Aziz est originaire d’une petite ville de province, patriarcale, religieuse et conservatrice qu’il a laissée derrière lui pour découvrir le monde jusque-là inconnu d’une société sécularisée. Ancien notable de cette petite ville qui l’a vu naître, il doit désormais vivre l’expérience du déclassement et de l’anonymat : “j’ai tout laissé derrière et j’ai le sentiment de ne plus avoir de valeur” . Mais il doit aussi faire face et tenter d’accepter la transformation de ses plus jeunes enfants qu’il a confiés aux bons soins de l’école de la République. Et l’adaptation n’est pas toujours évidente, ainsi son épouse qui à la nostalgie du pays, se sent mise à nue depuis le jour où elle a dû quitter sa burka : “c’était la première fois que je n’avais pas le visage caché. Nous portions toujours le voile avant. Je me sentais très bizarre. Je ne pouvais pas regarder les gens. C’était étrange, difficile”

      Le couple est vigilant et craint que leurs enfants perdent peu à peu l’usage de leur langue, le pashto : "j’espère que mes filles et mes fils n’oublieront pas l’islam, leur langue maternelle et leur éducation. Les quatre plus grands sont âgés et nous devons faire attention aux deux petites filles parce qu’elles sont petites. Elles oublient facilement la culture.”

      Avec :

      - Aziz Rahman Rawan, citoyen afghan réfugié en France, son épouse Bibi Hadia Azizi et leurs enfants
      - Julie Vérin, artiste
      – Françoise Roufignac, enseignante à la retraite
      – Didier Godoy, maire d’Avoine (Indre-et-Loire)
      – Christelle Simonaire, parente d’élève
      – M. Galet, directeur de l’école primaire d’Avoine
      – Mme Camard, enseignante à l’école primaire d’Avoine
      – Pauline Miginiac, coordinatrice régionale en Formation professionnelle à l’Union française des centres de vacances (UFCV)


  • #Rima_Hassan : « Nous subissons une #punition_collective »

    Pour Rima Hassan, juriste et fondatrice de l’Observatoire des camps de réfugiés, ce qui se passe à #Gaza est un « #carnage », qui relève d’une logique de « #génocide ». Elle dénonce le #cynisme de #Nétanyahou et la #récupération du #Hamas.

    Rima Hassan, 30 ans, est une Palestinienne dont toute la vie s’est déroulée en exil. Apatride jusqu’à ses 18 ans, aujourd’hui française, elle suit la guerre depuis la Jordanie, où elle séjourne actuellement pour une recherche à travers plusieurs pays sur les camps de réfugié·es palestinien·nes. Juriste autrice d’un mémoire de master en droit international sur la qualification du crime d’apartheid en Israël, dans une approche comparative avec l’Afrique du Sud, cette fondatrice de l’Observatoire des camps de réfugiés dénonce aujourd’hui un « génocide » et la #responsabilité d’#Israël dans la création du Hamas. Elle répond par téléphone à Mediapart samedi après-midi, alors que toutes les communications avec Gaza étaient coupées depuis la veille au soir.

    Mediapart : Qu’avez-vous comme informations sur ce qu’il se passe depuis vendredi soir à Gaza ?

    Rima Hassan : Les seules informations dont je dispose sont celles des journalistes d’Al Jazeera. C’est un carnage qui est en train de se passer. Jusqu’ici, l’#armée_israélienne prévenait tout de même avant de bombarder : #Tsahal larguait des centaines de petits coupons de papier sur la population gazaouie, pour avertir et donner quelques heures aux civils pour évacuer. Mais cette nuit-là, d’après Al Jazeera, il n’y a même pas eu d’annonce. Ce sont des #attaques_indiscriminées, par tous les moyens dont dispose l’armée israélienne. Il faudra mettre en perspective le nombre de responsables du Hamas tués par rapport au nombre de #victimes_civiles. D’après l’UNRWA, l’agence de l’ONU d’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens, 1,2 million de personnes de la bande Gaza ont par ailleurs déjà été déplacées.

    Ce qui se passe est inédit, paralysant, il est très compliqué de réfléchir. Depuis vendredi en fin de journée, on ne peut plus joindre personne dans la bande de Gaza.

    Comment qualifier les événements ?

    Cela relève du génocide. On n’a pas encore les chiffres précis, les Palestiniens ne sont plus en mesure de compter leurs morts. Ce vendredi 27 octobre était de toute façon une nuit sans précédent en termes d’intensification des #bombardements, dans l’un des territoires les plus densément peuplés au monde.

    Mais au-delà des morts, c’est tout ce qui entoure cette offensive qui caractérise le génocide : le fait de ne pas laisser de passages sûrs accessibles aux civils pour pouvoir fuir les combat, d’empêcher les humanitaires de passer, de ne pas prévenir les lieux qu’on cible, et le #blackout. En coupant toutes les communications, les autorités israéliennes veulent minimiser l’écho international de ce qui s’est passé dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi à Gaza. Je rappelle que 34 journalistes ont été tués dans le territoire depuis le 7 octobre.

    On fait tout pour concentrer une population sur un même espace, et précisément au moment où une résolution est adoptée à la majorité à l’ONU en faveur d’un cessez-le feu, on intensifie les bombardements, tout en bloquant tous les canaux de #communication : tout est mobilisé pour que les dégâts soient maximaux.

    Israël a tué bien plus à Gaza depuis le 7 octobre qu’au cours des vingt dernières années.

    Estimez-vous qu’il y a une intention génocidaire ?

    Il suffit d’écouter les déclarations des officiels israéliens. L’#animalisation du sujet palestinien est constante, de la même manière que les Juifs et les Tutsis étaient comparés à des animaux. Toutes les catégories des groupes ayant fait l’objet de #massacres ont été déshumanisées dans le but de justifier leur exclusion de la communauté humaine ; c’était un préalable à leur #extermination. « Nous combattons des #animaux_humains », a dit le ministre israélien de la défense #Yoav_Gallant le 9 octobre…

    Les médias israéliens répandent en outre l’idée qu’il n’y a pas d’innocents à Gaza : les civils tués sont assimilés au Hamas, à des terroristes – dans ces circonstances, un #dommage_collatéral n’est pas très grave. Les propos tenus sont sans ambiguïté : « #incinération_totale », « Gaza doit revenir à Dresde », « annihiler Gaza maintenant », etc. Voilà ce qu’a pu dire jeudi #Moshe_Feiglinun, ancien membre de la Knesset, sur un plateau télé.

    On a entendu dire également par #Benyamin_Nétanyahou que les Palestiniens pouvaient être accueillis dans le #Sinaï [territoire égyptien frontalier d’Israël et de la bande de Gaza – ndlr], ce qui renvoie, là aussi, à une logique de #disparition : c’est une population indésirable que l’on souhaite exclure.

    Toute cela s’inscrit dans une logique colonialiste de la part d’Israël, depuis sa création. Depuis longtemps on observe, chez les officiels israéliens, une constante à déshumaniser les Palestiniens, qui, bien avant le 7 octobre 2023, ont été comparés à des #cafards ou à des #sauterelles. « Les Palestiniens seront écrasés comme des sauterelles (…) leurs têtes éclatées contre les rochers et les murs », disait le premier ministre israélien #Yitzhak_Shamir en 1988. « Lorsque nous aurons colonisé le pays, il ne restera plus aux Arabes qu’à tourner en rond comme des cafards drogués dans une bouteille », avait déclaré le chef d’état-major #Raphael_Eitan en 1983 d’après le New York Times.

    Les massacres du 7 octobre ont été perçus comme quelque chose d’explosif. En termes de vies civiles perdues, c’est sans précédent. Mais il faut rappeler que cela s’inscrit dans un #conflit_colonial_asymétrique, où les #réfugiés_palestiniens ont vu l’abolition de leur #droit_au_retour, où les Palestiniens de #Cisjordanie vivent sous #colonisation et sous #occupation, où les Palestiniens citoyens d’Israël se sont vu octroyer un statut de seconde zone après un régime militaire jusqu’en 1967, et où les Palestiniens de Gaza vivent un #blocus illégal depuis dix-sept ans.

    Quelle est l’importance du facteur religieux ?

    Ce n’est pas un #conflit_religieux. Même si l’on a au pouvoir des gens liés à une #radicalité_religieuse, du côté du pouvoir israélien comme du Hamas. On observe une #dérive_religieuse dans les extrêmes des deux sociétés.

    La population palestinienne ne fait pas de reproche aux Israéliens pour ce qu’ils sont – des Juifs –, mais pour ce qu’ils font : la colonisation.

    Rappelons que les personnes à l’origine de la fondation de l’État d’Israël étaient des laïques, et non pas des religieux. L’identité palestinienne a par ailleurs toujours été multiconfessionnelle.

    Il est inconcevable de confisquer une souffrance palestinienne vieille de 75 ans avec la #récupération qui est faite aujourd’hui par le Hamas. Pour nous, c’est la #double_peine.

    Côté israélien, c’est d’un #cynisme sans nom : c’est Nétanyahou lui-même qui a soutenu le Hamas, car l’organisation islamiste était perçue comme rivale du #Fatah [parti nationaliste palestinien fondé par Yasser Arafat – ndlr]. Voilà ce qu’il déclarait par exemple en mars 2019, comme l’a rappelé récemment un article d’Haaretz : « Quiconque veut contrecarrer la création d’un État palestinien doit soutenir le renforcement du Hamas et transférer de l’argent au Hamas. » Israël a une responsabilité majeure dans la création de l’organisation islamiste. Ce sont les autorités israéliennes qui ont nourri le monstre.

    Nous subissons avec ce blocus une punition collective. Nous qui utilisons le droit international et la voie diplomatique, qui nous battons depuis des dizaines d’années pour un État laïque, nous nous trouvons face à des autorités qui ont soutenu le Hamas... et qui aujourd’hui nous bombardent.

    #Palestine #7_octobre_2023 #déshumanisation #religion #à_lire