region:south lebanon

  • What do images in public space do?

    Damien Darcis
    Pictures that denounce? In the Jungle of #Calais, #Banksy and the hearts of cardboard [Full text]

    Zara Fournier
    Images in South Lebanon: an Absent Presence. The case of the former #Khiam Prison [Full text]
    #Liban #prison

    Olivier Gaudin
    The Public Life of Images: Towards a Social Ecology of the Urban Gaze. The example of Bologna’s #Sacrario_dei_Partigiani [Full text]
    #Bologne #partisans #Italie #WWII #deuxième_guerre_mondiale #seconde_guerre_mondiale

    Vivien Philizot
    Kodak’s Colorama and the Construction of the Gaze in Public Space [Full text]

    Tanja Schult and Diana I. Popescu
    Infelicitous Efficacy: Alfred Hrdlicka’s Memorial against War and Fascism [Full text]
    #mémoire #mémoriel #Alfred_Hrdlicka #monument

    Laurent Viala
    The political mission of contemporary urban statuary. Image, history and territorial identity in Montpellier (France) [Full text]

    #Montpellier #France
    #espace_public #revue #images

  • Israel just admitted arming anti-Assad Syrian rebels. Big mistake - Middle East News - Daniel J. Levy Jan 30, 2019 5:03 PM

    In his final days as the Israel Defense Forces’ Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot confirmed, on the record, that Israel had directly supported anti-Assad Syrian rebel factions in the Golan Heights by arming them.

    This revelation marks a direct break from Israel’s previous media policy on such matters. Until now, Israel has insisted it has only provided humanitarian aid to civilians (through field hospitals on the Golan Heights and in permanent healthcare facilities in northern Israel), and has consistently denied or refused to comment on any other assistance.

    In short, none other than Israel’s most (until recently) senior serving soldier has admitted that up until his statement, his country’s officially stated position on the Syrian civil war was built on the lie of non-intervention.

    As uncomfortable as this may initially seem, though, it is unsurprising. Israel has a long history of conducting unconventional warfare. That form of combat is defined by the U.S. government’s National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt or overthrow an occupying power or government by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary or guerrilla force in a denied area” in the pursuit of various security-related strategic objectives.

    While the United States and Iran are both practitioners of unconventional warfare par excellence, they primarily tend to do so with obvious and longer-term strategic allies, i.e. the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance fighters in Afghanistan, and various Shia militias in post-2003 Iraq.

    In contrast, Israel has always shown a remarkable willingness to form short-term tactical partnerships with forces and entities explicitly hostile to its very existence, as long as that alliance is able to offer some kind of security-related benefits.

    The best example of this is Israel’s decision to arm Tehran during the Iran-Iraq War, despite the Islamic Republic of Iran’s strong anti-Zionist rhetoric and foreign policy. During the 1980s, Iraq remained Jerusalem’s primary conventional (and arguably existential) military threat. Aiding Tehran to continue fighting an attritional war against Baghdad reduced the risk the latter posed against Israel.

    Similarly, throughout the civil war in Yemen in the 1960s, Israel covertly supported the royalist Houthi forces fighting Egyptian-backed republicans. Given Egypt’s very heavy military footprint in Yemen at the time (as many as a third of all Egyptian troops were deployed to the country during this period), Israelis reasoned that this military attrition would undermine their fighting capacity closer to home, which was arguably proven by Egypt’s lacklustre performance in the Six Day War.

    Although technically not unconventional warfare, Israel long and openly backed the South Lebanon Army, giving it years of experience in arming, training, and mentoring a partner indigenous force.

    More recently, though, Israel’s policy of supporting certain anti-Assad rebel groups remains consistent with past precedents of with whom and why it engages in unconventional warfare. Israel’s most pressing strategic concern and potential threat in Syria is an Iranian encroachment onto its northern border, either directly, or through an experienced and dangerous proxy such as Hezbollah, key to the Assad regime’s survival.

    For a number of reasons, Israel committing troops to overt large-scale operations in Syria to prevent this is simply unfeasible. To this end, identifying and subsequently supporting a local partner capable of helping Israel achieve this strategic goal is far more sensible, and realistic.

    Open source details of Israel’s project to support anti-Assad rebel groups are sparse, and have been since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war.

    Reports of this first arose towards the end of 2014, and one described how United Nations officials had witnessed Syrian rebels transferring injured patients to Israel, as well as “IDF soldiers on the Israeli side handing over two boxes to armed Syrian opposition members on the Syrian side.” The same report also stated that UN observers said they saw “two IDF soldiers on the eastern side of the border fence opening the gate and letting two people enter Israel.”

    Since then, a steady stream of similar reports continued to detail Israeli contacts with the Syrian rebels, with the best being written and researched by Elizabeth Tsurkov. In February, 2014 she wrote an outstanding feature for War On The Rocks, where she identified Liwaa’ Fursan al-Jolan and Firqat Ahrar Nawa as two groups benefiting from Israeli support, named Iyad Moro as “Israel’s contact person in Beit Jann,” and stated that weaponry, munitions, and cash were Israel’s main form of military aid.

    She also describes how Israel has supported its allied groups in fighting local affiliates of Islamic State with drone strikes and high-precision missile attacks, strongly suggesting, in my view, the presence of embedded Israeli liaison officers of some kind.

    A 2017 report published by the United Nations describes how IDF personnel were observed passing supplies over the Syrian border to unidentified armed individuals approaching them with convoys of mules, and although Israel claims that these engagements were humanitarian in nature, this fails to explain the presence of weaponry amongst the unidentified individuals receiving supplies from them.

    Writing for Foreign Policy in September 2018, Tsurkov again detailed how Israel was supporting the Syrian rebel factions, stating that material support came in the form of “assault rifles, machine guns, mortar launchers and transport vehicles,” which were delivered “through three gates connecting the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights to Syria - the same crossings Israel used to deliver humanitarian aid to residents of southern Syria suffering from years of civil war.” She also dates this support to have begun way back in 2013.

    The one part of Israel’s involvement in the Syrian Civil War which has been enthusiastically publicised, though, has been its ongoing humanitarian operations in the Golan. Dubbed “Operation Good Neighbor,” this was established in June 2016, and its stated aim is to “provide humanitarian aid to as many people as possible while maintaining Israel’s policy of non-involvement in the conflict.”

    Quite clearly, this is - at least in parts - a lie, as even since before its official commencement, Israel was seemingly engaging with and supporting various anti-Assad factions.

    Although Operation Good Neighbor patently did undertake significant humanitarian efforts in southern Syria for desperate Syrian civilians (including providing free medical treatment, infrastructure support, and civilian aid such as food and fuel), it has long been my personal belief that it was primarily a smokescreen for Israel’s covert unconventional warfare efforts in the country.

    Although it may be argued that deniability was initially necessary to protect Israel’s Syrian beneficiaries who could not be seen to be working with Jerusalem for any number of reasons (such as the likely detrimental impact this would have on their local reputation if not lives), this does not justify Israel’s outright lying on the subject. Instead, it could have mimicked the altogether more sensible approach of the British government towards United Kingdom Special Forces, which is simply to restate their position of not commenting, confirming, or denying any potentially relevant information or assertions.

    Israel is generous in its provision of humanitarian aid to the less fortunate, but I find it impossible to believe that its efforts in Syria were primarily guided by altruism when a strategic objective as important as preventing Iran and its proxies gaining a toehold on its northern border was at stake.

    Its timing is interesting and telling as well. Operation Good Neighbor was formally put in place just months after the Assad regime began its Russian-backed counter-offensive against the rebel factions, and ceased when the rebels were pushed out of southern Syria in September 2018.

    But it’s not as if that September there were no longer civilians who could benefit from Israeli humanitarian aid, but an absence of partners to whom Israel could feasibly directly dispatch arms and other supplies. Although Israel did participate in the rescue of a number of White Helmets, this was done in a relatively passive manner (allowing their convoy to drive to Jordan through Israeli territory), and also artfully avoided escalating any kind of conflict with the Assad’s forces and associated foreign allies.

    Popular opinion - both in Israel and amongst Diaspora Jews - was loud and clear about the ethical necessity of protecting Syrian civilians (especially from historically-resonant gas attacks). But it’s unlikely this pressure swung Israel to intervene in Syria. Israel already had a strong interest in keeping Iran and its proxies out southern Syria, and that would have remained the case, irrespective of gas attacks against civilians.

    Although Israel has gone to great lengths to conceal its efforts at unconventional warfare within the Syrian civil war, it need not have. Its activities are consistent with its previous efforts at promoting strategic objectives through sometimes unlikely, if not counter-intuitive, regional partners.

    Perhaps the reason why Eisenkot admitted that this support was taking place was because he knew that it could not be concealed forever, not least since the fall of the smokescreen provided by Operation Good Neighbor. But the manner in which Israel operated may have longer-term consequences.

    Israel is unlikely to change how it operates in the future, but may very well find future potential tactical partners less than willing to cooperate with it. In both southern Lebanon and now Syria, Israel’s former partners have found themselves exposed to dangers borne out of collaboration, and seemingly abandoned.

    With that kind of history and record, it is likely that unless they find themselves in desperate straits, future potential partners will think twice before accepting support from, and working with, Israel.

    For years, Israel has religiously adhered to the official party line that the country’s policy was non-intervention, and this has now been exposed as a lie. Such a loss of public credibility may significantly inhibit its abilities to conduct influence operations in the future.

    Daniel J. Levy is a graduate of the Universities of Leeds and Oxford, where his academic research focused on Iranian proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine. He lives in the UK and is the Founding Director of The Ortakoy Security Group. Twitter: @danielhalevy


  • Un drone israélien s’écrase au Liban-Sud
    L’Orient-Le Jour | 31/03/2018

    Un drone d’espionnage israélien s’est écrasé samedi matin dans le caza de Bint Jbeil, au Liban-Sud, rapporte l’Agence nationale d’information (Ani, officielle).

    L’engin est tombé entre les localités de Baraachit et Beit Yahoun. Les causes du crash ne sont toujours pas connues. Selon le site d’information libanais el-Nashra, l’armée libanaise s’est déployée sur les lieux et inspecte les restes du drone. La chaîne Al-Manar, média du Hezbollah, a également rapporté l’information sans plus de détails.

    Israel Bombs Site of Crashed Drone in South Lebanon
    by Naharnet Newsdesk 8 hours ago

    An Israeli spy drone crashed Saturday morning in an area between the southern Lebanese towns of Baraashit and Beit Yahoun in the Bint Jbeil district, Lebanon’s National News Agency said.

    Another Israeli drone later bombed the site of the crash in Baraashit’s outskirts, which resulted in the full destruction of the first drone, NNA said.

    “Two missiles fell from it but did not explode. A Lebanese Army force later detonated them as security forces and UNIFIL peacekeepers cordoned off the area,” the agency added.

    The Israeli army said the drone crashed because of a technical failure.

    It added that the incident is being investigated but that there was no risk of any sensitive information being leaked.

    Israel typically uses its unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct surveillance and gather intelligence along its borders. The drones have become a regular part of modern warfare and Israel in February shot down an Iranian one that infiltrated its airspace.

    #Liban #souverainetélibanaise

  • #Israel is now arming seven rebel groups in Syria – Middle East Monitor

    Israel illegally occupied the south of Lebanon until 2000, when the resistance led by Hezbollah drove out the main Israeli proxy, the so-called South Lebanon Army. Today, Israel is attempting to establish what is, in all but name, a “South Syria Army”. Whether it succeeds is questionable but, as the history of Lebanon shows, even if it does, Israel is unlikely to maintain control in the long run.


  • Le premier ministre libanais, Saad Hariri, annonce sa démission

    Le premier ministre libanais, Saad Hariri, a annoncé sa démission, samedi 4 novembre, à la surprise générale. Il a accusé le Hezbollah chiite et son allié iranien de « mainmise » sur le Liban et a affirmé avoir peur d’être assassiné.

    « J’annonce ma démission du poste de premier ministre », a ainsi déclaré M. Hariri, qui se trouve actuellement en Arabie saoudite, dans un discours retransmis par la chaîne satellitaire Al-Arabiya. Selon les informations du Monde, un des conseillers de M. Hariri lui avait déjà suggéré de démissionner il y a quelques semaines, mais l’idée avait alors été écartée.

    « L’Iran a une mainmise sur le destin des pays de la région (…). Le Hezbollah est le bras de l’Iran non seulement au Liban mais également dans les autres pays arabes », a dénoncé le premier ministre démissionnaire. Et « ces dernières décennies, le Hezbollah a imposé une situation de fait accompli par la force de ses armes », a-t-il ajouté.

    Bien entendu, le Monde-avec-AFP (ainsi que l’ensemble des médias francophones) qualifie la démission de Hariri de « totalement inattendue »… Si ces gens faisaient un tout petit peu leurs devoirs, ils sauraient que le renversement du gouvernement et la mise en accusation du Hezbollah ont été très clairement annoncés lundi par les Séoudiens :
    que Hariri s’était déjà rendu en Arabie séoudite ce même lundi, et y et retourné hier :

    Le chef du gouvernement libanais se rend à Riyad pour une visite de travail. Lors de son dernier déplacement, il avait été reçu par le prince héritier saoudien, Mohammad Ben Salmane. M. Hariri avait affirmé être totalement en phase avec Riyad pour ce qui a trait à la stabilité du Liban.

    • L’aspect évidemment ridicule de l’événement, c’est que Saad se rend deux fois en Arabie séoudite en quelques jours, applique ce qui a été annoncé par un ministre séoudien en début de semaine, rencontre le nouveau Séoud-en-chef ben Salmane et dans la foulée annonce sa démission depuis l’Arabie séoudite, tout ça paraît-il pour dénoncer la « mainmise » de l’Iran sur le Liban.

    • Malgré cet aspect ridicule, on peut être particulièrement inquiet. Que l’Arabie séoudite décide de porter (à nouveau) son affrontement régional sur la scène libanaise ne présage d’absolument rien de bon pour le pays (tu as vu l’état des pays où l’Arabie a prétendu « contrer » l’influence iranienne ?).

      Commentaire des Iraniens : "La démission de Hariri a été arrangée par Trump et Muhammad ben Salmane, en fionction d’une décision manifeste des Saoudiens de s’en prendre au Hezbollah."
      طهران : استقالة الحريري جاءت بترتيب من ترامب ومحمد بن سلمان وبقرار سعودي واضح لمواجهة “حزب الله”

    • November 2, 2017
      Targeting Lebanon Again
      Edito d’ABA. Cela date du 2 novembre mais, comme c’est en anglais, je suppose que cela a dû être publié un peu avant.

      We do not know what instructions Hariri was given when he met Saudi strongman Crown Prince Muhammad bin-Salman. But it would not come as a surprise to learn that he was told either to withdraw from the government or sack its Hezbollah ministers in order to create another government crisis in Lebanon. Hariri would have no option but to comply. That would mean the collapse of the hard-won political accommodation that enabled him to return to office and Gen. Michel Aoun to be elected president.

    • Angry Arab: Hariri resignation in Beirut

      It is funny: people of the Saudi and Israeli lobbies on social media are jubilant about Saad Hariri’s resignation (from Riyadh, no less and through Saudi regime media) and treating the matter as if it was a purely Lebanese matter. The resignation was days in the making. Saudi minister (for Gulf affairs but he also seems to be in charge of Lebanese affairs as well) has been threatening the Lebanese people and government for many days and warning of an impending action. In fact, he threatened hours before Hariri resignation that Saudi Arabia will “cut off” the hands of Iran—which was the same expression used by Hariri in the speech which was prepared for him. Hariri was sitting with Hizbullah ministers and defending the political arrangement in which all parties were represented against critics in his quarters. He also met with a senior Iranian delegation HOURS before his resignation (above) (the delegated was headed by Ali Akbar Welayeti, who said after the meeting that it was “constructive”). Just after the meeting, Hariri was summoned to Riyadh and he took a selfti with Minister Sabhan (the latter posted it on Twitter (above) and said it was after a long meeting), and then the speech of resignation was aired on Saudi media. Its text was counter to all the speeches that Hariri has been giving for many months. The best part is that Saudi regime media announced that there was an assassination attempt on Hariri’s life just before he departed for Saudi Arabia. The pro-Saudi branch of the Lebanese security services promptly told Lebanese media that they never heard of any of that and that they were not sources for this fable.

    • Au sujet de la prétendue tentative d’assassinat contre Hariri, le démenti des FSI (généralement pro-séoudienne et proches du camp Hariri) :

      La direction générale des FSI a démenti, ce samedi dans un communiqué, les informations qui circulent dans les médias, réseaux sociaux et sites électroniques, selon lesquelles son service de renseignements aurait déjoué une tentative d’assassinat contre le Premier ministre démissionnaire Saad Hariri.

      « La direction des FSI précise que ces informations sont erronées, qu’elle n’a fourni aucun détail et qu’elle ne dispose d’aucune donnée à cet égard », précise le communiqué.

    • Saad Hariri Quits as Lebanon Prime Minister, Blaming Iran - The New York Times

      On en est là, il faut lire un article du NYT pour se rendre compte combien les articles des MSM français et les reportages de France 24 sur le sujet sont lamentables.

      The surprise announcement — which shocked even his own staff — was an ominous sign of the escalating regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, analysts said, indicating the growing dominance of Iran and Hezbollah as well as the Saudis’ increasingly assertive response.

      Lebanese and regional analysts, whether supporters or opponents of Hezbollah, said it appeared that Mr. Hariri had been pressured to resign by his patrons, the Saudis , as they and the United States ratchet up efforts to counter Iranian influence. The resignation came after weeks of sharp American and Saudi condemnations of Iran, including from President Trump, and new American sanctions against Hezbollah.

      By pushing out Mr. Hariri, analysts said, Saudi Arabia could deny Hezbollah a credible Sunni governing partner — an attempt to isolate it and deny it the fig leaf of a national unity government.

      “They concluded that Hariri was serving as more of a cover for Iranian and Hezbollah influence than as a counterweight to them,” said Rob Malley, a former special Middle East adviser to President Barack Obama and the vice president of the International Crisis Group.

      Yet the resignation also shows how few options Iran’s opponents have. Without Mr. Hariri in power, the United States and Saudi Arabia lose their main partner in the Lebanese government.

      Across the political spectrum, analysts and officials said the resignation ushered in new dangers. If the next government is more pro-Hezbollah, they said, that could lead to devastating sanctions. It could even increase the chances of a new war with Israel, which would see added justification for its argument that there is little distinction between Hezbollah and the Lebanese state.

      Mr. Hariri even raised the specter of internal violence. [si jamais des attentats contre le camp du 14 mars reprennent on aura été averti] He compared the atmosphere in Lebanon now to the days before the 2005 assassination of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, saying he believed his own life was in danger. “I sensed what’s being woven in secret to target my life,” he said.

      Mr. Hariri’s father was killed when his motorcade was bombed on Beirut’s seafront. Several Hezbollah members are being tried in absentia in a special United Nations-backed tribunal in The Hague, although the militant group has denied involvement in the assassination.


      Mr. Hariri headed a 30-member national unity cabinet that was crafted to protect the country from any spillover from the multisided war in neighboring Syria, where Iran backed the government and Saudi Arabia backed the insurgents.

      That mission has largely been successful , even though Hezbollah has sided with the Syrian government, Lebanese Sunni militants have joined insurgents there, and well over one million refugees flooded this small Mediterranean country.

      In Lebanon’s political system, power is divided between a prime minister, who must be Sunni; a president, who must be Maronite Christian; and a speaker of Parliament, who must be Shiite.

      The exercise of real power in the country is a more complicated affair of alliances, rivalries and division of spoils between the leaders of sectarian groups, including former warlords from Lebanon’s civil war.

      Hezbollah, which rose to prominence fighting the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon, is the strongest because of its powerful militia, which can act independently of the state and in recent years has served as an expeditionary force across Syria.

      In recent years Lebanon’s rival blocs have essentially agreed to confine their fight to Syria. But tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have only increased.

      In addition to Hezbollah’s decisive role in helping President Bashar al-Assad of Syria hold on to power, Iran has supported several militias in Iraq that have managed to defeat Islamic State forces in that country and remain a fighting force.

      Iranian leaders say their interference is needed to stop terrorism, and to create a security zone for their country. The country’s influence started to rise after the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq in 2011, leaving behind an incomplete army and a pro-Iranian government.

      Iran’s filling of the vacuum created by the departure of the United States military has been an extremely worrying development for Saudi Arabia and some other Arab states, who have seen their efforts to fight proxy wars with Iran largely fail.

      And now that the Syrian war seems to be entering a new phase, with Mr. Assad still ruling a devastated country, there are fears that tensions that had been pushed to the back burner — inside Lebanon, between Hezbollah and Israel, and elsewhere — could re-emerge.

      The United States has stepped up sanctions on Hezbollah in recent weeks after President Trump criticized Iran and the landmark nuclear deal it reached under Mr. Obama.

      “It signals a new phase of escalation,” said Ali Rizk, a pro-Hezbollah Lebanese analyst, adding that the imminent defeat of Islamic State by the United States would put new pressure on what it sees as Shiite extremists. “Lebanon is in for a hard time,” Mr. Rizk said.

      The resignation brought sharp words from Israel and Iran. Bahram Ghasemi, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, said Mr. Hariri’s speech was driven by a Saudi, American and Israeli effort aimed at “creating tension in Lebanon and the region.”

      And in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the resignation “a wake-up call for the international community to take action against the Iranian aggression.”

      The pressure now is on the Lebanese president, Mr. Aoun, who will hold consultations with Parliament about appointing a caretaker government, said Imad Salamey, an analyst at the American University of Beirut.

      “If he indeed is going to bring in a pro-Hezbollah government, then he has to face the consequences,” such as new sanctions, Mr. Salamey said. “It will be a massive U.S. and Saudi response. The economy will collapse for sure.”

      In his speech, Mr. Hariri said he wanted to unite Lebanon and free it from outside influence. He pronounced himself “full of optimism and hope that Lebanon will be stronger, free, independent, with no authority over it except that of its own great people.”

      But in the streets of Tariq al-Jdeedeh, a mostly Sunni neighborhood of Beirut that is part of Mr. Hariri’s political base, anger and confusion contrasted with the posters of Mr. Hariri that festooned the buildings.

      “Hariri didn’t do this for Lebanon, he did this for Saudi against Iran,” said Nabil Idriss, who was tending his son’s fabric shop. “Now with this move, the picture is more transparent than ever. Saad Hariri was never in control.”

      #Liban #Hezbollah #Israel #Etats-Unis #Arabie_saoudite

  • France / Syrie / Lafarge : Arrestation de Firas Tlass aux Émirats Arabes Unis

    L’arrestation de Firas Tlass apparaît rétrospectivement comme un dommage collatéral de la guerre médiatique que se livrent 3 pétromonarchies contre le Qatar, en ce que la révélation de son lieu d’arrestation, les Émirats Arabes Unis, viserait à contrario à désigner Abou Dhabi comme un complice du financement du terrorisme international et à dédouaner en conséquence le Qatar de cette accusation.


    Officiellement son interpellation a été présentée comme étant liée à des problèmes concernant son passeport syrien à des questions financières : Lafarge Syrie, dont Firas Tlass était membre de son conseil d’administration, lui versait près de 100.000 dollars par mois en vue d’assurer la protection du site et de ses employés, dont l’homme d’affaires syrien en reversait le quart, soit 20.000 dollars, au groupement terroriste Daech.

    Détail savoureux, c’est le même Firas Tlass qui servait à expliquer (oui, encore en janvier dernier) que c’était Bachar Assad qui « sponsorise des jihadistes » : Quand Bachar al-Assad "favorisait l’idée du jihad en Syrie" pour faire revenir l’Occident vers lui

    Dans ce reportage, le réalisateur donne la parole à Firas Tlass, ex-proche du dictateur syrien, et aujourd’hui en exil. Ce dernier rappelle une chose utile : c’est Bachar al-Assad qui a favorisé l’émergence des jihadistes en Syrie pour ensuite, s’ériger en rempart contre le péril islamiste qui tétanise les occidentaux. Mieux, il explique comment le dictateur syrien sponsorise des jihadistes depuis 2003.

    (M’enfin avec la Syrie, ça fait bien longtemps qu’on a passé toutes les bornes du n’importe quoi…)

  • Israeli jets break sound barrier in south Lebanon causing damage | Reuters

    Comme d’habitude et en toute #impunité #Israël viole l’espace aérien libanais

    The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: This is the #Washington_Post correspondent in Beirut

    Imagine. By 2010, the Lebanese government reported more than 7000 Israeli violations of Lebanese Airspace. 

    Liz Sly‏Verified account 

    For the 1st time perhaps since 2006, Israeli warplanes buzz Lebanon. Broke the sound barrier in Sidon, windows crack

    The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: When Liz Sly “clarifies” (see below): she is wrong again, of course

    “To clarify, Israeli warplanes overfly Lebanon every day, in violation of UN resolutions. But it’s rare for them to buzz so low & fast”

  • Lebanese president blames Israeli Mossad for assassinating businessman in Angola
    Lebanon’s president reportedly says Israel’s intelligence agency is behind the murder of Amine Bakri in Angola’s capital.
    Jack Khoury Jan 04, 2017 3:19 PM

    Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun reportedly blamed Israel’s Mossad on Wednesday for the assassination of a Lebanese businessman in Angola.

    According to Hezbollah’s Al-Manar channel, Aoun opened his weekly government meeting by saying Israel’s intelligence agency was behind the shooting of Amine Bakri in the Angolan capital of Luanda on Monday, but gave no further details.

    Bakri, a prominent Lebanese businessman from Nabatieh in south Lebanon, was shot dead by armed gunmen while traveling on a dirt road not far from a furniture factory that he owned, which he had just visited.

    According to recent reports in Lebanon, the 37-year-old businessman was targeted by three gunmen who were waiting for him. He was reportedly shot from point-blank range and taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. Local reports labeled the incident as a car-jacking that ended in murder and attributed it to local gangs.

    Bakri left Lebanon for Africa at a young age and began to develop a number of businesses, most prominently a furniture business.

    Last month, Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi said that his government suspected the Mossad was behind the assassination of aviation engineer Mohammed Zawahri.

    Zawahri was shot to death outside his home in Sfax, Tunisia, on December 15. According to a statement by Hamas two days after the attack, Zawahri was a member of the organization’s military wing and one of the leaders of its drone program.

    #Liban #Mossad

  • Crisis & Control, (In)Formal Hybrid Security in Lebanon | Civil Society Knowledge Centre

    This report aims to analyze how formal and informal security providers implement their respective social order agendas through a security “assemblage”. It also aims to inform the debate on refugee protection and security provision in urban settings, in the context of Lebanon’s hybrid security system. The accounts collected illustrate how state security institutions tacitly accept – or even rely on – informal security actors, managing at times to achieve their political and strategic goals through decentralized and/or illegal forms of control. In this vein, local municipalities imposed curfews and street patrols, which, far from being an institutional measure, follow a flexible and unpredictable pattern.

    Three localities have been selected for the purpose of this research - namely Aley in Mount Lebanon, Ebrine in North Lebanon, and Shebaa in South Lebanon. The choice of these localities was driven by their different political and social history, their demographic homogeneity or diversity, and their relationship with surrounding regions.

  • Hezbolá captura a varios oficiales de EEUU y de Francia en Alepo - HispanTV, Nexo Latino

    Selon un site proche du Hezb au sud du Liban, les Hezbollah fait prisonnier des membres des forces spéciales (ou juste des mercenaires) étasusniens et français à Alep. Il s’agirait d’une réponse aux morts iraniens de Khan Touma ou à la mort de Mustafa badreddine près de Damas.

    El Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica de El Líbano (Hezbolá) capturó a varios oficiales de EE.UU. y Francia que apoyaban a los grupos terroristas en la ciudad de Alepo, en el norte de Siria.

    «En una operación compleja y precisa, las fuerzas especiales de Hezbolá arrestaron a un cabecilla de la llamada oposición armada de Siria, junto a varios oficiales de la Inteligencia de EE.UU. y Francia en las proximidades de Alepo», ha informado este sábado Southlebanon, página Web cercana al movimiento libanés.

    Los militares detenidos, según indica la fuente, que cita fuentes de Hezbolá, han formado un centro de operaciones militares, desde donde dirigían los ataques de los grupos takfiríes como el Frente Al-Nusra, rama siria de Al-Qaeda, contra el Ejército sirio y sus aliados.

    #syrie #mercenaires

    • Fars News, particulièrement confus sur l’enchaînement des faits… (intégralité)


      TEHRAN (FNA)- Hezbollah has captured two US and French spies in its operations in Aleppo, a prominent Lebanese media source revealed on Saturday, adding that Hezbollah military chief Mustafah Badreddin was killed in retaliation for the same event.
      “Hezbollah special forces took captive a senior field commander of the terrorists affiliated to Riyadh and two US and French intelligence officers working in the newly-founded joint operations room of Jeish al-Fatah in Aleppo in one of the regions controlled by al-Nusra Front in Aleppo,” Majeda al-Haj, a prominent Lebanese journalist, wrote on al-Sabat news website today.

      Al-Haj said that the joint operations room was set up so that the French, US and Saudi intelligence agents can directly command Jeish al-Fatah terrorist attacks in Aleppo and nearby regions.

      She said the US and Saudi spies later designed an assassination plot and killed Badreddin in retaliation for the capture of these officers.

      The development came after martyrdom of the Lebanese resistance movement’s senior military commander Mustafah Badreddin near Damascus military airport in a terrorist attack last week.

      After his death, a senior politician disclosed that the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement is planning to launch massive military operations against the Takfiri terrorists in Syria in retaliation for his martyrdom.

      “Unique military operations by Hezbollah against Syria’s Takfiri terrorists will be conducted very soon,” Wahib Wahibi told FNA on Tuesday.

      He reiterated that Hezbollah’s response to the Takfiri terrorists’ crimes will come within the framework of its counterterrorism operations.

  • Liban : un reponsable du Fatah tué dans un attentat - Libération


    On en sait plus sur l’attentat qui a frappé la ville de Saïda, au Liban : un responsable local du Fatah, le parti du président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas, a été tué dans l’explosion de la voiture. Selon un responsable des services de sécurité interrogé par l’AFP, il s’agit de Fathi Zeidane : « Sa carte d’identité a été retrouvée près de la voiture, qui est la sienne ». Cette source n’était pas en mesure de dire s’il se trouvait à bord du véhicule au moment de l’explosion.

    Senior Fatah official killed in car explosion in south Lebanon
    April 12, 2016 1:35 P.M. (Updated : April 12, 2016 1:48 P.M.)

    BEIRUT (Ma’an) — A senior Fatah official was assassinated in a car explosion near the southern Lebanese city of Sidon on Monday, in the latest violence to strike Lebanon’s Palestinian refugee camps in recent days.

    Fatah security official Fathi Zeidan was reportedly killed and two of his escorts wounded when his car was blown up in Mieh Mieh refugee camp four kilometers east of Sidon.

    Palestinian refugee camps in southern Lebanon have become increasingly unstable in recent years, particularly Ain al-Helweh, Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, which is also situated outside Sidon and has become a hotbed of extremism.

    In the past two weeks, at least three Palestinians have been shot dead in gunfights between rival factions inside the camp, and last summer, violent clashes there displaced as many as 3,000 Palestinian refugees.


  • Comment ils font, chez Haaretz ? Ils prennent cet article de Bassem Mroue pour Associated Press, qui dit explicitement que le Hezbollah ne manque absolument pas de volontaires au Liban :

    A Hezbollah recruiting push covers its deeper role in Syria

    It finds no shortage of volunteers, since Shiites have rallied around Hezbollah even more than in the past, seeing it as the community’s protector amid a wave of bombings and suicide attacks by Sunni radicals against mainly Shiite areas in Lebanon since 2013.

    … et ils ajoutent un titre et un chapeau totalement grotesques avec les mots « entices » et « luring » : Suffering Heavy Losses in Syria, Hezbollah Entices New Recruits With Money and Perks

    South Lebanon residents say Shiite group started major recruitment initiative, luring fighters $2000 paycheck, free education for their children, stipends for families if they are killed.

    Ces gugusses sont vraiment désespérés.

  • Why I Broke My Silence
    Ari Shavit Dec 16, 2015

    I broke my first silence when I was 20. In the late 1970s, the brigade in which I served conducted a wide-ranging operation in south Lebanon. Both during and after the fighting, serious looting took place; prisoners of war were beaten and some of them disappeared. It was too much for me to bear. The naïve, young Zionist I was at that time did not know how to deal with the fact that our moral army did not always maintain its purity of arms. In his distress, that youth wrote a touching letter to the Israel Defense Forces chief of staff. Surprisingly, it was brought to his attention and he ordered an investigation. The investigation was papered over. But some time later the story reached the media, and the ensuing storm had a positive effect. When the first Lebanon War was launched, four years later, there were explicit orders that included explicit instructions that prevented such conduct from being repeated on the same scale.
    I broke my second silence when I was 33. In the early ‘90s I was called up for reserve duty at the Gaza coast detention center. Those were still the days of the first intifada and in my job as jailer I saw and heard terrible things that obligated me to do something. The report I later wrote for the Haaretz Magazine was the most painful I have ever written.

  • As-Safir’s exentive report on Hezbolah military positions in South Lebanon a signal of the coming challenge to 1701 regime

    Below is a partial translation from the leftist Lebanese daily As-Safir. This particular report May 22 was hit on repeatedly by the Israeli media and the government in its renewed campaign these last few weeks to pave the way for the “Dahiye Doctrine” at some point in the future, if another Hezbollah-Israel war comes to pass.

    The argument over the positioning of Hezbollah military assets in and around civilian areas is not actually the main, interesting issue that needs to be looked at with this piece. In fact, using just this piece one would assume that the bulk of Hezbollah’s assets are NOT positioned in civilian populated areas but in the many wilderness areas and mountainous areas. Undoubtedly, some Hezbollah fighters/village guard units and stores and perhaps firing positions are in fact located in civilian populated areas – surely – but this becomes a tough argument for the Israelis to win in front of various publics when the bombing starts since many journalists have pointed out that Israeli military facilities are ALSO sited in and around… civilian populated areas. The IDF HQ is but one example usually cited in this back and forth argument where the moral high-ground is difficult for any of the parties to reach.


    “The enemy discovered the effectiveness of the tunnels during the July [2006] war, but the method has developed since. The kind of concrete has changed. The method of ventilation and packing of weapons and food has changed. Electricity is available 24 hours a day through underground generators.” It continues to say that “the air in the tunnel is no different than outdoors. Humidity suction devices to protect the steel from rusting are there. So are the ventilation devices and emergency exits on the left and right side.” It adds that the rockets are packaged with anti-humidity substances and vacuumed in nylon material. “The concerned did not forget to leave razor blades next to the packaged rockets to allow the fighter to quickly open them during a moment of war,”

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: #Nicholas_Blanford on Israeli humanitarianism

    “Whether Israeli support for the Syrian rebels is greater than mere humanitarian assistance is unclear. However, the current relationship mirrors then Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres’ “Good Fence” policy in 1976 when the Israeli army began providing humanitarian aid to the Christians of south Lebanon whose towns and villages were besieged by Palestinian militias.” Blanford does not mention that the same Israel was funding and arming the death squads of the Phalanges from before 1975. (thanks Basim)


  • Spain Blames #Israel for UN Peacekeeper’s Killing in South #Lebanon Clashes

    Spain on Wednesday said Israeli fire had killed a Spanish UN peacekeeper serving in #South_Lebanon and called on the United Nations to fully investigate the violence, a day after Israeli prime minister vowed that #Hezbollah would “pay the price” an attack in the Israeli-occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms that left at least two Israeli soldiers dead.

    ##HezbollahRetaliates #Golan_Heights #Hassan_Nasrallah #Imad_Mughniyeh #Israeli_Occupation #Quneitra #syria

  • UNIFIL condemns ’aggressive conduct’ by south Lebanon residents

    A security source told The Daily Star Wednesday that the residents were angered that the Ghana contingent was taking pictures of the area.

    UNIFIL said some residents in the Ramyah village blocked the road with motorbikes and vehicles, obstructing the movement of a UNIFIL patrol unit Wednesday afternoon. The residents prevented a backup UNIFIL unit, which responded to the location, from approaching the area by blocking the road with vehicles.

    “During the standoff, the civilians, some of whom were carrying knives and small firearms, were aggressive towards the peacekeepers and tried to forcibly enter UNIFIL vehicles and snatch equipment,” the statement.

    The incident prompted peacekeepers to undertake “a very controlled response by firing a warning shot in the air,” which dispersed the crowd.

  • Hezbollah sheikhs in Christmas tour of south Lebanon churches

    Hezbollah delegations toured several churches in southern Lebanon Thursday to wish Christians a merry Christmas.

    The first delegation, headed by Sheikh Ahmad Mrad, arrived at the Greek Orthodox Church in Tyre at the start of their tour, where they offered Christmas greetings to Archimandrite Jack Khalil.

    Next, the same delegation visited the Catholic Church. Bishop Michael Abrass thanked the delegation for the well-wishes offered by Hezbollah on Christmas.

    “We hope this country would be blessed with more love, harmony and convergence in order to build a nation that expects a lot from us,” Mrad said.

    The tour ended at the Maronite Cathedral of Our Lady of the Seas, where Bishop Shukrallah al-Haj thanked Hezbollah for its support “of this church and of this country where a display of Christian-Muslim unity is always seen during joint holidays.”

    A second Hezbollah delegation headed by Sheikh Zeid Daher made a similar tour of churches in the southern port city of Sidon.

  • Ethiopian maid leaps to her death in south Lebanon

    An Ethiopian maid was killed Monday after jumping off the balcony of her employer’s house in south Lebanon in an apparent suicide, media reports said.


    The incident came two weeks after a migrant domestic worker was found hanged, and another jumped off the balcony of her employer’s home in Beirut but survived.

    A week before that, another maid leapt to her death in southern Lebanon.

    The incident comes less than a week after a maid leapt to her death in south Lebanon.

  • Looking back at #Lebanon’s #2006_war

    A man carries the body of a young girl killed in an Israeli bomb attack on #Qana, South Lebanon, on July 30, 2006. (Photo: AFP-Nicolas Asfouri) A man carries the body of a young girl killed in an Israeli bomb attack on Qana, South Lebanon, on July 30, 2006. (Photo: AFP-Nicolas Asfouri)

    ”We not only have the right but also the obligation to defend our land and our existence from any aggression.” - Abu Hassan Musulmani On July 12, 2006, #Hezbollah conducted an operation code named “True Promise” during which the party killed eight Israeli soldiers and abducted two in a cross border operation. Claiming to be acting in retaliation, #Israel unleashed hell across Lebanon with 33 days of aerial bombings and heavy shelling of civilian (...)

    #Culture_&_Society #Articles #Palestine #Resolution_1701 #UN

  • Brother kills sister over “shameful” text message in South #Lebanon

    A Lebanese man shot his sister dead after discovering a text message on her phone that “indicated she had done something shameful,” police said Monday. The crime took place on Saturday in the southern town of Zifta, near Nabatieh, according to a statement posted to the website of the Internal Security Forces. The 24-year old brother, identified only by his initials Z.A., originally claimed that he shot his 32-year-old sister by mistake, but later admitted to killing her after becoming angry by a text message he saw on her phone. read more


  • Lebanese MP Michel Helou dies of cancer

    Lebanese MP Charles Helou, suffering from a long bout with cancer, died early Friday, state media reported. The MP, affiliated with the March 8 Free Patriotic Movement, will have has funeral on Saturday at the Mar Maroun church in Jezzine, the town of his birth in South #Lebanon. (Al-Akhbar)

  • The fight against fundamentalist recruitment of Palestinian youth in Ain al-Hilweh | Al Akhbar English

    n an attempt to stop the new generation from drifting away from moderate Palestinian movements, Munir el-Maqdah, senior commander of the Fatah movement in Ain al-Hilweh and the representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in South Lebanon, decided three months ago to revive the ancient Fatah youth movement known as the fighting Lion Cubs, or al-Ashbal.

    Maqdah sees little hope when it comes to enhancing the discriminatory laws and abolishing the bureaucratic hurdles in Palestinian employment and hence chooses to focus more on immediately “getting the children out of the streets.”