Impressions of #Rosetta’s legacy
In September–October 2016, over 200 people contributed to the #rosetta Legacy campaign, sharing stories, images, videos, creations and experiences to convey what the mission had meant to them. We decided to collect all contributions in an e-book, to keep a long-lasting record of the mission’s impact on a variety of public audiences. This publication presents a collection of these outstanding contributions and provides a taste of Rosetta’s legacy for fellow science communicators, scientists and engineers, educators, space enthusiasts – anyone who was fascinated by the mission. The e-book (pdf, 33MB) is available here. Thanks again to everyone who shared with us their impressions of the mission, and to all followers of Rosetta and #Philae (...)
#Comet_67P #Fun_stuff #Outreach ##rosettalegacy #comet #engagement #inspiration #outreach #philae