• Thessaloniki: Attack on the unaccompanied minor structure of the Church of Greece en

    An attack on the accommodation structure for unaccompanied refugees that operates under the auspices of the Church of Greece took place last night, in #Oreokastro, Thessaloniki.

    According to the structure’s attorney, Thodoris Karagiannis, strangers gathered outside the area with knives, sticks and iron bars, initially shouting “racist” as he described them and then tried to invade the place where the refugee children are being hosted.

    Tomorrow, Monday, as stated by Mr. Karagiannis, an indictment will be filed with the competent prosecutor’s office. “ We must all protect minors against people who incite hatred and propaganda with a plan and are not afraid to use life-threatening violence against children aged 12-15,” he said.

    #racisme #xénophobie #anti-migrants #attaque_raciste #Grèce #Thessalonique #Salonique #anti-réfugiés #réfugiés #asile #migrations

    • Racists attack center hosting unaccompanied children; four minors injured

      Armed with sticks, knives and iron bars and shouting racist slogans a group of people attacked the accommodation center for unaccompanied refugee children in Oraiokastro, northern Greece, late on Saturday night. Four minors were injured and transferred to hospital.

      The structure hosts unaccompanied children aged 12-15 and is run by the Church of Greece. The attack took place at 11 o’ clock Saturday night, on the second Christmas Day.

      Citing eyewitnesses, local media report that the group of attackers broke the fence of the structure, run to the building, broke the doors and enter inside to “find the children running in fear.”

      One child was taken to hospital with severe respiratory problems after it was beaten on the chest. Three other children received first aid for the minor injuries they suffered.

      A neighbor reportedly informed the police after hearing the screams of a structure employee.

      The attack was organized and the gang consisted of ten people attackers, the structure lawyer Thodoris Karagiannis told newspaper makedonia.

      After violating and destroying the minors’ “home”, armed with knives, iron bars. stones and sticks began to chase the children, beat them with hatred, while shouting racist slogans and threats. It is characteristic that the group of young people had organization and plan, while the attack took place in fractions of a second,” Karagiannis said.

      The lawyer added that they will file against the perpetrators at the Prosecutor’s Office, “as we must all protect minors against people who incite hatred and propaganda with a plan and are not afraid to use life-threatening violence against children aged 12-15.”

      Oraiokastro is a municipality in the regional unit of Thessaloniki, where racist incidents have taken place also in the recent past.

      It wouldn’t be difficult for police to take DNA from the attack tools the racists left behind, and find out from security cameras who was out on the streets during the night curfew.


  • Rapporti di monitoraggio

    Sin dal 2016 il progetto ha pubblicato report di approfondimento giuridico sulle situazioni di violazione riscontrate presso le diverse frontiere oggetto delle attività di monitoraggio. Ciascun report affronta questioni ed aspetti contingenti e particolarmente interessanti al fine di sviluppare azioni di contenzioso strategico.

    Elenco dei rapporti pubblicati in ordine cronologico:

    “Le riammissioni di cittadini stranieri a Ventimiglia (giugno 2015): profili di illegittimità“

    Il report è stato redatto nel giugno del 2015 è costituisce una prima analisi delle principali criticità riscontrabili alla frontiera italo-francese verosimilmente sulla base dell’Accordo bilaterale fra il Governo della Repubblica italiana e il Governo della Repubblica francese sulla cooperazione transfrontaliera in materia di polizia e dogana (Accordo di Chambery)
    #Vintimille #Ventimiglia #frontière_sud-alpine #Alpes #Menton #accord_bilatéral #Accord_de_Chambéry #réadmissions

    Ajouté à la #métaliste de liens autour d’#accords_de_réadmission entre pays européens...
    Et plus précisément ici:


    “Le riammissioni di cittadini stranieri alla frontiera di Chiasso: profili di illegittimità”

    Il report è stato redatto nell’estate del 2016 per evidenziare la situazione critica che si era venuta a creare in seguito al massiccio afflusso di cittadini stranieri in Italia attraverso la rotta balcanica scatenata dalla crisi siriana. La frontiera italo-svizzera è stata particolarmente interessata da numerosi tentativi di attraversamento del confine nei pressi di Como e il presente documento fornisce una analisi giuridica delle criticità riscontrate.

    Ajouté à la #métaliste de liens autour d’#accords_de_réadmission entre pays européens...
    Et plus précisément ici:


    “Lungo la rotta del Brennero”

    Il report, redatto con la collaborazione della associazione Antenne Migranti e il contributo della fondazione Alex Langer nel 2017, analizza le dinamiche della frontiera altoatesina e sviluppa una parte di approfondimento sulle violazioni relative al diritto all’accoglienza per richiedenti asilo e minori, alle violazioni all’accesso alla procedura di asilo e ad una analisi delle modalità di attuazione delle riammissioni alla frontiera.

    #Brenner #Autriche


    “Attività di monitoraggio ai confini interni italiani – Periodo giugno 2018 – giugno 2019”

    Report analitico che riporta i dati raccolti e le prassi di interesse alle frontiere italo-francesi, italo-svizzere, italo-austriache e italo slovene. Contiene inoltre un approfondimento sui trasferimenti di cittadini di paesi terzi dalle zone di frontiera indicate all’#hotspot di #Taranto e centri di accoglienza del sud Italia.



    “Report interno sopralluogo Bosnia 27-31 ottobre 2019”

    Report descrittivo a seguito del sopralluogo effettuato da soci coinvolti nel progetto Medea dal 27 al 31 ottobre sulla condizione delle persone in transito in Bosnia. Il rapporto si concentra sulla descrizione delle strutture di accoglienza presenti nel paese, sull’accesso alla procedura di protezione internazionale e sulle strategie di intervento future.

    #Bosnie #Bosnie-Herzégovine


    “Report attività frontiere interne terrestri, porti adriatici e Bosnia”

    Rapporto di analisi dettagliata sulle progettualità sviluppate nel corso del periodo luglio 2019 – luglio 2020 sulle diverse frontiere coinvolte (in particolare la frontiera italo-francese, italo-slovena, la frontiera adriatica e le frontiere coinvolte nella rotta balcanica). Le novità progettuali più interessanti riguardano proprio l’espansione delle progettualità rivolte ai paesi della rotta balcanica e alla Grecia coinvolta nelle riammissioni dall’Italia. Nel periodo ad oggetto del rapporto il lavoro ha avuto un focus principale legato ad iniziative di monitoraggio, costituzione della rete ed azioni di advocacy.

    #Slovénie #mer_Adriatique #Adriatique


    #rapport #monitoring #medea #ASGI
    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières
    #frontières_internes #frontières_intérieures #Balkans #route_des_balkans

    ping @isskein @karine4

  • Un autre hiver... un de plus...
    Winter conditions add to migrant hardship in northern Greece

    Freezing weather is exacerbating difficult conditions for migrants in overcrowded refugee camps in northern Greece. Last week the cold spell led to a protest by dozens of migrants at a camp near Thessaloniki. Greek officials have blamed the number of people flooding into the camp from the islands and across the Turkish border. But could the situation have been prevented?

    Harsh winter conditions hit northern Greece a few days into the new year, bringing sub-zero temperatures, strong winds, snow and ice. In the Diavata refugee camp near the port city of Thessaloniki, several hundred people are struggling with basic survival. Yet every week, despite the weather conditions, more continue to arrive.

    “They don’t think about this kind of thing, they just want to move on,” said one man at Diavata after another Afghan family arrived in the snow. “They just think that in the next stage from Turkey, when they go to Greece, everything will be fine.”

    Camp protests

    When they reach Diavata, the migrants find the reality is different. The camp is full to capacity, with around 800 registered asylum seekers. On top of these, there are between 500 and 650 people living at the site without having been registered by migration authorities.

    “Most of them have built their own makeshift shelters and tents, which are not providing them with the protection needed,” says Mike Bonke, the Greece country director of the Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB), an NGO providing support services to Diavata. “They have no (safe) heating, washing and sanitation and cooking facilities.”

    Last week, the difficult conditions prompted around 40 migrants to hold a protest outside the camp, burning tires and blockading the road. A truck driver tried to get through the barricade resulting in a fight which left one man in hospital.

    The driver lost his patience and started swearing at the migrants, who threw rocks and broke his windscreen, reports said. The driver and four migrants were charged with causing grievous bodily harm, according to the Greek daily, Katherimini.

    Conditions create health concerns

    Diavata is just one of a number of migrant facilities in northern Greece to have been affected by the cold snap. An NGO contacted by InfoMigrants said that Orestiada, near the Evros river to the east, was covered in snow. Migrants in the critically overcrowded camps on the islands too are contending with snow, frozen water pipes and icy roads.

    According to the ASB, the refugee reception camps lack resources to cope with the current conditions. “Healthcare services at all (refugee reception) sites are not adequate,” Bonke says.

    Agis Terzidis, an advisor to the Greek Minister of Health and Vice-President of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which coordinates healthcare provision to migrants and refugees, admits that the cold weather, in addition to the poor conditions and overcrowding in the camps, is exacerbating migrants’ health problems. “We have people living in conditions that are not acceptable for anyone,” he says.

    National health system must step up

    In response to the worsening situation, there are plans to boost EU-funded medical teams operating in camps throughout the country, including the islands, Agis Terzidis says. But he told InfoMigrants that from now on, more pressure would be put on the Greek national health system and local hospitals to tackle the problem, rather than medical staff in the camps themselves.

    Terzidis also insisted that fixing the situation in the camps was “not in the mandate” of the CDC, as it was chiefly a result of greater numbers of people arriving and consequent overcrowding.

    Instead, the CDC’s main priority remains vaccinating migrants to prevent outbreaks of hepatitis, measles and other infectious diseases. It also focuses on treating those suffering from chronic diseases, some of whom will likely succumb to the harsh winter conditions.

    Too many people

    With more bleak weather predicted, a vegetable garden is being planned in the Diavata camp, giving the residents something to look forward to. That will have to be abandoned if more people start to arrive when the weather improves.

    The camps continue to be under pressure from the large and unpredictable numbers of arrivals. Currently there are around 20 arrivals per week at Diavata, but that could quickly escalate to hundreds. So far, Greek authorities do not seem to have taken steps to limit how many end up at the camps seeking protection.

    I think we can all agree that this situation should have been solved by registering these refugees in the Greek Migration system and providing them with dignified and safe shelters.
    _ Mike Bonke, Greece country director, Arbeiter Samariter Bund

    As both government and army staff and their NGO colleagues in the camps remain powerless to solve the problem of overcrowding, their main task will be to protect migrants from harm and exposure as the winter enters its coldest months.

    #Grèce #asile #migrations #réfugiés #camps_de_réfugiés #neige #froid #Salonique #Softex #Diavata #résistance #protestation

  • Questions d’#identité dans les #Balkans du XXe siècle

    L’ensemble de ce numéro est consacré à des articles nés de colloques, de varia ou des comptes rendus tous liés à des phénomènes humains. La première partie est axée sur les témoignages, témoignages de femmes résistantes ou déportées pendant la décennie 1940 dans les Balkans, des existences jetées par l’histoire dans des situations exceptionnelles, un « Malgré-nous » mosellan qui se retrouve dans les montagnes albanaises, une paysanne roumaine jetée en Sibérie, une jeune fille contrainte à « prendre la montagne » puis à rejoindre l’URSS avant de réussir à retrouver la France, des femmes qui « choisissent » la collaboration horizontale en Serbie... Nous retrouvons dans une seconde partie les questions identitaires en particulier à Chypre et en Macédoine avec des textes rares sur la République de Chypre du Nord et l’imbroglio identitaire macédonien du XXe siècle.


    Joëlle Dalègre
    Questions d’identité dans les Balkans du XXe siècle… [Texte intégral]

    Narrations de soi, récits littéraires et identité

    Maria Thanopoulou
    Mémoire de la #survie et survie de la #mémoire [Texte intégral]
    Mémoire orale de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en #Grèce
    Memory Survival and Survival of Memory, Oral Memory of WWII in Greece
    Alexandra Vranceanu Pagliardini
    Du Journal de #Mihail_Sebastian au Retour du #hooligan : une vie de #Norman_Manea [Texte intégral]
    L’évasion dans la république des lettres
    From Mihail Sebastian’s Journal 1935-1944 : The Fascist Years to Norman Manea’s The Hooligan’s Return : A Memoir : the Escape to the Republic of Letters
    De la Jurnalul lui Mihail Sebastian la Întoarcerea huliganului de Norman Manea : evadarea în republica literelor
    Evelyne Noygues
    Le périple en #Albanie d’un « Malgré-nous » mosellan [Texte intégral]
    The trip in Albania of one “Malgré-nous” from Moselle
    Udhëtimi në Shqipëri e një « Malgré-nous » mosellan
    Hélène Lenz
    #Déportation d’une famille paysanne roumaine en #Sibérie (1941-1945) [Texte intégral]
    Deportation in Siberia of a Rumanian Peasant Family (1941-1945)
    Primele etape ale deportării în Siberia a unei familii de țărani din Bucovina în 1941
    Katina Tenda‑Latifis
    Témoignage : #Katina_Tenda‑Latifis [Texte intégral]
    Partisane, exilée, exportatrice de vins grecs et écrivain
    Testimony : Katina Tenda Latifis, Partisan, Exiled, Greek Wines Exporter and Writer
    Odette Varon‑Vassard
    Voix de #femmes [Texte intégral]
    Témoignages de jeunes filles juives grecques survivantes de la #Shoah
    Women’s Voices : Testimonies of Greek Jewish Women Who Survived the Shoah
    Γυναικείες φωνές : Μαρτυρίες Ελληνοεβραίων γυναικών που επέζησαν από τη Shoah
    Loïc Marcou
    La Shoah à #Salonique dans l’œuvre de l’écrivain #Georges_Ioannou [Texte intégral]
    The Holocaust in Salonika in the Work of the Writer Georges Ioannou
    Το Ολοκαύτωμα στη Θεσσαλονίκη στο έργο του συγγραφέα Γιώργου Ιωάννου
    Nicolas Pitsos
    Les noces de sang macédoniennes ou comment marier fiction et histoire dans le roman Que demandent les barbares de #Dimosthénis_Koúrtovik [Texte intégral]
    Macedonian Bloody Wedding or How to Match Fiction and History in Dimosthenis Kurtovic’s Novel What the Barbarians are Looking For
    Ο ματωμένος Μακεδονικός γάμος ή πώς παντρεύονται μυθοπλασία και ιστορία στο μυθιστόρημα Τι ζητούν οι βάρβαροι του Δημοσθένη Κούρτοβικ

    Discours politique, historiographie et identité

    Christina Alexopoulos
    Nationalisme d’État, #répression des #minorités linguistiques et revendications identitaires [Texte intégral]
    Le cas du #macédonien dans la Grèce des années 1930 et 1940
    State Nationalism, Repression of Linguistic Minorities and Identity Claims : the Case of the Macedonian Language in Greece during the 30’ and 40’
    Isabelle Dépret
    #Islam hétérodoxe et #christianisme en Grèce [Texte intégral]
    Tabous, #identités_religieuses et #discours nationaux
    Heterodox Islam and Christianism in Greece : Taboos, Religious Identities and National Discourse
    Ετερόδοξο Ισλάμ και Χριστιανισμός στην Ελλάδα : Ταμπού, θρησκευτικές ταυτότητες και εθνικός λόγος
    Ljubinka Škodrić
    Intimate Relations between Women and the German Occupiers in Serbia 1941-1944 [Texte intégral]
    Relations intimes entre des femmes et des occupants allemands en #Serbie, 1941-1944
    Alexandre Lapierre
    Identité nationale et relations communautaires à travers l’œuvre poétique de #Kóstas_Montis [Texte intégral]
    National Identity and Communities Relations through the Poems of Costas Montis
    Mathieu Petithomme
    Mémoire et politique à #Chypre_du_Nord [Texte intégral]
    Les usages des #célébrations_patriotiques et des #manuels_scolaires par le #nationalisme turc
    Memory and Politics in Northern Cyprus : Patriotic Celebrations and School Textbooks as used by Turkish Nationalism
    Η Μνήμη και τα πολιτικά στην Βόρεια Κύπρο : Πατριωτικές τελετές και σχολικά εγχειρίδια όπως χρησομιποιούνται από τον τούρκικο εθνικισμό
    Mathieu Petithomme
    Système partisan et évolution des clivages politiques à Chypre du Nord (1974-2014) [Texte intégral]
    Party System and Evolution of the Political Cleavages in Northern Cyprus (1974-2014)
    Κομματικό σύστημα και εξέλιξη των πολιτικών διαιρέσεων στην Βόρεια Κύπρο (1974-2014)

    #revue #Chypre #littérature
    via @ville_en

  • Abandoned Factory Turned Into Home For Up To 700 Refugees In Greece

    An abandoned 6,000-square-foot textile factory has recently been repurposed to serve as a housing and medical facility for refugees in Thessaloniki, Greece.

    #Grèce #Thessalonique #Salonique #asile #migrations #réfugiés #camp_de_réfugiés #Elpida_Home_Project #Elpida #logement #hébergement