• America Is Wrapped in Miles of Toxic Lead Cables - WSJ

    Des câbles téléphoniques en plomb dégradés contaminent le sol, selon une enquête

    Le Journal estime qu’environ 2 000 câbles téléphoniques recouverts de #plomb sont répartis dans tout le pays. À mesure que les vieux câbles se dégradent, le plomb peut s’infiltrer dans le sol à des niveaux élevés, selon le rapport. Une étude pédiatrique de 2021 a révélé que la moitié des enfants aux États-Unis avaient des niveaux élevés de plomb dans le sang.

    #états-unis #saturnisme

  • 3 sites ravagés par #Metaleurop : 20 ans après, la population en meurt encore

    Metaleurop : pollution et profits vont de pair https://www.lutte-ouvriere.org/breves/metaleurop-pollution-et-profits-vont-de-pair-430397.html

    Vingt ans après la fermeture de l’usine de #recyclage de #batteries de Noyelles-Godault (Nord), le plomb rejeté pendant des décennies empoisonne la vie des riverains. Une enquête montre que sur 889 enfants testés dans cinq communes proches de l’ancienne usine, sept sont atteints de saturnisme. La #plombémie de 61 autres enfants dépassent le seuil de vigilance.

    À Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône), des mesures montrent des taux alarmants de plomb dans les sols autour d’une autre ancienne usine Metaleurop. Un troisième site, à L’Estaque près de Marseille, est tout aussi pollué.

    Metaleurop appartenait alors à Glencore. Ce trust minier richissime (plus de 12 milliards de dollars de bénéfices pour le premier semestre 2022) doit payer les réparations.

  • La fin du monde se visite en camionnette Chez Renart - Renart
    Depuis un an, un Tour operator goupilesque à souhaits propose la visite des lieux les plus délabrés, toxiques, emblématiques, de la région la plus frappée par la « révolution industrielle ». Exquis, non ? Entre « urbex » et visite guidée, Nord-Pas de Calais Adventure remonte l’histoire industrielle des Flandres et du bassin minier pour expliquer la situation écologique actuelle. Accrochez-vous à votre second degré.

    Quand bien même on préfère souvent regarder ailleurs, nul n’ignore que la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais cumule les médailles les moins reluisantes. Pollutions des sols, de l’air et des eaux offrent à la région la première place du cancer et la dernière de l’espérance de vie. La preuve par cartes, ci-dessous.

    La région s’est encore illustrée dernièrement dans les médias. Le reportage « Les enfants du plomb », diffusé le 3 octobre sur France 5 , https://www.france.tv/france-5/vert-de-rage/4198072-les-enfants-du-plomb-extrait.html fut tourné autour de l’ancienne usine Penarroya-Metalleurop de Noyelles-Godault, qui fut la plus grande d’Europe. On y recense 5 000 cas de saturnisme depuis les années 1970. Malgré les interdictions de cultiver, construire, jouer dans la terre, et les obligations de décaisser les sols, vingt après la fermeture de l’usine, les taux de plombémie sont toujours aussi désespérants. Le métal infestera encore quelques siècles le sang des habitants sans que les actionnaires, évaporés eux, ne rendent un jour de compte. Entre une ruine et une déchetterie à ciel ouvert, Nord-Pas de Calais Adventure raconte l’épopée du fondateur de Metaleurop, le polytechnicien Charles Ledoux, ingénieur des mines ayant œuvré tantôt pour l’État, tantôt pour son compte.

    Le 21 septembre dernier, c’est par une enquête du Monde que les habitants du Nord-Pas de Calais apprennent que deux robinets sur trois les abreuvent d’une eau polluée aux pesticides – la moyenne nationale est de 20 %. La faute à l’agriculture intensive, aux patatiers et betteraviers.
Depuis la camionnette traversant la plaine agro-industrielle flamande, on apprend que les résidus chimiques de la première guerre mondiale interdisent la consommation d’eau dans des centaines de communes. . . . . .

    La suite : https://chez.renart.info/?La-fin-du-monde-se-visite-en-camionnette

    #tour_operator #pollution #ubex #plomb #saturnisme #tourisme #Nord #Pas_de_calais #metaleurop #chimie

    • New York vu par Le Monde : quelques remarques sur un « reportage » singulièrement biaisé Sylvie Tissot, vendredi 28 octobre 2022

      Quel journaliste ne mourrait pas d’envie d’être envoyé en reportage à New York ? Aude Goullioud du Monde a eu cette chance. Alors que le réchauffement climatique impose de réduire les vols transatlantiques, il est bon, après la publication de son article le 17 octobre 2022, https://www.lemonde.fr/m-styles/article/2022/10/17/si-tu-es-genereux-avec-new-york-new-york-sera-genereuse-avec-toi-les-possibi de se demander : qu’y a-t-elle vu, qui y a-t-elle rencontré pour accumuler tellement de clichés que ça en devient presque gênant ?

La ville des « opportunités » qui se « réinvente sans arrêt » et se relève après chaque épreuve. La ville du « brassage constant », des milles nationalités, la ville où l’on vient tenter sa chance et où, si l’on « travaille dur », s’il l’on sait se « dépasser », on sera récompensé.

      On se croirait en plein American Dream , un mythe, qui n’a cessé, depuis des décennies, d’être contesté de toutes parts et de toutes les manières, mais dont il semble qu’il inspire, toujours et encore, des plumes françaises d’habitude plus acérées quand il s’agit de parler des Etats-Unis.

      De la gentrification qui avance à un rythme qui donne le tournis, des inégalités brutales, profondes, structurelles, visibles partout, de la pandémie qui a détruit tant de vies, on n’aura dans l’article que quelques rapides évocations, en guise de concessions. Certes les loyers sont faramineux, mais  : un peu d’entraide entre voisins et un puits sans fond d’opportunités viennent efficacement effacer du paysage ces ennuyeux détails, et donner toute sa place à ce « ciel bleu toute l’année » qui a tant fasciné la journaliste – ciel bleu qui, comme le soleil, rend probablement la misère « moins pénible ».

      Black Lives Matter est évoqué mais ravalé – on a du mal à le croire – au rang de plaidoyer naïf pour la « diversité ». C’est ce qu’on retient des propos d’une « jeune Française » appartenant à l’échantillon très particulier constitué par la journaliste envoyée « sur le terrain ».

      Pour cette habitante « bien ancrée à New York où elle a monté Polonsky&Friends, une agence de direction artistique et stratégique dans le secteur des métiers de bouche », BLM semble bel et bien avoir été un « tournant ». Désormais consciente du « racisme systémique », bouleversée semble-t-il, elle ne se laisse pas abattre et lance une newsletter où « elle met en lumière les meilleurs artisans de bouche de New York avec un souci constant de diversité ».

      Il faudrait beau voir qu’après ça, des policiers tuent encore des Noirs.

      Preuve que le message – sur le racisme systémique, donc – de BLM est passé, notre informatrice enchaîne : « Et c’est win win pour tout le monde ! ». La journaliste semble sous le charme.

      Quant à nous, nous sommes plutôt consternés. Est-ce que des Français au profil un peu différent auraient eu autre chose à dire ? Probablement, mais aucun n’est interviewé. Seuls les « gens qui font des choses formidables » ont eu l’honneur de parler de leurs « opportunités ». La liste est parlante : le conseiller culturel de l’ambassade de France, une photographe et joaillière, la directrice artistique d’un magazine, une curatrice et consultante dans l’art contemporain, le directeur d’un centre culturel et artistique de Brooklyn, un galeriste, une directrice artistique et consultante en stratégie de marque, un photographe, un écrivain et philosophe.

      Mon préféré reste le propriétaire français de trois restaurants, dont le dernier, tout juste ouvert à Brooklyn, s’appelle (car il est installé dans une ancienne laverie) : Fulgurances Laundromat.

      N’est-ce pas follement créatif ! (seul un esprit chagrin, plutôt qu’« innovant », y verra un lien avec la gentrification évoquée quelques paragraphes plus haut).

      Vous aurez, à la lecture de cet article, compris le sous-texte régulièrement relayé dans les pages du Monde, où les affinités macroniennes s’expriment parfois sans filtre : on pourrait en prendre de la graine en France, pays des grincheux et des fainéants, où perdurent des hiérarchies dépassées alors qu’ici, « jamais personne ne vous demande vos diplômes ou votre CV ».

      Qu’une journaliste relaie sans broncher une contre-vérité pareille, dans une ville où les discriminations sont bien ancrées, où la compétition est féroce, et où la préparation aux plus grandes universités commence dès l’école primaire… on croit rêver.

      La conclusion en rajoute une louche, avec le témoignage, repris sans ironie aucune, de la directrice artistique d’un important journal : épouse d’un célèbre illustrateur, avec qui elle a monté son magazine, elle se félicite – et s’étonne ! – d’avoir été ainsi recrutée, et y voit la manifestation de la plus grande des libertés et des possibilités infinies.

      Quand l’entre-soi des élites culturelles devient le « degré d’innovation maximal »…
      Sylvie Tissot

      « Sous le ciel bleu, les clichés »  : nous reproduisons, sous forme de tribune et avec son accord, un texte de Sylvie Tissot paru sur le site de LMSI https://lmsi.net/Sous-le-ciel-bleu-les-cliches (Les mots sont importants) le 24 octobre. (Acrimed)

  • A Hoboken, Umicore devra prendre des mesures pour limiter les niveaux de plomb dans le sang des enfants Joyce Azar, Belga

    La ministre flamande de l’Environnement Zuhal Demir (N-VA) oblige l’entreprise chimique Umicore, située à Hoboken en province d’Anvers, à prendre des mesures pour limiter strictement les niveaux de plomb détectés dans le sang des enfants cette année, annonce lundi son cabinet. « En tant qu’entreprise, il faut prendre ses responsabilités dans l’intérêt de la santé de ses voisins directs et des plus faibles », a défendu la ministre Zuhal Demir.

    Umicore Hoboken avait fait appel auprès de la ministre Demir contre les normes d’émissions qui avaient été renforcées par la province d’Anvers, jugeant celles-ci trop strictes. La ministre a toutefois confirmé en appel ce resserrement par la province d’Anvers et jugé que l’argument contraire d’Umicore était sans fondement. 

    « Il est incompréhensible que l’entreprise fasse appel alors que les niveaux de plomb détectés dans le sang des enfants est encore bien trop élevé », déplore Mme Demir. « En tant qu’entreprise, il faut prendre ses responsabilités dans l’intérêt de la santé de ses voisins directs et des plus faibles. Avec les restrictions que nous imposons à l’entreprise nous l’obligeons à investir davantage pour minimiser son impact ». 

    La ministre Demir a ainsi demandé à Umicore de « dédier son temps et énergie à la santé des gens et pas à lutter contre le gouvernement qui fait passer l’intérêt public en premier ». 

    « Un niveau alarmant »
    L’analyse sanguine semestrielle des enfants de 1 à 12 ans dans le quartier de Moretusburg-Hertogvelden a démontré que les normes de plomb étaient bien en recul. Mais en dépit de ce constat, trois enfants sur dix qui résident dans cette zone la plus proche de l’usine présentent des valeurs supérieures à 5µg/dl. « Cela reste à un haut niveau alarmant pour un tel groupe vulnérable d’enfants et cela doit encore baisser », poursuit la communication de la ministre. 

    L’entreprise Umicore est donc obligée de prendre des mesures pour que les normes en question enregistrées ne dépassent pas 3,5 µg/dl dans cette catégorie d’âge. Jusqu’à présent, la norme imposée était de 10 µg/dl. Mais sur avis de l’agence sanitaire flamande, les valeurs doivent être de moins de 2 µg/dl de plomb dans le sang, et c’est pourquoi davantage d’efforts doivent être consentis pour observer une baisse.

    D’ici le 31 décembre 2025, les concentrations de plomb dans le sang devront être d’au maximum 2 µg/dl en moyenne, avec une valeur maximale du 95e percentile de 4 µg/dl.  

    #plomb #saturnisme #enfants #empoisonnement #umicore #santé #poison #multinationale

  • Le #nouveau_camp de #Lesbos, #Grèce, #Kara_Tepe, et la présumée #contamination au #plomb du terrain où il est construit (construction : #septembre_2020)

    #déchets #toxicité #pollution #armée #zone_militaire #plomb #santé #migrations #asile #réfugiés #camps_de_réfugiés #Lesbos #Grèce #îles_grecques #Moria_2.0


    voir le fil de discussion sur Kara Tepe ici, auquel j’ai ajouté la question du plomb :

    ping @isskein @karine4

    • Refugee camp on toxic land, potentially life threatening for small children!

      The new “temporary” camp in Kara Tepe, Lesvos, is as we all know built partially on an old military firing range. For the government this already restricted area was perfect, it was already fenced in. As all military areas there is a lot of restrictions, the most important ones are the restrictions of movement and the restrictions on taking pictures.
      The camp area has been criticized by many, because it’s just not suited to house people, in flimsy tents when the winter is approaching. It’s at the sea, without any protection from heavy winds that usually pounds this area. The area also floods frequently, the tents are built straight on the ground, there is no drainage system. When it’s really starts to rain, and it will, there will be mud everywhere, outside and inside the tents. And if that wasn’t enough, it’s a high possibility, that the very land the camp is built on is toxic.
      As previously mentioned, it’s an old military firing range, that has been used by the military for decades. We can assume that the military has used a variety of weapons, that over the years, have packed the ground with hazardous materials. The main concern is the possibility of lead contamination. The presence of lead and lead dust is well documented on such sites as are the extreme danger to health if lead is absorbed by children. Children younger than 6 years are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal.
      As we all know, UNHCR are assisting the Greek authorities in resettling displaced families, many of them children, on this new site. They have a special responsibility, due to their involvement, to assure that the area used is suitable and safe to live on. UNHCR have rehoused displaced families on highly toxic land in the past, and should have learned by their previous mistakes.
      Following the war in Kosovo in 1999, UNHCR rehoused displaced families on highly toxic land. This is also well documented, particularly so on a website that followed the situation over a number of years. www.toxicwastekills.com
      It resulted in childrens’ blood lead levels higher than instruments could measure. There is no level of lead so low that children’s health will not be damaged. Very young children often absorb it through licking lead paint etc as they find it pleasant. This is also well documented. Pregnant women can transfer absorbed lead to foetuses through the placenta. It attacks all organs of the body but also causes irreversible brain damage. Now UNHCR is helping to place men, women and children on an old military firing range near Kara Tepe on Lesvos. This could be yet another deadly mistake in the making.
      Due to the fact that it took only 5 days to put up this camp, after the fire in Moria, it’s highly unlikely that any proper survey has been taken. This new site requires urgent toxicity checking by independent experts to reveal whether lead is present on the new site, which could indicate an evacuation might be necessary to protect the lives of vulnerable children. The concern has already been addressed by email to Astrid Castelein, head of the UNHCR sub office on Lesvos, and the main UNHCR office in Greece, so far without any reply.
      Some areas in the camp has been leveled out by bulldozers, in other areas soil from the leveled areas has been reused as landfill. By doing so, things that has been buried in the ground for decades has resurfaced, possibly making the situation even worse. Residents in the camp have found remains of ammunition casings and grenades around the tents, and military personnel have been observed using metal detectors in the outskirts of the camp. To see small children who have fled war, play with used ammunition in a European refugee camp, should raise some questions.
      If this isn’t enough, a proposal to create a new “reception and identification centre” structure with a capacity of 2,500 people, and a planned 500 employees overall, in the area of the former shooting range of Kamenos Dasos (Camlik) in central Lesvos seems to have been passed, as the majority of Mytilene municipal authority confirmed. These areas would never have been approved to build houses, schools or kindergartens, but seems to be more than good enough for these children..


    • Greece : Migrant Camp Lead Contamination

      Inadequate Government Response; Lack of Transparency Put Health at Risk

      The Greek government should release test results and other vital information about lead contamination in a migrant camp on Lesbos island to protect the health of residents and workers, Human Rights Watch said today.

      After testing soil samples in November, the government confirmed publicly on January 23, 2021 the presence of dangerous levels of lead in the soil in the administrative area of the Lesbos camp. It says that samples from residential areas showed lead levels below relevant standards but did not release the locations where samples were collected or the actual test results. The government has yet to indicate that it will take the necessary steps to adequately assess and mitigate the risk, including comprehensive testing and measures to remove people from areas that could be contaminated.

      “The Greek government knowingly built a migrant camp on a firing range and then turned a blind eye to the potential health risks for residents and workers there,” said Belkis Wille, senior crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch. “After weeks of prodding, it took soil samples to test for lead contamination while denying that a risk of lead exposure existed. It did not make the results public for over seven weeks, and has yet to allow independent experts to analyze them or vow to take the necessary steps to protect residents and workers and inform them about the potential health risks.”

      Human Rights Watch published a report in December documenting that thousands of asylum seekers, aid workers, and United Nations, Greek, and European Union employees may be at risk of lead poisoning in the Lesbos camp. Greek authorities built the new camp, Mavrovouni (also known as new Kara Tepe), on a repurposed military firing range. It now houses 6,500 people. According to a government announcement on January 23, one out of 12 soil samples taken in November came back on December 8 with lead levels that “exceeded the acceptable limit.” The announcement also mentions some steps to mitigate the risk.

      Human Rights Watch has requested the Greek government and the European Commission, which financially supports the camp and with which the government shared the results, to release the testing plan and the test results, which should include such information as the levels of lead for each sample, the sample depths and exact locations, a complete history of the site with location specifity, the expertise of those conducting the testing, the sampling methodology, and information on chain of custody. To date, neither the Greek government nor the European Commission has made this information available.

      This lack of transparency means that it is impossible to assess the adequacy of the testing, evaluate what the results represent, or recommend specific strategies to address the identified risks. As a result, it is impossible to determine whether the measures laid out in the January 23 statement, such as adding new soil, gravel, and a cement base in some areas, are adequate to protect people who live and work in the camp.

      In early September, large fires broke out inside the Moria camp, the Reception and Identification Center on Lesbos, which was housing 12,767 migrants, mostly women and children. Within days, the authorities constructed Mavrovouni and said they would construct a new permanent camp. Young children and women of reproductive age are most at risk for negative effects from lead exposure.

      In a meeting with Human Rights Watch on January 20, Minister for Migration and Asylum Notis Mitarachi said that he hoped that the residents of Mavrovouni would not spend another winter there, but did not specify when the new camp would be ready. Construction has yet to begin.

      Mavrovouni functioned as a military firing range from 1926 to mid-2020. Firing ranges are well recognized as sites with lead contamination because of bullets, shot, and casings that contain lead and end up in the ground. Lead in the soil from bullet residue can readily become airborne, especially under dry and windy conditions, which are often present on Lesbos. Lead is highly toxic when ingested or inhaled, particularly to children and anyone who is pregnant or lactating. The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that there is no known safe level of blood lead concentration. Lead degrades very slowly, so sites can remain dangerous for decades.

      After multiple representations by Human Rights Watch to various Greek authorities, the European Commission, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, and the WHO, the Greek government and the EU Commission commissioned the Hellenic Authority of Geology and Mineral Exploration to take 12 soil samples on November 24. According to the government, 11 soil samples showed lead levels “below the acceptable limits for lead in soil,” based on Dutch standards.

      The 12th sample, taken from what authorities described as an “administrative area” on the Mavrovouni hill, “at the end of the firing range,” showed elevated levels of lead above acceptable limits, but authorities did not reveal the concentration of lead in the soil. Mitarachi told Human Rights Watch that the area that showed lead levels above acceptable limits was fenced off, but residents and two aid workers said there were no fences inside the camp in that area or signs warning of a contaminated area. At least five aid organizations have offices in that area. An aid worker said residents, sometimes as many as 200 and including children, line up there for support and information. Younger children risk ingesting lead as they play or sit on contaminated ground.

      Human Rights Watch was unable to determine whether the government shared any information with humanitarian agencies about the testing results, but calls with agencies including UNHCR and the WHO indicated that they were not aware of them prior to the January 23 release. A staff member from one aid organization there said that at least one aid worker in the camp is currently pregnant, and 118 camp residents are pregnant, based on November government data.

      An environmental expert whom Human Rights Watch consulted said that, given the potential size of the affected area and the likelihood that elevated levels are the result of historic activity, the fact that one out of 12 samples in an area came back positive should trigger further testing.

      International law obligates countries to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to the highest attainable standard of health. The UN special rapporteur on human rights and the environment’s Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment, which interpret the right to a healthy environment, emphasize the need for “public access to environmental information by collecting and disseminating information and by providing affordable, effective and timely access to information to any person upon request.” The Aarhus Convention, to which Greece is a party, provides a right to receive environmental information held by public authorities.

      Greek authorities should immediately release the results and testing plan to the public, and take measures to mitigate the risk to the health of camp residents and workers, Human Rights Watch said. The authorities should ensure that residents and workers are informed about the results and measures to protect their health in languages they can understand. The authorities should also urgently undertake further testing and allow independent experts to comment on investigative work plans, audit the soil testing process, and collect split samples (a sample that is separated into at least two parts so that testing can be carried out at two or more seperate laboraties in order to confirm results) or carry out independent testing.

      The European Commission, which financially supports Greece to manage the camp and has staff stationed there, EU agencies, Frontex, and the European Asylum Support office, as well as United Nations agencies, UNHCR, UNICEF, the IOM and the WHO, should urge Greek authorities to make the detailed results and testing plan public, and push authorities to find alternative and safe housing solutions for those affected, including the option of moving them to the mainland. The European Commission, which was given the results and testing plan by the Greek government, should also make public the detailed information it received on the results and the methodology of the testing, to allow independent experts to comment on the risk to residents and workers in the camps.

      “Greece and its EU partners have a duty to make sure that people who live and work in the Mavrovouni camp are safe,” Wille said. “That requires transparency about the risks as well as urgent steps to mitigate them.”

      Additional Information

      In its January 23 statement and in its meeting with Human Rights Watch on January 20, the Greek government made several inaccurate claims regarding remediation and protection of residents. In its statement, the government claimed that after soil samples were taken on November 24, “while awaiting the results” it removed the tents directly on the firing range strip. But satellite imagery and residents’ and workers’ statements indicate that no tents were removed until between December 11 and 16, after the test results were received.

      Satellite imagery and aid organization mapping of the camp shows that by January 10, 79 tents remained on the firing range, with 58 more at the base of the hill. The residents in those tents may be at increased risk of coming into contact with contaminated soil, particularly when it rains. In addition, after some tents were removed, three migrants and two aid workers told Human Rights Watch that residents have been using the area for football and other recreation. Authorities have not fenced off the area or notified residents of the health risks.

      Since the site was tested, major construction work and heavy rains in the area mean that potentially contaminated soil from the hill and firing range area may have moved to other parts of the camp, which warrants further testing.

      Human Rights Watch received information from multiple sources that on January 18, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which runs two assistance programs in the camp, suspended its operations at its tent on the hill. In response to a Human Rights Watch query, IOM’s Chief of Mission in Greece confirmed that, “Following the announcements regarding lead detection outside the accommodation areas and while waiting for more information from the authorities, IOM staff has been advised to remain inside the residential area.”

      In an aid briefing on January 19, the sources said it was revealed that the decision was made because of elevated levels of lead found in the “blue zone” of the camp, an area that includes the firing range and the base of the hill where the IOM Helios tent is located, as well as other aid tents including that of Médecins du Monde (MdM), and the International Rescue Committee (IRC). IOM staff have yet to return to the camp, but aid workers still in the camp said there is still no fencing or signage around that area. According to the camp residents and two aid workers, and 24 photos and videos taken from inside Mavrovouni by the DunyaCollective, a media collective, since December, authorities have been moving large quantities of soil, including removing some from the hill behind the IOM Helios tent.

      On January 23, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders or MSF) issued a statement raising its concerns at the lack of appropriate government and EU action in the face of the testing results. On January 26, a group of 20 nongovernmental groups issued a joint statement calling on the Greek authorities to immediately evacuate camp residents and transfer them to appropriate structures on the mainland and elsewhere, such as hotel units.

      Aerial footage from January 14 shows tents still present in the part of the camp built on the former firing range at that date starting at around 02:00.


    • Greece: Lead Poisoning Concerns in New Migrant Camp

      Thousands of asylum seekers, aid workers, United Nations, and Greek and European Union employees may be at risk of lead poisoning in a new migrant camp that Greek authorities have built on a repurposed military firing range on the island of Lesbos, Human Rights Watch said today.

      Firing ranges are commonly contaminated with lead from munitions, nevertheless the authorities did not conduct comprehensive lead testing or soil remediation before moving migrants to the site in September 2020. Evidence collected by migrants moved to the site also indicated that authorities have also failed to clear all unexploded mortar projectiles and live small arms ammunition, which could injure or kill if disturbed or handled.

      “Putting thousands of migrant adults and children, along with aid workers, on top of a former firing range without taking the necessary steps to guarantee they would not be exposed to toxic lead is unconscionable,” said Belkis Wille, senior crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The Greek authorities should promptly conduct a comprehensive site assessment of soil lead levels and release the results.”

      In November and early December, Human Rights Watch interviewed four people living in the camp, two aid workers, one Greek migration ministry employee working in the camp, and four medical and environmental experts, and reviewed academic research on the risk of soil lead contamination at shooting ranges and medical research on the health risks of lead poisoning. Human Rights Watch did not have access to conduct on-site research, but analyzed photos and videos of the site and satellite imagery to confirm the firing range location.

      The Asylum and Migration Ministry began major construction work at the end of November at the site, called Mavrovouni camp, that could disturb any lead contaminated soil, further exposing residents and workers. The work to improve access to electricity and water and reduce the risk of flooding began despite warnings from Human Rights Watch of the potential of increased risk of lead poisoning.

      In early September, large fires broke out inside the Moria camp, the Reception and Identification Center on Lesbos that was housing 12,767 migrants, mostly women and child migrants. Within days, authorities constructed Mavrovouni (also known as new Kara Tepe) as a temporary camp and told people that they would begin construction of a new permanent camp for use by June 2021. According to the media, Migration and Asylum Minister Notis Mitarachi, has recently indicated the new camp will only be ready by Autumn 2021. Currently 7,517 people, mostly from Afghanistan and Syria, are staying at Mavrovouni, which started functioning as a military firing range in 1926 and was in use until the camp was constructed in September 2020, Mitarachi said.

      In response to letters from Human Rights Watch, Migration and Asylum Minister Notis Mitarachi stated in a November 19 letter that the camp had “no lead contamination,” but provided no evidence for the basis of that assertion. He said the government has agreed to conduct soil testing with the European Commission within one month, but has not revealed the nature of the testing, the areas to be tested, or the methodology. A Hellenic army representative called Human Rights Watch on December 1, stating his intention to respond to a letter received on November 4 from Human Rights Watch, raising urgent concerns. But no response has been received. On December 6, General Secretary for Asylum Seekers’ Reception Manos Logothetis, called Human Rights Watch to dispute the risk of lead contamination at the camp. He confirmed that no soil testing for lead had taken place prior to moving people to the camp, but said that authorities are awaiting the results of soil testing conducted recently in collaboration with the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME).

      “No one just shows up without a plan,” Dr. Gordon Binkhorst, vice president of global programs at Pure Earth, told Human Rights Watch. “Sharing of a well-founded work plan beforehand is key to transparency and ensuring confidence in the findings.” Greek authorities should allow independent experts to comment on investigative work plans, audit the soil testing process and collect split samples for independent testing.

      “The authorities should share documentation of work completed and a comprehensive site investigation work plan based on a review of the site history, contaminants of concern, a conceptual site model of how such contaminants are released to and migrated in the environment, and a comprehensive testing plan that evaluates the degree and extent of contamination in the environment, and potential exposure routes,” Dr. Binkhorst said.

      Firing ranges are well-recognized as sites with lead contamination because of bullets, shot, and casings that contain lead and end up in the ground. Lead in the soil from bullet residue can readily become airborne, especially under dry and windy conditions, which often exist on Lesbos. Lead is a heavy metal that is highly toxic to humans when ingested or inhaled, particularly by children and during pregnancy. It degrades very slowly, so sites can remain dangerous for decades.

      The World Health Organization maintains that there is no known safe level of lead exposure. Elevated levels can impair the body’s neurological, biological, and cognitive functions, leading to learning barriers or disabilities; behavioral problems; impaired growth; anemia; brain, liver, kidney, nerve, and stomach damage; coma and convulsions; and even death. Lead also increases the risk of miscarriage and can be transmitted through both the placenta and breast milk.

      Small children and women of reproductive age are at particular risk. According to Greek authorities, on November 19, 2,552 out of 7,517 people in the camp were children, 997 of them under age 5, and 1,668 were women – 118 of whom have said they are five or more months pregnant.Camp residents shared 17 photographs of items they said they had found in the ground around their tents, including an intact 60mm mortar projectile and a tail fin assembly for another 60mm mortar projectile, cartridge casings for rifle bullets, fired 12-gauge shotgun cartridges, and live pistol, rifle, machine gun, and shotgun ammunition. Intact munitions, such as 60mm mortar projectiles and small arms ammunition, pose an immediate explosive hazard and should be removed urgently from the area.

      “We try to stop our children from going to play up the hill because we know there might be bullets and other things the army didn’t clear that could be dangerous,” one camp resident said. Munitions containing lead can be extremely dangerous when swallowed by children or contaminate the soil, a medical expert told Human Rights Watch.

      The authorities should conduct a thorough and transparent assessment of lead levels in the soil and dust, as well as other possible pathways to exposure, and make the results publicly available. Any work that might increase exposure should be paused until after the soil has been tested or until people have been removed from the camp and housed in adequate facilities, Human Rights Watch said. If lead is present in the soil, authorities should provide free blood testing and treatment for camp residents, aid workers, police, and others who might have been exposed, prioritizing young children and women of reproductive age, and immediately move exposed residents to a safe location and remediate the contaminated areas.

      “The Greek government could be putting at risk families with young children, aid workers, and its own employees because it’s determined to hold asylum seekers on the island,” Wille said. “If this is where the government is trying to force asylum seekers to live on Lesbos, then all the more reason to transfer people to the mainland.”

      Tents on a Firing Range

      The Mavrovouni site sits on a large plot of military-owned land, some of which was used as a military firing range since 1926. The Asylum and Migration Ministry said that it covered the site with “new levels of soil” before the camp was opened.

      Human Rights Watch reviewed satellite imagery from before and after construction began on the camp on September 11, 2020. Imagery from before shows a firing range on part of the site next to Mavrovouni Hill. By September 28, more than 200 tents had been set up directly on the former firing range itself, with more tents on adjacent areas.

      Satellite imagery from June, before Moria camp was destroyed by fire, shows some basic clearance of vegetation cover within a rectangular strip that included the firing range, as well as a small section at the base of Mavrovouni Hill. From the imagery, it is impossible to determine the depth of the soil removal and whether the remediation of lead impacted soil was completed in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines, or if it was just a superficial scraping of topsoil.

      Human Rights Watch was unable to determine what soil removal activities took place between June and September, when the camp opened, or of other activities to decontaminate the ground or where soil removed was disposed of. Given the speed of camp construction, it is very unlikely that authorities could have carried out remediation of lead-impacted soil before setting up the tents. Greek authorities have indicated that new soil was placed prior to construction of the camp, with no location indicated.

      Satellite imagery analysis, combined with a review of photos and videos of the firing range that were posted online in the spring, shows that the military was shooting from the southwest toward targets in the northeast, at the foot of Mavrovouni Hill. This suggests that soil on the hillside might also be contaminated by lead.

      Imagery recorded between September 14 and 16, shows at least 300 tents just south of the hill without any prior signs of soil clearance, with another at least 170 added in the following days. Imagery from late November shows further ground preparation southeast of the hill, and the construction of four large structures.

      Medical and environmental experts interviewed said it was risky to conduct further work in the camp without first conducting soil samples. “Disturbing this area will mobilize the lead in the soil and make it more vulnerable to dispersion from periodic rainfall, flooding, and wind erosion,” said Jack Caravanos, professor of global environmental health at New York University. Dr. Caravanos has visited and assessed dozens of lead-contaminated sites throughout the world and expressed dismay over how this site was chosen without proper environmental investigation.

      A European Commission official who is involved in migration policy with Greece said that the Greek Defense Ministry claimed that “no pieces of lead were observed on the ground” during construction or other work. Because lead dust is usually not visible, this claim raises concerns about the seriousness of the Greek government’s assessment.

      A source close to the police said that the government had considered turning the firing range into a camp site as early as 2015. At the time, authorities rejected the proposal for several reasons, the source said, including because it had been a firing range. It is unclear why the government ignored these concerns in 2020. A migration ministry employee working on the camp who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that in September, before Mavrovouni was selected, the government met with a few larger nongovernmental organizations, and discussed at least two or three alternative locations.

      Lead Contamination

      In his letter to Human Rights Watch, Minister Mitarachi said that the range had only been used for “small arms (straight trajectory), commonly only bullets, and not for other types of ammunition.” This ammunition, he said, “according to the Greek Army, contains no lead.” He added that the army had searched the camp for munitions prior to opening, and again 20 days later, and “reported no findings.”In contrast to these claims, bullets used for rifles, pistols, and machine guns as well as shot used by shotguns usually contain lead, which is used in bullets for its density and penetrating ability. Research at firing ranges has found that the discharge of lead dust from shooting results in soil contamination. Research has shown that elevated blood lead levels are commonly found in users of these sites, even among those who use them for limited amounts of time for recreational purposes.

      The large amount of fired small arms casings and cartridges found at the camp indicates an equally large number of bullets and shot might be buried beneath the ground where they landed. Other areas near the firing range may have been affected, including from relocation of soil associated with the construction of the camp or historic clearing of soils and munitions from the firing range. Thus, it is likely that any soil contamination extends beyond the firing range. Greek authorities provided no documentation for their claim that all the munitions used at the firing range were lead-free. This claim is highly questionable, given that lead-free bullets are expensive and very rare, particularly prior to the 1980s. Some bullets have an external metal-alloy coating that may make them appear to be lead-free, but the coating disintegrates relatively quickly when the bullet enters the soil, and the lead core becomes exposed. In addition, the photographic evidence from camp residents does not appear to support this contention.

      Camp residents shared with Human Rights Watch five photographs, one dated September 20, and two videos of the Hellenic Army’s Land Mine Clearance Squad carrying out clearance activities without any protective equipment and disregarding distancing between them and camp residents needed for safe ammunition clearance activities.

      The migration ministry employee working in the camp who spoke on the condition of anonymity said she remembered clearance operations taking place around that date: “There were soldiers who had this machine to detect metal walking amongst us. They were so close that we had to pick up our feet from the ground so they could check right under us.” A government employee’s union made a formal complaint about general working conditions at the camp, including their concerns around these clearance activities.

      In addition to camp residents, anyone working inside the camp could also face potential lead exposure from spending time in the camp if the soil is contaminated. Residents, aid workers, and the migration ministry employee said that these include staff from the Hellenic police, Hellenic army, municipality, First Reception Service, Asylum Service, National Public Health Organization (EODY), European Commission, European Asylum Support Office (EASO), European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), Europol, IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, World Health Organization, Red Cross, and at least eight other medical and aid groups.

      Risks of Lead Poisoning for At-risk Groups

      Symptoms of lead poisoning are often not diagnosed as such but its adverse health effects can be irreversible. The severity of symptoms increases with prolonged exposure. Globally, lead exposure is estimated to account for up to one million deaths annually, with the highest burden in low- and middle-income countries. Poor and disadvantaged populations are more vulnerable because undernourishment increases the amount of ingested lead the body absorbs.

      Children are especially at risk because they absorb four to five times as much lead as adults, and their brains and bodies are still developing. In addition, small children often put their hands in their mouths or play on the ground, which increases their likelihood of ingesting or inhaling lead in dust and dirt. Exposure during pregnancy can result in stillbirth, miscarriage, and low birth weight, and can negatively affect fetal brain development. At least 118 pregnant women and 2,552 children are at the site, according to government data.

      Mohammed Hafida, a camp resident with three young children whose wife is pregnant, said that when they first moved to the camp it was particularly dusty. “When cars drove past the tents there was dust everywhere,” he said. “That only went away once the rain set in two weeks later. But the camp is on a hill, and so when it rained for several hours, many of the tents collapsed. This isn’t a camp, it’s a hell.”

      People living in the camp said that for the first few weeks, they had been sleeping on blankets and mattresses on the dusty ground, but more recently aid workers had added flooring to the tents. Even as rainfall increased, residents reported that dust would still enter the tents including in the cooking areas. Camp residents said they have to clean dust out of their tents multiple times a day because cars are driving on adjacent gravel roads. Children often play in the dusty area by the roads. A medical expert said that small children at the camp are at very serious risk for as long as they are exposed to dust that could be contaminated.

      Camp authorities did not inform residents that there could be a risk of lead exposure at the site. Medical and environmental experts said that given the known risks of lead exposure at firing ranges, comprehensive soil testing should have been carried out before even considering it as a possible location for the camp. They warned of specific risks of lead poisoning for small children who are most at risk. “Remediation can be very difficult,” said Caravanos, the NYU professor of global environmental health. “I can’t imagine that you could make it safe without removing everyone if lead was found in the soil.”

      On November 17, Human Rights Watch was notified about significant planned construction work, which the Asylum and Migration Ministry confirmed in a letter dated November 19. On November 26, Human Rights Watch sent a letter with detailed findings to the Greek Ministries of Asylum and Migration and Defense, which it also shared with EU officials and representatives from UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, and the World Health Organization, saying that these actions risk further exposing residents and construction workers to any potentially lead-contaminated dust and soil. Despite these warnings, on November 30, residents of the camp informed researchers that large construction was underway, including on top of Mavrovouni hill.

      The authorities should have been aware of the amount of dust construction causes at the site. During the construction of the camp in September, the migration ministry employee said, workers had been moving around lots of soil to make room for the camp structure and “There was a lot of dust everywhere for days. I kept finding dust and even little pebbles in my ears at that time.”

      Unsatisfactory Clearance Operation

      Three people interviewed in November said that the authorities forced them to move to the camp after the fires in Moria camp by threatening that the government would stop their asylum claims if they refused. All three have found and provided Human Rights Watch with photographs of munition remnants since moving to Mavrovouni in September. They all said that after moving to the site, they saw the Greek military conduct clearance operations without protective gear, and they shared videos of those operations with Human Rights Watch.

      In the videos and photographs, the camp tents and migrants are clearly visible, confirming that some clearance activities took place after people were already living there. A Syrian man whose wife is nine-months pregnant with their first child said that, after they had moved into the camp, he saw the military find and remove at least one cartridge casing. Another camp resident said that since arriving, he has found many bullets on the ground but the “authorities haven’t told us what to do if we find them, or other kinds of munitions.”

      Access to Health Care

      Two medical staff from a team providing health care in Mavrovouni camp said on November 10 that, since arriving at the camp in October, they had not heard anything about possible lead exposure. Both said that the camp had “decent” health care services considering that it was a temporary camp, but that the laboratory inside the camp does not have the capacity to perform blood tests for lead levels. Both said that because of the nature of the symptoms of lead poisoning, which are also symptoms of other illnesses, it would be extremely difficult to diagnose potential cases without blood tests.

      Both medical staff and a doctor who had worked previously at the camp said it was very difficult for camp residents to visit the hospital due to movement restrictions related to Covid-19.

      Parallels to Kosovo Incident

      This is not the first time that people living in a camp are put at risk of lead poisoning. For more than a decade following the end of the war in Kosovo in 1999, about 600 Roma, Ashkali, and Balkan Egyptian minority members lived in camps for displaced people operated by the UN. The camps sat on land contaminated by lead from a nearby industrial mine. In 2016, a United Nations human rights advisory panel found that the UN mission in Kosovo (the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, UNMIK) had violated the affected people’s rights to life and health. Human Rights Watch documented that camp residents experienced lasting health impacts and are still awaiting compensation and health and educational support for themselves and their families, seven years after the last camp was closed in 2013.

      International Legal Obligations

      International law obligates states to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to the highest attainable standard of health. The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which monitors governments’ compliance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in its General Comment 14 on the right to health, has interpreted the covenant to include:

      [T]he requirement to […] the prevention and reduction of the population’s exposure to harmful substances such as radiation and harmful chemicals or other detrimental environmental conditions that directly or indirectly impact upon human health.

      The right to health encompasses the right to healthy natural environments. The right to a healthy environment, which is also enshrined in the Greek constitution, involves the obligation to “prevent threats to health from unsafe and toxic water conditions.”

      The United Nations special rapporteur on human rights and the environment’s Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment, which interpret the right to a healthy environment, emphasize the need for “public access to environmental information by collecting and disseminating information and by providing affordable, effective and timely access to information to any person upon request.” The Committee on the Rights of the Child, the treaty body that monitors compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child to which Greece is a party, when describing the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, calls on states to take appropriate measures “to combat disease and malnutrition … taking into consideration the dangers and risks of environmental pollution.”

      Responsibilities of the Greek Parliament and European Union

      Members of the Greek parliament should pay attention to the concerns that there may be lead contamination at Mavrovouni camp and assess the Greek government’s compliance with its obligations under national, European, and international law to realize the rights to health and healthy environment. They could hold a hearing or establish an inquiry to establish which government employees were involved in approving the site, the extent to which they knew or should have known about the risk of lead contamination, why they decided to move people to the site without first conducting comprehensive soil testing, and why, despite multiple concerns about lead contamination raised after the camp was opened, the authorities greenlighted construction work without first conducting comprehensive soil testing. They should take appropriate action to ensure accountability if merited.

      The European Commission, which financially supports Greece to manage the camp and has staff stationed there, as well as EU agencies, Frontex, and EASO, should urge Greek authorities to comprehensively test for lead and make the testing plan and results public.

      Human Rights Watch and other nongovernmental groups have long warned European leaders about the dire conditions in island camps, also known as hotspots. These have been exacerbated by Greek authorities’ containment policy, which has blocked transfers to the mainland. For years, residents were crammed into overcrowded, inadequate tents, with limited access to food, water, sanitation, and health care, including during the pandemic and despite the risk of Covid-19. The EU and Greece should fundamentally reconsider their hotspot approach on the Greek Islands and end policies that lead to the containment of thousands of migrants and asylum seekers in unsuitable, and in this case potentially hazardous, facilities.


      #pollution #contamination #plomb #Saturnisme #HRW #rapport

    • HRW calls for transparency over lead contamination at Lesvos migrant camp

      Greek authorities should release test results and other vital information about lead contamination at the Kara Tepe migrant camp on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos to protect the health of residents and workers, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Wednesday.

      After testing soil samples in November, authorities earlier this month confirmed dangerous levels of lead in the soil in the administrative area of the facility, also known as Mavrovouni, which was built on a repurposed military firing range. They said that samples from residential areas showed lead levels below relevant standards but did not release the locations where samples were collected or the actual test results, the New York-based organization said.

      HRW said that officials have yet to indicate that they will take the necessary steps to adequately assess and mitigate the risk, including comprehensive testing and measures to remove people from areas that could be contaminated.

      “The Greek government knowingly built a migrant camp on a firing range and then turned a blind eye to the potential health risks for residents and workers there,” said Belkis Wille, senior crisis and conflict researcher at HRW.

      “After weeks of prodding, it took soil samples to test for lead contamination while denying that a risk of lead exposure existed. It did not make the results public for over seven weeks, and has yet to allow independent experts to analyze them or vow to take the necessary steps to protect residents and workers and inform them about the potential health risks,” she said.

      According to a report published by HRW in December, thousands of asylum seekers, aid workers, and United Nations, Greek, and European Union employees may be at risk of lead poisoning.

      The Kara Tepe facility currently houses 6,500 people.

      “Greece and its EU partners have a duty to make sure that people who live and work in the Mavrovouni camp are safe,” Wille said.

      “That requires transparency about the risks as well as urgent steps to mitigate them,” she said.


  • Le «#navi_bianche», quando i profughi dall’Africa erano italiani

    «Donne smunte, lacerate accaldate, affrante dalle fatiche, scosse dalle emozioni… Bimbi sparuti che le lunghe privazioni e l’ardore del clima hanno immiserito e stremato fino al limite». Si presentavano così i coloni dell’ormai “ex Impero” agli occhi di #Zeno_Garroni, regio commissario della missione speciale che avrebbe rimpatriato 28mila tra donne, anziani, bambini e ragazzi sotto 15 anni dall’Etiopia, dall’Eritrea e dalla Somalia, paesi di quell’Africa orientale italiana facilmente conquistata all’inizio del 1941 dalle truppe britanniche. Un’ondata di profughi “bianchi” che ricevette un’accoglienza diversa da quella destinata oggi ai naufraghi ma che, come loro, si lasciavano alle spalle la esperienza drammatica della prigionia nei campi alleati.

    Alla missione umanitaria si arrivò dopo una lunga trattativa tra il governo britannico e quello italiano. Furono allestite quattro navi (“Saturnia”, “Vulcania”, “Caio Duilio” e “Giulio Cesare”), dipinte di bianco con grandi croci rosse, alle quali fu imposto il periplo dell’Africa, dal momento che non fu permesso loro di passare attraverso il canale di Suez. Il viaggio, così, diventava molto lungo: circa cinquanta giorni. E pericoloso: la prima spedizione salpò nell’aprile del 1942 da Genova e Trieste, la terza e ultima attraccò a Taranto nell’agosto del 1943. Tutto in piena guerra, quella che si combatteva anche lungo le rotte e i porti del Mediterraneo.

    «Costretti ad abbandonare case e averi, concentrati dai britannici in campi provvisori e da lì inviati a Berbera direttamente per l’imbarco - scrive lo storico Emanuele Ertola che alla vicenda delle “navi bianche” ha dedicato un saggio - affaticati e storditi dopo un lungo viaggio attraverso l’Etiopia in treno e camionetta, i rimpatrianti dovevano quindi sopportare la lunga attesa per salire a bordo». Qui venivano subito assistiti dal personale sanitario (c’erano medici e infermieri) ma affrontavano da subito il problema del sovraffollamento. Durante l’imbarco e il viaggio - soprattutto della prima spedizione - molti bambini, già provati e sofferenti per vita nei campi di concentramento britannici e sfiancati dalle condizioni climatiche, morirono. «Ricordo benissimo, giorno per giorno, la vita a bordo, che è durata circa un mese e mezzo - racconta una testimone, Maria Gabriella Ripa di Meana, citata nel libro di Massimo Zamorani Dalle navi bianche alla linea gotica (Mursia), inviato del Giornale di Indro Montanelli che era uno dei tanti bambini italiani d’Africa -. Ricordo i bambini più piccoli che morivano per infezione diarroica; ricordo l’epidemia di tosse convulsa che imperversava tra i bambini più grandi. Ricordo la madre disperata che aveva assistito alla fine del suo piccolo; ricordo che le donne in stato di gravidanza erano terrorizzate e ricordo che non c’erano più letti disponibili nell’infermeria strapiena».

    Ma oltre che umanitaria, nelle intenzioni del governo fascista, quella delle “navi bianche” doveva essere anche una missione politica. Aveva lo scopo di preparare i profughi che avevano vissuto nelle colonie al reinserimento nella vita della madrepatria e a “rieducarli” ai principi «della gerarchia e dei valori sociali » soprattutto dopo il periodo di prigionia nei campi britannici. Tra i “ragazzi d’Africa” c’era anche il futuro fumettista Hugo Pratt, all’epoca del rientro appena quindicenne. Come altri suoi coetanei si arruolò volontario appena compiuti diciotto anni, convinto che quella della fedeltà al regime fosse l’unica scelta possibile. Tra i bambini sopravvissuti c’era anche Luciano Violante (è nato a Dire Daua nel 1941) che, magistrato e politico ex comunista, molti anni dopo nel suo discorso di insediamento da presidente della Camera invitò a riflettere sui «vinti di ieri» per capire «senza revisionismi falsificanti» anche chi si schierò «dalla parte di Salò».

    #réfugiés #réfugiés_italiens #décolonisation #Afrique #Corne_d'Afrique #Ethiopie #Erythrée #Somalie #navires #Saturnia #Vulcania #Caio_Duilio #Giulio_Cesare #Berbera #colonialisme #camps_de_concentration #réinsertion #rééducation #Hugo_Pratt

    • The World Refugees Made. Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy

      In The World Refugees Made, #Pamela_Ballinger explores Italy’s remaking in light of the loss of a wide range of territorial possessions—colonies, protectorates, and provinces—in Africa and the Balkans, the repatriation of Italian nationals from those territories, and the integration of these “national refugees” into a country devastated by war and overwhelmed by foreign displaced persons from Eastern Europe. Post-World War II Italy served as an important laboratory, in which categories differentiating foreign refugees (who had crossed national boundaries) from national refugees (those who presumably did not) were debated, refined, and consolidated. Such distinctions resonated far beyond that particular historical moment, informing legal frameworks that remain in place today. Offering an alternative genealogy of the postwar international refugee regime, Ballinger focuses on the consequences of one of its key omissions: the ineligibility from international refugee status of those migrants who became classified as national refugees.

      The presence of displaced persons also posed the complex question of who belonged, culturally and legally, in an Italy that was territorially and politically reconfigured by decolonization. The process of demarcating types of refugees thus represented a critical moment for Italy, one that endorsed an ethnic conception of identity that citizenship laws made explicit. Such an understanding of identity remains salient, as Italians still invoke language and race as bases of belonging in the face of mass immigration and ongoing refugee emergencies. Ballinger’s analysis of the postwar international refugee regime and Italian decolonization illuminates the study of human rights history, humanitarianism, postwar reconstruction, fascism and its aftermaths, and modern Italian history.

      #livre #rapatriement #nationalisme #identité #citoyenneté


      Et un autre mot...

      Post-World War II Italy served as an important laboratory, in which categories differentiating #foreign_refugees (who had crossed national boundaries) from #national_refugees (those who presumably did not) were debated, refined, and consolidated.

      #terminologie #vocabulaire #mots
      –-> ajouté à la métaliste: https://seenthis.net/messages/414225
      ping @sinehebdo

    • Dalle navi bianche alla Linea Gotica

      Tra il 1941 e il 1943 quattro transatlantici della Marina mercantile italiana – Saturnia, Vulcania, Giulio Cesare e Caio Duilio – furono appositamente trasformati nelle cosiddette Navi Bianche per riportare in patria dall’Africa Orientale Italiana 30.000 civili prelevati dalle loro case dopo l’occupazione del 1941 e rinchiusi nei campi di concentramento britannici: donne, anziani, invalidi e tantissimi bambini.

      Tra questi c’era anche #Massimo_Zamorani, che racconta il viaggio epico vissuto in prima persona, a quindici anni, attraverso mari invasi dai sommergibili in guerra. Dopo mesi nei campi di prigionia trascorsi in proibitive condizioni climatiche, igieniche, alimentari e sanitarie, i rimpatriandi si trovarono ad affrontare un percorso lunghissimo e difficile di circumnavigazione dell’Africa, poiché il governo britannico non aveva concesso il passaggio dal Canale di Suez.

      Come altri giovani rimpatriati – fra questi anche l’allora sconosciuto Hugo Pratt, futuro creatore di Corto Maltese – appena compiuti gli anni minimi Zamorani si arruolò volontario nell’esercito della Repubblica Sociale e combatté sulla Linea Gotica dove, dato disperso in combattimento, finì ancora una volta prigioniero in Algeria e poi a Taranto.

      Un episodio poco noto della Seconda guerra mondiale nella straordinaria testimonianza di un piccolo sopravvissuto che tornerà da grande in Africa orientale, come inviato speciale.


    • Navi bianche. Missione di pace in tempo di guerra

      Erano le unità ospedaliere della nostra flotta. Navigavano protette dalle convenzioni internazionali, ma alcune ugualmente colarono a picco per siluramento, mine, mitragliatrici. Il racconto di questa grandiosa impresa poco conosciuta nei suoi moventi e nella sua esecuzione ma pervasa da un alto senso di umanità, densa di drammaticità e contessuta di episodi molto interessanti, anche dal punto di vista storico, si presenta molto complesso. Le missioni furono tre: dal marzo al giugno 1942; dal settembre 1942 al gennaio 1943; dal maggio all’agosto del 1943; compiute con 4 grandi piroscafi: Vulcania, Saturnia, Duilio e Giulio Cesare.


  • Lewis Carroll, un photographe avant tout

    (...) Mais son penchant pour les portraits d’enfants, qu’il a fait poser nus à plusieurs reprises, conduit certains critiques à le soupçonner de #pédophilie.

    Des accusations récemment réfutées par Edward Wakeling, ancien président de la #Lewis_Carroll Society, fondée en 1968 afin de promouvoir la vie et les œuvres de #Charles_Dodgson et encourager la recherche à son sujet. Wakeling semble savoir de quoi il parle, puisqu’il s’est lancé, il y a plus de 20 ans, dans le projet de récolter les photographies de l’auteur afin de les compiler dans un livre. Il n’a trouvé que 30 photographies de nus, soit 1 % de la production totale de Charles Dodgson.

    « L’autorisation avait été donnée par les parents, et, dans certains cas, ce sont les parents qui en avaient fait la demande. Dodgson a donné les négatifs aux parents et a conservé un tirage unique pour lui-même, dont il a demandé à ses exécuteurs testamentaires leur destruction à sa mort... Le nombre total de familles impliquées ne dépassait pas huit. Dans son esprit, [Dodgson] voyait la nudité d’un enfant comme étant quelque chose de sacré, une innocente beauté dans un esprit de révérence. Il n’était d’ailleurs pas le seul à avoir ce point de vue ; nombreux Victoriens partageaient cette opinion. Les enfants étaient vus comme angéliques. De plus, le taux de mortalité infantile étant élevée, cela a poussé de nombreux parents à vouloir une image permanente de leur enfant », explique Edward Wakeling.

    tout est parfait dans cet article, le titre, le paragraphe entier pour la défense, contre une phrase pour l’accusation, le petit pourcentage qui va bien, et cerise sur le gâteau, le bon vieux sacré de-à-l’époque ! Matzneff parle de ses actes comme d’une expérience sacrée, aussi, un peu moins de cents ans plus tard. Quel drôle de hasard. #culture_du_viol

    Je tenterais bien #saturnisme


    mais c’est déjà pris.

  • La Domination et les arts de la résistance

    Franz Himmelbauer


    James C. Scott
    La Domination et les arts de la résistance. Fragments du discours subalterne

    C’est assurément un « maître livre », comme l’écrit Ludivine Bantigny dans sa préface. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il apporte un nouvel éclairage sur les rapports de domination. À propos de ces derniers, nous nous satisfaisons trop souvent d’une alternative binaire quelque peu simpliste : soit il y a de la domination « pure et dure », et une soumission tout aussi pure — et molle — des dominé·e·s (on pense à l’esclavage ou à d’autres situations de tyrannie, dont le patriarcat, par exemple), soit il y a aussi domination, mais avec le « consentement », en quelque sorte, des dominé·e·s — et c’est le motif de la « servitude volontaire ». Vous aurez déjà compris en lisant ces premières lignes que James C. Scott n’accepte ni l’un ni l’autre terme de l’alternative (une de ces alternatives « infernales » que dénonce la philosophe Isabelle Stengers comme l’un des sortilèges du capitalisme).

    Scott nous dit que ces rapports de domination sont des rapports dynamiques, qu’ils ne sont jamais figés. Entre dominants et dominés passe une ligne de front sans cesse mouvante et dont on peut sinon mesurer, du moins appréhender les mouvements à travers ce qu’il nomme « texte caché » et « texte public ». (...)

    #James_Scott #domination #résistance #discours_subalterne #masses #saturnales #stratagèmes #infrapolitique #zapatistes #ronds-points

  • Dans les Yvelines, la #pollution des sols au plomb menace la santé des enfants

    pendant plus d’un siècle, la plaine de « Triel-Carrières », tout comme celle d’Achères (#Yvelines) et de Pierrelaye (Val-d’Oise), ont accueilli les eaux usées de la capitale toute proche. À partir de 1895, elles ont servi d’égout géant à Paris, d’abord sans retraitement des eaux jusqu’en 1995 puis avec un retraitement partiel jusqu’en 2006, quand l’activité s’est définitivement arrêtée. Mais le #sol des trois plaines conserve de ces 111 ans d’épandage une marque indélébile. Il est gravement pollué par un cocktail de métaux lourds : mercure, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, manganèse, cuivre ou encore #plomb. Cette dernière substance inquiète particulièrement car elle fait planer sur la population avoisinante le spectre du #saturnisme.

  • Combien de temps dure une journée sur #Saturne ? Ce mystère était caché dans ses anneaux - Sciences - Numerama

    Une journée est bien plus courte sur Saturne que sur la Terre. Des astrophysiciens ont enfin levé le voile sur ce mystère de la géante gazeuse. La réponse se trouvait dans les anneaux de l’astre.

    Les chercheurs, qui représentent le département d’#astronomie et d’#astrophysique de l’université de Californie à Santa Cruz ainsi que l’Ames Research Center, ont raconté comment ils ont découvert ceci : un jour sur Saturne dure 10 heures, 33 minutes et 38 secondes. Leurs travaux ont été publiés dans The Astrophysical Journal le 17 janvier 2019.

  • Quand l’#habitat #indigne menace la #santé

    Près de Paris, Fabrice, sa femme et leurs enfants vivent à cinq dans une seule pièce de 15m2. Ils paient à leur propriétaire 510 euros de loyer non déclaré. Un loyer élevé pour un appartement en mauvais état... A cause de l’humidité, des #poussières_de_plomb se dégagent des #peintures abîmées. Mais la famille n’a pas d’autre solution : son seul #revenu, c’est le #salaire d’agent d’entretien de la mère.

    La famille vit dans cette atmosphère #toxique depuis cinq ans. Mais le propriétaire refuse de mettre son logement aux normes, et se contente d’un coup de peinture de temps en temps. « Ils ont remis de la fibre par-dessus », explique Fabrice. « Ils ont repeint et, comme il y a des bulles, ça ne tient pas. Le plomb est juste derrière, donc c’est comme s’ils n’avaient rien fait du tout. Là, ça s’écroule de partout. Il n’y a rien qui tient », poursuit-il.

    L’intoxication par le #plomb engendre le #saturnisme, une #maladie qui touche essentiellement les #enfants. Lorsqu’un médecin a proposé de faire un examen poussé pour Sabrina, Sam et Yanis, le petit dernier de 20 mois, Fabrice a tout de suite accepté : « C’est là qu’on a su qu’ils avaient du plomb dans le sang. Le plus atteint, c’est Yanis, qui a 114 microgrammes par litre de sang. » C’est plus de deux fois le taux autorisé en #France.

    La Dre Mady Denantes connaît beaucoup de familles #pauvres concernées par le saturnisme. « Quand un enfant avale du plomb, ce plomb passe dans le sang. Après, il va dans le cerveau et l’intoxique. Ces enfants sont en danger. Leur cerveau est en danger. Leur développement psychomoteur sera moins bon », alerte-t-elle.

    Le saturnisme n’est pas le seul risque. A cause de l’humidité, les personnes mal-logées sont plus sujettes aux #maladies respiratoires et infectieuses. On remarque également qu’il y a beaucoup d’#accidents domestiques dans les #logements surpeuplés.

  • Tests Showed Children Were Exposed to Lead. The Official Response: Challenge the Tests

    Within two weeks, a city health inspector visited the two Brooklyn public housing apartments where Mikaila spent her time — her mother’s in the Tompkins Houses; her grandmother’s in the Gowanus Houses — to look for the source of the lead exposure, records show. The inspector, wielding a hand-held device that can detect lead through multiple layers of paint, found the dangerous heavy metal in both homes. The Health Department ordered the Housing Authority to fix the problems.

    The discovery spurred the Housing Authority to action: It challenged the results.

    Rather than remove or cover the lead, the Housing Authority dispatched its own inspector who used a different test, documents show. The agency insisted that however Mikaila was poisoned, there was no lead in her apartments.

    #plomb #saturnisme

  • Lead Detected In 20% Of Baby Food Samples, Surprising Even Researchers | Kaiser Health News

    Jusqu’à 89% des jus de fruits pour bébés.

    This surprised Tom Neltner, Environmental Defense Fund’s chemicals policy director, who has spent 20 years researching and working to reduce lead exposures. His further analysis of the EPA report was that food is the major source of lead exposure in two-thirds of toddlers.

    This spurred the organization to examine data from the FDA’s Total Diet Study for specific sources of exposure for kids.

    In the resulting report, released Thursday, Neltner found that the baby food versions of apple juice, grape juice and carrots had detectable lead more often than the regular versions. Researchers could determine how frequently contamination occurred, but not at what levels.

    #plomb #saturnisme #santé #alimentation #enfants #Etats-Unis #FDA

  • La tragédie de Bourg-Fidèle, par Denise Schneider

    Bien avant que le vocable de « lanceur d’alerte » ne défraie la chronique, les habitants d’une région rurale des Ardennes ont été littéralement décimés par les rejets toxiques d’un complexe industriel, l’usine de Métal-Blanc, qui restera dans les mémoires comme le vecteur de l’une des plus épouvantables catastrophes environnementales survenues en France. Témoignage de Denise Schneider, présidente de l’association qui mena le combat, qui se poursuit encore aujourd’hui. En mémoire des victimes. Contre l’oubli. (...)

    • Michel a été le premier. Depuis 1985, il est frappé d’un #saturnisme #professionnel, non indemnisé, depuis des années. Pourtant ce saturnisme a entraîné « une lésion néphrologique irréversible, avec une IPP à 50 % ». Le professeur Chanard de Reims l’a dûment écrit.

      Sussu a été contaminé dans le ventre de sa mère, selon notre toxicologue allemand. L’enfant ne parlait pas à deux ans et demi, quand le résultat d’une première analyse de la DDASS est tombé. Le petit avait près du double de la norme de #cadmium dans ses urines. Il ne savait prononcer qu’ un seul mot, à trois ans :

      – « Bobo ».

      C’était une plainte inquiétante, le visage de l’enfant rongé de cernes rougeâtres, d’une pâleur mortelle, d’une maigreur diaphane. Sussu désignait ses reins, et le bout de ses doigts. Je comprenais qu’il avait un symptôme similaire au mien : le bout des doigts, atteint de fourmillements, comme électrifié. Et les reins ! Le cadmium s’y incruste pour les détruire durant des décennies !

      Les technocrates de la préfecture, frappés de surdité et cécité administrative, avaient fini par renier leurs propres résultats d’analyses, prétextant une erreur pour le cadmium de Sulyvann ! Un cas unique, on n’en fait aucun cas, dans l’administration.

      Ce cas est loin d’être unique, sur le site du bourg, et autres sites similaires... La #DDASS se contente, dans des cas de #contaminations collectives comme le nôtre, de faire des prélèvements de sang, ou d’urine, sur une #population donnée, toujours uniquement infantile. Le moment des prélèvements est choisi à l’aveugle, alors qu’un pic dans l’air serait plus révélateur.

      Selon de vagues écrits sans lendemain, les femmes enceintes, autres sujets sensibles, devraient d’abord enquêter sur leurs teneurs de plomb, avant un « projet de grossesse ». Ce projet n’est pas toujours programmé, et le plomb loin d’être le seul métal lourd en cause.

      Les symptômes, les lésions... sont des éléments simplement éludés, voire niés par la DDASS, et finalement par l’Institut de Veille Sanitaire.

      Ainsi fonctionnent nos organismes de #santé publique, en France. Les symptômes sont désuets, seuls comptent les chiffres.

      #pollution #empoisonnement

  • How companies make millions off lead-poisoned, poor blacks - The Washington Post


    BALTIMORE — The letter arrived in April, a mishmash of strange numbers and words. This at first did not alarm Rose. Most letters are that way for her — frustrating puzzles she can’t solve. Rose, who can scarcely read or write, calls herself a “lead kid.” Her childhood home, where lead paint chips blanketed her bedsheets like snowflakes, “affected me really bad,” she says. “In everything I do.”

    #pauvreté #richesse #états-unis #racisme

  • The Rose

    The spinning vortex of Saturn’s north polar storm resembles a deep red rose of giant proportions surrounded by green foliage in this false-color image from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. Measurements have sized the eye at a staggering 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) across with cloud speeds as fast as 330 miles per hour (150 meters per second).

    This image is among the first sunlit views of Saturn’s north pole captured by Cassini’s imaging cameras. When the spacecraft arrived in the Saturnian system in 2004, it was northern winter and the north pole was in darkness. Saturn’s north pole was last imaged under sunlight by NASA’s Voyager 2 in 1981; however, the observation geometry did not allow for detailed views of the poles. Consequently, it is not known how long this newly discovered north-polar hurricane has been active.

    The images were taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Nov. 27, 2012, using a combination of spectral filters sensitive to wavelengths of near-infrared light. The images filtered at 890 nanometers are projected as blue. The images filtered at 728 nanometers are projected as green, and images filtered at 752 nanometers are projected as red. In this scheme, red indicates low clouds and green indicates high ones.

    The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 261,000 miles (419,000 kilometers) from Saturn and at a sun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 94 degrees. Image scale is 1 mile (2 kilometers) per pixel. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.


  • “2312” - Kim Stanley Robinson

    Most stories about space exploration imagine starships zipping between alien worlds, but 2312 is set firmly in our solar system. Yet the novel shows that a single solar system can provoke plenty of wonder and provide ample territory for intrigue. In this future, rising sea levels have turned New York into a city of canals, asteroids are hollowed out to create giant nature preserves, and malicious schemes are calculated with the aid of quantum computers. Citizens live hundreds of years, are augmented with cybernetic technology, and casually swap genders.

    ce #roman de #science-fiction est une sorte de suite de la trilogie de Mars ; il y a au milieu du #livre un passage de 3 pages absolument magnifique qui décrit #Iapetus. Et donne envie d’aller y prendre quelques vacances pour observer la dichotomie noir/blanc de cette lune de #Saturne depuis la crête de 20 kilomètres d’altitude qui la coupe en deux, et dont l’origine serait la chute d’une lune secondaire...

    on pourrait aussi y observer quelques belles avalanches

    Giant Ice Avalanches On Saturn’s Moon Iapetus Provide Clue to Extreme Slippage Elsewhere in the Solar System

    “We see landslides everywhere in the solar system,” says Kelsi Singer, graduate student in earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, “but Saturn’s icy moon Iapetus has more giant landslides than any body other than Mars.”

    The reason, says William McKinnon, PhD, professor of earth and planetary sciences, is Iapetus’ spectacular topography. "Not only is the moon out-of-round, but the giant impact basins are very deep, and there’s this great mountain ridge that’s 20 kilometers (12 miles) high, far higher than Mount Everest.


  • B’ Video Game Bar Nakano « Drink Cold

    Le concept est simple et devrait ravir tous les retro-gamers : pour le prix d’un verre vous avez accès à plusieurs vieilles consoles et une bibliothèque de softs assez impressionnante.

    Selon la table disponible, vous pouvez jouer à la Famicom, Super Famicom, N64, PC Engine, Saturn, Dreamcast, Playstation… Mais c’est surtout la collection de jeux disponibles à jouer qui fait transpirer du caleçon

    #retrogaming #jeux_vidéo #Japon #Nakano #snes #famicom #saturn #dreamcast #playstation