• Abandonné par Israël, le camp de réfugiés de Jérusalem doit se battre seul contre le COVID-19
    Yuval Abraham, +972, le 11 avril 2020

    Alors qu’Israël ne fournit pas la plupart des services nécessaires aux quartiers palestiniens de l’autre côté du mur, il continue à empêcher l’Autorité palestinienne (AP) de le faire. La semaine dernière, la police de Jérusalem a arrêté Fadi al-Hadami, ministre palestinien des Affaires de Jérusalem, ainsi qu’Adnan Ghaith, gouverneur de Jérusalem de l’AP, soupçonnés d’agir en vue de la coordination des réponses de l’AP au coronavirus à Jérusalem-Est et de violer ainsi la souveraineté israélienne. “D’un côté ils ne nous accordent pas de droits, de l’autre ils incarcèrent toute personne qui s’efforce de combler le vide laissé par Israël”, dit Ja’abri. “Aujourd’hui, tandis que la pandémie explose au-dehors, cette politique pourrait déboucher sur une catastrophe.”

    #Palestine #coronavirus #Jérusalem #Shuafat

    Voir compile des effets délétères indirects de la pandémie :

  • #Jérusalem visée par une nouvelle attaque à la voiture-bélier

    L’auteur de cet attentat a été présenté comme un Palestinien de 38 ans. Il serait originaire du camp de réfugiés de #Chouafat à Jérusalem-Est.

    Avril dernier :
    #Shuafat refugee camp is the writing on the wall

    The Shuafat refugee camp encapsulates Israeli rule in east Jerusalem. All the #maladies of the #occupation are concentrated there, and it’s also a “prequel” revealing the direction the occupation is taking. The region, which includes five subdivisions, was created over the years in a gradual process in which residents of the refugee camp abandoned it due to congestion and terrible sanitary conditions, preferring peripheral areas – Ras Hamis, Ras Shehadeh, Dakhyat al Salaam, Anata and the refugee camp which gave the region its dubious name.


    Even today most Jerusalemites have no idea that there is a refugee camp within the city’s jurisdiction and tend to argue with you when you tell them so. Not only is it Jerusalem’s most neglected location, but since it was fenced off and hermetically sealed it has become an ex-territoria, an enclave that the municipality and the state ignore, abandoned to its fate. Because of the vacuum of governance, its alert residents, some of whom are criminals, have exploited the situation to build illegal structures, some with several storeys, aware that city inspectors do not enforce the law there.

    Recently the name of Shuafat hit the headlines because of the grave lack of water, an almost surreal situation in Israel’s capital in the early 21st century. Because of the region’s topography, water never reaches the higher areas, while in other places it flows at low pressure, in tiny and irregular amounts – depending on the height of the land.

    This intolerable situation came to the Supreme Court’s attention following a petition filed by the Association for Civil Rights. The state’s response was the most surprising aspect of the judicial deliberations, and it raises questions about the future of Israeli rule in east Jerusalem.

    While the state’s attorneys admitted a problem exists, they maintained it results not from poor water flow or changes in the water supply but from infrastructure that collapsed because of the chaos prevailing in Shuafat.

    They argued that the water system was designed to supply water to a given number of people, but the population has soared (to between 60,000 and 80,000 people, no one really knows) because of wide-scale illegal construction, and numerous illegal hookups to the city’s water system.

    This argument and its implications are noteworthy because of the political conclusions they lead to. First, the position of the state’s attorneys isn’t eyewash. It’s impossible to overlook the number of new high rises built on every empty plot and on the roofs of old buildings, all quickly occupied by West Bank residents who move to the area after noticing that the police never set foot there. Jerusalem still attracts West Bank residents, and scores of them have moved into Jerusalem’s jurisdiction, hoping one day to receive a blue ID card: the construction surge has also created vigorous economic activity. The existing infrastructures, that were run-down at the best of times, couldn’t handle the load and collapsed.

    And yet that position, though factually correct, elicits two important points for discussion.

    The first question is: how was the situation created? The Shuafat refugee camp wouldn’t have grown so large, with so much illegal construction, if the municipality/ state hadn’t sat idly by. Massive construction began immediately after the separation barrier went up, when Shuafat’s residents saw that City Hall had abandoned the place and no longer entered there – not to collect garbage, not to repair streetlamps and of course not to enforce the Planning & Construction Law. The state attorney’s position, which accuses residents of creating the situation, is ludicrous since City Hall has the fundamental and primary responsibility for the current situation. Its neglect enabled the massive influx of residents that led to the infrastructures’ collapse.

    Politically, the second question is more interesting: does the state admit it’s powerless to impose order in Shuafat, to the extent that it’s unable to supply water? Why does it continue retaining an area no longer in its hands? Why not simply abandon Shuafat and return it to the Palestinian Authority? Though it’s unsure whether the PA can handle the current chaos, it will certainly be motivated to halt the decline and limit future construction. Evidence of this is visible in the Palestinian section of Anata where life goes on normally, and the infrastructures meets local needs.

    These are rhetorical questions, of course. We know that the state will never cede this area of Jerusalem, since political considerations supersede humanitarian ones. But still, the questions need to be asked frequently, to highlight the lack of logic and pointlessness of the ongoing situation.

    Again, what’s important to understand in the matter of Shuafat is that it’s not an isolated, unusual phenomenon but a “prequel” for what is anticipated to happen in the city’s eastern half. Sooner or later, infrastructure will collapse because appropriate investments for its natural population growth haven’t been made. Demographic growth among Arab citizens has set off social processes that Israeli law can’t halt, particularly in terms of unlicensed construction.

    The lack of outline plans, and outdated plans, have created a closed circle: on one hand, residents build without building permits because City Hall refuses to give them permits, yet on the other, City Hall contends there are no approved outline plans because the huge extent of unlicensed construction means it cannot draw up plans.

    Blaming the residents is pointless – for if the municipality can’t or won’t approve plans, if it doesn’t create a planning horizon, and residents have no idea when plans will be approved, it’s only natural that people who need housing and have a privately owned piece of land will build on it – even without a permit.

    Shuafat Refugee Camp mirrors what is likely to happen across east Jerusalem – sooner or later. Shuafat is the writing on the wall: what’s happening there now will happen in east Jerusalem as a whole. City Hall has lost control of the processes unfolding there, and matters will only end in an explosion.

    A normal government would long ago have concluded that it would be better to transfer the area – lock, stock and barrel – to the Palestinian Authority. And sooner rather than later.

    The author is a former Meretz party member of the Jerusalem municipal council.

    • 78 % des Palestiniens de Jérusalem vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté
      mardi 12 juin 2012 - 06h:26 - Jillian Kestler-D’Amours - E.I

      Camp de Shuafat - Jérusalem-Est occupé - Un groupe de Hiérosolymitains palestiniens descend d’un bus bondé pour permettre à deux soldats israéliens de monter à bord contrôler les cartes d’identité, sous l’auvent en aluminium de ce nouveau terminal de contrôle.

      Dehors, le mur de béton israélien serpente autour du camp de réfugiés de Shuafat*, un quartier palestinien surpeuplé et en crise, et qui, bien que situé dans les limites géographiques de Jérusalem, est entièrement coupé du reste de la ville [par le Mur de sécurité].

      « C’est un checkpoint cinq étoiles » dit Fadi Abbasi, qui est en charge de projets et de levée de fonds à l’unique centre pour les femmes du camp de réfugiés, qui offre des services psychosociaux, éducatifs et émancipateurs aux femmes et aux enfants.

      Plus de 20 000 Palestiniens vivent dans le camp de Shuafat. Environ la moitié sont résidents de Jérusalem et ont donc la carte d’identité bleue ; à présent ils doivent traverser le poste de contrôle pour aller au travail ou à l’école, et pour trouver les services dans le reste de Jérusalem.

      « Les Israéliens essaient de faire de nous des visiteurs à Jérusalem, pas des résidents », dit Abbasi. « Sans travail, sans revenus, sans aucun service municipal, ils ne nous laissent pas la moindre chance de construire ou de faire quelque chose ».

  • Israeli court orders house arrest for brutally beaten US-Palestinian teen

    Tareq Abu Khudair, center, a Palestinian-US teenager who was beaten during police custody, arrives for a hearing at Jerusalem Magistrates Court on July 6, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Ahmad Gharabli)

    A Jerusalem court ordered Sunday that a Palestinian-American teenager, who was severely beaten in police custody, be released to house arrest for nine days pending an investigation into stone-throwing allegations. #Tareq_Abu_Khudair, 15, who holds US citizenship and lives in Florida, is a cousin of #Mohammed_Abu_Khudair, a 16-year-old Palestinian whose kidnap and murder by suspected Zionist extremists on Wednesday has caused Palestinian uproar. read (...)

    #Israel #Palestine #police_brutality #Shuafat #west_bank

  • Israeli forces flood east #jerusalem ahead of Palestinian teen’s funeral

    Masked Palestinian protesters throw stones towards Israeli police (unseen) during clashes in the #Shuafat neighborhood in Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem, on July 3, 2014, one day after a Palestinian teenager was kidnapped and killed by suspected Zionist settlers. (Photo: AFP - Thomas Coex)

    Israeli police flooded east Jerusalem ahead of the funeral of a Palestinian teenager believed killed by Israeli settlers and the first Friday prayers of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. #Mohammed_Abu_Khudair, 16, who was kidnapped and found dead on Wednesday, was to be buried in east Jerusalem’s Shuafat neighborhood after the midday prayers, with tensions running high after two straight days of violence. read (...)

    #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #west_bank

  • Israel seals off East Jerusalem checkpoint serving 65,000 Palestinians - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper


    By Oz Rosenberg | Sep.19, 2012

    Move contravenes 2008 High Court ruling that conditioned closing of Ras Khamis crossing on the expansion of Shoafat refugee camp’s only other checkpoint.

    The Defense Ministry sealed off on Wednesday morning the Ras Khamis checkpoint, one of the only two exits of the Shoafat refugee camp, which serves 65,000 people. The move contravenes a 2008 High Court ruling.

    #jérusalem #palestine #checkpoint #israel #shuafat #mur #frontière #cisjordanie