• 2,200 #Frontex #emails to #Libya

    Frontex has shared locations of migrant boats with Libya’s coast guard more than 2,000 times in three years – despite watching them whip, beat and shoot at passengers

    It has long been known that European countries provide support and funding to the Libyan Coast Guard to carry out a controversial mission: intercepting Europe-bound migrants whom EU member states and agencies cannot apprehend directly without breaching international laws.

    Numerous media and NGO reports have detailed the abuse and violence practised by the Libyan Coast Guard against migrants during sea interception and inside the detention centres they are taken to after being brought back to Libya.

    Lighthouse Reports has previously established suspicious patterns of collaboration between EU border agency Frontex and the Libyan Coast Guard, including direct links between Frontex aerial assets spotting boats and their subsequent interception by the coast guard.

    Despite the reports of abuse and torture, Frontex has withheld public criticism of the Libyan Coast Guard. And until now, the extent to which Frontex has shared information with the coast guard, and its internal knowledge of the abuse migrants face after they are intercepted, was unknown.

    Following the publication of Lighthouse investigation Frontex and the Pirate Ship in December, the EU Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) sent a letter to Frontex Executive Director Hans Leijtens questioning the agency’s collaboration with Libyan actors, including militia, in eastern and western Libya.

    Lighthouse Reports and Der Spiegel gained access to the director’s response to the LIBE Committee’s questions. The email included all Serious Incident Reports (SIRs) relating to the Libyan Coast Guard.

    The SIRs reveal three incidents of Frontex aerial surveillance assets witnessing Libyan Coast Guard officers beating people in overcrowded boats at sea. In a separate incident, the agency’s surveillance drone recorded a Libyan officer shooting at a wooden boat to force it to stop.

    The letter from Leitjens meanwhile reveals that Frontex gave away the location of migrant boats to the Libyan Coast Guard approximately 2,200 times, usually via email, in the last three years – despite being aware of the regular instances of violence they commit.

    When confronted with these facts by our team, Frontex said: “The decision to share information about vessels in distress with the Libyan rescue coordination centre, alongside other national centres, is taken with a heavy heart”

    The SIRs contain parts of Frontex’s human rights officer’s recommendations for the agency. The measures proposed range from increasing the sharing of coordinates with NGO rescue ships to involving UN agencies in following the fates of those returned to Libya. Frontex did not comment on whether these recommendations were implemented.


    #partage #localisation #migrations #asile #externalisation #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #gardes-côtes_libyens #géolocalisation #SIRs #surveillance_aérienne #drones

  • « On parle d’un système de surveillance massif », dénonce un ancien analyste de données d’Apple

    C’est assez simple : il s’agissait d’écouter des enregistrements qui étaient réalisés à partir de l’assistant vocal d’Apple, l’assistant Siri. Ce qui veut dire qu’il y a bien des oreilles « humaines » derrière cet assistant vocal. L’idée, c’était d’améliorer le système pour éviter des erreurs de recherche. En tout cas, c’est ce que dit Apple. Mais en réalité, au vu des données qui sont collectées et qui sont recoupées, l’assistant vocal sert aussi à regrouper davantage d’informations et à informer, par exemple, le profil l’utilisateur. Pendant cette période, j’ai pu écouter tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer que quelqu’un dirait dans une situation très intime. J’ai entendu des gens qui parlaient de l’orientation politique, de leur affiliation syndicale, de leur sexualité, beaucoup aussi de leur situation personnelle.

  • #Papillotes aux châtaignes et potimarron à l’érable

    Les papillotes sont une jolie solution pour mêler harmonieusement les saveurs de la châtaigne, du #Potimarron et des pruneaux… Ce petit plat sucré-salé aux légumes d’hiver est riche en parfums ! Tranchez le potimarron non épluché en très fines lamelles (comme des tranches de pommes pour une tarte). Versez l’huile d’olive dans une large sauteuse et ajoutez les lamelles de potimarron, salez et laissez revenir quelques minutes. Versez 5 cl d’eau, couvrez et laissez cuire 10 minutes. Ajoutez les châtaignes et… Potimarron, #Pruneau, #Sirop_d'érable, Papillotes, #Tofu_nature, #Châtaigne cuite / #Végétarien, #Sans viande, #Sans gluten, #Sans œuf, #Sans lactose, Végétalien (...)


  • Revealed : The #OLAF report on Frontex

    An infamous internal report by the EU anti-fraud agency OLAF shows how Frontex tried to cover up human rights violations. We are publishing it for the first time.

    “The plane circled over our heads again and again, but no one helped us,” says Samuel Abraham. On 10 April 2021, he left the Libyan shore in a rubber boat with 62 other people. They were on the high seas for five days. “We didn’t think this trip would take so long. That’s why, and to save space, we didn’t bring much food and water.” Out of desperation, they drank sea water.

    Last year, Samuel Abraham reported to us his attempted crossing and we published it with Buzzfeed News Germany. We changed his name to protect him.

    He told us that, at one point, a cargo ship had appeared in sight and that three people had jumped into the water. They did not reach the ship, they drowned. On the last day at sea, the remaining people were picked up by a supposed fishing boat and taken back to Libya. Only 51 of them reached Libya alive, next to the dead bodies of the others who had died on the way back.

    The plane Samuel Abraham saw circling over his head was operated by Frontex, the EU border and coast guard agency who witnessed what constituted a human rights violation. This was not only researched and documented by journalists and NGOs, but also by EU bodies.

    In cooperation with Der Spiegel and Lighthouse Reports, we are publishing the report on Frontex by the EU’s anti-fraud agency OLAF. A report that has been talked about throughout the last year, that led to the resignation of former Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri, but until now has not been revealed to the public in full – it was never meant to be revealed.
    Human rights violations swept under the carpet

    In fact, up until today, only a very reduced group of EU officials have been able to read the document in full: this includes European Commission representatives, the former Frontex Management Board, a few selected Members of the European Parliament, and OLAF itself.

    The Frontex OLAF report shows that Samuel Abraham’s story is not exceptional; a serious human rights violation witnessed and later brushed under the carpet. It is neither exceptional nor a matter of chance.

    It was finalised in February 2022; 16 months, 20 witnesses and over 120 pages after the moment the EU anti-fraud watchdog first received a whistleblower alert by post warning about serious wrongdoing within the agency.

    Under EU and international law, Frontex has the legal obligation to guarantee respect for human rights during its operations. But what OLAF found is that instead of taking steps to prevent human rights violations from happening, Frontex took recurrent, deliberate measures to make sure the violations that were indeed taking place, would not be witnessed, documented, investigated or accounted for.

    More precisely, it shows how the Fundamental Rights Officer was sidelined; internal reports on human rights violations were manipulated; and how Frontex misled the European Commission and Parliament.
    “Not one of us”: the isolation of the Frontex Fundamental Rights Officer

    As the OLAF report shows, on 3 September 2020 Frontex’s main operational departments met to discuss the following: some officials had become convinced that the Greek-Turkish relationship was evolving into a “kind of ‘war’”, where Frontex’s operational information was subject to being “misused” and could therefore cause potential reputational damage to the agency.

    The cornerstone of all this suspicion was the Frontex Fundamental Rights Office. This department had been created to ensure violations of human rights during Frontex operations were prevented by design. If violations do take place, it is the Office’s duty to conduct an investigation and recommend appropriate action.

    This department and, in particular, its head, the Fundamental Rights Officer (FRO), had been encountering resistance internally. Labelled as “leftists” who were too close to NGOs, WhatsApp messages exchanged among Frontex officials qualified the FRO’s pro-rights stance as an “intellectual dictatorship” comparable to “Khmer Rouge terror”. Frontex staff was encouraged to consider their fundamental rights peers not as colleagues, but as “externals”; “not one of us”.

    As such, Frontex’s leadership considered the information the FRO had access to needed to be limited – even in cases relating to a violation of human rights. At the 3 September 2020 meeting, this rationale was clearly set out: “Fundamental Rights has a right of access to all information. But it does not mean that we give all information. (...) Fundamental Rights asks and we try to be friendly. That’s the trap.”

    The trap was an information shutdown which, in practice, would make it substantially harder and, in some cases, impossible, for the FRO to monitor and investigate the human rights violations that were, at this point, certainly taking place during Frontex operations. Efforts had started already in 2016, and were well underway by the time the 3 September 2020 meeting was held.

    The OLAF report describes how already in 2016, e-mails from the FRO in which she required details and clarifications in the context of a potential human rights violation that had been reported “remained long unanswered or did not receive a reply at all.” In January 2018, Frontex leadership took the decision to severely restrict the FRO’s access to the agency’s main border surveillance and information-management tool, the EUROSUR system. This required a redesign of the EUROSUR architecture so that the FRO, from now on, would only be able to view a limited amount of operational information, while all classified information would not only be inaccessible, but also invisible: it became “impossible for FRO to be aware of the existence of that specific document in the system”.

    The FRO’s EUROSUR cut-off would cost 15.000 euros of taxpayer money. The justification reflects how human rights monitoring was considered a danger to effective border control: “At stake is the possibility to use EUROSUR as a reliable security tool for MS [Member States] in full compliance with security standards”.

    Shortly after, a new idea emerges: Frontex Serious Incident Reports should be considered classified information.
    Control of the paper trail

    Serious Incident Reports (SIRs) are at the heart of Frontex’s internal reporting system. These reports are meant to be filed by Frontex agents deployed on mission when they witness or become part of a serious incident. This could be, for example, when Frontex staff has a car accident while deployed; wakes up to their property having been vandalised with anti-police messages; exposed to Covid-19; and, most importantly, when Frontex officers witness or become involved in a human rights violation.

    SIRs are the agency’s primary paper trail for wrongdoing. As such, the existence and distribution of these reports became uncomfortable for an agency that considers its human rights obligations an obstacle for its ultimate goal and mission: border control.

    The OLAF report lays out the measures taken to undermine and circumvent SIRs as a reporting mechanism, in order to downplay or ignore severe human rights violations that were taking place to the knowledge of Frontex. In 2020, an essential step was taken in this direction: “In case a SIR is generated based on operational data collected by FRONTEX (…) this SIR must be restricted,” reads an internal e-mail. This could be done by scaling up the classification of SIRs. Internally, some officials warned the efforts to classify these reports “would be illegal”.

    The process for handling SIRs was also manipulated. Frontex’s internal rules establish four categories of SIRs – incident reports relating to a possible violation of human rights should be allocated Category 4, which would immediately trigger an involvement of the FRO, investigation, and adequate follow-up.

    On the day Samuel Abraham was in distress at high sea, Frontex staff wrote an internal e-mail stressing the need to launch a Serious Incident Report and asked for guidance about the categorisation. OLAF notes, that all information about the incident “highlighted strong indications of violations of human rights”, which would fall under Category 4. But internally this was waved off to avoid involving the FRO.

    In other occasions, a decision was taken not to create a SIR in the first place; it appears that in Frontex’s eyes, a human rights violation that is not recorded is a violation that doesn’t exist.

    Letters to Greek authorities with regards to serious rights violations were re-drafted into a “politically softer” version, “less explicit on the gravity of the facts in question”. In April 2020, a SIR was launched after Frontex-deployed officers witnessed Greek authorities “towing an overcrowded fragile boat in the night towards the open sea is a situation that can seriously endanger the lives of the passengers”. Der Spiegel reported about this case end of October 2020. The FRO’s evaluation of the case found it a likely “case of an unprocessed return and violation of the principle of non-refoulement”. However, during its investigation, OLAF found no further follow-up: “no formal request for information or clarification was sent to the Hellenic Authorities in relation to this incident”. Human rights violation, once again, left unaddressed.
    Intimidation “bears fruit”: the silencing of officers

    But not only incidents were silenced, also those who report them. In summer of 2019, an internal e-mail warned: “we fear/have indications that potential violations are not always reported to Frontex [headquarters] because of possible repercussions of deployed officers in the Host MS [Member State]”. There had been at least one case where an officer deployed in a Frontex operation had filed a SIR and had later been relocated; the assumption was that “it could be linked to the fact of reporting”.

    Furthermore, Frontex-deployed officers were not making use of official reporting channels but were instead leaving mentions of what pointed to human rights violations in “unofficial reports”. When an officer was asked for the reason, (s)he argued that “it happened in the past that because of the initiation of a SIR the debriefing expert had serious conflict with the Greek Authorities and could that made [REDACTED] stay unbearable“. In order to avoid a similar situation, the officer had chosen to report incidents “via alternative channels”.

    Intimidation and threats to Frontex officers, notably by Greek authorities, in order to avoid formal reporting of violations of human rights, were well known to Frontex management. The topic had been “thoroughly discussed” internally, recognising that “threats of EL [Greek] authorities to sanction ‘critical’ deployed staff bears fruit”.

    However, no action was ever taken to address this problem or to prevent it from happening again. Out of “the need to keep a good relationship with the Greek authorities”, Frontex did “not ask for any specific action to be taken or checks to be done”. The matter was set aside.
    “So not to witness…”

    On 5 August 2020, the Frontex plane FSA METIS was surveilling the Aegean Sea when it witnessed a boat with approximately 30 people on board, in Greek territorial waters, being towed by Greek authorities towards Turkish territorial waters. The sighting amounted to a human rights violation. A Serious Incident Report was launched.

    Within a month, the Frontex plane was no longer operating in the Aegean but had instead been relocated to the Central Mediterranean “to support activities in the region”.

    Three months later, during a raid to the Frontex headquarters in Warsaw, OLAF finds a report mentioning the FSA METIS relocation. A handwritten note of a high representative on the last page of the document reads: “We have withdrawn our FSA some time ago, so not to witness...”.

    In an interview with OLAF, (s)he would elaborate on his handwritten remark: “the withdrawing of aerial surveillance served the purpose for FRONTEX to avoid witnessing incidents and alleged pushbacks by Greece, so avoiding to have to deal internally at the Agency with sensitive cases. Personally, the solution was good for me as I was in the middle of two different and opposite demands: [REDACTED] wanted to cover possible irregularities by Greece and [REDACTED] [REDACTED] wanted to deal with those cases in full compliance with the SOP [Standard Operating Procedure]”.

    Frontex’s choice was in fact much more effective than a cover-up of “irregularities”. It was a carte blanche for impunity.
    Disloyalty to the Union

    Internal control mechanisms disabled, there were few avenues left to hold Frontex accountable – mainly, EU institutions. When in 2020, media and civil society reports on Frontex became more and more frequent, the European Commission started seeking answers from the EU’s border agency. The Commission wanted to know whether progress had been made on several of the human rights protection mechanisms – as it is Frontex’s legal obligation.

    OLAF found Frontex misled the Commission when responding to its questions, offering “a partial view of the dynamics of the events“ and showed “lack of cooperation and the reluctance” to implement the Commission’s recommendations. Cooperating and following the EU Commission’s guidance was indeed not in Frontex’s plans, since for some years now, Frontex leadership had been harvesting an increasingly derogatory view of the EU legislative body which it saw less as a respectable authority and more like an enemy.

    Private messages exchanged among Frontex high-level reveal a view of the European Commission as “the legislator who makes Frontex a legal smuggler/taxi”.

    Demeaning messages, which harden in tone from 2019 onwards following the appointment of Ylva Johansson as Commissioner for Home Affairs, criticised the EU institution for “amateurism on operational subjects, obsession on FR [Fundamental Rights] subjects, and bureaucratic cretinism”.

    By 2020, the Commission had become an adversary: “Today the biggest risk for the European corps and Frontex comes from the Commission” – a striking conclusion since the proposal for a Frontex standing corps of 10,000 border guards initially originated, in 2018, from the European Commission itself.

    But it wasn’t only the European Commission’s questions getting shunned – also the European Parliament’s. In multiple occasions, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Homme Affairs (LIBE) summoned Frontex and requested explanations and clarifications with regards to the recurrent reports of human rights violations. During its investigation, OLAF identified at least eleven stances where Frontex lied or misled the European Parliament in its responses.

    These lies, misleading statements and antagonistic views with respect to the European Commission and Parliament were found by OLAF as a “lack of loyalty towards the Union”.
    Eight months later: the aftermath of the OLAF report

    For almost eight months, some EU representatives have known about the explosive facts and findings of the report: the recurrent human rights violations taking place under Frontex’s eyes; Frontex’s studied efforts to brush off and conceal these violations; an unlawful system of impunity built by an agency of the EU, financed with EU taxpayer money.

    And yet the fact is, very little has changed in the aftermath of the OLAF investigation. Only the resignation of one person, former Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri, is the most visible consequence of the report’s findings to date, besides the fact that the European Parliament continues to refuse to approve the agency’s budget. A climate of silence and inaction seems to have been established, incomprehensibly to anyone familiar with the content of the OLAF report.

    In this context, on 21 September, Frontex issued a statement announcing “recent changes within the agency”, presenting in six vague bullet points. But the reality seems to be different: Crucially, a noticeable absence from Frontex’s “recent changes” press release is the suspension of operations in the Aegean. This is a provision set by Article 46 of the Frontex Regulation, which states that the Frontex Executive Director should “suspend or terminate any activity by the Agency, in whole or in part, if he or she considers that there are violations of fundamental rights or international protection obligations related to the activity concerned that are of a serious nature or are likely to persist.”

    These violations have been well-established by the OLAF report, which includes among its findings that, while being aware of the human rights violations taking place in Greece, Frontex “did not ensure appropriate follow-up, including taking any actions in relation to the scope of the Article 46 of the FRONTEX Regulation”. And yet Frontex continues to contradict OLAF’s findings, reiterating in the media that “Frontex’s actions in the Aegean Sea region had been carried out in compliance with the applicable legal framework, including in accordance with the responsibilities stemming from fundamental rights.”

    At the same time, some signs already point at some of Frontex’s “recent changes” which could be failing to materialise. Frontex argues that in 2021 it conducted a revision of its Serious Incident Reporting Mechanism “to improve the reporting on events at the external borders, including fundamental rights violations”. However, civil society has alerted to the fact that it has been over 1,000 days since Frontex last filed a SIR in the Greek island of Samos. It was precisely in Samos, as documented in the OLAF report, where Greek authorities’ intimidation tactics to discourage incident reporting had been bearing fruit.

    We have asked Frontex for a statement concerning the OLAF report and its investigations, but they have not replied to it yet.
    Commission remains inactive

    Meanwhile, the European Commission’s reluctance to take a stance, let alone any action, in response to the OLAF report has been remarkable. When questioned about Der Spiegel’s previous reporting on OLAF’s findings, the Commission merely made vague references to the one change in Frontex leadership, a “new Action Plan” for a Fundamental Rights Strategy, and the hiring of Fundamental Rights Monitors – which has been a legal obligation of Frontex since 2019. “A lot of work is being done,” stated the Commission spokesperson, who did not deliver specifics and made no mention of Article 46.

    In all, the OLAF report reveals the making of a system of impunity by Frontex: continuous efforts to downplay, conceal and enable serious violations of human rights and international law taking place on an ongoing basis at the EU’s borders. Despite OLAF’s investigation, Frontex’s system of impunity remains largely untouched.


    #rapport #OLAF #Frontex #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #push-backs #refoulements #Libye #droits_humains #Grèce #Turquie #Serious_Incident_Reports (#SIRs) #omerta #silence #intimidation #EU #Union_européenne #UE

    • Migration : un rapport pointe la gestion accablante de Frontex dans les eaux grecques

      L’agence européenne Frontex aurait-elle fermé les yeux face à des refoulements de migrants dans les eaux grecques ? C’est ce qui ressort d’un rapport confidentiel de l’OLAF, l’Office européen de lutte antifraude, rendu public par la plateforme FragDenStaat, basée en Allemagne, en collaboration avec Der Spiegel et Lighthouse Reports (Pays-Bas).

      Selon l’OLAF, des cadres de l’agence chargée des frontières extérieures de l’UE ont commis « des fautes graves », en ne signalant pas des refoulement de migrants de la part des garde-frontières grecs.

      Ce rapport indique que dans un cas, l’avion de l’agence de l’UE s’est volontairement éloigné d’une zone en mer Egée, pour ne pas être témoin d’un incident en cours. Le rapport pointe par ailleurs une multitude de manquements, face à l’arrivée de bateaux de fortune, souvent en provenance de Turquie.

      Ces conclusions confirment les accusations de plusieurs ONG, qui pointaient depuis plusieurs années les manquements de l’Union européenne dans la gestion de la crise migratoire, due notamment à la guerre en Syrie. En avril dernier, mis sous pression, le patron Frontex Fabrice Leggeri a démissionné.


    • "Des pratiques du passé" : Frontex réagit au rapport accablant ses dirigeants

      L’agence de garde-frontières Frontex a réagi aujourd’hui à la publication par des ONG et médias de l’intégralité du rapport de l’OLAF, l’organe anti-fraude de l’Union européenne. Ce rapport accusant les dirigeants de Frontex d’avoir dissimulé des refoulements, en violation du droit international, avait fait grand bruit il y a plusieurs mois, jusqu’à pousser à la démission l’ex-patron Fabrice Leggeri.

      Ce vendredi, l’agence des garde-frontières et des garde-côtes de l’Union européenne, Frontex, a réagi à la publication de l’intégralité du rapport de l’OLAF (office européen de lutte anti-fraude) par plusieurs ONG et médias. "L’Agence prend au sérieux les conclusions des enquêtes, audits et examens, et les utilise comme des opportunités pour changer et s’améliorer", a déclaré Frontex dans un communiqué de presse paru aujourd’hui.

      Ce rapport de l’OLAF se concentrait sur les activités de Frontex en Grèce du printemps à l’automne 2020. Il révélait que Frontex n’avait pas traité correctement des preuves de refoulements d’exilés aux frontières maritimes et terrestre, allant jusqu’à les dissimuler. Or, ces "puschback" sont contraire au droit international et européen, puisqu’ils empêchent tout examen d’une demande de protection.

      L’agence ne nie plus sa responsabilité dans les accusations détaillées par l’enquête de l’OLAF. Elle reconnaît volontiers de "graves fautes de conduites" commises par les dirigeants de Frontex d’alors. Le numéro un, Fabrice Leggeri, directeur général depuis 2015, avait démissionné fin avril face aux accusations relayées dans la presse.
      Changements dans les procédures de signalement

      Plusieurs enquêtes journalistiques menées par le consortium Lighthouse Reports et publiées notamment dans Le Monde, avaient ainsi démontré qu’entre mars 2020 et septembre 2021, Frontex avait enregistré des renvois illégaux dans les eaux grecques comme de simples "opérations de prévention au départ, menées dans les eaux turques".

      Or, toutes les investigations menées par des médias menaient à la conclusion "que les responsables de Frontex [étaient] conscients des pratiques illégales des gardes-frontières grecs et [étaient] en partie impliqués dans les refoulements eux-mêmes", écrivait le journal allemand Der Spiegel en octobre 2021.

      Aujourd’hui, Frontex qualifie ces actes répréhénsibles de "pratiques du passé" dans son communiqué. L’agence affirme ainsi avoir pris, depuis, des "mesures correctives". Par exemple, Frontex déclare avoir renforcé les procédures de signalement des incidents graves, y compris en ce qui concerne les refoulements.
      D’autres conclusions d’enquêtes à venir

      Enfin, Frontex assure avoir établi à la fin de l’été 2022 "un plan d’action pour réparer les torts du passé et du présent et pour engager un dialogue structuré" avec les autorités grecques.

      InfoMigrants reçoit depuis plusieurs années des témoignages d’exilés victimes de "pushbacks" par les garde-côtes et garde-frontières grecs. À l’été 2021, une Congolaise avait expliqué comment les garde-côtes avaient refoulé son embarcation en mer, mettant les passagers en danger. "Ils nous ont menacé avec leur armes (…) Ils ont tourné autour de nous, ce qui a fait de grandes vagues et du courant", avait-elle rapporté. Au mois de mai 2021, Samuel, un autre migrant d’Afrique subsaharienne, avait raconté comment son embarcation avait été refoulée vers les côtes turques.

      Au-delà de ces refoulements, d’autres enquêtes visent actuellement Frontex, notamment au sujet de dissimulations de maltraitances commises sur des exilés en Hongrie et en Bulgarie. Frontex nie, jusqu’ici, avoir couvert ces violences. Elle avait expliqué officiellement n’avoir “pas autorité sur le comportement des polices aux frontières locales".

      En attendant la progression de ces enquêtes, l’agence européenne prévoit de disposer d’un effectif propre de 10 000 garde-frontières et garde-côtes, à l’horizon 2027. Dans cette perspective, elle programme déjà des commandes d’armes "létales et non-létales".


    • Certificate le pratiche illegali di Frontex. Ma l’Agenzia resta a operare sulle frontiere

      L’Ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode ha ricostruito le gravi violazioni dei diritti umani commesse in questi anni dall’Agenzia europea chiamata a sorvegliare i confini dell’Ue. Dalla copertura di centinaia di respingimenti al contrasto a chi voleva denunciare. Il cambio al vertice non è sufficiente, segnala il Parlamento europeo

      Frontex ha coperto centinaia di respingimenti illegali ai confini esterni dell’Unione europea e al suo interno ha ostacolato chi voleva denunciare queste pratiche. Il rapporto dell’Ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode (Olaf) sull’Agenzia, che aveva portato nell’aprile 2022 alle dimissioni dell’ex direttore esecutivo Fabrice Leggeri, è stato reso pubblico a metà ottobre 2022 dal settimanale tedesco Der Spiegel, testata che con le sue inchieste aveva dato avvio proprio all’indagine dell’Olaf sull’operato di Frontex. E martedì 18 ottobre il Parlamento europeo ha approvato una risoluzione (con 345 voti favorevoli, 284 contrari e otto astenuti) contro la cosiddetta “procedura di discarico” del bilancio dell’Agenzia, ovvero una valutazione ex post che ha l’obiettivo di monitorarne l’attività degli anni precedenti (in questo caso del 2020). “Un segnale importante ma dalle conseguenze solo politiche: l’Agenzia purtroppo continuerà a fare quello che ha sempre fatto e di certo questo voto non bloccherà le sue attività -spiega Laura Salzano, dottoranda in Diritto europeo dell’immigrazione presso l’Università di Barcellona-. Questo significa che Frontex continua a poter utilizzare il suo ampio budget nonostante la votazione degli eurodeputati”. Un bilancio che per il 2022 ammonta a 754 milioni di euro: un aumento di più del 100% rispetto al 2006, il primo anno di piena operatività dell’Agenzia e che continuerà a crescere fino a toccare i 5,6 miliardi di euro entro il 2027 come ricostruito anche nel nostro libro “Respinti“.

      Scorrendo il report di 123 pagine dell’Olaf emergono chiaramente le lacune nei meccanismi di denuncia di situazioni di violazione dei diritti umani delle persone coinvolte (direttamente o indirettamente) nell’attività dell’Agenzia e come queste non siano emerse in precedenza per motivi politici. In altri termini le istituzioni europee hanno fatto finta di nulla perché l’obiettivo perseguito da Frontex, “chiudere” le frontiere, doveva essere raggiunto a qualsiasi costo. “L’Agenzia ha avuto un’espansione molto ampia con l’approvazione di due regolamenti (2016 e 2019) nel giro di tre anni e non accompagnati da un parallelo monitoraggio -sottolinea Salzano-. Le sue competenze, le sue capacità di incidere sui diritti umani dei rifugiati sono esponenzialmente aumentate ma senza adeguati meccanismi di ‘responsabilità’ interna”. Su questo punto secondo la ricercatrice è un “controsenso” che Frontex non sia mai responsabile di quanto succede durante le operazioni a cui partecipa: “Il direttore esecutivo ha grandi poteri, può prendere tantissime decisioni ma la responsabilità di quanto avviene lungo i confini ricade sugli Stati membri. Non può funzionare”.

      E che non funzioni lo si capisce analizzando alcuni stralci del rapporto. Parte dell’inchiesta di Olaf si concentra sui cosiddetti “Serious incident report”, ovvero le segnalazioni di “gravi incidenti” che, secondo il regolamento dell’Agenzia, sono “avvenimenti naturali o causati dall’azione umana che possono influire negativamente o essere rilevanti per una particolare attività di Frontex” che possono mettere a repentaglio la sua reputazione e includere situazioni di potenziali “violazione dei diritti fondamentali e di quanto stabilito dal diritto Ue e internazionale con particolare riferimento alla possibilità di richiedere asilo”. Una volta ricevuta una segnalazione di tali incidenti, l’ufficio del Frontex situation center individua un “coordinatore” che ha il compito di procedere con indagini interne per chiarire la situazione. Ci sono quattro categorie di segnalazioni classificate in base alla pericolosità: la quarta, la più grave, che riguarda proprio la possibile violazione dei diritti fondamentali delle persone coinvolte, prevede un particolare meccanismo per cui le indagini sono di responsabilità del “Fundamental rights officer”, l’ufficio che si occupa di monitorare il rispetto dei diritti umani.

      Tra il 10 e il 12 aprile 2020 l’aereo di Frontex che sorveglia il Mediterraneo centrale individua quattro imbarcazioni con a bordo circa 250 persone che si muovono dalla “zona Sar” libica a quella maltese. Le autorità de La Valletta non collaborano con l’Agenzia nell’implementare un’operazione di salvataggio. Alle 12.34 di mercoledì 13 aprile al Frontex situation center arriva una segnalazione in cui si sottolinea che le imbarcazioni sono “sovraffollate” e le persone sono “senza giubbotti di salvataggio”. Un’ora dopo, un ulteriore messaggio inviato al centro di comando sottolinea la mancanza di cooperazione delle autorità maltesi e segnala che due delle barche sono arrivate in Italia e avevano bottiglie d’acqua a bordo. “Probabilmente la Guardia costiera maltese le ha trainate fino alle coste italiane. Mi chiedo -scrive l’ufficiale di Frontex- se a livello politico si possa fare pressione su Malta dato che questa diventa una situazione umanamente irresponsabile”. Ventiquattr’ore dopo, l’ufficiale pretende che sia lanciato un “Serious incident report” e che sia classificato nella “Categoria quattro” dato che l’attività osservata è in chiara violazione di diritti fondamentali dei naufraghi. Ma dagli uffici dell’Agenzia non sono d’accordo: viene assegnata la “Categoria 2” -ovvero un incidente dall’alto interesse pubblico e politico- perché quanto osservato è avvenuto al di fuori delle operazioni di Frontex ed è necessario “tenere un profilo neutrale nelle discussioni tra Italia e Malta”. Solo successivamente si scopre che il 15 aprile 2020 una delle barche è arrivata a Tripoli dopo aver ricevuto l’assistenza di una nave commerciale nella zona Sar maltese: 51 persone superstiti, cinque morti. Il 4 maggio 2020 sempre il Frontex situation center chiede di riclassificare l’incidente nella “Categoria quattro”. Ma da Varsavia, sede dell’Agenzia, l’obiettivo è uno: fare in modo che la competenza non passi all’ufficio che si occupa dei diritti umani. La giustificazione? “Non vedo l’interesse di cambiare la classificazione, né il valore aggiunto di avere un Fundamental rights officer in sovrapposizione con le inchieste giudiziarie a Malta”. L’Olaf osserva, tra l’altro, come sia lo stesso regolamento che, in caso di incidenti gravi, non distingue tra “operazioni congiunte di Frontex con gli Stati membri o semplici attività messe in atto dalla stessa Agenzia”. Come in questo caso.

      Il copione si ripete, pochi giorni dopo, nel Mar Egeo. Nella notte tra il 18 e il 19 aprile dello stesso anno la sorveglianza area di Frontex permette di osservare le attività della Guardia costiera greca: dopo aver intercettato, già nelle acque territoriali di competenza, una barca con a bordo alcuni naufraghi questi vengono caricati su un vascello delle autorità elleniche. Poco dopo, vengono nuovamente trasferiti sulla loro imbarcazione e trainati verso le acque territoriali turche dove vengono lasciati in balia delle onde, senza motore, alle sei del mattino. Come nel caso descritto precedentemente viene richiesta la “Categoria quattro” anche perché in questo episodio un video ricostruisce quanto avvenuto: l’ufficiale scrive via WhatsApp che si tratta di “un nuovo caso, molto più problematico” a dimostrazione del “sistematico” utilizzo di questi metodi di respingimento. Ma da Varsavia arriva lo steso messaggio: “Frontex non ha assetti coinvolti, la segnalazione ricade nella ‘Categoria due’”. Nei giorni successivi si susseguono le richieste per riclassificare la segnalazione. Tutto resta uguale e addirittura il report viene classificato come “riservato” e raggiunge un numero ristretto di destinatari. Il Fundamental rights officer non riceverà mai il report finale di questo evento.

      Quando sul confine greco-turco si susseguono i casi descritti (dall’aprile 2020 a oggi secondo la ricerca del Forensic Architecture, l’Agenzia è stata coinvolta in 122 casi drift-back ed era a conoscenza di 417 che sono stati registrati negli archivi operativi e mascherati come “prevenzioni nell’ingresso”) la soluzione di Frontex va alla radice. Viene messo in discussione il termine respingimenti “che giuridicamente non esiste e non è possibile dire con certezza che siano tali anche considerando che la Turchia e le Ong hanno interessi comuni” ma soprattutto vengono “rimossi gli occhi scomodi”. Così il 5 agosto 2020 (“Senza alcun senso da un punto di vista di operazione Sar”, ha spiegato all’Olaf un agente) a seguito dell’ennesima procedura di traino della Guardia costiera greca verso la Turchia l’aereo dell’Agenzia viene “spostato a sorvegliare il confine terrestre greco facendolo muovere avanti e indietro per nove volte tra due punti in cui nessuna attività era stata osservata”. Il 7 settembre, un mese dopo, il velivolo viene ricollocato nel Mediterraneo centrale. Meglio non vedere quello che succede in Grecia.

      Dal rapporto emergono anche marcate fratture interne. Un membro del personale afferma che l’ufficio per i diritti fondamentali “non sono veri colleghi” mentre un altro agente osserva che “è il primo [nemico, ndr] di Frontex perché riferisce tutto alle Ong e fa regnare all’interno dell’Agenzia un regime di terrore simile a quello dei Khmer rossi”. E non stupisce che l’Ufficio non abbia mai avuto accesso a Eurosur, il Sistema europeo di sorveglianza delle frontiere che è il “cuore” delle prove dei respingimenti. A tutto questo si aggiunge la pessima gestione interna: si registra un suicidio di un membro legato a “presunte pratiche di molestie sessuali” e nel 2020 su 17 casi segnalati di molestie, 15 sono stati chiusi senza seguito.

      Questa è Frontex. Nonostante dal board dell’Agenzia si siano affrettati a dichiarare che “queste pratiche appartengono al passato” così come la Commissaria agli affari interni Ylva Johansson che si è definita “scioccata” ma “sicura che il consiglio di amministrazione si è assunto pienamente le proprie responsabilità”. “L’Agenzia ha problemi strutturali -osserva Salzano-. Finché non si risolvono è difficile che il suo mandato possa rispettare il diritto internazionale e quello dell’Unione europea. E l’unico passo possibile in questa direzione è una sentenza della Corte di giustizia che ristabilisca i confini del suo operato. Olaf segna un punto di svolta perché l’illegalità è finalmente certificata da un corpo dell’Ue ma resta un ente amministrativo, non una Corte”.

      L’Agenzia infatti è ancora lì (e nessun provvedimento disciplinare è stato preso contro l’ex direttore Leggeri e il suo ex capo di gabinetto, come nota con “rammarico” il Parlamento europeo), sulle frontiere tra Grecia e Turchia (e non solo) dove i respingimenti, così come le condanne della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo nei confronti del governo di Atene, sono proseguiti sistematicamente. E la scusa del “se c’è Frontex si rispettano maggiormente i diritti umani” oggi vacilla ancora di più. Fa poi riflettere che il rapporto Olaf, chiuso nel febbraio 2022, sia rimasto per mesi inaccessibile anche agli stessi parlamentari europei e che solo la sua pubblicazione da parte di alcuni quotidiani e Ong abbia portato l’assemblea di Strasburgo a votare nuovamente il discarico sul bilancio di Frontex e a parlare apertamente di quanto successo.


    • voir aussi :

      La #LDH et #Utopia_56 portent #plainte pour #complicité de #crimes_contre_l'humanité et complicité de #torture contre le n°3 de la liste RN

      Pour rédiger cette plainte, la LDH et Utopia 56 s’appuient notamment sur un rapport de l’Office européen de lutte anti-fraude, qui a précisément mis au jour des pratiques illégales et a mis en cause le rôle de Fabrice Leggeri, dont il était par ailleurs souligné le dirigisme à son poste de numéro 1 de Frontex. Les conclusions de ce rapport avaient contraint Fabrice Leggeri à la démission en 2022. Moins de deux ans plus tard, en février dernier, celui qui a été formé à l’ENA et a fait toute sa carrière dans la haute fonction publique a annoncé rejoindre la liste du Rassemblement national, conduite par Jordan Bardella, pour les élections européennes du 9 juin prochain.


  • Opération Sirli en Egypte : l’Etat français visée par une plainte pour complicité de crime contre l’humanité

    Deux ONG internationales ont porté plainte, lundi 12 septembre, afin que la justice française enquête sur l’exécutions de centaines de civils en Egypte grâce à des renseignements fournis par l’armée française. Une plainte qui fait suite aux révélations de Disclose publiées en novembre dernier. Lire l’article

  • Rapid Response : Decolonizing Italian Cities

    Anti-racism is a battle for memory. Enzo Traverso well underlined how statues brought down in the last year show “the contrast between the status of blacks and postcolonial subjects as stigmatised and brutalised minorities and the symbolic place given in the public space to their oppressors”.

    Material traces of colonialism are in almost every city in Italy, but finally streets, squares, monuments are giving us the chance to start a public debate on a silenced colonial history.

    Igiaba Scego, Italian writer and journalist of Somali origins, is well aware of the racist and sexist violence of Italian colonialism and she points out the lack of knowledge on colonial history.

    “No one tells Italian girls and boys about the squad massacres in Addis Ababa, the concentration camps in Somalia, the gases used by Mussolini against defenseless populations. There is no mention of Italian apartheid (…), segregation was applied in the cities under Italian control. In Asmara the inhabitants of the village of Beit Mekae, who occupied the highest hill of the city, were chased away to create the fenced field, or the first nucleus of the colonial city, an area off-limits to Eritreans. An area only for whites. How many know about Italian apartheid?” (Scego 2014, p. 105).

    In her book, Roma negata. Percorsi postcoloniali nella città (2014), she invites us to visually represent the historical connections between Europe and Africa, in creative ways; for instance, she worked with photographer Rino Bianchi to portray Afro-descendants in places marked by fascism such as Cinema Impero, Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana and Dogali’s stele in Rome.

    Inspired by her book, we decided to go further, giving life to ‘Decolonizing the city. Visual Dialogues in Padova’. Our goal was to question ourselves statues and street names in order to challenge the worldviews and social hierarchies that have made it possible to celebrate/forget the racist and sexist violence of colonialism. The colonial streets of Padova have been re-appropriated by the bodies, voices and gazes of six Italian Afro-descendants who took part in a participatory video, taking urban traces of colonialism out of insignificance and re-signifying them in a creative way.

    Wissal Houbabi, artist “daughter of the diaspora and the sea in between“, moves with the soundtrack by Amir Issa Non respiro (2020), leaving her poetry scattered between Via Cirenaica and Via Libia.

    “The past is here, insidious in our minds, and the future may have passed.

    The past is here, even if you forget it, even if you ignore it, even if you do everything to deny the squalor of what it was, the State that preserves the status of frontiers and jus sanguinis.

    If my people wanted to be free one day, even destiny would have to bend”.

    Cadigia Hassan shares the photos of her Italian-Somali family with a friend of hers and then goes to via Somalia, where she meets a resident living there who has never understood the reason behind the name of that street. That’s why Cadigia has returned to via Somalia: she wants to leave traces of herself, of her family history, of historical intertwining and to make visible the important connections that exist between the two countries.

    Ilaria Zorzan questions the colonial past through her Italo-Eritrean family photographic archive. The Italians in Eritrea made space, building roads, cableways, railways, buildings… And her grandfather worked as a driver and transporter, while her Eritrean grandmother, before marrying her grandfather, had been his maid. Ilaria conceals her face behind old photographs to reveal herself in Via Asmara through a mirror.

    Emmanuel M’bayo Mertens is an activist of the Arising Africans association. In the video we see him conducting a tour in the historic center of Padova, in Piazza Antenore, formerly Piazza 9 Maggio. Emmanuel cites the resolution by which the municipality of Padova dedicated the square to the day of the “proclamation of the empire” by Mussolini (1936). According to Emmanuel, fascism has never completely disappeared, as the Italian citizenship law mainly based on jus sanguinis shows in the racist idea of ​​Italianness transmitted ‘by blood’. Instead, Italy is built upon migration processes, as the story of Antenor, Padova’s legendary founder and refugee, clearly shows.

    Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfau’ questions the colonial map in Piazza delle Erbe where Libya, Albania, Ethiopia and Eritrea are marked as part of a white empire. She says that if people ignore this map it is because Italy’s colonial history is ignored. Moreover, today these same countries, marked in white on the map, are part of the Sub-saharan and Mediterranean migrant routes. Referring then to the bilateral agreements between Italy and Libya to prevent “irregular migrants” from reaching Europe, she argues that neocolonialism is alive. Quoting Aimé Césaire, she declares that “Europe is indefensible”.

    The video ends with Viviana Zorzato, a painter of Eritrean origin. Her house, full of paintings inspired by Ethiopian iconography, overlooks Via Amba Aradam. Viviana tells us about the ‘Portrait of a N-word Woman’, which she has repainted numerous times over the years. Doing so meant taking care of herself, an Afro-descendant Italian woman. Reflecting on the colonial streets she crosses daily, she argues that it is important to know the history but also to remember the beauty. Amba Alagi or Amba Aradam cannot be reduced to colonial violence, they are also names of mountains, and Viviana possesses a free gaze that sees beauty. Like Giorgio Marincola, Viviana will continue to “feel her homeland as a culture” and she will have no flags to bow her head to.

    The way in which Italy lost the colonies – that is with the fall of fascism instead of going through a formal decolonization process – prevented Italy from being aware of the role it played during colonialism. Alessandra Ferrini, in her ‘Negotiating amnesia‘,refers to an ideological collective amnesia: the sentiment of an unjust defeat fostered a sense of self-victimisation for Italians, removing the responsibility from them as they portrayed themselves as “brava gente” (good people). This fact, as scholars such as Nicola Labanca have explained, has erased the colonial period from the collective memory and public sphere, leaving colonial and racist culture in school textbooks, as the historian Gianluca Gabrielli (2015) has shown.

    This difficulty in coming to terms with the colonial past was clearly visible in the way several white journalists and politicians reacted to antiracist and feminist movements’ request to remove the statue of journalist Indro Montanelli in Milan throughout the BLM wave. During the African campaign, Montanelli bought the young 12-year-old-girl “Destà” under colonial concubinage (the so‑called madamato), boasting about it even after being accused by feminist Elvira Banotti of being a rapist. The issue of Montanelli’s highlights Italy’s need to think critically over not only colonial but also race and gender violence which are embedded in it.

    Despite this repressed colonial past, in the last decade Italy has witnessed a renewed interest stemming from bottom-up local movements dealing with colonial legacy in the urban space. Two examples are worth mentioning: Resistenze in Cirenaica (Resistances in Cyrenaica) in Bologna and the project “W Menilicchi!” (Long live Menilicchi) in Palermo. These instances, along with other contributions were collected in the Roots§Routes 2020 spring issue, “Even statues die”.

    Resistenze in Cirenaica has been working in the Cyrenaica neighbourhood, named so in the past due to the high presence of colonial roads. In the aftermath of the second world war the city council decided unanimously to rename the roads carrying fascist and colonial street signs (except for via Libya, left as a memorial marker) with partisans’ names, honouring the city at the centre of the resistance movement during the fascist and Nazi occupation. Since 2015, the collective has made this place the centre of an ongoing laboratory including urban walks, readings and storytelling aiming to “deprovincialize resistances”, considering the battles in the ex-colonies as well as in Europe, against the nazi-fascist forces, as antiracist struggles. The publishing of Quaderni di Cirene (Cyrene’s notebooks) brought together local and overseas stories of people who resisted fascist and colonial occupation, with the fourth book addressing the lives of fighter and partisan women through a gender lens.

    In October 2018, thanks to the confluence of Wu Ming 2, writer and storyteller from Resistenze in Cirenaica, and the Sicilian Fare Ala collective, a public urban walk across several parts of the city was organized, with the name “Viva Menilicchi!”. The itinerary (19 kms long) reached several spots carrying names of Italian colonial figures and battles, explaining them through short readings and theatrical sketches, adding road signs including stories of those who have been marginalized and exploited. Significantly, W Menilicchi! refers to Palermitan socialists and communists’ battle cry supporting king Menelik II who defeated the Italian troops in Aduwa in 1896, thus establishing a transnational bond among people subjected to Italian invasion (as Jane Schneider explores in Italy’s ‘Southern Question’: Orientalism in One Country, South Italy underwent a socio-economic occupation driven by imperial/colonial logics by the north-based Kingdom of Italy) . Furthermore, the urban walk drew attention to the linkage of racist violence perpetrated by Italians during colonialism with the killings of African migrants in the streets of Palermo, denouncing the white superiority on which Italy thrived since its birth (which run parallel with the invasion of Africa).

    These experiences of “odonomastic guerrillas” (street-name activists) have found creative ways of decolonising Italian history inscribed in cities, being aware that a structural change requires not only time but also a wide bottom-up involvement of inhabitants willing to deal with the past. New alliances are developing as different groups network and coordinate in view of several upcoming dates, such as February 19th, which marks the anniversary of the massacre of Addis Ababa which occurred in 1937 at the hands of Italian viceroy Rodolfo Graziani.

    Gabrielli G. (2015), Il curriculo “razziale”: la costruzione dell’alterità di “razza” e coloniale nella scuola italiana (1860-1950), Macerata: Edizioni Università di Macerata.
    Labanca, N. (2002) Oltremare. Storia dell’espansione coloniale italiana, Bologna: Il Mulino.
    Scego, I. (2014) Roma negata. Percorsi postcoloniali nella città, Roma: Ediesse.
    Schneider J (ed.) (1998) Italy’s ‘Southern Question’: Orientalism in One Country, London: Routledge.


    #décolonisation #décolonial #colonialisme #traces_coloniales #Italie #Italie_coloniale #colonialisme_italien #statues #Padova #Padoue #afro-descendants #Cadigia_Hassan #via_Somalia #Ilaria_Zorzan #Emmanuel_M’bayo_Mertens #Mackda_Ghebremariam_Tesfau #Piazza_delle_erbe #Viviana_Zorzato #Via_Amba_Aradam #Giorgio_Marincola #Alessandra_Ferrini

    ping @postcolonial @cede


    ajouté à la métaliste sur l’Italie coloniale :

    • #Negotiating_Amnesia

      Negotiating Amnesia is an essay film based on research conducted at the Alinari Archive and the National Library in Florence. It focuses on the Ethiopian War of 1935-36 and the legacy of the fascist, imperial drive in Italy. Through interviews, archival images and the analysis of high-school textbooks employed in Italy since 1946, the film shifts through different historical and personal anecdotes, modes and technologies of representation.



      En un coup d’oeil, l’expansion coloniale italienne :

      #amnésie #film #fascisme #impérialisme #Mussolini #Benito_Mussolini #déni #héritage #mémoire #guerre #guerre_d'Ethiopie #violence #Istrie #photographie #askaris #askari #campagna_d'Africa #Tito_Pittana #Mariano_Pittana #mémoire #prostitution #madamato #madamisme #monuments #Romano_Romanelli #commémoration #mémoriel #Siracusa #Syracuse #nostalgie #célébration #Axum #obélisque #Nuovo_Impero_Romano #Affile #Rodolfo_Graziani #Pietro_Badoglio #Uomo_Nuovo #manuels_scolaires #un_posto_al_sole #colonialismo_straccione #italiani_brava_gente #armes_chimiques #armes_bactériologiques #idéologie

    • My Heritage ?

      My Heritage? (2020) is a site-specific intervention within the vestibule of the former Casa d’Italia in Marseille, inaugurated in 1935 and now housing the Italian Cultural Institute. The installation focuses on the historical and ideological context that the building incarnates: the intensification of Fascist imperial aspirations that culminated in the fascistization of the Italian diaspora and the establishment of the Empire in 1936, as a result of the occupation of Ethiopia. As the League of Nations failed to intervene in a war involving two of its members, the so-called Abyssinian Crisis gave rise to a series of conflicts that eventually led to the WW2: a ‘cascade effect’. On the other hand, the attack on the ‘black man’s last citadel’ (Ras Makonnen), together with the brutality of Italian warfare, caused widespread protests and support to the Ethiopian resistance, especially from Pan-African movements.

      Placed by the entrance of the exhibition Rue d’Alger, it includes a prominent and inescapable sound piece featuring collaged extracts from texts by members of the London-based Pan-African association International African Friends of Ethiopia - CLR James, Ras Makonnen, Amy Ashwood Garvey - intertwined with those of British suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst and Italian anarchist Silvio Corio, founders of the newspaper New Times and Ethiopian News in London.

      Through handwritten notes and the use of my own voice, the installation is a personal musing on heritage as historical responsibility, based on a self-reflective process. My voice is used to highlight such personal process, its arbitrary choice of sources (related to my position as Italian migrant in London), almost appropriated here as an act of thinking aloud and thinking with these militant voices. Heritage is therefore intended as a choice, questioning its nationalist uses and the everlasting and catastrophic effects of Fascist foreign politics. With its loudness and placement, it wishes to affect the visitors, confronting them with the systemic violence that this Fascist architecture outside Italy embodies and to inhibit the possibility of being seduced by its aesthetic.



    • "Decolonizziamo le città": il progetto per una riflessione collettiva sulla storia coloniale italiana

      Un video dal basso in cui ogni partecipante produce una riflessione attraverso forme artistiche differenti, come l’arte figurativa, la slam poetry, interrogando questi luoghi e con essi “noi” e la storia italiana

      Via Eritrea, Viale Somalia, Via Amba Aradam, via Tembien, via Adua, via Agordat. Sono nomi di strade presenti in molte città italiane che rimandano al colonialismo italiano nel Corno d’Africa. Ci passiamo davanti molto spesso senza sapere il significato di quei nomi.

      A Padova è nato un progetto che vuole «decolonizzare la città». L’idea è quella di realizzare un video partecipativo in cui ogni partecipante produca una riflessione attraverso forme artistiche differenti, come l’arte figurativa, la slam poetry, interrogando questi luoghi e con essi “noi” e la storia italiana. Saranno coinvolti gli studenti del laboratorio “Visual Research Methods”, nel corso di laurea magistrale “Culture, formazione e società globale” dell’Università di Padova e artisti e attivisti afrodiscendenti, legati alla diaspora delle ex-colonie italiane e non.

      «Stavamo preparando questo laboratorio da marzo», racconta Elisabetta Campagni, che si è laureata in Sociologia a marzo 2020 e sta organizzando il progetto insieme alla sua ex relatrice del corso di Sociologia Visuale Annalisa Frisina, «già molto prima che il movimento Black Lives Matter riportasse l’attenzione su questi temi».

      Riscrivere la storia insieme

      «Il dibattito sul passato coloniale italiano è stato ampiamente ignorato nei dibattiti pubblici e troppo poco trattato nei luoghi di formazione ed educazione civica come le scuole», si legge nella presentazione del laboratorio, che sarà realizzato a partire dall’autunno 2020. «C’è una rimozione grandissima nella nostra storia di quello che ricordano questi nomi, battaglie, persone che hanno partecipato a massacri nelle ex colonie italiane. Pochi lo sanno. Ma per le persone che arrivano da questi paesi questi nomi sono offensivi».

      Da qui l’idea di riscrivere una storia negata, di «rinarrare delle vicende che nascondono deportazioni e uccisioni di massa, luoghi di dolore, per costruire narrazioni dove i protagonisti e le protagoniste sono coloro che tradizionalmente sono stati messi a tacere o sono rimasti inascoltati», affermano le organizzatrici.

      Le strade «rinarrate»

      I luoghi del video a Padova saranno soprattutto nella zona del quartiere Palestro, dove c’è una grande concentrazione di strade con nomi che rimandano al colonialismo. Si andrà in via Amba Aradam, il cui nome riporta all’altipiano etiope dove nel febbraio 1936 venne combattuta una battaglia coloniale dove gli etiopi vennero massacrati e in via Amba Alagi.

      Una tappa sarà nell’ex piazza Pietro Toselli, ora dedicata ai caduti della resistenza, che ci interroga sul legame tra le forme di resistenza al fascismo e al razzismo, che unisce le ex-colonie all’Italia. In Italia il dibattito si è concentrato sulla statua a Indro Montanelli, ma la toponomastica che ricorda il colonialismo è molta e varia. Oltre alle strade, sarà oggetto di discussione la mappa dell’impero coloniale italiano situata proprio nel cuore della città, in Piazza delle Erbe, ma che passa spesso inosservata.

      Da un’idea di Igiaba Scego

      Come ci spiega Elisabetta Campagni, l’idea nasce da un libro di Igiaba Scego che anni fa ha pubblicato alcune foto con afrodiscendenti che posano davanti ai luoghi che celebrano il colonialismo a Roma come la stele di Dogali, vicino alla stazione Termini, in viale Luigi Einaudi.

      Non è il primo progetto di questo tipo: il collettivo Wu Ming ha lanciato la guerriglia odonomastica, con azioni e performance per reintitolare dal basso vie e piazze delle città o aggiungere informazioni ai loro nomi per cambiare senso all’intitolazione. La guerriglia è iniziata a Bologna nel quartiere della Cirenaica e il progetto è stato poi realizzato anche a Palermo. Un esempio per il laboratorio «Decolonizzare la città» è stato anche «Berlin post colonial», l’iniziativa nata da anni per rititolare le strade e creare percorsi di turismo consapevole.

      Il progetto «Decolonizzare la città» sta raccogliendo i voti sulla piattaforma Zaalab (https://cinemavivo.zalab.org/progetti/decolonizzare-la-citta-dialoghi-visuali-a-padova), con l’obiettivo di raccogliere fondi per la realizzazione del laboratorio.


      #histoire_niée #storia_negata #récit #contre-récit

    • Decolonizzare la città. Dialoghi Visuali a Padova


      Via Amba Alagi, via Tembien, via Adua, via Agordat. Via Eritrea, via Libia, via Bengasi, via Tripoli, Via Somalia, piazza Toselli… via Amba Aradam. Diversi sono i nomi di luoghi, eventi e personaggi storici del colonialismo italiano in città attraversate in modo distratto, senza prestare attenzione alle tracce di un passato che in realtà non è ancora del tutto passato. Che cosa significa la loro presenza oggi, nello spazio postcoloniale urbano? Se la loro origine affonda le radici in un misto di celebrazione coloniale e nazionalismo, per capire il significato della loro permanenza si deve guardare alla società contemporanea e alle metamorfosi del razzismo.

      Il dibattito sul passato coloniale italiano è stato ampiamente ignorato nei dibattiti pubblici e troppo poco trattato nei luoghi di formazione ed educazione civica come le scuole. L’esistenza di scritti, memorie biografiche e racconti, pur presente in Italia, non ha cambiato la narrazione dominante del colonialismo italiano nell’immaginario pubblico, dipinto come una breve parentesi storica che ha portato civiltà e miglioramenti nei territori occupati (“italiani brava gente”). Tale passato, però, è iscritto nella toponomastica delle città italiane e ciò ci spinge a confrontarci con il significato di tali vie e con la loro indiscussa presenza. Per questo vogliamo partire da questi luoghi, e in particolare da alcune strade, per costruire una narrazione dal basso che sia frutto di una ricerca partecipata e condivisa, per decolonizzare la città, per reclamare una lettura diversa e critica dello spazio urbano e resistere alle politiche che riproducono strutture (neo)coloniali di razzializzazione degli “altri”.

      Il progetto allora intende sviluppare una riflessione collettiva sulla storia coloniale italiana, il razzismo, l’antirazzismo, la resistenza di ieri e di oggi attraverso la realizzazione di un video partecipativo.

      Esso è organizzato in forma laboratoriale e vuole coinvolgere studenti/studentesse del laboratorio “Visual Research Methods” (corso di laurea magistrale “Culture, formazione e società globale”) dell’Università di Padova e gli/le artisti/e ed attivisti/e afrodiscendenti, legati alla diaspora delle ex-colonie italiane e non.

      Il progetto si propone di creare una narrazione visuale partecipata, in cui progettazione, riprese e contenuti siano discussi in maniera orizzontale e collaborativa tra i e le partecipanti. Gli/Le attivisti/e e artisti/e afrodiscendenti con i/le quali studenti e studentesse svolgeranno le riprese provengono in parte da diverse città italiane e in parte vivono a Padova, proprio nel quartiere in questione. Ognuno/a di loro produrrà insieme agli studenti e alle studentesse una riflessione attraverso forme artistiche differenti (come l’arte figurativa, la slam poetry…), interrogando tali luoghi e con essi “noi” e la storia italiana. I partecipanti intrecciano così le loro storie personali e familiari, la storia passata dell’Italia e il loro attivismo quotidiano, espresso con l’associazionismo o con diverse espressioni artistiche (Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfaù, Wissal Houbabi, Theophilus Marboah, Cadigia Hassan, Enrico e Viviana Zorzato, Ilaria Zorzan, Ada Ugo Abara ed Emanuel M’bayo Mertens di Arising Africans). I processi di discussione, scrittura, ripresa, selezione e montaggio verranno documentati attraverso l’utilizzo di foto e filmati volti a mostrare la meta-ricerca, il processo attraverso cui viene realizzato il video finale, e le scelte, di contenuto e stilistiche, negoziate tra i diversi attori. Questi materiali verranno condivisi attraverso i canali online, con il fine di portare a tutti coloro che sostengono il progetto una prima piccola restituzione che renda conto dello svolgimento del lavoro.

      Le strade sono un punto focale della narrazione: oggetto dei discorsi propagandistici di Benito Mussolini, fulcro ed emblema del presunto e mitologico progetto di civilizzazione italiana in Africa, sono proprio le strade dedicate a luoghi e alle battaglie dove si sono consumate le atrocità italiane che sono oggi presenze fisiche e allo stesso tempo continuano ad essere invisibilizzate; e i nomi che portano sono oggi largamente dei riferimenti sconosciuti. Ripercorrere questi luoghi fisici dando vita a dialoghi visuali significa riappropriarsi di una storia negata, rinarrare delle vicende che nascondono deportazioni e uccisioni di massa, luoghi di dolore, per costruire narrazioni dove i protagonisti e le protagoniste sono coloro che tradizionalmente sono stati messi a tacere o sono rimasti inascoltati.

      La narrazione visuale partirà da alcuni luoghi – come via Amba Aradam e via lago Ascianghi – della città di Padova intitolati alla storia coloniale italiana, in cui i protagonisti e le protagoniste del progetto daranno vita a racconti e performances artistiche finalizzate a decostruire la storia egemonica coloniale, troppo spesso edulcorata e minimizzata. L’obiettivo è quello di favorire il prodursi di narrazioni dal basso, provenienti dalle soggettività in passato rese marginali e che oggi mettono in scena nuove narrazioni resistenti. La riappropriazione di tali luoghi, fisica e simbolica, è volta ad aprire una riflessione dapprima all’interno del gruppo e successivamente ad un pubblico esterno, al fine di coinvolgere enti, come scuole, associazioni e altre realtà che si occupano di questi temi sul territorio nazionale. Oltre alle strade, saranno oggetto di discussione la mappa dell’impero coloniale italiano situata proprio nel cuore della città, in Piazza delle Erbe, e l’ex piazza Toselli, ora dedicata ai caduti della resistenza, che ci interroga sul legame tra le forme di resistenza al fascismo e al razzismo, che unisce le ex-colonie all’Italia.

      Rinarrare la storia passata è un impegno civile e politico verso la società contemporanea. Se anche oggi il razzismo ha assunto nuove forme, esso affonda le sue radici nella storia nazionale e coloniale italiana. Questa storia va rielaborata criticamente per costruire nuove alleanze antirazziste e anticolonialiste.

      Il video partecipativo, ispirato al progetto “Roma Negata” della scrittrice Igiaba Scego e di Rino Bianchi, ha l’obiettivo di mostrare questi luoghi attraverso narrazioni visuali contro-egemoniche, per mettere in discussione una storia ufficiale, modi di dire e falsi miti, per contribuire a dare vita ad una memoria critica del colonialismo italiano e costruire insieme percorsi riflessivi nuovi. Se, come sostiene Scego, occupare uno spazio è un grido di esistenza, con il nostro progetto vogliamo affermare che lo spazio può essere rinarrato, riletto e riattraversato.

      Il progetto vuole porsi in continuità con quanto avvenuto sabato 20 giugno, quando a Padova, nel quartiere Palestro, si è tenuta una manifestazione organizzata dall’associazione Quadrato Meticcio a cui hanno aderito diverse realtà locali, randunatesi per affermare la necessita’ di decolonizzare il nostro sguardo. Gli interventi che si sono susseguiti hanno voluto riflettere sulla toponomastica coloniale del quartiere Palestro, problematizzandone la presenza e invitando tutti e tutte a proporre alternative possibili.



  • #Vomir #Canada : D’ici 2028, les vaches laitières devraient pouvoir mettre bas sans être enchaînées Julie Vaillancourt - Radio Canada

    Au Canada, la majorité des vaches laitières sont élevées en stabulation entravée, ce qui implique qu’elles mettent souvent bas, enchaînées, dans des stalles trop petites pour elles. Ça pourrait changer : les experts recommandent maintenant de leur donner plus de liberté de mouvement pour améliorer leur bien-être.

    Il manque d’espace dans les stalles régulières pour que les vaches mettent bas à leur aise. Photo : Radio-Canada

    La scène est désolante aux yeux du profane : une vache, la chaîne au cou, qui met bas dans sa stalle, souvent trop petite pour lui permettre de se mouvoir avec agilité. L’animal tente de se retourner pour voir son veau, mais son carcan métallique l’entrave partiellement ; le producteur laitier doit apporter le nouveau-né en face de sa mangeoire pour que la vache puisse enfin le lécher.

    Une action plus fréquente au Québec qu’ailleurs au Canada, car c’est dans la province qu’on retrouve le plus de fermes en stabulation entravée, un système où chaque vache garde toute sa vie une place fixe dans l’étable, enchaînée à une barre d’attache.

    Un des principes les plus importants, pour le vétérinaire Edwin Quigley, est que les vaches doivent faire le plus possible d’exercice. Photo : Radio-Canada

    Pour le vétérinaire Edwin Quigley, qui pratique dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches, le fait que 72 % des vaches de la province vivent ainsi (contrairement à la moyenne canadienne de 44 %) est consternant. “Des vaches attachées dans un espace de quatre pieds par six à l’année longue et qui ne changent pas de place, il manque quelque chose.”

    Ce “quelque chose”, c’est la liberté de mouvement, beaucoup plus présente en stabulation libre, une façon d’élever les bovins laitiers dans des espaces à aire ouverte. Avec ce modèle, les vaches disposent de logettes individuelles où elles vont manger ou se reposer à leur guise, sans jamais être immobilisées de force.

    Les chiffres parlent d’eux-mêmes : en stabulation entravée, la prévalence de blessures aux jarrets chez l’animal est de 56 % comparativement à 47 % en stabulation libre, de 43 % pour les blessures aux genoux comparativement à 24 % en stabulation libre.

    Conséquence, entre autres, d’une surface de couchage souvent trop abrasive en comparaison avec la litière de plus de 15 centimètres d’épaisseur qu’on retrouve régulièrement dans les étables en stabulation libre.

    Quant aux 33 % de blessures au cou en stabulation entravée, elles trouvent évidemment leur source dans le port constant de la chaîne.

    Au Canada, les vaches qui passent leur vie dans des stalles entravées ont plus de blessures qu’avec d’autres systèmes d’élevage. Photo : Radio-Canada

    Le “Code de pratique pour le soin et la manipulation des bovins laitiers”, un outil de référence à l’intention des producteurs laitiers canadiens, est actuellement en révision, puisque la dernière mouture date de 2009.

    Nous avons obtenu la version préliminaire du nouveau code, dont l’élaboration sera terminée d’ici la fin de l’année. Elle propose dorénavant de loger les vaches laitières au pâturage ou en stabulation libre afin qu’elles aient la possibilité de se mouvoir davantage. Quant au vêlage, les producteurs devraient obligatoirement permettre aux vaches de mettre bas en stabulation libre d’ici 2028, s’il n’en tient qu’aux experts canadiens qui se penchent présentement sur la question.


    Ce serait la moindre des choses aux yeux d’Edwin Quigley, qui supervise présentement l’agrandissement de l’étable d’un de ses clients, Dave Kelly, un producteur laitier de Saint-Nazaire-de-Dorchester, dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches.

    Dave Kelly, producteur laitier, veut améliorer le bien-être de ses vaches et collabore avec son vétérinaire pour changer les choses. Photo : Radio-Canada

    M. Kelly tente d’améliorer le bien-être de ses vaches à la mesure de ses moyens. “Il y a des gens qui pensent qu’on utilise les vaches comme des machines, moi, je ne suis pas d’accord avec ça, mais il faut qu’elles soient bien dans ce qu’elles ont à faire, c’est important.”

    Au programme chez lui, des travaux de construction pour bâtir une section où ses vaches pourront mettre bas en stabulation libre : un enclos de groupe où les vaches auront le loisir de bouger à leur guise pendant le vêlage sans être gênées par l’étroitesse de leurs stalles ou, pire encore, leurs chaînes.

    En stabulation, la litière disposée sur le sol rend la surface plus confortable et aide à éviter l’abrasion. Photo : Radio-Canada

    Un virage pris par de plus en plus de producteurs laitiers du Québec qui, massivement, convertissent leurs troupeaux à l’élevage en stabulation libre pour l’ensemble de leurs opérations, et non uniquement le vêlage. “On fait du rattrapage, soutient Daniel Gobeil, président des Producteurs de lait du Québec.”

    “Des vaches attachées toute leur vie, on tend à éliminer ces pratiques-là. On est à la croisée des chemins en termes de bien-être animal”, conclut-il.

    #chaînes #beurk #boycott #alimentation #sirop_d'érable #assiette #malbouffe #agriculture #élevage #élevage #alimentation #vaches #viande #agrobusiness #lait #agro-industrie #quelle_agriculture_pour_demain_ #violence #torture #capitalisme

    • Monsieur trudeau, vous êtes une honte pour la démocratie ! Veuillez nous épargner votre présence Christine Anderson, députée européenne (Allemande) au Parlement européen

      Après parlé avec des parlementaires européens lors de sa visite officielle de deux jours à Bruxelles, la parole a été donnée à la députée allemande Christine Anderson qui a interpellé le Premier ministre canadien, disant qu’il ne devrait pas pouvoir s’exprimer au Parlement européen.

      Anderson a accusé Trudeau d’admirer ouvertement la dictature de base chinoise et a appelé le Premier ministre pour avoir piétiné “les droits fondamentaux en persécutant et en criminalisant ses propres citoyens en tant terroristes simplement parce qu’ils osent s’opposer à son concept pervers de démocratie”.

      le Canada est passé du statut de symbole du monde moderne à celui de « symbole de la violation des droits civils » sous la « chaussure semi-libérale » de Trudeau.

      Elle a terminé son discours en disant à Trudeau qu’il était « une honte pour toute démocratie. Veuillez nous épargner votre présence.

      Le député croate Mislav Kolakusic a également dénoncé Trudeau pour avoir violé les droits civils des Canadiens qui ont participé aux manifestations du « Freedom Convoy ». Lors de son propre discours cinglant devant ses collègues parlementaires européens, Kolakusic a déclaré à Trudeau que ses actions en promulguant la loi sur les urgences étaient « une dictature de la pire espèce ».
      Trudeau s’est assis et a écouté Kolakusic informer le premier ministre que de nombreux Européens l’ont vu « piétiner des femmes avec des chevaux » et bloquer « les comptes bancaires de parents célibataires ».
      L’eurodéputé roumain Christian Terhes a également refusé d’assister au discours de Trudeau aux autres membres de l’UE.

      Source :

      NDR Cette députée allemande est de droite, mais la vérité ne fait pas de politique.

       #canada #justin_trudeau #trudeau la #violence #contrôle_social #police #dictature #violences_policières #violence_policière #répression #violence #maintien_de_l'ordre #brutalité_policière #manifestation #violences_policieres

    • Salaire mirobolant et logement de fonction : le train de vie princier du directeur du Fresnoy à Tourcoing Pierre Leibovici

      Les angles morts, Quelques obscurcissements, Prolongations… Le titre de ces romans signés Alain Fleischer était-il prémonitoire ? Il résonne en tout cas avec le rapport publié, vendredi 18 mars, par la Chambre régionale des comptes des Hauts-de-France sur l’association Le Fresnoy — Studio national des arts contemporains, dont il est le directeur.

      Ouvert au public en 1997, l’imposant bâtiment du Fresnoy, situé dans le quartier du Blanc Seau à Tourcoing, abrite une école supérieure d’art ainsi qu’un lieu de représentation et de production (cinéma, danse, photo, arts numériques). L’établissement, imaginé dès 1987 par l’artiste Alain Fleischer à la demande du ministère de la Culture, est aujourd’hui mondialement reconnu. Trente-cinq ans plus tard, et malgré son âge de 78 ans, il n’a toujours pas lâché le bébé.

      Un salaire brut de 91 000 euros
      « Le cinéaste », « l’auteur », « le photographe, le plasticien » : le parcours d’Alain Fleischer est fièrement détaillé sur le site Internet du Fresnoy, qui lui consacre une page entière. « L’ambassadeur du Fresnoy », ajoute la Chambre régionale des comptes dans son rapport : « il en est pilote stratégique, notamment pour l’évolution vers le projet de StudioLab international [un programme de collaboration entre artistes et scientifiques], il initie les grands partenariats et exerce les fonctions de responsable pédagogique ».

      « Le montant de sa rémunération ne s’appuie pas sur son contrat de travail »
      Pour remplir ces missions, Alain Fleischer bénéficie d’un confortable salaire de 91 000 euros bruts par an, soit 7 600 euros bruts par mois. Un montant stable sur la période allant de 2016 à 2019, sur laquelle se sont penchés les magistrats financiers, mais qui interroge : « le montant de sa rémunération ne s’appuie sur aucun élément présent dans son contrat de travail qui date de plus de 30 ans, pas plus que des avenants ultérieurs dont le dernier date, en tout état de cause, de 2002 ». La Chambre demande donc instamment une révision du contrat de travail du directeur et sa validation par le conseil d’administration de l’association.

      Un immeuble pour logement de fonction
      Dans la suite de leur rapport, les magistrats recommandent aussi que le conseil d’administration valide la mise à disposition d’un logement de fonction pour Alain Fleischer. Ou plutôt d’un « immeuble d’habitation », peut-on lire sans plus de précisions. Ce bâtiment, ainsi qu’un autre d’une surface de 11 000 m2, est la propriété de la région Hauts-de-France, principal financeur du Fresnoy.

      Quelle est la valeur de l’avantage en nature consenti à l’association et à son directeur ? Difficile à dire : la dernière évaluation, réalisée en 2002, tablait sur un coût de 455 823 euros par an. Un montant sans doute bien plus élevé vingt ans plus tard, d’autant que la région prend à sa charge les travaux et la majeure partie de l’entretien des bâtiments. « Une réévaluation de la valeur de ces biens immobiliers qui figurent dans les comptes de l’association serait nécessaire », acte la Chambre régionale des comptes.

      Gouvernance à clarifier
      Autre recommandation adressée au studio d’art contemporain : la clarification de la gouvernance de l’association. À l’heure actuelle, un conseil d’administration cohabite avec une assemblée générale. Mais les deux instances, dont les missions diffèrent, sont composées des mêmes membres : 10 membres de droit et 14 personnalités qualifiées. Pour mettre fin à cette « confusion », les magistrats appellent donc l’association à revoir ses statuts.

      Cette dernière recommandation vaut aussi pour la rémunération de certains membres du conseil d’administration. Car, d’après la Chambre régionale des comptes, « des membres du conseil d’administration, du fait de leurs fonctions et qualités professionnelles et artistiques, peuvent être amenés à remplir le rôle de commissaire de certaines expositions du Fresnoy ou à effectuer des missions de représentation, donnant lieu à versement d’émoluments ». Et de conclure, en des termes toujours policés, que l’association devrait réviser ses statuts « par souci de sécurité juridique ».

      Sollicité à l’issue de l’audit des magistrats financiers, le président de l’association, Bruno Racine, s’est engagé à suivre toutes leurs recommandations et à mettre à jour les statuts dans un délai de six mois. « Cette révision permettra de préciser les modalités de recrutement du directeur », a-t-il affirmé. Écrivain et haut-fonctionnaire, aujourd’hui âgé de 70 ans, Bruno Racine a toutes les raisons de prêter attention aux recommandations de la Chambre régionale des comptes : il a un temps été conseiller-maître à la Cour des comptes.

      #Fresnoy #Tourcoing #argent #fric #art #art_press #claude_leveque @legrandmix #art_contemporain pour #bobo #ruissèlement #ruissellement #photographie #guerre_aux_pauvres

    • Énergie : au Royaume-Uni, même les pommes de terre deviennent trop chères LePoint.fr

      Durant des siècles, les pommes de terre ont été, par excellence, l’aliment de base des populations pauvres. Faciles à cultiver, peu chères à l’achat et nourrissantes, elles étaient l’élément de base ? sinon le seul - de populations entières. À tel point qu’au XIXe siècle, l’apparition du mildiou en Irlande ? une maladie qui anéantit presque totalement la culture de la pomme de terre ? provoqua une famine ? et la mort de près d’un million de personnes.

      Par les temps qui courent, cependant, la pomme de terre semble perdre son avantage auprès des populations dans le besoin. En effet, selon The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/mar/23/food-bank-users-declining-potatoes-as-cooking-costs-too-high-says-icela de plus en plus de personnes ayant recours aux banques alimentaires refusent les pommes de terre, ne pouvant se permettre la dépense énergétique nécessaire à la longue cuisson de ces dernières.

      Une inflation record en 30 ans
      « C’est incroyablement inquiétant », a expliqué le gérant d’une chaîne de supermarchés low cost sur la BBC. « Nous entendons parler de certains utilisateurs de banques alimentaires qui refusent des produits tels que les pommes de terre et d’autres légumes-racines parce qu’ils n’ont pas les moyens de les faire bouillir », détaille-t-il, parlant de « la crise du coût de la vie » comme du « plus important problème intérieur » au Royaume-Uni.

      Outre-Manche, le coût de la vie continue d’augmenter rapidement, rapporte The Guardian. L’inflation a atteint 6,2 % en février, selon les chiffres de l’Office for National Statistics, une première depuis trente ans. Elle est alimentée par la hausse du coût de l’essence et du diesel et d’un large éventail de produits de nourriture aux jouets et jeux. En 2021, l’inflation spécifique aux produits alimentaires a été de 5,1 % au Royaume-Uni.

      #pauvreté #prix de l’#énergie #spéculation #capitalisme #marché_libre-et_non_faussé #électricité #spéculation #alimentation #banques_alimentaires #pommes_de_terre

  • Egypt Papers : le gouvernement étouffe le débat démocratique

    Depuis les révélations de Disclose sur les dérives de l’opération Sirli, en Egypte, le gouvernement refuse de rendre des comptes. Retour sur une stratégie de paralysie du débat démocratique, au nom du secret de la défense nationale. Lire l’article

  • Opération Sirli - Les mémos de la terreur

    e projet de la mission Sirli naît le 25 juillet 2015. Ce jour-là, Jean-Yves Le Drian, alors ministre de la défense de François Hollande, s’envole pour Le Caire en compagnie du directeur du renseignement militaire, le général Christophe Gomart. Il y rencontre son homologue égyptien, le ministre Sedki Sobhi dans un contexte « extrêmement favorable (…) reposant sur les récents succès des contrats Rafale et [frégates] FREMM », souligne une note diplomatique obtenue par Disclose – en avril, l’Egypte a acheté 24 avions de chasse Rafale et deux navires de guerre pour un montant de 5,6 milliards d’euros.

  • Covid-19 : pourquoi le Royaume-Uni connaît-il une chute brutale du nombre de cas ? - Monde - Le Télégramme

    Un centre de tests à Londres, lundi. Au Royaume-Uni, les cas de covid-19 ont chuté de manière significative depuis une semaine.

    Le Royaume-Uni présente une forte baisse du nombre de cas de covid-19 depuis une semaine. Motif d’espoir pour les pays en pleine vague épidémique, cette chute surprend les épidémiologistes.

    Au Royaume-Uni, la courbe des tests positifs à la covid-19 a connu une montée rapide et continue à partir de la fin du mois de mai. Faisant craindre de dépasser les 100 000 cas détectés par jour cet été… Mais depuis une semaine, la situation s’est totalement inversée : l’incidence apparente de la maladie est en chute libre après avoir atteint un pic, juste sous les 50 000 cas quotidiens.

    Des Britanniques plus prudents ?
    Cette baisse spectaculaire surprend les épidémiologistes qui multiplient les conjectures. « On peut faire l’hypothèse d’un problème de délai dans la remontée des tests effectués. Mais que cela dure plus d’une semaine serait surprenant », note Jean-Stéphane Dhersin, directeur adjoint scientifique de l’Institut national des sciences mathématiques et de leurs interactions au CNRS.

    Le modélisateur d’épidémies pointe une autre raison possible à cette baisse spectaculaire alors qu’aucune nouvelle mesure de restriction n’est entrée en vigueur pour l’expliquer : « On peut faire l’hypothèse que les habitants ont choisi de lever le pied d’eux-mêmes, face à une situation qui s’annonçait catastrophique ». Des tels comportements ont déjà été observés en Suède. Et même en France, lorsque l’annonce de mesures de restriction départementalisées avait eu un effet avant même d’être mises en application. À voir si cela perdurera au Royaume-Uni après la levée d’une bonne partie des mesures barrières, le 19 juillet, lors du « Freedom Day », dont on devrait mesurer l’impact d’ici quelques jours.

    Ce reflux épidémique pourrait-il être aussi dû à la forte immunité collective acquise par le pays, notamment grâce aux vaccins ? 70 % des habitants ont reçu au moins une dose, contre 60 % en France. « Il n’y a pas eu, sur une seule semaine, une part suffisamment importante de la population à être vaccinée pour que cela fasse chuter la courbe des cas à ce point », balaye Jean-Stéphane Dhersin.

    Un possible effet de l’Euro
    D’autres épidémiologistes, comme Rowland Kao, de l’université d’Édimbourg, croient y voir un effet de la fin de l’Euro de foot et des attroupements de fans dans les stades et les pubs. Une hypothèse corroborée par le déclin plus précoce des cas en Écosse, qui a eu lieu « à partir du 1er juillet, soit environ deux semaines après le dernier match des Écossais, alors que le nombre de cas n’a diminué en Angleterre qu’à partir du 17 juillet, soit une semaine après la finale (jouée par les Anglais, NDLR) », rapporte le journal The Guardian.

    Le rôle des vacances d’été est aussi une piste : « Elles induisent moins de contacts entre les jeunes et un comportement différent de la population ; ça peut jouer, mais dans quelle mesure ? », s’interroge Jean-Stéphane Dhersin. Une météo favorable a pu également permettre de vivre un peu plus à l’extérieur et de moins de se contaminer.

    La baisse des hospitalisations n’est pas encore enclenchée à l’échelle du Royaume-Uni car il existe toujours un décalage temporel entre les contaminations et les entrées à l’hôpital. En revanche, le pic hospitalier a déjà été passé en Écosse. Avec une amplitude plus faible que lors des vagues précédentes, sans doute grâce à la vaccination.

    Peut-on s’attendre à pareille baisse des infections en France dans les semaines à venir, où l’épidémie reprend pour l’instant de plus belle ? Pas si simple. Pour que la courbe s’infléchisse, le taux de reproduction du virus (le nombre de personnes que contamine une personne infectée) doit passer sous la valeur 1. Or, en France, il est à 2, « bien au-dessus de ce qu’a connu le Royaume-Uni dernièrement », rappelle Jean-Stéphane Dhersin. Pour réduire ce chiffre, il faudrait notamment un retour vers un plus grand respect des gestes barrières, en grande partie abandonnés ces dernières semaines.

    Soutenez une rédaction professionnelle au service de la Bretagne et des Bretons : abonnez-vous à partir de 1 € par mois.
    Je m’abonne

    • Why #COVID cases are now falling in the UK – and what could happen next

      An SIR model shows the number of susceptible, infected and recovered people at any time in an epidemic. Wefatherley/Wikipedia, CC BY-SA

      The real world, though, is rather more complex than a #SIR model. It behaves more like a #SEIRS model, a variation of the basic SIR model that incorporates other factors into calculating how the disease spreads.

      In a SEIRS model, the rise and fall of case numbers and the point of endemic equilibrium depend on a range of influences. These include measures such as “beta” (which is the average number of contacts a person has over a set amount of time, multiplied by the probability of the disease being transmitted when there’s contact between a susceptible and an infectious person) and “latency” (which is the lag between someone being infected and becoming infectious). Critically, the model also factors in the changing immunity of the population, either through births and deaths or, as we have already discussed, waning immunity.

      As in the SIR model, the rate of epidemic growth slows to a peak before cases fall back to an endemic level. But in this SEIRS model, the infection approaches its stable endemic equilibrium in a series of epidemic waves, as the model’s extra data inputs make it much more sensitive and complicated (and as a result more realistic).

      For example, if beta increases because contact between people increases, then this will change the endemic equilibrium at which cases level off. More contact will see a surge in infections until they start to settle around a higher equilibrium. Similarly, if beta decreases we’ll see a drop in infections until the new equilibrium is approached.

    • COVID-19: UK’s daily coronavirus data ’looks a bit fishy’ - as major symptom study suggests cases on the rise

      Professor Tim Spector, who co-founded the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app, said a “sudden drop” in people testing positive for the virus in the government’s data is “very suspicious”.


      "To me, it looks a bit fishy.

      “It looks as if there’s some other explanation for this other than suddenly the virus has given up.”

      He added that the ZOE study shows cases are on the rise and the “dramatic drop” in government figures is one “which we haven’t seen before, even in the other waves and lockdowns”.


      One of the possible explanations behind the decline in cases, according to the professor, are fewer young people getting tested.

      He said: "Looking at our own data, there’s a suggestion that we are seeing a reduction in the cases of the young and so they have been largely driving these figures for the last month or so, and that could be that less young people are getting tested.


      People not getting tested due to concerns over the “pingdemic” and not wanting to self-isolate is also a “potential phenomenon that’s upsetting” the data, adds the professor.

    • Ça peut pas être la même stratégie, c’est pas les mêmes acteurs. Il y a une immanence des comportements (se protéger plus, prendre moins de risques, pour évoquer les post précédents, ou ne pas se tester pour ne pas entrer dans la pingdémie, comme le présume le dernier intervenant cité) qui n’est pas sans effets sur la transcendance « du pouvoir » qui ne doit pas goûter, effectivement ce quil voit comme un effet pervers qui entache son freedom day (productif et consumériste), c-à-d la semi paralysie de l’économie qu’entraîne la pingdémie (isolement = pas aller au taff, à hauteur de 20% dans pas mal de boites). Des stratégies opposées peuvent de concert faire diminuer la prévalence, ou casser le thermomètre.
      À part ça je pige pas non plus ce qui se passe, sauf bonne nouvelle : comportements de prévention (de même, je vois étonnamment beaucoup de masqués dans les rues de Paris, où c’est pas obligatoire du tout) + vaccination plus massive qu’ici. Peut-être que le pari de Macron de faire comme Johnson, sans les mêmes conditions (...) va réussir, à quelques soucis majeurs en hospits près... Encore une fois on s’est « habitués » à 300 morts/jours pendant des semaines, de novembre à mai !! et déjà on voir des soignants qui hachetaguent des #pasdevaccinspasderéa, c’est à dire que c’est depuis une part de la société que la relativisation des morts, des morts plus jeunes, de morts jeunes est en train de se faire (en oubliant d’ailleurs les millions de vieux et de vulnérables pas vaccinés), en en imputant la responsabilité aux mal comprenants, aux méfiants, pas plus antivax que vous et moi, et pas à la « campagne de vaccination » publique.

  • Siri, l’assistant vocal d’Apple ? C’est une taupe !

    En Irlande, des sous-traitants d’Apple sont chargés de retranscrire nos conversations privées via l’assistant vocal Siri, implantée dans nos téléphones. Et tout cela, en toute impunité. L’une de ces “petites oreilles”, Thomas Le Bonniec, lance l’alerte.

    Le son existe-t-il sans oreilles pour l’entendre ? Au troisième millénaire, nous parlons de plus en plus à nos appareils quotidiens. Pour leur dicter, d’une injonction de la voix, une liste de courses ou pour leur demander la météo du jour. Où s’agglomèrent ces petites grappes de mots, s’il n’y a pas d’ouïe pour recevoir notre parole ? Thomas Le Bonniec le sait : pendant quelques mois, il a été à l’autre bout du fil, chargé de prêter attention à la vie des autres. « Je ne suis pas la Stasi, jure-t-il. Apple, en revanche… » Très officiellement, Siri, l’assistant vocal maison, est « une entité non humaine dont le rôle est d’aider les individus à accomplir des tâches avec aisance, efficacité et plaisir ». Plus prosaïquement, c’est une intelligence artificielle, perfectible, qu’il faut nourrir et entraîner. Manuellement. Grâce à des individus dotés d’un libre arbitre, capables de dire non. Comme Thomas Le Bonniec

    #Intelligence_artificielle #Vie_privée #transcription #Assistant_vocal #Siri #surveillance

  • La claque du week-end avec #Analog_Africa encore une fois !

    #Mestre_Cupijó E Seu Ritmo - Siriá

    #Cametá, petite ville historique amazonienne sur les rives du fleuve Tocantins, est le berceau de la #Siriá ; une pollinisation croisée entre la musique des habitants des #quilombos, une colonie de l’arrière-pays brésilien fondée par des esclaves d’origine africaine et les peuples indigènes de la #forêt_amazonienne. C’est une #musique qui respire, pulsée et emphatique. La version modernisée de cette musique locale, créée par Mestre Cupijó, enflamme depuis des décennies des fêtes de rue et des festivals traditionnels de l’État du #Pará dans le nord du #Brésil.


    En lien avec http://seen.li/h719


  • #SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of antibody-positive compared with antibody-negative health-care workers in England: a large, multicentre, prospective cohort study (#SIREN) - The Lancet

    Résumé :

    Eric Topol sur Twitter : “Protection from natural immunity in follow-up of over 25,000 healthcare workers:

    If you’ve had covid, there’s an 84% lower risk of (re)infection for at least 7 months. 93% reduction in symptomatic infections.

    No effect of #B.1.1.7.”

    #immunité #variants

  • « Il nous faut retrouver une forme d’hygiène numérique »

    Quelles traces numériques laissons-nous au quotidien ? Elles sont de plus en plus nombreuses. L’image d’Épinal de ces « traces » renvoie surtout au profil que l’on se construit sur un réseau social. On y renseigne son nom, son état civil, son âge, sa profession, ses goûts… Mais ces données personnelles ne constituent que la face la plus visible, la plus évidente du traçage numérique. Ce que l’on saisit peut-être moins, c’est la transformation de toutes nos petites actions quotidiennes en signaux (...)

    #Airbus #Clearview #Datakalab #DGSI #Google #In-Q-Tel #Microsoft #Palantir #Ring #CIA #FBI #Amazon #Facebook #Gmail #ProtonMail #algorithme #Alexa #CCTV #domotique #InternetOfThings #Navigo #Siri #technologisme #vidéo-surveillance #COVID-19 #écoutes (...)

    ##santé ##surveillance ##CNIL ##LaQuadratureduNet

  • Façonner les données : le travail à la chaine du numérique (Le travail des données 3/3)

    Les algorithmes et autres intelligences « artificielles » fonctionnent sur la base du traitement automatique de grandes bases de données. Cette matière première informationnelle est le résultat de l’activité de nombreux individus réalisant quotidiennement les tâches minutieuses de tri, d’annotation et de classement. Le travail souvent précaire de ces « petites mains du numérique » contribue à donner forme aux données personnelles et à déterminer les usages qui pourront en être faits. Il se trouve de ce (...)

    #Apple #Google #Amazon #CAPTCHA #Home #Alexa #Siri #technologisme #BigData #GigEconomy #PrivacyShield #voix #[fr]Règlement_Général_sur_la_Protection_des_Données_(RGPD)[en]General_Data_Protection_Regulation_(GDPR)[nl]General_Data_Protection_Regulation_(GDPR) #CJUE (...)

    ##[fr]Règlement_Général_sur_la_Protection_des_Données__RGPD_[en]General_Data_Protection_Regulation__GDPR_[nl]General_Data_Protection_Regulation__GDPR_ ##CNIL

  • En #Allemagne, les enregistrements d’Alexa permettent de confondre un meurtrier

    Qu’entend-on sur ces enregistrements ? On ne le sait pas exactement. Mais il est plus que probable que les enquêteurs n’aient pas entendu le meurtre en lui-même : certes, les micros d’Alexa sont ouverts en permanence (à moins qu’ils soient désactivés manuellement) pour comprendre quand un utilisateur ou une utilisatrice fait appel à l’assistant vocal ; mais l’enregistrement, lui, ne se déclenche que lorsqu’il est sollicité, c’est-à-dire au moment du « #Alexa », « Dis #Siri » ou « Ok #Google ».

    Autrement dit, à moins que l’enceinte se soit lancée par erreur au moment du crime, ce qu’ont pu collecter les enquêteurs, ce sont des enregistrements collectés probablement avant ou après les faits. Une demande d’allumer des lumières, de mettre de la musique, qui aurait permis d’identifier que le meurtrier présumé, qui n’habitait pas avec son ex-compagne, était bien à son domicile au moment des faits.

    Aux États-Unis, il est déjà arrivé que les enregistrements d’Alexa ou de Google soient fournis à la #justice dans ce genre d’affaires pour confondre les auteurs de crimes ou de délits – mais ce n’est pas systématique. Et en novembre 2019, une demande inverse avait été effectuée, rappelle Numerama : un avocat avait voulu utiliser les enregistrements pour prouver l’innocence de son client.

    En #Europe, et même si des dispositifs juridiques similaires existent aussi en #France, la question est plus tendue, car les demandes de transmission de ce genre de données entrent en collision avec les règles de protection de la vie privée (dont le RGPD, un règlement au niveau européen). D’où le fait que les demandes soient traitées au cas par cas.

  • Pacanes pralinées à l’érable

    Mettre les pacanes dans un chaudron, et les chauffer quelques minutes à basse température (équivalent à 2-3 sur la plupart des cuisinières). Ajouter le #Sirop_d'érable, et remuer constamment jusqu’à évaporation du liquide. Lorsqu’elles seront prêtes, les pacanes prendront une apparence sablonneuse. Il est important de ne pas chauffer les pacanes à feu trop élevé, et de les retirer du feu dès qu’elles sont prêtes pour éviter la caramélisation du sucre d’érable qui deviendrait alors très… Sirop d’érable, #Noix_de_pécan, #Friandises, #Québec / Végétalien (vegan), #Sans gluten, #Sans viande, #Sans œuf, #Végétarien, #Sans lactose, (...)

    #Végétalien_vegan_ #Sauté

  • Alexa, Siri... Elsa ? Children drive boom in smart speakers

    Coronavirus has accelerated the use of voice assistants, but there are concerns about unregulated online ‘playgrounds’ Voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri will become common in children’s bedrooms, according to a new report from Internet Matters, the online safety body, which says it is critical for parents to spend more time understanding new technology. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of new technology at home by “three or four years”, the researchers said, and families in the (...)

    #Apple #Google #Amazon #Alexa #domotique #Siri #technologisme #écoutes #enfants


  • Sirop de #Gingembre épicé

    Sirop de gingembre pour Ginger Beer maison. Verser l’eau, les épices et le sucre dans une casserole et porter à ébullition. Réduire à feu doux et laisser mijoter entre 45 minutes et une heure. Retirer du feu et laisser refroidir à température ambiante. Passer à travers une passoire fine et transférer le sirop dans une bouteille ou un pot hermétique. Conserver au réfrigérateur. #Sucres, Gingembre, #Sirops / #Sans œuf, #Sans viande, #Végétarien, #Sans lactose, #Sans gluten, Végétalien (vegan)


  • We need a full investigation into Siri’s secret surveillance campaign

    The public deserves to know the extent to which Apple employees have been listening to our private conversations and intimate moments No one wants their most private activities secretly monitored. That’s why wiretapping is strictly regulated in the US and most of the world. Federal law makes it a crime for the government to surveil communications without a court-ordered warrant. This is not the issue here. Nor is this a case involving one-party consent. Who authorized the makers of Apple’s (...)

    #Apple #Google #Microsoft #Amazon #Facebook #algorithme #Alexa #Assistant #Cortana #Siri #domotique #consommation #procès #consentement #reconnaissance #écoutes #voix #travail (...)


  • Uncovered : 1,000 phrases that incorrectly trigger Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant

    “Election” can trigger Alexa ; “Montana” can trigger Cortana. As Alexa, Google Home, Siri, and other voice assistants have become fixtures in millions of homes, privacy advocates have grown concerned that their near-constant listening to nearby conversations could pose more risk than benefit to users. New research suggests the privacy threat may be greater than previously thought. The findings demonstrate how common it is for dialog in TV shows and other sources to produce false triggers that (...)

    #Apple #Google #Microsoft #Amazon #Home #Alexa #Cortana #domotique #Siri #reconnaissance #biais #écoutes (...)
