• La brochure #LO : « Contre le grand capital, le camp des travailleurs » (élections européennes 2019) est en ligne (format pdf)
    La seule liste d’extrême-gauche, internationaliste, anti-souverainiste ; la seule liste communiste révolutionnaire ; la seule liste non-réformiste ; la seule liste qui exprime les intérêts de classe des exploités.

    Sommaire :
    Les raisons de voter #Lutte_Ouvrière aux #élections_européennes https://www.lutte-ouvriere.org/sites/default/files/documents/brochure-avril-2019.pdf

    - Contre la domination du grand capital (2)
    – Salariés ou retraités, embauchés, précaires ou au chômage, vous tous qui vivez de votre travail, exprimez vos exigences ! (3) #retraite
    – Augmentations massives des #salaires, des #pensions et des allocations Indexation de leur montant sur la hausse des prix (5)
    – Interdiction des #licenciements (7)
    – Imposer le #contrôle_des_travailleurs sur la marche des entreprises (8)
    – Plus que Macron, combattre le système capitaliste 9Un système économique en faillite (11)
    – Engager le combat contre la #classe_capitaliste (12)
    – Le rôle déterminant des #travailleurs (13)
    – Les élections européennes : une occasion d’affirmer nos intérêts de classe 16
    – L’#Union_européenne (17)
    – Quitter l’Union Européenne pour retrouver de la #souveraineté ? Une diversion et un mensonge (18) #souverainisme
    – Il faut renverser le #capitalisme (19)
    – La nécessité d’un #parti_révolutionnaire (21)
    – L’émancipation des travailleurs sera l’œuvre des travailleurs eux-mêmes (22)

    Quelques-unes de nos positions https://www.lutte-ouvriere.org/sites/default/files/documents/brochure-avril-2019.pdf

    - #Fiscalité : « L’#impôt saigne le malheureux » (26)
    – Le #protectionnisme ne protège pas les travailleurs (27)
    – La #mondialisation, base économique du communisme (29)
    – Contre l’oppression des femmes (30) #féminisme
    #Migrants : des travailleurs qui doivent avoir le droit de circuler et de s’installer pour gagner leur pain (31)
    – Le #terrorisme, produit de l’ordre capitaliste mondial (33)
    #Écologie : la véritable menace contre l’#environnement et la planète, c’est le capitalisme (34)

    Version audio : https://presse.lutte-ouvriere.org/media/audioLO/Brochures/2019-04-brochure.mp3

  • Food Sovereignty

    Food Sovereignty is a term that refers to both a movement and an idea (Wittman et al., 2010) however, as with most political concepts, it is essentially contested. This contested nature stems partly from the conviction of many of its transnational advocates that food sovereignty needs to be defined ‘from the bottom-up’ and as such it evades a precise single definition. While there is merit in such an approach given the diverse political and agro-ecological settings in which food sovereignty has emerged as a rallying cry for change, it also raises the question of whether food sovereignty can be relational without bounds [1].

    Whilst the lack of distinction of the food sovereignty concept continues to form a theoretical problem, which according to some prevents the further development of the debate[2], in practice the issue areas that food sovereignty advocates concern themselves with are very clear. The primary documentation issued by organisations like La Via Campesina and the declarations issued at the two Nyéléni meetings, include calls for the democratisation of the food system and the protection of the rights of small farmers. It also expresses a commitment to address the multiple inequalities reproduced within the current corporate-dominated food system. As such, food sovereignty builds upon a rights-based approach to food, but adds a qualifier to such rights. Human beings do not merely have a right to food, but rather ‘a right to food that is healthy and culturally appropriate, produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods’, which are defined by people instead of corporations or unaccountable governments [3]. In this manner, food sovereignty represents a radical alternative to the food security paradigm, which holds central the benefits of free food markets and seeks to solve the problem of world hunger through scientific innovation and increased market liberalisation.

    Whilst the precise origins of food sovereignty remain somewhat unclear, Edelman (2014) has put forward a strong case that it was first articulated in Mexico [4]. Additionally, as a result of Latin American peasant farmer organisation La Via Campesina’s use of the term and the fact that some of the movement’s key international meetings were deliberately held in the global South (at Nyéléni in Mali) so as to make a statement, food sovereignty itself is often seen as a ‘southern’ rallying cry. In part this is because it is associated with smallholder farming which is exercised more extensively within the global South. This is not to say that smallholder farmers do not exist within Europe or the United States,[5] or that the aspirations of small holder producers in Latin America, East Asia or elsewhere may not align with the food export-oriented framework that is conventionally understood as driven by ‘northern’ actors [6]. Nor is it to suggest that food sovereignty – where it pertains to democratisation and exercising ownership over a given food system – has no place in American and European societies. The geographic dimensions of food sovereignty, however, do serve to communicate that the negative socio-economic impacts resulting from the proliferation of large-scale industrialised food production elsewhere has been predominantly felt in the global South.

    Reflecting on the structure of the global food economy, it has been suggested that the fundamental interests of geographically differently located actors may be at odds with one another, even if they collectively mobilise behind the banner of food sovereignty [7]. Food sovereignty activists stand accused of taking a ‘big bag fits all’ approach (Patel) and brushing over the contradictions inherent in the movement. As already indicated above, however, whilst the broad geographic delineations may help to explain existing inequalities, the reproduction of binary North-South oppositions is not always conducive to better understanding the mechanisms through which such inequalities are reproduced. For example, factors such as the interaction between local elites and transnational capital or the role of food culture and dietary change are not easily captured through territorial markers such as ‘North’ and ‘South’.

    Essential Reading

    Holt-Gimenez, Eric & Amin, Samir, (2011) Food movements unite!: Strategies to transform our food system (Oakland: Food First Books).

    Alonso-Fradejas, A., Borras Jr, S. M., Holmes, T., Holt-Giménez, E., & Robbins, M. J. (2015). Food sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, conditions and challenges. Third World Quarterly, 36(3), 431-448.

    Patel, Raj. (2009). Food sovereignty. Journal of Peasant Studies, 36:3, 663-706

    Further reading

    Andrée P, Ayres J, Bosia MJ, Mássicotte MJ. (eds.) (2014). Globalization and food sovereignty: global and local change in the new politics of food (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).

    Carolan, Michael. (2014). “Getting to the core of food security and food sovereignty: Relationality with limits?” Dialogues in Human Geography 4, no. 2, pp. 218-220.

    Holt-Giménez, E. (2009). From food crisis to food sovereignty: the challenge of social movements. Monthly Review, 61(3), 142.

    Shiva, Vandana (1997). Biopiracy: The plunder of nature and knowledge (Cambridge: South End Press).

    Wittman, Hannah (ed.) (2011). Food sovereignty: reconnecting food, nature & community (Oxford: Pambazuka Press).

    Zurayk, R. (2016). The Arab Uprisings through an Agrarian Lens. In Kadri. A. (ed). Development Challenges and Solutions after the Arab Spring. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-152.

    #souveraineté_alimentaire #alimentation #définition

  • Island.eu

    Island.eu was the first event in the #Vertical_Atlas research project. It explores ways of mapping new techno-political geographies, based on the tension between Europe’s data protection against the borderless reality of cyberspace and the simultaneous datafication of the Mediterranean sea as an extended border of European sovereignty.

    #données #surveillance #cyberspace #internet #cartographie #technologie #cartographie #souveraineté #identité #identification #iris #IrisGuard #Attribute_Based_Credentials #ABC
    ping @fil

  • (Dé)passer la frontière

    En ce début de 21e siècle, l’heure est à la #fermeture_des_frontières. Si ce durcissement des #politiques_migratoires peine à produire les résultats escomptés, il participe à la multiplication de situations de violations des #droits_humains, partout dans le monde.

    Les frontières, leur gestion et leur actualité traversent les débats publics et médiatiques sur les #migrations, attisant les controverses et les fantasmes, en particulier en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Les frontières cristallisent un grand nombre d’enjeux – sociaux, (géo)politiques, économiques, historiques – et mobilisent une grande diversité d’idées, de projets de société et d’acteur·rices. Étudier, questionner la frontière et tout ce qu’elle véhicule comme #symboles est donc indispensable pour penser l’avenir des territoires et de leurs populations dans une perspective de respect de la #dignité_humaine, autrement que sous le seul angle d’analyse de « la crise migratoire ».

    L’objectif principal de ce nouveau numéro de la collection Passerelle est donc de proposer des pistes d’analyse et de réflexion sur les enjeux autour des frontières : dans un monde globalisé, entre territorialisation et dématérialisation, qu’est-ce qu’une frontière aujourd’hui ? Quels sont les intérêts politiques et économiques qui régissent les mouvements d’ouverture pour certain·es, et de fermeture pour d’autres ? Cette publication invite également à explorer les multiples formes de #résistance à travers la voix de celles et ceux qui défient les politiques de fermeture, mais aussi les idées et propositions qui remettent en cause le régime des frontières actuel.

    Il s’agit donc bien d’établir des liens entre ce sujet d’une actualité brûlante et des dynamiques de long terme dans les différentes parties du monde, d’en éclairer les différents enjeux et de donner de la visibilité aux luttes actives d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. C’est cette perspective qui est au cœur du débat à travers les articles compilés ici : des réflexions, des témoignages et des pistes d’horizons politiques qui nous permettront de mieux saisir les enjeux des frontières, afin de nous armer de meilleurs outils de solidarité internationale pour la #justice_sociale et la garantie des droits fondamentaux de toutes et tous.


    Sommaire :

    #souveraineté_nationale #symbole #murs #Israël #barrières_frontalières #externalisation #externalisation_des_frontières #spectacle #victimisation #business #tunnel #Roya_Citoyenne #frontière_sud-alpine #La_Roya #caravane #Amérique_centrale #disparitions #mères #justice #passeport_aborigène #internationalisme #liberté_de_circulation #Touaregs #nomadisme #nomades #confédéralisme_démocratique #membrane

    ping @isskein @reka


  • Offshoring the Border : The #1981 United States–#Haiti Agreement and the Origins of Extraterritorial Maritime Interdiction

    Extraterritorial maritime interdiction is a common tactic used by destination states to keep unwanted migrants from reaching their borders. But it is problematic, raising legal concerns about #refoulement as well as political concerns about sovereignty. Where did extraterritorial interdiction come from, and how has it become so widespread? This article draws on archival sources and contemporaneous legal opinions from within the #Reagan administration to tell the origin story of the pivotal 1981 United States–Haiti agreement that pioneered this model of border control. Even at the time of adoption, this agreement faced legal challenges, and was viewed as a solution of last resort. Yet many of the legal challenges of modern extraterritorial interdiction trace back to the unique circumstances shaping this first agreement—including the need to cooperate with countries of embarkation, anticipatory determination of attempted entry and the offshoring of protection responsibilities. They were locked in by path-dependent feedback mechanisms domestically and then diffused internationally.

    #USA #Etats-Unis #Haïti #externalisation #origine #interdiction_extraterritoriale #contrôles_frontaliers #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #externalisation #externalisation_des_frontaliers #accord #push-back #souveraineté

    via @isskein

    ajouté à cette métaliste sur l’externalisation des contrôles frontaliers :

  • « Ce qui se passe ici, cette entraide, je n’avais jamais vu ça » : reportage à la maison du peuple de Saint-Nazaire

    A Saint-Nazaire, les gilets jaunes ont leur quartier général : la « maison du peuple », un ancien bâtiment du Pôle emploi qu’ils occupent depuis la fin novembre. Dans le bouillonnement des discussions, des débats et des actions, travailleuses précaires, retraités, chômeuses ou SDF s’y politisent à grande vitesse. Dans ce territoire marqué par une forte culture ouvrière, leur action s’articule avec celle des syndicats, dont ils reçoivent le soutien. Après bientôt trois mois d’une mobilisation nourrie par (...)


    / #Luttes_sociales, #Syndicalisme, #Inégalités, #Classes_populaires, #Souveraineté_populaire, A la une, Innovation (...)


  • Débat : « L’emmurement du monde disloque de l’intérieur les #sociétés »

    ... la #murophilie actuelle revêt trois #dangers inédits. Elle introduit une disjonction potentiellement explosive entre, d’une part, une intégration forcenée de la planète dans les domaines de la #finance, du commerce, de la technologie, du sport, des loisirs, de la culture matérielle ou spirituelle, et, d’autre part, le #cloisonnement de plus en plus coercitif, voire militarisé, du marché international de la force de #travail et de la circulation des personnes.

    S’imaginer que la majorité de l’humanité va rester sur le seuil du magasin de la #globalisation, qu’on lui interdit de franchir, sans défoncer sa porte et faire voler en éclat sa vitrine relève de l’irénisme.

    En deuxième lieu, l’#endiguement des #barbares corrompt de l’intérieur la #cité qu’il prétend protéger. Il implique des régimes juridiques dérogatoires au détriment des étrangers, assimilés à des #ennemis. Ces législations progressivement s’étendent aux #citoyens eux-mêmes, instaurent des états d’exception qui deviennent des États d’exception, et banalisent une abjection d’État, laquelle s’institutionnalise en États d’#abjection.

    Au nom de la lutte contre le #terrorisme et l’#immigration clandestine, les #libertés publiques sont de plus en plus menacées dans les pays occidentaux ; le #droit d’asile et le droit de la mer sont bafoués ; la #politique de refoulement de l’#Union_européenne provoque chaque année plus de morts en #Méditerranée et dans le #Sahara que trois décennies de guerre civile en Irlande du Nord ; les #États-Unis séparent les enfants de leurs parents en attendant la construction de la barrière anti-latinos sur leur frontière avec le #Mexique ; #Israël a perdu toute mesure dans le containment des Palestiniens ou l’expulsion des Africains. Or, cet État d’abjection reçoit l’onction du suffrage universel et peut se réclamer d’une #légitimité démocratique. Avec et derrière les #murs prospère la « #servitude_volontaire ».

    Enfin, l’emmurement du monde disloque de l’intérieur les sociétés. Il privatise l’espace public et la ville elle-même. Il externalise les frontières des États les plus puissants au sein d’autres États dépendants, à l’instar de l’Union européenne au Sahel, et éventre leur #souveraineté.

    Il recourt à la #biométrie qui le rend invisible, et son immatérialité segmente à l’infini la cité. Dans la Chine orwellienne d’aujourd’hui, par rapport à laquelle le totalitarisme maoïste prend des airs de passoire, chaque escalier mécanique, chaque carrefour, chaque place, surveillé électroniquement, est un mur qui reconnaît en vous le bon ou le mauvais citoyen, et peut vous empêcher de monter dans l’avion ou le train. Il est à craindre que les marchands de #peur et de biométrie n’appliquent vite la recette aux #démocraties libérales. Murs de tous les pays, unissez-vous !

  • « Le Venezuela ne doit pas devenir un champ de bataille international »

    120 universitaires et intellectuels latino-américains et européens viennent de publier un appel international pour « arrêter l’escalade du conflit politique » au Vénésuéla. Rejetant à la fois « l’autoritarisme du gouvernement de Maduro », l’auto-proclamation de Juan Guaido comme président par intérim et « l’interventionnisme américain », cet appel appuie les propositions de médiations offertes par l’Uruguay et le Mexique et les initiatives qui visent à « rétablir la souveraineté du peuple ». A défaut, les (...)


    / #Altermondialisme, #Amériques, #Guerres_et_résolution_des_conflits, #Souveraineté_populaire

  • #Franc_CFA : le grand débat

    La Cemac et l’Uemoa doivent-elles en finir avec l’ex-franc des colonies d’Afrique ? Économistes, responsables politiques, banquiers… il semble de plus en plus difficile de trouver des voix pour défendre cette monnaie commune. Enquête sur un tabou africain.

    #économie #finance #monnaie #néo-colonialisme #néocolonialisme

  • Îles Kouriles : rencontre entre Poutine et Abe pour des négociations difficiles - Asie-Pacifique - RFI


    Où l’on reparle du #différend_frontalier et du conflit sur la #souveraineté territoriale des #iles_kouriles entre le #japon et la #russie

    Le président russe Vladimir Poutine reçoit mardi 22 janvier à Moscou le Premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe pour des négociations sur les îles disputées de l’archipel des Kouriles. Des discussions qualifiées d’emblée de « pas faciles » par les deux parties.

    Ces quatre îles volcaniques, appelées Kouriles du Sud par la Russie et Territoires du Nord par le Japon, ont été annexées par l’URSS à l’issue de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, mais sont revendiquées par Tokyo depuis.

  • UN General Assembly adopts Peasant Rights declaration ! Now focus is on its implementation

    Today, 17 December 2018, the 73 Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 73) in New York adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. Now that the declaration is an international legal instrument, La #Via_Campesina (LVC) and its allies will mobilise to support regional and national implementation processes. The final vote of today represents the culmination of a historic process for rural communities. With 121 votes in favour, 8 (...)


    / #Le_Sud_en_mouvement, Via Campesina, #Souveraineté_alimentaire, Agriculture & luttes pour la terre, (...)

    #Agriculture_&_luttes_pour_la_terre #Environnement

  • Entre gilets jaunes et syndicats, une convergence possible, « mais pas sur n’importe quoi »

    Près de trois semaines après la première journée de blocage des gilets jaunes, les secrétaires généraux des principales organisations syndicales se sont réunis pour faire le point sur la situation. Sur le terrain, des liens se tissent déjà localement entre militants syndicaux et membres du mouvement. Des préavis de grève sont aussi déposés, comme dans le transport routier. Les syndicats s’apprêtent-ils à rejoindre la lutte, protéiforme, des gilets jaunes, dont certaines revendications, sur les salaires (...)


    / #Luttes_sociales, #Syndicalisme, #Conditions_de_travail, #Classes_populaires, #Services_publics, Souveraineté (...)


  • Democracy not for sale
    The struggle for food sovereignty in the age of austerity in Greece

    19 November 2018
    Austerity measures led to increased rural poverty and food insecurity in Greece and violated her people’s human right to food. How did this happen and who is responsible?

    This Report examines the impacts of austerity in Greece on the right to food. It concludes that the Greek State and the Eurozone Member States violated the Greek people’s right to food as a result of the austerity measures required by three Memorandums of Understanding (2010, 2012 and 2015). In other words, the austerity packages imposed on Greece contravened international human rights law.

    The share of households with children unable to afford a protein-based meal on a daily basis doubled from 4.7% in 2009 to 8.9% in 2014. EU statistics estimate that 40.5% of children in 2016 faced material and social deprivation.

    Taxes as a proportion of agricultural net value added soared from 4% between 1993 and 2010 to 15.4% in 2016.

    Troika members claim that the sole responsibility for the impacts of the MoUs lies with the Greek State. This argument is false because they, with Greece, were joint signatures of the three MoUs. Therefore, the responsibility for violations of the right to food is a shared one too. Indeed it can be argued that the responsibility of the Eurozone Member States is much bigger, given the evidence of direct interference or even coercion by the Member States of the Troika on Greece to sign the MoUs.

    Eurozone Member States – as States Parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and other international human rights instruments – have therefore breached their extraterritorial obligations to respect the human right to food in Greece.


    #grèce #austérité #nourriture #UE #EU #souveraineté_alimentaire

  • L’arme invisible de la #Françafrique

    Lorsque ses colonies d’#Afrique ont accédé à l’indépendance, à l’orée des années 1960, la France a réussi un tour de passepasse redoutable. Elle a officiellement reconnu la #souveraineté politique des nouveaux États tout en gardant la mainmise sur leur économie grâce à une arme aussi puissante qu’invisible : leur #système_monétaire.
    Depuis la création en 1945 du franc des colonies françaises d’Afrique (CFA), le sigle a évolué et désigne désormais deux monnaies : celle de la « communauté financière africaine » en Afrique de l’Ouest et celle de la « coopération financière en Afrique centrale ». Mais c’est toujours Paris qui décide de la valeur externe de ces monnaies. Et la #zone_franc, qui assurait le contrôle économique des colonies, garantit encore à l’économie française un avantage comparatif sur le continent africain.
    Les auteurs décortiquent ces mécanismes monétaires et racontent comment les dirigeants français ont combattu tous ceux, experts ou dirigeants africains, qui se sont élevés contre cette #servitude_monétaire. Depuis quelques années, le franc CFA est également devenu l’enjeu de #luttes populaires. Conscients que les questions économiques sont éminemment politiques, les citoyens africains sont de plus en plus nombreux à réclamer leur pleine #souveraineté_monétaire.

    #finance #économie #franc_CFA #CFA #monnaie #résistance #livre

  • L’Austria esce dal patto Onu per le migrazioni: “Limita la sovranità del nostro Paese”

    L’accordo internazionale che punta a difendere i diritti dei rifugiati entrerà in vigore a dicembre. Prima di Vienna, anche Usa e Ungheria si sono sfilati. Il governo Kurz: “Migrare non è un diritto fondamentale”.

    L’Austria esce dal patto Onu per le migrazioni: “Limita la sovranità del nostro Paese”

    L’accordo internazionale che punta a difendere i diritti dei rifugiati entrerà in vigore a dicembre. Prima di Vienna, anche Usa e Ungheria si sono sfilati. Il governo Kurz: “Migrare non è un diritto fondamentale”

    L’Austria annuncia il suo ritiro dal patto delle Nazioni Unite sulle migrazioni, e segue così l’esempio di Stati Uniti e Ungheria, che prima di lei sono uscite dall’accordo internazionale, in controcorrente con gli oltre 190 Paesi che l’hanno firmato. Lo ha comunicato il cancelliere Sebastian Kurz, motivando la scelta sovranista come una reazione necessaria per respingere un vincolo Onu che “limita la sovranità del nostro Paese”. Non ci sarà, dunque, nessun rappresentante di Vienna alla conferenza dell’Onu a Marrakech, in Marocco, il 10 e 11 dicembre. Mentre all’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite dell’anno prossimo l’Austria si asterrà.


    Il patto per le migrazioni era stato firmato da 193 Paesi a settembre 2017 ed entrerà in vigore a dicembre con la firma prevista al summit di Marrakech. Prevede la protezione dei diritti dei rifugiati e dei migranti, indipendentemente dallo status, e combatte il traffico di esseri umani e la xenofobia. E ancora, impegna i firmatari a lavorare per porre fine alla pratica della detenzione di bambini allo scopo di determinare il loro status migratorio; limita al massimo le detenzioni dei migranti per stabilire le loro condizioni, migliora l’erogazione dell’assistenza umanitaria e di sviluppo ai Paesi più colpiti. Facilita anche il cambiamento di status dei migranti irregolari in regolari, il ricongiungimento familiare, punta a migliorare l’inclusione nel mercato del lavoro, l’accesso al sistema sanitario e all’istruzione superiore e ad una serie di agevolazioni nei Paesi di approdo, oltre che ad accogliere i migranti climatici.


    Un documento di 34 pagine, per politiche in favore di chi lascia il proprio Paese che promuovano una migrazione sicura. L’Austria in un comunicato respinge tutti i criteri stabiliti da quella che è stata ribattezzata la “Dichiarazione di New York”. Kurz, che da giovanissimo ministro degli Esteri fece il suo esordio mondiale proprio all’Assemblea generale dell’Onu, decide così di strappare e imporre il suo giro di vite sui migranti, spinto dal suo alleato al governo, l’ultradestra dell’Fpö di Heinz-Christian Strache, il quale a margine dell’annuncio del ritiro ha aggiunto: “La migrazione non è e non può essere un diritto fondamentale dell’uomo”. Il governo di Vienna, in particolare, spiega che “il patto limita la sovranità nazionale, perché non distingue tra migrazione economica e ricerca di protezione umanitaria”, tra migrazione illegale e legale. “Non può essere - continua il governo Kurz - che qualcuno riceva lo status di rifugiato per motivi di povertà o climatici”.


    Il patto, in realtà, non è vincolante ai sensi del diritto internazionale, una volta firmato. Si delinea come una dichiarazione di intenti, per mettere ordine nelle politiche sulle migrazioni a livello mondiale, all’insegna della solidarietà. Per questo, la mossa di Vienna assume un valore simbolico, sull’onda delle dichiarazioni di Kurz e i suoi che vorrebbero chiudere le porte dell’Europa all’immigrazione e controllare i confini. Trascina dietro di sé la lodi di altri partiti populisti europei, uno tra tutti l’AfD tedesca, con la leader Alice Weidel che non ha tardato a twittare: “Anche la Germania non aderisca, il Global Compact apre la strada a milioni di migranti africani e legalizza l’immigrazione irregolare”.

    #Global_compact #global_compact_on_refugees #migrations #réfugiés #asile #Autriche #Hongrie #USA #Etats-Unis

    • Austria to shun global migration pact, fearing creep in human rights

      Austria will follow the United States and Hungary in backing out of a United Nations migration pact over concerns it will blur the line between legal and illegal migration, the right-wing government said on Wednesday.

      The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was approved in July by all 193 member nations except the United States, which backed out last year.

      Hungary’s right-wing government has since said it will not sign the final document at a ceremony in Morocco in December. Poland, which has also clashed with Brussels by resisting national quotas for asylum seekers, has said it is considering the same step.

      “Austria will not join the U.N. migration pact,” said Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, a conservative and immigration hard-liner who governs in coalition with the far-right Freedom Party.

      “We view some points of the migration pact very critically, such as the mixing up of seeking protection with labor migration,” said Kurz, who argues that migrants rescued in the Mediterranean should not be brought straight to Europe.

      U.N. Special Representative for International Migration Louise Arbour called the move regrettable and mistaken and said the compact simply aimed to improve the management of cross-border movements of people.

      “It is no possible sense of the word an infringement on state sovereignty - it is not legally binding, it’s a framework for cooperation,” she told Reuters.

      Vienna currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, a role that usually involves playing a mediating role to bridge divisions within the bloc. Instead its move highlighted the disagreements on migration that have blighted relations among the 28 member states for years.

      The Austrian government is concerned that signing up to the pact, even though it is not binding, could eventually help lead to the recognition of a “human right to migration”. The text of a cabinet decision formally approving its move on Wednesday said it would argue against such a right.

      “We reject any movement in that direction,” Freedom Party leader and Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache told a news conference after the weekly cabinet meeting.

      Arbour said such concerns were unfounded.

      “The question of whether this is an invidious way to start promoting a ‘human right to migrate’ is not correct. It’s not in the text, there’s no sinister project to advance that.”

      Austria took in roughly 1 percent of its population in asylum seekers in 2015 during a migration crisis in which more than a million people traveled to Europe, many of them fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere.

      That experience dominated last year’s parliamentary election and helped propel Kurz’s conservatives to power. He has said he will prevent any repeat of that influx and has implemented policies that include restricting benefits for new immigrants.

      The U.N. pact addresses issues such as how to protect people who migrate, how to integrate them into new countries and how to return them to their home countries.

      The United Nations has hailed it as a historic and comprehensive pact that could serve as a basis for future policies.

      Austria will not send an envoy to the signing ceremony in Morocco and will abstain at a U.N. General Assembly vote on the pact next year, Kurz’s office said.

      In a paper this month, the Brookings Institution, a U.S. think tank, said the pact “reflects widespread recognition, among even the most skeptical member states, that managing migration effectively is in the common interest”.

      Amnesty International criticized Vienna’s stance.

      “Instead of facing global challenges on an international level, the government is increasingly isolating Austria. That is irresponsible,” the rights group said in a statement.


    • Communication Breakdown in Austria – How Far-Right Fringe Groups Hijacked the Narrative on the Global Compact for Migration

      Yesterday Austria announced its withdrawal from the UN Global Compact for Migration (GCM), thus joining the United States and Hungary. The decision was met with little surprise. It followed an announcement in early October that Austria would reconsider its continued participation in the GCM process. And it followed weeks of efforts by the right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) and other far-right actors to discredit the GCM.

      As the Austrian decision gained media attention, many outside the world of migration policy wondered what the Global Compact for Migration is. This post is both for newcomers and long-time observers. For the newcomers, I explain how the GCM came about and why it is significant. Long-time observers may want to skip to the section discussing the context and implications of the Austrian decision to withdraw.
      What is the UN Global Compact for Migration?

      The short answer is that it is a non-binding agreement on migration at the UN level. The lengthy intergovernmental negotiations concluded in July, which means that the text of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is already available. The text lays out 23 objectives covering a wide array of policies, including objectives on addressing the drivers of migration, better data gathering, border management, enhanced regular pathways and more. In December, states will adopt the GCM in Marrakesh, right after the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD).

      The long answer is that the Global Compact for Migration encompasses more than the final text. The process leading up to the agreement is just as noteworthy. The negotiations between states and with close participation of civil society actors stretched over eighteen months. At several thematic sessions, states, non-governmental organisations, researchers, grassroots organisations, and think tanks came together in New York, Vienna, and Geneva. In the sessions, actors mostly read out their condensed two- or three-minute statements. But intense discussions happened during panels, outside, at side-events, and during breaks. And parallel to the global proceedings, there were regional and, in some cases, also national consultations. It was thus also a process of learning and coalition-forming.
      Why did Austria decide to leave the Global Compact for Migration?

      The official Austrian critique of the Global Compact for Migration rests on two points. First, it argues that the GCM would eventually be a legally binding document. Second, the GCM is portrayed to diminish states’ national sovereignty. Neither of these statements holds true. Already in the preamble, it clearly says that it is “a non-legally binding, cooperative framework” and that it “upholds the sovereignty of States.” And during the lengthy negotiations, states overwhelmingly emphasized their sovereignty. The decision to leave therefore appears to be much more about short-term domestic politics than about the above-stated concerns.

      Already during the parliamentary election in 2017, the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) outdid each other with anti-immigration rhetoric. Now that they form the current governing coalition, they have passed increasingly restrictive migration and integration policies. Their recent measures stretch from budget cuts for language courses parallel to restricting welfare based on language skills. In light of this, the Austrian decision is not surprising.

      But until recently, the Global Compact for Migration had not been a point of contention for the Freedom Party. In fact, the Austrian foreign ministry – currently headed by a minister affiliated with the FPÖ – took part in the negotiations. The timing of this withdrawal therefore merits attention. Some weeks ago, fringe groups on the far-right started to mobilize against the GCM. With online petitions, posters, and a protest in front of the UN headquarters in Vienna. The websites contain close to no information on the GCM. Instead, they make the baseless assertion that it would lead to “limitless migration” and repeat the alarmist imagery that Nigel Farage used for his “Breaking Point” banner ahead of the Brexit referendum. At the helm of this disinformation campaign is Martin Sellner, leader of the far-right Identarian movement.

      Shortly after, the Austrian Freedom Party also started to publicly criticize the Global Compact for Migration in widely read Austrian tabloids. During the evening news on the day of the official withdrawal, Armin Wolf confronted FPÖ Vice-Chancellor Strache with the question why the FPÖ had only begun its criticism after far-right fringe group activism had started. Strache denied any connection in the timing. Meanwhile, Martin Sellner celebrated the success of the imitative. Instead, Strache argued that it took time to reach a judgment on the final product. However, the text had been in its final shape for months.
      What can be learned from this?

      To be clear, one should not be tempted to overstate the significance of fringe actors. But one also should not leave the debate in the wider public about the Global Compact for Migration in their hands. The GCM negotiation process has been inclusive to those actors wishing to participate and all previous drafts of the agreement had been available online. The efforts were thus comparatively transparent. But, nonetheless, the communication with the wider public was not proactive.

      In the months that I had been involved with the GCM process, I was repeatedly surprised how many people within the world of migration and integration were unaware of the negotiations, even less so the wider public. And while it is not necessary to indulge in the technicalities of such a lengthy process, it meant that many people in Austria heard about the GCM only when far-right groups brought it to the fore. In the absence of wider public engagement, there was no counter-movement to challenge the misinformation that was spreading.

      What are the implications of this decision? And what is next?

      There is already talk of other countries following the path of Austria, Hungary, and the US. But instead of getting stuck in speculations about who else may withdraw, efforts should concentrate on the majority that upholds the Global Compact for Migration. This incident provides an opportunity to start a conversation beyond those tightly involved in migration policy.

      And it is important to remember that December will just be the beginning, not the end. Ahead lies a long road of implementation. Then, inclusiveness – especially of those directly affected by the GCM – and proactive communication will remain crucial.


      –-> et sur cette image, le fameux slogan australien #No_Way (you won’t make Australia home)
      #modèle_australien #Australie

    • Le Pacte de l’ONU pour les migrations divise le parlement

      Le gouvernement souhaite signer, avec une réserve, un projet de traité international sur les réfugiés. Des commissions parlementaires délivrent des messages contradictoires.

      Le Conseil fédéral doit-il approuver le Pacte mondial des Nations unies pour les migrations les 10 et 11 décembre à Marrakech ? C’est son intention. Il l’a annoncée le 10 octobre. Mais cette perspective fait des vagues, à tel point qu’une commission parlementaire émet de sérieuses réserves à ce sujet alors que d’autres sont divisées. Comme il l’avait promis, le gouvernement les a consultées avant de prendre une décision définitive.

      La Commission des institutions politiques du Conseil national (CIP-N) s’est manifestée la première. Le 19 octobre, elle a adopté une motion qui demande que la décision d’approbation soit soumise aux Chambres fédérales. Une semaine plus tard, la Commission de politique extérieure du Conseil des Etats (CPE-E) a adressé au Conseil fédéral une lettre annonçant son intention de déposer une requête similaire. Vendredi dernier, la CIP-N a franchi un pas de plus : par 15 voix contre 9, elle a formellement décidé de recommander au Conseil fédéral de ne pas approuver ce traité migratoire. Cette revendication sera discutée en séance plénière du Conseil national le 6 décembre.

      Ambassadeur actif et décrié

      Lundi, la CPE-N a émis un avis différent. Par 14 voix contre 10, elle recommande au Conseil fédéral d’apposer sa signature au bas du pacte de l’ONU. Dans des proportions similaires, elle a refusé de soumettre celui-ci au vote obligatoire ou de recueillir formellement l’avis des Chambres fédérales. La commission sœur du Conseil des Etats n’a pas encore rendu son verdict. Elle se réunit une nouvelle fois lundi prochain.

      C’est l’UDC qui a ouvert les feux. Mi-septembre, alors que personne à Berne ne se préoccupait de la prochaine signature de cette convention migratoire, elle a condamné ce texte, contraignant politiquement mais pas juridiquement, avec la plus grande virulence. Celui-ci prône une « migration sûre, ordonnée et régulière ». Selon le Conseil fédéral, ses objectifs recoupent les siens : réduire la migration irrégulière, renforcer l’aide sur place, lutter contre la traite des êtres humains et le trafic des migrants, sécuriser les frontières, respecter les droits humains, faciliter le rapatriement, la réintégration ou l’intégration durable dans le pays d’accueil. La Suisse a même joué un rôle moteur dans l’élaboration de ce texte, puisque l’ambassadeur auprès de l’ONU, Jürg Lauber, en a été l’une des chevilles ouvrières avec son homologue mexicain, Juan José Gomez Camacho, et la représentante spéciale de l’ONU pour les migrations internationales, Louise Arbour.
      Plusieurs pays ont renoncé

      L’UDC fait de ce document une lecture très différente. Elle y voit un moyen de permettre « aux migrants d’accéder plus facilement aux pays de leur choix, indépendamment de leurs qualifications ». Elle brandit la menace d’une immigration massive vers la Suisse. A quelques semaines du vote sur l’initiative contre les juges étrangers, et en vertu de l’article constitutionnel qui dit que la Suisse doit gérer son immigration de manière indépendante, l’UDC exige le rejet de ce pacte. Elle n’est pas seule. Le projet est aussi controversé au sein du PLR.

      Pour le Conseil fédéral, la situation n’est pas simple. Les Etats-Unis, la Hongrie et l’Autriche ont déjà fait savoir qu’ils ne participeraient pas à la signature. Comme l’ambassadeur Lauber, sur qui l’UDC tire à boulets rouges et qui est aussi la cible d’une campagne sauvage de la droite identitaire, a contribué activement aux négociations, un refus de la Suisse serait considéré comme un affront au sein de l’ONU.

      Par ailleurs, on rappelle volontiers que les fondements de ce texte, dont l’élaboration a débuté en 2016, recoupent la politique migratoire défendue par Didier Burkhalter et Simonetta Sommaruga. Or, le premier nommé a quitté le Conseil fédéral et c’est son successeur Ignazio Cassis, à qui l’on reproche de ne pas défendre suffisamment son émissaire auprès des Nations unies, qui a repris le flambeau. Début octobre, le gouvernement a proposé d’approuver le pacte assorti d’une réserve portant sur le traitement des mineurs âgés d’au moins 15 ans.


    • Ne pas signer le Pacte de l’ONU sur les migrations est « une erreur politique »

      La #Suisse ne signera pas le Pacte de l’ONU sur les migrations, du moins pas pour l’instant, a décidé le Conseil fédéral. « Une erreur politique », selon le président du Parti socialiste Christian Levrat.

      Le Conseil fédéral a reconnu mercredi que ce Pacte est dans l’intérêt de la Suisse, mais estime qu’il est trop tôt pour le signer.


    • Pour Louise Arbour, la volte-face de la Suisse porte atteinte à sa crédibilité multilatérale

      La représentante spéciale de l’ONU pour les migrations démonte le mythe de la perte de souveraineté des Etats qui adopteront le pacte à Marrakech en décembre. Elle ne comprend pas non plus la peur des « soft laws » qui saisit le parlement fédéral

      Alors que le Conseil des Etats débat ce jeudi d’une motion de l’UDC exhortant le Conseil fédéral à ne pas adopter le Pacte mondial de l’ONU pour les migrations ainsi que d’une proposition de la Commission des institutions politiques de soumettre son adoption à l’Assemblée fédérale, les Nations unies mettent les choses au point.

      Interrogée par Le Temps au Palais des Nations à Genève, Louise Arbour, représentante spéciale du secrétaire général de l’ONU pour les migrations, s’étonne des discussions au sujet du pacte qui serait, selon certains parlementaires fédéraux, « de la soft law [droit souple, ndlr] susceptible de se transformer en droit coutumier (obligatoire) ».

      « Je suis avocate moi-même. Je ne comprends pas cette notion selon laquelle ce pacte deviendrait subrepticement obligatoire contre la volonté de la Suisse. Je vous rassure. Ce n’est pas le cas. Aucune disposition du pacte n’empiète sur la souveraineté des Etats qui l’adoptent. »

      Un débat particulièrement agressif

      La responsable onusienne relève que le pacte, qui sera formellement adopté à Marrakech les 10 et 11 décembre prochain (sans la Suisse qui a, sur proposition du conseiller fédéral Ignazio Cassis, finalement renoncé à s’y rendre), offre un menu d’options et de bonnes pratiques que les Etats peuvent choisir d’adopter ou non. « Je suis étonnée que la Suisse s’inquiète de ce pacte. Elle applique elle-même déjà pleinement ce que prévoit le document », précise la Canadienne.

      A Berne, la tonalité du débat demeure très agressive. Certains parlementaires UDC vont jusqu’à demander que l’ambassadeur de Suisse auprès des Nations unies à New York, Jürg Lauber – par ailleurs diffamé dans une campagne menée par des mouvements identitaires et d’extrême droite autrichiens, allemands et suisses – soit traduit en justice pour « trahison ».

      Ignorance ou mauvaise foi ?

      Là encore, Louise Arbour n’en revient pas : « Ce genre de discours montre comment les processus internationaux sont mal compris. J’espère que c’est de l’ignorance et non de la mauvaise foi. Il faut savoir comment un tel processus fonctionne. Quand l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU décide de mettre en place un processus, le président de l’assemblée nomme des cofacilitateurs pour leurs qualités personnelles et non pour leur appartenance nationale.

      L’élaboration du pacte a été cofacilitée de façon neutre par l’ambassadeur Jürg Lauber et son homologue mexicain, Juan José Gomez Camacho. Tant la Suisse que le Mexique avaient des délégations complètement distinctes de leurs ambassadeurs. Il ne faut pas tout mélanger quant à la réelle implication de la Suisse. »
      Un pacte basé sur les faits

      Pour la responsable onusienne, le revirement de la Suisse par rapport à ses positions de négociation est problématique. « Que les Etats qui ont négocié dans leur capacité nationale et même obtenu des concessions d’autres Etats se dissocient aujourd’hui des positions qu’ils ont prises est très décevant. Une telle volte-face porte atteinte à leur crédibilité comme partenaires dans un environnement multilatéral. »

      Louise Arbour tente d’identifier la raison des résistances : « La migration peut être une question traitée de manière très fractionnée, parfois par plusieurs ministères. Sans grande cohésion. Cela peut avoir contribué à la difficulté de faire passer le message. »

      Pas le fruit de bureaucrates

      Quant à l’idée que le pacte migratoire serait le produit de l’imagination de bureaucrates de New York, elle s’en défend : « Le processus ayant mené au pacte a été très respectueux, et surtout basé sur la réalité et des faits. » Les crispations (sensibles en Hongrie, aux Etats-Unis, en Israël, en Suisse, etc.) autour du pacte ne sont pas justifiées, estime-t-elle.

      La meilleure manière de mener une politique migratoire nationale efficace est de coopérer avec ses voisins. La migration implique forcément une interdépendance. C’est ce cadre coopératif que propose le pacte, « négocié non pas en secret, mais avec la société civile, le secteur privé, les syndicats », ajoute Louise Arbour.

      Hors de l’ONU, la pression sur le Conseil fédéral est venue mercredi du CICR dont le président, Peter Maurer, appelle à adopter le pacte « négocié de façon totalement transparente pendant près de trois ans ». La Commission fédérale des migrations abonde dans le même sens, jugeant nécessaire de s’associer à cet effort mondial de réguler la migration.


    • Global Compact, il governo sospende il patto Onu sull’immigrazione

      L’annuncio del premier Conte su input del ministro Salvini: l’Italia non parteciperà neanche al summit di Marrakech di dicembre.
      L’Italia sospende l’adesione al Global Compact sull’immigrazione, il patto firmato da oltre 190 Paesi il 19 settembre 2016 e ribattezzato “Dichiarazione di New York“. Inoltre l’Italia non parteciperà nemmeno al summit Onu di Marrakech, in Marocco, che tra il 10 e l’11 dicembre adotterà il documento.


    • What’s to Fear in the U.N. Global Compact for Migration?

      The forthcoming adoption of the United Nations’ global migration compact has sparked turmoil, particularly among members of the European Union. But the compact itself refutes much of the criticism, says Solon Ardittis, director of Eurasylum.

      After two years of intense intergovernmental negotiations, the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration will be formally adopted on December 10-11 in Marrakech. Though the compact went largely unnoticed by most political parties and the public throughout the negotiation period, its forthcoming adoption is now sparking turmoil in Europe and around the world.

      To date, at least a dozen U.N. member states have declared they do not intend to sign it or are considering doing so. Last fall, the United States became the first to withdraw. Hungary followed earlier this year, which set off a domino effect of withdrawals in the European Union over the past few weeks. Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia have said they won’t sign, and Italy has signaled its disapproval, too. In Belgium, profound disagreement among coalition partners over the compact is threatening to bring down the government.

      So what exactly does the compact proffer to make it the source of such growing discontent? The 30-page document is an international, nonbinding agreement that aims “to make an important contribution to enhanced cooperation on international migration in all its dimensions.” Emerging in the wake of Europe’s 2015 refugee crisis, it draws on a range of existing international instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which the vast majority of member states are signatories. And it aims to develop an international cooperative framework acknowledging that no nation can address the contemporary problems of migration alone. This is the first time in history that all U.N. member states have come together to negotiate an agreement on migration in such a comprehensive manner.

      The compact is comprised of 23 objectives. These include, inter alia: collecting adequate data; ensuring all migrants have legal proof of identity; saving lives and establishing coordinated international efforts on missing migrants; strengthening the transnational response to smuggling and trafficking; managing borders in an integrated manner; and giving migrants access to basic services. The compact also includes a follow-up and review mechanism.

      Crucially, while acknowledging states’ shared responsibilities, the compact reaffirms their sovereign right to determine their national migration policies and to govern migration within their jurisdictions. It also stresses that the compact’s implementation will account for different national realities, capacities and levels of development; and will respect national policies and priorities.

      Given such lenient and largely unthreatening policy objectives, what’s behind the growing resentment?

      First, after only recently appearing on the radar of political parties in Europe and internationally, the compact now seems to offer a golden opportunity for populist parties and opinion-makers to push their claims that nations are losing control over their sovereignty and borders. Ironically, the same parties that now criticize the compact have traditionally challenged national governments for not taking sufficiently coordinated action to manage irregular migration, migrant smuggling and human trafficking, or for addressing the growing number of migrant fatalities at sea. The compact represents a foundation for such coordinated action.

      Its most vocal opponents claim, among other things, that the compact does not sufficiently distinguish between legal and illegal migration, that it mixes up the rights of asylum seekers with those of economic migrants, or even stipulates the number of migrants that each member state will need to accept. All this is strictly contradicted in the compact itself.

      Nevertheless, such unfounded criticism has eventually led many governments to adopt a low profile, avoid media exposure and be represented at the Marrakech conference next week at a much less senior level than anticipated. One notable exception is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has intensified efforts to reassure “concerned citizens” and to reaffirm that the compact aims to strengthen the protection of national borders rather than weaken them.

      Also worthy of mention is E.U. migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos’s Dec. 4 warning that withdrawal from the compact could hamper cooperation with third countries to control migration and send mixed messages about the E.U.’s resolve to cooperate on an equal basis with its African partners to address future migration challenges. While the E.U. of course has its own cooperation channels and modalities with key migration origin and transit countries, particularly on development and migration management policies, there is little doubt the Global Compact would open additional avenues for the E.U. (and indeed other U.N. member states) to engage in more informal, multistakeholder and non donor-dominated discussions on a range of migration-related policy initiatives.

      The second point that needs be stressed, particularly with respect to the E.U., is that the compact bears no comparison to some of the remarkably more constraining transnational legal and policy frameworks on migration adopted over the past decade. In particular, there have been a wide array of E.U. directives on immigration (legal and irregular), migrant integration policies, migrant smuggling, trafficking in human beings and a range of related policy areas that have been regulated at European Union, rather than member state, level after the E.U. executive gained increased competences to legislate in this field.

      Of course, the E.U. has a history of controversial policy interventions on migration. However, with the exception of the E.U. refugee relocation program, which has generated limited consensus among member states, and of the United Kingdom and Denmark’s decision to opt out of some of the E.U.’s most stringent migration policy instruments, to date none of the bloc’s migration-related policies, including those that were legally binding and requiring transposition into national law, has generated as much turmoil as the U.N. Global Compact for Migration.

      The compact may have some inherent weaknesses, such as not sufficiently demonstrating that it will be relevant and actionable in member states with such contrasting migration features and policy approaches. Doubts also persist on the levels of financial resources that will be allocated to implement such a nonbinding and largely aspirational policy framework.

      It remains that the agreement to be signed next week need not become a cause for concern for any member of society, and even less so be used as a scapegoat by potentially ill-intentioned or ill-informed commentators. Despite its nonbinding nature, the Global Compact looks set to establish some potentially innovative ways for all key stakeholders – in government, civil society and the private sector – to communicate and cooperate on a range of contemporary migration issues.

      At this stage, what should really matter is the degree of genuine commitment signatory parties will express in the next few years and the quality and political clout of the follow-up and review mechanisms to be established after the compact is adopted. All the rest is unnecessary and unhelpful noise.


    • Dispute over UN migration pact fractures Belgian government

      Belgium’s center-right government is fighting for its survival this week after the largest coalition party broke away from its three partners and said it would not back a global U.N.-backed migration pact.

      The right-wing N-VA party started a social media campaign against the migration pact Tuesday, more than two months after Prime Minister Charles Michel pledged he would sign the pact for Belgium at a meeting next week in Marrakech, Morocco.

      Instead of a coalition breakup, Michel announced late Tuesday he would take the issue to parliament for vote in the days to come.

      “I want parliament to have its say,” Michel said, staving off an immediate collapse of the government that has been in power for three years. “I have the intention to go to Marrakech and let the position of the parliament be known.”

      Michel’s statement came at the end of a hectic day dominated by an anti-pact social media campaign by the N-VA, of the biggest coalition partner.

      The in-your-face campaign featured pictures of Muslim women with their faces covered and stated the U.N. pact focused on enabling migrants to retain the cultural practices of their homelands.

      The party quickly withdrew the materials after the campaign received widespread criticism.

      “We made an error,” N-VA leader Bart De Wever told VRT network.

      De Wever apologized for the pictures of women wearing face-covering niqab in western Europe, but immediately added “these pictures are not fake. You can take pictures like this every day in Brussels. It is the stark reality.”

      Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel pledged at United Nations headquarters in September that he would go to a meeting in Marrakech, Morocco where the U.N.’s Global Compact Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is to be signed next week.

      Amid the N-VA upheaval, a Cabinet meeting was canceled Tuesday afternoon and Michel resumed consultations with vice-premiers looking for a way out of the crisis.

      Remarking on the party’s withdrawn campaign, Christian Democrat Vice Premier Kris Peeters said: “I only have one word for this — indecent.”

      Even with the parliamentary vote, the options for ensuring the government’s survival were slimming down.

      The United Nations says the compact will promote safe and orderly migration and reduce human smuggling and trafficking.

      The N-VA said it would force Belgium into making immigration concessions. “In our democracy, we decide. The sovereignty is with the people,” the party said in a statement.

      Many experts said the accord is non-binding, but the N-VA said it still went too far and would give even migrants who were in Belgium illegally many additional rights.

      The U.N. compact was finalized in July with only the U.S. staying out. Several European nations have since pulled out of signing the accord during the Dec. 10-11 conference in Morocco.



    • Le pacte migratoire de l’ONU sème la discorde

      191 pays ont approuvé un accord sur la migration échafaudé par l’ONU. Ce jeudi à Berne, les Chambres devraient empoigner le pacte qui en découle, sous tension, et les pays favorables l’adopteront bientôt au Maroc. Histoire d’un texte controversé

      L’Europe s’est-elle remise de la crise migratoire de 2015 ? A voir les résistances qui ont émergé ces dernières semaines contre l’adoption du Pacte mondial de l’ONU sur les migrations, qui doit être formellement adopté à Marrakech le 11 décembre, il est permis d’en douter. Le pacte suscite un déferlement de propos haineux, voire complotistes. A l’ONU, on enregistre avec incompréhension, voire avec une once de panique, les critiques virulentes qui font florès, surtout en Europe. Le pacte est-il devenu un monstre qu’on ne contrôlerait plus ? Sur les 191 pays qui avaient accepté l’accord sur un tel pacte à New York en juillet dernier, seuls deux tiers disent désormais vouloir se rendre au Maroc. Les volte-face se multiplient.


      Mercredi, en Belgique, le premier ministre, Charles Michel, a évité de peu une possible chute de son gouvernement. Au sein de la coalition gouvernementale, le parti flamand N-VA s’oppose avec véhémence au pacte. Le parlement belge a finalement apporté son soutien au premier ministre. Le mouvement des « gilets jaunes » en France, qui est aussi divers que peu structuré, est également happé par la vague anti-pacte. Sur Facebook, des « gilets jaunes » disent vouloir empêcher le président Emmanuel Macron de se rendre à Marrakech. Selon eux, le pacte va créer « un #chaos total » et permettra à quelque 900 000 migrants (voire 4 millions d’entre eux selon certains) d’entrer en France.

      Ils réclament la destitution du chef de l’Elysée. A l’image de l’UDC en Suisse, qui estime à tort que l’adoption du pacte équivaudrait à instaurer une libre circulation mondiale des personnes, les républicains et le Rassemblement national de Marine Le Pen en France soufflent aussi sur les braises. Ce samedi, cette dernière participera à Bruxelles à un meeting du parti nationaliste flamand Vlaams Belang en compagnie de Steve Bannon, l’ex-chef stratège de Donald Trump et héraut du souverainisme.

      Un pacte épouvantail de la #globalisation

      Des « gilets jaunes » allemands réunis sous la bannière du mouvement #Pegida à Berlin ont véhiculé le même type de message, exigeant la démission de la chancelière Angela Merkel, laquelle s’était distinguée en autorisant l’arrivée sur sol allemand d’un million de migrants de Syrie en 2015. L’onde de choc ne s’arrête pas là. Si Budapest a tout de suite exprimé son opposition au pacte onusien, d’autres pays de l’Europe de l’Est et du centre ont suivi : la #Bulgarie, la #Pologne, la #République_tchèque et l’Autriche. En #Slovaquie, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, qui soutenait le pacte, a démissionné face au refus de son gouvernement.

      En Italie, le ministre de l’Intérieur et chef de file du parti d’extrême droite de la Lega, Matteo Salvini, a été catégorique : « Le gouvernement italien, comme les Suisses qui ont porté à bout de bras le pacte avant de faire marche arrière, ne signera rien et n’ira pas à Marrakech. C’est le parlement qui devra en débattre. » Le pacte est devenu une sorte d’épouvantail de la globalisation dont se sont saisis les mouvements populistes et extrémistes. La bataille symbolise celle qui oppose désormais violemment les élites globalisées et les populations qui estiment subir la #mondialisation.

      Aux Etats-Unis, l’opposition de l’administration de Donald Trump n’est pas surprenante tant sa politique migratoire ultra-restrictive est le moyen de cimenter une base électorale remontée contre ce que le président appelle le « #globalisme ». L’#Australie, #Israël mettent aussi les pieds au mur. Même la #République_dominicaine s’est ralliée au camp du refus, craignant que les centaines de Haïtiens tentant chaque jour de franchir la frontière puissent venir s’établir sans problème dans le pays.

      Souveraineté intacte

      Ce pacte, juridiquement non contraignant, ne touche pas à la #souveraineté des Etats. Il ne contraint aucun pays à modifier sa #politique_migratoire, aussi dure soit-elle. Sert-il dès lors à quelque chose ? Il remplit un vide. Aucun cadre n’existait pour améliorer la coordination internationale du phénomène global de la migration. Avec ses 23 objectifs, il vise à encourager les potentiels migrants à rester dans leur pays d’origine en traitant au mieux les problèmes structurels qui les poussent à partir. Il prévoit une feuille de route que les Etats peuvent utiliser ou non pour gérer les 260 millions de migrants qui se déplacent chaque année. Il veut améliorer les voies de migration régulières.

      Face à cette #rébellion inattendue, la haut-commissaire de l’ONU aux Droits de l’homme, Michelle Bachelet, a déclaré hier à Genève : « Certains responsables politiques n’agissent pas en leaders. Ils suivent les sondages. » Directeur de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations, le Portugais Antonio Vitorino exprime lui aussi son courroux : « Nous assistons de la part de certains secteurs politiques à la #manipulation, à la distorsion des objectifs du pacte. On a la sensation que la migration est devenue le #bouc_émissaire des problèmes culturels et sociaux. »


    • European governments in melt-down over an inoffensive migration compact

      IT WAS LIKE watching paint dry, or other people’s children play baseball. Last month Gert Raudsep, an Estonian actor, spent two hours on prime-time television reading out the text of a UN migration agreement. Estonia’s government was tottering over whether to pull out of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, to give it its full name. So Mr Raudsep was invited to present the source of the discord to worried viewers. Thoughts of weary migrants from Africa and Latin America kept him going, he said. “But my eyes got a bit tired.”

      Mr Raudsep’s recital made for dull viewing because the compact is a dull document. Its 23 “objectives” are peppered with vague declarations, platitudes and split differences. Partly in the spirit of other global agreements like the Paris climate deal, it encourages states to co-operate on tricky cross-border matters without forcing them to do anything. It urges governments to treat migrants properly, but also to work together on sending them home when necessary. At best it helps build the trust between “sending” and “receiving” countries that is the foundation of any meaningful international migration policy.

      None of this has prevented European governments from melting down over it. In the end Estonia resolved its row; it will join more than 180 other countries in Marrakesh on December 10th-11th to adopt the compact. But so far at least ten others, including seven from Europe, have followed the lead of Donald Trump and pulled out of a deal that they helped negotiate. The agreement is agitating parliaments, sparking protests and splintering coalitions; Belgium’s is on the verge of collapse. More withdrawals may follow.

      Why the fuss? The text explicitly states that governments retain the sovereign right to make immigration policy. But critics say that cannot be trusted. Although the compact is not legally binding, they argue it is “soft law” that might one day be used to press governments into hard commitments, such as acknowledging a “human right” to migration or expanding the grounds for asylum.

      This is, largely, codswallop. The compact is hardly perfect; the drafters should have refrained from urging governments to “educate” journalists on migration, for example, or to hold “culinary festivals” to celebrate multiculturalism. Yet until cynical politicians started paying attention, the main charge the compact faced was toothlessness. Most of the political arguments against it emerged after governments had already approved the draft in July.

      That suggests other forces are at work. In Slovakia, the compact stirred passions only after the speaker of parliament, embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, sought a way to change the subject. The government has since withdrawn from the compact, which led the foreign minister, a former president of the UN General Assembly, to offer his resignation. In Germany a row over the compact, triggered by the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), has forced the candidates running to succeed Angela Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union to declare themselves: for or against? (The party chooses her successor on December 7th.) Now the AfD boasts, correctly, that its ideas have infiltrated the mainstream.

      As has become depressingly routine in Europe, the row over the UNcompact has little to do with its ostensible target and everything to do with the smouldering embers of a culture war that the drastic reduction in illegal immigration since the surge of 2015 has failed to extinguish. (A pointless spat over border controls nearly destroyed Mrs Merkel’s coalition earlier this year.) Immigration remains a potent topic for the right; the trouble in Belgium started when the country’s largest party, the nationalist New Flemish Alliance, began a social-media campaign against the compact, replete with imagery of women in niqabs and the like (it later apologised). But in the absence of a genuine crisis to mobilise support, fake problems must be confected. The UN compact is a sitting duck. There is no downside to hammering a multilateral agreement on a controversial subject negotiated by obscure officials in air-conditioned rooms abroad. That it was agreed by governments in plain sight, with parliamentarians invited to participate, is by-the-by.
      Displacement activity

      In Berlin, where outrage over the compact took the establishment by surprise, some say the government should have forcefully made the case for it as soon as it was agreed. Instead, caught on the back foot, Mrs Merkel and other defenders of the deal are locked into an awkward argument: that fears about the compact are overblown because it is not legally binding, but that it is also an important tool for managing migration. Yet aside from Mrs Merkel’s perennial reluctance to lead rather than react to debates, arguing for the deal earlier would simply have given opponents a bigger target and more time to shoot at it. A more sobering conclusion is that, for now, it has become impossible to have a level-headed conversation about managing migration in Europe.

      UN insiders profess themselves frustrated but unbowed by the string of withdrawals. (Many blame Sebastian Kurz, the Austrian chancellor, whose decision in October to pull out inspired several others to follow.) Although the idea for the compact was drawn up just after Europe’s refugee crisis of 2015-16—indeed, partly at the request of panicked European leaders—its provisions are global. Europe’s navel-gazing arguments have little bearing on the lot of Bangladeshi workers in the Gulf or Zimbabweans in South Africa.

      True enough. But Europe’s rejectionist governments are shooting themselves in the foot nonetheless. Even a hard-headed policy of tough border controls, swift return of illegal immigrants and encouraging would-be migrants to stay home obliges governments to work with others, if only to strike grubby repatriation deals. Building trust by sticking to international commitments lays the foundations for that. That so many governments are choosing to do precisely the opposite does not inspire hope that Europe is groping towards a more sensible migration policy.


      #dessin_de_presse #caricature

    • Under far-right pressure, Europe retreats from UN migration pact

      A previously obscure 34-page, jargon-filled document is causing political convulsions across Europe — even though it’s not even legally binding.

      Italy this week became the latest in a string of European countries to say it would not sign the U.N.’s Global Compact on Migration at a ceremony in Marrakech in just under two weeks. From the Netherlands through Belgium and Germany to Slovakia, the pact has triggered infighting in ruling parties and governments, with at least one administration close to breaking point.

      The fight over the pact illuminates how migration remains a combustible issue across the Continent, three years after the 2015 refugee crisis and with next May’s European Parliament election on the horizon. Far-right parties keen to make migration the key campaign issue have seized on the pact while some mainstream parties have sought to steal their thunder by turning against the agreement. Liberals and centrists, meanwhile, have found themselves on the defensive — arguing that the agreement poses no harm and migration is best handled through international cooperation.

      Louise Arbour, the senior U.N. official overseeing the pact, said she is surprised by the controversy, as diplomats from 180 countries — including many that have now pulled out — signed off on the text last summer after two years of negotiations.

      The initiative was launched at the request of Europe after the migration surge of 2015, Arbour said. The countries now having “second thoughts or misgivings” were very active during the negotiations and “extracted compromises from the others,” she told POLITICO in an interview.

      Arbour, a former Canadian judge and U.N. human rights commissioner, said the recent backtracking illustrates a clear “disconnect” between some countries’ foreign policies “and domestic pressures or national concerns that were not included into the process.”

      She stressed the compact is not binding and, after its formal adoption next month, “there is not a single member state that is obligated to do anything that it doesn’t want to.”

      The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, to give it its full name, sets out a “cooperative framework” for dealing with international migration. Signatories agree, for example, to limit the pressure on countries with many migrants and to promote the self-reliance of newcomers. The document states that no country can address migration alone, while also upholding “the sovereignty of States and their obligations under international law.”

      That assurance has not been enough to placate many in Europe. Hungary, whose Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has made anti-migrant policies his signature issue, pulled out while the pact was being negotiated. But the recent wave of European withdrawals was triggered by conservative Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who renounced the pact at the end of October.

      Heinz-Christian Strache, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party, Kurz’s coalition partner, declared that “Austria must remain sovereign on migration” and said the country is “playing a leading role in Europe.” At least in terms of the pact, that turned out to be true with Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia and Switzerland all following Vienna’s lead. (Croatia caused confusion after its president declared she would not sign the document but the government later said a minister would go to Marrakech and support the adoption of the pact.)
      Bratislava, Berlin and beyond

      Slovakia is among the most recent countries to withdraw its support for the pact. After an EU summit on Sunday, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said Bratislava would not support the pact “under any circumstances and will not agree with it.”

      Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák on Thursday said he would resign after parliament decided to reject the pact. Lajčák was president of the U.N. General Assembly when the migration pact was adopted.

      Populist parties in other countries have forced the pact to the top of the political agenda. The Dutch government under Prime Minister Mark Rutte has come under pressure from far-right leaders, including Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet, who refers to the agreement as the “U.N. Immigration Pact.” The government ordered a legal analysis of the text last week to ensure that signing it will not entail any legal consequences. The Cabinet finally decided on Thursday that it would support the pact, but would add an extra declaration, a so-called explanation of position, to prevent unintended legal consequences.

      In Germany, the pact has become an issue in the battle to succeed Angela Merkel — the EU politician most associated with a more liberal approach to migration — as leader of the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Two of the leading contenders for the post, Jens Spahn and Friedrich Merz, have both criticized the agreement and called for it to be amended.

      The German chancellor mounted a spirited defense of the pact, telling the Bundestag last week that the agreement is in Germany’s national interest as it will encourage better conditions for refugees and migrants elsewhere in the world.

      Arbour argued that although the pact is not legally binding, it is still worthwhile. “The pact is a major cooperation project ... a political initiative to align initiatives for the common benefit,” she said.

      But such arguments cut little ice with the WerteUnion ("Union of Values"), a group of thousands of conservative members of the CDU and its Bavarian sister party. It takes issue with multiple sections of the pact, such as a declaration that migrants “regardless of their status, can exercise their human rights through safe access to basic services.” The group argues that as German social benefits are high, such a commitment would encourage migrants to come to Germany.

      In Belgium, the pact has put liberal Prime Minister Charles Michel’s coalition government at risk. The Flemish nationalist N-VA, the biggest party in government, has demanded Belgium withdraw from the agreement. Michel is caught between his commitment to the pact and his coalition partner’s rejection of it — while seeking to fend off a Francophone opposition that will take any opportunity to portray him as a puppet of the Flemish nationalists ahead of federal, regional and European elections next May.

      Searching for a way to keep his government afloat, Michel has been consulting with a handful of European countries including Denmark, Estonia, the U.K. and Norway, to produce a joint statement to be attached to the pact, according to Belgian media. Another idea is for several of those countries to join the Netherlands in signing a common “explanation of position,” Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant reported.

      Arbour said it’s too late to start making changes to the pact itself. Renegotiating the text or attaching an extra statement is “not what other [countries] have signed up to,” she said.


    • Apparemment, la #Suisse a soutenu le pacte, mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi elle a soutenu à New York, mais pas à Marrakech... reste le mystère pour moi, si je trouve la réponse à ma question, je la posterai ici.

      La CFM salue le soutien de la Suisse au Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés

      La Commission fédérale des migrations CFM salue le vote par la Suisse du Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU.

      Ce document marque la volonté internationale de mieux répondre aux défis des exodes de réfugiés. Il a le grand mérite de présenter un projet cohérent afin de soulager la pression sur les pays qui accueillent les réfugiés, de renforcer l’autonomie des réfugiés, de développer l’accès aux possibilités de réinstallation dans des pays tiers et de promouvoir les conditions permettant aux réfugiés de rentrer dans leurs pays d’origine lorsque cela redevient possible.

      Ce document n’est pas contraignant pour les États et ne va pas au-delà des engagements internationaux existants liés à la Convention de 1951 et au protocole de 1967 qui règlent les modalités d’accueil des réfugiés. Il marque cependant une volonté forte de la Communauté internationale déjà exprimée dans la déclaration de New York de 2016. Le pacte met en avant la nécessité de trouver des solutions globales et collectives au plan international pour soulager les souffrances des réfugiés au moyen de différents instruments allant de l’aide sur place à la réinstallation des plus vulnérables. Il institue un #Forum_Global_sur_les_réfugiés qui réunira tous les quatre ans des délégations de haut niveau et favorisera le dialogue et la mise en œuvre de projets communs. Cette volonté de favoriser une réponse globale et solidaire à l’échelle mondiale correspond à la tradition humanitaire de la Suisse et doit être saluée.


    • Pacte migratoire : une large coalition de sympathisants anti-islam, extrême droite et néo-nazis a influencé les partis traditionnels en Europe

      Sur le site d’information POLITICO Europe (https://www.politico.eu/article/united-nations-migration-pact-how-got-trolled) deux chercheurs universitaires – #Laurens_Cerulus et #Eline_Schaart – racontent la virulente campagne en ligne de nombreux activistes d’#extrême_droite contre le Pacte migratoire de l’ONU. Elle a réussi à influencer les principaux partis traditionnels en Europe.

      Depuis le mois de septembre dernier une coalition de sympathisants #anti-islam, extrême droite et #néo-nazis s’est mobilisée sur les #réseaux_sociaux contre le Pacte migratoire. Le texte non contraignant n’avait jusque là pas inquiété les gouvernements, régulièrement consultés durant le processus de rédaction à l’ONU.

      Analyse du #cyber_activisme de groupuscules d’extrême droite

      L’intensité des interventions coordonnées sur Twitter notamment, les nombreuses vidéos et les pétitions en ligne, ont incité les responsables politiques de plusieurs pays à revenir en arrière sur leurs positions initiales. En Suisse, le Conseil fédéral a fait marche arrière sur son engagement favorable initial et a demandé au parlement de se prononcer. En Belgique, la controverse a conduit à la chute du gouvernement.

      Selon Laurens Cerulus et Eline Schaart, l’engouement initial quasi planétaire autour du Pacte migratoire – seuls les Etats-Unis et la Hongrie s’étaient initialement opposés au Pacte migratoire – a été stoppé par les attaques d’un réseau mondial de militants nationalistes d’extrême droite.

      Elles ont été menées par des “youtuber” populaires et des influenceurs politiques d’extrême droite comme l’activiste autrichien Martin Sellner. Ces efforts ont été coordonnés via des groupes de discussion et des sites Web hyper-partisans. Sur YouTube, les vidéos de Sellner figurent en tête de liste des clips les plus regardés, selon Tagesschau, un journal télévisé de la chaîne publique allemande.

      Ico Maly chercheur et enseignant sur les nouveaux médias et la politique à l’Université de Tilburg aux Pays-Bas est du même avis, selon lui les partis nationalistes du monde entier agissent ensembles sur des réseaux spécifiques. Tous ces acteurs s’informent mutuellement et adoptent les mêmes positions politiques.

      L’Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), un centre d’information et de recherche contre l’extrémisme basé à Londres surveille les activités de certains groupuscules sur internet et est arrivé à la même constatation, les comptes des médias sociaux gérés par le site Web Epoch Times, celui du chroniqueur populiste de droite Thomas Böhm, qui dirige le site d’information journalistenwatch.com et le blog anti-islam Philosophia Perennis figurent tous parmi les 10 comptes les plus cités dans plus d’un million de tweets analysés dans le monde après le 31 octobre, expliquent Laurens Cerulus et Eline Schaart.

      Que votera le parlement suisse ?

      Le 19 décembre dernier lors du vote à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, 152 pays ont approuvé l’accord. Les États-Unis, la Hongrie, Israël, la République tchèque et la Pologne ont voté contre le texte, 12 autres pays se sont abstenus (l’Algérie, l’Australie, l’Autriche, la Bulgarie, le Chili, l’Italie, la Lettonie, la Libye, le Liechtenstein, la Roumanie, Singapour et la Suisse) tandis que 24 autres pays membres n’ont pas pris part au vote.

      En Suisse trop de politiciens ont été lamentablement influencés par des groupuscules ignares, désinformés et xénophobes. Ils auront bientôt la possibilité de démontrer leur confiance dans les avis déjà exprimés des experts suisses en matière de migration (1).

      Le 14 décembre, le Conseil fédéral décidait de mandaté le Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) pour préparer un arrêté fédéral simple permettant aux chambres de se prononcer sur la signature ou non par la Suisse de ce pacte onusien. Le DFAE a jusqu’à fin 2019 pour préparer l’arrêté.

      On espère qu’il parviendra à convaincre car le texte ne crée pas de droit à la migration mais réaffirme simplement et justement le respect des droit fondamentaux des personnes migrantes. Je vous recommande la lecture de l’article de Laurens Cerulus et Eline Schaart dans POLITICO, How the UN Migration Pact got trolled.

  • Community-Scale Water Sovereignty: Part II

    As part of a series examining best practices in water resilience at the home and community level, this post looks into what happens when water is no longer local — highlighting the challenges faced in Indonesia, and throughout the world, when water is privatized.

    The UN has declared the 10-year period beginning in 2018 as “The International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development.” [1] Construction, production of goods, and local livelihoods all ultimately depend on the quantity of available water; it is a major determinant of settlement patterns, and sets limits to growth. When communities manage their water supplies locally, collective awareness of water quality and availability leads to careful, deliberate, and sustainable use— with enough water available for all. [2]

    In the global growth economy, by contrast, it is assumed that development can go on endlessly, regardless of a community’s locally-available resources, including water. It is also assumed that centralization and privatization lead to greater ‘efficiency’ than when resources are controlled at the community level. But centralized water systems that empower multinational corporations can quickly tip the balance towards crisis, as revealed in the following examples from Indonesia, including the small island of Gili Meno. The question then is: What lessons can we learn from the experience of places like these, when it comes to managing water equitably and sustainably?

    One of a trio of small islands off the northwest coast of Lombok in Indonesia, Gili Meno has about 500 residents, and no fresh water source. For this reason, it was nearly uninhabited until the 1970s, when the government awarded land to privately held coconut plantations and supplied prison inmates as labor. Other residents from Lombok soon followed and settled on the island. [3] For a few decades, rooftop rainwater collection was the only source of drinking water on the island.

    Pak Udin moved to Gili Meno in the late 1980s, and now runs a shop and homestay on the island. He recalls that in his early days there, residents would fill up large containers from their household water tanks after each rainstorm. Stored in cool, dark rooms, the containers would keep water fresh and clean for up to a year, until the following rainy season. In his recollection, people rarely, if ever, got sick from the water.

    But in the following decades, tourism on the Gili islands experienced rapid growth, sparking a spate of new construction. The new buildings usually did not incorporate rainwater harvesting systems, and most homes quickly came to rely on government-built wells — which provided water that was often too salty to drink — and on 21-liter Aqua-brand bottled water. [4]

    Aqua, manufactured by the French company Danone, accounts for 60% of all bottled water sales in Indonesia. [5] At around US$1.50 per jug, it is affordable for the middle class and has caught on throughout the country — but a family with two minimum-wage earners purchasing three Aqua containers per week can find themselves spending nearly 10% of their income on drinking water.

    Absent an alternative, almost all visitors to Gili Meno buy even smaller bottles of water, at an even greater economic and ecological cost. Gili Meno has no recycling program — and no effective waste management program of any kind. [6] The piles of bottles in makeshift landfills on the island continue to grow, as do Danone’s profits. Efforts at building desalination plants or bringing water over in pipes from mainland Lombok, a few miles away, have encountered many setbacks. It is especially risky to depend on such infrastructure given the recent earthquakes that have shaken the region, which left neighboring islands Gili Trawangan and Gili Air without water for days. [7]

    The only residents for whom water is still free, says Pak Udin, are those few households that still maintain and use their rainwater collection systems.

    On mainland Lombok, some communities have no municipal water supply or traditional system, and rely entirely on the private sector for water. In Sekaroh in southwest Lombok, all water arrives on trucks, with residents paying as much as US$34 for 5,000 liters of non-potable water — on top of purchasing drinking water. Those who lack sufficient storage space and must therefore buy partial truckloads of water end up paying even more per liter: as in so many market-based systems, water in Lombok is more expensive for the poor. [8]

    In neighboring Bali, the government supplies water to much of the island via pipes from natural water sources in the central mountains. But in the dry season — the months of July and August — municipal water supplies sometimes shut off without warning for weeks at a time. In 2013, water ran out for two months in the arid region of the Bukit; supply-demand economics took over and truckloads of water soon cost more than US$100 each. Water-insecure Bukit residents are in good company: 2.7 billion people — more than 1/3 of the world’s population — lack reliable access to clean water for at least one month of the year. [9]

    When water is scarce in Bali, less affluent people and businesses are forced to go without. Commercial establishments including hotels, which consume many times more water per capita than Balinese households, are billed at a lower rate, and are given prolonged access to water during times of drought. [10] What’s more, groundwater is severely depleted in much of Bali due to heavy use from the tourism industry, dropping up to 50 meters (164 feet) in the past ten years. [11] Deep wells are often infeasible for local families due to high cost, site conditions, or concerns about further depleting water from neighbors’ shallow wells.

    As on Gili Meno, Aqua-brand bottles are the most common source of drinking water in Bali. Locals, noting that bottles sit in uncovered trucks for hours in the blazing equatorial sun on long journeys throughout the island, have expressed concerns that plastic may leach into the water. They have also noted that the Indonesian rupiah is a volatile currency, and that dependency on global private water suppliers and fossil fuels subjects their drinking water — their most vital resource — to the speculative whims of the global economy.

    So what makes household and drinking water sources truly sustainable? From these examples, it seems clear that sustainable systems are:

    Safe from natural disasters. When centralized systems with no backup storage are damaged, everyone is left without water. Because earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters often affect homes in a community unevenly, having a large number of smaller systems in place increases the likelihood that at least some will still function after natural disasters, and can provide water to those who need it most in those critical times.

    Insulated from the global economy. Water prices that depend on currency fluctuations and the bottom lines of multi-national companies can devastate families living at the margins. In sustainable systems, safe water from local sources is available to every household, regardless of ability to pay.

    Equally accessible to everyone. Much of the UN rhetoric surrounding the “water for sustainable development” decade is focused on conflict resolution and on preventing the violence that inevitably results from unequal access to water. Large-scale market-based systems and handouts for water-heavy industries reward those with a higher ability to pay, creating and exacerbating class tensions. While some community-managed water systems can lead to biases against minority populations [12], conflict at the community level is often easier to address than structural inequalities built into centralized systems.

    Localized. Ultimately, the above characteristics are most likely to be found when water systems are localized, using technologies that can be managed and maintained locally, and with policies that are decided upon by communities themselves. Localization also encourages systems that are well-matched to the ability of the local environment to provide for its human inhabitants, with support from governments or non-governmental bodies as needed.

    In large-scale centralized systems, several factors lead to a loss of local control. Resource-intensive technologies are needed to access water from deep within the earth and transport it long distances, and non-local industry can become a region’s biggest water consumer. As a result, communities lose control over their most precious resource. Large-scale systems also make it difficult or impossible to know whether local ecosystems can support their human populations. In rapidly growing urban areas — especially in semi-arid regions — development is already so divorced from local water resources [13] that drastic strategies are needed — including a sharp reduction in water use for the highest consumers, and a shift back to a way of life that can support human populations. But for rural areas, the path to sustainable water management is relatively simple: reclaim control of water from the global economy, and protect it from unwelcome heavy industry and multinational corporations.

    Many organizations throughout the world are working on decentralized technology and product-service systems to empower local water management. Part 3 of this series will profile a few of these outstanding organizations in Indonesia and beyond.

    #privatisation #eau #souveraineté #Indonésie #eau_potable

  • https://www.rasa-africa.org/publications/le-rapport.html

    Le rapport alternatif sur l’Afrique 2018 (n°0 - juillet 2018) est préparé par un collectif de personnes et d’organisations africaines. Elles veulent rendre compte des évolutions et transformations sociétales, économiques, culturelles, religieuses, politiques, environnementales qui donnent une autre idée de l’Afrique qui est en train d’être construite et qui échappent de fait aux indicateurs conventionnels du développement et du bien être. Elles veulent bâtir une définition du progrès de l’Afrique et des Africains plus proches de leurs cosmogonies et visions du monde, de leurs réalités et de leurs pratiques.
    #Afrique #Autre_développement #Afrotopia

  • (1) « Mon pays fabrique des #armes » et ce n’est pas anodin - Libération

    Jean-Charles Larsonneur, député LREM membre de la commission de la #défense, avoue à la journaliste qu’il le regarde « pour la première fois » et se trouve bien en peine de dire ce qui est vendu à l’Arabie Saoudite, gros client de la France. Hors caméra, mais toujours équipé d’un micro, le même élu résume parfaitement le piège dans laquelle Paris s’est enfermé : « Si on n’a plus d’exportations, on n’a plus d’industrie de la défense, donc on perd notre #souveraineté en termes d’outil #militaire. »

    La quête de cette autonomie stratégique justifie donc de vendre à des Etats qui ne sont pas des démocraties (par exemple l’Egypte), voire qui sont soupçonnés de crimes de guerre (comme l’Arabie Saoudite au Yémen). La position française, répétée en boucle par la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, reste constante : les ventes d’armes sont « extrêmement encadrées », « font l’objet d’une évaluation précise qui prend en compte […] la nature des matériels exportés, le respect des droits de l’homme, la préservation de la paix et de la stabilité régionale ». Cette ligne, qui n’était pas celle d’Emmanuel Macron au début de sa campagne, divise au sein même de l’appareil d’Etat, comme le rappelle le film au terme de son exposé sans révélation mais exhaustif des enjeux entourant ce « vice #business ».

  • Et l’américain Palantir a désormais un rival « Made in France »

    Cette offre répond aux besoins de l’administration française, notamment des services de renseignement et des entreprises françaises, qui souhaitent s’exonérer des risques que peut induire un choix en faveur de Palantir. Pourquoi ? Guillaume Poupard est très clair quand il explique à l’Assemblée nationale en mars dernier, qu’il « va de soi qu’il faut par exemple déconnecter les logiciels Palantir, qui permettent d’effectuer des recherches dans les données, car il est hors de question que l’éditeur de Palantir ait accès aux données opérationnelles traitées par le logiciel. Or, c’est de plus en plus compliqué : de nombreux éditeurs logiciels, en effet, dégagent leur plus-value en fournissant non plus un simple CD-ROM comme autrefois mais un système à distance, en cloud, qui, pour fonctionner, ne doit plus se trouver chez le client mais chez l’éditeur, ce qui soulève de nombreuses questions ». D’ailleurs, le directeur du renseignement militaire, le général Jean-François Ferlet, a indiqué que son service a étudié le logiciel de Palantir, mais qu’il ne l’a pas retenu pour des questions de maîtrise du logiciel.
    La DGA travaille également sur une alternative

    « Il existe une volonté globale de créer une alternative française de confiance, et la DGA y travaille », avait rappelé en mars dernier Guillaume Poupard. C’est le programme Artemis (Architecture de traitement et d’exploitation massive de l’information multi-source), qui a été lancé en novembre 2017 par la direction générale de l’armement (DGA). Ce programme, qui servira à exploiter les bases de données de toute nature, est une composante importante de la feuille de route Intelligence Artificielle (IA) du ministère des Armées, annoncée en mars dernier par Florence Parly.

    #Palantir #Renseignement #Souveraineté_nationale

  • Si può parlare di “patria” anche a sinistra

    Alcuni esponenti della sinistra radicale hanno partecipato alla costituzione dell’associazione politica “#Patria_e_Costituzione”. Ne è seguita una reazione fredda, quando non apertamente critica. L’impressione è che il riferimento alla Patria sia percepito come “estraneo” e “innaturale” rispetto alla tradizione della sinistra.
    Il rapporto tra la sinistra e l’idea di Patria richiederebbe l’analisi approfondita di uno storico, di un politologo, di un sociologo. Questo articolo non può arrivare a tanto. Tuttavia, siamo persone di sinistra, conosciamo i nostri valori, e riconosciamo l’esigenza di evitare malintesi al nostro interno. Perciò, possiamo e dobbiamo dare il nostro contributo al dibattito. E nella nostra ingenuità, non riusciamo a convincerci che il sentimento patriottico sia incompatibile con la sinistra.

    In teoria (e purtroppo, spesso, anche in pratica), il nazionalismo viola alcuni dei valori fondamentali della sinistra: la pace tra i popoli, e quindi tra gli Stati; l’accoglienza degli stranieri e l’uguaglianza tra persone di culture diverse in uno stesso Paese; la cooperazione tra i Paesi del mondo. A questo proposito, sappiamo che il dialogo internazionale è una necessità dettata dalla realtà, dalla consapevolezza che non siamo da soli sulla Terra, dai guadagni che possono arrivare – per tutti – se il commercio internazionale è inserito in un sistema equo e non fraudolento, dall’esigenza di affrontare multinazionali private più forti dei singoli Stati. (Per inciso, quest’ultima esigenza non richiede, per forza, la scomparsa degli attuali Stati: è sufficiente, appunto, che gli Stati collaborino).
    Eppure, dal punto di vista logico, il patriottismo non ci sembra affatto in contraddizione con tutti questi valori. Quando una Patria si trasforma in uno Stato sovrano, questo Stato può ripudiare la guerra; può ospitare gli immigrati sul suo territorio e può garantire la loro dignità; può collaborare con gli altri Stati per promuovere gli scambi commerciali e culturali o per combattere le ingiustizie in tutto il pianeta. Questa è la definizione di “internazionalismo”: non è la distruzione degli Stati nazionali, ma l’esistenza di relazioni pacifiche e costruttive fra tutti gli Stati.
    Insomma, lo Stato può anche corrispondere a una Patria: ciò che conta, per noi, è che sia governato secondo i valori del socialismo democratico; in questo caso, non sarà mai costruito su base etnica, e non si consoliderà mai nell’esclusione del diverso, ma proprio nella sua inclusione in un sistema armonico di sviluppo.

    Se quel che abbiamo scritto sin qui è condivisibile, allora si può ammettere che il sentimento patriottico, che è parte integrante della vita di molte persone, possa esserlo anche per molte persone di sinistra.
    Naturalmente, questo sentimento ci spaventa se è interpretato da un punto di vista etnico; rifiutiamo un’Italia che esclude chi non è italiano di sangue, una patria che diventa razzista e disumana.
    Però, non sono incoerenti quei compagni che riconoscono l’importanza della storia e delle tradizioni di un popolo, all’interno di uno Stato sovrano (e anche, in modo diverso, all’interno di un’autonomia locale: si tratta di questione complessa, ma collegata con una delle possibili declinazioni del concetto chiave della sinistra e cioè quello dell’ “autodeterminazione”). E non lo sono nemmeno quando riconoscono, in ogni Stato sovrano nato da una Patria, una comunità di persone, con il diritto a compiere liberamente le scelte politiche che la riguardano, nel rispetto della sovranità degli altri Stati.

    In questo modo, si possono rassicurare anche quei compagni che vedono nella riscoperta della sovranità nazionale una rottura con l’Unione Europea. A questo proposito, bisogna ammettere che alcuni compagni più sensibili al sentimento patriottico hanno contribuito a generare un equivoco, concentrandosi su temi economicistici come quello della moneta unica, considerata un male in sé, e non per il meccanismo che genera.
    Attualmente, è un dato di fatto che i Trattati dell’Unione e l’attuale sistema della moneta unica impediscano agli Stati membri di intervenire a favore dei lavoratori e dei deboli: la spesa pubblica è vincolata; non esistono trasferimenti di risorse a vantaggio degli Stati più poveri. Questa è un’emergenza. Finché non sarà risolta, ogni programma di sinistra è destinato a non essere realizzato.
    In sé, la soluzione non è uscire dall’Unione Europea, così come non lo è rinunciare (anche solo in parte) alla sovranità degli Stati per dare vita agli Stati Uniti d’Europa. Infatti, l’Italia è uno Stato, come lo sarebbe un’eventuale Federazione Europea: uno Stato può aumentare la spesa pubblica, come ridurla; può schierarsi a favore del capitale, come del lavoro. Si può avere uno Stato nel quale compiere scelte politiche di sinistra, liberi dai vincoli dell’austerità, ma il problema resta: lo Stato, come ci ricorda Marx, non è un’entità statica e neutra, ma l’espressione di rapporti di forza sociali, e a nulla serve “tornare allo Stato” se poi esso è amministrato e governato a favore dei pochi, delle élites finanziarie, delle oligarchie anche politiche. Del resto, se il Governo italiano (come ci sembra) non è in grado di affrontare i problemi reali dell’Italia che lavora, la colpa non può essere scaricata interamente sull’Europa. Peraltro, è utile ricordare che gli attuali vincoli europei sono stati adottati da Stati sovrani, legittimamente e volontariamente: ad esempio, la Gran Bretagna scelse di non sottoscrivere il fiscal compact, segno che l’adesione alle politiche di austerità è stata anch’essa espressione di una volontà nazionale forte.
    Di conseguenza, un conto è la lotta contro i vincoli europei, che è la priorità assoluta per qualsiasi forza socialista e democratica; un altro conto sono i sentimenti patriottici e la sovranità nazionale.
    Sicuramente, nessuno Stato europeo può essere “sovrano”, finché le norme dell’Unione impediranno una politica economica diversa dall’austerità. Inoltre, il problema primario in Europa è – di nuovo – proprio l’autodeterminazione, dal momento che non possono convivere pacificamente e nello sviluppo comune sistemi produttivi così diversi ed eterogenei; anche se potessero farlo, noi non crediamo che l’uniformità sia desiderabile: ciascun popolo ha diritto a pensare una via al proprio sviluppo.
    Eppure, si può invocare maggiore sovranità nazionale contro l’Europa che ci impedisce la spesa pubblica, anche senza proporre l’uscita dalla moneta unica, o dall’Unione Europea. Infatti, si tratta di problemi specifici, che richiedono rimedi specifici, modifiche di specifiche disposizioni contenute nei Trattati, introduzione di specifici istituti fiscali. Questi rimedi ridurrebbero solo in parte la sovranità degli Stati membri; quindi, consentirebbero un compromesso accettabile tra l’autodeterminazione dei popoli europei e la loro permanenza in un’Unione che ne assicura la collaborazione pacifica.

    Persino il nesso tra il patriottismo e il fascismo è più complesso di quanto siamo abituati a pensare. Fabio Vander, ne L’estetizzazione della politica, ha ricostruito il legame tra il fascismo e la tradizione futurista, proseguito a lungo durante il Ventennio; il fascismo ha utilizzato il sentimento nazionale come strumento di propaganda, ma le sue radici si trovano in un movimento che intendeva rompere con l’Italia dei secoli precedenti, con la sua storia e la sua cultura, a iniziare dall’Umanesimo.
    Del resto, la sinistra che vuole davvero contrastare il fascismo e la sua eredità dovrebbe iniziare a riconoscere la caratteristica principale di quell’ideologia: non tanto la presenza di un “capo” in diretta relazione con il “popolo”, e nemmeno tanto l’odio verso il “diverso”, quanto la volontà di distruggere la vita delle persone, in nome di un continuo “cambiamento” che non lascia alcuno spazio alla dignità umana. Può trattarsi di perseguitare gli ebrei e di deportarli ad Auschwitz, o di inviare i giovani italiani a morire in guerra, o di mantenere le donne italiane in stato di servitù, ma può trattarsi anche di realizzare il principale obiettivo del fascismo degli inizi, nonostante le sue pretese protezionistiche: impedire con la forza le lotte dei lavoratori per essere pagati di più, per lavorare di meno, per avere più ferie o la malattia pagata. In questo senso, sarebbe sicuramente “fascista” (anche se questo non è avvenuto sotto il regime di Mussolini) una forza politica che emargina il patriottismo, magari con lo scopo di scoraggiare (o addirittura di eliminare), in nome della libertà dell’individuo, le identità e i sentimenti collettivi, come temeva Pasolini negli Scritti corsari.

    Patria e sovranità nazionale non hanno a che vedere con la guerra e con il razzismo. Non hanno a che fare neanche con uno Stato che si isola, condannando i suoi cittadini a essere più deboli e più poveri in un mondo sempre più interconnesso. E non ci obbligano neppure a dare l’addio all’Unione Europea, ai suoi vantaggi pratici, alla sua insostituibile missione storica di collaborazione internazionale. Almeno, non necessariamente.
    Per noi, socialisti e democratici, il valore principale resta la difesa della dignità umana e il sostegno alla classe lavoratrice. Finché questo valore non è in discussione, i sentimenti patriottici possono essere un bene prezioso anche per chi sta a sinistra: inoltre, non rappresentano solo un fatto privato, perché a ogni Patria corrisponde una comunità che ha il diritto di autodeterminarsi.
    A voler ampliare l’orizzonte, questo singolo tema offre lo spunto per affrontare la reale difficoltà della sinistra, in questa fase in cui, dal nostro punto di vista, tutto sembra disperato. Nessuno dice che la sinistra si debba fondare sul patriottismo, perché non è la sua ragione di esistere: quel che conta è saper accogliere anche chi crede ancora in alcune identità collettive (come la Patria), verso le quali la sinistra degli ultimi anni è stata troppo diffidente. Allo stesso modo, del resto, tutti devono impegnarsi a difendere la libertà e la dignità di chi non crede nella Patria: non solo nel partito della sinistra che verrà (se verrà), ma anche in quelle realtà sociali nelle quali questo valore è imposto con la forza violenta dell’intolleranza e del conformismo.
    Al di là di questo singolo tema, un partito deve saper trovare il compromesso fra i propri valori e i bisogni emotivi delle persone, quando è possibile. Altrimenti, è destinato a non fare egemonia e a lasciare il campo libero ai suoi avversari, ai suoi opposti. È destinato a rinunciare alla sua funzione di includere le persone, che è qualcosa di diverso (e di più) rispetto al semplice “imitare la destra per portarle via i voti”. È destinato a non scendere in quel terreno di gioco nel quale si può almeno provare quell’impresa culturale, oggi così urgente. In altri termini, è destinato a cantarsela e suonarsela da sé. Mentre la Lega di Salvini conquista a tavolino il potere politico e le coscienze degli italiani.

    #patrie #mots #vocabulaire #terminologie #droite #gauche #idéologie #UE #Union_européenne #EU #Etat-nation #nationalisme #fascisme #souveraineté_nationale
    via @wizo

  • Cuba’s Urban Farming Revolution: How to Create Self-Sufficient Cities | Thinkpiece | Architectural Review


    Havanas’s unique agricultural infrastructure emerged from punishing trade sanctions following the fall of the USSR but today provides an exemplary precedent that could be applied worldwide

    When Cuba found itself abruptly cut off from trade with the Soviet bloc in 1989, the country entered into an economic crisis of unprecedented severity. Already sidelined from international trade due to US embargoes, Cuba became, almost overnight, a country detached from the rest of the world. In the years that followed, the tiny island nation struggled to export sugar and citrus fruits for more critical imports: the cereals, corn and meat that had become the staples of the Cuban diet. This was the beginning of Cuba’s food crisis, a period in which residents lost, on average, access to one third of their daily calories, the government instituted a peacetime austerity programme for food rationing, and most Cubans experienced widespread, inescapable hunger.

  • #Yémen : le gouvernement contre la poursuite d’une enquête de l’#ONU | #Moyen-Orient

    Ce gouvernement, reconnu par la #communauté_internationale, a souligné dans un communiqué son « rejet des outils qui lui sont imposés en violation de sa #souveraineté » dans une référence à la mission d’experts jusqu’ici mandatés par l’ONU.

    • Yemen War Investigation Is Extended by U.N. Council - The New York Times

      The 47-member Council voted 21 to 8, with 18 abstentions, in favor of a resolution supporting the experts’ work. The vote came minutes after the conclusion of days of discussions between the Saudi Arabia and its allies and a group of countries led by the Netherlands and Canada.


      ...the panel blamed the Saudi coalition’s airstrikes, blockades and shipping restrictions for most of the war’s civilian casualties as well as the immense damage to Yemen’s critical infrastructure, which has worsened the plight of millions of civilians. The report also detailed torture, rape and sexual violence by security forces controlled by the United Arab Emirates.

      Hammering home the war’s human costs, Mark Lowcock, the United Nations emergency relief chief, speaking at the Security Council last week, described civilians reduced to eating leaves. Mr. Lowcock warned that Yemen was reaching a tipping point “beyond which it will be impossible to prevent massive loss of life as a result of widespread famine across the country.”

  • Demain, les Suisse·sses votent pour/contre l’ #initiative appelée "Initiative pour la #souveraineté_alimentaire" .

    Le site de l’initiative :

    En Suisse, 2 à 3 exploitations agricoles ferment leurs portes chaque jour. En 30 ans, le #revenu_paysan a baissé de 30% et plus de 100’000 emplois ont disparu. La #Suisse dépend de plus en plus des #importations en matière d’alimentation, et notre santé se dégrade face à la perte en qualité de notre #nourriture, toujours plus chargée en intrants chimiques. En outre, la nature pâtit d’une exploitation trop agressive des sols. Même les institutions officielles le disent : en 2008, un rapport de 400 experts, mandatés par la Banque Mondiale, se positionne face au modèle agricole productiviste actuel : « business as usual is not anymore possible ». Face à ce constat alarmant, un changement de cap de nos politiques agricole et alimentaire est indispensable.

    L’initiative pour la souveraineté alimentaire soutient une #agriculture qui, dans un espace rural vivant et créateur d’emplois, produit une #alimentation_saine et de proximité permettant des prix, des conditions de travail et des salaires justes ; elle participe par ailleurs à un commerce international équitable et une exploitation durable des ressources.

    Pour une une alimentation saine et de proximité
    Aujourd’hui, quelques grandes entreprises dominent le système alimentaire et mobilisent des terres agricoles, avec pour seul objectif le prix le plus bas, sans tenir compte des aspects sociaux et environnementaux. L’accès aux ressources (terre, eau, semences et biodiversité) est la base d’une agriculture paysanne qui produit une alimentation socialement juste et écologique : naturellement sans OGM !
    Pour une agriculture diversifiée et sans #OGM !
    Le rôle premier de l’agriculture est de nourrir la population avec une alimentation saine tout en préservant les ressources naturelles. La souveraineté alimentaire place les besoins de l’être humain au centre des enjeux alimentaires et agricoles plutôt que de répondre aux seules attentes du marché.
    Pour des #prix, des #salaires et des #conditions_de_travail justes
    Depuis 2000, les prix des produits agricoles ont diminué de 12% pour les paysan·ne·s alors qu’ils ont augmenté de 5% pour les consommateurs·trices. Plus de transparence dans la formation des prix, des marges et dans la gestion des quantités produites, permettra d’obtenir des prix rémunérateurs pour les paysan·ne·s, des conditions de travail justes et harmonisées pour les salarié·e·s agricoles et des prix accessibles à la consommation.

    Pour un commerce international équitable !
    Les changements climatiques, l’augmentation du prix du pétrole, la spéculation sur les aliments et les crises politiques affecteront de manière croissante le marché global. La souveraineté alimentaire contribue à la réduction de la dépendance aux marchés internationaux en valorisant l’agriculture locale, au Nord comme au Sud. Les importations doivent respecter les critères sociaux et environnementaux et les exportations ne doivent pas nuire aux marchés agricoles d’autres régions.
    Pour la santé, la nature et le climat !
    Pour garantir une alimentation diversifiée et un système alimentaire durable, il faut des fermes en nombre et de toutes tailles. Elles doivent fournir une large gamme de produits, selon des modes de production variés. L’équilibre doit être conservé tant dans nos champs que dans nos assiettes. Moins de viande mais plus locale, issue d’animaux bien traités et nourris avec de l’herbe et des fourrages locaux. Moins de transports inutiles et de gaspillage alimentaire et plus de produits frais !

    Pour la création d’#emplois dans un espace rural vivant
    #Paysannerie, artisanat de transformation, commerce et consommation de proximité font vivre l’#espace_rural. Les structures locales de production, de transformation, de stockage et de distribution doivent être encouragées, favorisant un tissu social et économique fort. La traçabilité des produits est ainsi garantie tout en créant des places de travail. Un gage d’avenir pour les jeunes générations !


    Curieuse de voir les résultats des urnes demain...

    • Les Suisses balaient les deux initiatives alimentaires, mais plébiscitent le vélo

      - Les deux initiatives agricoles ont été nettement rejetées dimanche dans les urnes. Selon les résultats définitifs, l’initiative pour des aliments équitables est refusée à 61,30% et l’initiative pour la souveraineté alimentaire à 68,37%.

      – Seuls quatre cantons romands ont accepté ces textes, Neuchâtel, Genève, Vaud et le Jura, alors que Fribourg, le Valais, Berne et toute la Suisse alémanique ont dit non.


    • La peur au ventre

      Le verdict est net et sans appel. Avec respectivement 61% et 68% de non, les deux initiatives pour des aliments équitables et pour la souveraineté alimentaire ont été rejetées par le peuple. En clair : ces textes ont fait le plein de voix dans le camp progressiste, mais ont peiné à dépasser le clivage politique gauche-droite. On continuera à avoir sur nos étals des tomates récoltées en Espagne ou en Italie dans des conditions semi-esclavagistes, qui enrichissent des circuits mafieux, et autre céréales qui sentent le glyphosate.

      On relèvera tout d’abord la présence d’un énorme #Röstigraben. Car quatre cantons romands ont accepté ces textes : Genève, Vaud, Jura et Neuchâtel. A des majorités souvent plus que confortables. Ce qui s’explique sans doute par le fait qu’Uniterre, le syndicat paysan alternatif qui avait lancé le second texte, est présent surtout dans la partie francophone de la Suisse. Le discours d’une agriculture plus durable a pu se frayer un chemin porté par ces milieux qui ont su incarner une alliance entre producteurs et consommateurs. Un résultat d’autant plus remarquable que ce sur ce genre de sujets de société, on était habitué à un vote plus progressiste outre-Sarine. En l’occurrence, en Suisse alémanique, les lobbies agroalimentaires dominants ont pesé, seuls, de tout leur poids.

      Deuxième facteur : un électorat urbain plus marqué en terres romandes. Le fameux clivage villes-campagne a sans doute aussi joué : on voit qu’en ville de Zurich, ce sont près de 47% de oui qui sortent des urnes, et même 52% en ville de Berne.

      On regrettera à cet égard que le Parti socialiste ne se soit guère investi dans la campagne, assurant un service que l’on peut qualifier de minimum et ait laissé aux Verts le soin de défendre leur texte maison. Dommage, cela aurait pu contribuer à infléchir le résultat en contrant la propagande populiste distillée par leur conseiller fédéral Alain Berset qui – sans aller jusqu’à brandir la pénurie de foie gras, comme l’a fait le PLR – a tout de même feint de s’inquiéter pour le panier de la ménagère, arguant que les pauvres n’ont pas les moyens de manger bio, alors que le problème est peut être davantage à chercher du côté des revenus trop bas. Bref, à emboucher les trompettes de la peur dans lesquelles soufflaient à pleins poumons des milieux de l’économie soucieux des bénéfices engrangés par les géants de l’agroalimentaire.

      Mais ce n’est que partie remise. Les formations bourgeoises ont assuré la bouche en cœur que la législation actuelle serait suffisante. Reste que l’article constitutionnel largement adopté l’an passé sur la sécurité alimentaire sera sacrifié plus souvent qu’à son tour sur l’autel du dieu Mo-loch libre-échangiste. L’Union suisse des paysans – déjà échaudée par les frasques de l’inénarrable Johann Schneider-Ammann – n’avait d’ailleurs pas donné de mots d’ordre.

      Rendez-vous est donc pris : la question d’une agriculture durable et moins industrielle reviendra inéluctablement sur le tapis. Le vote de ce week-end a montré que la question du mode de production agricole est une préoccupation centrale des Suisses.
