• How We Got 400 Free Beta Testers

    How We Got 400 Free Beta Testers (No Growth Hacking Involved)Have you heard this #startup narrative?Come up with an idea, build it, launch to an audience that accepts you wholeheartedly, and watch the money roll in.While that may happen to a select few, it’s a bit different for us mere mortals.Before your product is ready for prime time, it needs to be tested by a pool of users who represent your target market.These beta testers will let you know if you’re on the right track and help you spot bugs and useful features.You learn more about your customers, your developers get a clear roadmap, and customers get to use an awesome product.Everyone wins.sourceIt used to be easy to get people to sign up for your app. Now — not so much. Markets are saturated.In this post, I’ll share how we got our first (...)

    #startup-lessons #marketing #beta-tester

  • How New Startups Are Disrupting #education

    Image credit: UnsplashFor the past decade, there were a lot of startups that disrupted education all over the world and made knowledge more accessible. It seemed that all major changes are made, and there is no room for significant improvements.However, the new generation of startups proving these claims wrong implementing new approaches that are fixing flaws that are still present in modern education and its processes.Delphia: choosing a college with the help of AIRepresenting 2018 Spring’s YC batch the Delphia #startup team is working on an AI tool that helps people make important life decisions, like choosing a college and major. High-school students are offered to take a 40-question survey, information then is processed by an AI which generates recommendations on what schools and (...)

    #disruption #disrupting-education #disrupt-education

  • #startup #sales — How to Get Pilot Customers to Pay

    Startup Sales — How to Get Pilot Customers to PayGetting a customer to pilot your product is an exciting moment, but it’s only one step toward a more important milestone: getting a customer to pay. Here are the most effective ways to get a pilot customer to pay:Paid PilotsA common way to convert a customer from pilot to paying is to simply charge them upfront. This is always worth a shot to test demand, even if it does not work every time.Tactics:Money Back Guarantee. The customer pays the normal price upfront but if they decide to cancel within a certain time period, they receive a full refund. E.g. Usual monthly price is $5k, customer pays $60k for the year upfront with a full refund if they cancel within 60 days.Discounting. The customer pays a lower price for their initial usage of your (...)

    #customer-success #startup-sales #startup-pilot-customers

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Netlify Continuous Deployment from Github for React #apps

    While this guide was written for students in Lambda School, it is applicable to anyone starting out who is confused about how to get continuous deployment up and running on Netlify. A special shout out to Vim Shah and Vu Cao who helped with some of the specifics for getting this guide together quick!What is continuous Deployment?Continuous Deployment allows you to automatically update your development or production sites built with Netlify, as you push your changes/merge pull requests in Github.You can follow along by creating a new repo yourself, or grabbing the repo made during this project and digging into it here.The first couple steps are meant for complete beginners…if you want to skip straight to the good stuff, go to step 5.Step 1. Create a new repo on Github.We will be creating a (...)

    #edtech #startup #tech #technology

  • How to make a Hacker News clone in under a minute without writing any code

    Check out the clone at https://hacker-news-clone.threadbase.io/Upvote-style communities are hugely popular because they…Allow the users of the #community to decide what the best content is rather than friend-of-friend algorithms or sorting by newest.Allow posters and commenters to feel a sense of accomplishment when their content is bubbled up to the top.Allow lurkers to instantly see the most important things relevant to their community at the top of the feed.But if you want to make an upvote-style community like Hacker News or Product Hunt, you need to learn how to program a little bit to get something set up.Or at least, you used to need some programming experience.Today, I’ll show you how you can use a product we’re building called Threadbase to make a Hacker News clone in under a minute. (...)

    #tutorial #startup #hacker-news #hacker-news-clone

  • Why We’re Tokenizing Our Equity

    Why We’re Tokenizing Our Equity…And Why Your Company Should Consider it TooIt seems like today, everyone is talking about tokenized securities, i.e. security tokens, as the “next big thing” in crypto. And I would agree, especially when it comes to tokenized equity.But there are good reasons behind all this buzz about tokenized securities (and tokenized equity). Most important among these, in my belief, is that tokenization enables the democratization of assets.Tokenization and DemocratizationFor years, equity has been how we represent ownership in a company, with founders and investors typically maintaining a large majority of this ownership. If and when a company proves to be successful, company owners stand to make the largest financial returns. Yet, company owners are not necessarily the (...)

    #investing #cryptocurrency #venture-capital #blockchain #startup

  • Latest Regional Cryptocurrencies Trends: ICOs through the lenses of the regional particularities

    Cryptocurrencies are commonly associated with international financial solutions. But while this is true of many blockchain projects, especially those from the earliest stage of this technology’s development, recent years have seen quite a few promising crypto enterprises emerge in other segments. Cryptocurrency mining has become its own lucrative industry. Other uses for blockchain technology have been found in the fields of #marketing, logistics and gaming, using smart contracts for reliable and transparent transactions and bypassing the expensive services of middlemen. Since such projects are more directly connected to the real economy, they also tend to be more localised, especially at their early stages. As a result, some interesting trends could be observed, with regards to what (...)

    #strategy #startup #ico #diversity

  • Les notes de frais astronomiques du député LREM en charge des questions de défense - Lise Garnier - 30 Octobre 2016 - Capital _

    Le député LREM Jean-Jacques Bridey, président de la commission de la Défense à l’Assemblée nationale, a laissé derrière lui des notes de frais exorbitantes en quittant ses fonctions locales à l’été 2017, révèle Mediapart ce mardi. Patron d’une société d’économie mixte, l’élu a notamment écumé les plus prestigieux restaurants parisiens. Visiblement, le député « marcheur » n’en est pas à son coup d’essai en la matière puisqu’il est déjà accusé d’avoir perçu indûment 100 000 euros grâce au cumul de ses mandats, rappelle le site d’information.
    Entre 2016 et 2017, Jean-Jacques Bridey a alors enregistré 2 000 euros en moyenne de dépenses remboursées chaque mois par la Société d’économie mixte locale d’aménagement de Fresnes (Semaf). Une société qu’il préside depuis 2001, également l’année de sa première élection à la mairie de la ville du Val-de-Marne.

    Entre 150 et 500 euros le repas
    Parmi ses notes de frais figurent des déjeuners et des dîners dans des restaurants étoilés de Fresnes, Rungis et même dans des établissements de luxe dans la capitale. Sur les factures consultées par Mediapart, on retrouve entre autres du champagne, des huîtres ou encore des langoustines et du caviar. Côté tarifs, les repas pris par l’élu et ses accompagnateurs inconnus avoisinent les 150 euros en moyenne, avec des additions qui grimpent même jusqu’à plus de 500 euros.

    Ecrire à Jean-Jacques Bridey : jean-jacques.bridey@assemblee-nationale.fr

    Ex PDG de la SEMAF à par exemple 24 000 € net en 2016
    Ex Maire de Fresnes à par exemple 16 800 € net en 2016
    Ex Président Syndicat Intercommunal 2eme Cycle à par exemple 13 800 € net en 2016

    Source : http://www2.assemblee-nationale.fr/deputes/fiche/OMC_PA672

    A voté contre l’interdiction du #glyphosate
    Source : https://seenthis.net/messages/731215

     #pognon_de_dingue #en_marche #en_vedette #argent #merci

  • L’Éducation Nationale et l’“esprit Start-Up” : vers une nation de (micro-)entrepreneurs !

    Au niveau du Ministère
    Le Ministère a inauguré en juin dernier le 110 bis, le lab d’innovation de l’éducation nationale, un « programme d’innovation de l’éducation nationale ».

    Source : 110 bis : programme de l’inauguration du lab d’innovation de l’éducation nationale (Ministère de l’Éducation nationale)

    Dans sa description, par une sorte de retournement absurde du en même temps, le "lieu" se défend cependant d’être un simple incubateur de startups tout en avouant l’être quand même :

    Le 110 bis, c’est :
    – un « bis-lieu » : il fait partie intégrante du ministère de l’Éducation nationale mais on y fait autrement ;
    – un écosystème apprenant : les acteurs qui gravitent autour s’enrichissent mutuellement et nourrissent le 110 bis de leurs productions ;
    – un cadre neutre d’échanges horizontaux : les échanges se font dans un esprit d’ouverture et de bienveillance, toutes les idées peuvent y être exprimées ;
    – un commun : tous les usagers et partenaires du 110 bis sont à la fois dépositaires et bénéficiaires des ressources et des services du 110 bis.
    Le 110 bis, ce n’est pas :
    – un espace pour faire des réunions dans un cadre moderne mais un ensemble de ressources facilitant le travail collaboratif ;
    – une vitrine dédiée au numérique et aux nouvelles technologies : les innovations sociales, organisationnelles, de services, etc. y ont aussi toute leur place ;
    – un objet figé répondant à une description unique mais une gamme de ressources et services (compétences, équipements, financements, etc.) en constante évolution ;
    – un « fablab », un laboratoire de recherche, un incubateur, un accélérateur de startups, un espace de coworking, etc. mais sans doute un peu tout ça à la fois.
    Source : Bienvenue au 110 bis, le lab d’innovation de l’éducation nationale (Ministère de l’Éducation nationale)

    Pour les enseignant·e·s
    Connaissiez-vous le site beta.gouv.fr ? Il a tout - jusqu’au nom - du canular, mais semble réel. Ce site porte start-ups et incubateurs, définis ainsi sous le vocable de produits :

    Le portefeuille de Startup d’État
    Une Startup d’État est un service public sans personnalité juridique propre, constituée d’une petite équipe totalement autonome.
    Elle est financée par une administration porteuse qui lui garantit un espace de liberté pour innover.
    Elle naît de l’identification d’un problème rencontré par les citoyens comme par les agents publics, qu’elle se donne pour objectif de résoudre grâce à un service numérique.
    66 Startups d’État incubées dans 6 incubateurs, 21 sorties d’incubation, dont 9 abandonnées.
    Source : https://beta.gouv.fr/startups

    Or, l’une des startups d’État concerne le dispositif des CP dédoublés, dispositif phare du Ministre et du gouvernement en terme d’éducation. Son objectif est de « Faciliter le passage en classe à 12 pour les enseignants et maximiser la valeur de ce dispositif pour les élèves ». A priori, il s’agit d’une banque de ressources pédagogiques, pour la plupart assez classiques sous forme de tutos vidéos produits par les enseignant·e·s eux·elles-mêmes, adossée à un compte Twitter (ou l’inverse ?).

    Source : Classes à 12 (Startup d’État)

    Et surtout… pour les élèves

    Des événements et des dispositifs doivent permettre aux enseignant·e·s de diffuser l’esprit Start’Up auprès des élèves du second degré. Ainsi l’opération “Option Startup” (octobre 2018) est présentée comme suit :

    Option Startup est l’événement de la rentrée à destination des collégiens et lycéens. […] [Il] permettra à plus de 15 000 jeunes partout en France de découvrir avec leurs enseignants des lieux d’innovation, des startups, des profils d’entrepreneurs et des métiers, peu, voire pas connus à fort potentiel de recrutement.
    Durant 4 jours, les classes sont invitées à se rendre avec leurs enseignants, dans l’un des 300 sites d’innovation et startups participants (incubateurs, startups, pépinières d’entreprises, accélérateurs, fablabs, espace de coworking, tiers lieux) pour vivre au travers de rencontres interactives, de démonstrations et d’ateliers pratiques, 600 programmes de découverte autour de 24 thématiques.
    Source : https://www.optionstartup.fr/presentation

    En suivant ces événements, le dispositif Start’up Lycée peut se déployer (cf. http://www.startuplycee.fr). L’équivalent pour les collégiens semblent avoir été envisagé (cf. http://cache.media.education.gouv.fr/file/Decouvrir_le_monde_socio_eco/05/2/Fiche_action_StartUp-College,_Startup-Lycee_Presentation_), mais ne semble pas encore exister concrètement.

    Dans le même esprit, il semblerait que les lycéen·ne·s, notamment des voies technologiques et professionnelles, soient engagé·e·s à donner à la vie lycéenne la forme de micro-entreprises, là où le modèle était jusqu’à maintenant celui du club ou de l’association. Des collègues en témoignent, quelques traces peuvent être trouvées sur des sites institutionnels locaux (établissements, académies), mais étonnamment je n’ai trouvé aucun document officiel cadrant ce volontarisme ministériel.
    Le plupart des créations de micro-entreprises lycéennes semblent être reliées au programme “Entreprendre pour apprendre (EPA France)”.
    Cf. http://www.entreprendre-pour-apprendre.fr

    Tout cela est à rapprocher de la montée en puissance depuis plus de 20 ans d’opérations, de fondations et d’initiatives ministérielles visant à “rapprocher l’école de l’entreprise”.
    Exemples :
    – un dispositif : « Faites de l’entreprise » proposé par une antenne régionale de la CGPME
    – des opérations de sensibilisation : “Semaine École-Entreprise” (novembre 2018)
    – des ressources ministérielles : “Éducation - Économie : rapprocher l’École et le monde économique”
    – la mise en place d’un conseil ad-hoc : “Le conseil national éducation-économie”
    – Un Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Partenariats avec les Entreprises et les Professions (Cerpep) proposant aux enseignant·e·s de courts stages en entreprise
    – Etc.

    Difficile de ne pas faire le lien avec les réformes en cours de l’enseignement des Sciences Économiques et Sociales :

    Adieu classes sociales et enjeux contemporains ! Reçue par le Conseil supérieur des programmes, l’Association des professeurs de SES (Apses) a du se contenter d’une présentation orale des futurs programmes. Les nouveaux programmes opèrent un net recadrage des contenus enseignés dans le sens d’un renforcement de la micro-économie et de la nette séparation entre économie et sociologie, bloquant tous débats de société.
    Source : Les nouveaux programmes aseptisés de SES dévoilés par l’Apses (Le Café Pédagogique)

    #éducation #économie #SES #entreprise #startup

  • The Signal

    50+ High Growth Companies to Launch Your Career WithOne of the most challenging aspects of growing up is figuring out how and where to spend your time. The world of “career advice” is incredibly noisy. Professors, friends, parents, irrelevant medium authors — everyone is telling you what you should and should not be doing with your life.The good news → it is your #life! You get to decide how and where to spend your time. The other goods news is that the world is increasingly massive…and there are so many exciting things you could do…infinite places you could go and learn…But why do we graduate from college and settle for conventional #jobs that do not unlock our real potential? — Kevin Hartzbody[data-twttr-rendered="true"] background-color: transparent;.twitter-tweet margin: auto !important;there are (...)

    #career-advice #careers #startup

  • Can #blockchain Ensure Artificial General Intelligence Develops to Benefit #humanity?

    AGI doesn’t exist yet, but fictional depictions of intelligent machines eradicating or enslaving humanity abound. One #startup is hoping it can use blockchain to develop AGI in a more utopian direction.What is Artificial General Intelligence?Artificial intelligence or “AI” refers to machines that can learn and perform tasks like a human. “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) is something different. It would be like combining all AI devices into a network. This network would be far greater than the sum of its parts because it would be able to generate a collective artificial general intelligence through the combined experiences of each machine, as well as the interactions of machines with each other.Thus, AGI would combine the best of human-like thinking and reasoning with the advantages (...)

    #artificial-intelligence #future

  • 6 Ways to Promote Your #fintech #startup

    You’ve spent months developing a product that solves a complex financial problem. You know that hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people could benefit from your solution, if only they knew about it. Your early users are spreading the word to their close friends and family, but it probably won’t be enough to help you scale.If you’ve assumed digital marketing isn’t for you because fintech is not a “sexy” industry, think again. A well-placed marketing plan might be even more beneficial for a fintech startup than for startups in other sectors for a few key reasons:Fintech products tend to be challenging to understand.Your clients want a quick solution; they don’t want to search for options. Good marketing and SEO will make your product easy to find when your client needs it.Marketing can create a (...)

    #startup-marketing #financial-technology #startup-lessons

  • All VCs Are Dicks

    A few weeks ago, I spent 45 minutes with a Venture Capitalist I’d never met before.The meeting started with the usual feeling-each-other-out type of chatter: shared contacts…recent travels…the weather.With the effortlessness only possible of “meeting professionals” we transitioned to business.First, an overview of their fund strategy (fin tech), investment stage (seed/A) and capital structure (a few funds, $100M); then, seamlessly, to my current venture. We talked high-level thesis. I demo’d our product.There was a rhythm to our conversation. We had chemistry. We were warm and comfortable; jamming.Then he leaned forward, arms crossed on the table. He paused and peered out over his glasses — and dropped this gem:“Want to know the trouble with this industry?All venture capitalists are dicks.We have (...)

    #startup #fundraising #entrepreneur #venture-capital #metoo

  • Competing Against The Giants As An #alternative

    Why should I use your product?I’m a web app developer and I love doing what I do. I code in a language that seems highly frowned upon, yet is one of the most powerful and used languages on the Internet. It is so powerful that I have made a few hundred dollars creating small apps as a SaaS (software as a service). However, when it comes to being the #competition or the alternative, the giants will always win.By giants, I mean services like Google, Dropbox, Github, and even Medium.com. Nothing I have created hasn’t been done before — and maybe that is my fault, but oftentimes I find myself trying to solve my own pain points, using other applications to do it, only to find that something within those apps is missing — that or the fact that I’m too cheap and would just prefer to create an (...)

    #business #small-business #startup

  • Founder Interviews: Ted O’Neill of Social Strata and Narrative

    After serving as CEO of a successful software company for over 20 years, Ted has recently raised $5 million via token sales to create a user-generated content network where the members rule and are rewarded.Davis Baer: What’s your background, and what are you working on?My name is Ted O’Neill and I am currently CEO of Social Strata and co-CEO of Narrative.I started Social Strata over 20 years ago when I created a message board application called the Ultimate Bulletin Board (“UBB”). It was the most popular way for sites in the mid to late 1990s to build communities. We transitioned from a downloadable software product to a SaaS solution over the years and our current community platform is called Hoop.la. Social Strata is unusual in that we bootstrapped from Day One and have never taken any (...)

    #token-sale #founder-stories #founder-advice #davis-baer #startup

  • The “Messy Middle” of Big Companies

    By Micah Rosenbloom, Managing PartnerI recently had the opportunity to interview Scott Belsky about his new book, The Messy Middle. It’s an outstanding handbook for founders and #startup employees to navigate the challenges of building something from nothing. But in addition to being a successful startup founder and seed investor, Scott is also an executive at Adobe, a 36-year-old software giant with 18,000 employees and a $120B market cap, and it turns out the principles from his book apply in that context as well. During the Q&A of our book launch event, a few big company employees asked interesting questions, and we thought this lightly-edited transcript might be of use to folks trying to find their way in a FAANG company.How can experience at a big company help an (...)

    #technology #business #entrepreneurship #venture-capital

  • Top 5 industries Where Accelerators are Investing in Latin America

    Venture capital investments in Latin America have already surpassed US$600 million for the first half of 2018. This is significant, given that the amount of venture capital investment annually from 2013 to 2017 was around US$500 million, according to the Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LAVCA).We can deduce that this significant rise of investment is largely from the increase of foreign and corporate investors in Latin America, as well as the strengthening presence of Latin American accelerators.Accelerators are vital programs that help startups in the early stages of their businesses. The programs often have a highly competitive application process, and accept startups in cohort batches one or more times per year. Typically, a seed investment is offered (...)

    #venture-capital #latin-american-startups #latin-america #startup-ideas #startup

  • Responding to leads : Are you moving fast enough

    Responding to leads: Are you moving fast enough?Image by Rawpixel.comA new lead comes in — the clock’s ticking. How much time do you have to respond before your lead falls off the radar?Everyone seems to know that, when there’s an opportunity to close a sale, time is of the essence. Yet, research statistics out of Harvard Business Review show that most companies are slow to respond to leads, meaning they aren’t handling online queries effectively.Looking at over two thousand U.S. companies to gauge how long they took to respond to a web-generated test lead, the results found that 24% took more than 24 hours — and 23% of the companies never responded at all.What’s even more interesting, is the stat that reflects just how important timely responses can be. The research suggests that companies that (...)

    #lead-generation #sales #startup #marketing #responding-to-leads

  • « T’es entrepreneuse donc… » : quand les femmes entrepreneures s’attaquent aux clichés ! - Elle

    En France, les femmes ne sont encore que 27% à créer et diriger une entreprise en 2018, selon le secrétariat d’Etat chargé de l’Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes. En utilisant le hashtag #Entrepreneusedonc, Hannah Oiknine et Sarah Azan appellent toutes les autres femmes entrepreneures à raconter leur propre expérience sur Twitter. « Nous nous sommes rendues compte que ces stéréotypes sont la source de la différence de traitement entre entrepreneuse et entrepreneur », analyse Hannah Oiknine. « C’est important que ces idées reçues soient déconstruites par celles qui les vivent. Les femmes ont toutes leurs chances dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat. Elles sont l’égal des hommes dans une activité qui se démocratise et qui est devenue accessible à toutes et tous. La seule chose qui les freine réellement, c’est cette barrière psychologique véhiculée par ces clichés. Pourtant, elles ont autant de ressources que leurs homologues masculins. » En libérant la parole de ces femmes, Hannah Oiknine et sa soeur espèrent « déposer une petite brique » à l’édifice de l’entrepreneuriat féminin et faire sortir les femmes des cases dans lesquelles la société les met trop souvent. « J’espère qu’il y aura de plus en plus d’exemples d’entrepreneuses qui prendront la parole pour montrer que la vie professionnelle ne régit pas la vie personnelle, qu’on peut réussir les deux ! »

    #startup_nation #patriarcat

  • How to disrupt public transport and become rich in 10 steps

    Latest version : http://openmtr.de/openmtr

    Attention : the business concept and the belonging steps described below are the property of Bettlerverlag, a publishing corporation under german law soon to be transferred to a more business-friendly and sunnier environment with palm trees, big cigars and lots of tropical drinks.

    Imagine you want to make big money by offering public transport
    at lower rates than official MTR systems.

    In the beginning you will need

    – an idea (haha !)
    – complete lack of scruples (no problem for an average MBA)
    – a bunch of young brainless idiots to adopt your idea (hey, there are plenty of them out there)
    – some basic funding (just for the start, early adaptors of your idea will soon take care of necessary financial input)

    Step 1
    Steal the code of an open source MTR app, add user subscription and payment modules.

    Step 2
    Buy half a dozen ladders or better find half a dozen idiots who own a ladder.

    Step 3
    Find first round investor and create a Cayman Islands Ltd. to collect your new riches.

    Step 4
    Start marketing your app by calling it “The perfect free MTR app” or something more creative.
    Offer free rides for the first week.

    Step 5
    Place your ladder-owning idiots on the platforms of the most important MTR stations of the first city to disrupt (Make sure they have a season ticket allowing them to stay on the platform there for some time)

    Step 6
    Use your app to route first week offer users

    Step 7
    Use your ladder-owning idiots to help users climb on the roof of trains

    Step 8
    Produce some video of enthusiast reactions of happy customers who use MTR for 30 per cent of the official price, let them praise the adventurous feeling of the innovative way to use the MTR

    Step 9
    Introduce a basic monthly subscription at 30 per cent the official MTR rate and find more ladder-owning idiots and customers willing to pay less.

    Step 10
    Blackmail public transport system operators into accepting your service (invite official journalists to MTR party with lots of drugs, alcohol and girls, have them write stuff about bad old fashioned public MTR, let them praise your consumer liberating app, bribe some city council members into criticising public MTR, they sure will find some stuff which is not working)

    After having succeded these steps use second round financing to fill up your cayman wallet and attack additional cities public MTR and transport systems. Repeat the necessary steps until you have conquered the world.

    Optional steps

    optional step 1
    Join forces with the universal basic income movement. They will provide lots of weird an fascinating reasons why your app is the solution to all and any transport problem in the world. Use the terms “free”, “grassroot” and “bottom up”)

    optional step 2
    Introduce agility. You will make more money through total control of even the smallest step towards completion of your product backlog.

    Optional step 3
    Refine your brand name. Make your initial errors / crimes forgotten and polish the image of your brand.

    Optional step 4
    Have the city council or the national parliament adopt a law to legalize and foster your business concept. Follow the example of german Gesetz zur Bevorrechtigung des Carsharing (Carsharinggesetz - CsgG).

    Optional step 5
    Pay no taxes.
    In fact this is not optional but it did not fit into the official concept.

    Inquire about investment opportunities at

    #transport_public #startup #disruption

  • Mailbox Money

    I had the opportunity to talk with a very successful businessman as part of this NursePass story. He provided some great advice, as well as introduced me to a colleague of his that helped us secure our first patent. Looking back at the notes from that conversation, I had written in darker ink than anything else… “Mailbox Money”: simply launching NursePass for the sake of collecting a check in my mailbox. His point was about the “exit” and just collecting my stake.It sounded appealing. I’ll be honest. I’m very “green” to #entrepreneurship. My previous #startup experience was secretly selling Bubblicious gum in elementary school at recess and on the bus. I had a display and everything, but I’ll save that story for later. The idea of just walking to my mailbox to find checks…it sounded dreamy. Dreamy (...)

    #health-technology #mailbox-money

  • Where the Next £Billion Consumer Brand Will Emerge From

    How much money do you spend each year on the same things?That might be your favourite soft drink, toothpaste or the styling essentials you can’t live without.What reward do you get for your Loyalty?Crowd funding WAS awesomeIt let you own part of something you believed in, enabled you to contribute to the success of your favourite products or services, or support ideas you thought could change the world. It literally birthed a consumer revolution.BrewDog did this better than anyone — they created a lifestyle around a brand and aligned itself with evangelists who helped grow it exponentially. What emerged was a product defined not only by the beer it made but by the vocal supporters who passionately shared it with their friends and family.What’s next?In many ways, crowdfunding was just the next (...)

    #startup #technology #cryptocurrency #blockchain #entrepreneurship

  • Burning Man: Paradise for Hipster Guests — And a Nightmare for Some Workers | Alternet

    A staggeringly high suicide rate among Burning Man’s seasonal workers is just one symptom of a toxic work environment

    Despite its transgressive spirit, the festival is expensive and increasingly off-limits to the underclass: Tickets run from $190 to $1,200 this year, while transportation to and fro and equipment add to the cost. Those who attend are expected to obey the organization’s “10 Principles of Burning Man,” which includes “radical self-reliance” — meaning attendees have to provide their own food, water and shelter for the week-long party.

    Over the years, the festival has attracted its share of celebrity fans, some of them unlikely: Grover Norquist, the anti-tax icon, attends regularly, as do many of Silicon Valley’s elite, including Elon Musk and much of the Google brass, along with Amazon chief Jeff Bezos. Burning Man’s remote desert location allows for unique experiences that one couldn’t replicate in other settings — in particular, the ritualistic burning of a giant human-shaped effigy at the end of the festival, from which it derives its name. It also means barbarous conditions for the seasonal workers who are tasked with constructing the grid upon which the festival operates.

    Preparing an inhospitable desert landscape for the equally brief and boggling surge in population that temporarily creates what is known as Black Rock City requires a coordinated effort of labor, workers and volunteers who toil in harsh conditions, often for low pay or no pay, for months on end: running electric lines, hauling equipment, cleaning up the mess at the end of it all, and dealing with the logistics of bringing thousands of vehicles and structures to the playa. (Although that word means “beach,” it is universally used to describe the festival zone.)

    Salon spoke to several former and current employees and volunteers for Burning Man, who painted a picture of a dangerous and stressful work environment and a toxic management culture that contributed to a number of suicides of seasonal employees, at a rate far greater than the national average. Those who spoke exclusively to Salon recalled tales of labor abuse, unequal wages, on-the-job-injuries including permanent blindness and a management that manipulated workers who were hurt or who tried to fight for improved conditions.

    Burning Man as a festival and a nonprofit prides itself on its “10 Principles” and promotes them rigorously — a set of values that include “radical inclusion,” gifting, decommodification and civic responsibility, which could factor into the blurred lines within the organization. Yet there is a steep differential between the salaries for the workers who make the festival run and the upper management: Romero told Salon he was offered $15 per hour to work this season. According to 2016 tax filings, salaried managers earn between $150,000 to $200,000, more than four and a half times Romero’s wage.

    “Burning Man is outside the mainstream,” Brunner added. “Like, people are lucky to be part of it, they’re lucky to work there. It’s part of the fun. It’s sort of like a community building this event for everybody. The reality is that a lot of money is made off of it and a lot of people seemed to be well-paid to run it. They do rely on this sort of communal aspect and the communal ethos that they have to get people to work for less money.”

    Arterburn explained to Salon that the unique conditions and experiences of working on the playa lead to unique personalities being attracted to the event — the kinds of people who, in Arterburn’s words, might not fit in elsewhere in society. “If one is in DPW, it’s my opinion that they’re in there for a reason,” she said. “Your average person who has a nine-to-five job and has watched their parents take two weeks off for holiday time a year probably wouldn’t be able to handle that environment for the amount of time that DPW was there.”

    Salon found that in the seven years between 2009 and 2015, there were seven DPW worker suicides in the department.

    That number is statistically significant enough to be alarming, according to Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, a psychologist and the lead of the Workplace Task Force for the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. “To give you a benchmark, in a community of 1,000 people we would expect one suicide death in one decade,” she explained. Spencer-Thomas noted that the construction industry in the U.S. does have an elevated suicide rate.

    Because of the unique and tight-knit nature of the Burning Man worker community, getting fired can be particularly devastating, as many workers have never felt that level community or camaraderie in any other aspect of their lives. According to Romero, the experience creates potentially dangerous highs and lows.

    "There are high rates of depression because you do have the effects of institutionalization out there,” Romero said. “It is a remote location. It can be a long season. It’s mentally and physically stressful and you’ve got a lot of camaraderie and it’s a place where you feel important.”

    The kind of people who are attracted to work in such an extreme and isolated environment may already be struggling, as Brown and Close were.

    "The ethical part is that employers need to look in the mirror and ask, if you knew there was something you could do that could make a difference, why aren’t you doing it?” Spencer-Thomas of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention told Salon.

    The late Larry Harvey, Burning Man’s co-founder, laid out his vision for Burning Man in the aforementioned document now known as the “The 10 Principles of Burning Man." In it, Harvey describes Burning Man as being guided by a vision of “radical inclusion,” "decommodification" and “civic responsibility." “We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation,” Harvey wrote.

    Burning Man is intended to be a utopian celebration, a break from the banal routine of a capitalist work culture, an event that is radically inclusive to all who desire to express an authentic part of themselves that is not accepted in what Burners call the “default world.” Ironically, and perhaps inevitably, the festival appears to have replicated the very problems it sought to transcend. Burning Man set out to burn “the man," but in many ways it has become the man.

    #Burning_man #Droit_travail #Travail

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