• “You say you want a [data] Revolution”: A proposal to use unofficial statistics for the SDG Global Indicator Framework - Global Policy Watch


    We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten – Bill Gates [1]

    In 2015, the United Nations (UN) launched its most audacious and ambitious development plan; The 2030 Agenda and corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). That agenda covers sixteen separate dimensions of development ranging from eradication of extreme poverty, achieving gender equality, ensuring sustainable consumption and production to combating climate change. It also includes a seventeenth multi-dimensional goal to address implementation. This goal comprises five operational sub-dimensions: finance, technology, capacity-building; trade and systemic issues.

    Unlike the previous development programme, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs explicitly require statistical performance indicators to be compiled, personified by the Global Indicator Framework (GIF) which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in July 2017. The broad scope of the 2030 Agenda means that (currently) 232 performance indicators are required. Many of these indicators are not produced regularly if at all. In fact, the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) calculated in May 2018 that less than half of the selected indicators for the GIF could be populated.

    Various agencies and economists have attempted to put a cost on populating the GIF. The estimates vary enormously, but all are far in excess of existing funding [2]. In an environment of faltering multilateralism, it seems unlikely that available funding will match requirements. Yet political expectations appear to be very high; perhaps irrationally so, considering the scale and complexity of the SDG targets and the resultant indicators. Historic difficulties in populating the more modest MDG indicators suggest these expectations may be very optimistic. Therefore, in order to meet expectations a new, or supplementary, approach is required.

    #data #statistiques #statistiques_alternatives #mdg #sdg