This Smart Vest Lets the Deaf ’Hear’ With Their Skin
A modern incarnation of the pushpin dental chair is the sleek BrainPort, which sits on a blind person’s tongue and translates information from a wearable digital camera (similar in looks to Cyclops’ visor) into electrical vibrations on the tongue.
With time, users are able to interpret the “bubble-like” patterns as the shape, size, location and motion of objects around them. They get so good that they can navigate through an obstacle course.
“I do not see images as if I were sighted, but if I look at a soccer ball I feel a round solid disk on my tongue,” says one user, “the stimulation…works very much like pixels on a visual screen.”
#sens #braille #aveugles #substitution_sensorielle #post-humanité
il y a un côté ravi de la crèche dans cette présentation (c’est TED…) mais c’est totalement bluffant
La seconde vidéo montre comment marche la transposition du signal sonore (rapide et unidimensionnel) en toucher (lent mais bidimensionnel)