• Latvia is mourning. It is impossible to describe everything that happened. It is impossible to explain what is happening now. It is awful and very, very sad. My course mate lost her father and sister in one day. Other my friends are happy that they did not need to go to a supermarket that day.
    Night clubs were closed, concerts were delayed. I live far from Zolitūde, but people are putting candles and flowers next to “Maxima” here as well. At almost every “Maxima” people put candles and flowers. There are almost no ques in “Maxima” these days. Just few want to go for shopping to “Maxima”. Instead they choose other shops nearby.
    We are only 2 millions what makes this tragedy even more sad. Latvia is crying because it should not have happened. No one deserved to die there. It is hard to say when we will know the exact cause of this building collapse. But i really hope that this is not going to repeat.

    #Latvia's_tragedy #Maxima #supermarket_collapse

    BBC News - Latvia president calls supermarket collapse ’murder’

    Fifty-four people have died since part of the roof collapsed on Thursday, and at least seven people remain missing.

    Late on Saturday afternoon, the last remaining section of the roof caved in, causing panic in the surrounding area.