
  • Pol Educ: Dual Power - symbiosis

    Pol Educ: Dual Power

    The Political Education Workgroup of the Symbiosis North American Federation plans and hosts webinars on relevant topics in order to undergird the work of local member and partner organizations and to educate those outside Symbiosis wishing to shift or deepen their current organizing lens towards more transformative power building and systems change. This page presents summaries of completed webinars along with links to access webinar recordings and slide presentations.

    Future webinars on dual power and beyond will be scheduled and conducted as standalone programs when each is developed and ready for presentation. See the Upcoming Webinars page for notices of such webinars.
    Bottom-up Democracy: From Crisis to System Change through Dual Power

    The workgroup launched a weekly online series on Dual Power, titled: Bottom-up Democracy: From Crisis to System Change through Dual Power on August 24, 2020. The series opened a space for those wanting to shift or deepen their current organizing lens towards more transformative power building and systems change. This shift aims toward an inclusive, liberated future of direct democracy, ecological well-being and a just, regenerative economy. The weekly design concluded on Oct 4th 2020 with the 6th webinar focused on dual power at the municipal level. Future webinars on dual power and beyond will be scheduled and conducted as standalone programs when each is developed and ready for presentation.
    Dual Power Series: Topics and Sequence

    The initial weekly series included six webinars. Each webinar used a variation on a design including slide-based presentation with breakout groups and, or general question and answer segment(s). The presentation content of each webinar is summarized below. Links to a recording and to the slide presentation for each webinar are also provided. If you wish to go directly to an archived, streamable set of the 6 webinar recordings they can be found at: Dual Power Weekly Series Webinar Recordings link

    #écologie #double_pouvoir #symbiosis #formation #webinar