
  • #synctool documentation

    Un outil pour gérer la #configuration à l’identique de machines (par groupes éventuellement) sur une base de SSH et rsync + python. Le site officiel donne comme présentation: "synctool is a tool that can help you administer your cluster of computers. Its primary function is keeping configuration files ‘in sync’, i.e.: as they ought to be. Its core business is copying configuration files to groups (or classes) of computers within a cluster and comparing such files with a normative copy that you keep in a repository. The repository, by the way, is not some database system, but an ‘overlay’ directory tree in a file system, that looks very much like the directories of the managed target systems. The only things missing from the repository are the files and directories that you do not want (...)

    #serveur #clonage #gestion #administration