Conflict Over #al-Tal_Square: Is #Tripoli Poised to Become Another #Beirut?
There is debate underway in Tripoli today as to what should happen to the city’s al-Tal Square. The debate is not concerned with possible ways to conserve the square as part of the city’s memory and heritage, or to preserve the historical character of the place — “the heart of the city,” as the people of Tripoli call it. The “developmental” discussions focus, rather, on choosing what project will be constructed in the square. On Tuesday, the municipality of Tripoli rejected a proposed parking lot, intended to start construction early next month, and instead accepted a Turkish donation of $50 million to construct a cultural and conference (...)
#Aignan_Oozheldez #Articles #Lebanon #Ramzi_Nohra #Tammam_Salam #Tripoli_Foundation #turkey #Culture_&_Society