
  • Clay Shirky – How We Will Read | Genius

    Un article ancien, mais toujours de référence par Clay Shirky

    Publishing is not evolving. Publishing is going away. Because the word “publishing” means a cadre of professionals who are taking on the incredible difficulty and complexity and expense of making something public. That’s not a job anymore. That’s a button. There’s a button that says “publish,” and when you press it, it’s done.

    In ye olden times of 1997, it was difficult and expensive to make things public, and it was easy and cheap to keep things private. Privacy was the default setting. We had a class of people called publishers because it took special professional skill to make words and images visible to the public. Now it doesn’t take professional skills. It doesn’t take any skills. It takes a Wordpress install.

    The question isn’t what happens to publishing — the entire category has been evacuated. The question is, what are the parent professions needed around writing? Publishing isn’t one of them. Editing, we need, desperately. Fact-checking, we need. For some kinds of long-form texts, we need designers. Will we have a movie-studio kind of setup, where you have one class of cinematographers over here and another class of art directors over there, and you hire them and put them together for different projects, or is all of that stuff going to be bundled under one roof? We don’t know yet. But the publishing apparatus is gone. Even if people want a physical artifact — pipe the PDF to a printing machine.

    But a book is a “momentary stay against confusion.” This is something quoted approvingly by Nick Carr, the great scholar of digital confusion.

    “Social reading,” the way I’ve always interpreted the phrase, is reading that recognizes that you’re not just a consumer, you’re a user. You’re going to do something with this, and that something is going to involve a group of other people. Read a book. The very next thing you’re going to do, if it was at all interesting, is talk to someone about it.

    Really? So then, why annotate?

    You annotate because that’s the part you want to keep. There’s the experiential value and there’s the extractive value from books. The experiential value of reading Bruno LaTour’s Reassembling the Social was the character of LaTour’s thought at the particular point in his career. Having had that, because I don’t teach classes on the sociology of science, what I now need from that book is the extractive bit, so if I ever teach that topic, or write about it, I can start where I left off rather than having to take the book down from the shelf.

    Lastly — I know that you’re very invested in collective action. How can social reading connect to activism?

    Books are historically lousy calls to action because they tend not only to be produced slowly but consumed slowly. The role of longform writing in collective action is much more about synchronization than coordination. Whenever you read the book and whenever I read the book can be years apart, but when we both show up to the same place, we have that shared background.

    #Livres #Edition #Publication #Clay_Shirky

  • Ambiente19.06.2018
    2050: centinaia di città a rischio per il climate change

    Un nuovo rapporto prevede i danni provocati dal climate change entro il 2050 nelle grandi città. 1,6 miliardi di persone potrebbero subire ondate di calore siccità, allagamenti, ...
    Di Elisabetta Tramonto


    #clima #rapport #

  • The service provided by Uber connecting individuals with non-professional drivers is covered by services in the field of transport - cp170136en.pdf

    Court of Justice of the European Union PRESS RELEASE No 136/17
    Luxembourg, 20 December 2017
    Judgment in Case C-434/15 Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi v Uber Systems Spain SL

    The service provided by Uber connecting individuals with non - professional drivers is covered by services in the field of transport Member States can
    therefore regulate the conditionsfor providing that service

    #Taxi #Uber #Europa #Urteil

  • Hotspots of inefficiency: Mapping the difference between crop produc-on and food calorie delivery
    EmC_AGU_initial - EmC_AGU_final_SMALL.pdf

    Meeting growing demands for food calories will be a substantial challenge. One place to search for solutions is in how we allocate the
    world’s crops, and finding ways to feed more people with current crop production. Currently, a substantial proportion of crop calories are
    used as animal feed, and only a small fraction of those feed calories ultimately contribute to human diets. Countries like the United States and China, which together produce over a third of the world’s meat, eggs and dairy, lose a substantial portion of calories and protein to the feed-to-animal conversion process.
    This study looks at global croplands that have a large difference between calories grown, and the food calories available for consumption. These hotspots have the potential to feed more people, while reducing envi-ronmental impacts of agriculture

    #agriculture #alimentation #calories

    • From the 41 crops analyzed in this study, 9.46 x 1015 calories available in plant form are produced by crops globally, of which
      55% directly feed to humans. However, 36% of these produced calories go to animal feed, of which 89% is lost, such that only 4% of crop-produced calories are available by humans in the form of animal products. Another 9% of crop-produced calories are used for industrial uses and biofuels and so completely lost from the food system.
      Including both human-edible crop calories and feed-produced animal calories, only 5.57 x 1015 (59% of the total produced) calor
      ies are delivered to the world’s food system. Therefore, 41% of the calories available from global crop production are lost to the food system

  • Après le détournement de la reconnaissance automatique d’images par #deep_learning, la même chose pour le son…
    (vu via la chronique de Jean-Paul Delahaye dans Pour la Science, n°488 de juin 2018, Intelligences artificielles : un apprentissage pas si profond_ qui traite des images (déjà vues ici) mais aussi du son)

    [1801.01944] Audio #Adversarial_Examples : Targeted Attacks on Speech-to-Text

    Nicholas Carlini, David Wagner

    We construct targeted audio adversarial examples on automatic speech recognition. Given any audio waveform, we can produce another that is over 99.9% similar, but transcribes as any phrase we choose (recognizing up to 50 characters per second of audio). We apply our white-box iterative optimization-based attack to Mozilla’s implementation DeepSpeech end-to-end, and show it has a 100% success rate. The feasibility of this attack introduce a new domain to study adversarial examples.

    le pdf (technique) en ligne, sa présentation le 24 mai au IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
    (vers 9:00 les exemples audio,…)

    ou comment faire interpréter par Mozilla’ DeepSpeech :

    most of them were staring quietly at the big table


    ok google, browse to

    ou encore, transcrire de la pure musique en paroles (bidon !)…

    Et, sur le même thème

    [1801.00554] Did you hear that ? Adversarial Examples Against Automatic Speech Recognition

    Moustafa Alzantot, Bharathan Balaji, Mani Srivastava

    Speech is a common and effective way of communication between humans, and modern consumer devices such as smartphones and home hubs are equipped with deep learning based accurate automatic speech recognition to enable natural interaction between humans and machines. Recently, researchers have demonstrated powerful attacks against machine learning models that can fool them to produceincorrect results. However, nearly all previous research in adversarial attacks has focused on image recognition and object detection models. In this short paper, we present a first of its kind demonstration of adversarial attacks against speech classification model. Our algorithm performs targeted attacks with 87% success by adding small background noise without having to know the underlying model parameter and architecture. Our attack only changes the least significant bits of a subset of audio clip samples, and the noise does not change 89% the human listener’s perception of the audio clip as evaluated in our human study.

    avec un tableau de sons bricolés pour leur faire dire ce qu’on veut (ou presque)
    (les messages trompeurs sont très bruits, contrairement aux exemples précédents)

    Adversarial Speech Commands

  • Quota Shocks : Electoral Gender Quotas and Government Spending Priorities Worldwide | The Journal of Politics : Ahead of Print

    The rapid expansion of electoral gender quotas in the past few decades has been met with considerable scholarly and public attention. Despite this, there has been little empirical work examining the global legislative consequences of gender quotas over time. Developing a unique time-series cross-sectional data set from 139 states during the peak period of quota adoption and implementation (1995–2012), we test whether and how quotas are associated with subsequent changes in government spending priorities.

    pour le #PDF avec cartes et graphiques :

    #femmes #budgets #armée #éducation #quotas

  • Spice-up

    Create Simple and Beautiful #presentations

    Its features include:

    – Exporting to PDF: Share your presentation with anyone, no matter the platform they’re at
    – Presentation Browser: Scroll though the presentations you have made and jump right into them with one click!.
    – Controller Support: If you have a USB or Bluetooth controller, plug it in and control your slides!
    – Templates, so you can whip up a presentation in a blink of an eye.
    – Edit images in your favorite editor, and it will automatically update when saved
    – Web Viewer: Presentations can now be viewed from a web browser if Spice-Up is not installed, even if you’re not using Linux

  • The War on Gangs or a Racialised War on Working Class Black Youths.
    The war on Gangs FINAL (PDF) :

    In this essay, TMG is able to share and examine the Metropolitan Police’s secretive ‘gangs’ database, the Gangs Violence Matrix. In so doing it becomes evident that this is a racialised database; that captures not only the names of those alleged to have been involved in serious youth violence, but also the details of their peers and associates with little or no evidence of them having used violence or being gang member. In this piece TMG argues that police have been allowed to infect the entire public sector with its own unique form of institutionalised racism. As a result the States preoccupation with the gangs narrative has meant that they have failed to find effective interventions to address the rise in serious youth violence that we are witnessing all over the UK.

  • Water : An Atlas
    Atlases – Guerrilla Cartography

    Le voilà publié et disponible en pdf !
    Pas eu le temps de regarder vraiment mais aperçu de très belles cartes
    (non, je n’ai pas contribué)

    Water: An Atlas is the latest collaborative atlas project by Guerrilla Cartography. This atlas continues the collaborative spirit and narrative range originally brought to life in our first atlas, Food: An Atlas. Water, like food, is required to sustain human life—and so it is a natural choice for our second published project. In its pages you an explore how humans interface with water: controlling, politicizing, commodifying, and polluting it; how water is a harbinger of climate change and how water inspires our imagination and exploration.

    Water: An Atlas is printed and bound in full color, and all proceeds benefit Guerrilla Cartography, a registered nonprofit corporation. Buy your copy today in softcover or hardcover by clicking here for domestic sales. For international sales, please contact us.

    Download Water: An Atlas as a 101.9 MB PDF licensed under Creative Commons. Use and reuse the maps to inspire others with cartography. The atlas was published in December, 2017.

    #atlas #cartographie #visualisation #eau

  • A Guide To The State Of Print Stylesheets In 2018

    Testing print stylesheets can be something of a bore, typically requiring using print preview or printing to a PDF repeatedly. However, browser DevTools have made this a little easier for us. Both Chrome and Firefox have a way to view the print styles only.

    #Firefox : Open the Developer Toolbar then type media emulate print at the prompt.

    #css #print

  • Give The Customer What They Want and Stop Worrying About Illegal Downloads

    Got into an interesting debate about my last post: How I Doubled My Revenue By Breaking Up With Amazon.This author seemed appalled at the notion that I would offer my customers the option to buy a PDF version of one of my books.Even though the data told me it would reach more people, he simply didn’t get it.He writes:“OK, I’m mystified. Why would anyone in their right mind want a PDF version of an #ebook? …It’s terrible for e-reading unless you have a large screen, high resolution tablet. It’s the format commonly used on pirate book websites because it’s easy to scan a printed book and easy to conceal malware in it.”Now, there are some interesting assumptions going on here.First of all, asking “why would anyone in their right mind want a PDF version” is a bit judgmental.It seems obvious that he (...)

    #publishing #entrepreneurship #creativity #piracy

  • North Korea’s nuclear test site has collapsed ... and that may be why Kim Jong-un suspended tests | South China Morning Post

    North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure, two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed. 

    The collapse after five nuclear blasts may be why North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared last Friday that he would freeze the hermit state’s nuclear and missile tests and shut down the site, one researcher said. 

    The last five of Pyongyang’s six nuclear tests have all been carried out under Mount Mantap at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North Korea’s northwest.

    A research team led by Wen Lianxing, a geologist with the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, concluded the collapse occurred following the detonation last autumn of North Korea’s most powerful thermal nuclear warhead in a tunnel about 700 metres (2,296 feet) below the mountain’s peak. 

    The test turned the mountain into fragile fragments, the researchers found.

    Ah ! souvenirs de Beryl…

    • La page web de l’Université de science et technologie de Chine vue dans la vidéo est celle-ci



      中国科学技术大学地震与地球内部物理实验室温联星研究组通过分析地震记录,确认朝鲜自2009年以来一直用于核试验的丰溪里万塔山已塌陷。该研究成果于2018年4月23日被国际地球物理权威学术期刊《地球物理研究快报》(Geophysical Research Letters) 接收。该研究组博士生田冬冬、姚家园为共同第一作者。研究还确认,2017年9月23日和10月12日在丰溪里试验场发生的三个小事件为核试验触发的、发生在万塔山之外的一个天然地震群。


    • La page web mentionne un article publié dans le numéro du 16 avril 2018 de Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 45, Issue 7

      Article publié en ligne le 14 mars 2018

      North Korea’s 2017 Test and its Nontectonic Aftershock - Liu - 2018 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

      Seismology illuminates physical processes occurring during underground explosions, not all yet fully understood. The thus‐far strongest North Korean test of 3 September 2017 was followed by a moderate seismic event (mL 4.1) after 8.5 min. Here we provide evidence that this aftershock was a nontectonic event which radiated seismic waves as a buried horizontal closing crack. This vigorous crack closure, occurring shortly after the blast, is studied in the North Korea test site for the first time. The event can be qualitatively explained as rapid destruction of an explosion‐generated cracked rock chimney due to cavity collapse, although other compaction processes cannot be ruled out.

      Plain Language Summary
      North Korea detonated its strongest underground nuclear test in September 2017. It attracted the public interest worldwide not only due to its significant magnitude (6.3 mb) but also because it was followed 8.5 min later by a weaker event. Was the delayed shock a secondary explosion, an earthquake provoked by the shot, or something else? We answer these questions, thanks to unique data from near‐regional broadband stations. We basically solve a simple problem—fitting observed seismograms by synthetics. The good fit means that we understand why and how the seismic waves are radiated. According to our model, the explosion created a cavity and a damaged “chimney” of rocks above it. The aftershock was neither a secondary explosion nor a triggered tectonic earthquake. It occurred due to a process comparable to a “mirror image” of the explosion, that is, a rock collapse, or compaction, for the first time documented in North Korea’s test site. Interestingly, shear fault motions, typical for natural earthquakes, were extremely small both in the explosion and in the aftershock. Small natural earthquakes also occur at the test site, and geotechnical works might trigger them. Thus, all studies related to rock stability of the site, and prevention of radioactive leakage, are important.

    • Figure 4
      Inferred interpretation of (a–c) mainshock and (d–f) nontectonic aftershock. Dominant body forces equivalent to seismic radiation are shown for an assumed depth of 1.5 km. The force couples are annotated with their relative size. Scaling factors for mainshock and aftershock are 5.33e17 and 3.40e16 Nm, respectively. The events radiated as an opening and closing horizontal crack, with a significant compensated linear vector dipole contribution. Schematic sketch (g) shows the structural elements and processes, discussed in the text. (h) Vertical components of normalized full‐band raw data of Event 1 (red) and Event 2 (black). Traces of Event 2 are plotted with opposite sign; thus, the surface waves match with Event 1. It illustrates the “mirror‐image” character of the two sources. Note also the absence of high‐frequency body phases in the records of Event 2, similar to “collapse” events (Engdahl, 1972; Ryall & Savage, 1969; Willis, 1963). Origin time is at t = 0.

    • La fermeture du site et l’effondrement de la cheminée ne convainquent pas tout le monde…

      Optimism About Korea Will Kill Us All – Foreign Policy

      Last week’s inter-Korean summit, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s declaration that he would “close” his nuclear test site by May, were greeted widely with celebration. But contrary to the hoopla, we have now arrived at an especially dangerous moment in Washington’s relationship with Pyongyang. We are on the verge of letting our hopes get in the way of our survival.

      Consider the now widespread view that North Korea’s test site is unusable or that the mountain that contains it has collapsed. This was always garbage reporting. You can download the two academic papers that are said to have originally made these claims — they say nothing of the kind. What the papers do is prove that, after North Korea’s big nuclear test in September 2017, the cavity created by the explosion collapsed in on itself. We already knew that probably happened (although it is cool to see it demonstrated through seismology).

      But the collapsing of the cavity and shrinking of the mountain do not mean the tunnels leading to it collapsed, let alone that the mountain itself had done so. And, of course, there are two other nuclear test complexes underneath entirely different mountains at the site. Kim was quoted as making this point himself: “Some said we will dismantle unusable facilities, but there are two more larger tunnels [in addition to] the original one and these are very in good condition as you will get to know that when coming and seeing them.” But commentators in the West, hoping for a diplomatic breakthrough (whether for political or more idealistic reasons), still heard what they wanted to hear about the condition of North Korea’s program.

      Les articles signalés sont d’une part celui pointé ci-dessus et aussi celui-ci (27/04/2018)

      Collapse and Earthquake Swarm after North Korea’s 3 September 2017 Nuclear Test - Tian - - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

      North Korea’s 3 September 2017 nuclear test was followed by several small seismic events, with one eight‐and‐a‐half minutes after the test and three on and after 23 September 2017. Seismic analysis reveals that the first event is a near vertical on‐site collapse toward the nuclear test center from 440±260 m northwest of the test site, with its seismic source best represented by a single force with a dip angle of 70°‐75° and an azimuth of ~150°, and the later events are an earthquake swarm located 8.4±1.7 km north of the test site within a region of 520 m, with a focal depth of at least 2.4 km and a focal mechanism of nearly pure strike‐slip along the north‐south direction with a high dip angle of 50°‐90°. The occurrence of the on‐site collapse calls for continued monitoring of any leaks of radioactive materials from the test site.

      (pdf téléchargeable : que de la technique…)

  • CoE: Anti-torture committee: effective complaints mechanisms should be available to detainees across Europe

    PDF :

    European states should ensure that persons deprived of their liberty have access to effective complaints mechanisms in prisons, police stations, immigration detention centres, psychiatric institutions and other places of detention.

    This is a fundamental safeguard against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, warns the Council of Europe’s anti-torture committee (CPT) in its annual report, published today.

    On a number of occasions during its country visits, the CPT has found that complaints mechanisms did not exist or suffered from major shortcomings. Deficiencies included not informing detainees adequately about complaints bodies or procedures, undue delays in the processing of complaints, failure to thoroughly examine the detainee’s allegations, lack of independence or impartiality of officials dealing with complaints and insufficient protection against intimidation and reprisals.

    “Complaints mechanisms should be immediately accessible in all places of detention in Europe. For the complaints system to be effective and trusted by persons deprived of their liberty, all complaints should be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly following a clear procedure which protects the person concerned from possible intimidation or reprisals”, said the CPT President Mykola Gnatovskyy.

  • Statewatch News Online: Council of Europe: Prison statistics for 2016: increases in prison population rate and average length of imprisonment

    The Council of Europe’s recently-published annual prison statistics reports cover the year 2016 and show an increase from 2015 in the prison population rate (the number of prisoners per 100,000 of a country’s population), the average length of imprisonment, the number of entries into penal institutions and the proportion of prisoners serving sentences for theft.

    There were decreases between 2015 and 2016 in overcrowding, in the amount spent per day per prisoner, in the number of releases from penal institutions and in the proportion of prisoners serving sentences for drug offences.

    Council of Europe: European prisons are almost full, according to latest Council of Europe survey (press release, pdf):

    “European prisons are on average close to full capacity, with inmates occupying over 9 out of ten available places, according to the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics (SPACE) for 2016, published today.

    The survey shows that the incarceration rate grew from 115.7 to 117.1 inmates per 100,000 inhabitants from 2015 to 2016. This rate had previously fallen every year since 2012, when it reached 125.6 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.

    The incarceration rate is mainly influenced by the length of the sanctions and measures imposed. In that perspective, the average length of detention, which can be seen as an indicator of the way criminal law is applied, increasing slightly to 8.5 months.

    The countries where the incarceration rate grew the most were Bulgaria (+10.8%), Turkey (+9.5%), the Czech Republic (+7.6%), Serbia (+6.6%) and Denmark (+5.5%). The prison administrations where it fell the most were Iceland (-15.9%), Northern Ireland (-11.8), Lithuania (-11.1%), Belgium (-10.1%) and Georgia (-6.7%).

    On the other hand, overcrowding remained a serious problem in many countries. Thirteen out of 47 prison administrations reported having more inmates than places to host them.”

  • #Contraception Atlas |

    contraception europe

    Download the full report: PDF iconepf-contraception_atlas-v5.pdf (pdf 4,2 mb)

    Access to contraception should be a key concern of governments in empowering citizens to plan their families and lives. Yet every country analysed by the 2018 Contraception Atlas needs to do more to improve access. The findings show that for many European countries, ensuring that people have choice over their reproductive lives is not a priority. Now in its second edition, the Atlas tracks government policies on access to contraceptive methods, family planning counseling and the provision of online information on contraception in 46 European states.
    States shun cost-effective reimbursement schemes

    Only three of the countries analysed offer excellent general reimbursement schemes for contraception, which are a game-changer in opening up access to modern contraception. Considering the burden unintended pregnancy places on states and the relatively small cost of reimbursement schemes, this is surprising. Schemes that offer reimbursement for long acting and reversible contraception (LARCs), such as subdermal contraceptive implants and IUDs, are particularly cost-effective. These methods are also less prone to failure and have higher satisfaction rates than other contraceptive methods.



    It all culminated in Shelton’s book Learning from the Japanese City, a study that can help any Westerner better understand the likes of Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, or indeed Nagomuru City. You won’t find that last, however, on any map of Japan, nor will you find it in the country itself. It exists in the land of Naira, which itself exists in the mind of Japanese graphic designer and cartographer Imaizumi Takayuki. Imaizumi’s painstaking, ongoing work has produced maps of Nagomuru City that look at it in different ways in different eras, which you can browse on Let’s Go to the Imaginary Cities! On this page you can explore scrollable maps of the city by first selecting one of its thirty regions; just below that, you can also download a large PDF map of the entire metropolis.

    What you didn’t know about Acrobat”

    Ambiguities in the PDF specification means that no two PDF parsers will see a file in the same way. This leads to many opportunities for exploit obfuscation.

    A very interesting look into the specs of a pdf. It turns out it’s an insane mishmash of all sorts of things, with all sorts of weird concurrent conventions.

    #pdf #ccc #quine

  • Je signale la parution d’un numéro de revue sur la #solidarité envers les migrants... mais je n’ai pas accès, ni version pdf ni version papier :

    “Civil society on the edge : actions in support and against refugees in Italy and Germany”

    E’ uscito il nuovo fascicolo di Mondi Migranti: “Civil society on the edge: actions in support and against refugees in Italy and Germany” a cura di Giulia Borri e Elena Fontanari
    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #délit_de_solidarité #Italie #Allemagne

    PDF :

    Despite considerable gender convergence over time, substantial gender inequality persists in all countries. Using Danish
    administrative data from 1980-2013 and an event study approach, we show that most of the remaining gender inequality in earnings is
    due to children. The arrival of children creates a gender gap in
    earnings of around 20% in the long run, driven in roughly equal
    proportions by labor force participation, hours of work, and wage rates. Underlying these “child penalties”, we find clear dynamic
    impacts on occupation, promotion to manager, sector, and the
    family friendliness of the firm for women relative to men. Based on a dynamic decomposition framework, we show that the fraction of
    gender inequality caused by child penalties has increased
    dramatically over time, from about 40% in 1980 to about 80%in 2013.
    As a possible explanation for the persistence of child penalties, we
    show that they are transmitted through generations, from
    parents to daughters (but not sons), consistent with an influence of childhood environment in the formation of women’s preferences over family and career.

  • Racket in the oceans. Why underwater noise matters, how to measure it, and how to manage it. (PDF Download Available) @intempestive

    PDF :

    Underwater noise is now recognized as a major problem for life in the oceans, which represent 70% of the surface of the earth. Racket in the Oceans, a position paper by i3-Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CNRS-école polytechnique) and the Observatory for Responsible Innovation (i3, Mines ParisTech) adresses four questions : why is this issue a crucial one, what is the impact of noise on marine life, how to measure underwater noise, how to manage the issue ?

  • Facebook : des sites mensongers peu lus mais au succès considérable — Le blog du #Decodex

    Les médias traditionnels attirent plus de lecteurs, mais l’écart est beaucoup moins net sur Facebook, selon une étude britannique qui exploite notamment les données du Décodex.
    L’étude de l’institut Reuters s’intéresse à la circulation des fausses informations en France et en Italie. Pour tenter d’en mesurer la portée, ils se sont servis de listes de sites jugés peu fiables, dont ils ont comparé l’audience avec celle des médias traditionnels. « Le débat sur les fausses informations se concentre souvent sur ce qui se passe au Royaume-Uni. Nous avons cherché à comprendre ce qui se passait ailleurs en Europe », nous explique Richard Fletcher, coauteur de l’étude.

    Les chercheurs ont utilisé des listes préexistantes de sites connus pour diffuser de fausses informations. Pour le volet français de leurs travaux, ils se sont appuyés sur l’annuaire des sources d’informations du Décodex.

    Les chercheurs ont retenu 38 sources parmi les quelque 450 qui y sont classées en « rouge » parce qu’elles ont publié un nombre significatif de fausses informations et/ou d’articles trompeurs : celles qui correspondent à des sites Internet dont l’audience était quantifiable dans les données issues des analyses de la société Comscore (ces mesures sont réalisées en étudiant le comportement d’un panel d’internautes croisé avec d’autres données). Certains sites n’ont pu être analysés, de même que les pages Facebook ou comptes Twitter et YouTube isolés.

    Les autres catégories du Décodex (sites parodiques en « bleu », sites « orange » dont la fiabilité ou la démarche est douteuse) n’ont pas été étudiées.

    • Fact sheet (résumé) de l’étude mentionnée

      Measuring the reach of “fake news” and online disinformation in Europe | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

      In this factsheet by Richard Fletcher, Alessio Cornia, Lucas Graves and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, we provide top-level usage statistics for the most popular sites that independent fact-checkers and other observers have identified as publishers of false news and online disinformation. We focus on two European countries: France and Italy. We examine France and Italy as two particularly important cases, as both are widely seen as facing serious issues with for-profit and ideologically/politically motivated online disinformation.

      We find that:
      • None of the false news websites we considered had an average monthly reach of over 3.5% in 2017, with most reaching less than 1% of the online population in both France and Italy. By comparison, the most popular news websites in France (Le Figaro) and Italy (La Repubblica) had an average monthly reach of 22.3% and 50.9%, respectively; 
      • The total time spent with false news websites each month is lower than the time spent with news websites. The most popular false news websites in France were viewed for around 10 million minutes per month, and for 7.5 million minutes in Italy. People spent an average of 178 million minutes per month with Le Monde, and 443 million minutes with La Repubblica—more than the combined time spent with all 20 false news sites in each sample;
      • Despite clear differences in terms of website access, the level of Facebook interaction (defined as the total number of comments, shares, and reactions) generated by a small number of false news outlets matched or exceeded that produced by the most popular news brands. In France, one false news outlet generated an average of over 11 million interactions per month—five times greater than more established news brands. However, in most cases, in both France and Italy, false news outlets do not generate as many interactions as established news brands.

      We have shown that many of the most prominent identified false news websites in these countries are far less popular than major established news sites. However, the difference between false news sites and news sites in terms of interactions on Facebook is less clear-cut. We believe that online disinformation is an important issue that the public, publishers, platform companies, policymakers, and other stakeholders should pay serious attention to. But overall, our analysis of the available evidence suggests that false news has more limited reach than is sometimes assumed.

    • Note : l’étude est financée par Google, ce que ne mentionne nulle part le blog du Decodex

      The research was supported by Google UK as part of the #Digital_News_Initiative (CTR00220), as well as the Digital News Report (CTR00150)

      (extrait du pdf de l’étude, 10 pages dont 2 de tableaux en annexe )

    • version Le Monde

      Les sites russes Russia Today et Sputnik, également mentionnés par les chercheurs parce qu’ils sont régulièrement évoqués dans le débat sur les fausses informations, touchent eux aussi une frange restreinte de la population (respectivement 1,5 % et 1,4 %).

      version Institut Reuters

      For comparative purposes, we also included two prominent Russian news sites which have featured in European policy discussions around disinformation, namely Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik. These Russian state-backed organisations are clearly different from sites that engage in for-profit fabrication of false news, but both independent fact-checkers and the EU’s European External Action Service East Stratcom Task Force have identified multiple instances where these sites have published disinformation.

      avec en note la référence à 2 sites : site tenu par la East StratCom Task Force, montée en 2015 et financée par le Conseil de l’Europe (décisions du 19 et 20 mars 2015)

      Q&A about the #East_StratCom_Task_Force - European External Action Service

      How is the team composed?
      The team is made up of fourteen full-time staff, recruited from the EU institutions or seconded by EU Member States. Team members have a variety of professional communications backgrounds and speak several languages, including Russian.

      • nettement plus comique (!)
      dont le sous-titre affiche bravement

      La lutte contre les informations falsifiées sur les événements en Ukraine

      À propos de nous

      Le site de vérification des faits a été lancé le 2 mars 2014 dans le but de vérifier les faits avancés par la propagande du Kremlin. Les initiateurs du projet sont des enseignants, d’anciens diplômés ainsi que des étudiants de l’Académie Mohyla (une école de journalisme en Ukraine. ndlr) et du programme « Futur digital du journalisme », destiné aux journalistes et rédacteurs.

    • Three things you should know about RT and Sputnik | EU vs DISINFORMATION

      1. They are not independent
      • Sputnik was created by a Presidential decree with the aim to “report on the state policy of Russia abroad”;
      • RT is fully financed by the Russian government and is included in an official list of core organizations of strategic importance for Russia.

      2. They do not want to be impartial
      • “The period of impartial journalism is over. Objectivity is a myth”, the CEO and editor-in-chief Dmitry Kiselyov told Sputnik’s editorial staff after a reorganisation of the media house to which Sputnik belongs;
      • The management of both RT and Sputnik receive weekly instructions from the Kremlin. These instructions include guidelines on political narratives, what should be covered and whom the outlets should not talk about.

      3. They produce fake news to promote political objectives
      • The independent media watchdog in the UK, Ofcom, has on 15 occasions expressed criticism of RT for, among other problems, “materially misleading” output;
      • RT has for example been instrumental in creating the smoke screen of disinformation, with which the Russian authorities seek to cover up the facts about the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine with this article as just one of many examples.

    • Pour être complet (?) il faut aussi rappeler que Decodex est financé par Facebook (je ne crois pas qu’il y ait de montants qui circulent).

      Le Monde reçoit des financements publics mais aussi de Google (FINP - AIPG).

      En résumé, une étude financée par Google sur des données collectées par Le Monde sur financement de Facebook.

      Pour terminer, que donne une recherche Google sur les termes Decodex Facebook ?

      Sur les 4 premiers articles résultants, 2 (dont, « À la une », celui à l’origine de ce billet) et 2

      Bon, c’est un peu normal, mais où se trouve la limite ? Sur cette recherche, Il n’y a sans doute pas vraiment besoin d’éventuels coups de pouce algorithmiques au profit des clients et des partenaires pour arriver à ce résultat. Encore que… pour être « à la une »…

  • ReCode Project

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  • Cents and Sensibility: Economic Valuation
    and the Nature of “Nature”
    PDF :

    How do we attribute a monetary value to intangible things? This article offers a general sociological approach to this question, using the economic value of nature as a paradigmatic case, and oil spills litigations in France and the United States as real world empirical illustrations. It suggests that a full-blown sociology of economic valuation must solve three problems: the “why,” which refers to the general place of money as a metric for worth; the “how,” which refers to the specific techniques and arguments laymen and experts deploy to elicit monetary translations; and the “then what” or the feedback loop from monetary values
    to social practices and representations.