“You’re a racist sexist boy” — The Linda Lindas
“You’re a racist sexist boy” — The Linda Lindas
Tom Morello, Thurston Moore and Others Show Support for Punk Rock’s New Viral Darlings, The Linda Lindas
Groovy Xmas - The Lindas Lindas
Only Fans, Mym : du #softporn à la .
Crazy Sally a fait un travail d’enquête sur ces nouvelles plateformes qui attirent de plus en plus d’ados appâté-e-s par l’argent facile. Elle ne fait pas l’impasse sur la facilitation et sécurisation que ça représente pour le travail du sexe, mais comme elle l’explique, son sujet est surtout l’inquiétude pour la sécurité des mineurs.
Le relai promotionnel se fait aussi via #twitter grâce aux tags des plateformes, #OnlyFans & #MyM, mais là aussi le plus gros succès est lorsqu’ils sont additionnés aux tags #ado #teen #petiteteen ou #barelylegal... qui ne laisse aucune équivoque.
Au sujet du « nouveau » tag qui sévit sur Tik-Tok et Twitter en echo depuis maintenant plusieurs jours, la bonne nouvelle c’est que les vidéo de « prévention » et d’information cartonnent. Celle-ci se classe dans les premières désormais :
#silouhettechallenge SUPER URGENT regardez cette vidéo tout ceux qui ont fait ce #challenge #tiktok
(désolée je ne sais pas comment intégrer la vidéo)
4 Activists Explain Why Migrant Justice Is Climate Justice | Teen Vogue
A UNHCR report revealed that, by the end of 2016, there were 65.6 million displaced people who had fled their homelands because of violence, human rights violations, and environmental disasters that are intensified by the climate crisis. Since 2008, an average of 26.4 million people have been displaced from their homes by extreme weather disasters every year.
“From African migrants choosing to cross by boat from North Africa to Europe to Pacific Islanders losing their homes due to rising sea levels and Central American migrants fleeing their home countries in search of refuge, people around the world are being driven from their homes by droughts, storms, and the political strife and conflict that follow these climate disasters,” 350.org stated in a December press release.
Fighting climate change is about more than emissions and metrics — it’s about fighting for a just world for everyone. Teen Vogue spoke with five climate-justice advocates whose work focuses on the vital intersection of migrant rights and climate action.
Maya Menezes, an organizer for No One Is Illegal and podcast host of Change Everything:
We are past the point of stopping some of the largest impacts of climate change. One of the biggest battles will be over the closing of borders, the decisions of who is deserving of basic humanity and who isn’t.
Under capitalism, goods can go across borders but human beings cannot. It’s not a weird coincidence, it’s a violent political strategy to bar people and privilege some over others. We need to envision a borderless world. Imagining a borderless world is one of the ultimate acts of decolonization because colonialism told us arbitrability there are lines here for you to cross, it is connected to capitalism, exploitation and racism, so challenging capitalism and colonization fundamentally challenges borders. If we are trying to challenge capitalistic structures that are destroying this planet, that means challenging the structures that are continuing to dehumanize human beings and designating people as legal bodies. No one is illegal on stolen lands. If we reject colonization and put ourselves in solidarity with indigenous sovereignty, then we reject that someone can be illegal and discarded.
How to Invest in #cryptocurrency According to Experts and 19-Year-Old #bitcoin #millionaire
How to Invest in Cryptocurrency According to Experts and a 19-Year-Old Bitcoin MillionaireImage sourceWhen cryptocurrency prices surged towards the end of last year, the market grew to record highs. By early November, it was already at $185 billion. The $200 billion mark was around the corner. However, as the prices soared, with Bitcoin at the front of the pack, the number of offerings grew, flooding the market. Small companies added “blockchain” to their name and all over a sudden they too were soaring in stock prices. The “investor” pool got deeper as people around the world “logged into” every new cryptocurrency and put their money there. Many didn’t bother to do some due diligence — remember PonziCoin?Now, even with the slump, Bitcoin is still a flooded market. But what percentage of those (...)
Interview With A 13-Year Old Developer #entrepreneur
When we hear of stories about young entrepreneurs, it is probably common to think of young people around 25 to 30 years old. After all, the founders of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, among many other organizations, were all in their 20s when they founded their organizations. With the human connection to technology and the mind being exposed early, the platforms to which we become accustomed as part of our daily lives cannot quite be re-created, but young minds can advance past what they are given to create their own world.These young minds are thinking beyond to a world for themselves, not dwelling on the world that we are leaving for them. The older generations never once thought about the consequences and impact of producing nearly 300 (...)
SocialMedia, Social Life : Teens Reveal Their Experiences (https://w...
SocialMedia, Social Life : Teens Reveal Their Experiences | #life #socialmedia #experiences #teens
C’est en voyant ses films qu’on prend la température d’une époque
Bon les films de jeunesses on a compris... On se dit « c’est génial » on se dit « c’est culte », on le conseille plein d’enthousiasme à des gens sans même prendre la peine de repenser sérieusement au machin, et puis voila c’est de la merde et on aurait pu s’en douter.
Et en plus on à beau reconnaître qu’il n’y a aucune raison de le conseiller à des amis, la force implacable de la nostalgie nous fait trouver sans mauvaise foi une exception au film en question. C’est-à-dire que l’esprit intelligent qui a grandi, qui a vu des vrais bons films, est quand même capable de décortiquer ce que ce film avait vraiment d’exceptionnel...
Des acteurs foncièrement mauvais ou débutant, et que même s’ils étaient bons, ça pue la direction d’acteur à deux balles. Mais oui mais pour les dialogues il a bossé. Le problème c’est que ça coule et se répand n’importe comment. Alors bien sûr malgré tout ça il s’est quand même débrouillé pour qu’il y a ait une dizaine de bonne réplique. Parfaitement potache et sans dogme de la crédibilité. Ça fonctionne c’est efficace et ça peut se raconter alors ce qu’on a capté qu’un parfait inconnu du bout de la salle connaissait ce film en gigotant des oreilles avec une réplique lancée au hasard.
#quatre_garçon_plein_d'avenir #critique_a_2_balles #Jean-Paul_Lilienfeld #1997 #cinema #potache #teen_movie #culte_et_ta_soeur
#soeurs_de_glace #critique_a_2_balles #matthew_hastings #horreur #2004 #cinema #teen_movie #extraterrestre
Et parfois je m’imagine des pauvres collégiens qui vont voir ce film avec enthousiasme parce que les pauvres, ils n’ont jamais rien vu d’autre. Le soir, ils repenseront à l’héroïne et découvriront la masturbation en culpabilisant un peu de se foutre royalement du destin de la terre. Et si dans les prochaines années le taux de suicide chez les jeunes augmente de manière incompréhensible, il faut d’abord interdire tous ces films débiles.
Bref, tant de choses qui auraient été à coup sur plus intéressantes que regarder ce mauvais, très mauvais Teen movie.
Ados : le partage du rien sur Internet - LeMonde.fr
Guillemette Faure pour M, le mag du Monde, revient sur le concept de “borecore” émis par Jenna Wortham dans le New York Times Magazine, c’est-à-dire ce flot d’ennui que s’échangent notamment les ados sur les réseaux sociaux. “L’abondance de borecore, du rien produit et partagé dans l’indifférence générale, est le problème d’une époque où on a presque toujours sous la main un téléphone équipé d’une caméra mais pas forcément un chaton qui joue du piano à filmer.”Pour la sociologue Joëlle Menrath : “Allumer son ordinateur est un geste désormais équivalent à allumer la lumière de sa chambre. L’ambiance est modifiée, mais la lampe n’occupe pas pour autant le centre de l’attention.” A compléter par le dernier numéro de la revue Communiquer, où l’on trouve (notamment) une très bonne synthèse réalisée par la sociologue (...)
Call it borecore: the never-to-be-viral output that comes from mixing powerful devices and a lifetime of social-media training with regular, old teenage boredom. Seen this way, its predecessors are more prosaic than pathological: doodling in a composition notebook, making scrapbooks, driving around aimlessly. But that simplicity, that sameness, can feel magical when you binge on it: a series of furtive glimpses into the lives of people across the country and around the world doing a whole lot of nothing. Though the technology available to us has far exceeded our wildest imaginations, it’s still perfectly suited to filling those moments when our imaginations just won’t do.
Repris par Le Monde :
Cf. Les ados s’ennuient aussi avec les outils numériques (Fédération française des telecoms, Observatoire de la vie numérique des adolescents) ▻http://www.fftelecoms.org/sites/fftelecoms.org/files/contenus_lies/billet_-_les_ados_sennuient_aussi_avec_les_outils_numeriques_-_observato (PDF)
The folly of barring pregnant girls from school in #Sierra_Leone
Pregnant girls are now barred from school in my country Sierra Leone. The government has decided that as schools reopen this week for the first time since the vicious Ebola.....
‘Selling Out’ Is Meaningless — The Message — Medium
Billet de Danah Boyd :
These #teens are not going to critique their friends for being sell-outs because they’ve already been sold out by the adults in their world. These teens want freedom and it’s our fault that they don’t have it except in commercial spaces. These teens want opportunities and we do everything possible to restrict those that they have access to. Why should we expect them to stand up to commercial surveillance when every adult in their world surveils their every move “for their own good”?
Israeli FM rejects “hypocritical” calls to investigate #Palestinian teen #Killings
Members of the Palestinian national security forces carry the bodies of 16-year-old Mohammed Odeh Abu al-Thaher and 17-year-old Nadim Siyam Nawara during their funeral procession in the #west_bank city of Ramallah on May 16, 2014, a day after they were shot dead by Israeli forces. (Photo: AFP - Abbas Momani) Members of the Palestinian national security forces carry the bodies of 16-year-old Mohammed Odeh Abu al-Thaher and 17-year-old Nadim Siyam Nawara during their funeral procession in the West Bank city of Ramallah on May 16, 2014, a day after they were shot dead by Israeli forces. (Photo: AFP - Abbas Momani)
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Wednesday rejected as “hypocritical” world criticism and demands (...)
Law or compassion ? The deportation of #teenagers
In the past 5 years, over 500 young people who migrated as lone children have been removed after spending their formative years in the UK. We have a responsibility for their long term safety and flourishing, says Emily Bowerman.
#mineurs #retour #renvoi #expulsion #déportation #UK #Angleterre #migration
Juste pour ne pas oublier l’immortel Banana Split , Lio (1979)
danah boyd | apophenia » thoughts on Pew’s latest report: notable findings on race and #privacy
Pew’s report shows an increase in teens’ willingness to share all sorts of demographic, contact, and location data. This is precisely the data that makes privacy advocates anxious. At the same time, their data show that teens are well-aware of privacy settings and have changed the defaults even if they don’t choose to manage the accessibility of each content piece they share. They’re also deleting friends (74%), deleting previous posts (59%), blocking people (58%), deleting comments (53%), detagging themselves (45%), and providing fake info (26%).
My favorite finding of Pew’s is that 58% of #teens cloak their messages either through inside jokes or other obscure references, with more older teens (62%) engaging in this practice than younger teens (46%). This is the practice that I’ve seen significantly rise since I first started doing work on teens’ engagement with social media. It’s the source of what Alice Marwick and I describe as “social steganography” in our paper on teen privacy practices.
Et surtout :
While adults are often anxious about shared data that might be used by government agencies, advertisers, or evil older men, teens are much more attentive to those who hold immediate power over them – parents, teachers, college admissions officers, army recruiters, etc. To adults, services like Facebook that may seem “private” because you can use privacy tools, but they don’t feel that way to youth who feel like their privacy is invaded on a daily basis.
Closer dévoile sa déclinaison pour les 11-15 ans - Stratégies
No comment. (via @Askab)
Mondadori France vient de lancer Closer Teen, une déclinaison du magazine people Closer destinée aux 11-15 ans, pour « parler des jeunes stars auxquelles les jeunes lectrices peuvent facilement s’identifier », précise Mondadori. Comme son aîné, Closer Teen proposera des interviews, reportages et photos de personnalités. Ce bimestriel de 72 pages, vendu 3,50 euros, sera tiré à 100 000 exemplaires. Mondadori France est contrôlé par le géant italien Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, filiale à plus de 50% de Fininvest, la holding de Silvio Berlusconi.
Girls Ask Teen Vogue to Ditch Photoshop, Get Berated by Editor-in-Chief
After 14-year-old Julia Bluhm delivered 25,000 signatures on a petition to ban Photoshop from Seventeen magazine, the editors promised not to alter girls’ faces or bodies, but didn’t outright agree to stop Photoshopping its models and celebrity subjects — and they did not commit to publishing any unretouched photo spreads.