• Students occupy #Humboldt_University to establish “#Jabalia_Institute
    (publié en mai 2024, ici pour archivage)

    Protestors have symbolically adopted the name of one of the largest refugee camps in the Gaza strip. The university will hold a meeting with the students this afternoon.

    Students occupy Humboldt University to establish “Jabalia Institute”

    On Wednesday evening, around 50 students established an occupation of the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University (HU), with another 300 supporters gathering outside to demonstrate in support of their actions. So far, the university has tolerated the protest, and they are set to hold a two-hour discussion with the student groups on Thursday afternoon.

    This action is the latest in a series of protests which have been taking place in Berlin since the outbreak of Israel’s war on Gaza, but it may mark a slight turning of the tide in terms of the approach of Berlin institutions. The violent clearing of the attempted occupation of the Freie Universität (FU) campus on May 7 was heavily criticised from many within higher education, with academics signing an open letter in favour of the students’ right to freedom of assembly. Legal scholars have since commented that the clearing of the FU protest may itself have been illegal.

    The HU students meanwhile have symbolically renamed the Institute for Social Sciences as the Jabalia Institute, assuming the name of one of the largest refugee camps in the Gaza Strip. They also raised barricades, spray painted walls with slogans of solidarity and distributed leaflets from the windows out onto the street of Universitätsstraße.

    #toponymie #toponymie_politique #résistance #occupation #Palestine #Gaza

  • New Zealand’s Mount #Taranaki is now legally a person

    The designation recognizes the mountain as a sacred ancestor of the Māori and relinquishes government ownership.

    #Mount_Taranaki, a towering 8,261-foot stratovolcano popular among skiers and snowboarders, was recognized as a legal person in New Zealand on Thursday.

    Known by its #Māori name #Taranaki_Maunga, the mountain is the latest natural feature in the country to be granted the rights, powers, duties, responsibilities and liabilities of a person.

    The government has effectively ceased ownership of the mountain, which the indigenous Māori people consider among their ancestors.

    Its legal name is #Te_Kāhui_Tupua, and is viewed by the law as “a living and indivisible whole.” It includes Taranaki and its surrounding peaks and land, “incorporating all their physical and metaphysical elements.”

    Now, members from the local Māori iwi, or tribe, and government officials will work together to manage it. The mountain will also no longer be called by its colonial name, #Mount_Egmont.

    New Zealand became the first country in the world to grant living rights to natural features in 2014 when it recognized the personhood of #Te_Urewera sacred forest in North Island, with guardianship handed to the #Tūhoe tribe.

    Then in 2017, the #Whanganui river was deemed human and turned over to the care of its local #iwi.

    The #Taranaki_Maunga_Collective_Redress_Bill passed Thursday also acknowledges the injustices and land confiscations against the Māori in the Taranaki region.

    “The mountain has long been an honored ancestor, a source of physical, cultural and spiritual sustenance and a final resting place,” Paul Goldsmith, a government official involved in the negotiations, told Parliament in a speech on Thursday.

    New Zealand’s colonizers first took the name, then the mountain itself, which the bills states was in breach of a treaty the Crown signed with Māori representatives.

    “The Crown failed to create most of the reserves it had promised,” the bill reads. “After further protest by Māori in Taranaki, the Crown eventually returned some reserves, but refused to include most of the mountains in those reserves, instead proclaiming them as a forest reserve, and later a national park.”

    The legal rights provided to the mountain are meant to be used for its preservation and the protection of its wildlife, and public access will continue.

    “I look forward very much to visiting Taranaki to deliver the Crown apology in the near future,” Goldsmith said.

    #personne_légale #Nouvelle_Zélande #peuples_autochtones #maoris #toponymie #montagne #droits #loi #rivière #forêt #protection

    • New Zealand mountain gets same legal rights as a person

      A settlement under which a New Zealand mountain has been granted the same legal right as a person has become law after years of negotiations.

      It means Taranaki Maunga [Mt Taranaki] will effectively own itself, with representatives of the local tribes, iwi, and government working together to manage it.

      The agreement aims to compensate Māori from the Taranaki region for injustices done to them during colonisation - including widespread land confiscation.

      “We must acknowledge the hurt that has been caused by past wrongs, so we can look to the future to support iwi to realise their own aspirations and opportunities,” Paul Goldsmith, the government minister responsible for the negotiations, said.

      The Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill was passed into law by New Zealand’s parliament on Thursday - giving the mountain a legal name and protecting its surrounding peaks and land.

      It also recognises the Māori worldview that natural features, including mountains, are ancestors and living beings.

      “Today, Taranaki, our maunga [mountain], our maunga tupuna [ancestral mountain], is released from the shackles, the shackles of injustice, of ignorance, of hate,” said Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, co-leader of political party Te Pāti Māori [the Māori Party].

      Ngarewa-Packer is among one of the eight Taranaki iwi, on New Zealand’s west coast, to whom the mountain is sacred.

      Hundreds of other Māori from the area also turned up at parliament on Thursday to see the bill become law.

      The mountain will no longer be officially known as Egmont - the named given to it by British explorer James Cook in the 18th Century - and instead be called Taranaki Maunga, while the surrounding national park will also be given its Māori name.

      Aisha Campbell, who is also from a Taranaki iwi, told 1News that it was important for her to be at the event, and that the mountain “is what connects us and what binds us together as a people”.

      The Taranaki Maunga settlement is the latest that has been reached with Māori in an attempt to provide compensation for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi - which established New Zealand as a country and granted indigenous people certain rights to their land and resources.

      The settlement also came with an apology from the government for the confiscation of Mt Taranaki and more than a million acres of land from local Māori in the 1860s.

      Paul Goldsmith acknowledged that the “breaches of the Treaty mean that immense and compounding harm have been inflicted upon the whānau [wider family], hapū [sub-tribe] and iwi of Taranaki, causing immeasurable harm over many decades”.

      He added that it had been agreed that access to the mountain would not change and that “all New Zealanders will be able to continue to visit and enjoy this most magnificent place for generations to come”.

      The mountain is not the first of New Zealand’s natural feature’s to be granted legal personhood.

      In 2014, the Urewera native forest became the first to gain such status, followed by the Whanganui River in 2017.


  • Restauring names that honor American greatness


    By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:


    Sec. 3. Renaming of Mount McKinley. (a) President William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, heroically led our Nation to victory in the Spanish-American War. Under his leadership, the United States enjoyed rapid economic growth and prosperity, including an expansion of territorial gains for the Nation. President McKinley championed tariffs to protect U.S. manufacturing, boost domestic production, and drive U.S. industrialization and global reach to new heights. He was tragically assassinated in an attack on our Nation’s values and our success, and he should be honored for his steadfast commitment to American greatness.


    Sec. 4. Gulf of America. (a) The area formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico has long been an integral asset to our once burgeoning Nation and has remained an indelible part of America. The Gulf was a crucial artery for America’s early trade and global commerce. It is the largest gulf in the world, and the United States coastline along this remarkable body of water spans over 1,700 miles and contains nearly 160 million acres. Its natural resources and wildlife remain central to America’s economy today. The bountiful geology of this basin has made it one of the most prodigious oil and gas regions in the world, providing roughly 14% of our Nation’s crude-oil production and an abundance of natural gas, and consistently driving new and innovative technologies that have allowed us to tap into some of the deepest and richest oil reservoirs in the world. The Gulf is also a favorite destination for American tourism and recreation activities.

    THE WHITE HOUSE, January 20, 2025.


  • Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg

    Etwa seit dem 25.09.2012 wird Rosa Luxemburgs nahe der Stelle gedacht, wo ihr Leichnam vermutlich in den Landwehrkanal geworfen wurde.

    Straßenverlauf im Zuge Lichtensteinallee über Landwehrkanal
    Ortsteil Tiergarten
    Postleitzahl 10787
    Falk‑Stadtplan Planquadrat M 12

    Geschichte von Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg
    Ehemaliger Bezirk Tiergarten
    Name seit 25.09.2012

    Der Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg hieß früher Lichtensteinbrücke.
    Örtliche Zuständigkeiten für Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg
    Arbeitsagentur Müllerstraße
    Jobcenter Nr. 0 Mitte - Seydelstraße
    Nr. 0 Mitte - unter 25-Jährige
    Amtsgericht Mitte
    Grundbuchamt Mitte
    Familiengericht Pankow/Weißensee
    Finanzamt Mitte/Tiergarten
    Polizeiabschnitt A 34
    Verwaltungsbezirk Mitte

    Berlin: Brücke wird nach Rosa Luxemburg benannt

    Ach der arme Tagesspiegel-Berichterstatter. Hat er doch befürchtet, dass Zoo-Lichtensteins Name mit einem Objekt weniger gewürdigt würde. Das ist nicht passiert. Nur der öffentliche Teil der Brücke wurde nach Rosa benannt, die Zoo-eigene Hälfte heißt unverändert Lichtensteinbrücke .

    25.09.2012 - Es gibt einen Platz, der ihren Namen trägt, eine Straße, einen U-Bahnhof. Und nun wird auch eine viel genutzte, aber doch namentlich wenig bekannte Brücke nach Rosa Luxemburg benannt.

    Es gibt einen Platz, der ihren Namen trägt, eine Straße, einen U-Bahnhof. Und nun wird auch eine viel genutzte, aber doch namentlich wenig bekannte Brücke nach Rosa Luxemburg benannt. Die Lichtensteinbrücke in Tiergarten wird ab heute den Namen Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg tragen. Das kündigte die Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung mit.

    Der Ort ist eng mit der Geschichte Luxemburgs verbunden. Im Januar 1919 war die Aktivistin der Arbeiterbewegung zusammen mit Karl Liebknecht verhaftet und ermordet worden. Ihre Leiche wurde von der Brücke in den Landwehrkanal geworfen und erst in der Nacht zum 1. Juni an der nahe gelegenen Schleuse geborgen. Beigesetzt wurde sie schließlich auf dem Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde. Liebknecht wurde am Neuen See getötet, nur wenige Schritte entfernt.

    Die Lichtensteinbrücke trug ihren Namen nach Angaben des Berlin-Lexikons „Luise“ seit 1873. Sie erinnert an Hinrich Lichtenstein, der 1844 den Zoologischen Garten gegründet hat. Im Krieg zerstört, wurde die Brücke Ende der 80er nach den Plänen der ICC-Architekten Ralf Schüler und Ursulina Schüler-Witte wiedererrichtet. Sie schufen auch das Luxemburg-Denkmal am Ufer des Kanals.

    An den Zoo-Gründer erinnern weiterhin die Lichtensteinallee sowie eine Schule in Gropiusstadt. Und eine Marmorbüste im Zoo. AG

    Soweit die fehlergeneigte mittlerweile historische Berichterstattung. Den neuesten und wahrscheinlich letzten Stand der Erkenntnisse zur Ermordung von Karl und Rosa gibt diese Veröffentlichung wieder:

    Jörn Schütrumpf, Der wahre Runge - Wilhelm Pieck und die Ermordung von Rosa Luxemburg und Karl Liebknecht, Nerlin, RLS, 1/2024
    Download: https://www.rosalux.de/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/sonst_publikationen/Online-Publikation_Der_wahre_Runge.pdf

    Zu guter letzt hier noch die beiden weiteren Erinnerungen an Rosa im Berliner Straßenbild



    Der mit Rosa ermordete Karl wird wird nur einmal geehrt.


    An viele unserer Genossinnen und Genossen und Freiheitskämpder wurde in der #DDR mit der Widmung von Straßen, Plätzen und Gebäuden erinnert. Die meisten dieser Widmungen sind nach 1989 gelöscht worden. Ihnen werden wir wir eine separate Sammlung widmen.

    An den ersten Direktor des Berliner Zoo wird mit einer Allee zwischen spanischer Botschaft und Café am Neuen See und der ersten Brückenhäfte gedacht.


    Die Lichtensteinbrücke ist der östliche Steg einer Fußgänger-Doppelbrücke im Berliner Ortsteil Tiergarten. Der westliche Übergang heißt seit 2012 Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg. Die Stege überbrücken auf einem gemeinsamen Unterbau den Landwehrkanal.

    #Berlin #Tiergarten #Lichtensteinbrücke #Lichtensteinallee #Rosa-Luxemburg-Steg #Geschichte #KPD

    • Nouvelle dénomination du golfe du Mexique : « La toponymie est à l’avant-garde d’un projet impérialiste aux conséquences incommensurables », Frédéric Giraut, Géographe

      Avant même d’être à la Maison Blanche, Donald Trump multiplie les annonces impérialistes agressives relatives aux voisins, et en principe alliés, des Etats-Unis.

      A côté des revendications territoriales vis-à-vis du Canada, du Groenland et du Panama, l’annonce d’une volonté de redénommer le golfe du Mexique en golfe de l’Amérique constitue une déclaration de guerre toponymique au voisin mexicain, et plus généralement aux Etats d’Amérique centrale.
      Bien sûr, l’annonce joue sur la référence, potentiellement inclusive, à l’Amérique comme continent et non comme Etat, puisque l’habitude d’appeler les Etats-Unis « America » ne correspond pas à un toponyme officiel. Mais le contexte dans lequel s’inscrit cette déclaration – le slogan « Make America Great Again » [« Rendons sa grandeur à l’Amérique »] ayant été largement utilisé par Trump lors de ses campagnes électorales – ne laisse pas de doute sur les intentions impérialistes qu’elle charrie.

      Une autre dimension, également très grave politiquement et culturellement, de cette annonce relève de sa posture néocoloniale. En effet, il s’agit ni plus ni moins de substituer une référence européenne – Amérique – à une référence aux sociétés préhispaniques, le Mexique. America est un nom donné par des chroniqueurs européens au XVIe siècle, en référence à l’explorateur florentin Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512), qui avait entrepris plusieurs voyages sur le continent, et notamment au Mexique, pour le compte de l’Espagne puis du Portugal ; tandis que « Mexique » désigne l’Etat nommé d’après la capitale au nom autochtone Mexihko en langue nahuatl.

      Volonté suprémaciste

      La violence symbolique de cette volonté suprémaciste de retour à une toponymie d’origine européenne s’exprime aussi dans l’annonce faite par le nouveau président de vouloir revenir sur la dénomination du mont Denali. Plus haut sommet des Etats-Unis situé en Alaska, son nom d’origine autochtone a été officiellement attribué par Barak Obama en 2015, en lieu et place du nom de Mont McKinley, d’après un président des Etats-Unis du début du XXe siècle [William McKinley (1843-1901), vingt-cinquième président, assassiné par un anarchiste].

      C’est ce nom exogène qui serait redonné au mont par l’administration Trump. Cette volonté est à rapprocher de l’initiative récente de « nettoyage toponymique » du nouveau président argentin, Javier Milei, qui a induit la suppression du #nom_autochtone mapuche du lac Acigami pour un retour au nom colonial de lac Roca, d’après la figure d’un militaire et ex-président impliqué dans la conquête coloniale violente des terres dites « désertiques » du Sud.

      Reste la faisabilité de la mise en œuvre de cette offensive toponymique néocoloniale et impérialiste de Donald Trump. S’agissant d’objets géographiques relevant de la souveraineté toponymique états-unienne (le mont Denali et les eaux territoriales états-uniennes du golfe du Mexique), les Etats-Unis peuvent effectuer des changements officiels, qui s’imposent dès lors dans leur propre nomenclature et leur cartographie officielle.
      S’agissant d’objets géographiques relevant d’autres souverainetés nationales, les décisions états-uniennes sont inopérantes.

      Une offensive d’Elon Musk

      S’agissant, enfin, des espaces à statut international tels que les eaux internationales du golfe du Mexique, les velléités de Trump engageront certainement une bataille toponymique semblable à celles qui ont cours actuellement en Asie pour la mer du Japon/mer de l’Est, et la mer de Chine méridionale/mer de l’Est/mer des Philippines occidentales.

      L’arbitrage ne relèverait pas de l’instance internationale en la matière, le Groupe d’experts des Nations unies pour les noms géographiques (UNGEGN), sans réel pouvoir. Celui-ci prône de manière générale la stabilité dans la toponymie officielle et dans les exonymes (noms de lieux géographiques dans des langues autres que celle d’un pays où se trouvent ces lieux), tout en respectant le principe de souveraineté.

      L’arbitrage s’effectuera en revanche plus probablement sur les plateformes d’information géographique et de cartographie en ligne. Or, celles-ci sont soit privées – Google Maps, notamment –, soit collaboratives – OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia par exemple. Il n’aura échappé à personne que les revendications territoriales de Donald Trump, qui passent notamment par la toponymie, s’accompagnent justement d’une offensive de son allié Elon Musk contre les plateformes collaboratives, notamment Wikipédia, susceptibles de contrer les visées du président élu sur le plan du savoir et de la connaissance partagée.
      Dès lors, la toponymie apparaît à l’avant-garde d’un projet impérialiste tous azimuts aux conséquences incommensurables, et peut jouer, si on la prend au sérieux, un rôle essentiel de signal d’alerte. A moins que le processus enclenché soit encore plus rapide que la stupéfaction qu’il provoque.

      Frédéric Giraut est professeur de géographie politique, titulaire de la chaire de l’Unesco en toponymie inclusive « Dénommer le monde » de l’université de Genève.


    • Can Trump just order new names for Denali and the Gulf of Mexico? A geographer explains who decides what goes on the map

      President Donald Trump’s executive order to rename the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Denali, the tallest peak in the country, has resulted in lots of discussion. While for some, such renaming might seem less important than the big problems the country faces, there is a formal process in the United States for renaming places, and that process is taken seriously.

      Usually, so people don’t get confused, official, agreed-upon names are used by the government. In the U.S., place names are standardized by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, which is part of the U.S. Geological Survey, the agency in charge of making maps.

      In his executive order, Trump asks the Board on Geographic Names “to honor the contributions of visionary and patriotic Americans” and change its policies and procedures to reflect that.

      Usually, renaming a place starts locally. The people in the state or county propose a name change and gather support. The process in each state is different.

      How to change a place name

      Minnesota recently changed the name of a large lake in Minneapolis to Bde Maka Ska, which the Minneapolis Park Board described as “a Dakota name for the lake that has been passed down in oral history for many years.”

      The board voted to change the name and took its request to the county commissioners. When the county agreed, the request was then sent to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, which made it official for Minnesota. Then, the state of Minnesota sent the request to the Board on Geographic Names, which made it official for the entire U.S.

      It’s a lot of paperwork for something so seemingly minor, but people get passionate about place names. It took 40 years to rename Denali from the name established in the late 19th century, Mount McKinley.

      The state of Alaska requested the name change in 1975, but the Board on Geographic Names didn’t take action. Members of the Ohio congressional delegation – President William McKinley was from Ohio – objected over many years to requests to rename the mountain, and the board did not act on those requests.

      The president appoints the secretary of the Interior Department. The secretary works with the heads of related agencies to appoint the Board on Geographic Names. Current committee policy states, “Input from State geographic names authorities, land
      management agencies, local governments, and Tribal Governments are actively pursued.”

      In 2015, President Barack Obama named a new leader for the Department of the Interior, Sally Jewell. Just as Obama made a trip to Alaska in late August 2015, Jewell declared the name change official under a law that allows the secretary of the Interior to change a name if the board doesn’t act on the proposal in a “reasonable” amount of time.

      “This name change recognizes the sacred status of Denali to many Alaska Natives,” Jewell said. “The name Denali has been official for use by the State of Alaska since 1975, but even more importantly, the mountain has been known as Denali for generations. With our own sense of reverence for this place, we are officially renaming the mountain Denali in recognition of the traditions of Alaska Natives and the strong support of the people of Alaska.”

      If someone objects to a name change, they could ask the courts to rule on whether the name change was made legally. Going back to Bde Maka Ska, some people objected to changing the name from Lake Calhoun, so they took the state natural resources agency to court. Eventually, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the name change was done correctly.

      Alaska’s two U.S. senators and prominent state figures have strongly objected to Trump’s renaming attempt.
      How not to change a place name

      Renaming the Gulf of Mexico is a different kind of case, however, from renaming a geographic place within U.S. borders.

      The gulf is not within the territorial U.S. On the coast, the first 12 miles from shore are considered part of that country, but outside of that is international waters.

      The Board on Geographic Names could change the name to Gulf of America on official U.S. maps, but there is no international board in charge of place names. Each country decides what to call places. And there is no official way for the U.S. to make other countries change the name.

      It’s possible that the U.S. could formally ask other countries to change the name, or even impose sanctions against countries that don’t comply.

      If the names were officially changed in the U.S., the government would use the new names in official documents, signage and maps. As for all the people and companies in the world that make maps, they usually use the official names. But there is nothing that would force them to, if they believed that a certain name is more widely recognized.

      On Jan. 24, 2025, the U.S. Department of the Interior issued a statement on the name changes:

      “In accordance with President Donald J. Trump’s recent executive order, the Department of the Interior is proud to announce the implementation of name restorations that honor the legacy of American greatness, with efforts already underway.

      "As directed by the President, the Gulf of Mexico will now officially be known as the Gulf of America and North America’s highest peak will once again bear the name Mount McKinley….The U.S. Board on Geographic Names, under the purview of the Department of the Interior, is working expeditiously to update the official federal nomenclature in the Geographic Names Information System to reflect these changes, effective immediately for federal use.”


    • Du Denali au McKinley : les enjeux politiques d’un changement de nom

      En décidant de renommer le mont Denali, point culminant de l’Amérique du Nord (6190 m) en « mont McKinley », le président américain, Donald Trump, méprise les cultures autochtones et renoue avec un imaginaire colonial qui, depuis longtemps, influence le choix des noms que l’on donne aux montagnes que l’on gravit. Une histoire aussi vieille que celle de l’exploration.

      Nommer un territoire, c’est déjà se l’approprier. Et, qu’on le veuille ou non, les toponymes sont souvent profondément politiques. Les États coloniaux, les puissances impérialistes ont toujours su les convoquer pour marquer symboliquement leurs conquêtes territoriales. Et les montagnes n’y échappent pas… encore moins celles qui constituent le point culminant d’un territoire, la charge symbolique y étant encore plus importante.

      L’actualité vient nous le rappeler, avec la décision de Donald Trump de rebaptiser le mont Denali, en Alaska, point culminant de l’Amérique du Nord (6 190 mètres), en « mont McKinley », du nom du 25e président des Etats-Unis, mort assassiné par un militant anarchiste, en 1901. Imaginée pendant le premier mandat du républicain puis à nouveau évoquée peu avant son investiture, la décision a fait l’objet d’un décret, signé le 20 janvier 2025, et ce, malgré la forte opposition des deux sénateurs républicains d’Alaska, Lisa Murkowski et Dan Sullivan.



    • #Google_Maps to rename ’Gulf of Mexico’ to ’Gulf of America’ for US users

      Google Maps will change the name of “Gulf of Mexico” to “Gulf of America” once it is officially updated in the U.S. Geographic Names System, it said in an X post on Monday.

      The change will be visible in the U.S., but it will remain “Gulf of Mexico” in Mexico. Outside of the two countries, users will see both names.

      The Trump administration’s Interior Department said on Friday it had officially changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, and the Alaskan peak Denali to Mount McKinley.

      Google Maps, which is owned by Alphabet’s Google, will make a similar change with Mount McKinley.

      President Donald Trump ordered the name changes as part of a flurry of executive actions hours after taking office last Monday, making good on a campaign promise.

      “As directed by the President, the Gulf of Mexico will now officially be known as the Gulf of America and North America’s highest peak will once again bear the name Mount McKinley,” the Interior Department said in a statement last week.


    • Donald Trump profite de son vol pour le #Super_Bowl pour s’attaquer de nouveau au Mexique

      En survolant le Golfe du Mexique, le président des États-Unis a signé un #décret proclamant le #9_février le jour du « Golfe de l’Amérique ».

      Une #mise_en_scène digne du personnage. Assis à bord d’un avion Air Force One en direction du #Super_Bowl en Louisiane, Donald Trump a signé ce dimanche 9 février un décret proclamant le 9 février le jour du « Golfe de l’Amérique », le Golfe du Mexique qu’il a récemment décidé unilatéralement de rebaptiser.

      Le président républicain a fait cette annonce en survolant l’étendue d’eau que le reste du monde appelle encore le Golfe du Mexique, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo ci-dessous, publiée sur compte X (ex-Twitter).

      « Nous le survolons en ce moment même », a déclaré Donald Trump, un stylo à la main et devant une foule de journalistes. « Nous avons donc pensé que ce serait approprié [de signer ce décret] ».
      Un décret pris dès son arrivée à la Maison Blanche

      Dans un décret pris quelques heures après son retour à la Maison Blanche, le 20 janvier, Donald Trump avait qualifié le Golfe du Mexique de « partie indélébile de l’Amérique », essentielle à la production pétrolière et à la pêche aux États-Unis, et de « destination préférée des Américains pour le tourisme et les activités de loisirs ».

      L’expression « Golfe d’Amérique » a rapidement été utilisée par les gardes-côtes américains dans un communiqué de presse et par le gouverneur républicain de Floride, Ron DeSantis.

      Ce décret avait suscité le courroux du Mexique et la présidente mexicaine Claudia Sheinbaum avait ironisé en proposant de renommer les États-Unis l’« Amérique mexicaine », devant une carte du monde datant du XVIIe siècle et sur laquelle une bonne partie de la région nord-américaine apparaît sous le nom d’Amérique mexicaine. « Pour nous, il s’agit toujours du golfe du Mexique et pour le monde entier, il s’agit toujours du golfe du Mexique », avait-elle insisté.



  • Un Donald Trump provocateur qui réitère ses visées d’expansion des États-Unis

    Citation :

    Donald Trump a affirmé qu’à son retour à la Maison Blanche, le 20 janvier, les États-Unis changeraient le nom du golfe du Mexique en « golfe de l’Amérique. »

    « Le golfe de l’Amérique, quel joli nom », s’est-il exclamé, avant de fustiger le Mexique, qui « doit cesser de laisser des millions de gens se déverser dans notre pays » – en référence à la traversée de la frontière sud par des milliers de migrants clandestins.


    #Trump #toponymie #toponymie_politique #golfe_de_Mexique #Golfe_de_l'Amérique

  • Une musicienne arrêtée pour avoir insisté sur le nom « #Dersim »

    L’artiste #Pınar_Aydınlar a été arrêtée à Istanbul pour avoir insisté sur le nom de la province kurde de Dersim qui fut remplacé par le nom turc #Tunceli. Elle est accusée d’avoir fait de « l’#apologie_du_terrorisme ».

    L’artiste Pinar Aydınlar, qui a déclaré « Ce n’est pas Tunceli*, c’est Dersim pour nous » et a ouvert une photo de Seyit Rıza lors d’une réunion tenue à Istanbul, a été arrêtée. Des intellectuels ont été arrêtés dans le cadre de l’enquête du parquet général d’Istanbul sur « l’éloge du crime et du criminel ».

    La musicienne Pınar Aydınlar a été arrêtée après s’être produite sur scène avec une affiche de Seyid Rıza lors de son concert hier dans le cadre du programme « Rassemblements culturels de Tunceli » organisé par la municipalité métropolitaine d’Istanbul (İBB).

    Le parquet général d’Istanbul a ouvert une enquête contre Aydınlar et les organisateurs de l’événement pour « éloge d’un crime et d’un criminel », conformément à l’article 215 du Code pénal turc, ce qui pourrait entraîner une peine de prison pouvant aller jusqu’à deux ans.

    Lors de sa prestation, Aydınlar a exprimé son admiration pour Seyid Rıza, en déclarant : « Je m’incline mille fois avec respect devant la mémoire de Seyid Rıza, qui a dit : « Je ne me suis pas incliné devant vous [à ses bourreaux avant sa pendaison] », et devant la mémoire de ceux que nous avons perdus. Alors que nous ne pouvons même pas visiter la tombe de notre leader ou connaître son emplacement, nous disons encore une fois à ceux qui détruisent la nature de Dersim : « Nous sommes les petits-enfants de Seyid Rıza. Nous sommes ici. »

    Dans une publication Instagram contenant un extrait du concert, Aydınlar a écrit : « Nous sommes les petits-enfants de Seyid Rıza. »

    « Pour nous, c’est Dersim, pas Tunceli », a-t-elle écrit, exprimant son rejet du nom officiel de la ville, une position largement adoptée dans la région.

    Après l’événement, Aydınlar a annoncé sur son compte de réseau social qu’elle avait été placée en détention.

    Seyid Rıza, un chef et une figure religieuse alévie zaza-kurde, a été exécuté le 15 novembre 1937 pour avoir mené une rébellion dans la région de Dersim durant les premières années de la république.

    *Entre 1937 et 1938, l’État turc a massacré près de 70 000 Kurdes alévis dans la région de Dersim et chassé des milliers d’autres tandis qu’il rebaptisait Dersim en « Tunceli » (Main de bronze) du nom de l’opération militaire de l’époque. Dans la foulé, la quasi totalité des noms des localités kurdes du Kurdistan sous colonisation turque ont été remplacés par des noms turcs. Idem pour les prénoms et noms de famille kurdes…

    #Kurdistan #arrestation #toponymie #toponymie_politique #Turquie #Pinar_Aydinlar #kurde

  • Andrea Di Michele. Il segno coloniale

    Dopo decenni di rimozione collettiva, l’epoca delle colonie italiana viene oggi riletta in chiave critica. Di Michele, professore di Storia contemporanea a Bolzano, delinea le fasi di un passato ancora presente nelle piazze e nelle vie.

    Monumenti, mausolei, bassorilievi, intitolazioni di vie: le tracce del colonialismo italiano sono presenti ancora oggi in molte città. Negli ultimi anni il dibattito culturale e politico si è interrogato su come intervenire su queste opere. Lo storico Andrea Di Michele vede nelle iniziative di ricontestualizzazione la possibilità di leggere criticamente l’epoca coloniale italiana e di fornire alla cittadinanza gli strumenti per conoscere e approfondire questo periodo che costituisce una delle pagine più buie della storia del nostro Paese.

    Professor Di Michele, in quale cornice temporale si ascrive l’epoca coloniale italiana?
    ADM Si tende erroneamente a fare coincidere il colonialismo italiano con il fascismo, mentre il suo inizio si colloca immediatamente dopo l’unificazione del Paese e più precisamente nel 1869 con l’acquisto della baia di Assab, in Eritrea, da parte di una compagnia di navigazione privata. Nei primi anni Ottanta dell’Ottocento questo avamposto venne poi acquistato dallo Stato italiano e nel 1885 l’occupazione di Massaua segnò l’inizio dell’esperienza coloniale statale italiana.

    Come si sviluppò questo primo periodo coloniale?
    ADM In questa fase l’Italia fece i conti con i suoi limiti, subendo molte sconfitte. Nel 1887, a Dogali, cercò di espandere senza successo la propria posizione, arrivando a contare cinquecento morti tra le proprie fila. Ancora più pesante fu la sconfitta di Adua, in Etiopia, nel 1896: i morti italiani furono migliaia, il Governo Crispi cadde e la politica coloniale si arrestò temporaneamente per riprendere nel 1911 con la guerra di Libia.

    L’avvento del fascisco cambiò le cose?
    ADM Benito Mussolini ampliò le conquiste dell’Italia liberale e lo fece con una violenza inaudita nei confronti della popolazione civile. Ad esempio per invadere definitivamente la Cirenaica, all’inizio degli anni Trenta, più di un terzo della popolazione di questo territorio -circa 100mila persone- venne deportata e rinchiusa in veri e propri campi di concentramento con una tasso di mortalità spaventosa. Nel 1937, il fallito attentato a Rodolfo Graziani, a quel tempo viceré di Etiopia, scatenò una vera e propria caccia all’uomo che provocò migliaia di morti. Non va poi dimenticata la legislazione che portò alla “zonizzazione”, ovvero a un sistema di apartheid con aree separate per bianchi e neri.

    Il 1869 è stato l’anno in cui gli storici collocano l’inizio del colo-nialismo italiano che coincide con l’acquisto della baia di Assab, in Eritrea, da parte di una compagnia di navigazione privata

    La caduta del fascismo sancì una rottura con l’epoca coloniale?
    ADM No. Dopo il 1945 l’Italia cercò di mantenere il controllo dei territori che deteneva prima del fascismo. Vi fu anche una netta continuità nell’amministrazione pubblica: fino al 1953 ha operato il ministero dell’Africa italiana, in cui lavorava chi aveva le “competenze” giuste, ovvero chi aveva lavorato nel Paese fino a poco prima.

    Quando si è iniziato a guardare al passato coloniale italiano con uno sguardo critico?
    ADM L’immagine di un colonialismo italiano sostanzialmente un po’ “all’acqua di rose” ha resistito a lungo. Solo a partire dagli anni Ottanta una nuova generazione di studiosi si è interrogata sul ruolo dei fenomeni profondamente razzisti che avevano caratterizzato la storia d’Italia. Si sono ricostruite quindi le gravi responsabilità italiane nelle colonie, ad esempio per quanto riguarda l’uso dei gas, per molti anni negato. Poi dagli archivi militari sono emersi i documenti ufficiali, in molti casi tenuti prima volutamente nascosti, e con loro la verità storica.

    Secondo lei perché questo processo è stato così lento e osteggiato?
    ADM La politica della memoria è un tema molto caldo che rimanda spesso a dinamiche a livello nazionale e locale. Va inoltre sottolineato il ruolo giocato dalla presenza di forze politiche che non hanno mai rinnegato il passato fascista e coloniale. In questo senso è interessante monitorare cosa avviene nelle singole Regioni e nei Comuni, dove ancora oggi una determinata maggioranza politica e un certo clima consentono di intitolare monumenti e vie a personaggi che ebbero un ruolo drammatico in quel periodo storico.

    Ci può fare un esempio?
    ADM A Filettino, in provincia di Roma, nel 2012 è stato dedicato un mausoleo a Rodolfo Graziani. L’amministrazione comunale di destra si è giustificata dicendo di voler ricordare il proprio concittadino che fece “anche cose buone”.

    Che cosa fare con l’eredità architettonica e odonomastica del colonialismo?
    ADM Credo che la strada da percorrere non sia l’eliminazione di queste opere, ma la loro ricontestualizzazione. Ci sono, ad esempio, diversi progetti di mappatura dell’odonomastica, che coniugano ricerca e attivismo. Penso al caso di Bologna, dove “Resistenze in Cirenaica” (resistenzeincirenaica.com) ha operato una ridenominazione -non ufficiale ma parallela- delle vie, intitolandole a partigiani e ad altri personaggi politici e non della città. Un esempio forse unico è poi quello di Bolzano, con la risignificazione del Monumento alla Vittoria e del bassorilievo con il duce a cavallo.

    Di che cosa si tratta?
    ADM Il primo è un monumentale complesso marmoreo costruito tra il 1926 e il 1928, che celebrava la vittoria italiana sull’Austria-Ungheria nella Prima guerra mondiale. La seconda opera andò a decorare la “Casa Littoria”, sede del Partito nazionale fascista ed è costituita da 57 pannelli di larghezza variabile, alti 2,75 metri, posti su due file sovrapposte, per uno sviluppo lineare di 36 metri e una superficie di 198 metri quadrati.

    Quale intervento è stato fatto su queste due opere?
    ADM Nel 2011, un accordo tra Stato, Provincia e Comune di Bolzano ha previsto di accompagnare il restauro del Monumento con un intervento di contestualizzazione storica. Si è deciso di aprire al suo interno uno spazio museale su Bolzano, l’Alto Adige e i totalitarismi che ne hanno segnato la storia e di apporre all’esterno un segno visibile, che si è tradotto in un anello a led con un testo luminoso rotante recante la scritta “Un Monumento, una città, due dittature. Un percorso espositivo” intorno a una delle colonne dei fasci littori. Opposto è stato invece quanto fatto sul bassorilievo.

    “La strada da percorrere non è l’eliminazione delle opere, ma la loro ricontestualizzazione. Ci sono diversi progetti di mappatura dell’odonomastica, che coniugano ricerca e attivism0″

    ADM In questo caso l’equilibrio tra opera visiva e approfondimento storico è stato ribaltato. Si è scelto di privilegiare il linguaggio visivo ed emozionale, apponendo davanti al bassorilievo una frase di Hannah Arendt in tre lingue, italiano, tedesco e ladino: “Nessuno ha il diritto di obbedire”. Contestualmente nella piazza di fronte all’opera è stato realizzato un intervento di approfondimento storico con dei pannelli esplicativi.

    Che cosa ha reso possibile questo tipo di operazione a Bolzano?
    ADM La ricontestualizzazione di queste opere è avvenuta perché erano monumenti che continuavano a rappresentare un elemento di divisione e tensione tra i gruppi di lingua italiana e tedesca. Quello che per decenni ha rappresentato un problema quindi si è trasformato in una possibilità di apprendimento e approfondimento e, al contempo, il tema del monumentalismo fascista ha perso la sua carica divisoria.

    Questo intervento locale ha sortito qualche effetto a livello nazionale?
    ADM La stampa ha acceso i riflettori sul “caso-Bolzano” che però a oggi resta un esempio unico. Forse non è nemmeno necessario fare un lavoro del genere dappertutto, ma almeno nei luoghi dove un monumento ha un impatto a causa delle sue dimensioni sì. Penso all’Obelisco di Mussolini a Roma, dove un intervento sarebbe auspicabile. Se ne potrebbero immaginare differenti da quelli di Bolzano, magari legati a installazioni artistiche o utilizzando le nuove tecnologie.

    A quali progetti sta lavorando attualmente?
    ADM Da qualche settimana ho iniziato “Curating fascism”, un progetto in collaborazione con la facoltà di Design. Ho scritto un testo immaginando una passeggiata sulle tracce del colonialismo a Bolzano a partire dal retro del Monumento alla Vittoria, quindi la Colonna romana, le iscrizioni dei palazzi di Piazza Vittoria, le vie intitolate a personaggi e luoghi di quell’epoca come Reginaldo Giuliani e la battaglia dell’Amba Alagi. L’idea è di realizzare una pubblicazione in cui testo e immagini si combinino così da offrire alla cittadinanza e a chi visita la città una guida per conoscere i suoi monumenti, la loro storia e il loro significato.


    #toponymie #toponymie_coloniale #Italie #passé_colonial #présent_colonial #colonialisme_italien #Italie_coloniale #traces #recontextualisation #Erythrée #histoire_coloniale #Libye #fascisme #camps_de_concentration #Rodolfo_Graziani #Ethiopie #apartheid #zonizzazione #responsabilité #mémoire #politique_de_la_mémoire #Filettino #héritage #Bologne #Resistenze_in_Cirenaica #Bolzano #Monumento_alla_vittoria #Casa_Littoria #monuments #Reginaldo_Giuliani


    Ajouté à la métaliste sur le colonialisme italien :

  • 1000 Italiens à #Tripoli, près de #Vallorbe

    Le « #village_des_cantines » était un petit #village avec tellement de débits de boisson que l’on imaginait bien qu’il s’y tramait une activité extraordinaire. En effet, un millier d’Italiens ont été installés là pour construire entre autres choses le #Tunnel_du_Mont_d'Or, une opération mal perçue par les autochtones, selon Sylvie Costa Paillet, la co-commissaire de l’exposition « Losanna, Svizzera, 150 ans d’immigration italienne à Lausanne » au Musée d’histoire de Lausanne.

    #Suisse #immigrés_italiens #migrants_italiens #toponymie #toponymie_coloniale #toponymie_politique #ghetto #hébergement #racialisation


    On en parle ici aussi, à partir de la min. 3’56 :
    Selon ce qui est dit dans le reportage aussi, on l’appelait aussi #village_nègre #Negerdorf

  • Indigenous group resurrects what its people called Houston before the Europeans arrived

    Houston Matters talks with members of the #Atakapa-Ishak Nation to learn about their culture and what their ancestors called Houston a few hundred years ago.

    Long before the Allen Brothers named their settlement along the banks of Buffalo Bayou after General Sam Houston, the hero of the Texas war for independence from Mexico, Houston had another name, and it probably had many, depending on who you asked.

    One of the groups that inhabited the area long before Europeans arrived to colonize the New World was the Atakapa-Ishak people (pronounced “uh-TACK-uh-puh EE-shock”], who lived along the coast of Louisiana and Texas spanning from present-day Houston eastward.

    The descendants of those people and others like them across the country have been working to rediscover, acknowledge, an even reclaim what their people called different locales and geographic features of what would eventually become the United States. Many of those places would be renamed for European colonists or their descendants, like Houston, New Orleans, or Louisiana.

    So, what was Houston called a few hundred years ago, before Europeans arrived?

    Well, if you asked the Atakapa-Ishak people, historical evidence shows they referred to Houston as “#Bear_creek_town."

    And researchers in recent years who’ve been working to resurrect the Atakapa-Ishak language, called #Ishakkoy (or “Ishak talk"), went back to resources on the language and determined their ancestors would’ve said something like “#Šakotayišol_Nunuš.”

    So, you can add that to ways we can refer to our city right alongside Houston, the #Bayou_City, or #Space_City.

    Houston Matters producer Michael Hagerty talked with Edward Chretien, (aka Chief Crying Eagle), the principal chief of the Atakapa-Ishak Nation, and Dr. Jeffery Darensbourg, one of the group’s tribal council members and a former Houstonian.

    They discuss what people should know about their tribe’s history and culture. They clear up a common misconception that the Atakapa-Ishak were cannibals. They explain what it takes to reconstruct their language — and in the process reclaiming their names for geographic places. And they talk about what it means to them to do so.

    #USA #Etats-Unis #toponymie #toponymie_autochtone #toponymie_politique #Houston #noms_de_ville #colonisation
    ping @cede

  • I Just Start Kissing Them”: Satirical Trump Statue Ignites Debate Across U.S.

    Satirical Trump Statues Pop Up in U.S. Cities, Confronting Power and Accountability

    In recent weeks, life-sized statues of former President Donald Trump have appeared in cities like Philadelphia and Portland. These bronze-colored statues, complete with a smirk and suggestive hand gesture, are labeled “In Honor of a Lifetime of Sexual Assault” and feature Trump’s infamous Access Hollywood quote, where he described making advances on women without consent.

    Each statue has been placed near a nude female figure, creating a provocative visual commentary on celebrity privilege and power dynamics.

    In Philadelphia’s Maja Park, Trump’s statue was set behind Maja, a nude sculpture by Gerhard Marcks, before city workers quickly removed it. Similarly, in Portland, a Trump statue was placed near Kvinneakt, another well-known nude sculpture. These installations are part of an anonymous artist’s mission to spark dialogue on issues often glossed over due to “resistance fatigue.”

    For more insight into the motivation behind these satirical Trump statues, read this exclusive interview with the anonymous artist on New York Magazine’s Intelligencer (https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/who-made-the-pop-up-trump-statues-in-portland-and-philly.html).

    #satire #statue #USA #Etats-Unis #Donald_Trump #Trump #espace_public #sexisme #VSS #toponoymie_féministe #toponymie

    • The Artist Behind the Trump Statues in #Portland and Philly Explains His Work

      Last Thursday, an unusual statue appeared on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. — a bronze-colored swirl of poop on top of a replica of Nancy Pelosi’s desk. “This memorial honors the brave men and women who broke into the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 to loot, urinate and defecate throughout those hallowed halls in order to overturn an election,” read the plaque on the statue’s base.

      Then on Sunday in Portland, Oregon, a temporary statue of Donald Trump popped up in front of a permanent statue of an abstract female nude, its placement suggesting the former president was ogling the woman. A plaque at its base read “In honor of a lifetime of sexual assault” followed by Trump’s infamous Access Hollywood quote that was made public in the final days of the 2016 election. (By Wednesday, a similar statue was placed behind a female nude in Philadelphia.) And on Monday, a statue of a tiki torch evoking the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was installed in Freedom Plaza blocks from the White House with a plaque describing it as the “Donald J. Trump Enduring Flame.”

      With no one coming forward to claim credit for the statues, I reached out to a woman — who, coincidentally, was a producer on one of the Borat sequels — who applied for a permit for the poop-desk statue on the National Mall. Hours later, I received a call from an artist who said the Borat producer was not involved, but that she applied for the permit for him as a cutout. Declining to give his name, he took credit for the statues in Philadelphia and Portland and did not say if he was behind the D.C. statues — though the permit process and the similarity of the plaques suggest the same author. I spoke with the guerilla artist about their mission and whether or not we can expect more statues before Election Day.

      When did you come up with this idea and why did you start making the statues?
      Have you heard this phrase “resistance fatigue”? We’ve been through nine years of a Trump presidency and the aftermath and now a campaign again. It’s exhausting and we’ve grown kind of numb to it. I thought that resistance fatigue is interesting and very true for a large part of the world right now. To me, a lot of the most shocking things about Trump as a candidate and as a human being are things that have become kind of forgotten or numbed or normalized, and that’s very scary. So this is a way to try to bring some of those very shocking, very real, very important things into a national conversation in a fun, cheeky way.

      Did you know from the beginning you wanted to use Trump’s Access Hollywood quote, or was this revived for the two new groping allegations that have emerged in the past week?
      We knew we wanted it to be in reference to the Access Hollywood tape. I think the thing that really appealed with that one was the juxtaposition of putting it next to female statues that were nude. Obviously, we didn’t want to put it next to real people because it felt a little icky, I guess, to put it next to a Harriet Tubman statue or something. But the headline — “in honor of a lifetime of sexual assault” — that came very late in the process.

      How long have you been in the process of creating and installing these statues?
      It’s been more than one month, but less than three months.

      How did you choose the placement of the statues in Portland and Philadelphia, beyond just their proximity to a nude figure?
      It was a combination of nude statutes that are accessible where they might look right and places we thought they might last a little bit longer. Which I would say we were incorrect. [Note: The statue in Portland was beheaded hours after its installation. City workers have removed the statue in Philadelphia.]

      Was there a specific picture of Trump that these statues were modeled off? What are they made of?

      The pedestals are actually just painted wood. Trump’s head is clay, initially molded, then turned into a plastic. We wanted it to be a very condescending smirk on the face and then a kind of lewd grabbing motion with the hand. The face was the hardest part to get right. The torso is kind of weird. Those are actual clothes that have been sort of solidified. They are around eight feet tall and weigh about 100 pounds.

      Can we expect more to pop up before the election on Tuesday?
      Anything can happen.


    • –-

      Ariana : Rues baptisées du nom de célébrités féminines

      Une dizaine de rues de l’Ariana viennent d’être baptisées du nom de femmes tunisiennes qui s’étaient distinguées chacune dans son domaine. Cette initiative prise par la municipalité de l’Ariana coïncide avec le 8 mars, Journée mondiale de la femme.

      A cette occasion, une cérémonie en hommage à ces célébrités féminines s’est tenue, vendredi, à l’Hôtel de ville, en présence de leurs familles ainsi que de personnalités politiques et du monde de la culture.

      Une place des militantes à été inaugurée, dans les Manazeh, au carrefour entre l’Avenue Othmane Ibn Affane et celle de Mouaouia Ibn Abi Sofiane, ainsi que des plaques qui immortalisent le nom de 10 femmes tunisiennes.

      Il s’agit de - Maya Jeribi, première femme présidente d’un parti, Bchira Ben Mrad, fondatrice de la première union des femmes tunisiennes en 1936, - Badra Ben Mustapha, militante et première sage femme, - Alia Menchari, première femme pilote, - Safia Ben Sahbi Farhat, militante au sein de l’Association des femmes démocrates, - Kalthoum Bornaz, cinéaste, - Tawhida Ben Cheikh, première femme médecin, - Asma Belkhouja Rebai, militante emprisonnée pour ses activités politiques, - Mongia Amira Mabrouk, première femme agrégée de lettres arabes à l’Université de la Sorbonne à Paris - Cherifa Fayache militante de la lutte nationale blessée par balle dans l’une des manifestations contre le colonialisme.

      #Tunisie #féminisation #noms_de_rue #toponymie #toponymie_féministe #Ariana

  • #Toul : la #statue controversée du #général #Bigeard a été posée sur son socle

    La statue du #général_Bigeard a été posée sur son socle ce matin à partir de 9 h à Toul. Elle était entreposée dans la salle d’honneur du 516e régiment du Train qui a assuré le transport et la mise en place en présence de forces de l’ordre, du sculpteur et du délégué général de la #fondation_Bigeard. Le choix de cette statue en hommage au « premier para de France » a provoqué de nombreuses réactions hostiles, ses opposants accusant le militaire d’avoir pratiqué la #torture durant les #guerres_coloniales.


    #toponymie #toponymie_politique #présent_colonial #colonialité #colonialisme #passé_colonial #France #sculpture #Boris_Lejeune #armée #militaires

    ici aussi (@loutre) :

    ping @cede @karine4

  • A Niamey, on baptise, rebaptise ou débaptise ! Quelle portée nationale et internationale ?

    Le 15 octobre 2024, la junte militaire au pouvoir au Niger, issue du coup d’État de juillet 2023, réalise de spectaculaires dénominations de places, voies et monuments dans la capitale Niamey. Le terme officiel...

    #African_Neotoponymy_Observatory_in_Network #ExploreNeotopo #Notes_de_recherche

  • #Turtle_Island Decolonized : Mapping Indigenous Names across “North America”

    Indigenous place names carry the stories of the land and its people, reflecting the unbroken relationships between them. From the moment Columbus landed at Guanahaní and christened it “San Salvador,” place names became weapons to claim Indigenous land. The erasure of Indigenous peoples from colonial maps was deliberate. Reclaiming these names is part of a movement to revitalize endangered languages, undo centuries of suppression and widespread misinformation, and acknowledge unextinguished Indigenous land tenure.

    This map was a collaborative endeavor involving hundreds of Indigenous elders and language-keepers across the continent to accurately document place names for major cities and historical sites. The process of consultation and research for the map was a 9-year effort. In fact, the Decolonial Atlas was started in 2014 initially just to make this map.

    Nearly 300 names are compiled here, representing about 150 languages. Some names are from the precolonial era, while others are not quite as old, and in certain cases where the original name has been lost, Indigenous collaborators reconstructed names based on their cultural relationship with that location. Because Indigenous languages are living and dynamic, none of these names are any less “authentic” than others. Embedded in all these names are ancestral words and worldviews. However, some major cities are missing from the map because, as our collaborator DeLesslin George-Warren (Catawba) pointed out, “The fact is that we’ve lost so much in terms of our language and place names. It might be more honest to recognize that loss in the map instead of giving the false notion that the place name still exists for us.”

    The names are written as they were shared with us, but may be spelled differently depending on the orthography. Note that some languages, like Lushootseed, do not use capital letters, while others, like Saanich, are written only in capital letters. Most names are spelled in the modern orthographies of their languages, but some, like the Lenape name for Philadelphia, were spelled as recorded by early settlers because it could not be confidently interpreted.

    In the context of Indigenous erasure, the global collapse of traditional ecological knowledge, language suppression and revitalization, our hope is that this map will lead to more accurate cultural representation and recognition of Indigenous sovereignty.

    Indigenous Names of Major Cities and Historical Sites

    The following is a list of every name as it appears on the map. Pronunciation resources can be found by clicking the hyperlinked names.

    #toponymie #toponymie_politique #toponymie_décoloniale #colonialisme #décolonial #peuples_autochtones #cartographie #visualisation #contre-cartographie
    ping @reka

  • Historique des voies de la ville de #Lyon

    Cette donnée présente l’ensemble des voies de la ville de Lyon, du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Elle comprend les #dénominations des voies actuelles, historiques, supprimées, annexées et sans suite. Elle précise également les dates de création quand elles sont connues, l’origine et l’historique des voies, le genre des voies dédiées aux personnalités, des mots-clés, ainsi que les sources consultées. Enfin, elle est alignée avec les données des voies de la Métropole de Lyon.


    #noms_de_rue #toponymie #histoire #base_de_données

  • Via il Papa e Mattarella, a Trieste i migranti tornano a dormire all’addiaccio. E il prefetto scopre la Bora: “Moduli Onu inutili”

    Dopo anni di inerzia istituzionale e migliaia di richiedenti asilo all’addiaccio nonostante la legge imponga la loro accoglienza, lo scorso giungo era stata annunciata la soluzione. La 50a edizione delle Settimane sociali dei cattolici italiani si sarebbe tenuta a Trieste, dal 3 al 7 luglio, alla presenza del Capo dello Stato, Sergio Mattarella, e di Papa Francesco, che aveva annunciato di voler incontrare i richiedenti accampati nel famigerato Silos, il fatiscente edificio accanto alla stazione cittadina, di proprietà della Coop, già magazzino portuale ai tempi dell’Impero austroungarico. Per evitare che il pontefice mostrasse al mondo il degrado che il Comune denunciava pur senza muovere un dito, il sindaco Roberto Dipiazza decise di firmare l’ordinanza di sgombero del Silos dove i migranti della rotta balcanica accampavano da anni tra fango, topi, freddo e immondizia. L’alternativa? L’ampliamento di una struttura esistente grazie ai moduli abitativi forniti dalle Nazioni Unite, da installare esternamente, e un “elevato turnover” con trasferimenti più assidui e costanti verso le altre regioni. La farsa – è già tempo di chiamarla così – è durata appena un mese. Già ad agosto, infatti, i trasferimenti sono tornati a diradarsi, mentre l’ampliamento dei posti tardava ad arrivare e, dopo l’iniziale trasferimento delle persone sgomberate dal Silos, i nuovi arrivati ricominciavano a finire sulla strada.

    Oggi, mercoledì 18 settembre, a Trieste ci sono 125 richiedenti asilo in mezzo alla strada, comprese famiglie con bambini piccolissimi. Per anni si sono accampati nel rudere del Silos, spesso restandoci per mesi. Il Comune lo ha sempre chiamato “degrado”, negando soluzioni che, a detta del sindaco, attirerebbero altri migranti. Il flusso in arrivo a Trieste dalla rotta balcanica è in calo, in linea con i numeri dell’anno scorso. Costante anche la volontà di due terzi dei migranti di voler proseguire, per lo più verso altri Paesi europei, lasciando la città già a poche ore dall’arrivo. Secondo il rapporto “Vite abbandonate”, i numeri non possono considerarsi quelli di un’emergenza, vista la media di 5 richieste d’asilo presentate al giorno in una città di 200 mila abitanti. Complice il rallentamento dei trasferimenti dei richiedenti verso altre regioni, nel 2023 si sono contate anche 500 persone lasciate contemporaneamente all’addiaccio. Ma l’imminente visita di Mattarella e del Papa sblocca la situazione. Lo scetticismo non manca, visto che i nuovi posti in località Campo Sacro sono ancora tutti da realizzare e dal cilindro non è uscito che un pugno di container targati Onu. Si lascia passare luglio e intanto la piazza antistante la stazione, quella piazza della Libertà ribattezzata Piazza del mondo dai volontari presenti quotidianamente, si riempie di attivisti e scout venuti da ogni parte d’Italia per incontrare i migranti, richiedenti o transitanti che fossero. Poi il repentino calo delle temperature e le piogge di settembre, un doloroso bagno di realtà: i posti non ci sono e i richiedenti in strada sono di nuovo tanti, ora al freddo. Il punto lo ha fatto la prefettura di Trieste lunedì scorso, convocando sindaco, volontari e associazioni cittadine. E svelando finalmente il mistero dei container dell’Onu, arrivati già ai primi di luglio e mai installati. La ragione? Un evento imponderabile: le raffiche di Bora. Tanto che qualcuno tra i presenti alla riunione si è chiesto se non sia più sciocco chi i moduli li ha inviati o chi se li è fatti mandare per poi accorgersi, a mesi di distanza, che erano inservibili perché potevano ribaltarsi. Flop a parte, di soluzioni per i richiedenti nemmeno l’ombra. Anzi, prefettura e comune si sono limitati a chiederne ad associazioni e volontari. “Non è forse questa la vostra missione?”, è stato detto loro chiedendo di trovare soluzioni indipendenti e autogestite. In altre parole, senza contributi pubblici. Quanto ai transitanti, gli stranieri intenzionati a proseguire il viaggio, la linea è quella dura di sempre: non esistono.

    Assente alla riunione nonostante le promesse, il sindaco Dipiazza è intanto ripartito con le accuse ai volontari che in piazza Libertà distribuiscono cibo, cure, coperte e sacchi a pelo a chi la Bora si prepara ad affrontarla in mezzo a una strada. Dipiazza è da sempre convinto che un pasto caldo e una coperta termica costituiscano un pull factor, cioè una calamita che spinge i migranti a mettersi in viaggio. Come se chi parte dalla Siria o dall’Afghanistan fosse mosso dalla prospettiva di un piatto di minestra offerto davanti alla stazione di Trieste. Così il primo cittadino si guarda bene dal fornire servizi igienici e chiude anche il sottopassaggio davanti alla stazione, unico riparo dalle intemperie. “La Regione Fvg ha elargito oltre un miliardo di contributi nell’ultimo assestamento di bilancio. Non un solo euro è andato per questo dramma che si svolge ogni giorno a Trieste. Invece di vergognarsi delle condizioni in cui queste persone sono costrette a vivere a Trieste – ha scritto il consigliere regionale di Open Sinistra Fvg Furio Honsell – si spendono soldi per sprangare sottopassaggi: restiamo umani”. Un appello che il meteo costringe a tradurre molto concretamente. L’associazione Linea d’Ombra, in piazza da anni per curare i piedi piagati dalla rotta balcanica e a volte le ferite inferte dalle polizie di confine, in queste ore chiede di contribuire con giubbotti e sacchi a pelo trasportabili. Sulla pagina Facebook di Lorena Fornasir, fondatrice dell’associazione, le immagini recenti assomigliano di nuovo a quelle degli anni passati. “Procedere, oltre che con i trasferimenti, con più posti a Campo Sacro, e facendo in modo che le associazioni non vadano più in quella piazza a portare loro di tutto e di più”, ha rilanciato il sindaco Dipiazza. Fornasir ribatte: “Indegne dichiarazioni di chi ha chiuso i due unici gabinetti, di chi abbandona in strada neonati, madri, famiglie transitanti, profughi già identificati che non riescono a entrare in accoglienza, profughi che la questura rimanda di giorno in giorno, di settimana in settimana. Questo è lo scandalo, la vergogna, l’indegnità. Abbiamo salvato delle vite. Curiamo i feriti, li ricopriamo a causa del freddo, li sfamiamo grazie a una rete di comunità, associazioni, persone solidali di tutta Italia. Trieste è stata la vetrina dello scandalo del Silos, continua ad esserlo per lo scandalo dell’abbandono in strada”.


    #Trieste #Italie #SDF #sans-abrisme #sans-abri


    Et un mot:
    #transitanti —> trasitants
    #mots #vocabulaire #terminologie

    –> ajouté à la métaliste sur les mots de la migration:


    Si lascia passare luglio e intanto la piazza antistante la stazione, quella #piazza_della_Libertà ribattezzata #Piazza_del_mondo dai volontari presenti quotidianamente, si riempie di attivisti e scout venuti da ogni parte d’Italia per incontrare i migranti, richiedenti o transitanti che fossero.


  • La bataille des noms de rues : « Il était difficile de conserver le nom de l’#abbé_Pierre »

    La #débaptisation massive des rues célébrant le prêtre, qui semble consensuelle, est une #exception. D’ordinaire, l’#odonymie, la matière consistant à nommer les voies publiques, déclenche des #controverses politiques.

    #noms_de_rue #toponymie #toponymie_féministe #toponymie_politique