
  • In clinical trials, for-profit review boards are taking over for hospitals. Should they ?

    Des comités d’#éthique « à but lucratif » pour autoriser les essais cliniques ?

    Commercial IRBs now oversee an estimated 70 percent of US clinical trials for drugs and medical devices. The industry has also consolidated, with larger IRBs buying smaller ones, and even private equity firms coming along and buying the companies. Arsenal Capital Partners, for example, now owns WIRB-Copernicus Group.

    Et choisis par les compagnies pharmaceutiques ?

    “IRBs are hired by the sponsor,” Schreiner said. “They are paid by them. And so if they turn down the study, then I think they’re unlikely to get repeat business.”

    Alors il faut créer des #lois et utiliser les fonds publics pour les mettre en position de suprématie,

    Late last month, the National Institutes of Health announced that US-funded trials that are carried out at multiple research centers must begin using a single IRB, with few exemptions possible. Because few universities or hospitals have the capacity to review study protocols and track adverse events for far-flung institutions, the new rule is expected to be a windfall for commercial IRBs.

    #Etats-Unis #santé #tout_va_trèèès_bien #acheter_les_lois