• Quelqu’un a des infos là-dessus (parce qu’encore une fois, on trouve surtout des articles sur des sites un peu hum-hum) ? US Announces Support of Neo-Nazis – Chris Ernesto

    Pentagon officials confirmed last week that US troops will deploy to Ukraine in the spring to help build the Ukrainian National Guard. In addition to sending US troops, Washington has already sent heavy military equipment and has earmarked $19 million for Ukrainian forces.

    In its announcement, the Pentagon failed to mention that the Ukrainian National Guard includes the Azov Battalion, a pronounced neo-Nazi group that has reportedly been involved in the recent violence in Ukraine.

    The Azov Battalion was formed in May 2014 as an all-volunteer paramilitary unit in response to the government’s struggle against separatists in the country’s east.

    Funding for Azov comes from Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a man who offered a bounty of $10,000 for each captured Russian “saboteur,” as reported by Newsweek.

    According to the BBC, Azov’s aims are stated in one of their online publications: “To prepare Ukraine for further expansion and to struggle for the liberation of the entire White Race from the domination of the internationalist speculative capital,” and “to punish severely sexual perversions and any interracial contacts that lead to the extinction of the white man.”

    • Pas forcément beaucoup de détails nouveaux, juste la continuation de l’existant. Les Pentagon officials mentionnés font sans doute allusion aux déclarations du Lt-Gén. Hodges commandant des forces états-uniennes en Europe (USAREUR)

      Threat of new Russian incursion as violence flares in Ukraine - News - Stripes

      Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which culminated in the annexation of the Crimea Peninsula in March, NATO has established a more robust presence in Poland and the Baltic states, which lie on Russia’s periphery. The United States has taken a lead role in the rotational presence and training in those states.

      And, starting in the spring, USAREUR will send a team of advisers into western Ukraine to help train troops in areas such as combat life-saving techniques, tactics for preventing the jamming of battlefield communications equipment, and methods to guard troops against sophisticated Russian-made artillery, Hodges said.

      I think there are some areas [where] we can help,” he told reporters during his visit to Kiev on Wednesday.

      The training is expected to focus on about four maneuver companies from the Ukrainian national guard and a headquarters, according to the Defense Department. The number of U.S. troops involved in the training is yet to be finalized.

      Stars and Stripes, ça te va comme référence ?

      Le même général, à l’époque commandant des forces terrestres de l’OTAN (LANDCOM) avait fait des déclarations pratiquement identiques en septembre 2014, à l’occasion des manœuvres #Trident_Rapide.

      Tout cela est à rapporté au Readiness Action Plan adopté au sommet de l’OTAN du pays de Galles en septembre 2014. Plan d’action pour la réactivité pour la France.

      Comité militaire de l’OTAN : le CEMA et ses partenaires font le point sur les travaux de l’Alliance

      Le CEMA et ses homologues de l’Alliance ont également échangé sur la mise en œuvre du « plan d’action pour la réactivité » (Readiness action plan – RAP), qui vise à améliorer l’efficacité de l’OTAN. Le général de Villiers a d’ailleurs rappelé que la création d’une force interarmées à très haute réactivité (Very high readiness joint task force –VJTF) constituait un enjeu majeur.

      On peut d’ailleurs noter que, bien que fidèle alliée, la première ministre de Norvège n’est pas loin d’ironiser sur le nom de cette force… (conférence de presse à l’OTAN, le 21/01/15)

      NATO - Opinion : Joint press point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, 21-Jan.-2015

      One immediate expression of our strong commitment is the decision to contribute to the interim Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, not a very short name for a task force, together with Germany and the Netherlands.

      Le cadre de référence OTAN : #Readiness_Action_Plan