Zotero hacks : reliably setup unlimited storage for you personal academic library
About this tutorial
In summer 2024, Zotero had a major update to version 7. The update affected some of the setup routines that I outlined ages ago in the Zotero hacks post. The recipe laid out in that old post helped me painlessly update, move, and maintain my Zotero library for more than a decade; and judging by feedback it did so for many dozens of my friends, colleagues, and just occasional people who found the tutorial useful. It became easily the most viewed post in my blog. Now, with the recent update of Zotero, I decided to update the tutorial as well, but I’m keeping the old post untouched in case someone needs the routine that worked reliably for ages.
The essence of the tutorial stays the same – it shows how to organize a personal academic library of unlimited size for free. Here I only slightly update some steps of the setup, refresh the screenshots, and provide occasional comments from 20241.
En ce qui me concerne, je ne sauvegarde pas les pdf directement dans zotero... je les range dans UN SEUL dossier à part dans mon disque dur... mais vue l’évolution de zotero, peut-être que maintenant ça vaudrait la peine de le faire. Mon problème c’était que, avec presque 10’000 références sauvegardées dans ma base de données (sans mettre aucun document joint)... eh bhein, j’avais déjà explosé mon quota gratuit de stockage (du coup, je paie)
#zotero #manuel #how_to #tutorial #tutoriel
ping @reka