
  • The Ornament of the World By Maria Rosa Menocal

    about Great historical #civilisations out of the #West.

    David Marquand in an interview ;
    I found the book quite inspiring because it showed the possibility of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish civilisations living together”

    Maria Rosa Menocal’s The Ornament of the World, describes a time when the three big religions of #Christianity, J#udaism and #Islam lived in harmony.

    This had a huge influence on me when I was researching my latest book. I think the biggest threat to the values of pluralist democracy in present day Europe is Islamophobia. There is a very serious danger that this will be to the 21st century what anti-semitism was to the last century. I don’t think it has done so yet, but it could. I found the Rosa Menocal book quite inspiring because of what it showed about the possibility of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish civilisations living together. They managed to co-exist peacefully and to learn from each other in the period that we think of as the Middle Ages or even the Dark Ages [the eighth to 16th centuries].

    She describes #Andalusia in Spain.