• Notes from a meeting with comrades from the Revolutionary Workers Front (RFU) in #Ukraine

    Since the war started labour rights are infringed upon constantly, the situation is getting worse. For example, strikes have been banned, wages can be cut without workers having the right to oppose this, they can be dismissed more easily, the trade unions’ ability to do something about it has been curbed. Despite high levels of inflation in Ukraine there are no pay increases. The remnants of the trade unions work in the interest of the employers. There were some protests by seafarers trade unions, but they were quickly stopped. High levels of unemployment is another major problem, the rate is currently at 30%. People are eager to keep or take any job, no matter how bad the conditions are. There is also a high risk of military attack while working. For example, a shopping mall was shelled and because the employees were not allowed to leave in time to hide from the bombing, many of them were hit.


  • Traduction tchèque d’« #Ukraine 2022 » de Roland Simon :

    Jestliže se tato otázka nyní klade s takovou agresivitou, důvodem je, že jsme dosáhli meze všech „nutných opatření“ a veškeré „velkorysosti“ centrálních bank. Za krize z roku 2008 se odpojení dynamiky globalizace stalo její překážkou, I. a II. sekce reprodukce se již neartikulují, krize z nadakumulace se stala totožnou s krizí z podspotřeby, rovnováha nedostatečných investic, která udržovala míru zisku, se hroutí do špatné monetární politiky a inflace, jež dále posilují ono odpojení. A pokud toto odpojení považujeme za podstatu a dynamiku globalizace v posledních třiceti letech, pak je to svět, kdo se dostal do krize a musí se obnovit. A tento svět byl světem americké globalizace.

    #UkraineWar #GuerreDUkraine

  • Gilles Dauvé - Frieden ist Krieg

    Wie er auch immer aussehen mag, der russisch-ukrainische Frieden wird eine Fortsetzung des Krieges mit anderen Mitteln sein. Auf der Ebene Europas ist die Frage, ob die Europäische Union sich auf eine Freihandelszone beschränken oder sich mit einer politischen Führung rund um die deutsch-französische Achse ausstatten wird, die über eine „europäische“ Armee verfügt – eine Hypothese, die in Anbetracht der gegenwärtigen Entwicklung, welche die amerikanische Vorherrschaft über Europa festigt, immer weniger wahrscheinlich wird. Der Sieg (oder die Vermeidung einer Niederlage) hat ohnehin nicht die gleiche Bedeutung für Russland (eine starke, aber regionale Macht) und die USA, die sich veranlasst sehen, ihre Weltmacht gegen das zu ihrem Hauptgegner werdenden China zu fokussieren. Doch wir werden es vermeiden, Trotzki mit tollkühnen Vorhersagen zu imitieren.

    #Ukraine #UkraineKrieg #UkraineWar #GuerreDUkraine

  • Raffaele Sciortino – Die Temperatur des Systems. Krieg und Abtauung der globalen Krise

    Das erklärt nun auch ein anderes Phänomen, oder kann es meines Erachtens plausibel erklären. Nämlich die Tatsache, dass die neue Herrschaft, welche die USA zufällig nach den 1970er Jahren, nach dem langen 68 über die Welt aufgebaut haben – eine Herrschaft, die, Obacht, notwendigerweise auch China als andere Säule gehabt hat (offensichtlich auf asymmetrische Art und Weise, sowohl bezüglich der Macht als auch des Profits), d.h. die Öffnung der westlichen Märkte (der amerikanischen allen voran) für den chinesischen Export, was die Internationalisierung der Produktion, die Konstitution globaler Produktionsketten erlaubt hat, das ermöglichte China diesen unglaublichen Aufstieg, in dreissig Jahren alles in allem, für welchen die anderen Länder mit einem reifen Kapitalismus hundert oder hundertfünfzig Jahre gebraucht haben, aber offensichtlich immer in einer asymmetrischen Position, ohne jegliche chinesische Vorherrschaft – also, so sagte ich, es ist offensichtlich, dass in dieser Architektur, in dieser globalen Zusammensetzung – dank der Widersprüche der sogenannten Finanzialisierung, d.h. der Tatsache, dass die USA ihr produktives Grundgerüst nicht komplett desindustrialisiert, es eher auf die „hohen“ Sektoren der Technologie umgestellt haben, während das Gewicht der Finanz- und spekulativen Wirtschaft unermesslich anstieg und durch die von uns beschriebene Kontrolle über die Währung und die Finanz – es den USA erlaubt hat, einen grossen Teil der globalen Wertflüsse ab- und einzufangen, indem sie sie auf neue und nie dagewesene Art und Weise unter ihre Kontrolle brachten. Nie dagewesen, weil man in den 1970er Jahren von einem unvermeidlichen Niedergang der USA ausging und es nicht so gekommen ist.

    #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineKrieg

  • This is the news you don’t see. Patrick Lancaster, a Russian-speaki...

    This is the news you don’t see. Patrick Lancaster, a Russian-speaking independent American journalist reports from inside #Mariupol, #Ukraine. The civilians here are eye witnesses to a war that, for them, began eight years ago.

    #Russia #UkraineWar #Politics #Documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rLZ2ZzoD-W0

    • ‘Free Ukraine Street’ : Russian Embassies Get Pointed New Addresses

      Officials in many European cities are giving streets, squares and intersections in front of Russian missions names with pro-Ukraine themes.

      The unassuming intersection in front of the Russian Embassy in central Oslo didn’t really have a name until Tuesday, when its local council bestowed on it a particularly pointed one: “Ukrainas Plass,” or Ukraine’s Square.

      “We wanted to make a statement that we find Russia’s actions totally unacceptable,” said Tore Walaker, a councilor for Frogner, the neighborhood where the embassy is, which has been the scene of spirited protests since the Russian invasion.

      Russian embassy staff will soon have to pass a sign identifying the area as Ukraine’s Square on their way to work, said Jens Jorgen Lie, the chairman of the Frogner borough council.

      “It’s not helping to stop the war,” he said. “But we do the little we can and must.”

      As Russian embassies have become a focus for protests in Europe and around the world against President Vladimir V. Putin, officials in some European cities are expressing their outrage at the invasion of Ukraine by trying to change street names.

      In the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, an unnamed street leading to the Russian Embassy was officially named “Ukrainian Heroes Street” on Wednesday, according to the city’s mayor, Remigijus Simasius, who added that mail might not be delivered to the embassy if it did not use the new address. “Everyone who writes a letter to the embassy will have to think about the victims of Russian aggression and the heroes of Ukraine,” he said in a post on Facebook.

      Tirana, the Albanian capital, said it would name a street segment that is home to the Russian Embassy “Free Ukraine.” In Latvia, the Russian Embassy in Riga will now lie on “Ukraine Independence Street,” according to a local deputy mayor. And in Copenhagen, city officials will next week discuss changing the name of the street on which the Russian Embassy sits from “Kristianiagade” to “Ukrainegade.”

      In England, lawmakers have lobbied for the street address of the Russian Embassy in London to be switched to “Zelensky Avenue,” after the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, who vowed in an address to Britain’s House of Commons this week that he would never surrender to Russian forces. “Britain must shame Putin at every possible opportunity,” said Layla Moran, a spokeswoman on foreign affairs for the Liberal Democrats.

      The borough of Kensington and Chelsea, an affluent area that contains the Russian, Ukrainian and other embassies, said it supported the Ukrainian community, but had not yet received any official applications to change the name of the street.

      “We share the world’s anger at Putin’s assault on Ukraine and are horrified at the plight of the men, women and children caught up in the conflict,” the borough said in a statement, but added: “It is actions rather than symbolism that they desperately need now.”

      The proposals for name changes have been met with largely positive reactions from supporters of Ukraine, though some question the effectiveness of such symbolic moves. Others have said the renaming of streets should be even more extensive.

      In Oslo, Eugenia Khoroltseva, an activist with family in Ukraine and Russia who has demonstrated near what is now Ukraine’s Square since the invasion began, said of the renaming: “I fully support it on behalf of the pro-democratic Russian community living in Norway.”

      In a statement on Wednesday, the Russian Embassy in Oslo said the move would be “regarded as an anti-Russian action, whether by the government or the district authorities. Norwegians should consider this.”

      In Copenhagen, the Russian Embassy noted that its street — Kristianiagade — carried the former name of Norway’s capital, a symbol of “historical bonds and good relationships between Denmark and Norway.”

      “I think the Norwegians will understand,” said Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, a Danish lawmaker who is leading the proposal for renaming the street Ukrainegade. “I think there are many things we should do to help the Ukrainians. There is no action that is too small.”

      The inspiration, he added, came from the naming of a plaza in front the Russian Embassy in Washington after Boris Nemtsov, the Russian opposition leader and outspoken critic of Mr. Putin who was assassinated in 2015. A similar proposal to rename a square outside a Russian consulate was made by a politician last year in the town of Kirkenes, close to the Norwegian-Russian border, but was met with resistance.
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      “This is a war we will never forget and a war that the Russians should never forget,” Mr. Ellemann-Jensen said.


    • Guerre en Ukraine : à #Dnipro, des russophones font tout pour ne plus parler russe

      Dans une partie de l’Ukraine, la langue la plus couramment parlée est le russe. Mais pour de nombreux habitants, la guerre ravive un élan patriotique qui passe aussi par une réappropriation de la langue ukrainienne. Illustration à Dnipro, en plein cœur du pays.


      Et dans cette guerre linguistique, la ville de Dnipro prend aussi sa part. "Nous avons changé les dénominations d’une trentaine de rues, confirme Mirailo Lysenko, maire adjoint en charge de l’aménagement.

      "La plupart [des rues] ont pris le nom de nos #villes_martyres et d’autres ont pris le nom d’importantes personnalités ukrainiennes, conclut Mirailo Lysenko. Les nouvelles plaques sont en train d’être fabriquées. Dans quelques semaines, le passage Moscovite va ainsi devenir #passage_Azovstal, du nom de cette usine métallurgique symbole de la résistance de #Marioupol.


    • Russia not waging campaign against Ukraine’s culture, says diplomat

      “Russia have not launched a campaign to demolish monuments to prominent Ukrainians or rename streets, bearing their names, and have never done so,” Maria Zakharova stressed

      Russia has never sought to harm Ukraine’s #culture in any way, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Friday.

      “Who has ever tried to intentionally damage Ukraine’s cultural heritage, when and in what way?” Zakharova said. “Unlike our neighbors, we have never been prone to such behavior. We have not launched a campaign to demolish monuments to prominent Ukrainians or rename streets, bearing their names, and have never done so.”

      The EU’s accusations against Russia of damaging Ukraine’s cultural heritage cause confusion, Zakharova said. “What are you talking about? Do the people, who level such claims, know anything about our common history, about present-day reality?”

      The EU’s weapons supplies to Ukraine are in conflict with the objective to protect and restore Ukraine’s cultural heritage the bloc has been declaring, the diplomat said.

      “That’s another example of Brussels’ destructive logic: it is prepared to sacrifice basic principles of international humanitarian cooperation and politicize culture, sports, science and youth policy, while pursuing its aims or the aims imposed on it,” Zakharova said.

