• #Gaza crisis: a closer look at Israeli strikes on #UNRWA schools | World | The Guardian

    Maghazi Prep School A & B
    Date: 21 July 2014

    Dead: 0 reported casualties

    Wounded: 1 child

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,000 internally displaced people prior to the first attack

    What happened: At approximately 4.55pm, the school was struck by explosive ordnance “believed to have been fired by Israeli forces.” – UNRWA statement

    Comment: “UNRWA condemns in the strongest possible terms the shelling of one of its schools in the central area of Gaza.” – UNRWA statement

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Maghazi Prep School A & B
    Date: 22 July 2014

    Dead: 0

    Wounded: 0

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,000 internally displaced people prior to the first attack

    What happened: At about 10.30am, as UNRWA officials at the school investigated the 21 July incident, “there was further shelling of the school, seriously endangering the lives of UN humanitarian workers and displaced civilians.” – UNRWA statement

    Comment: “This is a serious violation of United Nations’ premises that could have had far-reaching human consequences.” – Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner-general of UNRWA

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Deir al-Balah Preparatory Girls School C
    Date: 23 July 2014

    Dead: 0

    Wounded: 5

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,500 internally displaced people

    What happened: the school was reportedly struck at 7.45am

    Comment: “This is the second time in three days that an UNRWA school has taken a direct hit from Israeli shelling and we again condemn this in the strongest possible terms.” – UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Beit Hanoun Elementary Co-ed School A & D
    Date: 24 July 2014

    Dead: 15*

    Wounded: 200, mostly women and children

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,500 internally displaced people

    What happened: According to survivors, at about 2.50pm, as the playground was crowded with families waiting to be ferried to safety, one shell landed in the schoolyard, followed by several more rounds that hit the upper storeys of the building.

    Comment: “Today’s attack underscores the imperative for the killing to stop and to stop now.” – UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon

    IDF comment: The Israeli military first claimed, in a text sent to journalists, that the school could have been hit by Hamas missiles that fell short, reported the Guardian’s Peter Beaumont.

    IDF spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner later said in an email to the Guardian: “In the matter of the Beit Hanoun school, the IDF encountered heavy fire in vicinity of the school, including anti-tank missile. We later determined that an errant mortar did indeed land in the empty courtyard of the school, backing this up with video evidence.”

    Additional: The Guardian’s Peter Beaumont reported from the scene: “There was no visible evidence of debris from broken Palestinian rockets in the school. The injuries and the number of fatalities were consistent with a powerful explosion that sent shrapnel tearing through the air, in some cases causing traumatic amputations. The surrounding neighbourhood bore evidence of multiple Israeli attacks, including smoke from numerous artillery rounds and air strikes. One building was entirely engulfed by flames.”

    We chose to use the number from the Guardian report, as the numbers of reported dead varied between 11 and 15.

    Zaitoun Preparatory Girls School B
    Date: 29 July 2014

    Dead: 0

    Wounded: 8

    Sheltering: Approximately 2,200 internally displaced people

    What happened: the school was reportedly struck

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Jabaliya Elementary Girls School A & B
    Date: 30 July 2014

    Dead: 21**

    Wounded: more than 100, including women and children

    Sheltering: Approximately 3,200 internally displaced people

    What happened: School in Jabaliya refugee camp was hit by five shells during a night of relentless bombardment across Gaza.


    “Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children. I condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms.” – UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon

    “The shelling of a UN facility, that is housing innocent civilians who are fleeing violence, is totally unacceptable and totally indefensible.” – White House spokesman Josh Earnest

    “The world stands disgraced” – Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner-general of UNRWA

    IDF Comment: “Regarding the UNRWA facility in Jabaliya, we have determined that an exchange of fire, including mortar fire, did indeed take place in the vicinity of the school.”


    “All available evidence points to Israeli artillery as the cause – Ban Ki-moon

    Damage “likely to have come from heavy artillery not designed for precision use … [the IDF] provided no evidence of [militant] activity and no explanation for the strike beyond saying that Palestinian militants were firing about 200 yards away.” – New York Times investigation.

    This New York Times investigation published several days after the strike occurred found the number of dead to be greater than that previously reported. We elected to use this number.

    Rafah Boys Preparatory School A
    Date: 3 August 2014

    Dead: 11, “five were children between 3 and 15 years old”

    Wounded: 27

    Sheltering almost 3,000 internally displaced people

    What happened: A projectile struck the ground 8-10 metres from open school gates at about 10.50am. Witnesses at the scene less than an hour after the explosion claimed it had been fired from one of the many unmanned Israeli drones. UN officials in Gaza described a “shelling incident” or an air strike.


    “The attack is yet another gross violation of international humanitarian law, which clearly requires protection by both parties of Palestinian civilians, UN staff and UN premises, among other civilian facilities. United Nations shelters must be safe zones not combat zones. The Israel Defence Forces have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites. This attack, along with other breaches of international law, must be swiftly investigated and those responsible held accountable. It is a moral outrage and a criminal act.” – UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon

    IDF comment: “In the Rafah School incident, the IDF targeted three Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants on a motorbike outside of the school. The targeted strike did indeed neutralise the militants on the targeted motorbike.”

    #Israël #Israel #Crimes #victimes_civiles

  • How the Israeli discourse on terrorism seeks to justify blatant war crimes | Mondoweiss

    Par #Rémi_Brulin

    In fact, in international institutions such as the United Nations, #Israel (alongside the United States) has repeatedly opposed efforts towards defining “terrorism” in a way that would differentiate between attacks against civilian and military targets, a basic historical fact that the US media has consistently failed to report.

    The Israeli discourse on “terrorism,” just like the American discourse that it has so heavily influenced, is thus a fundamentally ideological discourse.

    It is deeply incompatible with an enlightened understanding of the most basic principles of international law and, despite its claims to the contrary, profoundly weakens the protections the rule law affords to innocent, civilian life.

    #Etats-Unis #terrorisme #victimes_civiles

  • Civilians in war

    The law of armed conflict doesn’t directly define civilians except as non-combatants.

    The official history of the civilian is that since the codification of the laws of armed conflict in the Hague and Geneva Conventions, civilians are increasingly protected by international law. Armed forces publicly declare the importance of protecting, sparing, and liberating civilians. Ideal civilians doesn’t exist. Where people live under military occupation figuring as liberation, they engage in nonviolent political action against foreign rule instead of patiently waiting for deliverance.

    Underneath the official celebratory story about international law’s protection of civilians lurks another story: The codification of the international law of armed conflict in the late 19th and early 20th century has coincided with immense atrocities, not only in the two World Wars, but also in countless colonial wars that were not even recognized as wars.

    International law has done little to curb this violence and much to hide it. For example, in 1925, in response to a Syrian revolt against the French “protectorate” under the auspices of the League of Nations, French troops bombed Damascus, a city that was not defended by anyone other than the French forces themselves, killing hundreds of residents. At the time, many international lawyers deplored the bombardment. Yet they also agreed that since this was a not an international war, but a domestic police action, the rules of international law don’t apply.

    We have come a long way since the 1920s, but we need to remember that the international law of armed conflict was, by agreement of the colonial powers, not intended to protect colonized peoples from oppression . For example, the term civilian originally applied to white European servants and non-military personnel engaged in colonial rule. The colonial powers insisted on the protection of “their” civilians but did not legally recognize civilians among the people under their rule. Before civilians are killed, their civilian status is challenged or erased, and international law has been repeatedly called upon to justify these erasures.

    We see echoes of this history in the Israeli Defence Forces’ persistent efforts to disqualify Palestinians from the status of civilian. Palestinians in Gaza live in inescapable proximity to Hamas combatants. They are exposed to the gaze of Israeli drones whose operators equate spatial proximity with association and guilt as well as to the terrifying force of Israeli bombs. They are also exposed to an international context in which many are quick to condemn the violence of non-state militaries like as Hamas and slow to condemn the violence of state armed forces like the IDF. When the footage of the boys killed on the beach emerged, we watched in horror. It is certainly wrong to kill children. Yet when we see children being shot dead, we also need to acknowledge the ways in which we have dehumanized and demonized their families and friends who are no longer children and whose deaths become less noteworthy because we are less convinced of their innocence.

    International law is often championed as a tool against violence and dehumanization, but the history of international law is entwined with histories of colonialism, oppression and racism. When we turn to international law, we need to be cognizant of this past and ask ourselves how we use this law and this history: to lessen violence, or to justify it; to analyze oppression, or to gloss over it. We must pay attention to civilian casualties, and we must also pay attention to the ways that the categories of combatant and civilian are constructed.

    #civils #droit international #victimes_civiles

  • Civils et hôpitaux victimes des violences dans l’est ukrainien - Europe - RFI


    Donetsk, fief des séparatistes pro-russes, a été frappée dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi par une frappe aérienne ukrainienne. « Il n’y a pas de victimes parmi les civils », a précisé la mairie. Alors que l’armée ukrainienne semble préparer une offensive sur la ville séparatiste, les civils sont pris entre différents feux. Ceux qui le peuvent continuent de fuir, laissant craindre un exode massif. Dans tout l’est du pays, ravagé par les combats, les différents belligérants multiplient bavures et exactions, y compris contre les installations sanitaires.


    #ukraine #russie

  • Les #Etats-Unis « consternés » par le bombardement d’une #école de l’ONU à Gaza - L’Orient-Le Jour

    #Netanyahu avait du insulté #Obama

    « Les Etats-Unis sont consternés par le bombardement #honteux d’une école de l’#UNRWA (l’agence de l’#ONU pour l’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens, ndlr) à Rafah », a déclaré Jennifer Psaki dans un communiqué. « Nous insistons une nouvelle fois sur le fait qu’#Israël doit faire plus pour respecter ses propres standards et éviter les #victimes_civiles ».

    Et ce n’est pas tout,

    Le fait qu’il soit soupçonné que des militants opèrent a proximité [des locaux de l’UNRWA] ne justifie pas des frappes qui mettent en péril la vie de tant de civils #innocents.

    Et encore,

    La porte-parole du Département d’État américain Jen Psaki a
    également appelé à une enquête concernant les récentes attaques
    menées contre des écoles gérées par l’UNRWA, l’agence de l’Onu
    chargée de l’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens.

    • Réaction à l’espionnage de Kerry ?

      Sinon, aujourd’hui, le New York Times a un portfolio avec des images très dures des victimes et des destructions à Gaza :
      Ce qui fait penser à ce que raconte Chomsky sur le Vietnam : selon lui, les médias ont commencé à publier des images insoutenables à partir du moment où l’establishment a décidé qu’il fallait mettre fin à l’intervention (alors que le mythe usuel est de prétendre que c’est parce que les médias ont publié des images insoutenables que l’establishment a dû céder à l’opinion publique).

    • Sinon, une possibilité est que, comme en 2006 au Liban, les États-Unis décrètent la fin des hostilités pour sortir Israël de son enlisement. Les rumeurs d’un décision unilatérale d’Israël d’arrêter son action vont bon train depuis 48 heures. Il me semble assez crédible que les États-Unis viennent donner un alibi à Netanyahu.

      (Où est l’article qui évoquait ce scénario il y a quelques temps ?)

    • Top 5 Ways the US is Israel’s Accomplice in War Crimes in Gaza | Informed Comment

      Despite this bold criticism, the State Department and the US government won’t actually do anything about Israel’s lawlessness in Gaza. That is because the US is a full ally of the Likud government in its war on Gaza, which is configured as a fight to destroy or attrite the capabilities of the Hamas party-militia, a Muslim fundamentalist movement that has foresworn any attack on US facilities or interests. As the head of US military intelligence recently testified, however, if Hamas were destroyed something worse would almost certainly take its place. That is because you can’t expect people to live the way Israel makes them live in Gaza without their forming a resistance movement. Since they are kept poor and on the edge of hunger, the resistance movements they throw up are lean and hungry, and as ruthless as the Israeli army.

      Here are the ways that the US is actively helping Israel in its war on Gaza:

      1. The US shares its raw signals intelligence directly with Israeli intelligence, enhancing Israeli eavesdropping and surveillance capabilities, as Glenn Greenwald shows in a new article for Firstlook. Israel somewhat ungratefully repaid the favor by collaborating with Russia to spy on John Kerry during his failed peace negotiations.

      2. The US continually replenishes Israel’s ammunition. If Washington were actually so distressed about the UNRWA school shelling, it could just stop sending the shells for a while. It did this to Egypt after the massacre at Rabi`a al-Adawiya last summer.

      3. The US State Department actively helps Israel to economically blockade the civilians of Gaza. It even pressures Egypt to uphold the blockade (which is why it is silly to say that Egypt is also responsible for the siege of Gaza; Egypt doesn’t have a choice in this policy that is made from Tel Aviv and promulgated from Washington).

      4. Amnesty International shows that “Since 2012, the USA has exported $276 million worth of basic weapons and munitions to Israel, a figure that excludes exports of military transport equipment and high technologies.”

      5. The US actively opposed the granting by the UN to Palestine of the status of nonmember observer state. It is this status that Palestine could use to go to the International Criminal Court and get a judgment against Israel for its illegal squatting on Palestinian land in the West Bank. That the US opposed Palestine having standing to apply to the ICC shows how hand in glove Washington is with Israel.

  • Nothing Unintentional « LRB blog- Nadia Abu El-Haj- 29 July 2014
    Tags: #israel | #palestine

    ... imagine if Hamas were able to aim its rockets. Imagine it targeting the home of a high-ranking officer in the IDF, killing his wife and children, nieces and nephews, along with the family next door. Imagine these casualties being described as ‘collateral damage’ for which Hamas bore no legal or moral responsibility.

    The IDF’s bombardment of Palestinian homes, schools and hospitals, indiscriminately pummelling the people of #Gaza into the ground, deserves to be called what it is: a war #crime.

    #punition_collective #victimes_civiles #impunité #complicité

  • Hamas’s Chances
    Nathan Thrall

    Après les accords de cessez-le-feu du 21 Novembre 2012 non respectés par Israël, l’éloignement de l’axe Syrie Iran Hezbollah, le renversement de Morsi, l’activisme forcené anti frères musulmans de l’Arabie Saoudite et assimilés, l’impuissance de la Turquie et du Qatar, il ne restait plus au #Hamas, non sans appréhension, que de confier les clés de Gaza à #Mahmoud_Abbas. Et de fait, les coups bas de Abbas sous pression étasunienne, et cela avant même le meurtre des 3 Israéliens, ne se sont pas fait attendre.

    Hamas paid a high price, acceding to nearly all of Fatah’s demands. The new PA government didn’t contain a single Hamas member or ally, and its senior figures remained unchanged. Hamas agreed to allow the PA to move several thousand members of its security forces back to Gaza, and to place its guards at borders and crossings, with no reciprocal positions for Hamas in the West Bank security apparatus. Most important, the government said it would comply with the three conditions for Western aid long demanded by the US and its European allies: non-violence, adherence to past agreements and recognition of Israel. Though the agreement stipulated that the PA government refrain from politics, Abbas said it would pursue his political programme. Hamas barely protested.


    The fears of Hamas activists were confirmed after the government was formed. The terms of the agreement were not only unfavourable but unimplemented. The most basic conditions of the deal – payment of the government employees who run Gaza and an opening of the crossing with Egypt – were not fulfilled. For years Gazans had been told that the cause of their immiseration was Hamas rule. Now it was over, their conditions only got worse.

    On 12 June, ten days after the new government was formed, an unexpected event radically changed Hamas’s fortunes. Three Israeli students at yeshivas in the West Bank were kidnapped and murdered. When their bodies were found, a group of Israeli Jews abducted a 16-year-old Palestinian outside his East Jerusalem home, doused him in petrol, and burned him alive. Protests erupted among Palestinians in Jerusalem, the Negev and Galilee, while the West Bank remained relatively quiet. Israel blamed Hamas for the murders of the yeshiva students, though several Israeli security officials have said they believe that the perpetrators didn’t act on orders from above.

    In its search for the suspected murderers, Israel carried out its largest West Bank campaign against Hamas since the Second Intifada, closing its offices and arresting hundreds of members at all levels. Hamas denied responsibility for the abductions and said Israel’s accusations were a pretext to launch a new offensive against it. Among those arrested were more than fifty of the 1027 security prisoners released in 2011 by Israel in exchange for the Hamas-held Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Hamas saw the arrests as another violation of the Shalit agreement, which had named conditions under which the released prisoners could be re-arrested and contained unfulfilled commitments by Israel to improve conditions and visitation rights for other Palestinian prisoners.

    *The Palestinian leadership in Ramallah worked closely with Israel to catch the militants, and had rarely been so discredited among its constituents, many of whom believe abducting Israelis has proved the only effective means of gaining the release of prisoners widely regarded as national heroes. In several West Bank cities, residents protested against the PA’s security co-operation with Israel. A former minister of religious affairs who is close to Abbas went with his bodyguards to al-Aqsa Mosque; worshippers assaulted them, and they had to be hospitalised. When an Abbas emissary was dispatched to visit the murdered Palestinian boy’s grieving family, he was shouted off the premises.

    As protests spread through Israel and Jerusalem, militants in Gaza from non-Hamas factions began firing rockets and mortars in solidarity. Sensing Israel’s vulnerability and the Ramallah leadership’s weakness, Hamas leaders called for the protests to grow into a third intifada. When the rocket fire increased, they found themselves drawn into a new confrontation: they couldn’t be seen suppressing the rocket attacks while calling for a mass uprising. Israel’s retaliation culminated in the 6 July bombings that killed seven Hamas militants, the largest number of fatalities inflicted on the group in several months. The next day Hamas began taking responsibility for the rockets. Israel then announced Operation Protective Edge.

    Les #Etats-Unis et leur protégé semblent maintenant faire marche arrière, après des centaines de #morts #innocents.

    ... there are growing signs that Hamas stands a good chance of achieving some of [its goals]. Obama and Kerry have said they believe a ceasefire should be based on the November 2012 agreement. The US also changed its position on the payment of salaries, proposing in a draft framework for a ceasefire submitted to Israel on 25 July that funds be transferred to Gazan employees. Over the course of the war, Israel decided that it could solve its Gaza problem with help from the new government in Ramallah that it had formally boycotted. The Israeli defence minister said he hoped a ceasefire would place the new government’s security forces at Gaza’s border crossings. Netanyahu has begun to soften his tone towards Abbas. Near the end of the third week of fighting, Israel and the US quietly looked away as the Palestinian government made payments to all employees in Gaza for the first time. Israeli officials across the political spectrum have begun to admit privately that the previous policy towards Gaza was a mistake. All parties involved in mediating a ceasefire envision postwar arrangements that effectively strengthen the new Palestinian government and its role in Gaza – and by extension Gaza itself.


    The obvious solution is to let the new Palestinian government return to Gaza and reconstruct it. Israel can claim it is weakening Hamas by strengthening its enemies. Hamas can claim it won the recognition of the new government and a significant lifting of the blockade. This solution would of course have been available to Israel, the US, Egypt and the PA in the weeks and months before the war began, before so many lives were shattered .

    #honte #victimes_civiles, #crimes #Israel #Israël

  • Les #enfants, premières #victimes de l’attaque d’#Israël sur #Gaza

    PROCHE-ORIENT • Au vingt-troisième jour, l’opération « #Bordure_Protectrice » aurait fait plus de mille cent morts et six mille blessés palestiniens. Plus de 75% d’entre eux sont des #civils, dont 30% des enfants. Reportage.


    #enfance #Israël

  • #Gaza War, Day 22: 10 IDF Soldiers Killed Today, 1,100 Palestinians Killed Overall Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

    #Eran_Efrati, an activist with Anarchists Against the Wall, is in the Israel-Gaza theater. He published this astonishing post in Facebook. As you read it keep in mind that he’s talking about the killing of 7 IDF soldiers in an outdated APC who died after an anti-tank shell struck their vehicle. The deaths of so many just after the land invasion began, was a deep shock to the Israeli nation and especially their comrades. Instead of taking it out on the battlefield against Palestinian fighters, the IDF took it out on the most vulnerable, Palestinian civilians, who were most visible and available targets:

    Eran Efrati - In recent weeks I was on the border of #Gaza...

    In recent weeks I was on the border of Gaza and getting reports from soldiers in the Gaza Strip who leak information out to me.

    I am in the process of publication of two big stories in major U.S. newspapers, but there are some things I can share with you right now: Soldiers in two different units inside Gaza leaked information about the murdering of Palestinians by sniper fire in Shuja’iyya neighborhood as punishment for the death of soldiers in their units. (...)

    Today I can report that the official command that was handed down to the soldiers in Shujaiyya was to capture Palestinian homes as outposts. From these posts, the soldiers drew an imaginary red line, and amongst themselves decided to shoot to death anyone who crosses it. Anyone crossing the line was defined as a threat to their outposts, and was thus deemed a legitimate target. This was the official reasoning inside the units. I was told that the unofficial reason was to enable the soldiers to take out their frustrations and pain at losing their fellow soldiers (something that for years the IDF has not faced during its operations in Gaza and the West Bank), out on the Palestinian refugees in the neighborhood. Under the pretext of the so-called “security threat” soldiers were directed to carry out a pre-planned attack of revenge on Palestinian civilians.

    These stories join many other similar ones that Amira Hass and I investigated in Operation Cast Lead. The death toll that continues to rise is steadily reaching the numbers of the massacre of 2009.

    More than 1,100 have been killed in Gaza, at least 80 percent of them civilians. Today it is cleared for publication that at least 4 soldiers were killed by a rocket in a gathering area outside of Gaza, and another soldier was killed in Gaza. They join 43 soldiers that have already been killed. We know that more acts of revenge will come soon and it is important that we not stay silent. This is the time to take to the streets and to social media. Demand from your representative wherever you are to stop supporting this massacre and to immediately boycott the state of Israel until the occupation ends, the blockade is lifted and Palestinians will be free. We all want to be in the right place at the right time when history knocks on our door, and history is knocking in Gaza right now. You need to decide on which side you want to go down in history.

    #punition_collective ##price_tag #prix_à_payer #lâcheté #Israël #Israel #victimes_civiles #Palestine

  • Israel Says That Hamas Uses Civilian Shields, Reviving Debate - NYTimes.com


    GAZA CITY — Militant rockets can be seen launching from crowded neighborhoods, near apartment buildings, schools and hotels. Hamas fighters have set traps for Israeli soldiers in civilian homes and stored weapons in mosques and schools. Tunnels have been dug beneath private property.

    With international condemnation rising over the death toll in Gaza exceeding 650 in the war’s 16th day, Israel points to its adversaries’ practice of embedding forces throughout the crowded, impoverished coastal enclave of 1.7 million people.

    #gaza #boucliers_humains

  • « Les victimes civiles sont redevenues le véritable objectif des guerres »

    Les bombes pleuvent sur Gaza, tuant en grande majorité des civils. Les Nations Unies viennent de condamner les violations des droits de l’Homme par l’armée israélienne, dont les tactiques militaires vont à l’encontre du droit international. Celle-ci argue de sa « retenue » ou de sa « moralité ». Mais coups de téléphone d’avertissement et tirs de « missiles préventifs » ne suffisent pas à dédouaner des morts causés par ces frappes. « Aujourd’hui près de 80% de toutes les victimes de guerre sont des civils », (...)


    / A la une, #Guerres_et_résolution_des_conflits, #Proche_et_Moyen_Orient, #Reportages

  • Can Palestinian Men be Victims ? Gendering Israel’s War on Gaza

    On pleure la perte des femmes et des enfants, mais les hommes palestiniens peuvent-ils aussi être des victimes ?

    Only within this logic can criticism of Israel’s war on Gaza be answered, straight faced, with statements about the “fate” of women and homosexuals “under” Hamas. Recently, a spokesman for Israel answered Noura Erakat’s condemnation of Israel’s violation of international human rights by sharing this gem of wisdom: “Hamas, they wouldn’t allow a young, liberal, secular woman to express her views like you do, ma’am. They would not allow my gay friends to express their sexuality freely.” This statement aims to mobilize the gendered discourse of the War on Terror, a discourse that plays on the affective registers of US liberalism through a pandering to feminist and LGBTQ rights. This pandering allows Islamophobia and war to be manifested as a public and international good—after all, it is “we” that are defending the helpless from the ravages of Muslim and Arab men. Laleh Khalili has called this “the use of gendered ‘telling’ to distinguish those who are to be protected from those who are to be feared or destroyed.” This discourse is so powerful that it does not need to rely on facts—it has in fact overridden them.

    The Israeli war machine, much like the US war machine in Afghanistan or Iraq, does not protect Palestinian queers and women and children. It kills them, maims them, and dispossesses them alongside their loved ones—for the simple reason that they are Palestinian, and thus able to be killed with impunity while the world watches. Today, the difference between Palestinian womenandchildren and Palestinian men is not in the production of corpses, but rather in the circulation of those corpses within dominant and mainstream discursive frames that determine who can be publicly mourned as true “victims” of Israel’s war machine. Thus the sheer number of womenandchildren dead are enough to mobilize the US president and the UN to make statements “condemning” the violence—but the killing, imprisonment, and maiming of Palestinian men and boys in times of war and ceasefire goes uncited. In Israel men, settlers, and even soldiers are framed as victims of Palestinian terrorism and aggression. All are publicly mourned. In an almost direct reversal, while Palestinian boys and men have been the primary target of Israel, as evidenced by the population of political prisoners and targeted assassinations, are not seen by western based mainstream media as victims of Israeli terrorism and aggression. Palestinians are put in the self-defeating position of having to fight to be recognized as human, to be recognized in death and in life as victims of Israeli policies and actions.

    #Proche_Orient #racisme #pinkwashing

  • Les pays où l’on peut rouler tranquillement et les autres


    #Radars, #chauffards, #routes plus ou moins bien entretenues et autres pièges, la route des #vacances en #Europe n’est pas toujours de tout repos. Voici quelques conseils indispensables pour éviter le stress et les imprévus.

    En #Europe 270 millions d’automobiles sillonnent les 4,6 millions de kilomètres de routes et d’autoroutes. lire la suite

    #Société #INFO #Allemagne #Danemark #Espagne #France #Grèce #Hongrie #Italie #Lettonie #Pologne #Portugal #Slovaquie #accidents #alcool #Automobile #autoroutes #mortalité #victimes #voiture

  • La moitié des victimes de Gaza sont des femmes et des enfants.

    Palestinian hospital officials put the death toll at more than 80 and claimed half of those killed were women and children. Some accounts of the death toll said it had passed 90. There have been no reported Israeli casualties from the Hamas rockets being fired across the border.

  • Bombing family homes of activists in armed Palestinian groups violates international humanitarian law

    #BT'selem rappelle un point du #droit_international que les #MSM « oublient » dès qu’il s’agit d’#Israël, et précise la nature exacte des avertissements (parfois imaginaires) « préalables » (tant vantés par les mêmes MSM) qu’Israël fournit à la population civile avant un bombardement de structures civiles.

    Bombing the homes of senior activists in armed groups violates international humanitarian law, which provides a narrow definition of what constitutes a legitimate target and permits aiming attacks only at targets that effectively assist military efforts, when damaging them can provide a military advantage. Treating these homes as legitimate targets is an unlawful, distorted interpretation of the concept, resulting in harm to civilians, whom this body of law is intended to protect.

    An IDF Spokesperson’s announcement from yesterday, after the first round of attacks, stated only that “among the targets attacked were four homes of activists in the Hamas terror organization who are involved in terrorist activity and direct and carry out high-trajectory fire towards Israel…”. In other words, the military itself acknowledged that the attacks were illegally aimed at homes that were not military targets. Only later was a new announcement made, in an attempt to retroactively adapt the described activity to the requirements of international law, stating that the targets were “the homes of senior activists that function as command and control headquarters” .

    In the case of the Kaware’a home, not only can the house not be considered a legitimate target, but civilians were on the premises at the time of the bombing. Although the military did warn the inhabitants of the impending attack and instruct them to leave, its duty does not end with giving prior warning: it must give the inhabitants enough time to leave and ensure that all civilians have indeed evacuated the spot. Given the military’s sophisticated surveillance equipment, those responsible for the bombing should have known that civilians went back into the building. According to a senior air force officer, the military did not have enough time to divert the missile once civilians were detected re-entering the building. This claim is unreasonable, as many people were already crowded around the house when the warning missile was fired, raising suspicion that not all necessary precautions were taken to prevent harm to civilians. The military must publish the footage of the attack taken by the unmanned aerial vehicle. B’Tselem has also received initial information regarding a home bombed in Beit Hanun as part of a targeted assassination: B’Tselem’s initial investigation indicates that on 8 July 2014, at approximately 11:40 P.M., the military bombed the home of Hafez Hamad, an activist in the military wing of the Islamic Jihad. According to the investigation, none of the inhabitants received prior warning from the military and the house was bombed mere moments after the family went to bed for the night. The bombing killed six persons, including a 16-year-old girl.

    #crimes_de_guerre #civils #victimes_civiles #Gaza #impunité #complicité

  • #Questionnaire autour de l’accueil des victimes de #viol et/ou d’agression sexuelle dans les commissariats et les gendarmeries. : Les Dé-chaînées

    Les mythes autour du viol visent à maintenir les femmes dans la peur. Il convient donc d’étudier chaque fait social afin de lutter contre le viol ; nous avons donc choisi d’étudier l’#accueil fait aux #victimes majeures de viol, de tentatives de viol et/ou d’agressions dans les commissariats et gendarmeries, lors des 5 dernières années. Nous avons choisi d’étudier l’accueil fait aux victimes sur les 5 dernières années. Nous travaillerons uniquement sur les cas où la victime était majeure au moment des faits (du viol ou de l’agression sexuelle) car les procédures sont différentes pour les mineur-es.

    Nous avons donc établi un questionnaire que vous trouverez à cette adresse : http://dechainees.polldaddy.com/s/enqu%C3%AAte-autour-de-l-accueil-en-gendarmerie-police-des-vic

    Nous vous précisons, puisque la question sera sans doute être posée, que les questions portant sur l’ethnie ou la couleur de peau des personnes sont légales. Une juriste de la CNIL nous l’a confirmé puisque le questionnaire est anonyme. Nous vous enjoignons à le diffuser le plus largement possible à vos réseaux. Nous espérons avoir 1000 réponses au minimum et nous ne nous donnons pas de temps minimum pour cela. Une fois ce questionnaire dépouillé et analysé, il sera remis au ministère des droits des femmes, au ministère de la défense et au ministère de l’Intérieur.


  • BBC News - Jimmy Savile NHS hospital abuse reports to be published

    Cette histoire est ahurissante par sa taille, sa durée et la manière systématique avec laquelle une seule personne a su créer un environnement d’omerta, d’impunité et de complaisance. Ses complices exercent toujours leurs fonctions ou profitent tranquillement de leur retraites.

    On trouve un élément commun à toutes les histoires d’abus sexuel dans les institutions : Il s’agit de l’absence ou de l’inefficacité de mécanismes démocratiques.

    The 28 hospital reports are expected to identify opportunities that were missed for Savile’s offending to be confronted over a period of more than 50 years.

    A key report into his activities at Stoke Mandeville Hospital has been delayed after new information recently came to light.

    Savile had a bedroom at Stoke Mandeville, where his now-defunct charitable trust was based, as well as an office and living quarters at Broadmoor.

    The revelations prompted more than a hundred people to come forward, giving accounts of how they were sexually assaulted by Savile on NHS premises.

    The Metropolitan Police passed the material to the Department of Health, which gave it to the hospital trusts to investigate.

    The Department of Health appointed Kate Lampard QC to oversee the individual independent hospital investigations to make sure they were properly carried out.

    In total, the Department of Health investigated the links 35 hospitals or homes had with Savile.

    Reports will also be issued on: St Catherine’s Hospital (Birkenhead); Saxondale Mental Health Hospital; Portsmouth Royal Hospital; Dewsbury and District Hospital (including Pinderfields Hospital); High Royds Psychiatric Hospital; Cardiff Royal Infirmary; Great Ormond Street Hospital; Exeter Hospital; Ashworth Hospital; Barnet General Hospital; Booth Hall; De La Pole Hospital; Dryburn Hospital; Hammersmith Hospital; Leavesden Secure Mental Health Hospital; Marsden Hospital; Maudsley Hospital; Odstock Hospital; Prestwich Psychiatric Hospital; Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead; Royal Victoria Infirmary; Queen Mary’s Hospital, Carshalton; Whitby Memorial Hospital; Wythenshawe Hospital, and Woodhouse Eaves Children’s Convalescent Homes in Leicester.

    ‘Giving Victims a Voice’
    A joint MPS and NSPCC report into allegations of sexual abuse made against Jimmy Savile under Operation Yewtree
    January 2013

    Lecture conseillée au sujet du malfonctionnement des institutions médicales et d’éducation :

    Ivan Illich - Le renoncement à la santé

    Ivan Illich - Deschooling Society

    Résumé en Francais

    A propos d’Ivan Illich

    #viol #pédophilie #victimes #santé #école

  • Nigeria : Boko Haram, un an sous état d’urgence - Centre
    Tricontinental - CETRI


    Un an après avoir décrété l’état d’urgence dans le nord-est du pays, les autorités nigérianes ne sont toujours pas venues à bout du groupe islamiste Boko Haram. Au contraire, le conflit – surmédiatisé depuis l’enlèvement spectaculaire de plus de 200 lycéennes à Chibok – est devenu plus meurtrier que jamais, avec plus de 2 000 victimes depuis le début de l’année. Pire, le groupe semble étendre son théâtre d’opération, laissant craindre une contagion des violences aussi bien dans le centre du Nigeria que dans les pays voisins. Impuissant, le gouvernement cherche désespérément un appui international alors qu’une escalade est à craindre à l’approche des élections générales de 2015.


    Graphique original


    Graphique que j’ai trafiqué pour mieux voir la tendance

    #nigeria #boko_haram

  • Les voix de Vukovar

    Elles sont filles, Femmes, mères, ou sœurs et ont toutes perdu quelqu’un ou quelque chose pendant la guerre d’indépendance de la Croatie en 1991. Rassemblées au sein de l’association « Sunny », les femmes de Vukovar parlent d’une même voix : celle de victimes qui n’ont obtenu ni reconnaissance, ni justice. L’homme qui lui a pris son père vit toujours en ville Les plus jeunes sont celles qui ont perdu leur parent pendant la guerre. Jelena Jera Gavric a 32 ans ; elle en avait 10 pendant le conflit. (...)


  • Bullying Victims Are Twice as Likely to Bring a Weapon to School

    A new study based on a survey of more than 15,000 American high school students found that victims of bullying are nearly twice as likely to carry guns and other weapons at school. An estimated 200,000 victims of bullying bring weapons to school over the course of a month, according to the authors’ analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control’s 2011 Youth Risk Surveillance System Survey. That’s a substantial portion of the estimated 750,000 high school students who bring weapons to school every month.

    The study, presented yesterday at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies, found that 20 percent of participating students reported being victims of bullying, and that those teens were substantially more likely to carry weapons if they had experienced one or more “risk factors.” These included feeling unsafe at school, having property stolen or damaged, having been in a fight in the past year, or having been threatened or injured by a weapon. Among bullying victims experiencing all four of those factors, 72 percent had brought a weapon to school in the past month and 63 percent had carried a gun. Those victims were, according to the study’s authors, nearly 50 times more likely to carry a weapon in school as students who weren’t bullied.

    For years, anti-bullying groups have drawn a connection between bullying and school shootings. The Department of Health and Human Services’s Stopbullying.gov website reports that the perpetrators of 12 of 15 school shootings in the 1990s had a history of being bullied. Witnesses of a 2013 shooting at Sparks Middle School in Nevada recall the 12-year-old shooter telling a group of students, “You guys ruined my life, so I’m going to ruin yours.”

    However, focusing too much on bullying as a cause of school shootings may distract from other important factors, such as mental health and access to weapons. A Washington Post article last year summed up this critique: “We all want to find a simple motivation when children go to school intending to do harm, but the problem in blaming school shootings on ’bullying’ is that it lets us off the hook too easily.”

    Furthermore, there’s the question of correlation versus causation. The new study shows that students who are severely bullied are more likely to carry weapons, but it doesn’t show that students carry weapons because they have been bullied. It’s possible that carrying weapons precipitates rather than prevents conflict. The survey also didn’t ask if the students identified themselves as bullies, and since some students are both victims and bullies, one can’t assume that students are carrying weapons solely for protection.

    Andrew Adesman, a co-author of the study and the chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, recognizes these limitations. “We really don’t know the chronology here,” he explains. “We don’t know entirely whether the weapons carrying was purely defensive versus aggressive behavior.” But, he says, “Common sense suggests that kids who have weapons plan to use them if or when they need to.”

    #agression #école #victime #armes #Etats-Unis

  • Projet » Les pauvres : victimes ou coupables ?

    Les pauvres, victimes du fonctionnement de la société ? Ils ne ressentent pas le besoin d’être reconnus comme tels : ils se sentent coupables. L’Université populaire Quart Monde leur offre un lieu de réflexion pour ouvrir le chemin d’une libération.

    Les personnes qui vivent dans l’extrême pauvreté sont, selon certains, les victimes du fonctionnement de la société. Souvent exclues et rejetées, elles doivent vivre ou survivre en étant privées de l’accès aux droits fondamentaux (logement, protection médicale, éducation, formation, revenu, participation sociale…). Elles sont, de plus, jugées coupables de leur sort. Si elles se sentent personnellement persécutées par les circonstances humiliantes qu’elles vivent, elles les prennent comme des malchances personnelles et intègrent ce sentiment de culpabilité. La pauvreté n’est pas créatrice de valeurs propres, mais elle introduit dans une perpétuelle improvisation. Elle force à s’installer dans une condition qui limite les aspirations à la survie au niveau le plus élémentaire.

    Le pauvre est une honte, il gêne dans le processus du travail, son enfant gêne l’école, il ne vote pas (ou mal), il est un poids pour le budget de l’aide sociale. Il n’a aucun rôle, ni individuel, ni collectif. Le peu d’aide matérielle ou sociale qu’on lui consent ne favorise pas sa promotion. « Ce cercle ne sera brisé que dans la mesure où la société établira avec les couches sociales sous-privilégiées des rapports humains d’une nouvelle qualité », conclut Wresinski[1].
    Inventer de nouveaux rapports humains

    Toutes les actions du Mouvement ATD Quart Monde sont conçues pour créer de nouveaux rapports sociaux : des rapports humains au cœur desquels se trouvent les personnes d’ordinaire rejetées et méprisées. Ainsi, l’Université populaire Quart Monde se veut un lieu d’expression collective où s’opère un renversement total des relations sociales, des relations de pouvoir liées aux savoirs. De façon inattendue, incongrue, elle consiste à demander aux personnes qui vivent dans la grande pauvreté et l’exclusion de contribuer par leur expérience et leur réflexion à une compréhension du monde incluant leur apport.

    Les savoirs d’expérience des plus pauvres sont très utiles pour comprendre les dysfonctionnements de la société et tenter d’y remédier.

    Elles ont souvent connu des déboires à l’école, elles sont supposées dépourvues de savoirs. Or s’intéresser à leur expérience de vie et les amener à y réfléchir est une démarche très fructueuse. Elle leur permet de construire des savoirs d’expérience, de les transmettre, de se remettre à apprendre. Ces savoirs d’expérience sont très utiles pour comprendre les dysfonctionnements de la société, le non-accès aux droits fondamentaux, et pour tenter d’y remédier. Ce travail de fond, accompli depuis de nombreuses années, produit des savoirs émancipateurs essentiels à la lutte contre la grande pauvreté.
    Un engagement commun

    Pourquoi des personnes entreraient-elles dans cette démarche ? Leur condition de pauvres et d’« assistés » les oblige, le plus souvent, à raconter leur vie, à étaler leurs malheurs pour « mériter » de l’aide, voire simplement pour accéder à leurs droits. À l’Université populaire, rien de tel. Les personnes s’engagent petit à petit dans une relation d’égal à égal avec l’entourage, elles perçoivent clairement que tous les participants ont part au combat pour le respect et les droits de tous. Les personnes pauvres sont sollicitées pour entrer dans ce combat. L’Université populaire veut offrir les conditions nécessaires à cette expression d’abord personnelle, puis collective. Cet espace de rencontre, de réflexion partagée, est bâti par et pour les personnes qui vivent dans la grande pauvreté, mais il réunit aussi des citoyens qui appartiennent à des milieux socio-économiques différents et veulent lutter contre la grande pauvreté.

    Pendant deux heures, une centaine de personnes dialoguent ainsi. Leur apport, réfléchi au préalable au sein de groupes locaux de préparation, touche à des thèmes précis, en présence d’un invité ayant une expertise particulière (juge, médecin, philosophe…). Un réseau de membres qui ont une grande proximité avec les personnes défavorisées permet d’animer avec elles les petits groupes de préparation, dans un lieu proche de leur habitation (cité, caravane, squat…)[2].
    Sans préalable ni contrepartie

    Le pari est de s’adresser à des personnes qui ont très peu bénéficié de l’éducation formelle, qui ont quitté le système scolaire sans avoir acquis les outils de base nécessaires : elles ont donc un autre rapport au savoir : « J’ai peu appris à l’école car je n’avais pas l’esprit à ça. »[3] Elles ont des capacités qui n’ont pas été mises en valeur. Car non seulement elles n’ont pas bénéficié de formation, mais elles en ont une expérience négative. Pourtant s’il y a de fortes corrélations entre le milieu socioculturel et l’absence de formation qualifiante, il n’y a pas de causalité inéluctable entre grande pauvreté et non-savoir.

    Certes, il faut prendre en compte la réalité : les non-savoirs, les blocages, les blessures, le rejet, la honte et la culpabilité de sa propre misère. « On a peur de parler quand on est moins instruit. On a peur d’être rejeté parce que certaines personnes sont plus instruites que nous. » Mais la réponse passe par la création de liens. « La personne qui a eu des difficultés est sauvage. C’est dur d’apprivoiser quelqu’un d’autre. Il faut prendre étape par étape. »

    « La personne qui a eu des difficultés est sauvage. C’est dur d’apprivoiser quelqu’un d’autre. Il faut prendre étape par étape. »

    Pour bâtir cette qualité de relation, une éthique est nécessaire : la reconnaissance de la dignité de chacun. « Vous ne regardez pas la personne dans sa détresse, vous regardez l’être humain en face de vous. » L’égalité est respectée : « On est tous sur le même piédestal, on est tous égaux… ». La culpabilité est récusée : « Je pensais que la misère, c’était de ma faute… » « J’ai été très surprise de voir les gens qui écoutaient ce que je disais et même d’entendre les réponses qui m’étaient faites. Aucun jugement n’était porté sur moi, ça m’a redonné une très grande confiance en moi-même. »

    Le respect de la liberté de chacun est assuré. Personne ne doit se trouver dans une relation de dépendance. « Si je dis : ‘Je suis libre’, c’est qu’avant je n’avais pas le courage de la rencontre, tellement j’avais peur des gens. ».....


    ..La pauvreté n’est pas créatrice de valeurs propres...


