• #Galène

    Galène is a #videoconferencing_server that is easy to deploy (just copy a few files and run the binary) and that requires moderate server resources. It was originally designed for lectures and conferences (where a single speaker streams audio and video to hundreds or thousands of users), but later evolved to be useful for student practicals (where users are divided into many small groups), and meetings (where a few dozen users interact with each other).

    Galène’s server side is implemented in #Go, and uses the #Pion implementation of #WebRTC. The server is regularly tested on Linux/amd64 and Linux/arm64, and has been reported to run on Windows; it should in principle be portable to other systems, including Mac OS X. The client is implemented in #Javascript, and works on recent versions of all major web browsers, both on desktop and mobile (but see below for caveats with specific browsers).

    While traffic is encrypted from sender to server and from server to client, Galène does not perform end-to-end encryption: anyone who controls the server might, in principle, be able to access the data being exchanged. For best security, you should install your own server.

    Galène’s is not the only self-hosted WebRTC server. Alternatives include Janus, Ion-SFU, and Jitsi.

    Galène is free and #open_source #software, subject to the MIT licence. Galène’s development is supported by Nexedi, who fund Alain Takoudjou’s work on the user interface.

    #alternatives #alternative #zoom #microsoft_teams #teams #vidéoconférences #visioconférences #visio-conférences #vidéo-conférences #logiciel #galene

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