• Emmanuelle Wargon, l’ex-lobbyiste en chef de Danone à la Transition écologique - Libération

    Cette énarque de 47 ans, ancienne camarade de promotion d’Edouard Philippe, a été nommée secrétaire d’Etat auprès de François de Rugy. Une nouvelle illustration du « rétro-pantouflage », ou quand un haut-fonctionnaire passé au privé revient exercer des fonctions importantes au cœur de l’Etat.

    « Qui a le pouvoir ? Qui gouverne ? » Fin août, pour justifier sa démission spectaculaire, Nicolas Hulot avait dénoncé « la présence des #lobbys dans les cercles du pouvoir », estimant que cela pose « un problème de démocratie ». L’ex-ministre de la Transition écologique et solidaire ne croyait pas si bien dire… Moins de deux mois plus tard, voici qu’arrive dans son ancien ministère, comme secrétaire d’Etat, Emmanuelle Wargon, rien moins que la directrice des affaires publiques et de la communication de Danone.

    Lobbying et pollution

    Soit la lobbyiste en chef du groupe alimentaire… l’un des plus gros pollueurs de la planète, en termes de plastique. La semaine dernière, Break Free From Plastic, une coalition de 1 300 organisations du monde entier, révélait que sur les 180 000 déchets plastiques ramassés dans l’environnement dans 42 pays en juin et septembre, ceux produits par Danone figuraient en quatrième position, après ceux provenant de Coca-Cola, de Pepsi et de Nestlé. Danone fait aussi partie des 25 entreprises françaises qui épuisent le plus les écosystèmes de la planète, pointait l’ONG WWF en 2016.

    Emmanuelle Wargon, 47 ans, rejoint au gouvernement l’ancienne directrice des ressources humaines de Danone, Muriel Pénicaud, devenue ministre du Travail. Au ministère de la Transition énergétique, où elle remplace Sébastien Lecornu – qui au sein du ministère s’était vu confier les dossiers « énergie », dont plusieurs dossiers brûlants, de Fessenheim à Bure –, elle rejoindra une autre secrétaire d’Etat venue d’un géant du privé : Brune Poirson, ancienne cadre de Veolia. Et Wargon, la fille unique de Lionel Stoléru, ancien ministre de Valéry Giscard d’Estaing et de François Mitterrand, est issue de la même promotion de l’ENA que le Premier ministre Edouard Philippe, lui-même ancien lobbyiste en chef du groupe nucléaire Areva (devenu Orano).

    « Rétro-pantouflage »

    Comme ce dernier, Emmanuelle Wargon, qui a aussi fait Sciences-Po et HEC, illustre parfaitement une pratique de plus en plus répandue : le « rétro-pantouflage », soit un cadre dirigeant du privé, souvent issu des grandes écoles (ENA, Polytechnique), qui revient exercer des fonctions importantes au sommet de l’Etat après avoir « pantouflé » en quittant la haute fonction publique pour un poste bien payé dans le privé. De quoi faire réagir mardi sur Twitter le secrétaire d’EE-LV David Cormand : « Avec Macron, l’écologie, c’est jamais sans les lobbys. »

    Décrite comme pugnace et opiniâtre, Emmanuelle Wargon a commencé sa carrière en 1997 comme auditrice à la Cour des comptes. En 2001, elle est devenue conseillère technique auprès du ministre délégué à la Santé Bernard Kouchner, dans le gouvernement Jospin. De 2007 à 2010, sous le gouvernement Fillon, elle a dirigé le cabinet du Haut-Commissaire aux solidarités actives Martin Hirsch, où elle a géré entre autres le dossier RSA, mis en œuvre sous Nicolas Sarkozy en 2008. Elle a aussi été adjointe au directeur général de l’Afssaps (aujourd’hui ANSM), l’agence de sécurité des produits de santé.

    Puis, avant Danone et après un passage au ministère des Affaires sociales, elle a été pendant trois ans déléguée générale à l’emploi et à la formation professionnelle au ministère du Travail, un poste clé, pilotant notamment la réforme de la formation professionnelle ou encore la gestion des crédits de la politique de l’emploi. Pas grand-chose à voir, donc, avec l’écologie ou l’énergie. Même si son ancien patron, le PDG de Danone Emmanuel Faber, a twitté mardi que « pendant trois ans, Emmanuelle Wargon a coordonné les engagements de Danone en matière de santé, d’environnement et d’inclusion ». Lui souhaitant « une pleine réussite au service de l’enjeu majeur qu’est la transition écologique et solidaire ».
    Coralie Schaub

    De mieux en mieux ici…

    #Wargon #Danone #écologie #lobbying #agro-industrie #agro-alimentaire

  • #Dick_Marty - Un grido per la giustizia

    Dopo gli attentati dell’11 settembre 2001, il governo americano stipula degli accordi segreti con i governi europei per combattere il terrorismo. Sono accordi che prevedono che la #Cia abbia pieni poteri per rapire e torturare delle persone sospette. Una violazione flagrante dei trattati internazionali, dello stato di diritto e delle leggi dei paesi europei, e uno schiaffo ai diritti dell’uomo. Quando il Washington Post nel 2005 rivela questo patto segreto, il Consiglio d’Europa incarica il parlamentare svizzero Dick Marty di indagare. Questo documentario è la storia di questa indagine e il ritratto di una persona fuori dal comune.

    Un racconto dettagliato e ricco di testimonianze che ci porta dentro ad una spy story degna delle più fantasiose sceneggiature: per Dick Marty la sete di verità è stata il motore di una ricerca minuziosa, condotta con pochi mezzi e con la pazienza di unire un tassello all’altro, sbrogliando una matassa più che ingarbugliata. Si sente davvero di poter contare qualcosa, quando ci si trova davanti a un gigante come i servizi segreti americani? Sarà proprio lui - l’ex procuratore pubblico con “Una certa idea di giustizia”, come recita il titolo del suo libro appena pubblicato per Favre - a portare la propria testimonianza anche nella parte in studio di questa puntata, unendo così il racconto più umano alla ricostruzione dei fatti.

    Nel documentario :

    «Io se dovessi sapere e tacere mi sentirei complice. Allora preferisco dire, denunciare, gridare, e non essere complice pur sapendo che il mio grido magari serve a poco»

    «Siamo sulla Terra per compiere qualcosa, non semplicemente per far passare il tempo. Ho l’impressione che finché uno ha la capacità di indignarsi di fronte all’ingiustizia, ci si sente vivi e si ha ancora il coraggio di guardarsi nello specchio»

    «Denunciare. E’ il compito di ogni testimone di un’ingiustizia. E ritengo complici tutti coloro che di fronte a un’ingiustizia stanno zitti. Ritengo che la rivolta di chi assiste all’ingiustizia permette di far progredire la nostra civiltà»

    #justice #terrorisme #film #documentaire #CIA #torture #prisons_secrètes #anti-terrorisme #war_on_terror #USA #Etats-Unis #ennemi_combattant #Convention_de_Genève #extraordinary_renditions #transferts_aériens #Black_sites #Pologne #Roumanie #Abu_Omar (imam disparu à Milan) #Aviano #Italie #Guantanamo #zero_zone #extra-territorialité #torture_codifiée


    #Dick_Marty, une très rares personnes pour laquelle j’ai vraiment un profond respect...

    Dans l’interview de présentation du film sur Dick Marty...

    Giornalista: «Tra giustizia e legalità, Lei dove si mette?»
    Dick Marty: «Io sarei dalla parte di Antigone e non di Creonte.»
    Giornalista: «Antigone che vuole dare sepoltura a suo fratello...»
    Dick Marty: «... violando la legge. La legge del potente. Sono chiaramente dalla parte di Antigone. E’ vero che nella maggior parte delle cose si è necessariamente dalla parte della giustizia. Però ci sono dei momenti cruciali in cui devi ribellarti. E questi atti di ribellione hanno fatto progredire l’umanità. E se ci fossero state più ribellioni... penso al tempo del Terzo Reich... forse avremmo evitato delle catastrofi umanitarie terribili.»
    Giornalista: «Ribellarsi non è facile però...»
    DM: «Certo, bisogna saper staccarsi dal gruppo. Bisogna saper gridare la propria rivolta, la propria verità. E questo chiede un certo impegno»

    • Une certaine idée de la justice

      Ses enquêtes, dignes des meilleurs romans d’espionnage ont fait la une de la presse mondiale. De la plus grande saisie d’héroïne jamais réalisée en Suisse aux prisons secrètes de la CIA, du trafic d’organes au Kosovo à la situation des droits de l’homme en Tchétchénie, Dick Marty s’est engagé successivement dans les trois pouvoirs de l’État. Ce livre n’est pas seulement le récit inédit de ces investigations souvent périlleuses, mais aussi une réflexion critique sur des sujets politiques controversés.


      #livre #Tchétchénie #drogue #Kosovo

    • Dick Marty, un cri pour la justice

      Procureur, politicien, enquêteur spécial, le Tessinois Dick Marty est une figure internationale connue pour sa droiture et perspicacité. Infatigable, il a mené l’enquête sur les #prisons_secrètes que la #CIA avait créées en Europe après le 11 septembre pour les terroristes présumés. La torture y était largement pratiquée avec la bénédiction de Washington. Portrait d’un homme à qui rien ne fait peur.



    • Selected CIA Aircraft Routes and Rendition Flights 2001-2006

      The image is a map of selected CIA aircraft routes between 2001 and 2006, some of which transported prisoners to foreign countries to be interrogated and tortured.

      I worked with artist and geographer #Trevor_Paglen who provided the data. Trevor spent several years tracking down the flight information, and has a book out on his investigations, Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA’s Rendition Flights (https://www.mhpbooks.com/books/torture-taxi). See this interview with him (https://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/09/15/1342250) on Democracy Now! with co-author, journalist A.C. Thompson.

      The map was also published in An Atlas of Radical Cartography (http://www.an-atlas.com), Domus magazine as was displayed at MoMA PS1 and as a public billboard in Los Angeles in September 2006 as part of a series of public art installations about the war. Clockshop, a public arts organization in Los Angeles, funded the display.


    • Torture Taxi. On the Trail of the CIA’s Rendition Flights

      It’s no longer a secret: Since 9/11, the CIA has quietly kidnapped more than a hundred people and detained them at prisons throughout the world. It is called “extraordinary rendition,” and it is part of the largest U.S. clandestine operation since the end of the Cold War.

      Some detainees have been taken to Egypt and Morocco to be tortured and interrogated. Others have been transported to secret CIA-run facilities in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, where they, too, have been tortured. Many of the kidnapped detainees have ended up at the U.S. detention camp at Guantánamo, but others have been disappeared entirely.

      In this first book to systematically investigate extraordinary rendition, an award-winning investigative journalist and a “military geographer” explore the CIA program in a series of journeys that takes them around the world. They travel to suburban Massachusetts to profile a CIA front company that supplies the agency with airplanes; to Smithfield, North Carolina, to meet pilots who fly CIA aircraft; to the San Francisco suburbs to study with a “planespotter” who tracks the CIA’s movements; and to Afghanistan, where the authors visit the notorious “Salt Pit” prison and meet released Afghan detainees.

      They find that nearly five years after 9/11, the kidnappings have not stopped. On the contrary, the rendition program has been formalized, colluding with the military when necessary, and constantly changing its cover to remain hidden from sight.


    • The Council of Europe’s investigation into illegal transfers and secret detentions in Europe: a chronology

      The European Court of Human Rights has so far delivered three judgments concerning CIA rendition and secret detention operations in Council of Europe member states (one against “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and two against Poland), and individual applications are currently pending against other states (Italy, Lithuania and Romania), many drawing on Senator Dick Marty’s investigations. The Court has published a thematic fact-sheet on cases involving secret detentions.

      22 April 2015: In remarks to German news magazine Der Spiegel, former Romanian President Ion Iliascu admits to the existence of a secret CIA “site” in Romania. PACE President Anne Brasseur responds: “it is now up to the Romanian prosecutorial authorities to conduct a serious investigation into the facts, and to hold to account the perpetrators of any crimes committed in this context.”

      11-12 March 2015: The deputies of the Council of Europe’s ministerial body - which oversees the execution of Court judgments - say they are concerned Mr Al Nashiri and Mr Abu Zubaydah, now interned at Guantanamo Bay, could face “flagrant denials of justice” if tried by Military Commission and ask the Polish authorities to urgently seek assurances from the US that they will not be tried using torture evidence or subjected to the death penalty. Poland swiftly does so.

      24 July 2014: The European Court of Human Rights delivers landmark judgments in the Abu Zubaydah and Al Nashiri cases, finding that Poland was complicit in “CIA rendition, secret detention and interrogation operations on its territory” and that, by enabling the CIA to detain the applicants, it was exposing them to a serious risk of torture. After an appeal by the government is turned down on 16 February 2015, the rulings became final.

      3 December 2013: The European Court of Human Rights holds a joint Chamber hearing in the Abu Zubaydah and Al Nashiri cases against Poland, listening to submissions from all parties, and posts the video online. It also holds a confidential hearing with the parties the day before the public hearing.
      10 October 2013: The European Parliament, in a fresh resolution, deeply deplores the failures to respond to its earlier demands, and renews the call for proper investigations in Lithuania, Romania and Poland. It suggests the “climate of impunity” surrounding the CIA’s rendition programme may have enabled the mass surveillance by the NSA, recently revealed.

      9 July 2013: In addition to his case against Lithuania, Mr Zubaydah also brings a case before the Strasbourg Court against Poland, similar to the case already brought by Mr Al Nashiri.

      14 December 2012: The Court communicates to the Lithuanian Government the case of Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania. Mr Zubaydah says he was illegally held and ill-treated in a secret prison in Lithuania run by the CIA.

      13 December 2012: The European Court of Human Rights issues its first judgment in a case involving secret prisons on European soil when its Grand Chamber finds “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” in violation of the Convention for its part in the torture and rendition of German car-salesman Khaled El-Masri. It is greeted as a landmark judgment.

      18 September 2012: The Strasbourg Court communicates to the Romanian Government the case of Al Nashiri v. Romania. Mr Al Nashiri – who also brought the earlier case against Poland – alleges Romania knowingly and intentionally enabled the CIA to detain him and has refused to date to properly acknowledge or investigate any wrongdoing.

      11 September 2012: PACE President Jean-Claude Mignon welcomes the latest resolution of the European Parliament, adopted on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which calls on Lithuania, Poland and Romania to open or resume independent investigations into allegations that they colluded with the CIA to hold and interrogate terrorism suspects in secret prisons. National investigations so far have been “painfully inadequate”, he points out, but the process of accountability continues.

      10 July 2012: The European Court of Human Rights communicates to the Polish Government the case of Al Nashiri v. Poland. Mr Al Nashiri, suspected of terrorist acts and now in Guantanamo, says he was tortured in Poland while in US custody following rendition, and that Poland “knowingly and intentionally” enabled his secret detention.

      16 May 2012: The European Court of Human Rights holds its first hearing on a rendition-related case, in the El-Masri case, and posts the video online. This case is heard before the Grand Chamber, an indication of its significance.

      8 December 2011: Reacting to reported confirmation of a secret CIA prison in Romania, Dick Marty says: “Five years ago we put forward substantial elements of proof of a secret CIA prison in Romania. There have been years of official denials since then. But the ‘dynamic of truth’ has run its course [...]. Those responsible for the crimes committed – and their cover-up – should now be held to account in a court of law.”

      24 November 2011: Reporting on a September 2010 visit to Romania, the Council of Europe’s Anti-Torture Committee (CPT) questions the absence of a judicial inquiry into the allegations of a secret CIA prison in the country. In their response, the Romanian authorities repeat that there is no evidence of this, and that – in the absence of proof – for them the subject is closed.

      22 November 2011: The European Court of Human Rights communicates to the Italian Government the case of Nasr and Ghali v. Italy, and asks the parties to answer a number of questions. Egyptian imam Abu Omar alleges he was kidnapped in Rome and transferred to Egypt with Italian involvement, and then detained in secret for several months in inhuman conditions.

      6 October 2011: In his last report for PACE, Dick Marty evaluates the various judicial or parliamentary inquiries launched after his reports five years ago named European governments which had hosted CIA secret prisons or colluded in rendition and torture. Overall, he concludes that unjustified resort to the doctrine of “state secrets” is still too often shielding secret services from scrutiny of involvement in human rights violations.

      5 September 2011: In two comments marking the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks – addressing, in turn, renditions and secret detentions – Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg echoes Dick Marty’s repeated calls for accountability on the part of European governments.

      19 May 2011: Reporting on a June 2010 visit to Lithuania, the Council of Europe’s Anti-Torture Committee (CPT) questions both the promptness and thoroughness of the Lithuanian Prosecutor General’s pre-trial investigation into abuse of office, then under way. In their response, the Lithuanian authorities report that “no objective data concerning the fact of abuse (or another criminal act) were collected during the pre-trial investigation” and therefore no charges will be brought.

      28 September 2010: The European Court of Human Rights becomes involved in the first specific case involving rendition and secret prisons when it communicates the case of El-Masri v. “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” to the authorities, and asks the parties to answer a number of questions. Mr El-Masri, apparently mistaken by the CIA for another man of the same name, was kidnapped and interrogated in a Skopje hotel for 23 days before being transferred to US agents.

      21 August 2009: Reacting to a news report that Lithuania was the site of a third secret CIA prison in Europe, Dick Marty says his own sources seem to confirm this information, and calls for “a full, independent and credible investigation” into what occurred on the outskirts of Vilnius: “Denial and evasion are no longer credible,” he says.

      6 November 2008: Testifying at the Milan trial of CIA and Italian secret service agents accused of kidnapping Abu Omar, Dick Marty says this is one of the few cases involving the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program to come to court. The invocation of ’state secrets’ by the Italian government must not - as in other judicial or parliamentary procedures in the US and Germany - be allowed to block the trial: “Let justice take its course!” he declares.

      4 April 2008: In a statement, Dick Marty criticises the Committee of Ministers for its response and accuses European governments of “hypocrisy” for continuing to deny their involvement in secret detentions and illegal renditions, unless forced to do so. “The United States made a choice - which I think was a wrong choice - to fight the war on terror using illegal means, but they at least made it openly and defend it,” he points out.

      16 January 2008: In a reply, the Committee of Ministers – representing the 47 Council of Europe governments – says only that it will “carefully consider” the Secretary General’s proposals to control the activities of foreign intelligence services in Europe, noting that they “reached deeply into sensitive areas of national security, law and practice”. To date, it has not yet implemented any of these proposals.

      27 June 2007: The plenary Assembly – bringing together over 300 legislators from 47 European countries – backs Mr Marty’s report and urges better oversight of foreign intelligence services operating in Europe. The use of “state secrecy” laws to protect wrongful acts by secret services should be limited, the parliamentarians say.

      8 June 2007: Presenting a second report following several months of additional inquiry, Swiss Senator Dick Marty reveals evidence that US “high-value detainees”, including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, were held in secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania. Based on extensive, cross-referenced testimony from serving and former intelligence agents, he also alleges a series of partly secret decisions among NATO allies in 2001 which enabled the CIA to carry out illegal activities in Europe.

      14 February 2007: In a report, the European Parliament comes to similar conclusions to Mr Marty, saying EU countries “turned a blind eye” to extraordinary renditions across their territory and airspace.

      6 September 2006: The Committee of Ministers – representing the 47 governments of the Council of Europe – decides only to “take note” of the Secretary General’s proposals for greater control over the activities of security services operating in Europe, declining any immediate follow-up. The decision comes on the very same day that US President George Bush admits the existence of secret CIA prisons. On the other hand, PACE President René van der Linden reacts by declaring that kidnapping people and torturing them in secret “is what criminals do, not democratic governments”. Such activities will not make citizens safer in the long run, he says. The admission is a vindication of Senator Marty’s work, he adds.

      30 June 2006: Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis makes concrete proposals to European governments for laws to control the activities of foreign intelligence services in Europe, reviewing state immunity, and making better use of existing controls on over-flights, including requiring landing and search of civil flights engaged in state functions.

      27 June 2006: The plenary Assembly debates Mr Marty’s first report and calls for the dismantling of the system of secret prisons, oversight of foreign intelligence services operating in Europe and a common strategy for fighting terrorism which does not undermine human rights.

      14 June 2006: Analysing a second round of replies from governments to his inquiry, Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis concludes in a supplementary report that laws to protect Europeans against human rights violations by foreign intelligence agents are “the exception rather than the rule”. Confirming his earlier conclusions, he says current controls on civil air traffic are inadequate, while State aircraft in transit are rarely checked.

      7 June 2006: Presenting his first report, Dick Marty says he has exposed a global “spider’s web” of illegal US detentions and transfers, and alleges collusion in this system by 14 Council of Europe member states, 7 of whom may have violated the rights of named individuals.

      17 March 2006: In an opinion, legal experts from the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission say that, under the European Convention on Human Rights and other international laws, member states should refuse to allow transit of prisoners where there is a risk of torture. If this is suspected, they should search civil planes or refuse overflight to state planes.

      1 March 2006: Analysing governments’ replies to a separate inquiry using powers under the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis says Europe appears to be “a happy hunting-ground for foreign security services”. Presenting a first report, he says that the rules governing activities of secret services – especially foreign ones – appear inadequate in many member states, and that current air traffic regulations do not safeguard against abuse. Immunity for foreign agents who commit crimes in Europe should not extend to serious human rights violations.

      7 November 2005: Following media reports, the Parliamentary Assembly appoints Senator Dick Marty, a Swiss former prosecutor, to conduct a parliamentary inquiry into “alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states”. PACE President René van der Linden declares: “This issue goes to the very heart of the Council of Europe’s human rights mandate.”



    • Deuxième rapport de Dick Marty, 08.06.2007

      Dick Marty: ‘high-value detainees’ were held at secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania

      PACE rapporteur Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE) today revealed new evidence that US “high-value detainees” were held in secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania during the period 2002-5 and alleges a series of partly secret decisions among NATO allies in October 2001 which provided the basic framework for illegal CIA activities in Europe.

      In an explanatory memorandum made public today, Mr Marty says he has cross-referenced the credible testimonies of over 30 members of intelligence services in the US and Europe with analysis of “data strings” from the international flight planning system.


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQy2i45P5-o


    Utah bitch (Gobillon-Sabotier)

    dire que j’aurai pu
    voir le jour dans un village hutu
    piler le mil et traquer le gnou
    occire le tutsi avant qu’il ne me tue
    si dieu l’avait choisi
    j’aurai pu naître en ex-yougoslavie
    le prier pieds nus ou le manger en hostie
    et pourrir dans un charnier de bosnie
    j’n’ai pas perdu d’emploi
    j’n’en ai jamais trouvé
    ma femme n’est pas partie
    j’n’en ai jamais séduit
    je sens que même mon ombre
    rêve de prendre la fuite
    il a décidé que je vivrai en paix
    dire que j’aurai pu
    voir le jour en mésopotamie
    plonger dans la nuit sous une grêle d’obus
    selon la volonté des nations unies
    si dieu l’avait choisi
    j’aurai pu naître aux etats-unis
    voter démocrate ou républicain
    grossir devant la télé une bière à la main
    mes amis ne sont pas morts ils n’ont pas existé
    la pluie d’hiver me glace et j’ai trop chaud l’été
    je passe mon temps à vivre au rabais
    il a décidé que ce sera en paix



  • Opinion | The Federal Agency That Fuels the Opioid Crisis - The New York Times

    Every day, nearly 200 people across the country die from drug overdoses. Opioids have been the primary driver of this calamity: first as prescription painkillers, then heroin and, more recently, illicitly manufactured fentanyl. The death toll has risen steadily over the past two decades.

    The Drug Enforcement Administration, the agency that most directly oversees access to opioids, deserves much of the blame for these deaths. Because of its incompetence, the opioid crisis has gone from bad to worse. The solution: overhauling the agency, or even getting rid of it entirely.

    A decade into the crisis, more and more prescription drug users turned to the black market. Even though the D.E.A. had tried to “eradicate” illicit drugs for nearly 50 years, users could easily buy stolen and counterfeit pills, along with a cheaper option, heroin. Soon, some began injecting. Outbreaks of H.I.V. and hepatitis C followed. Meanwhile, people who sought evidence-based treatment were rarely able to access it because of the agency’s evolving regulatory and enforcement strategies, like blocking the expansion of mobile methadone clinics and shutting down addiction treatment providers without arranging alternatives for affected patients.

    The Drug Enforcement Administration has had over 40 years to win the war on drugs. Instead its tactics have fueled the opioid crisis. To finally make a dent in this national emergency, we need to rethink the agency from the bottom up.

    Leo Beletsky, an associate professor of law and health sciences at Northeastern University, is the faculty director of the Health in Justice Action Lab, where Jeremiah Goulka is a senior fellow.

    #Opioides #DEA #War_on_drug

  • Wo es in Berlin nachts am gefährlichsten ist – B.Z. Berlin

    Hier isset dunkel, hier hat och de Polizei Angst. Liest man. Is aber Kwatsch.

    Aktuell stuft die Polizei neun Orte als kriminalitätsbelastet ein: Alexanderplatz, Leopoldplatz, Schöneberg-Nord (im Bereich Nollendorfplatz und Teile des Regenbogenkiezes), Görlitzer Park, Warschauer Brücke, Kottbusser Tor (siehe unten), Teile der Hermannstraße, Hermannplatz sowie ein kleiner Bereich der Rigaer Straße.

    Natürlich, die B.Z. muss mal wieda mit die Sicherheitströte tuten. Tut tut sie immer schon besonders schön. Warum ooch nich, klappern jehört zum Handwerk. Aber wennickma uff die valassen würde, wennick nachts arbeete, dann würdick vahungern. Allet so jefääährlich hier!

    Jetzt ma im Ernst, wat heisst den schon kriminalitätsbelastet ? Machen wa dit mal konkret.

    Tagsüber Hütchenspieler und Taschendiebe, nachts Klopperei. Ja nun, Großstadtdisko eben. Kann man sich eijentlich janz normal bewejen, aussa man fängt falsche Diskussionen falsch an, so mit „Heij Du Arsch“ oder so. Dann jibbet schonmal uffe Fresse.

    Äh, is doch eijentlich janz nett jeworden jetzt, mit der Bezirkssäufer-Bank jejenüba vonne Sparkasse. Drogen jips reichlich, aba juckt mich dit?

    #Schöneberg-Nord (im Bereich #Nollendorfplatz und Teile des Regenbogenkiezes)
    Is schon seit Jahren ’ne komische Nachbarschaft mit den Jastarbeetakindan, wo de Familien nach Jahrzehnten inne Stadt noch imma keen richtijet Deutsch quatschen und wo der Imam Sozialarbeit machen muss. Wenn die mies druff sind, und denen abands een schwuler Eijentumswohnungsbesitza mit Stuckornamente im Schritt bejejnet, dann jibs eben Klassenkampf uff islamisch. Nich schön abba wahr. Sollte uffhörn. Für alle andern jilt, wer zum Bezahlweibe oder zu sowat wie Heiko Maas in Jung jeht, wird schon mal abjezogen. Wer süße Araberjungs im Tierjarten vögelt weeß ooch watta tut. Dafür jibt’s die Notuffnahme.
    Also macht nich son Jewese, Nolli kriminalitätsbelastet, dassick nich lache.

    Ein Glück is der Tunnel dicht. Der war übel. Nachts im Park Drogen koofen? Dafür jibts nen schönen Ausdruck: Musste für mittem Klammabeutel jepudert sein. Och hier sind einfach ville Leute. Passt nich imma allet zusamm, und dann wird sich jekloppt. Ansonsten nette Jejend. Viel zu reich jeworden.

    Touristen sind einfach Opfa. Kommen ausm Dorf und bilden sich ein, se können hier ihren Kram einfach rumliejen lassen, und ein paar Stunden späta issa nochh da. Ick sachs euch mal janz deutlich: Jeklaut wird allet, wat nich anjeschaubt is. Manchmal willet eena janz besonders dringend ham euern Kram, dann jebt ihm det Zeug einfach, wenna nich jrade selba ne Kreuzung aus Chuck Norris und Jackie Chan seid. Benehmt euch, dann passiert euch nix.

    Wie #Warschauer_Brücke. Watt wollt ihr denn eijentlich alle da?

    Teile der #Hermannstraße
    Ja. Verkehrskriminelle. Jibts hier reichlich. Unter Nachbarn wird sich ehrlich beharkt. Manchmal jeht dit bis zum Ehrenmord. Alle andern läßt man eher in Ruhe. Ich kannte aba ooch nen armen reichen Jungen aus Lichterfelden, der den Besuch im Rollbergkino nicht überlebt hat. Der wusste einfach nich, wie et hier läuft. Deeskalation is anjesacht. Siehe auch #Warschauer_Brücke.

    Wie #Hermannstraße

    ein kleiner Bereich der #Rigaer_Straße
    Tja, dit is wohl’n Witz. In Friedrichshain ist einfach viel los, und wo viel los is wird viel getrunken, und da passiert dann auch was. Ansonsten leben hier alle friedlich zusammen. Die Ordnungsliebhaber in der Politik aus Zehlendorf und Köpenick, die sind sind der Meinung, dass die letzten Reste der Hausbesetzerbewegung aus den Neunzigerjahren endlich weg müssen. Dann stellt man dem kleinen bunten Völkchen provokativ ne Wanne vor die Nase, dit heisst Liebig Ecke Rigaer uffn Dorfplatz , damit man anschliessen schön laut über gewalttätige Chaoten jammern kann. Watnscheiss.

    So, dit war der aktuele Bericht zur Sicherheitslage, viel Spass am Wochenende, und fallt ma nich im Vollsuff vonne Warschauer Brücke. Letztet Jahr jab dit mehr Tote als die paar Messerstechereien inne jejend.

    Warum ich dit so sehe? Na janz einfach, bei Bolle war dit ooch schon so. Schönholzer Heite. Ewijet Berlin, sozusajen.


    #Berlin #Friedrichshain #Polizei #Kriminalität #Gewalt

  • A Peace Movement Blooms at Google | Alternet

    Three-thousand Google employees have signed a letter protesting the internet giant’s contract with the Defense Department to develop artificial intelligence in order to analyze imagery collected by drones.

    The employees are calling on Google CEO Sundar Pichai to cancel the project immediately and to “enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology.”

    Google is collaborating with the Pentagton’s Project Maven, which was established in April 2017 “to deploy computer algorithms to war zones by year’s end, “according to one Defense Department press release. The focus of the project is “38 classes of objects that represent the kinds of things the department needs to detect, especially in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.”
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    The protest is a signal moment in the global campaign against lethal autonomous weapons, otherwise known as killer robots. The increasingly plausible of specter of warfare in which machines automatically target and kill people without human control has given rise to an international movement to ban such weapons. The Google antiwar letter shows the movement has arrived in Silicon Valley.

    Since 2014, the nations that have signed the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) have convened biannual conferences of experts to study the issue. Academics, policymakers and activists have found widespread agreement on the importance of controlling autonomous weapons, yet failed to reach consensus on how to do it.

    #Google #Guerre #Warfare #Techno_manifestation

    • OPCW Will Deploy Fact-Finding Mission to #Douma, Syria
      Tuesday, 10 April 2018


      THE HAGUE, Netherlands — 10 April 2018 — Since the first reports of alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma, Syrian Arab Republic, were issued, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been gathering information from all available sources and analysing it. At the same time, OPCW’s Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, has considered the deployment of a Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) team to Douma to establish facts surrounding these allegations.

      Today, the OPCW Technical Secretariat has requested the Syrian Arab Republic to make the necessary arrangements for such a deployment. This has coincided with a request from the Syrian Arab Republic and the Russian Federation to investigate the allegations of chemical weapons use in Douma. The team is preparing to deploy to Syria shortly.


      Set up in 2014, the on-going mandate of the OPCW Fact Finding Mission (FFM) is “to establish facts surrounding allegations of the use of toxic chemicals, reportedly chlorine, for hostile purposes in the Syrian Arab Republic”. The OPCW cannot and will not release information about an on-going investigation. This policy exists to preserve the integrity of the investigatory process and its results as well as to ensure the safety and security of OPCW experts and personnel involved. All parties are asked to respect the confidentiality parameters required for a rigorous and unimpeded investigation.

      As the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, the OPCW oversees the global endeavour to permanently and verifiably eliminate chemical weapons. Since the Convention’s entry into force in 1997 – and with its 192 States Parties – it is the most successful disarmament treaty eliminating an entire class of weapons of mass destruction.

      Over ninety-six per cent of all chemical weapon stockpiles declared by possessor States have been destroyed under OPCW verification. For its extensive efforts in eliminating chemical weapons, the OPCW received the 2013 Nobel Prize for Peace.

      #Syrie #OPCW

  • Hackernoon Dispatch: #aws Summit San Francisco

    April 4, 2018 — AWS held its San Francisco edition of its summit today, and despite what some others would say the event actually did seem built for AWS practitioners. Compared to the mass Vegas wide chaos known as Re:Invent the event seemed to push what seems to be the ever growing triad of AWS (and much of the industry) concentration that would be containerization, serverless, and machine learning.Courtesy AWS #WarnerOnParadeSome of the announcements of the day are:Amazon S3 One-Zone Infrequent AccessWerner Vogels got on stage and actually released something that every startup developer didn’t know they really wanted. “S3-ZIA” pricing allows developers to select for single area zone object storing that comes in at $.01/gb storage. Given that the < 500gb price on s3 is still .021, this (...)

    #machine-learning #amazon #devops #security

  • Heal the Cracks in the Bell of the World

    Martín Espada

    For the community of Newtown, Connecticut,
    where twenty students and six educators lost their
    lives to a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary
    December 14, 2012

    Now the bells speak with their tongues of bronze.
    Now the bells open their mouths of bronze to say:
    Listen to the bells a world away. Listen to the bell in the ruins
    of a city where children gathered copper shells like beach glass,
    and the copper boiled in the foundry, and the bell born
    in the foundry says: I was born of bullets, but now I sing
    of a world where bullets melt into bells. Listen to the bell
    in a city where cannons from the armies of the Great War
    sank into molten metal bubbling like a vat of chocolate,
    and the many mouths that once spoke the tongue of smoke
    form the one mouth of a bell that says: I was born of cannons,
    but now I sing of a world where cannons melt into bells.

    Listen to the bells in a town with a flagpole on Main Street,
    a rooster weathervane keeping watch atop the Meeting House,
    the congregation gathering to sing in times of great silence.
    Here the bells rock their heads of bronze as if to say:
    Melt the bullets into bells, melt the bullets into bells.
    Here the bells raise their heavy heads as if to say:
    Melt the cannons into bells, melt the cannons into bells.
    Here the bells sing of a world where weapons crumble deep
    in the earth, and no one remembers where they were buried.
    Now the bells pass the word at midnight in the ancient language
    of bronze, from bell to bell, like ships smuggling news of liberation
    from island to island, the song rippling through the clouds.

    Now the bells chime like the muscle beating in every chest,
    heal the cracks in the bell of every face listening to the bells.
    The chimes heal the cracks in the bell of the moon.
    The chimes heal the cracks in the bell of the world.

    #war #guns #usa #slam #poetry

  • 21 degrés de liberté – 07

    Consulter des ouvrages en bibliothèque était hier une opération dont les bibliothécaires défendaient ardemment le caractère confidentiel. Aujourd’hui toutes nos recherches d’informations nous pistent. Voici déjà le 7e article de la série écrite par Rick Falkvinge. Le fondateur du Parti … Lire la suite­­

    #21_degrés_de_liberté #Dégooglisons_Internet #Internet_et_société #Libertés_Numériques #Bibliotheque #Information #Internet #Liberte #pistage #warrantCanary

  • Tomgram: Engelhardt, Seeing Our Wars for the First Time | TomDispatch

    Mapping a World From Hell
    76 Countries Are Now Involved in Washington’s War on Terror
    By Tom Engelhardt

    He left Air Force Two behind and, unannounced, “shrouded in secrecy,” flew on an unmarked C-17 transport plane into Bagram Air Base, the largest American garrison in Afghanistan. All news of his visit was embargoed until an hour before he was to depart the country.

    More than 16 years after an American invasion “liberated” Afghanistan, he was there to offer some good news to a U.S. troop contingent once again on the rise. Before a 40-foot American flag, addressing 500 American troops, Vice President Mike Pence praised them as “the world’s greatest force for good,” boasted that American air strikes had recently been “dramatically increased,” swore that their country was “here to stay,” and insisted that “victory is closer than ever before.” As an observer noted, however, the response of his audience was “subdued.” (“Several troops stood with their arms crossed or their hands folded behind their backs and listened, but did not applaud.”)

    Think of this as but the latest episode in an upside down geopolitical fairy tale, a grim, rather than Grimm, story for our age that might begin: Once upon a time — in October 2001, to be exact — Washington launched its war on terror. There was then just one country targeted, the very one where, a little more than a decade earlier, the U.S. had ended a long proxy war against the Soviet Union during which it had financed, armed, or backed an extreme set of Islamic fundamentalist groups, including a rich young Saudi by the name of Osama bin Laden.

    By 2001, in the wake of that war, which helped send the Soviet Union down the path to implosion, Afghanistan was largely (but not completely) ruled by the Taliban. Osama bin Laden was there, too, with a relatively modest crew of cohorts. By early 2002, he had fled to Pakistan, leaving many of his companions dead and his organization, al-Qaeda, in a state of disarray. The Taliban, defeated, were pleading to be allowed to put down their arms and go back to their villages, an abortive process that Anand Gopal vividly described in his book, No Good Men Among the Living.

  • Changes to #suicide tactics in the battle for #Mosul
    http://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/military-review/Archives/English/Adaptation-and-Innovation-with-an-urban-twist.pdf #Irak #Iraq #war #weapons #guerre #armes #asymmetric_warfare #guerre_asymétrique

    Suicide bombers has always been an asymmetric response to lack of precision weapons. Once a replacement is developed, we can expect suicide bombing to recede despite its serving as a signaling function for ideology by demonstrating determination & sacrifice. (Which reminds that the coming proliferation of cheap precision guided munitions is not going to be fun)

  • #Notre-Dame-des-Landes (44) : des nouvelles terres pour de nouveaux projets

    Samedi 21 octobre – RDV fourche en main à 10h sur la ZAD Le 21 octobre, nous vous invitons à une mobilisation pour continuer à poser les bases d’un avenir sans aéroport, à travers une nouvelle étape dans la mise en partage de terres sur la ZAD. A l’initiative de COPAIN 44, de Sème Ta […]

    #manifestation #potager #Wardine