
    • J’aime surtout l’argument : il était naïf de croire que les gouvernements resteraient inactifs et impuissants face aux fuites.

      J’aurais cependant ajouté deux raisons de plus :
      – confusion avec le data journalism, totalement inadapté dans le cas notamment du cablegate, malgré la masse de documents (et déjà assez pourri sur les warlogs) ;
      – inadaptation (pour l’instant ?) du crowdsourcing face à de la documentation complexe, qui demande de la patience et le développement d’un certain niveau d’expertise.

      En gros je n’ai déjà pas trop aimé ce qui a été fait avec les #warlogs, mais surtout quand la même chose a commencé à être appliqué au #cablegate, ça a été un massacre.

  • #Iraq #warlogs: Secret order that let US ignore abuse | guardian.co.uk

    “Hundreds of the leaked war logs reflect the fertile imagination of the torturer faced with the entirely helpless victim – bound, gagged, blindfolded and isolated – who is whipped by men in uniforms using wire cables, metal rods, rubber hoses, wooden stakes, TV antennae, plastic water pipes, engine fan belts or chains. At the torturer’s whim, the logs reveal, the victim can be hung by his wrists or by his ankles; knotted up in stress positions; sexually molested or raped; tormented with hot peppers, cigarettes, acid, pliers or boiling water – and always with little fear of retribution since, far more often than not, if the Iraqi official is assaulting an Iraqi civilian, no further investigation will be required.”

    “The logs identify perpetrators from every corner of the Iraqi security apparatus – soldiers, police officers, prison guards, border enforcement patrols.

    There is no question of the coalition forces not knowing that their Iraqi comrades are doing this: the leaked war logs are the internal records of those forces.

    There is no question of the allegations all being false. Some clearly are, but most are supported by medical evidence and some involve incidents that were witnessed directly by coalition forces.”


  • Pour enfoncer #Bradley_Manning, suspecté d’être la source des #Wikileaks sur les #WarLogs, le #New_York_Times descend au fond des chiottes:
    “He spent part of his childhood with his father in the arid plains of central Oklahoma, where classmates made fun of him for being a geek. He spent another part with his mother in a small, remote corner of southwest Wales, where classmates made fun of him for being gay.

    Then he joined the Army, where, friends said, his social life was defined by the need to conceal his sexuality under “don’t ask, don’t tell” and he wasted brainpower fetching coffee for officers.

    But it was around two years ago, when Pfc. Bradley Manning came here to visit a man he had fallen in love with, that he finally seemed to have found a place where he fit in, part of a social circle that included politically motivated computer hackers and his boyfriend, a self-described drag queen.”

    Oui, les trois premiers paragraphes d’un article consacré à celui qui risque quelques dizaines d’années de prison pour avoir permis la sortie des War Logs concernent, uniquement, sa présumée #homosexualité.

    À classer sous: #homophobie #Maccarthisme #journalisme_de_révérence