• #Assange (#Wikileaks) sur la #censure et la #liberté_d_expression

    "The west has fiscalised its basic power relationships through a web of contracts, loans, shareholdings, bank holdings and so on. In such an environment it is easy for speech to be “free” because a change in political will rarely leads to any change in these basic instruments. Western speech, as something that rarely has any effect on power, is, like badgers and birds, free. In states like China, there is pervasive censorship, because speech still has power and power is scared of it. We should always look at censorship as an economic signal that reveals the potential power of speech in that jurisdiction. The attacks against us by the US point to a great hope, speech powerful enough to break the fiscal blockade."

    • Ce qui rappelle la thèse classique de Chomsky: «La propagande est à la démocratie ce que la violence est au totalitarisme.»:
      “Democracy permits the voice of the people to be heard, and it is the task of the intellectual to ensure that this voice endorses what leaders perceive to be the right course. Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to totalitarianism.”

  • Octave Klaba, le directeur général d’#OVH, a écrit à ses clients concernant la présence de #Wikileaks dans ses locaux :
    « Ovh n’est ni pour ni contre ce site. La question hors sujet pour nous. Ovh est une entreprise qui fournit les infrastructures, le fameux cloud computing disponible en quelques heures ..., et notre rôle est d’assurer cette prestation technique. C’est tout.

    On n’a pas demandé d’héberger ce site ou ne pas l’héberger. Maintenant qu’il est chez nous on assure le contrat. C’est notre boulot. Il est fonctionnel.

    Compte tenu de dernières déclarations politiques, et de pressions qui commencent réellement à se sentir, même ici à Roubaix Valley, nous avons décidé de saisir le juge en référé afin qu’il se prononce sur la légalité ou pas de ce site sur le territoire français. Ce n’est pas au monde politique ni à Ovh de demander ou de décider la fermeture ou pas d’un site mais à la justice. C’est comme que ça doit marcher dans un pays de droit.

    Nous espérons que le juge donnera sa décision avant ce soir ou demain. Et Ovh appliquera la décision immédiatement. »

  • Après les prisonniers de guerre qui ne sont pas des prisonniers de guerre (Guantanamo, extraordinary renditions...), les Américains définissent l’organisation médiatique qui n’est pas une organisation médiatique: #Wikileaks. Et #Assange n’est pas un «#whistleblower», mais un «acteur politique» (sans doute un «anarchiste»).

    “QUESTION: Do you know if the State Department regards WikiLeaks as a media organization?

    MR. CROWLEY: No. We do not.

    QUESTION: And why not?

    MR. CROWLEY: WikiLeaks is not a media organization. That is our view.

    QUESTION: So P.J., going back to the answer to your last question, have you contacted governments that have been censoring this to protest that – or sites that they have —

    MR. CROWLEY: I’m not in a position to say what governments have done or what conversations have occurred between governments and media. There’s – certainly, there are countries around the world that do not have as robust a focus on these issues as ours does. That’s probably not a surprise to us, and when we do meet with these governments, we talk about media issues among key human rights issues. Our dialogue is not going to change over this.

    QUESTION: P.J., on that subject of WikiLeaks, Amazon, as we know, did have them on their server for a time and then stopped doing that. And there’s a human rights group that says that Amazon was directed by the U.S. Government to stop that relationship. Do you know anything –

    MR. CROWLEY: All I can say is I’m not aware of any contacts between the Department of State and Amazon.

    QUESTION: Or the U.S. Government or just State?

    MR. CROWLEY: I’m not in a position on this particular issue to talk about the entire government. I’m just not aware of any contacts directly.

    QUESTION: From your perspective, what is WikiLeaks? How do you define them, if it is not a media organization, then?

    MR. CROWLEY: Well, as the Secretary said earlier this week, it is – one might infer it has many characteristics of some internet sites. Not every internet site you would call a media organization or a news organization. We’re focused on WikiLeaks’s behavior, and I have had personally conversations with media outlets that are reporting on this, and we have had the opportunity to express our specific concerns about intelligence sources and methods and other interests that could put real lives at risk.

    Mr. Assange, in a letter to our Ambassador in the United Kingdom over the weekend, after documents had been released to news organizations, made what we thought was a halfhearted gesture to have some sort of conversation, but that was after he released the documents and after he knew that they were going to emerge publicly. So I think there’s been a very different approach. And Mr. Assange obviously has a particular political objective behind his activities, and I think that, among other things, disqualifies him as being considered a journalist.

    QUESTION: What is his political objective?

    QUESTION: The same letter —

    MR. CROWLEY: Hmm?

    QUESTION: What is his political objective?

    MR. CROWLEY: Well, his – I mean he could be considered a political actor. I think he’s an anarchist, but he’s not a journalist.

    QUESTION: So his objective is to sow chaos, you mean?

    MR. CROWLEY: Well, I mean, you all come here prepared to objectively report the activities of the United States Government. I think that Mr. Assange doesn’t meet that particular standard.

    QUESTION: But just so I understand, P.J., what – I mean you just said the – that you thought he was —

    MR. CROWLEY: Well, but I mean – let me – he’s not a journalist. He’s not a whistleblower. And there – he is a political actor. He has a political agenda. He is trying to undermine the international system of — that enables us to cooperate and collaborate with other governments and to work in multilateral settings and on a bilateral basis to help solve regional and international issues.

    What he’s doing is damaging to our efforts and the efforts of other governments. They are putting at risk our national interest and the interests of other governments around the world. He is not an objective observer of anything. He is an active player. He has an agenda. He’s trying to pursue that agenda, and I don’t think he can – he can’t qualify as either a journalist on the one hand or a whistleblower on the other.

    QUESTION: Sorry. What is that agenda, that political agenda? Can you be more —

    MR. CROWLEY: I’ll leave it for Mr. Assange to define his agenda. He has been interviewed by some of your news organizations. He has the ability to talk for himself. But you asked — I was asked a specific question, “Do we consider him a journalist?” The answer is no.”

    Pour le Département d’État, pour être journaliste ou whistleblower, il ne faut donc pas avoir d’«agenda politique».


    • Réponse d’Assange:
      “I coauthored my first nonfiction book by the time I was 25. I have been involved in nonfiction documentaries, newspapers, TV and internet since that time. However, it is not necessary to debate whether I am a journalist, or how our people mysteriously are alleged to cease to be journalists when they start writing for our organisaiton. Although I still write, research and investigate my role is primarily that of a publisher and editor-in-chief who organises and directs other journalists.”

  • Julian #Assange's rape case: is Sweden just making it up? Julian Assange’s former lawyer writes for Crikey

    “Apparently having consensual sex in Sweden without a condom is punishable by a term of imprisonment of a minimum of two years for rape. That is the basis for a reinstitution of rape charges against #WikiLeaks figurehead Julian Assange that is destined to make Sweden and its justice system the laughing stock of the world and dramatically damage its reputation as a model of modernity.”

    Pour soutenir son idée de «consensual sex without a condom», l’avocat se base semble-t-il sur les déclarations initiales des deux femmes telles que rapportées par une «source policière» par le Daily Mail en août dernier:

  • Dans cette rencontre, Marwan #Hamadeh livre les plans du réseau de communications du #Hezbollah aux Américains, fait une description apocalyptique de ce réseau, et pense que l’armée libanaise n’aura pas le courage de couper les lignes.

    1. (S) Requesting a special meeting with Charge, Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh decried the establishment of a complete fiber optics network by Hizballah throughout Lebanon. The GOL has been sharing this information widely among friends of Lebanon, to include the governments of France, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the UAE. Hamadeh sees only two choices for the GOL: approach the UN Security Council, or use the “cover” of March 14-friendly municipalities to cut the lines. However, he questioned whether the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Internal Security Forces (ISF) have the “guts” to do so, given that Hizballah already stated to Lebanese security officials that it would view this as equal to an Israeli act of aggression, and would then take action against the GOL. Hamadeh hopes that Saad Hariri, now in Geneva, will return soon to Lebanon so that March 14 can meet to formulate a strategy. End summary."

    GOL: Government of Lebanon.

    ""Iran Telecom is taking over the country!" were the first words out of the mouth of Minister of Telecommunications Marwan Hamadeh when he met with Charge and Econoff on April 16. He was referring to the discovery of a complete fiber optic system (FiOS) installed by Hizballah throughout Lebanon - reftel. In addition, Hizballah has introduced Wi-Max in Beirut’s southern suburbs."

    Hamadeh, Sanioura et Saad Hariri livrent les plans du réseau du Hezbollah a absolument tous les amis d’Israël. Pour révéler les secrets de la Résistance libanaise, ils sont visiblement plus efficaces que Wikileaks:
    "Hamadeh himself has been sharing the news both within
    the GOL and outside, with “friends,” which includes the
    Arab countries, the U.S., France (Sarkozy was “stunned”) and
    Terje Roed-Larsen of the UN. He briefed Bernard Kouchner,
    Jean-David Levitte, Boris Bouillon and Michel Barnier while
    in Paris. In Beirut he spoke to Charge Andre Parent of
    France and Ambassador Abdul Aziz Khoja of Saudi Arabia. Saad
    Hariri, when he heard, sent a private plane from Saudi Arabia
    to pick up a copy of the map, which traces in detail the
    route of the system, to share with Saudi King Abdullah and
    Intelligence Chief Prince Mukrin bin Abdul-Aziz. PM Siniora
    briefed the Jordanians and Emiratis, as well as Arab League
    SYG Amr Musa on the network during his recent trip around the
    region, Hamadeh confirmed."

    L’affaire serait tellement grave que même le Patriarche a reçu sa copie:
    “Within Lebanon Hamadeh says that the first person he told, after the Prime Minister and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt was Maronite Patriarch Sfeir.”

    Et, au cas où vraiment les Américains n’auraient pas encore reçu une copie, Hamadeh a pris ses précautions:
    “The current installations, as per the map Hamadeh has given us, shows lines running from Beirut, around both sides of the airport, into the south below the Litani and back up through the Bekaa valley to the far north.”

    Hamadeh est fait des tonnes sur le financement par l’Iran, sans doute certain que c’est le genre de chose qu’il faut dire à un Américain pour attirer son attention...

    "Although Hamadeh says he has “a few names,” he did not list the companies who are responsible for the installation, but said that information would be made available shortly. He cited the Iranian Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon as the source of the funding. This same group has been rebuilding roads and bridges since the July 2006 war with Israel, and has been accused before of installing telecommunications lines in parallel with new roads. Hamadeh said that he wants to get the list of companies involved and black list them with the GOL."

    C’est carrément “une victoire stratégique pour l’Iran”:
    “Hamadeh highlights the system as a strategic victory for Iran, since it creates an important Iranian outpost in Lebanon, bypassing Syria. He sees the value for the Iranians as strategic, rather than technical or economic.”

    Attention, hein, ce sont les «zones chrétiennes qui sont visées»:
    “Hamadeh described the strategic implications of the Hizballah plan, which he says is targeting the Christian areas, despite a denial of that by Hizballah.”

    Pour le Hezbollah, c’est carrément le début d’un «État-Nation»!
    “The value for Hizballah is the final step in creating a nation state. Hizballah now has an army and weapons; a television station; an education system; hospitals; social services; a financial system; and a telecommunications system.”

    De manière spectaculaire, après avoir décrit une victoire stratégique pour l’Iran, la naissance du Hezbollahstan, Hamadeh annonce préparer une «campagne intérieure» qui se résume de très minables calculs de politique politicienne locale:
    "Meanwhile, Hamadeh is preparing a “very strong” internal campaign. This campaign, he said, has the potential to “destroy” Aoun and mobilize Christians, as well as influence those Shia who are already beginning to worry about Hizballah."

    Ce câble est très intéressant. Il confirme le rôle central de Marwan Hamadé dans l’attaque contre le réseau de communication du Hezbollah, qui mènera aux événements de l’été 2008. On le voit diffuser de l’information touchant à la défense de la Résistance, et tenter de manipuler ses interlocuteurs en fabriquant des arguments tous plus énormes les uns que les autres. On le voit aussi assurer les Américains d’une baisse du soutien chiite aux Hezbollah et d’une «description» de Aoun parmi les chrétiens, ce qui est soit de l’aveuglement imbécile, soit plus sûrement de la pure manipulation.

    #wikileaks #cablegate #liban #télécommunications

    • Aujourd’hui, le Nahar publie la réponse de Hamadé:
      “وكذلك، علّق النائب مروان حماده على المواقف المنسوبة اليه في موقع”ويكيليكس" بالآتي:
      1 - “بين مخيلة السفيرة الأميركية وفبركة الموقع المشبوه، قرأت رواية كاملة مليئة بالافتراءات والتلفيقات عن بعض ما أحاط ازمة شبكة الاتصالات عام 2008.
      2 – لم تطلب الحكومة اللبنانية آنذاك حماية احد للقرار الذي اتخذته، اقتناعاً منها بأن وحدة مؤسسات الدولة ومنشآتها واحترام القوانين تبقى الضمان الأول والأخير لحماية لبنان من الأطماع الاسرائيلية او من التفكك الداخلي.
      3 - انني اذ انفي مجمل ما نقل عني في هذه التسريبة الجديدة، لا أزال عند اقتناعتي، كوزير آنذاك وكنائب اليوم، بوجوب إبقاء وحدة الشعب والمؤسسات من خلال سيادة الدولة على قدراتها العسكرية والأمنية والقضائية والاقتصادية، وعلى سلامة البنى التحتية التي يتبين اليوم كيف تخترق من كل صوب، وخصوصاً من العدو الإسرائيلي”."

  • #Amazon.com Drops #Wikileaks - ReadWriteCloud

    "Amazon.com has taken down the Wikileaks web site under what appears to be pressure from the U.S. government. Senator Lieberman issued a statement saying that Amazon.com has informed his staff that the company has ceased hosting Wikileaks.

    Wikileaks latest Twitter update reads “WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free—fine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe.” Wikileaks’ other web site, Cablegate, is still up."

    • #censure « La décision de la société de fermer l’accès à Wikileaks est la bonne, et devrait servir d’exemple pour les autres entreprises que Wikileaks emploie pour distribuer du *contenu obtenu illégalement* », s’est félicité Joe Lieberman.

  • « Aveugler la #conspiration » : dès 2006, la conception de #WikiLeaks | Rue89

    « Plus une organisation est secrète ou injuste, plus des fuites peuvent susciter la peur et la paranoïa au sein de ses dirigeants. […] Puisque les systèmes injustes, par leur nature même, génèrent des opposants, et peinent souvent à garder le contrôle de la situation, des fuites de masse les rendent extrêmement vulnérables. »

    original : http://zunguzungu.wordpress.com/2010/11/29/julian-assange-and-the-computer-conspiracy-%E2%80%9Cto-destroy

    • Plus précisément: #Sarkozy parle aux américains en août 2005:
      "He said he would stress opportunity and making a “deep break with the past” — by proposing significant change to #France's social model — in his 2007 campaign. On economic issues, Sarkozy reprised many of his now familiar policy themes: France’s economic model holds back growth; people need to work more and be rewarded for doing so; and people need to be told the truth about the economic situation. He was upbeat about France’s future if the country seized the opportunity that reforms could bring. He also tossed out a few of the “policy zingers” for which he is well known, notably “The European Central Bank confuses a strong currency with a strong economy,” and “France needs to do what #Reagan did in the U.S., #Thatcher in Britain, and Gonzales in Spain.”"

      #cablegate #wikileaks

  • Noam #Chomsky: #WikiLeaks Cables Reveal “Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership”

    Chomsky était l’un des premiers à lire et publier les Pentagon Papers.
    “one of the major reasons for government secrecy is to protect the government from its own population”

    “When they talk about Arabs, they mean the Arab dictators, not the population, which is overwhelmingly opposed to the conclusions that the analysts here — Clinton and the media — have drawn. There’s also a minor problem; that’s the major problem. The minor problem is that we don’t know from the cables what the Arab leaders think and say. We know what was selected from the range of what they say. So there is a filtering process. We don’t know how much it distorts the information. But there is no question that what is a radical distortion is — or, not even a distortion, a reflection — of the concern that the dictators are what matter. The population does not matter, even if it’s overwhelmingly opposed to U.S. policy.”

  • La #Chine bloque l’accès à #Wikileaks

    « Depuis lundi, l’espace dédié mis en place par Wikileaks et les articles rédigés en mandarin abordant cette actualité ne sont plus accessibles aux internautes chinois. (...) la Chine est le cinquième pays le plus cité dans les mémos diplomatiques, avec 8 320 notes. Le pays se place derrière l’#Irak, la #Turquie, l’#Iran et #Israël. »

  • La prochaine cible de #Wikileaks: les banques - Forbes

    “WikiLeaks’ next target will be a major American bank. “It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume,” he [Julian Assange] said, adding: “For this, there’s only one similar example. It’s like the #Enron emails.””

  • Wikileaks n’ouvre pas vraiment les vannes

    "#Wikileaks, dans un revirement de stratégie étonnant, a décidé de diffuser les pièces au compte-goutte. Chez #Owni.fr, notre partenaire sur les #Statelogs, on est “choqué.” “on ne s’y attendait pas du tout”, nous dit Nicolas Kayser-Bril, en charge du data-journalisme pour la plateforme d’information française."

    #slow #slow #journalism

  • #Syria Comment » Archives » Interview with #Bashar_al-Asad – Wikileaks 18 February 2009

    “¶11. (C) Senator Wicker asked Asad to give his prognosis for the upcoming Lebanese elections, the prospect of Syria sending an ambassador, and whether Hizballah would disarm. In a tone of resigned pessimism, Asad replied that the Lebanese elections would not make much of a difference. In Lebanon, he explained, any party can get a “veto third.” Asad maintained the key issue was whether the Lebanese would vote along political lines or sectarian lines. If the latter occurred, then Shi’as would elect Shi’as, Christians would elect Christians, and so on, which would result in conflict. “If you don’t have consensus, you will have civil war. This is how it has always been in Lebanon,” he said. Conflict in Lebanon would preclude normal relations between the two countries.”

    “¶12. (C) On the subject of a Syrian ambassador to Lebanon, Asad characterized the delayed appointment as being part of a deliberate political process. Asad pointed out Syria had opened an embassy and staffed it, actions they would not have taken if they did not fully intend to send an ambassador. Asad argued an appointment like this was a political step requiring the proper timing. He added “we know who and when, but we’re not going to announce it today.” Senator Wicker deftly rejoined “we could make news!” eliciting laughter from everyone, including Asad.”

    “¶13. (C) Regarding the disarmament of Hizballah, Asad argued “Hizballah has no specific interest in Israel besides securing Lebanon’s borders and preventing threats to Lebanon’s integrity, like Israel’s daily violations of Lebanese airspace.” Asad noted Hizballah was the most powerful political party in Lebanon, was democratically elected, and if peace in the region were to be achieved, “the small things” with Hizballah and Hamas would disappear. “Let’s talk about the peace. This is the big picture that will solve everything.” Asad likened the U.S.’s approach to Hizballah to trying to patch an old suit when a new suit was needed. Senator Cardin countered that peace would very likely go forward if Syria would stop the arms flow to Hizballah. The senator noted many countries thought Syria was concerned about possible repercussions with Iran if it were to take the initiative on stopping arms to Hizballah. Asad responded Syria had been in negotiations with Israel with no concern for Iran’s opinion. He told the story of how Iranian President Ahmedinejad called him just before the Annapolis conference and implored him not to send anyone, that it was a “bad meeting,” but that they sent a representative anyway. “I told him I know it (Annapolis) is just a photo op. But I am sending someone anyway. We do what we think is good for our interests; it’s not dependent on Iran,” he contended.”

    #WikiLeaks #Cablegate #Syrie #Liban #Iran #Hezbollah

  • Palestinians: #Gaza war claim exposed by #WikiLeaks is untrue - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

    "In a June 2009 meeting between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and a U.S. congressional delegation, Barak claimed that the Israeli government “had consulted with Egypt and Fatah prior to Operation Cast Lead, asking if they were willing to assume control of Gaza once Israel defeated Hamas.”

    “Not surprisingly,” Barak said in the meeting, Israel “received negative answers from both.”"

    #Palestine #Israël #CableGate

  • Énorme: en mars 2009, on apprend que le ministre des Affaires étrangères des #États_arabes_unis (#UAE) a «développé de bonnes relations personnelles avec la ministre des Affaires étrangères #Tzipi_Livni (oui, celle de la guerre de 2006 contre le Liban).

    Mais tenez-vous bien: «il est clair que les Émiratis “ne sont pas prêts à faire en public ce qu’ils disent en privé”».

    "Hadas agreed that the UAE was increasingly hostile to
    Iran, but there remained a question as to how far they were
    prepared to go. The UAE has extensive trade and financial
    relations with Iran, including money laundering, and it was
    unclear whether they were ready to use these relations as
    leverage. Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdallah has developed
    good personal relations with Foreign Minister Livni, but the
    Emiratis are “not ready to do publicly what they say in
    private.” (Note: It was clear from Hadas’ remarks that
    Israel’s channel to Saudi Arabia does not run through the
    Foreign Ministry.)"

    Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan est le fils de l’Emir Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Enfin, pour ceux qui s’y retrouvent, cet ami de Tzipi Livni n’est pas vraiment un inconnu:
    “Son of HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, he is the younger half-brother of current emir and president, HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. He is also the younger brother of current crown prince, HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
    His elder half-brother, HH Sheikh Sultan, and elder brother HH Sheikh Hamdan were the Deputy Prime Ministers of the United Arab Emirates. His elder brother HH Sheikh Mansour and half-brother HH Sheikh Saif were succeed as the Deputy Prime Ministers.”

    #Wikileaks #CableGate

  • Dans ce câble de janvier 2007, le France envisage l’idée de geler l’enquête internationale sur la mort de #Rafic_Hariri (éventuellement à la demande de #Saniora), dans le but d’obtenir l’accord de l’opposition (#Hezbollah en tête) sur les «réformes économiques» (comprendre: libéralisation supplémentaire) nécessaires à l’obtention de prêts internationaux.

    "Lebanon: Putting the Tribunal on Ice

    ¶2. (S) The Ambassador hosted French NSA-equivalent Maurice
    Gourdault-Montagne (MGM) for breakfast on January 22. MGM
    cheerfully reviewed preparations for the January 25 Lebanon
    Conference, saying France would announce a contribution of
    500 million euros, while Germany would pledge somewhere in
    the neighborhood of 80 million euros. He observed with
    pleasure that British FM Beckett was now planning to attend
    (a reversal he gratefully attributed to U.S. encouragement).
    The only disappointment, he said, was Russia, which would be
    represented by Special Middle East Envoy Saltanov, even
    though FM Lavrov’s schedule could have permitted him to
    attend at least the opening session.

    ¶3. (S) MGM said he saw little chance of resolving Lebanon’s
    domestic political crisis prior to the Lebanese presidential
    election in November 2007. Consequently, some had raised the
    idea of “putting the tribunal in the freezer” until that
    time, in hopes that a delay in setting up the tribunal would
    aid PM Siniora to break the political deadlock. “Of course,
    we (neither he nor Chirac) are not advocating this idea,” MGM
    stressed at several points. Nevertheless, he continued, the
    Lebanese themselves might ask the French and the U.S. to put
    the tribunal on ice, in part because Siniora would need the
    opposition’s help in order to deliver the economic reforms
    that the GOL is promising at this week’s conference. The
    only other option, MGM continued, would be to change the
    scope of the tribunal itself — something France found
    unacceptable. When pressed on why the French were
    contemplating a change in their approach to the tribunal at
    this point — especially when it was unclear that Lebanon’s
    opposition had the upper hand — MGM made another (and
    somewhat jumbled) reference to the need to obtain the
    opposition’s support for economic reform."

    Oui, quand il s’agit de promouvoir le #néolibéralisme au #Liban, là on peut s’assoir sur ses principes.

    #Wikileaks #CableGate

  • 21 janvier 2007 :

    Noting Lebanese PM Siniora’s January 16 visit to the #UAE, MbZ [#Abu_Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan] characterized #Siniora as a good man. We are supporting him." MbZ said that Hizballah has made a “big mistake” in estimating its support in Lebanon, and has “played it wrong — they do not have the support of the majority of the Lebanese people.” MbZ discussed with Abizaid the military technology that Hizballah used in 2006, specifically noting the amount of anti-tank weapons that Hizballah possessed. Abizaid acknowledged that Hizballah has access to weapons technology that most Arab states don’t have. MbZ interrupted the conversation to state explicitly that he wants the U.S. to understand that the UAE was not involved in the transfer of those weapons or technologies in any way. Referring to the recent events in Somalia, MbZ commented: “The Somalia job was fantastic.”

    #Liban #Hezbollah #Saniora #Wikileaks #CableGate

  • #Saad_Hariri converti à la bienveillance de l’#Iran vis-à-vis du #Liban - LExpress.fr

    Mais elle coïncide aussi avec la publication par le New York Times d’une salve de télégrammes diplomatiques des ambassades des Etats-Unis dans le monde piratés par le site internet WikiLeaks parmi lesquels on peut relever des propos de Hariri semblant encourager Washington à lancer une frappe préventive pour empêcher l’Iran de se doter de l’arme atomique.
    Lors d’une conférence de presse clôturant sa visite de trois jours en Iran, Saad Hariri n’a fait aucune allusion à l’article publié dimanche par le grand quotidien américain, selon lequel le Premier ministre libanais aurait déclaré en 2006 : « L’Irak, ce n’était pas nécessaire, mais l’Iran ça l’est. »

    En anglais dans le texte :

    ‘Iraq was unnecessary,’ claimed Saad. ‘Iran is necessary.’
    — Quoted in an August 2006 cable telling American officials that they “must be willing to go all the way if need be” to stop Iran’s nuclear program if diplomatic efforts fail.

    Si c’est vrai, cela signifie que Saad Hariri réclame une intervention américaine contre l’Iran en août 2006. J’aimerais avoir la date exacte : avant le 14 août, ou après le 14 août, date qui marque la fin des combats lors de l’agression israélienne contre le Liban.

    Le « chef de la majorité parlementaire » Saad Hariri demande donc l’aide des États-Unis, principal soutien des israéliens qui ont rasé son pays, pour se débarrasser de l’Iran, principal soutien à la Résistance libanaise. Il le fait soit pendant qu’#Israël détruit le pays, soit à peine quelques jours après.

    Pas étonnant qu’un an après (août 2007), Meir Dagan, chef du Mossad, dise tout le bien qu’il pense de Sanioura :

    Et ces gens ont fait tout un sketch parce qu’ils en avaient assez d’être qualifiés de « traîtres »...

    #Wikileaks #CableGate

  • #iTélé a vu les #Wikileaks. Ce qu’il a retenu : « des propos peu diplomates » sur des personnalités. OK, Wikileaks, c’est juste du trash-people : Merkel est psycho-rigide, Sarko un bouffon velléitaire...

    Rien, par exemple, sur l’espionnage des membres du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Ni le reste. Juste les petites phrases croustillantes.

    On en serait à demander pourquoi ils signalent que, selon certains, ces révélations menacent la stabilité de la planète...