• Runner-Up : Julian #Assange - Person of the Year 2010 - TIME

    Il reste des trésors dans les coffres-forts de #Wikileaks

    The worst — or best, in the view of advocates for radical transparency — could be yet to come. John Young, a New York City architect who left the WikiLeaks steering committee after clashing with Assange, says the group members are storing “a lot more information underground than they are publishing on the surface.” Some of it comes from a hacker-on-hacker sting in 2006, when data jockeys at WikiLeaks detected what they believed to be a large-scale intelligence operation to steal data from computers around the world. The intruders were using TOR, an anonymous browsing technology invented by the U.S. Navy, to tunnel into their targets and extract information. The WikiLeaks team piggybacked on the operation, recording the data stream in real time as the intruders stole it.

    In an encrypted e-mail dated Jan. 7, 2007, decrypted and made available to TIME by its recipient, one of the participants boasted, “Hackers monitor chinese and other intel as they burrow into their targets, when they pull, so do we. Inxhaustible supply of material?... We have all of pre 2005 afghanistan. Almost all of india fed. Half a dozen foreign ministries. Dozens of political parties and consulates, worldbank, apec, UN sections, trade groups.” (See a profile of Person of the Year 2010 runner-up: Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai.)

    The theft scandalized some WikiLeaks insiders, and Assange has held back from publishing most of its fruits. But shortly before his arrest in London, he issued a veiled threat that “comes straight out of cypherpunk fiction,” according to Christopher Soghoian, a well-known security researcher.

    Last July, it turns out, as controversy erupted over its release of the Afghanistan war logs, WikiLeaks had posted, without explanation, a 1.4-gigabyte encrypted file called “insurance.aes256.” Some 100,000 people around the world have downloaded it. On Dec. 3, Assange said in an online chat with readers of the Guardian newspaper that the file contains the entire diplomatic archive, most of which has yet to be released, and additional “significant material from the U.S. and other countries.” He added, “If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically.”

  • #WikiLeaks #cablegate: #BP accused by #Azerbaijan of stealing oil worth $10bn | The Guardian

    The president of Azerbaijan accused BP of stealing billions of dollars of oil from his country and using “mild blackmail” to secure the rights to develop vast gas reserves in the Caspian Sea region, according to leaked US cables.

    Ilham Aliyev said the oil firm tried to exploit his country’s “temporary troubles” during a gas shortage in December 2006. In return for making more gas supplies available for domestic consumption that winter, BP wanted an extension of its lucrative profit-sharing contract with the government and the go-ahead to develop Caspian gas reserves, one cable from the US embassy in Baku reports. Aliyev also threatened to make BP’s alleged “cheating” public, cables show.


  • #Iceland may ban #MasterCard, #Visa over #WikiLeaks #censorship | Raw Story

    Iceland may ban MasterCard, Visa over WikiLeaks censorshipCredit card companies that prevented card-holders from donating money to the secrets outlet WikiLeaks could have their operating licenses taken away in Iceland, according to members of the Icelandic Parliamentary General Committee.
    Representatives from Mastercard and Visa were called before the committee Sunday to (...)

  • Nicky Hager » #Wikileaks: Leaked US cables spill the beans on NZ ties

    NEW ZEALAND’S collaboration with United States intelligence agencies was “fully restored” in August 2009 but both governments decided to keep the decision secret.

    (...) the news “should not be acknowledged in public”.

    The US imposed restrictions on intelligence supply in the 1980s as retaliation for New Zealand’s #nuclear-free policy, and American ambassador Bill McCormick was still saying in late 2005 that there was “little room to move” while the anti-nuclear legislation remained in place.

    But the cable reveals the US quietly resumed the intelligence flow despite the nuclear-free policy. It said despite the 1985 #ANZUS break, New Zealand remained a member of the Five Eyes intelligence community, but with access to certain types of material curtailed.

    “Our intelligence relationship was fully restored in August 29, 2009,” the SECRET/NOFORN cable, meaning for American eyes only – No Foreign Nationals, says.

    #New_Zealand #USA #Echelon

  • A flurry of denials over Ugandan bribery cable | WikiLeaked

    Amama Mbabazi (above), #Uganda's security minister and the official named in Lanier’s cable — in which Lanier told his superiors that the United States might consider revoking Mbabazi’s U.S. visa — said he was equally perplexed by what the cable had to say about his relationship with Italy’s #ENI and Britain’s #Heritage_Oil. He said:
    These allegations are absolutely untrue. I have never received even an offer let alone payment from Heritage or ENI of that kind or for anything. However at that time there was report in The Times of London which did not name anyone but talked about corruption over the deal. What surprised me is that the embassy believes that the allegations are true and concluded that the deal showed signs of high level corruption in Uganda’s oil sector. This is incredible. I am surprised they would make a statement like that without cross checking with me about my alleged involvement.
    ENI also said that Lanier was far off the mark, and that it intended legal action against WikiLeaks.

    #cablegate #wikileaks #corruption

  • Ah, la propagande officielle sur le #Liban, ces jours-ci, c’est de faire de #Saad_Hariri un héros shakespearien. On va bientôt pleurer.

    Pour l’AFP, Rana Moussaoui explique : « Saad Hariri face à un choix cornélien face au meurtre de son père » (oui, il y a deux fois « face » dans le titre)

    Le Premier ministre libanais Saad Hariri est confronté à un choix cornélien face aux pressions du puissant parti Hezbollah pour qu’il désavoue le tribunal de l’ONU en charge de désigner les assassins
    de son père Rafic Hariri, estiment des analystes.

    Zi ingliche version, elle, traduit « Corneille » en « Shakespeare », sinon ça ne dirait pas grand chose aux « english educated » :
    Hariri in ’Shakespearean’ dilemma on murder probe

    Et dans l’Express, ça devient un article de Scarlett Haddad (qu’on a connue plus inspirée) et Dominique Lagarde http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/proche-orient/liban-le-dilemme-de-saad-hariri_944397.html

    Pas un mot sur la succession de magouilles des membre éminents du 14 Mars avec les Américains révélées par le #cablegate (#Wikileaks), juste le rappel du « coup de force du Hezbollah de 2008 ». Pas un mot sur les soupçons de subornation de témoins à l’encontre de sa propre équipe dans l’enquête sur la mort de son père, cette affaire de « faux témoins » étant l’une des raisons du blocage actuel avec le Hezbollah. Et aucune mention des vidéos de Saad Hariri qui circulent sur le Web, le montrant quasiment incapable de lire à haute voix un texte écrit sur un papier.

    Non, juste la description d’un « zaim » Shakespearien.

  • The media’s authoritarianism and WikiLeaks - #WikiLeaks - Salon.com

    Beyond the need to destroy this pervasive zombie lie about WikiLeaks’ conduct in the diplomatic cables disclosure, the broader point here is crucial: the media’s willingness to repeat this lie over and over underscores its standard servile role in serving government interests and uncritically spreading government claims. NYU journalism professor Jay Rosen has an excellent analysis today documenting how, in the wake of 9/11, they dropped all pretenses of checking those in political power and instead began explicitly proclaiming — as The New York Times’ chief stenographer and partner-of-Judy-Miller, Michael Gordon, suggested — that “capturing the dominant view within the government was the job [of journalists], even if that view was wrong.” As Rosen writes, “our press has never come to terms with the ways in which it got itself on the wrong side of secrecy as the national security state swelled in size after September 11th,” and thus: “To understand Julian Assange and the weird reactions to him in the American press we need to tell a story that starts with Judy Miller and ends with Wikileaks.”

    That’s why this cannot-be-killed lie about WikiLeaks’ “indiscriminate” dumping of cables has so consumed me. It’s not because it would change much if they had done or end up doing that — it wouldn’t — but because it just so powerfully proves how mindlessly subservient the American establishment media is: willing to repeat over and over completely false claims as long as it pleases the right people — the same people to whom they claim they are “adversarial watchdogs.” It’s when they engage in such clear-cut, deliberate propagandizing that their true function — their real identity — is thrown into such stark relief.

  • Julian Assange should be awarded Nobel peace prize, suggests Russia / The Guardian


    “Public and non-governmental organisations should think of how to help him”, the source from inside president Dmitry Medvedev’s office told Russian news agencies. Speaking in Brussels, where Medvedev was attending a Russia-EU summit yesterday , the source went on: “Maybe, nominate him as a Nobel Prize laureate.”


  • D’après cet article, des anciens de #Wikileaks, en désaccord avec Assange, s’apprêteraient à lancer #Openleaks, projet similaire, mais qui s’en différencie en se concentrant sur la protection des sources, et non la diffusion des informations recueillies. D’autres organisations seraient chargées d’évaluer les documents reçus et d’organiser leur diffusion.

    ”Nytt Wikileaks” gör revolt mot Assange - DN.se

    Däremot betonar DN.se:s uppgiftslämnare att den nya sajten stödjer Wikileaks mening och mål.

    – De två verksamheterna liknar varandra i det avseendet att båda fokuserar på att tillhandahålla olika sätt för whistleblowers att anonymt förse allmänheten med information, säger en person.

    Men Openleaks kommer att skilja sig från Wikileaks.

    Till skillnad från Wikileaks kommer Openleaks inte att ta emot och publicera saker direkt så att allmänheten kan se materialet. I stället kommer andra organisationer att få tillgång till Openleaks system och de får i sin tur presentera materialet för sin publik. De dokument som tas emot på det viset bearbetas och publiceras av de organisationer Openleaks kommer att samarbeta med.

    – Vi har för avsikt att dela upp arbetet där vi bara tar hand om anonymiseringen och mottagandet av information, säger en annan medarbetare.

    Enligt det interna dokument som DN.se tagit del av ska Openleaks etablera sig som en ansvarsneutral mellanhand ”utan politisk agenda förutom spridandet av information till medier, allmänhet, ideella organisationer, bransch- och fackorganisationer och andra medverkande grupper”.

    – All redaktionell kontroll och ansvar vilar hos den publicerande organisationen. Vi kommer, så långt det är möjligt, att inta budbärarrollen mellan whistleblowern och den organisation som whistleblowern vill samarbeta med, säger en medarbetare.

    En välkommen konsekvens är också att slippa de påtryckningar från världens ledare som Wikileaks får utstå.

  • #WikiLeaks : les américains critiquent la #presse_française | TIC et Net

    « Les grands journalistes sont souvent issus des mêmes écoles élitistes que de nombreux chefs de gouvernement. Ces journalistes considèrent que leur premier devoir n’est pas nécessairement de surveiller le pouvoir en place. Nombre d’entre eux se considèrent plutôt comme des intellectuels préférant analyser les événements et influencer les lecteurs plutôt que reporter des faits ».

    « Le secteur privé des médias en France – journaux, TV et radios – continue d’être dominé par un petit groupe de conglomérats, et tous les médias français sont plus régulés et soumis à des pressions politiques et économiques que leurs homologues américains ».

    Et d’ajouter : « Les blogs sont fortement utilisés par les minorités comme un moyen de communication pour exprimer leurs opinions car elles estiment que ces positions ne sont retranscrites dans les médias traditionnels ».

    Ce qui, en version originale, donne le #cablegate suivant (janvier 2007) :

    ¶17. Top French journalists are often products of the same elite schools as many French government leaders. These journalists do not necessarily regard their primary role as to check the power of government. Rather, many see themselves more as intellectuals, preferring to analyze events and influence readers more than to report events.
    ¶18. The private sector media in France - print and broadcast - continues to be dominated by a small number of conglomerates, and all French media are more regulated and subjected to political and commercial pressures than are their American counterparts. The Higher Audio-Visual Council, created in 1989, appoints the CEOs of all French public broadcasting channels and monitors their political content.

  • Magnifique : #Wikileaks vient de sortir un câble démontrant que l’ambassade américaine à Moscou a participé au lobbying auprès des autorités russes en faveur de #Visa et #Mastercard :

    SUMMARY: The latest version of the Russian draft law “On the National Payment System” contains several provisions that would disadvantage U.S. businesses. The draft law would set up a National Payment Card System (NPCS) including its own payment card that banks and payment card companies could join voluntarily. Most likely to be a consortium of state-owned banks, the NPCS operator would process the domestic payments for all members and collect processing fees estimated at $4 billion per year. The draft also forbids sending abroad any payment data for domestic transactions. Should international payment card companies such as Visa and MasterCard chose not to join the NPCS they would have to set up the infrastructure to do their Russian payment processing domestically.

    Sommes en jeu : 4 milliards de dollars par an.

    8.(C) This draft law continues to disadvantage U.S. payment card market leaders Visa and MasterCard, whether they join the National Payment Card System or not. If they join, the NPCS operator will collect the fees, leaving them to collect processing fees only when card-holders travel abroad — a tiny section of the market. If they do not join but choose to compete with NPCS cards, they will have to set up payment processing centers in Russia, a very large investment in itself, and compete against a system likely backed by the largest Russian state banks. While the draft legislation has yet to be submitted to the Duma and can still be amended, post will continue to raise our concerns with senior GOR officials. We recommend that senior USG officials also take advantage of meetings with their Russian counterparts, including through the Bilateral Presidential Commission, to press the GOR to change the draft text to ensure U.S. payment companies are not adversely affected. END COMMENT.


  • #MasterCard pulls plug on #WikiLeaks payments

    MasterCard is pulling the plug on payments to WikiLeaks, a move that will dry up another source of funds for the embattled document-sharing Web site, CNET has learned.

    “MasterCard is taking action to ensure that WikiLeaks can no longer accept MasterCard-branded products,” a spokesman for MasterCard Worldwide said today.

  • Le procureur général des États-Unis a autorisé des choses, mais ne dit pas quoi.

    Wikileaks cables : US looks to prosecute Julian Assange | The Guardian

    International pressure on Julian Assange intensified tonight, as the US attorney general disclosed that he had authorised “significant” actions aimed at prosecuting the WikiLeaks founder over the release of thousands of diplomatic cables.

    The US attorney general, speaking at a press conference in Washington, said: “The lives of people who work for the American people have been put at risk. The American people themselves have been put at risk by these actions that I believe are arrogant, misguided and ultimately not helpful in any way. We are doing everything that we can.”

    Asked if he might mount a prosecution under the Espionage Act, Holder said: “That is certainly something that might play a role, but there are other statutes, other tools at our disposal.” Holder added that he had given the go-ahead for a number of unspecified actions as part of a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks. “I personally authorised a number of things last week and that’s an indication of the seriousness with which we take this matter and the highest level of involvement at the department of justice,” he said.

    He refused to say whether the Obama administration would try to shut down WikiLeaks. “I don’t want to get into what our capabilities are,” Holder said. “We are looking at all the things we can do to try to stem the flow of this information.”

    Aux États-Unis, il y a donc encore des gens pour se demander comment on peut « endiguer le flot d’information » sur Internet.

    Il me semble important de noter que personne n’ose se demander publiquement comment faire retirer les #cablegate publiés sur le site du #Guardian britannique ou du #New_York_Times qui, pour l’heure, présentent plus de câbles diplomatiques confidentiels que le site de #Wikileaks lui-même.

  • Héhé : maintenant, quand les 14 Mars rencontrent l’ambassadrice, ils en font un gros communiqué de presse, avec tout le détail des propos échangés, des sujets abordés, et l’exposé complet du menu :

    Et chacun fait très attention à ne surtout rien dire qui pourrait se retrouver sur #wikileaks :

    « Les publications illégale et irresponsables, comme celles par Wikileaks, servent ceux qui veulent accroître les tensions et régler des comptes politiques par le biais d’interprétations erronées, hors contexte et délibérées, de documents qui sont présentés comme authentiques, mais dont l’authenticité ne peut pas être vérifiée. En fin de compte, nos politiques sont fixées par le Président des Etats-Unis et la Secrétaire d’Etat et sont de notoriété publique, il s’agit de milliers de pages de discours, de déclarations, de documents de politique et d’autres documents que le département d’Etat rend disponibles gratuitement en ligne et ailleurs » a-t-elle [l’ambassadrice] ajouté.

  • AFP : L’hébergeur #OVH s’est assuré en justice qu’il n’avait pas à fermer #WikiLeaks


    « L’hébergeur OVH s’est assuré en justice qu’il n’avait pas à fermer WikiLeaks

    PARIS — La justice n’a pas imposé à OVH, la société française hébergeant une partie de WikiLeaks, de fermer le site controversé, en rejetant plusieurs requêtes demandant aux juges de statuer s’il était légal ou non, a annoncé le directeur général d’OVH lundi »

  • De hemliga telegrammen - Dokument inifrån | SVT Play 20.00, SVT2
    Dokument inifrån på svt.se" fri television på nätet

    Une occasion de travailler un peu votre suédois. Pas de sous-titres, c’est dommage, car c’est très bien fait


    De hemliga telegrammen : Nya dokument läckta via #Wikileaks avslöjar kontroversiella kontakter mellan Sverige och USA.

    Längd: 44 minuter 40 sekunder
    SVT:s fördjupande och granskande dokumentärer med Sverige i fokus.

    • Il y a un article associé à ce reportage, sur lequel on peut faire passer Google translate pour comprendre le sujet :

      « Tjänstemän från svenska regeringen har deltagit i möten som syftat till att hjälpa USA med uppgifter om personer i Sverige. För att slippa debatt i riksdagen har man undvikit att skriva på ett officiellt avtal. I stället får USA de efterfrågade uppgifterna genom informellt samarbete. »

      Et si j’ai bien compris, les Américains ont menacé les Suédois de rétorsions s’ils n’acceptaient pas de leur livrer des informations sur leurs ressortissants, notamment supprimer l’exemption de passeport pour aller aux États-Unis :

      « -Vi måste göra klart för svenskarna de potentiella konsekvenserna av att inte nå ett avtal, så att de kan göra en korrekt bedömning, står det i ett av telegrammen.
      Om inget avtal kommer tillstånd skulle det kunna leda till att rätten för svenskar att resa till USA utan visum försvinner. »

      Ce que je ne comprends pas : est-ce que des informations ont réellement été livrées aux Américains (de manière anticonstitutionnelle), ou bien est-ce que le gouvernement s’est contenté de négocier (et de refuser) le sujet ?

      #cablegate #Suède

    • Les Suédois sont plutôt très américanophiles et ont toujours bien « collaboré » avec les USA. On peut croire qu’ils ont donné des infos aux américains. Mais ce n’est pas clair, c’est un point qui demande à être vérifié, je suis en train de scanner la presse suédoise pour avoir des éléments.

      Mais au regard de ce qui se prépare pour les US dans le futur proche, moyen et lointain, avec les « fuites » arrivant quotidiennement, je crois qu’ils vont très vite ne plus être en mesure d’exiger quoique ce soit nulle part.

  • Complaint filed over call to assassinate #WikiLeaks founder
    http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Complaint filed over call assassinate WikiLeaks founder/3932805/story.html

    "A B.C. lawyer has filed a complaint with the Vancouver police, urging them to investigate whether Tom Flanagan, a former campaign manager for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, broke the law when he said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be assassinated.

    Gail Davidson, a co-founder of the group Lawyers Against the War, wrote in the complaint that, on Nov. 30, Flanagan “counselled and/or incited the assassination of Julian Assange contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada,” while commenting on the CBC program Power & Politics.

    Flanagan, a political-science professor at the University of Calgary and Harper’s campaign manager in 2006, said he thought Assange “should be assassinated, actually. I think [U. S. President Barack] Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something”."