• Krieg gegen Gaza : »Wenn ich sterben muss« 

    Mahnwache für den getöteten Dichter Refaat Alareer aus Gaza (New York City, 8.12.2023)

    L’assassinat ciblé du poète Refaat Alareer et de sa famille est l’épisode particulièrement insupportable parmi tant d’actes insupportables qui montre que l’état d’Israël n’est plus un état de droit démocratique mais un minuscule Leviathan qui se comporte comme s’il faisait partie des grands méchants dont la bassesse abyssale est dépouvue de conséquences jusqu’au jour où ils s’auto-détruisent.

    Je plains les derniers pacifistes et défenseurs d’une cohabitation paisible de jufs et palestiniens. Il faudra leur offrir un refuge où il seront protégés de la catastrophe en cours.

    14.12.2023 von Jamal Iqrith - Refaat Alareer (Rif’at al-Ar’ir) war Dichter und Literaturprofessor an der Islamischen Universität von Gaza. Er hat zudem zahlreiche Publikationen herausgegeben, zum Beispiel »Gaza writes back« (2013), eine Anthologie mit Kurzgeschichten von 15 Schriftstellern aus der Enklave, und das Projekt »We are not Numbers« mitgegründet, das jungen palästinensischen Schriftstellern Schreibworkshops auf Englisch vermittelt.

    Am 6. Dezember gegen 18 Uhr wurde der 44jährige durch einen mutmaßlich gezielten israelischen Luftangriff zusammen mit seinem Bruder und dessen Sohn sowie seiner Schwester und ihren drei Kindern in Schujaija, im Osten von Gaza-Stadt, ermordet. Wie die Menschenrechtsorganisation »Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor« am 8. Dezember berichtete, wurde die Wohnung, in der Alareer und seine Familie untergebracht waren, nach bestätigten Augenzeugen- und Familienberichten aus dem Gebäude, in dem sie sich befand, »chirurgisch herausgebombt«. Wochenlang hatte der Schriftsteller demnach online und per Telefon Todesdrohungen erhalten, abgeschickt von israelischen Accounts und Nummern.

    Bereits vor seinem Tod wurde »die Stimme von Gaza« zu einem Symbol des palästinensischen Widerstands gegen die Besatzung, was Alareer wohl schlussendlich zum Verhängnis wurde. Mehrfach gab er internationalen Nachrichtensendern Interviews über die Situation im Gazastreifen und forderte die Weltöffentlichkeit zum Handeln auf. Tage vor seinem Tod heftete der Dichter eines seiner Gedichte an die Spitze seines Profils auf dem Kurznachrichtendienst X, das mit den Worten endet: »Wenn ich sterben muss, lass es Hoffnung bringen, lass es eine Geschichte sein«. Als Berichte über seine Ermordung bekanntwurden, ging das Gedicht um die Welt. Demonstranten zeigten bei propalästinenischen Kundgebungen Alareers Konterfei auf Plakaten. Der Nachrichtensender CNN, dem er zuvor in einem Interview gesagt hatte, dass er und seine Familie »nirgendwo anders hingehen« könnten, sowie andere große Medien, berichteten über den Tod des Schriftstellers. In einem seiner letzten Interviews mit dem Internetportal Electronic Intifada hatte er am 9. Oktober erklärt, als Akademiker sei das Gefährlichste, was er besitze, wohl ein Textmarker, den er aber »benutzen würde, um ihn auf israelische Soldaten zu werfen«, sollten sie einmarschieren. Am 10. Oktober, drei Tage nach Beginn des Krieges, sprach er mit junge Welt über die Situation im Gazastreifen.

    Schon zu diesem Zeitpunkt beklagte er die Hetze »israelischer Beamter, Politiker und Aktivisten überall in den sozialen Netzwerken und in den Mainstreammedien, die buchstäblich dazu aufrufen, Palästinenser mit Bomben zu bewerfen und Hunderttausende von Palästinensern als Kollateralschaden zu töten«. Dies geschehe überdies vor den Augen der Weltöffentlichkeit, und es gebe keine Gegenrede aus dem Ausland, das sich durch sein Schweigen an den Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit in Gaza mitschuldig mache: »Seit Jahrzehnten werden Palästinenser durch Israel getötet. Wenn wir sterben, hören wir kaum ein Wort«, so Alareer.

    Die »Aufrufe zum Völkermord« kamen laut dem Dichter jedoch nicht nur von israelischen Politikern, wie dem Verteidigungsminister Joaw Gallant, der »die Sprache der Nazis verwendet, um die Palästinenser als ›Tiere‹ zu entmenschlichen«, sondern ebenso von »amerikanischen und europäischen Politikern, die sich zu einem Massenritual beeilen«, das er als »Treuebekenntnis zu Israel und Netanjahu« bezeichnete.

    Der Lyriker erklärte weitsichtig, für die Palästinenser in Gaza gebe es keine Möglichkeiten zur Flucht: »Sie werden getötet, egal, wer sie sind, wo sie sind oder wie alt sie sind.« Da der Gazastreifen abgeriegelt sei, gebe es »keinen Ausweg«. Selbst wenn man »durch Bomben gezwungen sei, die eigenen Häuser zu verlassen und in die Stadtzentren und andere Schutzräume zu gehen«, nehme die Armee die Menschen ins Visier.

    Bereits am 10. Oktober war er überzeugt: »Die israelische Regierung arbeitet daran, Gaza in die ›Steinzeit‹ zu schicken«. Alareer befürchtete »Hunderttausende von Kollateralschäden im Gazastreifen, in dem rund die Hälfte der Bevölkerung unter 18 Jahre alt ist«. Die israelischen Regierungen hätten noch »nie ein Versprechen an die Palästinenser gehalten, es sei denn, sie versprachen Zerstörung und Tod«. Inzwischen sind laut »Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor« in gut zwei Monaten durch die Bomben über 23.000 Menschen getötet worden, mehr als 9.000 davon Kinder.

    Die Angriffe der Hamas vom 7. Oktober und den daran angeschlossenen Kampf anderer bewaffneter palästinensischer Fraktionen kommentierte er mit den Worten: »Alle Versuche, diplomatisch und friedlich von Israel die Freiheit wiederzuerlangen, sind gescheitert. Die israelische Regierung greift die BDS-Bewegung (»Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions«, jW) an und schießt auf friedliche Demonstranten. Die Palästinenser wurden in eine Ecke gedrängt, in der sie nichts zu verlieren haben. Nun tut die Welt überrascht, wenn sich das Ghetto gegen jahrzehntelange Unterdrückung, Verdrängung und Besatzung erhebt.«

    #Gaza #Israël #guerre #exécution_extrjudiciaire #assassinat #poésie #Zivilisationsbruch

  • Ces jeunes Bosniens qui ne veulent pas quitter leurs terres

    Nous sommes en Bosnie-Herzégovine, dans la campagne autour de la ville de #Tuzla. Ici, en 2014, grâce à l’initiative de quelques familles rurales de la petite ville de #Živinice et le soutien de la Fédération régionale des maisons familiales rurales de Rhône-Alpes, l’association PREC a été fondée, avec pour but de réunir, coordonner et former les jeunes de la région à l’agriculture et au tourisme rural.
    Médina, 19 ans, étudiante en littérature turque à Tuzla et membre actif du PREC, affirme qu’elle n’a aucune intention de quitter son pays pour aller tenter sa chance à l’étranger et ajoute : « Ma famille n’est pas partie pendant la guerre, il n’est pas question que je le fasse moi maintenant ! Ici, à la campagne, je peux inventer et porter à terme tout type de projet en toute indépendance. Parce qu’ici il n’y a que ça à faire ! » Étudier la littérature et travailler la terre en partageant le savoir et le labeur avec les autres jeunes du lieu.
    En souriant, elle se moque de la paresse des jeunes des villes qui, selon elle, abandonnent le pays parce qu’il ne sont pas assez habitués à travailler dur et à être autonomes. Les chiffres sur l’émigration des jeunes parlent d’eux-mêmes : la Bosnie-Herzégovine, qui compte aujourd’hui moins de 4 millions d’habitants, a vu partir plus de 100 000 jeunes depuis la fin du conflit en 1995*.
    La situation n’est pas rose et recueillir le témoignage à contre-courant des membres du PREC laisse espérer qu’au moins, dans la campagne de Tuzla, il y a des jeunes capables de rêver, d’agir pour construire un futur meilleur pour leur pays.


    #émigration #migrations #Bosnie-Herzégovine #jeunes #jeunesse #Zivinice
    #photographie de @albertocampiphoto pour @lacite
    cc @reka

  • Israel-Jordan relations remain frozen as Jordan refuses re-entry of Israeli ambassador

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Jordanian government is reportedly refusing to allow the return of the Israeli ambassador to the country, more than a month after an Israeli embassy security guard shot and killed two Jordanian citizens, Israeli news website Ynet reported on Thursday.

    Additionally, Ynet reported that relations between Israel and Jordan have remained frozen and no visas are being issued, meaning that “thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians living in Jordan who cannot enter Israel through the Allenby crossing” and “163 passports of Jordanian citizens waiting to receive a visa to Israel have been held in a safe of the Israeli embassy in Jordan.”

    Staff members of the Israeli embassy to Jordan, including the security guard who Ynet identified as Ziv Moyan — who killed Jordanian citizens Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, 17, and Bashar Hamarneh in what Jordanian media and officials said was a professional dispute — had returned to Israel in late July, just days after high tensions following the shooting incident.

    According to Jordanian media, the Jordanian government had decided not to allow the Israeli ambassador to Jordan and the embassy staff to return to Amman until “gaining complete assurances” guaranteeing that Moyan would be prosecuted.

    Ynet reported that Jordan’s refusal to accept ambassador Einat Shlain’s return to Amman was due Shlain’s participation with Moyal and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a celebratory reception upon their return to Tel Aviv.

    At the time, Jordanian news sites reported that Jordan’s King Abdullah had criticized Netanyahu’s welcoming home of the guard as “a political showoff,” saying it was "provocative and destabilizes security and encourages extremism in the region.”

    #Jordanie #Ziv

    • #Bundestagswahlkampf Anno 2017 für #Ewiggestrige

      Die Anbiederung bei potentiellen #AfD -Wählern ist unverkennbar - dergleichen, und in diesem unsäglichen Jargon, wird von denjenigen ins Zentrum der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung gerückt, die zu den brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit nichts inhaltlich Tragfähiges vorzubringen haben, im Gegenteil, von diesen nur abzulenken bemüht sind, und vor der fachlichen Kompetenz, die zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen nötig wäre, instinktiv zurückweichen, aus Angst, sich selbst gefordert zu sehen, für diese in der medialen Öffentlichkeit einstehen zu müssen.




      Gegenwärtig wird der Ausdruck in den Medien eher negativ und mit spöttischem Unterton gebraucht, indem er ein eher unpolitisches, oberflächliches soziales Milieu umschreibt, welches offensiv versucht, ein intellektuelles, aufgeklärtes und zugleich modebewusstes[1] Anderssein vom Mainstream zu kultivieren und in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Da Hipster jedoch selbst eine Subkultur, d. h. eine größere Ansammlung gleichgerichteter Menschen bilden, geht deren angestrebte Individualität durch die weite Verbreitung dieser Gleichartigkeit wieder verloren.

      Die äußere Erscheinung des Hipsters resultiert demnach aus der meist ironisch gemeinten Verbindung eher altmodischer Kleidung und ausgefallener Frisuren (beispielsweise Side- und Undercut, auch Vollbärte sind verbreitet) mit dem Kleidungsstil, der in der Subkultur des Hardcore Punks, insbesondere des Emotional Hardcore (Emo), vorherrscht: Holzfäller- und Flanellhemden,[2] Nerd- beziehungsweise Hornbrillen[3] (häufig in Übergröße), Schlauchschals, enge Hosen wie Röhrenjeans,[3] Vans- oder Converse-Schuhe, Tätowierungen und Piercings, dazu oft ein Jute- oder Stoffbeutel und eine Strickmütze. Beliebt sind außerdem Szenegetränke wie etwa Clubmate-Limonade, „over ear“-Kopfhörer, Smartphones, Tablets oder Notebooks des Unternehmens Apple.[3] Auch werden Hipster häufig mit Fahrrädern ohne Gangschaltung oder sogenannten Fixies in Verbindung gebracht.[2][3]

      Ein gängiger Vorwurf an den sogenannten Hipster ist sein als wahllos angesehenes Bedienen bei den großen Subkulturen der 1940er-Jahre bis in die Gegenwart auf der Suche nach Authentizität der Andersartigkeit.[4]


    • Leitkultur



      #Subkultur #Migration #deutsche_Sprache #Leitkultur
      #Parallelgesellschaft #Integration



      Die Diskussion überlagert sich mit der Flüchtlingsdebatte und wird ganz gezielt von der CDU/CSU auf kleiner Flamme vorrangig für potentielle Wähler aus der Zeilgruppe der AfD bereits über Jahre warm gehalten.

      Hierbei lässt sich beobachten, wie den Hipstern und anderen der Subkultur zuzurechnenden sozialen Gruppen, eine mediale Persona aufgezwungen wird, um sie entsprechend den politischen Zwecken verschlagworten zu können - der Begriff Parallelgesellschaft spricht in diesem Zusammenhang Bände. Die Möglichkeit einen zivilgesellschaftlichen Konsens anzustreben wird systematisch unterschlagen, wenn es für das Vokabular zur politischen Instrumentalisierung nicht geeignet erscheint. Den Maßstab für die Verschlagwortung des Politikerjargons bildet die Dauer der Kurzberichte zur abendlichen Hauptsendezeit und parteipolitische Vorgaben, die sich an den Analysen der Meinungsforschungsinstitute orientieren.

      #Zivilgesellschaft #Vokabular #Meinungsforschung #Verschlagwortung

  • Embassy killings fuel Jordan-Israel tensions
    Osama Al Sharif | Posted July 27, 2017

    Two days after an Israeli Embassy guard shot and killed two Jordanians on July 23 in what appeared to be an argument over the installation of bedroom furniture at the assailant’s apartment, a talk-show guest on Jordan’s government-run TV station described Israel as “the usurper Zionist entity." Public acrimony against Israel has transcended even the usual scorn often directed at the Jewish state that one can hear on private TV and radio stations and read on social media platforms and local news websites.

    #Jordanie #Ziv

  • Amman appelle Israël à juger le garde de son ambassade ayant tué deux Jordaniens
    L’Express | Par AFP | publié le 27/07/2017

    Amman - Le roi Abdallah II de Jordanie a appelé jeudi le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à faire juger un garde de l’ambassade d’Amman qui avait ouvert le feu et tué deux Jordaniens dimanche, selon une source gouvernementale.

    Le souverain hachémite, qui s’exprimait au cours d’une réunion avec de hauts responsables jordaniens, a appelé M. Netanyahu à « assumer ses responsabilités et prendre les mesures légales nécessaires pour juger le meurtrier », selon la même source.

    La Jordanie et Israël sont liés par un traité de paix signé en 1994.

    Le roi a critiqué la manière dont le garde avait été chaleureusement accueilli comme un héros par le Premier ministre israélien qui l’avait embrassé à son retour d’Amman.

    « Nous sommes heureux de te voir ici et de voir que tout est fini (...) Tu as bien agi et calmement (...) Tu représentes l’Etat d’Israël et l’Etat d’Israël ne l’oublie jamais », a dit M. Netanyahu au garde qu’il a rencontré mardi, selon les médias israéliens.

    « Ce comportement provocateur, nous le refusons totalement (...) Il nourrit l’extrémisme », a dénoncé le roi Abdallah de Jordanie.

    « Un membre de l’ambassade d’Israël à Amman a ouvert le feu sur deux de nos citoyens. L’Etat jordanien fera tout son possible pour leur rendre justice », a prévenu le souverain hachémite.

    Il a mis en garde Israël, affirmant que son attitude dans cette affaire aurait un « impact direct » sur la nature des relations entre les deux pays.

    Des milliers de Jordaniens avaient crié « mort à Israël » mardi lors des funérailles d’une des deux victimes jordaniennes. (...)

    #Unpeutard #Amman #Ziv

    • La Jordanie inculperait de meurtre le garde de sécurité de l’ambassade israélienne par contumace
      Le garde de sécurité israélien avait été attaqué ; Amman menace d’une procédure juridique internationale
      Times of Israel Staff 28 juillet 2017, 11:31

      Le garde de sécurité de l’ambassade israélienne en Jordanie qui aurait tué deux Jordaniens dans l’enceinte diplomatique d’Amman après avoir été attaqué au couteau par l’un d’eux aurait été inculpé de meurtre par contumace.

      Le procureur-général de Jordanie Akram Masaadeh a déclaré à l’agence de presse jordanienne que son bureau avait terminé l’enquête portant sur l’incident de dimanche au cours duquel Mohammad Jawawdeh, âgé de 17 ans, et Bashar Hamarneh ont été tués, selon une traduction offerte par le quotidien Al Ghad.

      Il a inculpé le garde, Ziv, dont le nom de famille reste sous ordonnance de non publication et qui se trouve dorénavant en Israël, de deux chefs d’accusation de meurtre et de possession d’une arme sans autorisation préalable.

      Masaadeh a indiqué que l’immunité diplomatique des employés n’empêcherait ni son inculpation, ni la tenue d’un procès en Israël.

      De plus, le gouvernement a chargé le ministre de la Justice Awad Abu Jarad « de mener à bien la justice pénale », a rapporté le Jordan Times.

  • Hero of Israel
    Gideon Levy | Jul 27, 2017

    Netanyahu, Einat Schlein, Israel’s ambassador to Jordan and Ziv, an embassy security officer, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, July 25, 2017. Haim Zach / GPO

    The new hero of Israel wears torn jeans, lives in a religious cooperative community in the south, has a girlfriend and he kills Arabs. Heroes of Israel have always killed Arabs, but sometimes they did so bravely; today they do so with rather pathetic cowardice. They’re scared of a teen with a screwdriver.

    The hero of Israel kills Arabs indiscriminately, including ones who are innocent or who did not deserve to die. The Israeli hero is a young man of principles, principles he absorbed while serving in the occupied territories. He learned dehumanization in the Givati Brigade and how to kill civilians in Operation Protective Edge. He learned that the first action to take against an Arab is always to shoot to kill; the alternatives can be considered later.

    He learned that it’s perfectly fine, even heroic, to kill an Arab, no matter why. He trained in the territories and put it to use in Jordan — what difference does it make, all Arabs are the same, whether on the east or the west bank of the Jordan River. His friends say he’s a “man’s man,” that this wasn’t his first time in a tough situation, like that teen with a screwdriver, and that he’s calm and considered. Imagine what might have happened if he weren’t. He might have killed five people, maybe 10.

    The hero of Israel killed civilians: a physician, for no reason, and a teenager who was assembling furniture and who threatened him with that doomsday weapon, the screwdriver, in the heat of some argument, not even an attack. The hero of Israel didn’t blink. A hero of Israel never counts to 10. He draws and fires. Two dead, two more kill notches.

    Our newest hero’s name is Ziv, but we can’t show his face. His blurred visage as he is embraced by the prime minister only adds to his aura. He replaces his predecessor, the more exalted Elor Azaria. The former killed a dying man, the latter killed two civilians. Don’t accuse him. That’s what he was taught to do in “tough situations” in the territories — to shoot and to kill. That’s what he was trained to be, a blind machine gun.

    He is considered a hero. No one would dream of seriously questioning him as a suspect, beyond the formality promised to Jordan, and it’s already been said it would lead to nothing. Perhaps he committed murder, or perhaps negligent manslaughter? Perhaps he violated the rules of engagement? How would we know? We won’t know. We don’t want to know. Instead of that, we got the prime minister’s unsurprising phone call to him. “Did you make a date with your girlfriend yet?” asked Benjamin Netanyahu in that fatherly manner reserved for heroes. After that came the brave embrace in his office. Look, Jordan, look, these are the heroes of Israel, your sister in peace, the killers of your citizens. And the Palestinians are accused of exalting terrorists.

    When a Jordanian soldier killed seven Israeli schoolgirls in Naharayim in 2007, Jordan’s King Hussein cut short his trip to Spain and hurried to Beit Shemesh to kneel before the grieving families and beg forgiveness. He also visited the wounded and his kingdom paid compensation. But when an Israeli government security guard kills two Jordanians, at least one of them completely innocent, the Israeli prime minister won’t even consider apologizing. Condemnations we demand only from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. We can only fantasize about a condolence call or the payment of compensation. Why, who died, as the saying goes? Two Arabs, nothing more.

    King Hussein of jordan consoling an Israeli family whose daughter was killed by a Jordanian soldier during a class trip to Naharayim, 2007.Avi Ohayon / GOP

    Two dead Arabs, and a hero of Israel who returned home safely, overcoming his injuries. Ziv the hero will recite his version of events, and perhaps even return to service. Tens of thousands of young Israelis dream of being Ziv. They dream of serving in the territories in the occupation army, of abusing and killing Arabs, of traveling to India and to Guatemala before becoming embassy security guards. If they’re lucky, they might even get to kill some teenager with a screwdriver and a doctor who happened to be there, as in the good old days in Qalandiyah.

    Salute the heroes of Israel. They are the finest of our youth.

    #Jordanie #Ziv

  • L’agent de sécurité israélien poignardé en Jordanie a rencontré Netanyahu : « Je suis tellement heureux de rentrer chez moi, à la maison » - © Alyaexpress-News

    Pour archive, deux images destinées à s’inscrire dans la mémoire arabe.

    L’agent de l’ambassade israélienne à Amman accueilli par le PM israélien après avoir tué deux Jordaniens...

    Les "portiques de sécurité" à Al-Aqsa démontés et retirés..


  • Jordan demands Israel turn over embassy guard over deadly shooting incident
    July 24, 2017 5:37 P.M. (Updated: July 24, 2017 5:43 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Jordanian government has reportedly issued a judicial order banning the Israeli security guard who was involved in a deadly shooting at the Israeli embassy in Jordan on Saturday night from leaving Jordan.

    Government sources told Ma’an that Jordan was demanding that Israeli authorities hand over the guard, who shot and killed two Jordanian carpenters in unclear circumstances, to Jordanian authorities for interrogation and legal procedures.

    Sources stressed that Jordan will “escalate diplomatic steps” if the guard was not turned in to Jordanian authorities.

    Israel has been refusing to allow Jordanian authorities to question the injured Israeli security guard, citing his immunity under the Vienna Convention, while all security personnel and diplomatic employees were confined to the embassy compound, according to reports.

    On Sunday, Haaretz reported that Israel had decided to immediately evacuate all Amman embassy staff, fearing that the incident would lead to riots and attempts to attack the embassy.

    On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Twitter that he had spoken twice with Israeli Ambassador to Jordan Eynat Schlein overnight Sunday, and with the security guard.

    “I gained the impression that she (Schlein) is managing matters there very well. I assured the security guard that we will bring him back to Israel,” Netanyahu said, adding that “I told them that we are holding ongoing contacts with security and government officials in Amman on all levels, to bring the incident to a close as soon as possible.”

    #Amman #Ambassade_israélienne
    #Jordanie #Ziv

    • Reports: Israeli, US officials travel to Jordan to discuss Al-Aqsa, embassy security guard
      July 24, 2017 10:15 P.M. (Updated: July 24, 2017 10:15 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli media reported on Monday evening that during a “dialogue” between Israeli and Jordanian authorities, Jordan “did not condition the release of an Israeli embassy security guard back to Israel on the removal of the metal detectors at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.”

      Israel’s Channel 10 reported that the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the dialogue went “well,” and that United States envoy Jason Greenblatt would be heading to Amman from Jerusalem, where he arrived earlier Monday, “to convince the King to end the crisis of the embassy guard.”

      Earlier Monday, Jordanian government sources told Ma’an that the Jordanian government issued a judicial order banning the Israeli security guard who was involved in a deadly shooting at the Israeli embassy in Jordan on Saturday night that left two Jordanians dead, from leaving Jordan.

      Government sources said that Jordan was demanding that Israeli authorities hand over the guard, who shot and killed two Jordanian carpenters in unclear circumstances, to Jordanian authorities for interrogation and legal procedures.

      Sources stressed that Jordan will “escalate diplomatic steps” if the guard was not turned in to Jordanian authorities.

      Israel has been refusing to allow Jordanian authorities to question the injured Israeli security guard, citing his immunity under the Vienna Convention, while all security personnel and diplomatic employees were confined to the embassy compound, according to reports.

      Prior to Channel 10’s report, Israeli media had reported that Netanyahu would be calling the Jordanian King to discuss the issue of the embassy security guard, as well as the ongoing crisis surrounding the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where tensions have continued to rise since Israel installed metal detectors and security cameras inside the compound following a deadly shoot out at the holy site on July 14.

      Israeli media had reported that chief of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal intelligence agency, Nadav Argaman was sent to Jordan, and that Israel would be removing all metal detectors and replacing them with thermal cameras, a report that could not be verified by Ma’an (...)


    • Israel rules to replace contested Al-Aqsa metal detectors with ’smart’ surveillance
      July 25, 2017 11:03 A.M. (Updated: July 25, 2017 11:03 A.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Israeli security cabinet decided during a meeting late on Monday night to remove metal detectors, which had recently been installed at the entrances of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, only to replace them with more advanced surveillance technology in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem.

      Israeli authorities installed metal detectors, turnstiles, and additional security cameras in the compound following a deadly shooting attack at Al-Aqsa on July 14 — sparking protests from Palestinians, who said the move was the latest example of Israeli authorities using Israeli-Palestinian violence as a means of furthering control over important sites in the occupied Palestinian territory and normalizing repressive measures against Palestinians.

      In a statement, the security cabinet said it had “accepted the recommendation of all of the security bodies to incorporate security measures based on advanced technologies ("smart checks") and other measures instead of metal detectors in order to ensure the security of visitors and worshipers in the Old City and on the Temple Mount” — using the Israeli term for the Al-Aqsa compound.

      Religious leaders in Jerusalem were scheduled to hold a meeting Tuesday to discuss the new Israeli plan, as Islamic endowment (Waqf) official Sheikh Raed Daana told Ma’an that both religious leaders and the Palestinians wouldn’t accept any changes to the status quo.

      “We won’t accept cameras or (metal) posts,” Daana said on Monday evening.

      The plan will reportedly take up to six months to implement, and cost an estimated 100 million shekels ($28 million).
      According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, at least 1,090 Palestinians had been injured since July 14 during demonstrations which were violently repressed by Israeli forces across the occupied Palestinian territory. According to Ma’an documentation, 11 Palestinians and five Israelis have been killed since July 14.

    • Israeli embassy staff, including guard who killed 2, leave Jordan amid investigation
      July 25, 2017 3:46 P.M. (Updated: July 25, 2017 7:54 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Staff members of the Israeli embassy to Jordan, including a security guard who killed two Jordanians, returned to Israel on Monday night after a day of tensions between the two countries over the deadly shootout.

      A Jordanian investigation into the shooting, in which Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, 17 , and Bashar Hamarneh were killed, revealed that the deadly incident started off as a professional dispute, official Jordanian news agency Petra reported on Monday.

      According to Jordanian police, al-Jawawdeh had accompanied a relative delivering furniture to the security guard’s apartment in the Israeli compound in Amman, when an argument over alleged delays turned physical.

      Witnesses said that al-Jawawdeh attacked the Israeli security guard — whom Israeli media have referred to as Ziv — with a screwdriver, after which the Israeli shot at him and Hamarneh, the apartment building owner.

      Petra reported that the case had been referred to a prosecutor for further legal steps, as Jordan and Israel have sparred over whether the security guard should be handed over to Jordanian custody.

      Israel, meanwhile, has refused to allow Jordanian authorities to question the injured Israeli security guard, citing his immunity under the Vienna Conventions — a body of international law which Israel has been accused of regularly violating.

      Nadav Argaman, the director of Israel’s intelligence service, the Shin Bet, traveled to Jordan in an attempt to resolve the situation, whereas Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a phone call with Jordan’s King Abdullah over the case.

      The Israeli security guard thanked Netanyahu for helping him leave Jordan without facing interrogation or criminal charges.

      "I know an entire country stands behind us. You told me yesterday I’d return home, and you calmed me down, and then it happened. I thank you wholeheartedly,” Israeli news outlet Ynet quoted him as saying.

      Despite reports that Israeli authorities would remove metal detectors at the entrance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem in exchange for securing the return of the security guard, Netanyahu denied that such an agreement had taken place.


    • Tuesday, July 25, 2017

      From the funeral of Muhammad Jawawdeh, 16, who was shot by an Israeli embassy terrorist in Amman

      It says “death to Israel”.
      Posted by As’ad AbuKhalil at 8:38 AM

      Tuesday, July 25, 2017
      Netanyahu warmly welcomes the terrorist who shot a 16-year old Jordanian

      When will they stop teaching and practicing hate? Who will change their curricula?
      Posted by As’ad AbuKhalil at 11:17 AM

    • Investigation into Israeli embassy shooting completed

      Amman, July 24 (Petra) — The Public Security Department (PSD), said Monday evening that the investigation launched into a shooting incident inside the Israeli embassy compound in Amman on Sunday was completed.

      A statement released by the PSD said the investigation was completed after collecting information from the crime scene and listening to a number of eyewitnesses, who were present at the scene.

      A PSD special investigation team has found that there was a prior agreement between people working in carpentry to supply bedroom furniture for an apartment rented by an Israeli embassy employee, the statement indicated, adding that two people came to furnish the bedroom of the Israeli employee’s apartment inside the compound.

      During the process, a dispute has erupted between one of the carpenters, who was the furniture shop owner’s son, and the Israeli diplomat. The two had a verbal argument as the Israeli diplomat claimed that there was a delay in completing the agreed upon work on time.

      The altercation escalated to physical confrontation where the carpenter attacked and injured the Israeli diplomat who in turn shot the carpenter and the apartment’s owner, who and the building’s doorman were present at the scene, the statement added, citing the testimony given by the other person who came with the carpenter.

      The team also listened to the doorman’s testimony, who corroborated the story as mentioned in the investigation.

      Then case has been referred to the competent prosecutor for further legal action.

      //Petra// AF

      25/7/2017 - 12:00:24 AM

  • Reports of ‘attempted security breach,’ 1 killed at Israeli embassy in Jordan
    uly 23, 2017 9:38 P.M. (Updated: July 23, 2017 9:47 P.M.)

    Jordanian security forces blocking off roads leading to the Israeli embassy in Amman on July 23, 2017.

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Jordanian media reported on Sunday that the area surrounding the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian capital, Amman, had been shut down on Sunday evening following an ’attempted security breach’ which allegedly left one person dead and another injured.

    According to media outlet Ammon News reported that security forces had cordoned off the area, adding that one Jordanian was believed to be dead, while an Israeli was reportedly wounded.

    Meanwhile, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said that the incident was “under full censorship” — preventing Israeli media and foreign journalists with Israeli press cards from reporting on the event.

    Israeli embassy security guard shoots, kills 2 Jordanians in Amman
    July 23, 2017 9:38 P.M. (Updated: July 24, 2017 11:50 A.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An Israeli embassy security guard shot and killed two Jordanians in Amman under unclear circumstances Sunday night, with Jordanian media describing the incident as a personal dispute and the Israeli foreign ministry saying the Israeli guard was defending himself from a politically-motivated attack.

    According to reports, two Jordanian carpenter workers had arrived to an apartment in the residential complex used by the Israeli embassy to replace furniture.

    An Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement that one of the workers crept up behind the guard and began stabbing him with a screwdriver. The guard then opened fire, killing the alleged attacker, and also inadvertently shot the Jordanian owner of the building who was present at the scene, who later succumbed to his wounds as well.

    A third Jordanian worker was present at the scene, according to the statement, which was released Monday morning after the incident was put under a media ban by Israeli authorities overnight.

    The ministry’s statement said the Israeli guard was lightly injured in the incident, without elaborating on the nature of his injuries. Israeli news outlet Haaretz said he was injured when jumping back away from the Jordanian as he his cocked his weapon.

    The slain alleged assailant was identified as 17-year-old Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, reportedly of Palestinian origin, who died after being shot twice. He had previously done maintenance work in the Israeli embassy and its residential compound.

    The Jordanian General Security Administration issued a statement, reportedly saying the circumstances surrounding the incident were still being investigated, and did not say that a Jordanian carpenter had attacked an Israeli.

    Later Sunday night, dozens of al-Jawawdeh’s family members gathered in Asharq Al-Awsat square in Amman to protest his death, demanding that the Jordanian government release all details of the investigation and punish the shooter.

    One relative told news cameras from private Jordanian outlet Ammon that the boy had went to the apartment to collect money in return for a bedroom set purchased by the Israeli guard, claiming that al-Jawawdeh did not realize the customer was armed or a Jewish Israeli.

    “He was a student on summer holiday. The boy went with the young guys to collect the money, and a heated argument broke out between him another young man there. We didn’t know they were armed, nor did we know they were Jews. If we knew they were Jews, we would have considered it dishonor that they visit our stores,” the man said.

    “What has happened is that our son had heated argument with the man. Regardless of whether he slapped you or you boxed him, how dare you in cold-blood cock your handgun and shoot the boy as if he was a cockroach?”

    The father also said in an interview with Jordanian television station Roya TV that his son did not know the nationality of the man who killed him and that he was a regular customer who bought furniture from them.

    However, Israeli authorities have been treating the incident as a possible attack in retaliation to rising tensions in occupied East Jerusalem.

    #Ambassade_israélienne #Amman #Jordanie #Ziv

    • Un Jordanien tué et un Israélien blessé à l’ambassade d’Israël en Jordanie

      La mise en place par Israël de détecteurs de métaux aux entrées de l’esplanade des Mosquées à Jérusalem-Est, gérée par la Jordanie, a engendré des violences meurtrières.
      Le Monde.fr avec AFP | 23.07.2017 à 21h31

      Alors que la tension reste vive à Jérusalem-Est, secouée depuis une semaine par la crise de l’esplanade des Mosquées, Amman, la capitale jordanienne est à son tour visée. Un Jordanien a été tué et un Israélien grièvement blessé lors d’un « incident » survenu dimanche 23 juillet à l’intérieur de l’ambassade d’Israël à Amman, la capitale jordanienne, selon une source des services de sécurité jordaniens.

      Cette dernière n’a toutefois pas fourni plus de précisions et il n’était pas clair, dans l’immédiat, si l’« incident » est lié aux tensions à Jérusalem, les autorités jordaniennes n’ayant pas donné davantage de détails tandis qu’Israël n’a pas réagi.

      Les forces de sécurité jordaniennes ont encerclé l’ambassade d’Israël, située dans le secteur de Rabieh, dans l’ouest d’Amman, et se sont déployées dans les rues voisines, selon un correspondant de l’Agence France-Presse (AFP).
      « Nous irons à al-Aqsa en martyrs par millions »

      Vendredi, plusieurs milliers de manifestants ont défilé à Amman et dans d’autres villes de Jordanie, à l’appel de la mouvance islamiste et de partis de gauche, pour protester contre ces nouvelles mesures.

      « Nous irons à Al-Aqsa en martyrs par millions », répétaient-ils entre autres, en référence à la mosquée Al-Aqsa s’élevant sur l’esplanade des Mosquées, troisième lieu saint de l’islam.

      Mis à jour le 24.07.2017 à 10h42 |

      L’un des fonctionnaires israéliens en poste à l’ambassade d’Amman, en Jordanie, a tué deux Jordaniens après avoir été victime d’une agression. Les faits se sont produits dans son appartement, à côté de l’ambassade. Responsable de la sécurité, il avait convié un menuisier jordanien pour effectuer des travaux, en présence du propriétaire. Le menuisier a attaqué le fonctionnaire avec un tournevis. Ce dernier a ouvert le feu et l’a tué, tout en blessant grièvement le propriétaire jordanien, qui est mort.

      Les Israéliens disent ne pas douter de la motivation idéologique de l’agresseur, qui serait liée à la situation à Jérusalem. Le gouvernement a voulu rapatrier l’ensemble de ses diplomates, mais a dû renoncer. La Sécurité générale jordanienne souhaite interroger l’Israélien impliqué. Or il jouit de l’immunité diplomatique, selon le ministère des affaires étrangères.

    • Jordanian killed in shooting incident inside Israeli embassy compound in Amman
      //Petra// AF // 23/7/2017 - 11:02:23 PM
      Amman, July 23 (Petra) — Police said they are investigating a shooting incident inside the Israeli embassy compound in Amman, which left a Jordanian citizen dead and injured two others; a Jordanian and an Israeli.

      The Public Security Department (PSD) said a police forced rushed to the scene of the incident and evacuated the three for medical treatment but one of them, a Jordanian, was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

      The PSD added in a statement that preliminary investigations indicate that the two Jordanians had entered the embassy’s compound to do carpentry work.

      The statement said the PSD launched an extensive investigation into the incident and informed the Public Prosecution in order to find out all details and circumstances in accordance with legal procedures followed in such cases.

    • Diplomatic Crisis With Jordan: Embassy Guard Who Killed Assailant Prevented From Returning to Israel

      Israeli Embassy guard shoots and kills a Jordanian teen who tried to stab him, and another man; Israel decides to pull out its diplomats but halts the evacuation when Jordan insists on interrogating him
      Barak Ravid, Jack Khoury and Gili Cohen Jul 24, 2017 7:58 AM

      An unusual security incident in which a Jordanian civilian tried to attack an Israeli embassy guard in Jordan on Sunday and was shot dead has become a diplomatic crisis. Jordan is barring the Israeli guard from leaving the country.

      On Sunday evening, following an emergency meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, it was decided to immediately evacuate all the staff of the Israeli embassy in Amman for fear that the incident would lead to riots and attempts to attack the embassy. However, the Jordanian authorities have refused to allow the security guard to leave the country and have demanded an investigation.

      Israel is currently refusing to allow an investigation of the security guard at this stage, claiming that the guard has diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention. The dispute over a possible investigation has led to the delay in the evacuation of the Israeli diplomatic team in Amman.
      (...) The guard at the Israeli Embassy in Amman was stabbed on Sunday by a Jordanian carpenter who was installing furniture in his apartment near the embassy compound. The Israeli security officer, who was lightly wounded in the incident, shot and killed the attacker. His landlord, who was also present during the incident, was also wounded during the incident and later died of his wounds.

  • La France, pompier pyromane

    voici l’extrait d’un texte d’Howard Zinn qui me semble particulièrement bien résumer l’origine du mal : “La désobéissance civile n’est pas notre problème. Notre problème c’est l’obéissance civile. Notre problème, ce sont les gens qui obéissent aux diktats imposés par les dirigeants de leurs gouvernements et qui ont donc soutenu des guerres. Des millions de personnes ont été tuées à cause de cette obéissance. Notre problème, c’est l’obéissance des gens quand la pauvreté, la famine, la stupidité, la guerre et la cruauté ravagent le monde. Notre problème, c’est que les gens soient obéissants alors que les prisons sont pleines de petits voleurs et que les plus grands bandits sont à la tête du pays. C’est ça notre problème”.