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  • Une base de données cartographiques complètement époustouflante (vraiment) sur les conflits, les morts, les violences...


    Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset

    ACLED (Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset) is the most comprehensive public collection of political violence data for developing states. These data contain information on the specific dates and locations of political violence, the types of event, the groups involved, fatalities and changes in territorial control. Information is recorded on the battles, killings, riots, and recruitment activities of rebels, governments, militias, armed groups, protesters and civilians. Event data are derived from a variety of sources, mainly concentrating on reports from war zones, humanitarian agencies, and research publications.

    As of early 2013, ACLED has recorded over 75,000 individual events. In the Africa set, 65,000 events from 1997-2012 have the following breakdown: 40% % are battles between governments, rebels, and militias; 34% are events in which civilians are directly targeted and harmed; 18% are riots and protests; and 7.5% is non-violent activity including rebel recruitment, arrests or base establishment. The coverage area extends throughout Africa, several Asian states, and Haiti.

    Despite the waning of civil wars across the developing world, ACLED shows that political violence rates have remained stable in the past seventeen years. An increase in political violence across Africa from 2007 has offset a sharp decrease from 2002 to 2006. From 1997-2012, riots, protests and violence against civilians have increased, while the frequency of violent battles has decreased.

    ACLED collects real-time data for select high-risk states in Africa. Real-time data is available at the Climate Change and African Political Stability Project (CCAPS) website.

    ACLED also produces a monthly conflict report which reviews and analyses new events and patterns from real-time data. All ACLED data can be downloaded on this site by country in excel and GIS formats. While the information is designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping, these data can be used in any GIS, any mapping program, or statistical package.