
Association Club Linux Nord-Pas de Calais, Groupe de l’Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres depuis 1999.

  • How to Start an Anonymous Blog — Untraceable

    I believe that by following the steps I outlined in this post, no one will ever be able to reveal my identity. My domain may be seized and my blog can be closed, but I am confident that my identity will remain a mystery.

    I can say these things mainly because I believe in a very important tool called Tor. Developers and operators of Tor nodes work to ensure that anyone can be anonymous on the internet. Tor is a great pain to the NSA, and any other organization or country that wants to spy on internet activity.

    The Tor network makes it very difficult to track down IP addresses, and domain registration is now available via Bitcoin, so I never needed to provide any personal information when setting up this blog.