• Is Capitalism Working for You? | Creative Time Reports

    Over the three years that I’ve been presenting Capitalism Works For Me!, I’ve learned to redirect the conversation from (...) oversimplifications. Generally we move on from knee-jerk reactions within a couple of minutes to have profound discussions about how economics impact people’s everyday lives. But the notion that “capitalism works if you’re willing to work hard” keeps coming up. Of all the myths about capitalism, it is the most stubborn. I started to wonder why.


    I continually reminded myself that those who forcefully defend capitalism do so because they feel threatened. (...) They are hanging on to their hopes, holding on to stories they have been told about the American dream. Capitalism creates wealth and distributes it to those who deserve it. Work hard, work smart and you’ll be OK.

    Challenge these ideas, and you unsettle a critical notion that keeps us going: we want to believe we’re totally in control of our lives. In my experience, all but the most arrogant will admit that they got where they are in part out of luck—but if one speaks of the privilege of coming from a particular class, race or social environment, it challenges many people’s sense that they have free will. The idea that folks may not get what they deserve—that our culture is not a meritocracy—can be very threatening.

    #capitalisme #conatus