• Syrian Foreign Minister Muallem : our diplomatic priorities are to ensure resilience, secure more arms | Al Akhbar English

    AA: Do you expect a Turkish military assault? Would you confront it?

    WM: Our strategic decision is to confront any Turkish aggression militarily. We hope to have, as soon as possible, advanced weapons capabilities that would ensure we could thwart the aggression. However, we do not see a possibility for aggression by Turkey against Syria in the foreseeable future. Turkish conditions for intervention in Syria are still rejected by Washington. Moreover, such an intervention is not approved by Saudi Arabia, Turkey’s main rival in the other camp. This camp is marred by contradictions, of which we benefit. In addition, Turkey’s internal situation is very fragile in light of a possible Kurdish rebellion. The steadfastness of our Kurdish compatriots in Ain al-Arab thwarted Erdogan’s policy, and gave President Obama, on the other hand, meaning for his air campaign. The Turkish position on ISIS’ assault on Ain al-Arab rallied the Kurds everywhere against the Turkish government. Kurds, not only in Turkey, where they number 15 million, are increasingly rallying around the leadership of Abdullah Ocalan, as well as Iraq’s Kurds; with every additional day of steadfastness in Ain al-Arab Massoud Barzani and his ally, Erdogan lose.

    L’entretien du ministre des AE syrien pour Al-Akhbar, lequel entretien a fait pas mal de bruit dans la presse arabe. Avant cet extrait, un passage où Moallem explique qu’ils vont recevoir des armes sophistiquées de la part des Ruses (S300).

    Mais tout est à lire, y compris le tableau d’introduction dythirambique de ce ministre... habile (c’est pas tout le monde qui peut le dire, hein !)