
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Le scandale énorme du jour : le ministre libanais de la santé dénonce nommément les restaurants, les chaînes de distribution et les industriels qui vendent de la viande avariée, des produits alimentaires aux dates de péremption bidouillées et autres fantaisies gastronomiques. (Je crois pouvoir affirmer que le ministre du tourisme, en ce moment, tourne dans Beyrouth, une arme à la main, dans le but de faire la peau à son collègue.)

    Health minister : Lebanon’s food ’dipped in diseases and microbes.

    The list reads like a who’s who of Lebanese eateries - Hawa Chicken, Spinneys, Roadster Diner and dozens of others - but this was no recognition of Lebanon’s famed cuisine: Tuesday afternoon the health minister named and shamed establishments across Lebanon serving unsafe food.

    “The Lebanese citizen’s food is not only dipped with sweat, but also in diseases and microbes,” Abu Faour said during a news conference at his ministry. “The Lebanese does not know what he eats, and it will be a disaster if he knows.”

    The minister revealed that numerous supermarkets, bakeries, butchers and restaurants had been violating food safety standards, according to the results of the inspection campaign done by the ministry over the last 20 days.

    Among the famous supermarkets that were named by Abu Faour were Fahed Supermaket in Jounieh, Hawa Chicken, Spinneys in Jbeil, Abou Khalil in Damour, Metro in Baabda, MP in Aley and TSC Mega in the Metn area.

    Other notable places mentioned were Roadster Diner for chicken breasts, Bedo for sausages, Makaneq for soujok, and Al-Hallab sweets shop in Tripoli for Ashta.

    Note : la plupart de ces noms sont très connus et importants.

    Je suggère le hashtag : #tourista

    • La liste chez Nahar :

      Listed below are some of the firms and products mentioned by Abu Faour:
      – Hamburger meat at Fahed Supermarket, Jounieh
      – Chicken breast at Hawa Chicken, Jbeil, Aley and Khalde
      – Meat products at Spinneys Supermarket, Jbeil
      – Meat products at Jbeil Supermarket, Jbeil
      – Meat, shawarma, minced meat and sausage at Bou Khalil Supermarket, Damour
      – Soujouk (hot sausage) at Bedo snack, Bourj Hammoud
      – Chicken at Metro Superstore, Baabda
      – Chicken at Rammal Supermarket, Baabda
      – Meat at El Khawli Supermarket, Bauchrieh
      – Some products at Brummana Market and al-Sultan Butchery in Metn
      – Qashta (Arabic cream) at Abdul Rahman Hallab & Sons Sweets, Tripoli
      – Chicken and mayonnaise at Crepina Restaurant, Tripoli
      – Various products at the Dar al-Qamar, Shay w Asal and Baitna restaurants in Tripoli
      – Beef, hamburger, minced meat and shish taouk at TSC Supermarket, Metn
      – Meat products at al-Natour Company for Meat and Food Products, Beirut

      (According to the minister, the full list of violating businesses in Beirut will be released in the next few days)

      Ça confirme donc mes pires craintes :
      – c’est bien la achta de Abdul Rahman Hallab & Sons de Tripoli ;
      – c’est bien le soujouk de Bedo de Bourj Hammoud.

      Je suis effondré, j’ai mal au ventre rétrospectivement (en même temps, je ne savais pas qu’il pouvait y avoir des problèmes sanitaires avec le soujouk : notoirement, le soujouk, ça tue tout…).

    • Le Akhbar aujourd’hui, article plus détaillé. Titré sur le fait qu’au Liban, les gens mangent « de la m**rde » :

      أمّا في بيروت، فقد أخذت الوزارة عيّنات من عدد كبير من المطاعم والمحال، لكن النتائج لم تصدر بعد، وهي على الأرجح لن تكون بعيدة عن نتائج هذا التقرير، حتّى إن المؤشرات تنذر بما هو أسوأ، وفق كلام أبو فاعور.

      Ici il est indiqué que les résultats concernant Beyrouth ne sont pas encore complets, il y aura donc une autre série résultats, qui seront du même tonneau (ou pire) selon le ministre.

    • Ah ah, la suite aujourd’hui, et mon histoire de Ministre du tourisme avec son flingue, je ne suis pas tombé loin : Lebanese minister reveals new list of violations in food safety scandal

      Faour’s campaign provoked many of his fellow lawmakers who accused him of “defamation” and “recklessness.”

      Economy Minister Alain Hakim slammed Faour’s campaign as “terrorism” against Lebanon’s economy, saying the move is like putting “a bullet in the head.”

      Similarly, Tourism Minister Michel Pharaon criticized Faour for “damaging the reputations” of the restaurants and supermarkets he publicly named, and asserted that the Ministry of Tourism is “proud” of all the restaurants in Lebanon, including the ones on the lists.

    • Sûreté alimentaire au Liban : le grand déballage prend un tour politique - L’Orient-Le Jour

      « Nous nous attendions à des réactions et à des représailles de la part de certaines personnes parce que nous touchons à de grandes entreprises dans le pays. Mais nous ne nous attendions pas à être poignardés par nos collègues au gouvernement », a-t-il déclaré d’entrée de jeu.


      « Le ministre du Tourisme a annoncé que nous avons fait du mal au tourisme. Je m’excuse d’avoir fait fuir les touristes à l’aéroport de Beyrouth. Ne sait-il pas que le tourisme ne fonctionne pas dans le pays ? Mes mots seuls ne sont pas ceux qui influent sur le tourisme, il y a aussi la situation sécuritaire », a répondu M. Bou Faour jeudi.

    • Karl reMarks: Lebanon Solves Global Food Crisis – By Eating Faeces

      The tiny nation of Lebanon has come up with a radical solution to solve the global food crisis that will go a long way towards creating a sustainable food source for the entire planet: human faeces. The bold scheme has been running for a few years now and has proved so successful that the country has decided to publicise it and launch a campaign to make it go global.

      Lebanese Food and Health Minister Wael Abou Faour announced the innovative solution in a press conference last week, creating a lot of controversy and debate about the unconventional food source. Many Lebanese were not aware of the type of food they were consuming but they all agreed that it tasted as good as meat if not better. A study revealed that the faeces-based food was safe to eat and had no harmful health effects.


      The campaign however received negative coverage in some local and international outlets, and it’s thought that Israel is behind this slanderous campaign to discredit Lebanon on the international stage, in its effort to stifle Lebanese creativity and competition. The media tried to represent the story as a health scandal by attributing false statements to Lebanese officials, but these attempts will be exposed for what they are, according to the same spokesperson.

    • Lebanon Agriculture Ministry blacklists Indian meat company

      BEIRUT: The Agriculture Ministry has blacklisted a foreign meat company for selling Lebanon contaminated meat, Agriculture Minister Akram Chehayeb said Friday.


      The meat shipments were contaminated with Salmonella, he said.


      The minister’s comments came in response to a statement published by the national committee to fight corruption that alleged that the agriculture ministry was bribed into allowing the entry of rotten Brazilian meat imported by Mirha Export.