
  • Women agricultural workers crave fair working conditions

    A latest publication by FIAN International discusses the discriminatory working conditions women agricultural workers endure, as well as how women and girls play an essential role towards the food and nutrition security of their families and communities.

    The publication “Women agricultural workers and the right to adequate food and nutrition” was written by FIAN International with the contribution from the International Union of Food Workers (IUF) and the support of FIAN Nepal, FIAN Philippines, FIAN Colombia and the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers (WFF).

    It was elaborated in consultation with several civil societies and the IUF under the Hands Off the Land project, which aims to raise awareness about land grabbing amongst the European public, politicians, policy makers, students and professionals. The project presents case documentation, fact sheets and thematic studies of transnational land grabs in Mali, Mozambique, Zambia, Colombia and Cambodia.

    This paper seeks to shed light on the discriminatory working conditions women agricultural workers endure in industries where women have traditionally constituted a significant share of the workforce, and provides an analysis of these conditions from a human right to adequate food and nutrition perspective in order to offer recommendations to states about how to address them.

    #femmes #agriculture