Educate ! Organize ! Agitate !

  • B. R. Ambedkar

    B. R. Ambedkar est toujours admiré par les pauvres d’Inde qui n’ont que peu d’estime pour le Mahātmā Gandhi vénéré par les hindous modérés des classes moyennes.

    Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar ([14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956), popularly known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Modern Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), while also supporting the rights of women and labour. He was Independent India’s first law minister and the principal architect of the Constitution of India.

    His later life was marked by his political activities; he became involved in campaigning and negotiations for India’s independence, publishing journals advocating political rights and social freedom for Dalits, and contributing significantly to the establishment of the state of India.

    In 1956 he converted to Buddhism, initiating mass conversions of Dalits.


    This epithet is commonly applied to prominent people like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Munshiram (later Swami Shraddhananda), Lalon Shah, Ayyankali and Jyotirao Phule.

    Manusmriti Dahan Din (Manusmriti Burning Day)

    The Manusmṛti Dahan Diwas (Manusmriti Burning Day) during Maha-Sangharsha of Mahad Satyagraha, was day on 25 December 1927 that Manusmṛti was publicly burned by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is an important mile stone in Dalit struggle against Brahminism. Manusmṛti is probably the most burnt book in India every year by Dalits and Ambedkarites.

    Dr. Ambedkar came from Bombay by boat “Padmavati” via Dasgaon port, instead of Dharamtar, though it is longer distance, because in the event of boycott by bus owners, they could walk down five miles to Mahad. A pit six inches deep and one and half foot square was dug in, and filled with sandle wood pieces. On its four corners, poles were erected, bearing banners on three sides. Banners said,

    “Manusmṛti chi dahan bhumi”, i.e. Crematorium for Manusmṛti.
    Destroy Untouchability and
    Bury the Brahmanism.

    Dalit Buddhist movement

    Twenty-two vows of Ambedkar
    Inscription of 22 vows at Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur

    After receiving ordination, Ambedkar gave dhamma diksha to his followers. The ceremony included 22 vows given to all new converts after Three Jewels and Five Precepts. On 14 October 1956 at Nagpur, Ambedkar performed another mass religious conversion ceremony at Chandrapur.

    He prescribed 22 vows to his followers:

    I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, nor shall I worship them.
    I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna, who are believed to be incarnation of God, nor shall I worship them.
    I shall have no faith in Gauri, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus, nor shall I worship them.
    I do not believe in the incarnation of God.
    I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu. I believe this to be sheer madness and false propaganda.
    I shall not perform Shraddha nor shall I give pind.
    I shall not act in a manner violating the principles and teachings of the Buddha.
    I shall not allow any ceremonies to be performed by Brahmins.
    I shall believe in the equality of man.
    I shall endeavour to establish equality.
    I shall follow the Noble Eightfold Path of the Buddha.
    I shall follow the ten paramitas prescribed by the Buddha.
    I shall have compassion and loving-kindness for all living beings and protect them.
    I shall not steal.
    I shall not tell lies.
    I shall not commit carnal sins.
    I shall not take intoxicants like liquor, drugs, etc.

    (The previous four proscriptive vows [#14–17] are from the Five Precepts.)

    I shall endeavour to follow the Noble Eightfold Path and practice compassion and loving-kindness in everyday life.
    I renounce Hinduism, which disfavors humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.
    I firmly believe the Dhamma of the Buddha is the only true religion.
    I consider that I have taken a new birth.
    I solemnly declare and affirm that I shall hereafter lead my life according to the teachings of Buddha’s Dhamma.

    Democracy and Class Struggle : Bhagat Singh On Dalit Question by Ashok Yadav

    “Bring revolution through social movements and then be prepared for political and economic revolutions.” This is yet another important formulation of Bhagat Singh. Right from Jotiba Phule to Dr Ambedkar all have stressed upon the importance of social revolution in bringing about the final revolutions in political and economic sectors. Bhagat Singh who otherwise devoted major part of his short life for socialism and national liberation did not digress much from India’s great social revolutionaries in prescribing the trajectory of revolution. Bhagat Singh had started off his revolutionary life by making national liberation from subjugation of British rule the sole preoccupation. In a very short span of time he had realised that the ground for political-economic revolution in India cannot be prepared unless social revolution is effected. This was a great and stirring journey of Bhagat Singh in the realm of philosophy.

    (Note: All the quotations of Bhagat Singh from the article have been translated in English by this writer from the Hindi version. The article in question has been taken from Bhagat Singh’s collected works published by Rajkamal Prakashan)

    Source :

    Graham Staines

    Graham Stuart Staines (1941 – 22 January 1999) was an Australian Christian missionary who, along with his two sons Philip (aged 10) and Timothy (aged 6), was burnt to death by a gang while sleeping in his station wagon at Manoharpur village in Keonjhar district in Odisha, India on 22 January 1999. In 2003, a Bajrang Dal activist, Dara Singh, was convicted of leading the gang that murdered Graham Staines and his sons, and was sentenced to life in prison.

    Communist Party of India (Marxist)

    The party emerged from a split from the Communist Party of India in 1964. The CPI(M) was formed at the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party of India held in Calcutta from October 31 to November 7, 1964.

    The strength of CPI(M) is concentrated in the states of Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura. As of 2015, CPI(M) is leading the state government in Tripura. It also leads the Left Front coalition of leftist parties. As of 2013, CPI(M) claimed to have 1,065,406 members.


    In the last elections held in February 2013, the Left Front won 50 out of 60 seats in the Assembly, 49 of which went to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM).[61] As of 2013, Tripura is the only state in India where the communist party is in power. Formerly, two more states—West Bengal and Kerala—had democratically elected communist governments.


    West Bengal

    #Inde #hindouisme #bouddhisme #communisme #dalit #Ambedkar

  • « Contrairement à Malala, Nabila n’a pas reçu un accueil chaleureux à Washington » - Al Jazeera English (archive)

    It is useful to contrast the American response to Nabila Rehman with that of Malala Yousafzai, a young girl who was nearly assassinated by the Pakistani Taliban. While Malala was feted by Western media figures, politicians and civic leaders for her heroism, Nabila has become simply another one of the millions of nameless, faceless people who have had their lives destroyed over the past decade of American wars. The reason for this glaring discrepancy is obvious. Since Malala was a victim of the Taliban, she, despite her protestations, was seen as a potential tool of political propaganda to be utilised by war advocates. She could be used as the human face of their effort, a symbol of the purported decency of their cause, the type of little girl on behalf of whom the United States and its allies can say they have been unleashing such incredible bloodshed. Tellingly, many of those who took up her name and image as a symbol of the justness of American military action in the Muslim world did not even care enough to listen to her own words or feelings about the subject.

    As described by the Washington Post’s Max Fisher :

    Western fawning over Malala has become less about her efforts to improve conditions for girls in Pakistan, or certainly about the struggles of millions of girls in Pakistan, and more about our own desire to make ourselves feel warm and fuzzy with a celebrity and an easy message. It’s a way of letting ourselves off the hook, convincing ourselves that it’s simple matter of good guys vs bad guys, that we’re on the right side and that everything is okay.

    • Again The Peace Prize Not For Peace

      Malala Yousafzay became a celebrity in Western media because she was a victim of designated enemies of Western empire. Had she been a victim of the governments of Saudi Arabia or Israel or any other kingdom or dictatorship being used by Western governments, we would not have heard so much about her suffering and her noble work. Were she primarily an advocate for the children being traumatized by drone strikes in Yemen or Pakistan, she’d be virtually unknown to U.S. television audiences.

      But Malala recounted her meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama a year ago and said, “I also expressed my concerns that drone attacks are fueling terrorism. Innocent victims are killed in these acts, and they lead to resentment among the Pakistani people. If we refocus efforts on education, it will make a big impact.” So, she actually advocated pursuing education rather than war, and yet the Nobel Committee had not a word to say about that in announcing its selection, focusing on eliminating child labor rather than on eliminating war. The possibility exists then that either of this year’s recipients might give an antiwar acceptance speech. There has, after all, only been one pro-war acceptance speech, and that was from President Obama. But many speeches have been unrelated to abolishing war.

      Fredrik S. Heffermehl, who has led efforts to compel the Nobel Committee to give the peace prize for peace, said on Friday, "Malala Yousafzay is a courageous, bright and impressive person. Education for girls is important and child labor a horrible problem. Worthy causes, but the committee once again makes a false pretense of loyalty to Nobel and confuses and conceals the plan for world peace that Nobel intended to support.

      “If they had wished to be loyal to Nobel they would have stressed that Malala often has spoken out against weapons and military with a fine understanding of how ordinary people suffer from militarism. Young people see this more clearly than the grown ups.”

  • What Happened To The Malaysian Airliner? By Paul Craig Roberts

    Indeed the entire Western media spoke as one: Russia did it. And the presstitutes are still speaking the same way.

    Possibly, this uniform opinion merely reflects the pavlovian training of the Western media to automatically line up with Washington. No media source wants to be subject to criticism for being unamerican or to find itself isolated by majority opinion, which carries the day, and earn black marks for being wrong. As a former journalist for, and contributor to, America’s most important news publications, I know how this works.

    On the other hand, if we discount the pavlovian conditioning, the only conclusion is that the entire news cycle pertaining to the downing of the Malaysian airliner is orchestrated in order to lay the blame on Putin.

    Romesh Ratnesar, deputy editor of Bloomberg Businessweek, provides convincing evidence for orchestration in his own remarks of July 17. Ratnesar’s opinion title is: “The Malaysia Airlines Shootdown Spells Disaster for Putin.
    Ratnesar does not mean that Putin is being framed-up. He means that prior to Putin having the Malaysian airliner shot down, “to the vast majority of Americans, Russia’s meddling in Ukraine has largely seemed of peripheral importance to U.S. interests. That calculus has changed. . . . It may take months, even years, but Putin’s recklessness is bound to catch up to him. When it does, the downing of MH 17 may be seen as the beginning of his undoing.

    As a former Wall Street Journal editor, anyone who handed me a piece of shit like Ratnesar published would have been fired. Look at the insinuations when there is no evidence to support them. Look at the lie that Washington’s coup is “Russia’s meddling in Ukraine.” What we are witnessing is the total corruption of Western journalism by Washington’s imperial agenda. Journalists have to get on board with the lies or get run over.

    Look around for still honest journalists. Who are they? Glenn Greenwald, who is under constant attack by his fellow journalists, all of whom are whores. Who else can you think of? Julian Assange, locked away in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London on Washington’s orders. The British puppet government won’t permit free transit to Assange to take up his asylum in Ecuador. The last country that did this was the Soviet Union, which required its Hungarian puppet to keep Cardinal Mindszenty interred in the US Embassy in Budapest for 15 years from 1956 until 1971. Mindszenty was granted political asylum by the United States, but Hungary, on Soviet orders, would not honor his asylum, just as Washington’s British puppet, on Washington’s orders, will not honor Assange’s asylum.

    If we are honest and have the strength to face reality, we will realize that the Soviet Union did not collapse. It simply moved, along with Mao and Pol Pot, to Washington and London.

    The flaw in Putin’s diplomacy is that Putin’s diplomacy relies on good will and on truth prevailing. However, the West has no good will, and Washington is not interested in truth prevailing but in Washington prevailing. What Putin confronts is not reasonable “partners,” but a propaganda ministry aimed at him.


    L’avenir de la Syrie « libérée » : Nettoyage ethnique religieux et génocide (Countercurrents)

    Shamus COOKE

    Un revirement fascinant s’est opéré dans les médias-systèmes étasuniens : Au bout d’un an de propagande anti-syrienne et de mensonges, des bribes de la vérité commencent à être révélées au public. Il se peut que ce soit trop peu et trop tard : le pays se débat dans un cauchemar de nettoyage ethnique religieux et de massacres.

    Après avoir incité à la guerre sans discontinuer, le New York Times s’est donné une seconde pour essuyer le sang de ses mains avant de se mettre à décrire le véritable état des choses en Syrie. Apparemment, les reportages précédents affirmant que l’armée syrienne massacrait sans discrimination les citoyens de Homs n’étaient qu’un mensonge qui tournait en boucle dans les médias.

    Il apparaît maintenant que c’était exactement le contraire.

    En réalité, beaucoup des réfugiés qui se sont enfuis de Homs étaient des chrétiens persécutés, attaqués par des membres de l’Armée Syrienne Libre qui ont aussi assassiné des membres de minorités religieuses dans le but de recruter des Sunnites radicaux en Syrie pour mener une guerre religieuse contre l’état laïque syrien.

    Le contexte

    Comme l’Armée Syrienne Libre n’est pas le fruit d’une révolution populaire - mais de l’argent et des armes de l’Arabie Saoudite - il fallait que la guerre pour abattre le gouvernement syrien soit une guerre ethnique et religieuse. L’Arabie Saoudite se sert depuis longtemps du Wahhabisme, une forme rare d’extrémisme de l’Islam sunnite, comme d’une outil politique, en l’exportant dans les pays dont elle veut renverser les gouvernements.

    Les Etats-Unis soutiennent depuis longtemps les efforts de l’Arabie Saoudite dans ce sens dans une dynamique qui a progressivement donné naissance aux Talibans et à Al Qaeda. Les Etats-Unis refusent de renoncer à cette stratégie parce qu’elle est incroyablement efficace pour renverser des gouvernements « hostiles », ce qui n’empêche pas de maintenir de grandes parties du Moyen-Orient dans l’Islam traditionnel qui exerce un bon contrôle des activités politiques de la classe laborieuse, d’autant plus qu’en Arabie Saoudite les manifestations, les syndicats et les droits civils sont illégaux.

    Les minorités religieuses persécutées de Homs considéraient le gouvernement syrien comme leur allié contre les « libérateurs » de l’ASL, les chéris des médias étasuniens et les marionnettes au service de la politique étrangère de l’Arabie Saoudite.

    La persécution des minorités

    Un article d’opinion du New York Times () a décrit les faits mieux qu’aucun reportage précédent :

    "L’opposition [l’armée Syrienne Libre] armée et financée par l’Arabie Saoudite a « nettoyé » la province de Homs de 80 000 chrétiens en les chassant de chez eux... en mars et ces chrétiens ont petit à petit abandonné l’espoir de rentrer chez eux un jour".

    « Le nettoyage ethnique perpétré par les rebelles [l’Armée Syrienne Libre] a conduit une partie des Sunnites qui au départ soutenaient les rebelles et des Syriens qui hésitaient entre les deux camps à se rallier à Assad. Beaucoup de gens qui auparavant considéraient le régime comme une kleptocratie, le voient maintenant comme le meilleur défenseur du pluralisme [ethnique et religieux] en danger. »

    La complicité des Etats-Unis

    Cette soudaine volte-face révèle des faits qui sont connus depuis longtemps par le gouvernement et les médias étasuniens. Le New York Times ajoute :

    « Washington est conscient de l’ampleur du problème [fanatisme religieux et persécution des minorités]. Déjà en juin 2011, Robert Stephen Ford, l’ambassadeur étasunien en Syrie, avait prévenu ses homologues à Damas de ce qu’Al Qaeda avait infiltré les forces de l’opposition. En s’entêtant à soutenir la tentative de l’Arabie Saoudite pour déstabiliser la Syrie, Washington, loin d’aider Israël ou d’affaiblir l’Iran, contribue a créer une crise humanitaire qui reviendra hanter les Etats-Unis. »

    En résumé : les politiciens étasuniens des deux partis politiques ont menti au public sur la vraie nature du conflit en Syrie parce que le spectacle d’un pays non allié des Etats-Unis détruit par de barbares luttes ethniques et religieuses leur donnait un avantage politique.

    Un dernier extrait de l’article du New York Times :

    « L’indifférence apparente de la communauté internationale à la dégradation de la situation des minorités religieuses syriennes -et le fait que les gouvernements occidentaux unis contre Assad n’aient quasiment jamais critiqué les forces d’opposition- nourrit un profond sentiment anti-étasunien parmi les Syrien laïcs qui voient les Etats-Unis s’aligner sur l’Arabie Saoudite, le berceau du Wahhabisme [sunnisme extrémiste], contre l’état le plus résolument laïc du monde arabe. »

    Voilà. il a fallu plus d’un an, mais tout à coup, tout n’est plus blanc ou noir dans la guerre syrienne, ce n’est plus les bons contre les méchants. Il n’est pas question de porter le gouvernement syrien aux nues, mais la dévastation infligée au pays l’a été sur de fausses prémices à l’instigation de puissances étrangères -l’Arabie Saoudite et les Etats-Unis- qui voulaient à tous prix annihiler le pays pour isoler l’Iran et faciliter le renversement de ce dernier. Prétendre que cette entreprise meurtrière est une avancée de la démocratie -comme l’ont fait les politiciens et les médias étasuniens- n’est pas seulement un sommet d’hypocrisie ; cela rentre dans la catégorie réservée à ceux qu’on appelle des criminels de guerre.

    Shamus Cooke

    Shamus Cooke est assistant social et syndicaliste, et il écrit pour Workers Action (

    Note : Lien de l’article en question :

    Pour consulter l’original :

    Traduction : Dominique Muselet
    URL de cet article 17389

  • Goldstone’s Shameful U-turn | Ilan Pappe (Relevé sur le net)

    “If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone report would have been a different document.” Thus opens Judge Richard Goldstone’s much-discussed op-ed in The Washington Post. I have a strong feeling that the editor might have tampered with the text and that the original sentence ought to have read something like: “If I had known then that the report would turn me into a self-hating Jew in the eyes of my beloved Israel and my own Jewish community in South Africa, the Goldstone report would never have been written at all.” And if that wasn’t the original sentence, it is certainly the subtext of Goldstone’s article. (...)