• Nicholas Noe sur X :

      Team Biden and the Netanyahu-led government seem very much to be coordinating rather well in terms of the long-term (or “Day After”) carve-up and re-occupation inside Gaza, for which the floating port is but one mutual component :

      “But even as talks have continued over the past two months, Israeli forces have been digging in. Three forward operating bases have been established in the corridor since March, satellite imagery examined by The Washington Post shows, providing clues about Israel’s plans. At the sea, the road meets a new, seven-acre unloading point for a floating pier, an American project to bring more aid into Gaza.”

  • Le Wapo en est encore à te parler de « perceived excesses » de la part d’Israël, et de « apparent move on Rafah ». Heureusement que la presse libre du monde libre est là pour que tu sois correctement informé·e.

    Why Spain will recognize a Palestinian state

    The Spanish government has been outspoken about the perceived excesses of Israel’s offensive in Gaza. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called for a cease-fire in November and has warned that Netanyahu’s current approach risks Israel’s isolation on the world stage.

    Albares condemned the apparent move on Rafah, the southern Gaza city that’s home to more than a million Palestinians, many displaced by the war.

    L’euphémisation, ce sacerdoce.

  • Journalism professors call on New York Times to review Oct. 7 report - The Washington Post

    More than 50 tenured journalism professors from top universities have signed a letter calling on the New York Times to address questions about a major investigative report that described a “pattern of gender-based violence” in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.

    The letter follows months of criticism and concerns raised by outside critics as well as some Times staffers about the credibility of its sourcing and the editorial process for the story.

    La lettre:

  • Even With Gaza Under Siege, Some Are Imagining Its Reconstruction - The New York Times

    The plan centers on a series of major projects, including a deepwater port, a desalination plant to provide drinking water, an online health care service and a transportation corridor connecting Gaza with the West Bank. A fund for reconstruction and development would oversee future undertakings.

    The most forward-looking components, such as reducing customs barriers to trade and introducing a new currency in place of the Israeli shekel, assume the eventual establishment of Palestinian autonomy, a step that Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has vowed to resist. He has also brushed aside the prospect that the future governance of Gaza could include a role for the Palestinian Authority, the most obvious potential partner for the reconstruction initiative.

    The enormous price tag of any rebuilding is another impediment. The toll of the damage to Gaza’s crucial infrastructure has reached $18.5 billion, according to a recent estimate by the World Bank and the United Nations. Half the population is on the verge of famine, and more than a million people lack homes.
    While visions of modern transportation systems may now seem tangential to Gaza’s essential needs, the plan is governed by the assumption that even temporary structures like emergency housing and health care facilities must be thoughtfully placed to avoid squandering future possibilities.

    “Temporary tends to become permanent very quickly,” Mr. Choa said. “Someone says, ‘We’re going to put this big refugee camp right here,’ but that could be exactly where you want to put a wastewater treatment plant or a transit line in the future. You then create an obstacle.”
    The ideas that have emerged from the workshops extend into the next quarter-century. These include the erection of a cutting edge soccer stadium and the elevation of the existing soccer team to a more internationally competitive level, and the creation of a strategy to encourage a Palestinian film industry.
    [j’avoue mon scepticisme, voire mon effarement, sur cette affaire de stage]
    The deepwater port would be established on an artificial island built from the nearly 30 million tons of debris and rubble that are expected to cover the territory whenever the conflict is over, with removal anticipated to take as long as a decade.

    The plan proposes the establishment of a degree-granting Technical University of Reconstruction in northern Gaza that would draw students from around the world. They would study strategies to dig out from disaster and spur development, using postwar Gaza as a living laboratory.

    The destruction is so extensive that the usual means of administering aid and overseeing rebuilding will be inadequate, said the World Bank official.

    American government agencies face legal restrictions on working directly with the Palestinian Authority. Other institutions are reluctant to transact with the Palestinian Authority given its reputation for corruption. All of this makes private companies critical elements of the plan, even as they too will grapple with the risks of investing in a highly uncertain climate.
    [inévitablement, le pont aux ânes de la pensée néolibérale]

    While the largest projects require clarity over the future political administration of Gaza, other initiatives, such as those aimed at encouraging small businesses, could begin as soon as military activities cease.

    “I want to focus on how we open the bread store, how we get factories up and running,” said Jim Pickup, chief executive of the Middle East Investment Initiative, a nonprofit that finances development projects. “Every truck that is going to remove rubble is a small business itself, supporting a family.”

    Les #déblais sont à la fois une contrainte, très lourde à gérer et à manipuler, au sens propre, mais aussi une ressource susceptible de générer des revenus par son transport et sa transformation, et une matière première à réutiliser dans ce projet de #port, dont il me semble des entreprises israéliennes ont déjà proposé des visions il y a quelques mois. En tout cas, en 2017, les Israéliens avaient déjà diffusé des images de tels projets :
    #urbanisme #reconstruction
    Tout cela est un peu délirant alors qu’on ne sait pas vers quelle gouvernance de Gaza on va, et surtout quelle souveraineté l’entité aura... ce type de projet présuppose d’emblée une forme très forte de dépendance. Sans doute l’idée c’est : le gaz paiera. Je suis surpris que les Emiratis, les Saoudiens et les Qataris ne soient pas mentionnés dans l’article (sauf à l’état de fantasme : « The new initiative has yet to engage with the Gulf countries, Mr. Choa said. »)

  • Les États-Unis ont des lois anti palestiniennes prévoyant d’empêcher le financement de toute agence de l’#ONU reconnaissant la #Palestine comme État membre à part entière.

    Le précédent de l’UNESCO en 2011 :
    UNESCO votes to admit Palestine ; U.S. cuts off funding

    The prohibition on U.S. funding of U.N. agencies that recognize a Palestinian state was included in two pieces of legislation that were signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and President Bill Clinton in 1994.

    The 1990 law prohibits the appropriation of funds “for the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as a member state.

    In 1994, Congress barred funding “any affiliated organization of the United Nations which grants full membership as a state to any organization or group that does not have the internationally recognized attributes of statehood.

  • AI hype is deflating. Can AI companies find a way to turn a profit ? - The Washington Post

    Oui : on a toujours le même goulet d’étranglement : la quantité d’#énergie disponible. C’est une véritable fuite en avant : bagnoles électriques sur-subventionnées, PAC, AI et derrière, un marché de l’électricité qui marche sur la tête et empêche les gens de se chauffer, voir de travailler. Et des couts et des retards qui s’accumulent pour les mises en chantier de nouvelles sources d’énergie.
    On va dans le mur en klaxonnant.

    Training bigger and better AI models has another crucial ingredient — electricity to power the warehouses of computer chips crunching all that data. The AI boom has already kicked off a wave of new data center construction, but it’s unclear whether the United States will be able to generate enough electricity to run them. AI, coupled with a surge in new manufacturing facilities, is pushing up predictions for how much electricity will be needed over the next five years, said Mike Hall, CEO of renewable energy management software company Anza, and a 20-year veteran of the solar power industry.

    “People are starting to talk about a crisis, are we going to have enough power?” Hall said.

    • « Pourquoi je démissionne du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères », par Annelle Sheline - Agence Media Palestine

      L’année dernière, j’ai travaillé pour le bureau chargé de promouvoir les droits de l’homme au Moyen-Orient. Je crois fermement à la mission et au travail important de ce bureau. Cependant, en tant que représentant d’un gouvernement qui permet directement l’avènement de ce que la Cour internationale de justice a déclaré être un risque plausible de génocide à Gaza, ce travail est devenu presque impossible. Incapable de servir une administration qui permet de telles atrocités, j’ai décidé de démissionner de mon poste au Ministère des Affaires Étrangères.

      La crédibilité dont jouissaient les États-Unis en tant que défenseurs des droits de l’homme a presque entièrement disparue depuis le début de la guerre. Les membres de la société civile ont refusé de répondre à mes efforts pour les contacter. Notre bureau cherche à soutenir les journalistes au Moyen-Orient ; pourtant, lorsque des ONG m’ont demandé si les États-Unis pouvaient apporter leur aide lorsque des journalistes palestiniens sont détenus ou tués à Gaza, j’ai été déçu que mon gouvernement ne fasse pas plus d’efforts pour les protéger. Selon le Comité pour la protection des journalistes, 90 journalistes palestiniens ont été tués à Gaza au cours des cinq derniers mois. C’est le nombre le plus élevé enregistré au cours d’un seul conflit depuis que le CPJ a commencé à collecter des données en 1992.

    • Rafael Shimunov sur X :

      Was just doing research and found this quote by former Biden official Dr. @AnnelleSheline who resigned over #Gaza.

      "I have a young daughter. She’s not yet 2, but if some day in the future, she is learning about this and knows that I was at the state department and she asked me [about it] – I want to be able to tell her that I did what I could.”

    • En Géorgie, la demande d’énergie industrielle atteint des niveaux records, avec une projection de nouvelle consommation d’électricité pour la prochaine décennie désormais 17 fois supérieure à ce qu’elle était récemment. L’Arizona Public Service, le plus grand service public de cet État, a également du mal à suivre le rythme, prévoyant qu’il sera à court de capacité de transport avant la fin de la décennie en l’absence de mises à niveau majeures.

      Oups ! Exponentielle disait l’autre.

  • Les États-Unis ont discrètement approuvé des centaines de ventes d’armes à Israël depuis le 7 octobre,les-tats-unis-ont-discretement-approuve-des-centaines-de-ventes.php

    Les États-Unis ont discrètement approuvé et livré plus de 100 ventes militaires étrangères distinctes à Israël depuis le début de la guerre à Gaza le 7 octobre, a rapporté mercredi le Washington Post, citant les commentaires faits par des responsables américains aux membres du Congrès lors d’un récent briefing classifié.

    Les ventes comprennent des milliers de munitions à guidage de précision, de bombes de petit diamètre, de destruction de bunkers, d’armes légères et d’autres aides meurtrières, selon le rapport.

    Ce chiffre à trois chiffres, qui n’a pas encore été annoncé, est la dernière indication de l’implication massive de Washington dans le conflit.

    Seules deux ventes militaires étrangères approuvées à Israël ont été rendues publiques depuis le début du conflit : pour 106 millions de dollars de munitions de chars et 147,5 millions de dollars de composants nécessaires à la fabrication d’obus de 155 mm. Ces ventes ont suscité un examen public parce que l’administration Biden a contourné le Congrès pour approuver les paquets en invoquant une autorité d’urgence.

    Dans le cas des 100 autres transactions, selon le Washington Post, les transferts d’armes ont été traités sans aucun débat public, car chacun d’entre eux relevait d’un montant spécifique qui exige que le pouvoir exécutif en informe individuellement le Congrès.


    Le porte-parole du département d’État, Matthew Miller, a déclaré que l’administration Biden avait « suivi les procédures spécifiées par le Congrès lui-même pour tenir les membres bien informés et les informe régulièrement, même lorsque la notification formelle n’est pas une exigence légale ».

    Il a ajouté que les responsables américains ont « engagé le Congrès » sur les transferts d’armes vers Israël « plus de 200 fois » depuis l’attaque du Hamas contre Israël le 7 octobre et la guerre qui a suivi.

    Le président Joe Biden a cherché à approuver un important programme d’aide à Israël, mais les démocrates et les républicains se sont affrontés sur la législation.

    Le mois dernier, la Chambre des représentants n’a pas réussi à approuver un projet de loi républicain qui aurait fourni 17,6 milliards de dollars à Israël.


    • U.S. floods arms into Israel despite mounting alarm over war’s conduct - The Washington Post

      “That’s an extraordinary number of sales over the course of a pretty short amount of time, which really strongly suggests that the Israeli campaign would not be sustainable without this level of U.S. support,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior Biden administration official and current president of Refugees International.


      When asked about surge of weapons into Israel, some U.S. lawmakers who sit on committees with oversight of national security said the Biden administration must exercise its leverage over the government of Israel.

      “You ask a lot of Americans about arm transfers to Israel right now, and they look at you like you’re crazy, like, ‘why in the world would we be sending more bombs over there?’” Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Tex.), a member of the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees, said in an interview.

      “These people already fled from the north to the south, and now they’re all huddled in a small piece of Gaza, and you’re going to continue to bombard them?” Castro said, referring to Israel’s planned offensive in Rafah, where more than 1 million displaced Palestinians have sought shelter.

  • Egypt clearing land, building wall near Gaza border, satellite imagery shows - The Washington Post

    Despite its public refusal to entertain any scenario in which Palestinians are pushed across the border, Egypt is probably preparing contingency plans, a former Egyptian official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject.
    “If as a result of the attacks [in Rafah] tens of thousands of Palestinians cross the border, do you think the Egyptian army would shoot at them? The answer is no,” the person said. “Any responsible government would have to think, ‘Okay, if we have the worst-case scenario, how would we deal with that?’
    The governor of North Sinai, Mohamed Abdelfadil Shousha, denied reports that Egypt was building a refugee camp along the border, Arab media reported.

  • Egypt building buffer zone to possibly receive Palestinian refugees
    14 February 2024 19:26 GMT | Middle East Eye

    A report by the rights group Sinai Foundation for Human Rights said that construction is currently underway to create a security zone with Gaza, which would act as a buffer area that could receive Palestinian refugees if they are forced out of Rafah.

    The group said, citing local contractors, that the aim is to create an area in the Sinai peninsula that is surrounded by walls that are seven metres high. The reported plans would also pave over the destroyed homes of indigenous groups in the area.

    Middle East Eye could not independently verify the report.

    Earlier this month, Egyptian journalist Ahmed El-Madhoun posted a video online that showed workers strengthening the security wall separating Egypt and Gaza.

    Since the war in Gaza began in October, there have been several Israeli proposals reported in the media detailing plans to push Gaza’s Palestinian residents into Egypt, which Cairo has rejected.

    Sinai for Human Rights
    6:24 PM · 14 févr. 2024

    السلطات المصرية تشرع في بناء منطقة أمنية عازلة محاطة بأسوار لإستقبال فلسطيني غزة .

    حصلت مؤسسة سيناء على معلومات من مصدر ذو صلة تفيد بإن أعمال البناء الجارية حاليا شرقي سيناء
    هي لإنشاء منطقة أمنية معزولة مع الحدود مع قطاع غزة بهدف استقبال لاجئين من غزة في حال حدوث عملية نزوح جماعي من سكان قطاع غزة.

    وفي مقابلة للمؤسسة مع اثنين من المقاولين المحليين قالا ان أعمال البناء التي حصلت عليها شركات محلية من الباطن بتكليف من شركة أبناء سيناء للتشييد والبناء المملوكة لرجل الأعمال المقرب من السلطة إبراهيم العرجاني، تهدف لإنشاء منطقة محاطة بأسوار بارتفاع 7 أمتار، بعد إزالة أنقاض منازل السكان الأصليين التي دمرت خلال الحرب على الأرهاب، وتمهيد التربة وتسويتها، على أن تنتهي هذه الأعمال في أقصر وقت ممكن لا يتجاوز العشرة أيام.
    كما أضاف أن هذه المعلومات جرى تداولها على نطاق ضيق بهدف عدم انتشارها، وأن العمل يجري تحت إشراف الهيئة الهندسية للقوات المسلحة وفي تواجد أمني كثيف.

    وكانت مؤسسة سيناء قد نشرت قبل يومين تقريرا مدعما بصور حصرية يوضح بدء السلطات في أعمال إنشاء بوتيرة سريعة للغاية، في ظل تشديد أمني كبير في المنطقة الحدودية شرق سيناء. كما رصد فريق المؤسسة صباح اليوم إنشاء جدار إسمنتي بارتفاع 7 أمتار بدء من نقطة في قرية قوز أبو وعد جنوب مدينة رفح ويتجه نحو الشمال باتجاه البحر المتوسط بموازاة الحدود مع قطاع غزة.

    وفي مقابلة مع مهند صبري، الباحث في شؤون سيناء والأمن في مصر، قال:" إن أعمال البناء التي شوهدت في سيناء على طول الحدود مع غزة - إقامة محيط أمني معزز حول مساحة محددة ومفتوحة من الأرض - هي إشارات جدية على احتمالية أن مصر تستعد لقبول والسماح بتهجير سكان غزة إلى سيناء، بالتنسيق مع إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة".

    وكانت الأعمال الهندسية قد بدأت في وقت مبكر من صباح الأثنين 12 فبراير في منطقة حدها الشمالي ينحصر بين قرية الماسورة غربا ونقطة على خط الحدود الدولية جنوب معبر رفح، بينما ينحصر حدها الجنوبي بين قرية جوز أبو رعد ونقطة على خط الحدود الدولية جنوب معبر كرم أبو سالم، في ظل تواجد تواجد ضباط تابعين لجهاز المخابرات الحربية وعدد من سيارات الدفع الرباعي تحمل عناصر قبلية مسلحة تابعة لمليشيا “فرسان الهيثم” التابعة لإتحاد قبائل سيناء الذي يرأسه رجل الأعمال إبراهيم العرجاني بالقرب من منطقة “قوز أبو رعد” جنوب مدينة رفح بصحبة عدد كبير من المعدات والجرافات برفقة عدد من المقاولين المحليين.
    #سيناء #رفح #غزة #مخيمات_لاجئين


    • Sinai for Human Rights
      Dernière modification :
      10:27 PM · 14 févr. 2024

      Egypt to create a gated high-security area in the reception of Palestinian refugees from Gaza

      The Sinai Foundation obtained information through a relevant source that indicates that the construction work currently taking place in eastern Sinai, is intended to create a high-security gated and isolated area near the borders with Gaza strip, in preparation for the reception of Palestinian refugees in the case of the mass exodus of the citizens of Gaza Strip.

      The foundation interviewed two local contractors who said that local construction companies had been commissioned this construction work by Ibrahim Al-Arjani - A close businessman to the authorities - Abnaa Sinai For Construction & Building, who had been directly assigned the commission through the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority. The construction work is intended to build a gated area, surrounded by 7-meter-high walls. After the removal of the rubble of the houses of the indigenous people of Rafah, who were displaced forcibly and their houses demolished during the war against terrorism against ISIS. The area is expected to be levelled and ready in no more than 10 days. They said this information is being circulated in closed circuits to avoid publication, noting that the work is being done under the supervision of the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority under heavy security presence.

      Sinai Foundation published a report two days ago - - with exclusive images showing the Egyptian authorities starting rapid construction on the border area of eastern Sinai. Additionally, this morning the Institution’s team observed the building of a cement wall of 7 meters in height starting at a point in Qoz Abo Raad village south of Rafah city, directed towards the Mediterranean Sea north, parallel to the border with Gaza Strip.

      In an interview with Mr Mohannad Sabry, @mmsabry
      a researcher specialising in Sinai and Egyptian security, he said: “ The construction works seen in Sinai along the border with Gaza—the erection of a reinforced security perimeter around a specified and open stretch of land—are serious signals that Egypt could be preparing to accept and allow the displacement of the people of Gaza into Sinai, in coordination with Israel and the United States”.

      The construction works that started early Monday, February 12 have its eastern borders lying between a point southern of the Rafah border crossing and another southern of the Kerem Shalom border crossing, while its western borders lie between Qoz Abo Raad village and El-Masora village. Military intelligence officers are present as well as the ‘Fursan Al-Haitham’ militia that stems from the Sinai Tribal coalition headed by businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, near the Qoz Abo Raad area south of the city of Rafah, along with construction tools, bulldozers and local contractors.

      #sinai #rafah #Gaza

    • Standoff over Rafah assault tests Israel’s most important alliances
      By Steve Hendrix, Claire Parker and Miriam Berger
      February 15, 2024 at 12:27 p.m. EST
      Tents housing displaced Palestinians near the border separating the Gaza Strip and Egypt in the Rafah refugee camp on Tuesday. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)

      Egypt is concerned that an influx of Palestinians would destabilize northern Sinai, a sensitive military zone where its military recently spent a decade fighting off an Islamist insurgency.

      Cairo also opposes the displacement of Palestinians into Sinai on political grounds, refusing to become complicit in what President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi describes as the “liquidation of the Palestinian cause” — or a permanent exodus of Gazans from the Strip.

      But a report this week from U.K.-based Sinai Foundation for Human Rights, which has a monitoring team in northern Sinai, suggested that Egyptian authorities were creating an area to house Palestinian refugees who crossed the border.

      Footage obtained by the organization and shared exclusively with The Post shows trucks and bulldozers clearing debris from a rectangular plot of land measuring about eight square miles adjacent to the Gaza border, with a concrete wall being built around the perimeter. The Post verified some of the footage and obtained satellite images that show that two square miles within that area were cleared between Feb. 5 and Wednesday.

      Asked for comment, an Egyptian official referred The Post to a statement last month by Diaa Rashwan, head of the State Information Service. “Egypt has full sovereignty over its land, and has complete control over its entire northeastern borders, whether with the Gaza Strip or with Israel,” the statement said.

      Despite its public refusal to entertain any scenario in which Palestinians are pushed into Egypt, the country is probably preparing contingency plans, a former Egyptian official said.

      “If as a result of the attacks [in Rafah] tens of thousands of Palestinians cross the border, do you think the Egyptian army would shoot at them? The answer is no,” they said. “Any responsible government would have to think, ‘Okay, if we have the worst-case scenario, how would we deal with that?’”

    • L’Égypte aménage une zone qui pourrait abriter des Palestiniens à la frontière avec Gaza
      16 février 2024

      L’Égypte aménage une zone près de sa frontière avec Gaza où des Palestiniens pourraient être accueillis si une offensive israélienne à Rafah provoquait un exode vers son territoire, ont déclaré quatre sources à Reuters. Des installations de base, qui pourraient accueillir des réfugiés dans une zone située dans le désert.

      L’Égypte, qui a nié avoir entrepris de tels préparatifs, a prévenu à plusieurs reprises de la possibilité que l’offensive lancée par Israël dans la bande de Gaza déplace des Palestiniens dans le Sinaï, ce qui, selon le Caire, serait totalement inacceptable.

      L’une des sources a déclaré que l’Égypte avait bon espoir que les négociations visant à conclure un cessez-le-feu permettraient d’éviter un tel scénario, mais qu’elle établissait la zone à la frontière en tant que mesure temporaire et de précaution.

    • 16 février 2024 (10:55 GMT)
      Palestinian exodus into Egypt’s Sinai would mean ‘disaster’: UN

      A mass movement of refugees from Rafah into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula would be a disaster for Palestinians and prospects for peace in the Middle East, the UN’s high commissioner for refugees says.

      Filippo Grandi, speaking at the Munich Security Conference, said Egyptian authorities have made it clear that displaced Palestinians must receive assistance.

      “It would be a disaster for the Palestinians, … a disaster for Egypt and a disaster for the future of peace,” Grandi said of Israeli’s planned Rafah ground invasion.

      Asked whether Egyptian authorities had contacted Grandi’s agency about contingency plans, he said: “The Egyptians said that people should be assisted inside Gaza, and we are working on that.”

  • USAID’s Samantha Power confronted by staff over Biden’s Gaza policy - The Washington Post

    Samantha Power, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development and a world-renowned scholar on genocide, was pointedly challenged by current and former USAID employees who during a public event Tuesday questioned her stance on the war in Gaza and complicity in the divisive U.S. policy.

    “You wrote a book on genocide and you’re still working for the administration: You should resign and speak out,” said Agnieszka Sykes, a global health specialist who told The Washington Post she left her job at USAID late last week.

  • Le Hamas étudie une proposition de trêve à Gaza

    Après bientôt quatre mois de guerre, le chef en exil du Hamas, Ismaïl Haniyeh, installé au Qatar, a affirmé que son mouvement avait reçu une proposition de trêve avec Israël, résultat d’une réunion à Paris entre le directeur de la CIA, William Burns, et des responsables égyptiens, israéliens et qataris. « Le Hamas examine la proposition qui a circulé lors de la réunion » de Paris et prépare sa réponse, selon un communiqué à Gaza du mouvement, […]


    Le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, a cependant affirmé qu’Israël ne « retirerait pas l’armée de la bande de Gaza » et ne libérerait pas « des milliers de terroristes » palestiniens, en échange d’otages.

  • Israel’s talk of expanding war to Lebanon alarms U.S. - The Washington Post

    An American intelligence assessment found that it would be difficult for Israel to succeed in a war against Hezbollah amid ongoing fighting in Gaza


    U.S. officials are concerned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may see an expanded fight in Lebanon as key to his political survival amid domestic criticism of his government’s failure to prevent Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, which killed an estimated 1,200 people and resulted in some 240 hostages being taken to Gaza.


    The official emphasized, though, that Hezbollah is a “legitimate threat” to Israel and said the Jewish state has a right to defend itself.

    14:20 GMT

    Israel used US-made white phosphorus bombs in Lebanon

    Israel used US-supplied white phosphorus munitions in an October attack in southern Lebanon that wounded at least nine civilians and incinerated at least four homes, according to a Washington Post analysis of shell fragments found in Dheira village.

    A journalist working for the newspaper found remnants of three 155-mm artillery rounds fired into the small village, located near the border with Israel.

    Lot production codes found on the shells match the nomenclature used by the US military to categorise domestically produced munitions, which show they were made by ammunition depots in Louisiana and Arkansas in 1989 and 1992, the report said.

    The light green colour and other markings – like “WP” printed on one of the shells – are consistent with white phosphorous rounds, according to arms experts cited by the publication.

    In October, shortly after the attack, the Human Rights Watch investigation said verified footage taken in Lebanon and Gaza showed multiple uses of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border.


  • CulturalHusbandry sur X :

    Remember that house that just blew up in Arlington? Well things are not exactly as they seem.

    Hang on, here we go…

    Let’s go step by step. The house is owned by a man named James Woo.

    Where was James Yoo’s house?
    844 N. Burlington Street Arlington, VA

    Who is James Yoo’s father?
    James Yoo’s father, Ki Hong Yoo, American University (CIA cutout), wrote plan to retake North Korea with bioagents for President of South Korea in this picture.

    Who is James Yoo’s mother?
    James Yoo’s mother, Anne Shinn Yoo, US State Dept/CIA, Voice of America lead broadcaster for South Korean division of US propaganda mouthpiece Voice of America.

    Who was James Yoo?
    James Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was a"Head of Global Information and Physical Security" at Global Crossing.

    What was Global Crossing?
    It was espionage central and an international spying apparatus that is still in operation today.

    Who founded Global Crossing?
    Gary Winnick founded the company in 1997.

    Is Gary Winnick still alive?
    Gary Winnick died on November 4th, exactly one month before James Yoo’s house exploded.

    Who sat on the board of Global Crossing?
    Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick’s “personal banker”

    What business was Global Crossing involved in?
    Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.


    je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut, ça a l’air crédible…

    • premier hit de mon goOgLe pour « James Yoo » (avec un Y, le W c’est son 2e prenom on dirait)

      Yoo stated that his mother’s death in 1992 after an extended stay in a hospital saddled him with more than $500,000 in debt, and that he was laid off from his job in 2003 as head of security for a telecommunications company, Global Crossing, that is no longer in business. Records show he sold a property in McLean, Va., for $1 million in 2021, after being ordered to do so by a judge in his divorce case.

      In legal filings, Yoo stated that his father had been an adviser to a South Korean presidential candidate and that his mother had been a U.S.-based journalist reporting on Korean issues. In a 2016 email to his sister, included in one complaint, he indicated he was getting therapy but that it was “a long and slow process.”

      Razzan Nakhlawi, Justin Jouvenal and Teo Armus contributed to this report.

    • merci !

      y a bien Global Crossing, mais il y a 20 ans…
      Avec cette boîte, disparue par rachat en 2011, il y a matière à complotisme.

      le fil X ci-dessus y voit, sans surprise, des personnes qui font penser (le terme n’est pas utilisé) à l’État profond…

      Who sat on the board of Global Crossing?
      Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick’s “personal banker”

      What business was Global Crossing involved in?
      Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.

      NB : j’aime bien la pédagogie de type catéchisme de Saint Pie X…

  • Premature babies found dead, decomposing in Gaza’s al-Nasr hospital - The Washington Post

    The five premature babies were particularly vulnerable. They needed oxygen, and medication administered at regular intervals. There were no portable respirators or incubators to transport them. Without life support, the nurse feared, they wouldn’t survive an evacuation.

    Then the IDF delivered an ultimatum, al-Nasr director Bakr Qaoud told The Washington Post: Get out or be bombarded. An Israeli official, meanwhile, provided an assurance that ambulances would be arranged to retrieve the patients.

    The nurse, a Palestinian man who works with Paris-based Doctors Without Borders, saw no choice. He assessed his charges and picked up the strongest one — the baby he thought likeliest to bear a temporary cut to his oxygen supply. He left the other four on their breathing machines, reluctantly, and with his wife, their children and the one baby, headed south.

  • War-related sexual and gender-based violence in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: a community-based study

    Introduction. #Sexual_and_gender-based_violence (#SGBV) during armed conflicts has serious ramifications with women and girls disproportionally affected. The impact of the conflict that erupted in November 2020 in Tigray on SGBV is not well documented. This study is aimed at assessing war-related SGBV in war-affected Tigray, Ethiopia.

    Methods: A community-based survey was conducted in 52 (out of 84) districts of Tigray, excluding its western zone and some districts bordering Eritrea due to security reasons. Using a two-stage multistage cluster sampling technique, a total of 5171 women of reproductive age (15-49 years) were randomly selected and included in the study. Analysis used weighted descriptive statistics, regression modelling and tests of associations.

    Results: Overall, 43.3% (2241/5171) of women experienced at least one type of gender-based violence. The incidents of sexual, physical and psychological violence, and rape among women of reproductive age were found to be 9.7% (500/5171), 28.6% (1480/5171), 40.4% (2090/5171) and 7.9% (411/5171), respectively. Of the sexual violence survivors, rape accounted for 82.2% (411/500) cases, of which 68.4% (247) reported being gang raped. Young women (aged 15-24 years) were the most affected by sexual violence, 29.2% (146/500). Commonly reported SGBV-related issues were physical trauma, 23.8% (533/2241), sexually transmitted infections, 16.5% (68/411), HIV infection, 2.7% (11/411), unwanted pregnancy, 9.5% (39/411) and depression 19.2% (431/2241). Most survivors (89.7%) did not receive any postviolence medical or psychological support.

    Conclusions: Systemic war-related SGBV was prevalent in Tigray, with gang-rape as the most common form of sexual violence. Immediate medical and psychological care, and long-term rehabilitation and community support for survivors are urgently needed and recommended.

    Keywords: community-based survey; health policy; injury; public health.

    #viols #viol_de_guere #Tigray #Ethiopie #guerre #conflit_armé #femmes #filles #genre #article_scientifique #statistiques #chiffres

    Un article du Washington Post sur ce sujet (#paywall):