facility:outpost of migron

  • Settlers set fire to West Bank mosque after Israel demolishes illegal structures in Migron - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

    A mosque in the West Bank village of Qusra, south of Nablus, was set on fire Monday morning, hours after Israeli police officers destroyed three illegal structures in the settlement outpost of Migron.

    According to Palestinian sources, a group of settlers arrived at the village mosque at approximately 3 A.M., threw burning tires toward it, and broke several of its windows. The event is the latest in a series of clashes between settlers and Palestinians in the region.

    Noter que, pour Haaretz, quand des colons juifs israéliens brûlent une mosquée palestinienne, il faut que entre dans le cadre d’« une série de clashs entre colons et Palestiniens », et il est parfaitement possible pour des Palestiniens de construire des « structures illégales » (selon la cours suprême israélienne) en Cisjordanie.