person:peña nieto

  • Le président mexicain Peña Nieto annule sa visite à Washington - RFI

    Ça commence bien. c’est sur que comme l’autre abruti a expliqué qu’il allait lui faire manger son chapeau, ça a pas du trop le motiver de faire le voyage. A suivre.

    Le président mexicain Peña Nieto annule sa visite à Washington

    Au lendemain de la signature par le président américain Donald Trump d’un décret pour lancer la construction d’un mur à la frontière avec le Mexique, le président mexicain Enrique Peña Nieto a décidé d’annuler sa visite à Washington, prévue la semaine prochaine.


  • Le Caracol de La Garrucha dénonce de violentes agressions
    de l’ORCAO contre plusieurs communautés zapatistes


    #Chiapas, #Mexique, le 14 août 2014.

    Où est la paix dont parle tant Peña Nieto (président du Mexique) ? C’est ça la paix dont parle Manuel Velasco (gouverneur de l’État du Chiapas) ? S’il arrivait la même chose au maire d’Ocosingo, Octavio Albores, qu’aux compañeras et compañeros zapatistes, croirait-il que c’est la paix ? Qu’ils réfléchissent s’ils veulent la paix, car ce sont eux les responsables de tout ce qui pourrait arriver !

    S’ils sont les gouvernements qu’ils disent être, pourquoi ne contrôlent-ils pas ces paramilitaires de Pojkol, du quartier Chiquinival de la municipalité de Chilón ? Ils ne les contrôlent pas parce que ce sont eux qui les financent, les organisent et qui commandent ces attaques contre nous. (...)


  • NSA leaks: Years of spying on Mexico govt gave US investment benefits « Aletho News

    NSA leaks: Years of spying on Mexico govt gave US investment benefits

    RT | October 20, 2013

    US electronic surveillance in Mexico reportedly targeted top officials, including both current and previous presidents. Intelligence produced by the NSA helped Americans get an upper hand in diplomatic talks and find good investment opportunities.

    The US National Security Agency was apparently very happy with its successes in America’s southern neighbor, according to classified documents leaked by Edwards Snowden and analyzed by the German magazine, Der Spiegel. It reports on new details of the spying on the Mexican government, which dates back at least several years.

    The fact that Mexican President Peña Nieto is of interest to the NSA was revealed earlier by Brazilian TV Globo, which also had access to the documents provided by Snowden. Spiegel says his predecessor Felipe Calderon was a target too, and the Americans hacked into his public email back in May 2010.

    The access to Calderon electronic exchanges gave the US spies “diplomatic, economic and leadership communications which continue to provide insight into Mexico’s political system and internal stability,” the magazine cites an NSA top secret internal report as saying. The operation to hack into the presidential email account was dubbed “Flatliquid” by the American e-spooks.

    The bitter irony of the situation is that Calderon during his term in office worked more closely with Washington than any other Mexican president before him. In 2007 he even authorized the creation of a secret facility for electronic surveillance, according to a July publication in the Mexican newspaper, Excelsior.

    The surveillance on President Nieto started when he was campaigning for office in the early summer of 2012, the report goes on. The NSA targeted his phone and the phones of nine of his close associates to build a map of their regular contacts. From then it closely monitored those individuals’ phones as well, intercepting 85,489 text messages, including those sent by Nieto.

    After the Globo TV report, which mentioned spying on Mexico only in passing, Nieto stated that US President Barack Obama had promised him that he would investigate the accusations and punish those responsible of any misconduct. The reaction was far milder than that from Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff, another target of NSA’s intensive interest, who has since canceled a planned trip to the US and delivered a withering speech at the UN General Assembly, which condemned American electronic surveillance.

    Another NSA operation in Mexico dubbed “Whitetamale” allowed the agency to gain access to emails of high-ranking officials in country’s Public Security Secretariat, a law enforcement body that combats drug cartels and human trafficking rings. The hacking, which happened in August 2009, gave the US information about Mexican crime fighting, but also provided access to “diplomatic talking-points,” an internal NSA document says.

    In a single year, this operation produced 260 classified reports that facilitated talks on political issues and helped the Americans plan international investments.

    “These TAO [Tailored Access Operations – an NSA division that handles missions like hacking presidential emails] accesses into several Mexican government agencies are just the beginning – we intend to go much further against this important target,” the document reads. It praises the operation as a “tremendous success” and states that the divisions responsible for this surveillance are “poised for future successes.”

    Economic espionage is a motive for NSA spying, which the agency vocally denied, but which appears in the previous leaks. The agency had spied on the Brazilian oil giant, Petrobras, according to earlier revelations. This combined with reports that the NSA hacked into the email of Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff, triggered a serious deterioration of relations between the two countries.

    While the NSA declined comment to the German magazine, the Mexican Foreign Ministry replied with an email, which condemned any form of espionage on Mexican citizens. The NSA presumably could read that email at the same time as the journalists, Der Spiegel joked.

  • Les étudiants sortent la présidentielle mexicaine de sa torpeur

    A l’origine de leur colère, la visite chahutée du candidat Peña Nieto à l’université Iberoamericana de Mexico, une université privée jésuite, le 11 mai. De nombreux étudiants, exaspérés par le discours évasif du candidat, lui reprochent alors sa gestion en tant que gouverneur de l’Etat de Mexico et une campagne électorale menée dans une bulle, sans meetings et sans rencontre directe avec la population mexicaine. Sous les huées et les cris « fuera, fuera » ("dehors, dehors") et « telecandidato-basura » ("télécandidat-poubelle"), Enrique Peña Nieto, incapable de poursuivre son discours, s’est vu contraint de quitter l’université à grandes foulées.

    Après l’incident, le PRI a minimisé la portée des critiques à son encontre et a dénoncé l’infiltration de l’assemblée étudiante par un groupe de provocateurs. Le président du parti a même suggéré que certains agitateurs ont été « payés » par des partis d’opposition. Televisiva, la principale chaîne de télévision mexicaine, a diffusé un reportage relayant largement la version des faits par le PRI. Cette négation des préoccupations des jeunes Mexicains a provoqué la colère des étudiants de l’Iberoamericana, qui diffusent une vidéo dans laquelle 131 d’entre eux exhibent leur visage et leur carte d’étudiant, démentant les accusations de manipulation.