position:general designer

  • Antonov : grandes manœuvres autour d’un fleuron aéronautique ukrainien ?

    Honored test pilots hope Poroshenko supports protection of Antonov chief designer Kiva

    A group of Ukrainian honored test pilots has sent an open letter to the head of state Petro Poroshenko asking to retain the possibility of developing Ukrainian aviation industry and reinstating Dmytro Kiva as chief designer of Antonov State Enterprise (Kyiv) dismissed by the government.

    Antonov, née en 1946 à Novosibirsk, relocalisée dans la banlieue de Kiev reçue par l’Ukraine dans l’héritage soviétique est toujours une société contrôlée à 100% par l’état.

    Son P.-D.G. (et concepteur en chef), issu de la filière soviétique, Dmytro Kiva a été éjecté par le gouvernement provisoire le 11 avril 2014. Une semaine après, le collectif de travail de l’entreprise a émis à l’unanimité le vœu de réintégration de son dirigeant (ainsi qu’un soutien tout aussi unanime au nouveau gouvernement).

    18-04-2014 / RESOLUTION of the ANTONOV Company collective’s joint meeting http://www.antonov.com/news/303

    Work collective resolves the following:

    1.The work collective expresses trust and support to Dmytro Kiva, President – General Designer. We require stopping any efforts to remove Dmytro Kiva from leadership of the ANTONOV Company and cancelling a decision No.18 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 11 April 2014.

    During such difficult time of development of Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine has to do everything possible for not to loose and to preserve defense−industrial complex of the country that has been built for decades because of difficult work of generations that is to preserve aviation industry.

    2.Today all the actions, directed to shake stable state of the ANTONOV Company, will undermine independence and defense capability of Ukraine and will work in favour of Ukrainian’s enemies, the ANTONOV’s competitors – in favour of everyone who is against strong and stable Ukraine.

    The collective of the ANTONOV Company requires the Government of Ukraine to cancel the order No.340−p from 9.04.2014, for Dmytro Kiva, President – General Designer, remains a leader of the ANTONOV State Aviation Concern in such responsible time.

    3.Our enterprise’s collective and administration has always been and still are patriots and real citizens of Ukraine. The collective of the ANTONOV Company unanimously supports a decision of the Government in its actions, directed to political, economic and military defense of our State, expresses its firm readiness to protect political and economic independence of Ukraine by its work. We are sure, during such difficult time, knowing from experience and patriotism of Ukrainian specialists, Ukraine is going to overcome crisis and will come out of it as a winner.

    Voted unanimously.

    La société et ses salariés sont l’objet de convoitises multiples. Cf. interview de D. Kiva en 2012 qui mentionnent :
    • le débauchage des salariés
    • la prise de possession d’emprises foncières

    Aircraft designer Dmytro Kiva : Interview / 6 September 2012 | http://en.for-ua.com/interview/2012/09/06/165947.html

    Il se plaignait aussi de l’arrivée de logiques purement financières…

    When Ukraine had Ministry of industrial policy, it was engaged into the development of aircraft industry policy. Now we have the Agency on corporate rights and property, which cares about income only. But to earn something we must invest something first.

    et racontait les magouilles favorisant les importations d’avions au détriment de la production nationale.

    Еmbraer has more privileges in Ukraine than we do. Our aircraft industry does not provide for support system of national producer. On the contrary, foreign rivals have all privileges.

    According to the scheme, a plane is temporary imported on Ukraine’s customs territory. Then an airline rents this plane for a year without paying taxes and fees. After a year, one of the flights abroad gets documented as exportation and new importation of the plane back to Ukraine’s customs territory.

    To build a plane our plant, in turn, must pay 20% VAT for components bought in Ukraine and 20% customs fee for imported components. A plane costs about 25 million dollars, and 2.5 million out of the total are “negative preferences.”