position:the resilient gardener

  • The Tao of Vegetable Gardening by Carol Deppe - Chelsea Green

    The Tao of Vegetable Gardening explores the practical methods as well as the deeper essence of gardening. In her latest book, groundbreaking garden writer Carol Deppe The Resilient Gardener, Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties focuses on some of the most popular home garden vegetables—tomatoes, green beans, peas, and leafy greens—and through them illustrates the key principles and practices that gardeners need to know to successfully plant and grow just about any food crop.

    Deppe’s work has long been inspired and informed by the philosophy and wisdom of Tao Te Ching, the 2,500-­year-­old work attributed to Chinese sage Lao Tzu and the most translated book in the world after the Bible. The Tao of Vegetable Gardening is organized into chapters that echo fundamental Taoist concepts: Balance, Flexibility, Honoring the Essential Nature (your own and that of your plants), Effortless Effort, Non-Doing, and even Non-­Knowing. Yet the book also offers a wealth of specific and valuable garden advice on topics as diverse as:

    The Eat­-All Greens Garden, a labor­ and space­-efficient way to provide all the greens a family can eat, freeze, and dry—all on a tiny piece of land suitable for small­-scale and urban gardeners.
    The growing problem of late blight and the future of heirloom tomatoes—and what gardeners can do to avoid problems, and even create new resistant varieties.
    Establishing a Do­-It-­Yourself Seed Bank, including information on preparing seeds for long­-term storage and how to “dehybridize” hybrids.
    Twenty-­four good places to not plant a tree, and thirty­-seven good reasons for not planting various vegetables.

    Designed for gardeners of all levels, from beginners to experienced growers, The Tao of Vegetable Gardening provides a unique frame of reference: a window to the world of nature, in the garden and in ourselves.

    #hiiiiiiiii #jardinage cc @koldobika

    • Table des matières, pour saliver un peu


      1. Honoring the Land

      Gardening in Nature’s Image—But Which Nature and Which

      Image? | Has Nature Thought of Everything? | On Being

      a Member of a Keystone Species. | Organic and Beyond.

      2. Honoring the Essential Nature of the Plants

      Sun, Earth, Air, Water, Warmth. | What Can We Grow? |

      Expected First and Last Frost Dates. | Sun and Shade

      Tolerance. | Some Like It Hot; Some Like It Cold. | When

      to Plant Everything. | Planting Guide.

      3. Honoring Your Own Essential Nature

      Discovering Your Inner Gardener. | Planning Versus

      Spontaneity. | Structure, Labor, and Freedom.

      4. Flexibility

      Choosing Gardening Styles and Methods. | Getting the

      Most from the Small Garden. | Volunteers. | How to Eat a

      a Weed—Dandelions, Lambsquarters, Purslane. | The

      Prepper’s Garden.

      5. Balance

      Grand Versus Prosaic. | How Much Garden? | Limiting

      Factors.| Too Much Tilling. | Too Much Watering. | Too

      Much Fertilizer. | Too Many Pests. | Knowing When to


      6. Non-Doing

      Daring to Not Do. | On Not Tilling, Digging, Mowing, or

      Tending Absolutely Everything. | Twenty-Four Good

      Places Not to Plant a Tree. | Seven Reasons Not to Chop

      Down a Tree. | Thirty-Seven Reasons for Not Planting

      Various Vegetables. | On Not Planting Purple Flowers in

      Front of an Orange Brick House. | Flower-Patterned

      Shirts Attract Bees. | A Weed by Any Other Name Is

      Usually Still a Weed.

      7. Beginning—Tomatoes

      Begin with Something You Really Love. | Tomato Kinds

      and Colors. | Flavor Favorites. | Thirty Interesting

      Open-Pollinated TomatoVarieties. | Starting Tomatoes

      from Seed–Growing Transplants. | Potting Soil for

      Germinating Seeds and Starting Transplants. | Preparing

      the Ground. | Hardening Off and Planting Transplants.

      | Do Carrots Really Love Tomatoes?—Garden Woman

      Adventures. | Polycultures. | Supporting and Nurturing.

      | Watering and Mulching. | Why It Will Soon Be

      Impossible to Grow Our Current Generation of Heirloom

      Tomatoes and What to Do About It–Late Blight |

      Dealing with Late Blight. | Late Blight Resistant Hybrid

      Tomato Varieties. | Late Blight Resistant Heirloom and

      Open-Pollinated Varieties. | Why the Best-Flavored

      Tomato May Not Be the One That Is Picked Vine-Ripe.

      | Using Green Tomatoes.

      8. Nurturing—Weeding

      Avoid, Delay, Remove. | Garden Woman Meets Pigweed

      with Attitude. | The American Square Hoe. | Buying,

      Using, and Sharpening the Peasant Hoe. | Buying, Using,

      and Sharpening the Coleman Hoe. | Stirrup Hoes. |

      Wheel Hoes. | Electric Wheel Hoe and Electric Tiller.

      9. Non-Knowing—Squash

      Adventures in Ignorance. | The Perfect

      Polyculture—Squash and Overwintering Kale. |

      ‘Candystick Dessert Delicata’ Squash. |‘Lofthouse

      Landrace Moschata’ Squash. | Apologizing to a Squash.

      | Butternut Squash Cookery. | Planting by the Moon.

      | Talking to Your Plants. | True Understanding.

      10. Effortless Effort—The Eat-All Greens Garden

      The No-Labor Garden—Just Sow and Harvest. | The

      Nutritionally Most Important Home Garden Crop. |

      Leaves Versus Heads or Stems. | The Essential Role of

      Cooking. | Using Greens in Soups and Stews. | The

      Mess o’ Greens. | Harvesting and Handling Eat-All

      Greens. | Freezing Eat-All Greens. | Dried Greens and

      Herbal Teas. | Lactofermenting Greens. | Growing

      Eat-All Greens. | Eleven Great Eat-All Greens Varieties.

      11. Peas and Beans

      Nitrogen Fixing and Legumes. | Dry Seeds Versus Edible

      Pods Versus Green Seeds. | Pea Vine Types and

      Support. | Shelling Peas. | Edible-Podded Peas. |

      Growing Peas. | Presoaking Legume Seed Without

      Suffocating It. | Keep Peas and Beans Picked. |

      Harvesting and Using Edible-Podded Peas. | Kinds

      of Bean Varieties—Green, Dry, Shelly. | Pole Versus

      Bush Green Beans. | Seed Color and Green Bean Flavor.

      | Supporting Pole Beans. | Growing Beans. | Growing

      Pole Beans on Corn. | Harvesting and Using Green Beans.

      12. Joy

      Jumping for Joy. | On Carrying Vegetables. | Weeding

      Meditation. | Noticing. | Simple Pleasures. | Sunset.

      13. Completion—Seeds

      Cycles and Circles. | The Do-It-Yourself Seed Bank. |

      You Will Not Fall Off the Edge of the Earth If You

      Don’t Save All Your Own Seed. | Preparing Seed for

      Long-Term Storage. | Containers for Storing Seed. |

      Eight Seed-Saving Myths. | Creating Your Own Modern

      Landraces. | Rejuvenating Heirloom Varieties. | Breeding

      Crops for Organic Systems. | Dehybridizing

      Hybrids—Disease-Resistant Tomatoes. | Tomato

      Genes and Genetics. | Breeding the Heirloom Tomatoes

      of Tomorrow.

    • http://bountifulgardens.net/inspiring-new-book-the-tao-of-gardening

      When we got wind of a new Carol Deppe book, the staff started to jockey to see who could take home the review copy first. Carol’s specialty is figuring out fun, cheap ways to overcome obstacles that would stop most people. No land? Bad back? Drought? New killer tomato diseases? Gluten intolerant? Short season? No Money? With her unique combination of humor, innovation, down-to-earth observation, and learning (she has a PhD in genetics), she shows us how she has found ways around them all. And Carol never takes anything, including the stuff “everybody knows” for granted.

      The theme of Tao of Gardening is cultivating Joy and Serenity along with your garden. But in Carol’s world, joy and serenity are directly tied to working efficiently, discovering new techniques, and preparing for unprecedented future challenges. So along the way, we learn about her new “eat-all garden” technique. We learn about preparing for the new strains of late blight that threaten heirloom tomatoes (and why it is so important never to put store-bought tomatoes in your compost). And we get a generous helping of recipes and labor-saving tips. You don’t want to miss “Thirty-seven reasons for not planting various vegetables,” which is a useful antidote to going crazy with you seed order!

      La dernière phrase sent le vécu :-)

    • J’ai repensé à ce “Thirty-seven reasons for not planting various vegetables” cet après-midi en voyant mes amaranthes : c’est une super plante avec une richesse en minéraux et vitamines incroyable, une protéine super équilibrée en acides aminées dont les graines en contiennent je ne sais quel super pourcentage, mais par contre :
      – si t’es à la bourre dans tes plantations de printemps ça commence à fleurir alors que c’est encore dans le godet, et une fois transplanté ça grandit moins bien que les plants mis en terre plus tôt, car une fois en mode floraison ça change pas d’avis même si tu as mis un bon compost à la plantation, même si t’arroses bien et même si coupes les fleurs pour stimuler la croissance foliaire.
      – ça a besoin de tuteurs (quand t’as déjà 50 pieds de tomate t’as que ça a foutre)
      – les feuilles des variétés à fleurs jaunes ont un goût assez amer, du coup on en mange pas beaucoup, et on aurait un meilleur apport en vitamines et minéraux en optant pour des légumes feuilles qui en sont moins concentrés mais dont du coup on mangerait plus facilement.
      – j’ai de l’amaranthe rétroflexe parmi mes "mauvaises" herbes d’été, ça pousse tout seul c’est sûrement aussi riche et ça a un goût plus doux

      Je me suis aussi souvenu pourquoi ça faisait 8 ans que j’avais pas cultivé d’amaranthe à grains :
      – s’il pleut en septembre les panicules moisissent, et les graines avec
      – si t’arrives à récolter les panicules sans qu’ils aient versé ou moisi, il faut les faire sécher puis les battre dans un vieux drap pour extraire les graines, puis faire sauter les graines dans le vent pour séparer les pétales
      – il reste toujours quelques pétales fanés qui laissent un sale goût aux graines quand tu les cuisines
      – tout ce boulot pour ça, ça fait quand même un peu chier.

      Bref, l’an prochain à la place je fais du sorgho et des bettes.

    • non il faudrait vraiment un piquet par plante. À 50 cm ça commence à verser à la première entrée maritime. Ou alors il faudrait que je les plante en une seule ligne mais avec quand même des piquets intercalaires tous les 3-4 plants.

      le sorgho c’est beaucoup plus flexible, c’est tolérant à la chaleur et à la sécheresse mais si c’est arrosé ça dit pas non :-) en fait en conditions humides le maïs donne plus que le sorgho (mais utilise moins bien l’azote du sol donc il faut apporter plus de compost), en revanche en conditions sèches le sorgho tient bon et le maïs flanche.

    • voir http://www.ehlgbai.org/sites/default/files/media/colloque-eau-2006.pdf pages 37-39

      Le sorgho est capable d’extraire l’azote du sol d’une manière beaucoup plus efficace que le maïs ; c’est un avantage loin d’être négligeable sur un plan économique (coût réduit en fertilisant) et sur un plan environnemental compte tenu de sa capacité à prélever l’azote dans le sol. La capacité de repousse du sorgho en automne (après ensilage), lui permet de prélever les reliquats d’azote et de diminuer ainsi les risques de pollution de la ressource en eau.