• 🔮 France 24- 23 fĂ©vrier 2024

    Le secrĂ©taire d’État amĂ©ricain Antony Blinken a dĂ©clarĂ© vendredi ĂȘtre « déçu » par le projet d’IsraĂ«l de bĂątir 3000 nouveaux bĂątiments en Cisjordanie occupĂ©e.

    Antony Blinken a ajoutĂ© au cours d’une confĂ©rence de presse Ă  Buenos Aires que de longue date, les États-Unis estiment que de nouvelles installations sur les Territoires occupĂ©s sont contre-productives dans une optique de paix durable entre les IsraĂ©liens et les Palestiniens.

    • 23 fĂ©vrier 2024

      (17:40 GMT)
      Blinken says US ‘disappointed’ in announcement of new Israeli settlements

      US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has just finished speaking at a news conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

      Here is what he said on Israel’s announcement on Thursday of building new settlements in the occupied West Bank:

      We are disappointed 
 it has been longstanding US policy under Republican and Democratic administrations alike, that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching an enduring peace.
      They are also inconsistent with international law.
      Our administration maintains a firm opposition to settlement expansion.
      In our judgement, it only weakens, doesn’t strengthen Israel’s security.

      (20:45 GMT)

      Former US ambassador to Israel hits out at Blinken over settlement policy

      David Friedman, who served as ambassador to Israel under the Trump administration and earned a reputation for controversial acts underscoring his firm support for Israel, has slammed current Secretary of State Blinken’s remarks earlier today that Israeli settlements violate international law, a position the Trump administration did not take.

      “Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers,” Friedman said in a social media post. “There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their biblical homeland.”

      There is an overwhelming consensus that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories violate international law, and are often built on lands expropriated from Palestinians.

      Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers. There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their biblical homeland. Indeed, Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow, also the Dean of the Yale Law School (who negotiated UNSCR 242),

      — David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) February 23, 2024