• Scientists want commission to investigate research freedom

    Campaign — Hundreds of researchers have had enough. They want Danish politicians to set up a commission that will investigate the #freedom_of_research. They are now rolling out a nationwide petition.

    Harassment, research theft, and stress. According to a large group of researchers, the state of research freedom in Denmark is now so bad that a commission should be set up to investigate it.

    »This is really serious. It is not just serious for researchers, it is a societal problem,« says PhD student #Maria_Toft, who is one of the initiators behind the new campaign ‘#Set_Research_Free’.

    As part of the campaign, researchers have set up a #petition or ‘charter of liberties’ that is to capture Danish politicians’ attention. They have received more than 500 signatures so far from scientists and PhD students across the country.

    Behind the petition is an initiative group with a number of leading researchers from all over the country. From the University of Copenhagen it is Professor Emeritus from the Department of Sociology Heine Andersen, Associate Professor from the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies Brian Arly Jacobsen, as well as Professor Ole Wæver and PhD student Maria Toft — both from the Department of Political Science. For them, it has a clear and concise message: Research freedom in Denmark is under some serious pressure.

    »We need to face up to the rotten apples. Both within ourselves and in the settings that we are a part of. It is in the world of research that the ideas for the big changes that we need are fostered, and we cannot exploit this potential if everyone is anxious and frightened. As it is now, the system is based on mistrust,« says Maria Toft, who at the beginning of 2022 set off the #pleasedontstealmywork campaign on research theft at Danish universities.

    READ ALSO: #Pleasedontstealmywork: New campaign to stop the theft of research
    Criticism has been a long time coming

    The petition is the culmination of many years of intense criticism of deteriorating research conditions, and stories of harassment, research theft and stress among researchers.

    The researchers reckon that a commission should scrutinise three areas, according to the petition:

    1) An evaluation and revision of the Danish University Act

    2) More basic funding for free research and more permanent appointments

    3) A general review of the incentive structures and funding of research

    Heine Andersen published the book ‘Freedom of Research – Ideal and Reality’ back in 2017. It criticised non-disclosure agreements and the increasing influence of lobbyists on Danish research.

    In October last year, the Danish University Act was attacked in a white paper sent out by the Research Policy Committee at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. The chairman of the committee, Professor of Political Science Ole Wæver, said then that Danish research will suffer irreparable damage if politicians do not stop the »extreme top-down management« of universities that had been set up with the revised Danish University Act of 2003.

    READ ALSO: Ole Wæver on Danish research: 20 years we will never get back

    More recently, the #pleasedontstealmywork campaign focused on the research theft that takes place at Danish universities when, for example, older researchers take credit for the work carried out by younger colleagues such as PhD students. At the same time, the debate over freedom of research has been taken up by the Danish parliament, where a number of right-wing politicians have held hearings about the state of academic freedoms.
    Layoff anxiety and culture of secrecy

    The first item on the list of researchers’ demands is a revision of the Danish University Act, which has been heavily debated since it was revised in 2003. The purpose of the 2003 revision was to ensure that universities were to a greater extent governed by a market logic.

    But according to the researchers behind the petition, the Danish University Act has failed miserably. It has led to a top-down management structure which, according to Heine Andersen, has taken on the shape of a protected institution, albeit with no supervision over hiring, layoffs, staff conditions and organisation:

    »I’m not afraid to say that there is more arrogance in management today. It is an entirely foreseeable consequence of the Danish University Act that there is far greater distance between management and staff. And management surrounds itself increasingly with sycophants, so they are hardly ever confronted with the many problems that researchers face.«

    This also means that Danish universities are characterised by unprecedented secrecy, and by staff anxiety over layoffs, where many employees do not dare to express criticism of management, the two researchers say. This is also stated in a so-called charter of liberties that has been circulated among the country’s researchers and PhD students.

    »Even among reputable scientists, there is layoff anxiety, and for good reason, due to several rounds of layoffs. And then you sit back and think ‘why did he and she get fired’, and then you remember that the person was critical of the management. It doesn’t have to be true, but just the fact that you think this means that you are cautious about going against management decisions,« says Heine Andersen.

    READ ALSO: Associate professor There must be a more humane way to fire people

    Maria Toft adds that the culture quickly turns into a vicious circle that also helps cover up offensive behaviour and harassment:

    »The culture of secrecy is self-perpetuating. This means that different types of offensive behaviours can develop, because you dare not stand up for each other and express criticism. This is a vicious circle,« she says.
    Right-wing politicians threaten research freedoms themselves

    Even though the criticism from researchers is, in particular, focussed on the Danish University Act which is nearly twenty years old, it strikes deep at the heart of a politically-charged debate over the freedom of research. A debate that has been led by some completely different players.

    Most recently, right-wing politicians like Henrik Dahl (LA) and Morten Messerschmidt (DF) have called for hearings in the Danish parliament on the freedom of research and called on MPs to write in the Chicago principles in the Danish University Act. They say that research freedoms are under pressure from activist »pseudo-research« at universities and cancel culture, which in particular have their origin in research on topics like gender, race, ethnicity and migration.

    On the other side of this debate are researchers who believe that it is precisely politicians like Henrik Dahl and Morten Messerschmidt that are the threat to research freedoms as they undermine the arm’s length principle. This criticism is also in the petition, which refers to the fact that researchers are increasingly being exposed to harassment and threats.

    Heine Andersen believes that the criticism from right-wing politicians is unfair and problematic. This can be seen in statements about researchers like the Professor of Islamic Studies Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen from the University of Copenhagen. He was criticised in one of the above-mentioned parliamentary hearings for being and activist and a threat to free research:

    »It is a problem when politicians propose measures to intervene against research based on their political standpoints. When Henrik Dahl says that Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen is biased from the parliamentary rostrum, then it’s cloud-cuckoo-land – and it is dangerous. It emerged that Dahl had not read any of Skovgaard-Petersen’s extensive work. It gets worse when Morten Messerschmidt urges the minister to intervene into specific research fields without any academic basis,« says Heine Andersen.
    Pressure from lobbyists

    In addition to a top-down management structure, the Danish University Act has made universities highly competition-focussed. This is according to Heine Andersen and Maria Toft. Researchers use a significant part of their time fighting for external research funding to finance their projects. This means that independent research is increasingly being replaced by commissioned work from foundations and organisations. In this way, political and commercial interests are increasingly creeping into research, according to Heine Andersen and Maria Toft.

    The researchers in the petition therefore encourage politicians to allocate more basic funding to free research, and more permanent positions at universities where temporary appointments and precarious working conditions have become the norm for many researchers. According to Heine Andersen, the layoff anxiety and the culture of secrecy also stem from this:

    »Some of the mistrust arises from the fact that there is fierce competition internally between researchers, and one of the things you are competing for is grants. Universities compete for these also. This is tough. Politicians could relieve this political pressure by setting up systems that did not lead to competition between universities and between researchers.«

    But why is there even a need for more free research? The purpose of the Danish University Act of 2003 was to make research more market-oriented and competition-based, so that it better matched up with ‘reality’ and the requirements of politicians and business.

    According to the researchers behind the petition, research freedoms in Denmark are in such a poor state that society is missing out on ground-breaking and innovative ideas and analyses. At the same time, skilled researchers are leaving the system because of its »brutality«, and in this way draining the pool of talent, according to Maria Toft:

    »It’s so important that researchers have the freedom to ask the right questions, and not just deliver the right answers. We have to take a step back and ask ourselves what the purpose of research and the university actually is. We have climate crises, war and probably also soon an economic crisis, and we simply do not have time to not create change and to keep on asking the questions that we already know the answers to. This is what we are doing today under this system, because it has become too risky to ask questions that you really do not know the answers to. But we have to do this.«

    Researchers can sign the petition on this link. As of 1 June, the following had signed:

    Adam Paulsen, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Afshin Samani, Associate prof., Health science and technology, Aalborg
    Agnete Meldgaard Hansen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Alex Klinge, Lektor, Department of Management, Society and Communication, CBS
    Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Alexandra R. Kratschmer, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Alicia Lundby, Professor mso, Biomedicinsk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Allan Krasnik, Professor emeritus, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Allan Randrup Thomsen, Professor, ISIM, Copenhagen
    Amy Clotworthy, Adjunkt, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Anders Blok, Lektor, Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Professor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Anders Horsbøl, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Anders Skov Kristensen, Lektor, Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi, Københavns Universitet
    Anders Stengaard Sørensen, Lektor, Mærsk Instituttet, SDU
    Anders Thomassen, Ph.d., Klinisk institut, SUND, SDU
    Anders V. Munch, Professor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Andreas Heltberg, Adjunkt, Folkesundhedsvidenskab, afdeling for almen medicin, Københavns universitet
    Andreas Lieberoth, Lektor, Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse (DPU), AU
    Andreas Rieckmann, Adjunkt, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Andrés Felipe Valderrama Pineda, Lektor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Ane Bjerre Odgaard, Postdoc, Institut for Design og Komunikation, SDU
    Ane Qvortrup, Professor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Anette Borchorst, Professor Emerita, Institut for Politik og Samfund, Aalborg Universitet
    Anette Stamer Ørsted, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Sociaologi og Socialt Arbejde, AAU
    Anette Warring, Professor, Institut for Kommunikations og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Anita Mašková, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Anja Hvidtfeldt Stanek, Lektor, Institut for Psykologi, SDU
    Anja Marie Bundgaard, Lektor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Ann Fugl-Meyer, PhD fellow, Department of Organization, CBS
    Ann Starbæk Bager , Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation & Kultur, SDU
    Anna Birna Almarsdóttir, Professor, Institut for Farmaci, Københavns universitet
    Anna Cornelia Ploug, ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Anna Thit Johnsen, Lektor, Institut for Psykologi, Syddansk Universitet
    Ann-Dorit Moltke Sørensen, Senior forsker, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Ann-Dorte Christensen, Professor, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Aalborg Universitet
    Anne Brædder, Postdoc, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Anne Gerdes, Professor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Anne Green Munk, Post.doc, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Anne H. Fabricius, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Anne Katrine Hartmann Søby, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Psykologi, Syddansk Universitet
    Anne Klara Bom, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Anne Mette Nyvad, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Anne Nielsen, Postdoc, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, Professor, Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet
    Anne Sofie Aggestrup, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Psykiatrisk Center København, RH, KU
    Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen, Professor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Anne-Sofie Udsen, Ph.d-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Seniorforsker, Ecoscience, Aarhus Universitet
    Antonia Krummheuer, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Anurag sinha, Postdoc, FØDEVAREINSTITUTTET, DTU
    Arne Remmen, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Asbjørn M. Pedersen, Ph.d.-Stipendiat, Afdeling for Digital Design og Informationsvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet
    Asger Sørensen, Lektor, Pædagogisk filosofi, Aarhus Universitet
    Ask Greve Johansen, Postdoc, Institut for Planlægning, AAU
    Asli Silahtaroglu, Lektor, Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin,, Københavns Universitet
    Bastian Ljung Franch, Ph.d-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Beate Kraft, Adjunkt, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Belén Franco Cisterna, Postdoc, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Professor emeritus, Aalborg University Business School, Aalborg Universitet
    Betina Dybbroe, Professor Emerita, Institut for Mennesker og teknologi/Center for Sundhedsfremmeforskning, Roskilde Universitet
    Birger Steen Nielsen, Professor emeritus, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi (IMT), Roskilde Universitet
    Birgit Anette Rasmussen, Professor, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Birgitte Elle, Professor emerita, IMT, RUC
    Birgitte Ravn Olesen, Lektor, IKH, Roskilde
    Birte Siim, Professor Emerita, Institut for Politik og Samfund, Aalborg Universitet
    Birthe Larsen, Lektor, Økonomisk institut, CBS
    Bjarke Skærlund Risager, Postdoc, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Bo Allesøe, Lektor, Institut for kommunikation og psykologi, AAU
    Bo Elling, Professor emeritus, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Bo Fritzbøger, Lektor, Saxo instituttet, Københavns Universitet
    Bo Weidema, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Bontu Lucie Guschke, PhD Fellow, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
    Brian Arly Jacobsen, Lektor, Tværkulturelle studier, Københavns Universitet
    Camilla Fløjgaard, Tenure track, Ecoscience, Aarhus Universitet
    Carl Bache, Professor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Caroline Samson, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Caroline Schaffalitzky, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Carsten Hjorthøj, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Carsten Madsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Casper Sylvest, Lektor, Insititut for Historie, SDU
    Catharina Juul Kristensen, Lektor, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv, RUC
    Catharina Thiel Sandholdt, post.doc, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Catherine E. (Rineke) Brouwer, Lektor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Cathrine Hasse, Professor, DPU Pædagogisk antropologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Cathrine Marie Skovbo Winther, Ph.D.-Stipendiat, Institut for Planlægning , AAU
    Cecilie Bjerre, PostDoc, Institut for Historie, SDU
    Charlotte Engberg, Lic.phil, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Charlotte J. Fabricius, Postdoc, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Charlotte Jacobsen, Professor, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Charlotte Rørdam Larsen, Lektor emerita, Institut for Kommunikation & Kultur, AU
    Christian Brinch, Lektor, DTU Food, DTU
    Christian Damm Pedersen, Adjunkt, Institut for Historie, SDU
    Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen, Adjunkt, Institut for Organisation, Copenhagen Business School
    Christian Gerlach, Lektor, Institut for Psykologi, Syddansk Universitet
    Christian Groes, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Christian Helms Jørgensen, Professor emeritus, Institut for Mennesker & Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Christian Lund, Professor, Institut for Fødevarer og Ressourceøkonomi, KU
    Christian Poll, Specialkonsulent, DTU Sustain, QSA, DTU
    Christian Rosbøll, Professor, Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet
    Christian Ydesen, Professor, Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet
    Christina Hee Pedersen, Lektor Emerita, IKH, Roskilde Universitet, Roskilde Universitet
    Christine Stabell Benn, Professor, Klinisk Institut, SDU
    Christoffer Clemmensen, Lektor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, Københavns Universitet
    Claudia Ciocan, Teaching assistant, Economics, Government and International Business, CBS
    Claus Bossen, Lektor, Institut for Digital Design og Informationsvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet
    Claus Emmeche, Lektor, Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Københavns Universitet
    Daina Crafa, Adjunkt, Institut for Kultur og Samfund, Aarhus Universitet
    Daniel Bach, Phd studerende, Institut for kommunikation og videnskab, Ruc
    David Pinder, Professor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Diana González Martín, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation of Kultur, AU
    Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen , Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber , SDU
    Ditte Wiig Tholstrup, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Ditte-Marie From, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Domen Bajde, Professor MSO, DBM, University of Southern Denmark
    Dorte Frees, Lektor, IVH, Københavns Universitet
    Dorte Kousholt, Lektor, DPU – Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse, AU
    Edmonia Baker, PhD fellow, Management, Society and Communication, CBS
    Efthymios Siamos, PhD Candidate, DTU FOOD, DTU
    Egon Bech Hansen, Professor, DTU Food, DTU
    Elena, Assistant professor, DTU-Food, DTU
    Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, Professor, dr.phil., Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Elke Weik, Associate Professor, Business and Management, SDU
    Emmanuel Raju, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
    Erik Kristensen, Professor, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Erik Skyum-Nielsen, Lektor, Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Erik Svendsen, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Ernst Schraube, Professor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Ethan Weed, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Eva Boxenbaum, Professor, Department of Organization, CBS
    Fabian Holt, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Finn Arler, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Finn M. Sommer, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Flemming Jessen, Seniorforsker, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Flemming Smedegaard, Lektor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Frands Mortensen, Professor emeritus, Medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet
    Frank Møller Aarestrup, Professor, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Frank Sejersen, Lektor, ToRS, KU
    Franziska Bergmann, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Franziska Eller, Adjunkt, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Frederik Martiny, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Center for Almen Medicin i København, Københavns Universitet
    Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer, postdoc, Bandim Health Project, SDU
    Gertie Kolding, ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Gertrud Latif Knudsen, Postdoc., Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Gitta Wortwein, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Gitte Rasmussen, Professor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Gorm Harste, Lektor, dr.scient.pol., Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus universitet
    Gregers Andersen, Adjunkt, Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, AAU
    Gro Hellesdatter Jacobsen, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Hanne Bruubn, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Hanne G Pedersen, Lektor, IKV, Københavns Universitet
    Hanne Knudsen, Lektor, DPU, Aarhus Universitet
    Hanne Marlene Dahl, Professor, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv, RUC
    Hanne Roer, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation, Københavns Universitet
    Hans Basbøll, Professor Emeritus, *, SDU
    Hans Henrik Bruun, Lektor, Biologi, Københavns Universitet
    Hans Jørgen Limborg, Adjungeret professor, Institut for mennesker og teknologi, Roskilde universitet
    Hans Ulri Rosengaard, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Harry Lahrmann, Lektor, Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø, Aalborg
    Heine Andersen, Professor Emeritus, Sociologisk institut, Københavns Universitet
    Helene Pristed Nielsen, Lektor, Institut for Politik og Samfund, AAU
    Helle Porsdam, Professor, Det Juridiske Fakultut, Københavns Universitet
    Henning Salling Olesen, Professor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Henning Sten Hansen, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Henriette Langstrup, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Henrik Brønnum-Hansen, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Henrik Holbech, Lektor, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Henrik Koll, Postdoc, IOA, CBS
    Henrik Kaare Nielsen, Professor, dr.phil., Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Henrik Lund, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Henrik Vardinghus-Nielsen, Lektor, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Henrik Vase Frandsen, Lektor, Danmarks Institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse (DPU), Aarhus Universitet
    Honey Biba Beckerlee, Ph.d.-stipendiat, ARTS Aarhus University , AU
    Hubert Buch-Hansen, Lektor, Dept of Organization, CBS
    Iben Holck, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Iben Nathan, Lektor, Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, Københavns Universitet
    Iben Stjerne, Assistant Professor, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
    Ida Krøgholt, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Ida Maria Bonnevie, Adjunkt, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Ida-Marie T. P. Arendt, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Psykologi, Syddansk Universitet
    Inge Kryger Pedersen, Lektor, Sociologi, Københavns Universitet
    Inge Røpke, Professor emerita, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Inge-Merete Hougaard, Postdoc, Institut for Antropologi, KU
    Isaquel Bartolomeu Silva , pesquisador, Bandim Health Project , SDU
    Jacob Lund, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Jacqueline Ndlovu, PhD Student, Public Health, University of Copenhagen
    Jakob Bøje, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard, Lektor, Biologisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet
    Jakob Egholm Feldt, professor, Institut for kommunikation og humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Jakob Rønning, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Jan Oskar Jeppesen, Professor, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, SDU
    Jan Thorhauge Frederiksen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation, Københavns Universitet
    Jane Brandt Sørensen, Adjunkt, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Janine Leschke, Prof. MSO, Management, Society and Communication, CBS
    Janne Seemann , Professor , Organisation og ledelse , Aalborg Universitet
    Jeanet Sinding Bentzen, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
    Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Jens Christian Nielsen, Lektor, DPU – Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse, AU
    Jens Erik Kristensen, Lektor, DPU, Aarhus Universitet
    Jens Friis Lund, Professor, Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, Københavns Universitet
    Jens Høyrup, docent emeritus, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Jens Peter Gøtze, Professor, overlæge, Klinisk biokemisk afdeling, Rigshospitalet, Københavns Universitet
    Jesper Brahm, Lektor, Insitut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin, Københavns Universitet
    Jesper Holm, Lektor, IMT, Roskilde Universitet
    Jesper Jensen, Adjunkt, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Jesper Schlamovitz, Studielektor, IOA, CBS
    Jessica Sorenson, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Jette Gejl, Studie Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Jimmi Mathisen, Ph.D.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Jitka Stilund Hansen, Specialkonsulent, DTU Bibliotek, DTU
    Jo Krøjer, Lektor, IMT, Roskilde Universitet
    Joachim Lund, Lektor, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS
    Johan Fynbo, Professor, NBI, Københavns Universitet
    Johan Sæverud, Postdoc, Økonomisk Institut, KU
    Johanna Stärk, Academic staff member (A-tap), Institut for Biologi, SDU
    Johannes Andersen, Lektor emeritus , Institut for Politik og Samfund, AAU
    Johannes Wagner, Professor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    John Andersen, Professor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    John Brandt Brodersen, Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Johnny Kondrup, Professor, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Jonas Steenholdt Sørensen, Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Fødevareinstituttet, Danmark Tekniske Universitet
    Jonas Thue Treebak, Lektor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, Københavns Universitet
    Jonas Toubøl, Adjunkt, Sociologi, Københavns Universitet
    Jorun Holm, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Klinisk Institut, SUND, SDU
    Josefine Brink Siem, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Josefine Baark, postdoctoral researcher, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Juan Carlos Finck Carrales, External Lecturer, People and Technology, Roskilde University (RUC)
    Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, Senior Researcher, Vindenergi, DTU
    Julia Suárez-Krabbe, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Julie Münter Lassen, Postdoc., Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Julius Emil Brinck, PhD-studerende, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Jytte Kjærgaard Isaksen, Lektor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Jörg P. Kutter, Professor, Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen
    Jørgen Elm Larsen, Lektor, Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Jørgen Huggler, Lektor, DPU – Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse, AU
    Jørgen Lerche Nielsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistiske Videnskaber, Roskilde Universitet
    Jørn Erslev Andersen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Jørn Guldberg, Lektor emeritus, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Jørn Loftager, Lektor emeritus, Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet
    Jørn Wulff Helge, Professor, Biomedicinsk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Kai Finster, Professor, Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Karen Hvidtfeldt, Professor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Karen Nordentoft, Ph.d-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Karen-Margrethe Simonsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur,, AU
    Karl Emil Rosenbæk, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Kasper Grotle Rasmussen, Lektor, Institut for Historie/Center for Amerikanske Studier, SDU
    Kasper Primdahl Olesen, PhD. Stipendiat, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Katrin Loeschner, Lektor, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Katrine Strandberg-Larsen, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Ken Ramshøj Christensen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Kerstin Fischer, Professor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Kevin A. Matlock, PhD Research Fellow, Psychology Department, SDU
    Kevin Holger Mogensen, Lektor, Institut for Menneske og Teknologi, RUC
    Khanh Hoang Nguyen, Researcher, National Food Institute, DTU
    Kim Esmark, Lektor, Institut for kommunikation og humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Kim N. Mouritsen, Lektor, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Kim Schrøder, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Kirsten Kaya Roessler, Professor, Institut for Psykologi, SDU
    Kirsten Simonsen, Professor, Social og kulturel geografi, RUC
    Kirstine Rosendal, PhD. Stipendiat, Institut for mennesker og teknologi, Roskilde
    Kirstine Zinck Pedersen, Lektor, Institut for Organisation, CBS
    Kjeld Vindum, Lektor, Det Kongelige Akademi, Institut for Bygningskunst og Kultur, Det Kongelige Akademi
    Klas Abelson, Professor, Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Copenhagen
    Klaus Høyer, Professor, Afdeling for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Københavns Universitet
    Klaus Rasborg, Lektor, Social Sciences and Business, RUC
    Kristian Bernt Karlson, Lektor, Sociologi, Københavns Universitet
    Kristian Borch, Lektor, Institut for planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Kristian Debrabant, Lektor, Institut for Matematik og Datalogi, SDU
    Kristian Mortensen, Lektor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Kristian Tylén, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation & Kulture , AU
    Kristine Bissenbakker, Ph.d.-studerende, Center for Almen Medicin i København, Københavns Universitet
    Kristine Juul, Lektor, IMT, RUC
    Kristoffer Almdal, Professor, Institut for Kemi, DTU
    Kristoffer Kropp, Lektor, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv, RUC
    Laila Kjærbæk, Lektor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Lars Bodum, Lektor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Lars Båstrup-Spohr, Adjunkt, Biologisk Insititut, Københavns Universitet
    Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen, Lektor, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Lars Dencik, Senior Professor, Institut for mennesker og teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Lars Domino Østergaard, Lektor, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Lars Ellgaard, Professor, Biologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Lars Frode Frederiksen, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, Syddansk Universitet
    Lars Holm, Lektor, DPU, AU
    Lars Hviid, Professor, Inst Immunol Mikrobiol (ISIM) – SUND, Københavns Universitet
    Lars Jensen, Lektor, IKH, Roskilde Universitet
    Lars Kayser, Lektor, Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Lars Skov Henriksen, Professor, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde,, Aalborg Universitet
    Lau Møller Andersen, Adjunkt, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus Universitet
    Laura Feldt, Lektor, Institut for Historie, SDU
    Laura Horn, Lektor, Social sciences and Business, RUC
    Lea Sletting Jakobsen, Forsker, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Lea Somer, Forsknings Data Manager, Biosustain, Technical University of Denmark
    Leif Pedersen, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Lena Skovgaard Andersen, Postdoc, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
    Lene Juel Rasmussen, Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Copenhagen
    Lene Koch, Professor emeritus, Institut for folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns universitet
    Lene Larsen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Lennart Bunch, Professor, Centerleder, Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi, Københavns Universitet
    Lila Lee-Morrison, postdoctoral researcher, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Lill-Ann Körber, Professor (tidsbegrænset), Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Linda Kjær Minke, Professor MSO, Juridisk Institut, SDU
    Linda Lapina, Lektor, Department of Communication and Arts, RUC
    Line Lerche Mørck, Professor, DPU, AU
    Line Thomsen, Lektor, IVH, Københavns Universitet
    Lisa Ann Richey, Professor, Centre for Business and Development Studies, Copenhagen Business School
    Lisa Villadsen, Professor, Inst. for Kommunikation, Københavns Universitet
    Lisbeth E. Knudsen, Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Lise Lotte Hansen, Lektor, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab & Erhverv, RUC
    Lise Paulsen Galal, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Lise Rolandsen Agustin, Lektor, Institut for Politik og Samfund, AAU
    Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen, Professor, Institut for Veterinær- og Husdyrvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Lona Louring Christrup, professor emerita, Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi, Københavns Universitet
    Lone Kørnøv, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Lone Svinth, Lektor, DPU, Aarhus Universitet
    Lotte Helmark, PhD studerende, Institut for Psykologi, SDU
    Lotte Holm, Professor, Sektion for Forbrug, Bioetik og Regulering, Københavns Universitet
    Lotte Huniche, Lektor, Institut for Psykologi, SDU
    Lotte K. Vogel, Lektor, Institut for cellulær og molekylær medicin, Københavns Universitet
    Louise Marie Bidstrup Jørgensen, Stud.scient.san.publ, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Louise Nyholm Kallestrup, Lektor, Institut for Historie, SDU
    Louise Whiteley, Associate Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Mads Krogh, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Maj Hedegaard Heiselberg, Postdoc, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Maja de Neergaard, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Maj-Britt Quitzau, Lektor, Institut for Planlægning, AAU
    Majken Karoline Jensen, Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Malene Charlotte Larsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Marco Benkhettab Sindlev, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Mari Holen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Maria Appel Nissen, Professor, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, AAU
    Maria Bach, Post.Doc, Institut for psykologi, SDU
    Maria Juul Hansen, Adjunkst, Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Maria Jørgensen, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Maria Louison Vang, Adjunkt, Institut for Psykologi, SDU
    Maria Semkovska, Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Southern Denmark
    Maria Toft, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet
    Marian nielsen, Extern lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Marianne Liisberg, Ph.d-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og kultur, AU
    Marianne Sandberg, Seniorforsker, Fødevareinsttuttet, DTU – Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
    Marianne Træbing Secher, Ph.d.- stipendiat, Institut for kommunikation og humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Marie Bagge Jensen, Postdoc, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Marie Koldkjær Højlund, adjunkt, Institut for kommunikation og kultur, AU
    Marie Lund, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Marie Pedersen, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Marit Carolin Clausen, Adjunkt, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Marit Clausen, Adjunkt, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Mark Bayley, Lektor, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Marlene Wind, Professor, Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet
    Martha Sif Karrebæk, Lektor, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Martin Laage Kragh, Forsker, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Martin Mølholm, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation & Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Martin Nielsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Massimo Pizzol, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Mathias Kristiansen, Lektor, Institut for medicin og sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Meltem Daysal, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
    Merete Birkelund, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet
    Merete Wiberg, Lektor, Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse (DPU), Aarhus Universitet
    Merethe Riggelsen Gjørding, Ph.d.-stipendiat, DPU – Danmarks insitut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse, AU
    Mette Bech Risør, Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Mette Christine Jørgensen, Lektor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, Københavns Universitet
    Mette Christoffersen, Lektor, Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin, Københavns Universitet
    Mette Ejrnæs, Professor, Økonomisk Institut, KU
    Mette Gørtz, Professor, Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Mett-Marie Zacher Sørensen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og kultur, AU
    Mia Münster-Swendsen, Lektor, Institut for Kultur og Kommunikation, Roskilde Universitet
    Michael Asgaard Andersen, Lektor, IBBL, Det Kongelige Akademi
    Michael Haldrup Pedersen, Professor, Department of Communication and Arts, RUC
    Michael Hauschild, Professor, DTU Sustain, DTU
    Michael Krabbe Borregaard, Associate Professor, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen
    Michael Nebeling Petersen, Lektor, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Michael Søgaard Jørgensen, Lektor, Institut for Planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Michala Hvidt Breengaard, Post.doc., DPU, AU
    Michelle Steinmüller, Ekstern lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Mie Engen, Lektor, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, AAU
    Mikael Carleheden, Lektor, Sociologi, Københavns Universitet
    Mikkel Wallentin, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation & Kulture , AU
    Mikkel-Theis Paulsen , Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation & Kultur, AU
    Mira Chandhok Skadegård, Adjunkt, Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet
    Miriam Wüst, lektor, økonomisk institut, ku
    Mogens Ove Madsen, Lektor, Business School, Aalborg Universitet
    Mohammad Amin Mohammadifar, Associate professor, group leader, Food, DTU
    Mons Bissenbakker, Lektor, NorS, Københavns Universitet
    Morten Boeriis, Lektor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Morten Ejrnæs, Lektor emeritus, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Aalborg Universitet – CPH
    Morten Fischer Sivertsen, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Morten Knudsen, Lektor, Department of Organization, CBS
    Morten Michelsen, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Morten Nissen, Professor, Danmarks institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet
    Morten Ougaard, Professor, Institut for Organisation, CBS
    Morten Reiffenstein Huno, Forskningsårstuderende, Bandim Health Project, AU
    Morten Rosenmeier, Professor, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
    Morten Skovdal, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    My von Euler-Chelpin, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Nan Gerdes, postdoc, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Nanna Grønning-Madsne, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Juridisk Institut, SDU
    Nao Takeuchi-Storm, Forsker, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Neda Trifkovic, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, KU
    Nermin Ghith, PostDoc research fellow, DTU Food, Technical University of Denmark
    Nicole, Assistant Professor, Management, Society & Communication, Copenhagen Business School
    Niels Brügger, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Niels Heine Kristensen, Professor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Niels Morling, Professor, dr.med., Retsmedicinsk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Niels Tommerup, Professor, Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin, Københavns Universitet
    Niklas Alexander Chimirri, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Nils Arne Sørensen, Professor, Institut for Historie, SDU
    Nils Gunder Hansen, Professor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, Syddansk Universitet
    Nils Risgaard-Petersen, Lektor, Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Nina Bonderup Dohn, Professor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Nina Gringer, Associate Professor, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Ninna Meier, Lektor, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Aalborg Universitet
    Norbert Wildermuth, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Oana Ciofu, Professor of Antimicrobial Resistance, ISIM, Copenhagen
    Oke Gerke, Professor, Klinisk Institut, SDU
    Ole F. Olesen, Affilieret Professor, Folkesundhed, Global Health, KU
    Ole Hartvig Mortensen, Lektor, Biomedicinsk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Ole Togeby, professor emeritus, Institut for Kommunikation & Kultur, AU
    Ole Wæver, Professor, Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet
    Oliver Kauffmann, Lektor, Danmarks Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet
    Palle Rasmussen, Professor Emeritus, Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet
    Pascal Madeleine, Professor, Institut for Medicin og Sunhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Patrick Munk, Adjunkt, DTU Food, DTU
    Patrick Njage, Research Scientist, National Food Institute, DTU
    Paul McIlvenny, Professor, Culture and Learning, Aalborg University
    Paul Richardt Metelmann, Ekstern lektor, IKH, Roskilde Universitet
    Pauline Stoltz, Lektor, Institut for Politik og Samfund, Aalborg Universitet
    Peer Bundgård, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation & Kultur , AU
    Peer Hull Kristensen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
    Per Richard Hansen, Lektor, Institut for Planlægning, Design for Sustainability, Aalborg Universitet
    Per Øhrgaard, Professor emeritus, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS
    Per Aagaard, Professor, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, SDU
    Peter Bertram, Lektor, Art and Architecture, Det Kongelige Akademi
    Peter Duelund, Lektor emeritus, Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Peter Furu, Lektor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU
    Peter Grønkjær, Professor, Institut for Biologi, AU
    Peter Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Peter Karnøe, Professor, Institut for Planlægning, Design for Sustainability, Aalborg Universitet
    Peter Kjær Mackie Jensen, Lektor, Global Health, Københavns Universitet
    Peter Lund-Thomsen, Professor MSO, Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School
    Peter Olsén, Professor Emeritus, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi (IMT), Roskilde Universitet
    Peter Schneider-Kamp, Professor, Institut for Matematik og Datalogi, Syddansk Universitet
    Peter Aaby, Professor, Bandim Health Project, SDU
    Philip Clausen, Postdoc, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Philip Clausen, Postdoc, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Pia Majbritt Jensen, Lektor, Medievidenskab og journalistik, Aarhus Universitet
    Pia Ringø, Lektor, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Aalborg Universitet
    Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon, Researcher, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
    Pirkko Raudaskoski, Professor, Kommunikation og Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Poul Poder, Lektor, Sociologisk institut, Københavns Universitet
    Poul Scheel Larsen, Professor Emeritus, MEK, DTU
    Rachel C. Smith, Associate Professor, Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University
    Rafael Treibich, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Southern Denmark
    Rashmi Singla, Lektor/Associate Professor, Department of People & Technology, Roskilde University
    Rasmus Erjnæs, Seniorforsker, Ecoscience, Aarhus Universitet
    Rasmus Grøn, Lektor, Kommunikation & Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Rasmus Rex Pedersen, Lektor, Institutioner for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
    Ravinder Kaur, Lektor, Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet
    Rebecca Rutt, Lektor, Institut for Fødevarer og Ressourceøkonomi, Københavns Universitet
    Rene Hendriksen, Professor, DTU food, DTU
    Riccardo Fusaroli, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation & Kulture, AU
    Rikke Buhl, Dyrlæge, professor, Institut for klinisk veterinærmedicin, Københavns Universitet
    Rikke Lund, Professor, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Rikke Vang Christensen, Lektor, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Robin Smith, Marie Curie Fellow, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
    Rocio Chongtay, Lektor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Rolf Sommer Kaas, Seniorforsker, DTU Food, DTU
    Ronnie N. Glud, Professor, Biologisk Institut, SDU
    Rune Bennike, Adjunkt, Institut for Fødevarer og Ressourceøkonomi, KU
    Rune Møller Stahl, Adjunkt, Politisk økonomi, CBS
    Sara Louise Muhr, Professor, Department of Organization, CBS
    Sarah Bro Trasmundi , Lektor, Institit for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Sebastian Egholm Lund, Ph.d-stipendiat, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Sébastien Doubinsky, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Sidsel Lond Grosen, Lektor, Institut for mennesker og teknologi, RUC
    Sidsel Meldgaard Hove, PhD student, Department of Business & Management, SDU, University of Southern Denmark
    Sigga Waleng, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Mennesker & Teknologi, RUC
    Signe Uldbjerg, Videnskabelig assistent, Institut for kommunikation og kultur, AU
    Signild Vallgårda, Professor emerita, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Simo Køppe, Professor, Psykologi, Københavns Universitet
    Simon Borchmann, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Simon Nørby, Lektor, Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse, Aarhus Universitet
    Sine Nørhom Just, professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Sofie Christiansen, Seniorforsker, DTU Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Sofie Skovbo Gottlieb, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Lead, HR, CBS
    Sofie Venge Madsen, Studielektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Sophie Nyborg, Forsker, Institut for Vind og Energisystemer, DTU
    Steen Baagøe Nielsen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Steen Hildebrandt, Professor Emeritus, Ledelse, Aarhus Universitet
    Steen Nepper Larsen, Lektor, DPU Uddannelsesvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet
    Steen Visholm, Professor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Lektor, Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet
    Stefanie Steinbeck, PhD Felloe, Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi, CBS
    Stefano Kjerkegaard, Lektor / afdelingsleder, Institut for Kommunikation & Kultur, AU
    Stefano Ponte, Professor, Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS), Copenhagen Business School
    Steffen Ernø, Adjunkt, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, AAU
    Sten Pultz Moslund, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Sten Schaumburg-Müller, Professor, Juridisk Institut, SDU
    Stig Hirsbak, Senior forsker, Institut for planlægning, Aalborg Universitet
    Stine Liv Johansen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Stine Rosenlund Hansen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Stine Thidemann Faber, Lektor, Institut for Politik og Samfund, Aalborg Universitet
    Sune Borkfelt, Studielektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Sune Nielsen, Studieadjunkt, IMT, Roskilde Universitet
    Sune Vork Steffensen, Professor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Sunny Mosangzi Xu, Postdoc, Department of organization, CBS
    Susan Løvstad Holdt, Lektor, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU
    Susana S. Fernández, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Susana Tosca, Lektor, Institut for kommunikation og humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Susanne Brix Pedersen, Professor, Institut for Bioteknologi og Biomedicin, DTU
    Susanne Ekman, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Susanne Kaae, Lektor, Institut for Farmaci, Københavns Universitet
    Susanne S Pedersen, Professor, Institutleder, Institut for Psykologi, Syddansk Universitet
    Svend Brinkmann, Professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, Aalborg Universitet
    Søren Askegaard, Professor, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse, SDU
    Søren Bec NIelsen , Lektor , Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, KU
    Søren Bro Pold, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur,, AU
    Søren Frank, Professor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Søren Jeppesen, Lektor, Center for Business and Development Studies, Department of Management, Society and Communication, CBS
    Søren Molin, Professor, NNF Center for Biosustainability, DTU
    Søren Rysgaard, Professor, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Søren Sørensen, Professor, Biologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Søren Wind Eskildsen, Lektor, Institut for Design og Kommunikation, SDU
    Tage Koed Madsen, Professor Emeritus, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse, Syddansk Universitet
    Tais W. Dahl, Lektor, Globe Institut, Københavns Universitet
    Tali Padan, PhD fellow, Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School
    Tanya Karoli Christensen, Professor, Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet
    Teresa Cadierno, Professor, Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, SDU
    Thomas Bjarnsholt, Professor, Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi, Københavns Universitet
    Thomas Mandrup-Poulsen, Professor, Biomedicinsk Institut, SUND, Københavns Universitet
    Thomas P. Boje, Professor, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Økonomi, Roskilde Universitet
    Thomas søbirk petersen, professor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Thorsten Treue, Lektor, Institut for Fødevarer og Ressourceøkonomi, KU
    Tilde Strandbygaard Jessen, Postdoc, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Tim Tolker-Nielsen, Professor, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, University of Copenhagen
    Tina Høegh, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Tina Thode Hougaard, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, AU
    Tina Wilchen Christensen, Adjunkt, DPU – Institut for Pædagogisk psykologi, AU
    Tine Hald, Professor, Fødevareinstituttet, DTU – Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
    Tobias Pape Thomsen, Lektor, Institut for mennesker og teknologi, Roskilde universitet
    Tobias Wang, Professor, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet
    Tom Gilbert, Professor, Director DNRF Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen
    Tomas Ellegaard, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Torsten Bøgh Thomsen, Lektor, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, SDU
    Trine Wulf-Andersen, Lektor, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
    Troels Lange, Postdoc, Biologisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet
    Tuomas Kilpeläinen, Associate Professor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen
    Ulrik Kohl, Ph.d.-stipendiat, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Ulrik Schmidt, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, RUC
    Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og kultur, AU
    Viggo Plum, Docent Emeritus, Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, RUC
    Wietse Tol, Professor, Section for Global Health, KU
    Åse Marie Hansen, Professor, Deprtment of Public Health, University of Copenhagen



    • #Roberto_Mozzachiodi, UK


      After years of unparalleled academic and political work at Goldsmiths, our colleague, friend, teacher, caseworker, union branch co-Secretary #Roberto_Mozzachiodi has been put through an unfair employment process, and as a result no longer holds a substantive teaching position at the College. Roberto’s case reflects the working conditions of hundreds of staff at Goldsmiths, and thousands of staff employed on precarious, fixed-term, temporary contracts across British Higher Education. It also reflects the risks that come with openly committing to collective, ground-up solidarity that challenges the principles of how university work is organised, and reimagines union work accordingly.

      Roberto has been a leading figure in the fight against casualisation at Goldsmiths, and has been at the heart of campaigns that have radically transformed our place of work and study. He was core in the Goldsmiths #Justice_for_Cleaners and Goldsmiths #Justice_for_Workers movements that brought cleaning and security staff in-house, and core in the fight to extend basic rights to casualised workers at Goldsmiths at the height of the pandemic. He has supported countless staff and students through the grinding labour of union casework, and has worked tirelessly on strengthening and transforming the Goldsmiths branch of UCU through a radical commitment to anti-casualisation, anti-racism, and anti-factionalism, often fighting and organising for the rights of others in far more secure positions.

      Roberto’s specific case mirrors that of thousands across the country employed on temporary, fixed-term, and casualised contracts. Roberto was denied his redundancy-related employment rights when his contract came to an end. This involved, amongst other things, not being consulted on suitable alternative employment, including a permanent position very similar to the role he had been performing on a fixed-term basis over three terms. This amounts to a denial of casualised workers’ employment rights, and is something that is commonplace at Goldsmiths, and across the sector.

      As signatories of this letter, we call on Goldsmiths to act on the unjust treatment of Roberto. We also urge all at Goldsmiths and beyond to actively resist and challenge the endemic nature of precarious work in university life - at all times and at all scales, as Roberto has always done.


      Alice Elliot, Lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London
      Victoria Chwa, President, Goldsmiths Students’ Union
      Alicia Suriel Melchor, Operations Assistant, Forensic Architecture / Goldsmiths.
      Vicky Blake, UCU NEC, former president & Uni of Leeds UCU officer, former Chair of UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee
      Cecilia Wee, Associate Lecturer, Royal College of Art & co-Chair/co-Equalities RCA UCU branch
      Joe Newman, Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
      James Eastwood, Co-Chair, Queen Mary UCU
      S Joss, HW UCU Branch President
      Rehana Zaman, Lecturer Art Department, Goldsmiths University of London
      Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, anti-cas officer, Leeds UCU
      Sam Morecroft, USIC UCU Branch President and UCU Anti Casualisation Committee
      Kyran Joughin, Anti-Casualisation Officer, UCU London Region Executive Committee, UCU NEC Member, former Branch Secretary, UCU-UAL
      Rhian Elinor Keyse, Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Birkbeck UCU Branch Secretary; UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee; UCU NEC
      Joanne Tatham, Reader, Royal College of Art and RCA UCU branch committee member, London
      Bianca Griffani, PhD candidate, Goldsmiths University of London, London
      Paola Debellis, PhD student, Goldsmiths, University of London.
      Ashok Kumar, Senior Lecturer, Birkbeck, University of London
      Chrys Papaioannou, Birkbeck UCU
      Fergal Hanna, PhD Student, University of Cambridge, UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee and Cambridge UCU Executive Committee member
      Robert Deakin, Research Assistant, Goldsmiths, University of London
      Grace Tillyard, ESRC postdoctoral fellow, MCCS Goldsmiths
      Yari Lanci, Associate Lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London.
      Caleb Day, Postgraduate researcher, Foundation tutor and UCU Anti-Casualisation Officer, Durham University
      Rachel Wilson, PhD Candidate, Goldsmiths University of London
      Sean Wallis, Branch President, UCL UCU, and NEC member
      Yaiza Hernández Velázquez, Lecturer, Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths.
      Akanksha Mehta, Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
      Cathy Nugent, PhD Candidate, Goldsmiths, University of London
      Janna Graham, Lecturer Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths
      Isobel Harbison, Art Department, Goldsmiths
      Susan Kelly, Art Department, Goldsmiths
      Jessa Mockridge, Library, Goldsmiths
      Vincent Møystad, Associate Lecturer, MCCS, Goldsmiths
      Dhanveer Singh Brar, Lecturer, School of History, University of Leeds
      James Burton, Senior Lecturer, MCCS, Goldsmiths
      Louis Moreno, Lecturer, Goldsmiths
      Jennifer Warren, Visiting Lecturer, Goldsmiths MCCS
      Anthony Faramelli, Lecturer, Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London
      Billy Godfrey, Doctoral Researcher, Loughborough University; GTA, University of Manchester
      Fabiana Palladino, Associate Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
      Morgan Rhys Powell, Doctoral Researcher and GTA; University of Manchester
      Tom Cowin, Anti-Casualisation Officer, Sussex UCU
      Conrad Moriarty-Cole, Lecturer, University of Brighton, and former PhD student at Goldsmiths College
      Marina Vishmidt, MCCS Lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London
      George Briley, Universities of London Branch Secretary, IWGB
      Callum Cant, Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford Internet Institute
      Daniel C. Blight, Lecturer, University of Brighton
      Marion Lieutaud, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, LSE UCU anti-casualisation co-officer, London School of Economics
      Lukas Slothuus, LSE Fellow, LSE UCU anti-casualisation co-officer, London School of Economics
      Matthew Lee, UCL Unison Steward & IWGB Universities of London Representative
      Jamie Woodcock, University of Essex
      Dylan Carver, Anti-Casualisation Officer, University of Oxford
      Annie Goh, Lecturer, LCC UAL
      George Mather, PGR Anti-Casualisation Officer, University of Oxford
      Zara Dinnen, Branch co-chair QMUCU
      Henry Chango Lopez - IWGB Union, General Secretary
      Rhiannon Lockley - Branch Chair Birmingham City University UCU; UCU NEC
      Sol Gamsu, Branch President, Durham University UCU
      Ben Ralph, Branch President, University of Bath UCU
      Myka Tucker-Abramson, University of Warwick UCU
      Lisa Tilley, SOAS UCU
      James Brackley, Lecturer in Accounting, University of Sheffield
      Alex Fairfax-Cholmeley, Communications Officer, Uni of Exeter UCU
      Ioana Cerasella Chis, University of Birmingham (incoming branch officer)
      Muireann Crowley, University of Edinburgh, UCU Edinburgh
      Jonny Jones, associate lecturer, UCL
      Danai Avgeri, University of Cambridge, postdoctoral fellow
      Stefano Cremonesi, Durham University UCU
      Jordan Osserman, Lecturer, Essex UCU Member Secretary
      Danny Millum, Librarian, Sussex UCU Exec Member
      Sanaz Raji, ISRF Fellow, Northumbria University, Founder & Caseworker, Unis Resist Border Controls (URBC)
      Alex Brent, GMB South London Universities Branch Secretary
      Gareth Spencer, PCS Culture Group President
      Floyd Codlin, Environmental & Ethics Officer, Birkbeck
      Clare Qualmann, Associate Professor, University of East London and UCU branch treasurer, UEL
      Kevin Biderman, Brighton UCU anti-casualisation officer
      David Morris, CSM / University of the Arts London UCU
      Ryan Burns, Brighton UCU Secretary
      Julie canavan Brighton UCU
      Charlotte Terrell, Postdoc, Oxford UCU
      Clara Paillard, Unite the Union, former President of PCS Union Culture Group
      Jasmine Lota, PCS British Museum United Branch Secretary
      Joe Hayns, RHUL.
      Adam Barr, Birkbeck Unison
      Dario Carugo, Associate Professor, University of Oxford
      Jacob Gracie, KCL Fair Pay for GTAs
      Rahul Patel, UCU London Region Executive and Joint Sec University of the Arts London UCU
      Billy Woods, Essex UCU
      Lucy Mercer, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Exeter
      Goldsmiths Anti-Racist Action (GARA)
      Saumya Ranjan Nath, University of Sussex
      Islam al Khatib, 22/23 Welfare and Liberation Officer, Goldsmiths SU
      Mijke van der Drift, Tutor, Royal College of Art
      Marini Thorne, PHD student and teaching assistant, Columbia University and member of Student Workers of Columbia
      Genevieve Smart, PhD student, Birkbeck
      Francesco Pontarelli, Postdoctoral fellow, University of Johannesburg
      Gloria Lawton, Outreach Homeless Worker, HARP and undergraduate Birkbeck University.
      Grant Buttars, UCU Scotland Vice President
      Goldsmiths Community Solidarity
      Nicola Pratt, Professor, University of Warwick
      Robert Stearn, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Birkbeck, University of London
      Jake Arnfield, UVW Union
      Jarrah O’Neill, Cambridge UCU
      Owen Miller, Lecturer, SOAS
      Marissa Begonia, Director, The Voice of Domestic Workers
      Neda Genova, Research Fellow, University of Warwick
      Joey Whitfield, Cardiff University UCU
      Leila Mimmack, Equity Young Members Councillor
      Ross Gibson, University of Strathclyde
      Phill Wilson-Perkin, co-chair Bectu Art Technicians, London
      Isabelle Tarran, Campaigns and Activities Officer, Goldsmiths Students Union
      Leila Prasad, lecturer, Goldsmiths
      Malcolm James, University of Sussex
      Natalia Cecire, University of Sussex
      Daniel Molto, University of Sussex
      Emma Harrison, University of Sussex
      Margherita Huntley, University of the Arts London (Camberwell UCU)
      Gavin Schwartz-Leeper, Warwick University UCU Co-Chair
      Mary Wrenn, University of the West of England
      Aska Welford (United Voices of the World)
      855 Unterschriften:Nächstes Ziel: 1.000


      #petition #UK #Goldsmiths #precarity #union_work #British_Higher_Education #fixed_term #UCU

    • #Maria_Toft, Denmark

      In #Denmark #scientists are rolling out a nationwide #petition for a commission to investigate #research_freedom

      –> https://seenthis.net/messages/1009865

      PhD student at the Department of Political Science #Maria_Toft, in addition to the mentioned petition, also started a campaign under the hashtag #pleasedontstealmywork to stop the theft of research.

      –> https://seenthis.net/messages/1009866

      The national conversation about exploitation with #pleasedontstealmywork campaign was at the cost of #Maria_Tofts Copenhagen fellowship.

      –> https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/campaigning-doctoral-candidate-resigns-hostile-environment (access if registered)

      This article assesses the #working_conditions of #precariat_researchers in #Denmark.

      –> https://seenthis.net/messages/1009867

      Twitter link: https://twitter.com/GirrKatja/status/1640636016330432512

    • #Heike_Egner, Austria

      Unterstütze #Heike_Egner für Grundrechte von Profs


      Ich sammle Spenden für eine juristische Klärung, die zwar meine Person betrifft, jedoch weitreichende Bedeutung für Professorinnen und Professoren im deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsbereich hat. Die Entlassung einer Professorin oder eines Professors aus einer (unbefristeten) Professur galt bis vor kurzem noch als undenkbar. Mittlerweile ist das nicht nur möglich, sondern nimmt rasant zu.

      Der Sachverhalt: Ich wurde 2018 als Universitätsprofessorin fristlos entlassen. Für mich kam das aus heiterem Himmel, da es keinerlei Vorwarnung gab. Erst vor Gericht habe ich die Gründe dafür erfahren. Der Vorwurf lautet, ich hätte Mobbing und psychische Gewalt gegen wissenschaftliche Nachwuchskräfte und andere Mitarbeiter ausgeübt. Vor Gericht zeigte sich, dass die Vorwürfe durchwegs auf von mir vorgenommene Leistungsbewertungen basieren, die von den Betreffenden als ungerecht empfunden wurden. Die Bewertung von Leistungen von Studierenden und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern gehört zu den Dienstaufgaben einer Universitätsprofessorin, ebenso wie die Evaluierung von Leistungen der Mitarbeiter jenseits der Qualifikationserfordernisse zu den Dienstaufgaben einer Institutsvorständin an einer Universität gehört.

      Mittlerweile liegt der Fall beim Obersten Gerichtshof in Österreich. Ich habe eine „außerordentliche Revision“ eingereicht, da ich der Meinung bin, dass die Art meiner Entlassung von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Arbeitsbedingungen von Professoren an Universitäten ist. Unter anderem ist folgendes zu klären:

      Darf eine Universitätsprofessorin oder ein Universitätsprofessor aufgrund von anonym vorgetragenen Vorwürfen entlassen werden?
      Darf eine Universitätsprofessorin oder ein Universitätsprofessor aufgrund von ihr oder ihm durchgeführten negativen Leistungsbewertungen entlassen werden?

      Sollte die Berufungsentscheidung rechtskräftig bleiben, ist damit legitimiert, dass eine Professorin oder ein Professor aufgrund von freihändig formulierten und anonym vorgetragenen Behauptungen jederzeit entlassen werden kann. Dies entspricht einer willkürlichen Entlassung und öffnet Missbrauch Tür und Tor, da es Universitäten ermöglicht, sich jederzeit ihrer Professoren zu entledigen. Eine Universität ist aufgrund ihrer Struktur und ihres Auftrags eine grundsätzlich spannungsgeladene Organisation; hier lassen sich jederzeit unzufriedene Studenten, Nachwuchskräfte oder Mitarbeiter finden, die eine Beschwerde äußern. Die Möglichkeit willkürlicher Entlassung steht nicht nur in Konflikt mit den Formulierungen und der Zielsetzung des Arbeitnehmerschutzes, sondern auch mit der in der Verfassung verankerten Freiheit von Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre.

      Wofür bitte ich um Unterstützung?
      Es ist ein ungleicher Kampf, da die Universität Steuergelder in unbegrenzter Höhe zur Verfügung hat und ich – ohne Rechtsschutzversicherung – das volle Risiko des Rechtsstreits persönlich trage. Die bisherigen Kosten des Verfahrens belaufen sich auf etwa 120.000 € (eigene Anwaltskosten und Anwaltskosten der Gegenseite). Damit sind meine Ersparnisse weitgehend aufgebraucht.

      Mein Spendenziel beträgt 80.000 €.
      Dies umfasst die etwa 60.000 € Anwaltskosten der Gegenseite, die ich aufgrund des Urteils in zweiter Instanz zu tragen habe. Die weiteren 20.000 € fließen in die Forschung über die Entlassung von Professorinnen und Professoren, die ich seit 2020 mit einer Kollegin aus privaten Mitteln betreibe.

      Publizierte Forschungsergebnisse zur Entlassung von Professorinnen und Professoren

      Egner, Heike & Anke Uhlenwinkel (2021). Entlassung und öffentliche Degradierung von Professorinnen. Eine empirische Analyse struktureller Gemeinsamkeiten anscheinend unterschiedlicher „Fälle“. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 43(1-2), 62–84. Download PDF
      Egner, Heike & Anke Uhlenwinkel (2021). Zur Rechtsstaatlichkeit universitätsinterner Verfahren bei Entlassung oder öffentlicher Degradierung von Professor*innen. Ordnung der Wissenschaft, 3(3), 173–184. Download PDF
      Egner, Heike & Anke Uhlenwinkel (2023). Über Schwierigkeiten der betriebsrätlichen Vertretung von Professor(innen). Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht(22), 57–64.
      Egner, Heike & Anke Uhlenwinkel (2023). Zertifikat als Grundrecht? Über Leistungsansprüche und -erwartungen im Kontext struktureller Veränderungen an Universitäten. Hochschulwesen(1+2), 28–43.


      Aus dem Video: Rektor hat Betriebsratsvorsitzenden aufgetragen gezielt belastbares Material in Schriftform gegen Heike Enger zu sammeln. Betreibsrat kam Auffroderung bereiwilling nach und sprach gezielt Mitarbeitende an und bat sie aufzuschreiben, worüber sie sich geärgert haben und dies auszuhändigen. Zeuge der Universität hat dieses Vorgehen vor Gericht vorgetragen.

      #academia #university #Austria #Klagenfurt #professor #dismissal #arbitrary #publications #lawsuit #evaluation #scientific_freedom

    • #Susanne_Täuber, Netherlands

      Reinstate #Susanne_Täuber, protect social safety and academic freedom at the RUG

      10 March 2023

      To prof. Jouke de Vries, President, and members of the Board of the University of Groningen,

      We, the undersigned employees and students of the University of Groningen (UG), joined by concerned observers and colleagues at institutions around the world, are appalled at the firing of Dr. Susanne Täuber. The facts of this case are clear: Dr. Täuber was punished for exerting her academic freedom. The same court that allowed the UG to fire her also made it clear that it was the university’s negative reaction to an essay about her experiences of gender discrimination at the university that “seriously disturbed” their work relationship. Alarming details have also been made public about how the university pressured Dr. Täuber to censor future publications, in order to retain her position.

      The protest in front of the Academy Building on 8 March, International Women’s Day, and the continuing press attention and social media outcry, demonstrate that this case has consequences far beyond one university. Firing a scholar who publishes work that is critical of powerful institutions, including the university itself, sets a disturbing precedent for us all. We, the employees and students, ARE the UG, and we refuse to let this act be carried out in our names. We call on the University Board to reinstate Dr. Täuber, without delay, as an associate professor, and to ensure that she is provided with a safe working environment.

      The firing of Dr. Täuber has surfaced structural problems that necessitate immediate action by the University Board and all UG faculties. It is unacceptable that when a “disrupted employment relationship” emerges within a department, the more vulnerable person is fired. This points to a broader pattern at Dutch universities, as evidenced by the YAG Report (2021), the LNVH Report (2019), and other recent cases: in cases of transgressive behavior, Full Professors, Principal Investigators (PIs), and managers are protected, while employees of lower rank, or students, bear the consequences. If we are to continue performing our education and research mission, then this practice must be reformed, and the University of Groningen has an opportunity to lead here. We call on the University Board to work with labor unions, the LNVH, the University Council, and Faculty Councils to design and implement a safe, independent procedure for addressing violations of social safety: one that prioritizes the protection and support of vulnerable parties.

      Internal reforms will help ensure the safety of students and employees, but they will not repair the damage these events have caused to the reputation of the University of Groningen. The termination of a scholar who publishes field-leading research that is critical of academia has triggered doubts among employees, students, and the public about the UG’s commitment to academic freedom. This action is already raising concerns from talented job candidates, and we fear a chilling effect on critical research at the UG and beyond. We call on the University of Groningen, in partnership with the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), the Ministry of Education, and the labor unions, to enshrine protections for academic freedom in the Collective Labor Agreement.

      Reinstate Dr. Täuber, reform complaint procedures, and establish binding protections for academic freedom. The relationship between the University of Groningen and the people it employs, teaches, and serves has been severely disrupted in the past weeks, but that relationship can be repaired if the Board begins taking these actions today.


      Leidse hoogleraar ging ‘meerdere jaren’ in de fout. (2022, October 25). NRC. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/10/25/leidse-hoogleraar-ging-meerdere-jaren-in-de-fout-a4146291

      LNVH. (2019). Harassment in Dutch academia. Exploring manifestations, facilitating factors, effects and solutions. https://www.lnvh.nl/a-3078/harassment-in-dutch-academia.-exploring-manifestations-facilitating-factors-eff.

      Täuber, S. (2020). Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes. Journal of Management Studies, 57(8), 1718–1724. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12516

      Upton, B. (2023, March 8). Court rules Groningen is free to fire critical lecturer. Times Higher Education (THE). https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/court-rules-groningen-free-fire-critical-lecturer

      Veldhuis, P., & Marée, K. (2023, March 8). Groningse universiteit mag kritische docent ontslaan. NRC. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2023/03/08/groningse-universiteit-mag-kritische-docent-ontslaan-a4158914

      Young Academy Groningen. (2021). Harassment at the University of Groningen. https://www.rug.nl/news/2021/10/young-academy-groningen-publishes-report-on-harassment-in-academia


      The article:

      Täuber, S. (2020) ‘Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes’, Journal of Management Studies, 57(8), pp. 1718–1724.

      –> https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/joms.12516

  • BREAKING 🔥 Scientists from @ScientistRebellion and artists from @ExtinctionR and “Forfattere Ser Grønt” are occupying the biggest industrial #farming #lobby in #Denmark - Framapiaf

    BREAKING 🔥 Scientists from @ScientistRebellion and artists from @ExtinctionR and “Forfattere Ser Grønt” are occupying the biggest industrial #farming #lobby in #Denmark (Landbrug og Fødevarer) to demand an end to #lobbyism in food production, and an immediate transition away from the destructive, #colonial and undemocratic farming practices that prevail in Denmark, and which are responsible for ~30% of the country’s #CO2 #emissions. #TheScienceIsClear #BefriJorden (1/n)

  • In Denmark, the Rarest of Sights : Classrooms Full of Students - The New York Times

    Des enfants heureux de retrouver leurs camarades :

    “It is so nice to see my best friend again!” said Maja Petersen, a 7-year-old first grader coloring the red bits of the Danish flag.

    “He’s happy to be back,” she said. “We’re happy he’s back.”

    Mise en garde de l’OMS vs santé économique :

    The World Health Organization has cautioned countries like Denmark against reopening their societies too quickly for fear of reviving the pandemic before it is properly stamped out

    Elsewhere in Denmark, these concerns led some parents to create Facebook groups protesting the reopening of schools, fearing their children were being sacrificed to save the Danish economy.

    Sur la réorganisations des écoles :

    To stop the spread of infection, parents weren’t allowed inside. Teachers couldn’t gather in the staff room. The children each now had their own desks, marooned two yards away from their nearest neighbor. During recess, they could play only in small groups. And by the time the school shut again at 2 p.m., they had all washed their hands at least once an hour for the past six hours.

    The school’s floors have been covered with new markings, showing pupils how far apart they have to stand. Hand-washing has become a part of the school routine

    These changes have been guided by the government, but the government’s instructions have sometimes changed on an hourly basis. “Sometimes, we get an order at 9, and then at 10 we get a new one,” said Mr. Christensen, the deputy head.

    Des plus petits groupes d’enfants, qui vivent en silo :

    Those teachers now work with only one small group throughout the day, rather than several bigger ones, and their students play only with children from their own class.

    The increase in the number of classes means teachers have more to do and fewer assistants to help them do it. If they need a brief break, they can call on a small three-person team to mind their classrooms for a few minutes. But they can no longer rely on a teaching assistant to shoulder their burden for longer periods, since the assistants are often now teaching their own classes.

    #continuitepedagogique #education #denmark

  • Au Danemark, une loi pour autoriser la confiscation des bijoux des réfugiés | Slate.fr

    … et puis on passera aux dents en or et aux cheveux…

    Le 10 décembre, le gouvernement danois a introduit une proposition de loi autorisant la confiscation de l’argent liquide et des bijoux transportés par les réfugiés arrivant dans le pays. Selon le Washington Post, la loi devrait être bientôt votée au parlement.

    Dans un e-mail au quotidien américain, le ministre de l’Intégration danois explique que la loi donnera aux autorités « le pouvoir de fouiller les vêtements et les bagages des demandeurs d’asile –et des autres migrants qui n’ont pas de permis pour s’installer au Danemark– dans l’objectif de trouver des biens qui permettraient de couvrir leurs frais. »

  • Populists in Europe (3/8) : Danish ethnocentrism

    The far right has been riding high in #Denmark for over ten years. Xenophobic ideas defended by the Danish People’s Party have crept into the whole society.

    Refusing a multi-ethnic society is the basic ideology of the Danish People’s Party – Dansk Folkeparti or DF – founded in 1995 by Pia Kjærsgaard and led since September 2012 lire la suite

    #Debates #Politics #2014_European_elections #Denmark #discrimination #immigrants #injustice #Islamophobic #People's_Party #political_party #populism #populist #racist #right-wing

  • Lebanese ship dumped dead cows off Danish coast : police

    A dead cow lies on the beach on January 10, 2014 in Ystad, southern #Sweden, as carcasses of almost a dozen cows have washed ashore in #Denmark and Sweden. (Photo: AFP / TT - Johan Nilsson) A dead cow lies on the beach on January 10, 2014 in Ystad, southern Sweden, as carcasses of almost a dozen cows have washed ashore in Denmark and Sweden. (Photo: AFP / TT - Johan Nilsson)

    Fourteen dead cows that washed up on the beaches of Denmark and Sweden were probably dumped overboard by the crew of a Lebanese ship after it encountered bad weather, Danish police said Friday. “The police suspects that (the source is) a Lebanese ship that was transporting live cattle from a US port to Europe,” the South Zealand and Lolland-Falster (...)

    #animal_cruelty #animal_rights #dumping #Lebanon #Top_News

  • #Denmark Is Considered The Happiest Country. You’ll Never Guess Why.

    While American women scrape by with an average maternal leave of 10.3 weeks, Danish families receive a total of 52 weeks of parental leave. Mothers are able to take 18 weeks and fathers receive their own dedicated 2 weeks at up to 100 percent salary. The rest of the paid time off is up to the family to use as they see fit.

    But the support doesn’t stop at the end of this time. Danish children have access to free or low-cost child care. And early childhood education is associated with health and well-being throughout life for its recipients — as well as for mothers. What’s more, this frees up young mothers to return to the work force if they’d like to. The result? In Denmark, 79 percent of mothers return to their previous level of employment, compared to 59 percent of American women. These resources mean that women contribute 34 to 38 percent of income in Danish households with children, compared to American women, who contribute 28 percent of income.